sguevar ago

Ah haha thanks!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

happy new year dude

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

sguevar ago

You too! Sure will!

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Good to see that you are back hope you had a nice vacation or whatever.

Hand_of_Node ago

Not just a vacation. He's 'double' now.

sguevar ago

Sure did! Will be posting the first of the series in a few days, got a few things to research about still.

sguevar ago

@9-11 - Hope you are doing well my brother in Christ!

sguevar ago

@srayzie - sup! Need to check your sticky posts as it seems that I missed a few!

@Crensch - Happy new year man, hope the shill hunting has been fruitful.

@Hand_of_Node - God bless man!

Hand_of_Node ago

So it's happened? You've done it? I hope it's as good for you as you deserve. Happy New Year, sguevar, and Congratulations!

sguevar ago

Yeah! You are looking at a married man in the Lord's name :)

Thanks! Hope you are well.

srayzie ago

Hey! Thanks for saying hi!

sguevar ago

Always a pleasure to talk to you!

srayzie ago

You too! <3