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followthemoney ago

Can someone tell me if srayzie was really who she said she was and not some copied pictures on the Internet?

SandHog ago

There a few people on Voat that I am absolutely sure they are who they say they are. She was one. I never saw any nudes from her but then I never saw any from you either. Also, I'm curious why you are not using your thewebofslime account in posting this?

followthemoney ago

To keep the drama and research separate. It's my cousins account but I use it on more than they do.

bopper ago

She was.

SandHog ago

Gotcha. There is no evidence that I can provide which will satisfy your inquiry. Even if I had it I wouldn't present it given the circumstances.

followthemoney ago

You see the problem, then?

SandHog ago

I can see why you might have questions. There was no agenda other than her being really into the Q stuff and wanting to maintain her sub. Some people are saying also saying that she was Shizy as well but that isn't true. They are two different people. I didn't know Shizy very well but enough to know that they weren't the same person.

followthemoney ago

But there isn't going be enough prove to satisfy anyone.

SandHog ago

I do not believe that anything will satisfy you, not even her getting fully doxed, because you are not being honest about your intentions. I see you didn't take my suggestion to address your concerns in v/pizzagate mods. Can't say that I am surprised. I think the only thing that will satisfy you is having control of the v/pizzagate sub.

followthemoney ago

I have a lot going on but your accusation that I want control of /v/pizzagate is patently false. I declined to mod it the first time was asked because it is too limited in scope. Your false accusation is very telling. It shows you are dishonest or you are deluded by your Internet "friends" but I declare now and forever I have no interest in modding /v/pizzagate. I just think their stickies and sidebar should better reflect the purported intentions of the movement.

SandHog ago

It shows you are dishonest or you are deluded by your Internet "friends" but I declare now and forever I have no interest in modding /v/pizzagate.

I'm glad you cleared that up, thanks. What I am and have always been troubled by is your behavior and the conclusions you have leapt to with no real evidence.

I just think their stickies and sidebar should better reflect the purported intentions of the movement and it is a disgrace how they have gone after users and you helped.

So then why not you not simply address those concerns with them? As far as I am aware you did not do that. What you did do is flipped out over your submission being flagged, that was not in accordance with the rules, proceeded to ask what is acceptable on Voat in regards to doxing someone (Vindicator) and then spread rumors all over reddit and the chans about pizzagate being compromised. That's what you did and yet you think it is unreasonable that people question your motives after all of that. Seriously what kind of response did you expect after doing all that? Seems like a rather extreme reaction for someone who just wanted a couple sidebar alterations.

Also are you mimes4peace? Or is that your cousin?

followthemoney ago

Look, I was attacked first which you haven't taken into account... very stubbornly I might add. Plus I repeatedly had calm rationalize comments directed at moderation. Also you assume incorrectly that I hadn't tried that first. Why do you keep stating incorrect assu options as fact? Is it because you are a liar or because you are emotionally attached to other accounts? My posting was called "self aggrandizing" "baffle with bullshit" my site called "security risk" and referred to by the same insane group as a David Brock shill. I didn't do anything except post in good faith.

You keep being wrong in your basic assumptions. You repeatedly demonstrate you are willing to paint opinions as facts like the rest of the group.

Your spin is way off.

Your suggestions assume an incorrect set of facts which means you aren't really interested in the truth.

A giant spate of fake accounts are being used exactly as I predicted when I revealed a DIA contractor is poking around Pizzagate. Ever consider they befriended you and duped you? Because I have to consider the possibility that you are one of them.

With all of the new accounts pretending to be different people, you assume I am pretending to be one of these magically appearing new accounts when I have several that are years older? It doesn't strike you as odd that dozens of these accounts are defending srayzie and sliding conversations by pisting gothamgirl pics?

The professional shills are using many accounts pretending to be many people exactly as trigglypuff predicted to create drama which is exactly why I made the post in /v/protectvoat. Nobody has proven srayzie is real. Fake alt accounts are proven. Paid shills proven.

What side do you predict I am actually on? Go ahead and read the post by thewebofslime in Protectvoat and tell me whose agenda you think I'm serving because you were wrong in your first three guesses.