Olbee ago

@Atko Love your work...Have some Praise.

elizehurley ago


0fsgivin ago

Last Canary edit is 4 months ago. Is something else going on?

somestonedgnome ago

Cheers to Putt. I appreciate what you do.

Inaminit ago

You the man! Glad to have the house back, thanks!!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Kiss my Atko 😘

squataclops ago

Holy shit that was a little weird. Good to hear from you though. What is the official reason for going black?

urbanmoving ago

Voat I knew you wouldn't let us down

fuckfacemcgee ago

I'm no bitch but, my nuts dropped a little seeing voat disappearing and being called a honypot on 8chan.

Alienth ago

Hey Atko, mod of /r/voatco here. I’ve been a member of Voat since the Whoaverse days and still have the Christmas card from you! Just in case something like this happens again, can I hand over the sub to you, or an alt, somtheres a space for users to regroup. I had the sub on restricted as I didn’t foresee anything like this happening, but now it t seems sensible to have an easily accessible backup hub tto regroup.

Atko ago

Sorry I missed your comment. I totally forgot about all the Christmas cards I sent out. Good times! I'm getting old... also no worries about the transfer, I'm sure the sub is safe in your hands. Also, I don't have a reddit account that I'm aware of.

Vic_V ago

@Atko we need an explanation on if this is out of your pocket or if you still have access to shared voat finances from donations

Themilkman0519 ago

This is our last stand against them here guys and gals. Hopefully we are strong enough to change the world and rid it of this evil. Stay safe out there and dont let the juice get ya.

budhahead ago

I’m very glad your back. I found myself missing the community here very much.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

LOL we were so pissed we concern trolled Q LMAO

HorseIsDead ago

Everyone is all worried puttitout is dead, when he comes back he's going to think it's a joke and we were all just circlejerking/joking around but fuck we're actually scared for the dude.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I know. I was like shit... the local Jews sniffed him out. and I was crossing my fingers Q team took it down and Putt was just laying low as some master plan.

lngtmlrkr ago

@atko what was the issue?

HorseIsDead ago

Let me give money you fucking antijew kike.

Nesano ago

I'm glad Voat isn't gone. I'd like to see the author of that fucking article that called this place "nazi internet."

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I fuckin hate Nazis... They supported the Jews!!!

hoaxcroaker ago

Dear god I panicked. I may very well donate now, I cannot enjoy life without voat memes

vandilx ago

Thanks for having Putt's back and ours.

derkataIog ago

derkataIog ago

damn, bro; you gettin' brigaded like me!

Phierce_Phlegaton ago

I've spent almost two years on this site venting my spleen and enjoying every dad-gummed minute of it! Thank you for bringing back the internet's premier site for spleen cleansing!

Khorrl ago

Well this is a relief to have it back up.

NakatomiBaby ago

Thank you so much for creating this community. It is appreciated.

nobslob ago

Don't do that again voat! I had to go use that other site, so fucking horrible. I don't want to ever see this again:

This post is locked. You won't be able to comment.

Bloodfeather ago

So glad to see Voat is back! I really thought it was gone for good this time. And yes this is my first time posting on here, I have been on here for quite some time now but I usually just lurk. I appreciate the work everyone does on here especially with PG.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Atko you are my hero today.

IAmClarity ago

We need a backup forum incase Voat get's shut down.

IAmClarity ago

That's literally just Voat.. that's the same exact thing.

littul_kitton ago

Same software. Different domain name, different server, different database. It stayed running when the main site was down.

bdmthrfkr ago

Atko to the rescue!

I guess those tights and that cape still fit you!

TheKobold ago

So do we depose Putt and reinstate Atko as our new Lord and savior?

zbou ago

Tell me where to donate you magnificent developer. Didn't realize how much I needed voat til it was gone.

Tallest_Skil ago

Life is hard as it is, we are brought to this ready-made system with little to no room to change anything, and with free information flow getting more and more difficult, I am worried for the future of mankind in general. Idiocracy (the movie) shows a possible outcome, and I sincerely hope that we don't end up there. Question everything, check your sources, talk to each other in person...

It’s called grab your fucking guns, a megaphone, and physical copies of the law. It’s called stand outside your local government offices, read the law, and then provide proof (bring a projector or something) that said officials have violated the law. Then go kill them.

It’s called actually do something. It’s called befriend local police officers and make them understand what the law actually is and who they really serve. Get them to, at the very least, stand aside when the hangings have to happen.

dingleberries ago

Thank you unnamed three letter agency. I kind of missed this place and the preview site didn't have as many hilarious memes.

randumb ago

Can we send $$ or buy hats and shirts or merchandise for support?

Wheresthebeef ago

Putt did this to himself. There are people here with amazing skills, and money to burn and Putt just thinks he will do it alone.

I saw a burnout that should of happened a year ago.

Womb_Raider ago

@Atko We miss you. Thanks for stopping by to plug the holes in the boat.

lopan ago

FBI borrowed Putt

Canary not updated in 4 months

Illaskthequestion ago

Is the canary dead?

Raxotic ago

Thank You!

kalgon ago

And what about the canary notice?

Isn't it supposed to be update regularly unless the brown thing hits the fan?

Nrgiseternal ago

The land of free speech already exists. Ntgiseternal.com.

No ass hat mods, no pruning, no trolling, just research,discussion and mutual advancement.

ready-ignite ago

Thanks for the work on this project Atko and Putt!

You've created a bastion for public voice in a rising tide of thought-police.

riposte ago

Keep up the great work and thanks for the awesome site! Don’t let people who are against free speech try and pressure you into leaving or being discouraged. We all really like what you have done and are doing. Take heart and remain steadfast, ignoring the trolls who want to ruin what you’ve created.

Thanks for giving us an open place to freely discuss all ideas. May god bless you and keep you safe.

daskapitalist ago

What does Voat need help with? Money? Coding? IT?

One-Way_Bus ago

Shut up and take my money to keep Voat alive!

J20 ago


greiierg ago


CannedDogSpam ago

Many of us have offered to help Putt and Atko. Atko just ignored all attempts at contact. Putt talked to people but as soon as Atko talked to him about help, that dried up as well. All they want is dev help. Anything else, they seem to ignore for some reason.

I've personally offered a wealth of experience in 3 areas that they're missing, all on a volunteer basis. Crickets.

RaptorJesus ago

I honestly believed we got shoahd for real this time. I donated another 5 American sheckels to prevent it from happening.

Mjazz ago

Was it the Mossad?

Red_Menace ago

What was the issue?

mxcviel ago

Yeah Thanks God and this Atko, the Hero (whoever may he be); I practically don't write here, because English is my 2nd language but I almost daily find some very relevant news here and really good info from goats. Damn its a nice day.

dragon_-_son ago

No canary update after being down so long? No putt? Atko came back? Anyone else questioning this, or am I being paranoid?

papagoat ago

you're not being paranoid.

kevo7777 ago

It's so good for Voat to be back. Life wasn't the same without it.

papagoat ago

holy shit we're back! Thought it was a done deal. I mourned a little. Maybe it was just a publicity ploy to turn heads ?

selpai ago

We're back boys!

Digital-Patriot ago


daphaze ago

Great work and please rant away! Amazing how much I value this site now, barely ever go to Reddit, a place where no one is offended is BORING. Big thanks!!

Devious1 ago

I missed voat. '#downtime ain't good.

Whatz putt need? I don't want to hear cloud costs......back to basics.

SocksOnCats ago

What actually happened? What was the “issue” exactly?

Devious1 ago

@mods What's the reason for downtime?

censorship ?

cantaloupe6 ago

Great !! Perhaps more could help with site maintenance? @Atko

I_Would_Gas_You ago

This site needs more than one person running it on the side. Phuks also has much lower operating costs as well

Rabidfish88 ago

(((They’re))) really desperate to take a bunch of shitposters offline! It’s almost as if the truth is being spread too much!

1moar ago

Thanks man, you guys are heroes. Not from an ass kissing perspective, but the kind of work needed to keep the lights on is not what you guys probably signed up for. But here it is, and like a good herd of goats we weather it together.

Seriously, whatever we can do to help...let us or whomever know. As you can probably see, we had some sad goats for a few; I for one never lost faith. You don't just put a goat out of the game. Maaaah!

RacistJew ago

I missed voat. Was starting to forget how big of a kike I am without all you Faggots reminding me.

Lonecrowe ago

I don't agree with a lot of the content here - nor at reddit either but I really really really appreciate you towing the line for the freedom to be offended, disagreed with and or express whatever the fuck you want!


theMETA ago

God, Atko... you're the man! I'd love to help, but I don't even know where to get started. You need someone to code, or help with the framework, I'd love to try and help avert the next Darkness-pocalypse. I was itching for this fix, so badly all week long!

DillHoleBagHands ago

Atko being the legend as usual! Glad to see you are still around buddy.

Doglegwarrior ago

When I sell the current house I'm flipping I will start donating right now I'm barely surviving the endless Bill's. Thank you for your time and dedication it was a terrible two days... hooktube had some decent stuff to watch and their message boards are usualy voat like so it a little sanity. Had to go to reddit a couple times to look for info, I am permanently banned and its complete so I couldn't talk to anybody. I hate reddit with a passion that's why I'm looking forward to donating.

Thanks again.

dbvapor ago

Thank you and good luck!

ThisIsMyRealName ago

On a positive note, since you've bounced Voat my caching issue is resolved... for now.


SammySolo ago

You da man. Thanks for your time and hard work.

IIsAShloff ago

It's nice to see you again @Atko Thank you for bringing Voat back

stillinit ago

I missed you Goats.

GokJamal ago

Thank you! I was lost without Voat :(

knightwarrior41 ago

what? atko was a muslim.didnt know that :0

eagleshigh ago

He's a Muslim (Arab) immigrant to a northern European country from an Arab land. Aka a 'refugee'. @crensch

Crensch ago

I've actually not seen any evidence of Atko or Putt's origins or IRL status.

Whether it's true or not, they get a free pass on my watch.

ThorssonTrump ago

and initially wanted to ban the v/niggers crowd; whoaverse was a school project to make a "safe space" for people to discuss. basically a mini-reddit, but atko acquiesced and let us stay.

riposte ago

I also don’t like the stupid racism and hatred of many of the subs. But like atko, I choose to ignore them as free speech allows the ignorant to speak as well.

x0byte ago

Thank you Atko!!!

vaked ago

God dammit it's good to see Voat back up.

aileron_ron ago

So what happen ?

b0ard2death ago

Maybe our donations need to pay someone to moderate the codebase so they don't have to? They have their own goals, whatever they be, in mind. We should respect that, and pay a coder who is willing to monitor and maintain it regularly.

Bigdeal ago

I just want to say thank you for getting the site back up. No other website really fills the gap that this place does.

Itsdone63 ago

Thought we were shoaed for sure

european ago

Glad to see atko and voat back.

SparkS ago


LurkMoarFaggot ago

Voat, more so now than ever, is a honeypot. Putt is not safe, and Atko got replaced years ago.

Do not trust this site. It is a data mine.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Ok, so since most things are monitored, would it be reasonable to not care that it’s a data mine? If (((they))) are listening - (((they’re))) only touching the surface of what’s in store for (((them)))

LurkMoarFaggot ago

It's not (((them))) you should be worried about.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I suppose. (((They’re))) the handlers... so its their puppets we’re always fighting against?

Keefin ago

You truly don't appreciate what you have until its gone. Thanks to you and Putt for everything yall do.

Faustian ago

Lurked for ages, voat went down, couldn't lurk anymore, and now @Atko is back? Holy moly! Thank you bunches!

C-Muffin ago

Thank you for keeping this site going. Thought it was dead, so I was very happy to have it load today.

Camulos ago

Jesus, voat goes dead for days and then back online suddenly and it's ATKO of all goats saying hi with no explanation?


TheCompanionCube ago

is voat still open source? atko fixed it without any code change: https://github.com/voat/voat

I'm hoping it was a phone call / social engineering type fix

BentAxel ago

Voats future is up in the air right now.

Quantify the membership into currency to pay for the security for the site, pay for the headaches of dealing with the site and ancillary needs, that would be the future. It does appear painfully obvious that free speech has a value but what is it?

Karbuster ago

Thanks @atko for rescuing us damsels and i share your sentiment about putt

BentAxel ago

Than you @Atko. I hope all is well. @PuttItOut has/will have my full support.

12536385? ago

Thank you Mister Atko, please let us know if you hear anything from Putt. Have a great weekend! N

Turn_Coat ago

Nice at quiet; like underground.

The clintons had him suicided and we all know it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

but I was liking preview Voat, niggerfaggotkike. Over here I'm a gotdamned ghost fer chrisakes

heygeorge ago

Maybe you shouldna rashly deleted your account so that you could 'step away from Voat' for approximately 2 hours.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

truth. but it burned a little. Now I'll be crabby for the rest of the day grrrr

heygeorge ago

Oh no please don't. Hold up a moment, I'll post up a joke that'll cheer you up.

SteffisCute ago

how do we know it wasnt offline because the site has been compromised and now its one big honeypot?

CrimsonFuckr ago

B A S E D A T K O S T R I K E S ty for the assist champ, you're the man

Putt, i still <3 you.

I_do_jiu_jitsu ago

I missed this place. I didn’t realize how much time I spent here til it was gone.

kalgon ago

" but I hope that he's just enjoying a few days off somewhere nice and quiet."


Mossad... They got putt!

Halstan ago

I can start calling you "Miles Long" as a reward. You've earned that honorific.

revfelix ago

We should all rejoice at the resurrection of Voat at the second coming of Atko, but with Putt still missing I can't help but feel like the guy at the end of Independence Day waiting to see if the heros survived the blast.

Dantec ago

How can we donate to support Voat?

ConquistadorCoronado ago


fl3x ago

Why does 8chan require JS to post on some boards? ...even over the TOR node.

chags ago

And @atko saved he day. Hip-hip-hurray.

Devious1 ago

Fk, would live to know what really happened.

LilyO ago

Atko, Thank you so very much. What happened to Voat, what is happening now, may be defining events in the battle for free speech. You have isolated some other important issues which need to be addressed quickly. I speak from experience that I say this, having been in a position much like Putt's, a one man (well, woman) operation. The burnout factor is horrendous. This needs to be changed, with some kind of trusted staff, asap. I don't see how he did it, while also working full time. From here it looks like some kind of staff is essential. Thank you again, may the wind be at your back and the sun shining on you for a long long time. God bless.


As a system admin, I'm going to continue attempting to clone voat. I not because I don't trust you guys I do. Its just a system like this needs a team and one man can't do it alone. So I will attempt to put up a clone and build a team. Thank you again for all you have done and I hope Putt is okay and just on vacation or something pleasant. Again thank you guys for everything you have done.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago


AutumnAngel ago

This is the most professional yet endearing comment I have seen in a long time. Nice job, Atko, whoever you are!

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Mmmm Could you ask the FBI to copy the files faster next time so we aren't offline so long? M'kay, bye.

jaxyou ago

Thank you!

b0ard2death ago

Please please please, if it is ever a funding issue let us know before it goes down. A serious concern is that right now there isn’t a way of donating, and I know many of us would hate to see this place go away

Aprioned ago

So, what script kiddie was fucking with the website this time?

Firevine ago

Aww yiss Atko! Glad to hear from you brother. Thanks for the work that you put in. I hope Putt is okay.

Holonomic ago

Ahhh, there we go. Excellent. Glad all is well, at least for a while. I think a lot of issue comes from the 'red trolls'. Keep up the good work. It really is a good site.

Louis_Mage ago

I know others have said it, but thank you Atko.

Thank you for watching and doing what you can.

Nekochan11 ago

In an age where authoritarians reign supreme , liberty has a home here .

The dirty, grimy but real community that tells the online reputation management companies , special interest groups and special snowflakes to go fuck themselves.

CKC ago

Thanks for all the hard work! Glad were back!

MadWorld ago

Thank you for bringing Voat back online! Let's hope that Putt is okay and safe.

Dkeere ago

How difficult would it be for a few people to stand up small servers as some kind of emergency redundancy? Even if it's just a chat or very basic board server to turn to in major outages?

I don't have any experience with web facing networks, but run a series of closed network multi site fail over clusters for high availability at work.

TheCompanionCube ago

maybe an irc channel?

Vic_V ago

I'm assuming you got things back up and running short term from out of your own pocket. If so, thank you.

I assume your finances and putt's are separate since you handed it off to him and that there is no shared account for voat's donations. Can you comment on this?

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Please allow me to join in the praise of @atko and to say it's good to be back.
Who else kinda misses the roughing it aspect of the preview site?

Artofchoke ago

I WAS LOST!! Thank you!!!!!!

Carlosone ago

We should pay for services we enjoy.

MotorcycleEmptiness ago

Inquiring minds want root cause! Also I would love to donate time, I run a team of monitoring engineers and know SolarWinds like a jew knows the back of a penny.

digitalentity1497 ago

Time for @Puttitout to choose his most trusted contacts and share Voat. I'm sure he has people in mind that could lend a hand in developping and who can react when things go bad. Thanks for your help Atko.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Uuh Comey confirms there is a deep state i mean.

7e62ce85 ago

Please take Dash donations.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Q says PG flew too close to the sun huh? We need stronger defenses if we've "pissed off some pretty powerful people in high places" We really need to make sure if this was an attack on voat by the deep state that even Comey confirms is real we need to really make sure it never happens again or voat is never knocked out again. Seems like some pretty powerful people are the worst humanity has to offer and are out to cause voat harm and stop voats research and investigation into the deep state free mason Illuminati cabal and PG.

Neral ago

Thank god, I was tearing my hair out hoping for this T,T welcome back niggers!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You for backing up Putt, to get the Goat back on track.


PrettyBigDouche ago


NeedleStack ago

Hug to you, adorable Atko.

KittenCat ago

Thank you so much Atko! I'm glad we had the preview site to fall back on, but I missed my home!

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ago

@atko fix voat remove the gd ccp jewery from reddit. Make this a true fucking freedom of speech zone.

nuworldblue ago

Thanks @atko. Glad to see you are still in the community.

Voat is a special place that may be going the way of the dinosaurs any day now, but I'm glad to be a part of it.

@puttitout, our prayers are with you. Hope you're just on vacation or something.

Its_over_9000 ago

I know you've got hundreds of messages in your inbox, but I have a question for you when you have a minute:

Some people are thinking Voat went down because of something posted on it (pizzagate flavor). From what you know of the fix, was there any possibility the outage was caused by something that came from the outside?

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Welcome back! Thanks

heygeorge ago

Lol, it seems that @puttitout hasn't changed the locks!

Please give us back our images. (unless you wiped them out... You did, didn't you?) You don't have to make a big deal of it. Just put them back online quietly. Send me a PM, and we'll pass it along. We only need a couple weeks.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ago

Message us on gab....i had more server instances....ahh don't do this solo fuck...

Its_over_9000 ago

This community being offline has made me realize how grateful I am that it's here. Thanks for fixing it.

VIP740 ago

Thanks Atko!

BigFatDaddy ago

Thank you. Once again proving why Voat is the best place on the interwebs, and why you're the best Goat here.

Hail Atko!

mailboy ago


I don't know what caused the 2+ day outage, but I'm so glad Voat is back. I've made some actual friends here, and being without the site in the way it went down had me fearing for the worst.

I'm willing to volunteer my skills and abilities if they are needed. If you would like more details, please send a reply to my voat inbox.

argosciv ago


/drops mic

lolol my turn again soon ^_^

Opieswife ago

Thank you @Atko, hugs and kisses :) Glad you are still hanging around and I hope things are going well for you. Would love to buy you a coffee when I am in Switzetland later this year.

I missed you all the past few days. So happy we are back!

HarveyKlinger ago

Thanks @atko for the hard work getting us backonline.

I got you a new one. You earned it.

redpilldessert ago

Check out r/voaters if this happens again.

Skyrock ago

Atko is the hero we need, not the one we deserve. This goes right into my folder of "Top 10 Anime Plot Twists".

FreedomLover ago

Thank you, Atko! <3

Omag ago

I want to add my thanks to you and all of my fellows here. There is nowhere else like it. I certainly don't agree with everything I see here but appreciate that we have a place to discuss openly whatever we choose. Seems to me that idea had been thought of before.

auggs ago

Sup atko hope all is well

Ronin3000 ago


Fragnostus ago

decentralization is what we need. I've been looking around and I'm thinking I might try out something like Retroshare, Syndie or Aktie.

derkataIog ago

depends on what you mean.

i suggest a centralized place to discuss, but decentralized data, network.

thoughts? holochain looks nice.


Fragnostus ago

yes centralized hub with decentralized hosting is what i mean

knightwarrior41 ago

decentralization is what we need

agreed and redundancy too

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you!!

scrimmmy ago

You're good. I like you.

DirectPressure ago

What can I do to help keep "doors" open? I'm transferring some money next week for my house redo & I can squeeze some out for voat.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

Thanks for power cycling the 386dx Turbo and getting us back online! [14.4 modem noise]

kammmmak ago

Voat needs not depend on just two people. That is its weakest link in the chain.

guinness2 ago

Oh Jews ATKO, I love you man!

We're approaching the midterms and we NEED Voat NOW more than ever!!!

Western civilization is at a crossroads and Voat has a major part to play!

kammmmak ago

Man I did not expect to see the site up again. I gasped with relief.

Doreatha ago

CRYPTO HEADLINES — April 20, 2018

  1. Bitcoin Is About to Have Its First Back-to-Back Weekly Gain in 2018 Bitcoin bulls are celebrating the virtues of the biggest cryptocurrency again. The digital coin gained as much as 4 percent Friday, putting it on pace for its first back-to-back week of gains this year. The mini-rally is helping to ease the pain from the more than 50 percent loss in the first quarter that followed last year’s 1,400 percent surge. Read more at Bloomberg.
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totes_magotes ago


And we do miss you.

Rob_Dead ago

Thank you brother.

sunajAeon ago

Glad you got our addiction back up:)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

fuckin legend

vivianjames ago

Do you have a twitter or gab where we can get status on Voat in case this happens again?

flyingcuttlefish ago

=whew= !!!! SO glad yer back! Voat is a GREAT platform!

BackAsswards ago

Thanks a bunch!

I realize now there is nowhere but Voat for us. The rest of the internet does not like Voaters. I always thought the Chan's were even rougher than Voat. I was wrong about that.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

I cannot say thank you enough times. It’s good to be home!

Snu-snu ago

Thank you so much @Atko. It seems that the only thing saving us is that voat happened to have one other person with access to fix a problem. Meaning the issue isn't money but the fact that the whole site comes down to one person. Seems there needs to be some contingency plan with backup users that have the ability to fix problems. Also if this is pedogate related I'm torn between stop ducking up our site and good job because they must be hitting truths to receive such massive attacks Anyways thanks again

Genr8r ago

I am off to Wikipedia to reverse all the past tense garbage they were so eager to put up when voat was offline!

Genr8r ago

I have never wanted to multiple upvoat more!

Psilocyber ago

TheENDIsFuckingNeigh ago


weredawg ago

Thank you, you lurking son of a bitch. We still love you here, even when we're pretty sure you're dead.

aFreshOutTheOvenGoat ago

I'm grateful to have survived the outage. Thank you, Atko, I'm a real goat now

Pissant ago

It's funny because a single submissions comments on Voat is still more manageable than browsing 8chan. At least we can see who is responding to who here...

NeoGoat ago

Thank you very much @Atkio, on behalf of the cause of free speech & on behalf of all of us happy goats! Much love!

pr0nw4r ago



PacaGoat ago

The angst that everyone felt while Voat was down, is a taste of what will come without internet bill of rights or something to protect 1A. 2A is being attacked every minute of every day. The constitution being under constant assault by leftist requires us true patriots to have a place to call home where we are not censored for having non-PC thoughts. This site is an outpost for the deplorables.

ardvarcus ago

The latest trick by the libtards is to mock the Constitution. It's the same trick they've been using to marginalize Christianity for the past couple of decades.

HateCumbuckets ago

Cheers Atko. Thanks man.

looking4truth ago

I am glad voat is back. Makes you realise how we need more sites like voat. This is the only place people can say whatever they want without getting banned . i dont agree with many things here(sometimes it gets echo-chamberish and narrow minded) but i dont want to see a single person censored for having a different opinion. Now can we get a clarification to what the fuck happened? needs more transparency. shits getting highly suspicious.

ardvarcus ago

I can't think of a single site on the Internet that is as open to free speech as Voat. I've only been banned from one sub here, and since almost every post I make is offensive to somebody or other, that's amazing.

Jadsticles ago

Late to the party, reading through and had to lol at your comment. M beginning to realise why there is so much bullsh!t on Voat... Cos we can...

huhWHAThuh ago

Umm....uhh....so it's ok to tell the truth again?

100LinksToGunter ago

Praise be to the great shepherd 🐐 lord.

Cheers lad.

Gigan ago

I'm so happy it's back up.

It feels like a movie with you coming to the rescue. I hope Putt is ok and is enjoying his time off.

After the last couple days I was getting ready to say goodbye to my favorite webaite and it made me realize how much I like this place. Reddit really sucks.

Thanks @Atko.

Zanbato ago

setup a donation address, directly to you if needed.

Also, I had an idea of implementing a "Voat Gold" type Cryptocurrency feature to help the site generate revenue.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Unless you know something we don't, Hotwheels has been gone for many months. Your reference to him sounds like "hello fellow kids!". In fact your whole post does. How do I know you're the real Atko?

freshmeat ago

good to see you Atif

ExpertShitposter ago

Missed you too.

Was hiding it in plain sight, just like my dirty deeds for The Cabal.

DarkSkyes ago

Thank you @Atko. When I saw your post about staying positive on beta voat it restored hope that we haven't been abandoned. Thanks for everything. Also thank you @PuttItOut for continuing to run and develop the site.

Obeastiality ago

Thanks for getting it back up! I hope Putt is doing alright. I really feel like Voat is crucial right now with all the cover-ups going on.

12534645? ago

Thank you, Atko. <3

We're all pretty worried about Putt and hope he checks in soon.

ChaosCrusader ago

It is amazing to have it back. I didn’t realize how much I browsed Voat. You guys are insane, but I missed the chaos.

Baconmon ago

I hope this can serve as a wake-up call as a silver lining.. It shows us just how important voat is.. It really some how needs to become more fortified, and it needs to start accepting donations.. If it keeps being run as a mom-and-pop operation, it will obviously be prone to more and more types of attacks and schemes as it grows bigger and becomes a bigger target..

Treefart ago

I am wary of Voat getting too big. Things change then and I just found out how addicted I am to Voat and it scared me man

thelma ago

My days and hours of staring/glaring/cursing/crying/begging at my PC has fixed it I see...

I go sleep now.

madazzahattereboot ago

Chee hoo!

Potato_McGingerbeard ago

Thank you Atko! I hope Putt is ok. I really missed the ol' goat but lurking on preview and 8chan helped soothe the pain.

Here's hoping no more mysterious problems plague us again. Thanks again Atko, much love 💖

samuraichococat ago

@Atko nice to see your still kicking about, hope all is well. thank you for returning in our hour of need. let us know if you (you, @Putitout , voat) need help from the community!

Goathole ago


NeoGoat ago


BigOleTigwelders ago

Not fo long. u racist sumbitches. I like totally yellow and cannot pos my apple pen peanut butter

Draurgothoth ago

I guess when God closes one door ( Putt ) he opens another ( Atko)

theNewBorn101 ago

Thank you!

albatrosv15 ago

Where's the canary?

BaldMiscreant ago

He can't comment on that, if he doesn't know. Just because you have the keys to the kingdom doesn't mean you read the mail.

ruck_feddit ago

You're the man! Good to see you, btw.

Plant_Boy ago

Thank you, Atko, for fixing voat! Hope Putt is okay as well!

I am one of those that know They Live.

Kal ago

Atko? Yeah, this isn't strange at all. What happened?

Candace ago

He was on the preview site and decided to see if he could work out what was going on. He found the problem and fixed it. Puttitout is still MIA.

papagoat ago

I'm sure there is more to this than meets the eye.

Candace ago

The one thing I'm sure of is I'm not sure of anything here.

icuntstopswearing ago

Talk about riding to the rescue! Many thanks @atko!

Islamiscancer ago

kill all niggers indeed

Ina_Pickle ago

YES!!!! TIME TO PARTY! Thanks a million, Atko!

think- ago

Boy, am I glad. Thank you so much, @Atko!

Nothing feels like....Voat. :-)

Warparty1 ago

Glad we're back in business

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Where is my outage vet badge Atko

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Thanks ATKO

Neongreen ago

Well looks like we’re going to need a bigger (decentralized) voat. The time has come for a no take down, free speech platform.

riposte ago

I don’t know how you would create a decentralized voat without shills taking it over. Mods are needed to police spam and cp, but without an admin to police the mods their accounts get taken over by shills eventually.

Setting up a voting system to remove mods would only lead to paid shills taking over faster.

Basically you need someone trustworthy to handle the responsibility or the whole thing will fail at some point.

12535442? ago

We could create a voat Mastodon instance

Phierce_Phlegaton ago

too much loli shite associated with mastodon. Voat needs to distance itself from that sick shite

redpilldessert ago

Semi-decentralized maybe? Where like lots of people host it in the cloud, but you don't HAVE to (newbies checking it out).

NeoGoat ago

With all due respect to Putt, @Atko and the rest of our community, you are very right.

ExpertShitposter ago

I got a hard truth for yo right here in my pants.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i was going to make that same joke but im 7 hours late

friggin time zones

heygeorge ago

Would yours be a hard mangled vulva? I think XP has a penis because he wears tactical cargos and is most likely not a lesbian.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

fuck you im wearing mccuu pants as i type this

heygeorge ago

I don't know what pants those are so you must be female or at least a gay dude.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Rotteuxx ago

Might be a hard truth, but it ain't no big truth.

Don't disappoint @Trigglypuff, let a man take care of it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Post picture of real man. Hard mode: no Hitler.

Rotteuxx ago

Look at my sexy ass !


ExpertShitposter ago

Thyssenkrupp stronk!

I guess your boyfriend is taking the pic eh?

Rotteuxx ago

Feeling jelly ?

heygeorge ago

@ExpertShitposter is gay for your tactical cargo pants.

ExpertShitposter ago

Duuude, i recently bought 3 more tactical hiking cargo pants. Green, desert and black. I am a fucking warrior of god.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

nowadays i refuse to buy any cargo pants that arent nomex

tougher and fire resistant

get on my level

ExpertShitposter ago

I duno people don't use flame throwers these days much. And i'm more likely to be setting fires and running away then running in to extinguish them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

if you set a fire then there is a fire

if you get into an accident running away there is a fire

cmon man

ExpertShitposter ago

I suppose i can also have a fire emergency out of my bunghole.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

nomex cleans really well

one time i got blood splattered on my nomex but i totally cleaned it out no problem

Rotteuxx ago

Blue angels are natures flamethrower.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago


Stinkieroldgoat ago

All quarter inch of it?

Rellik88 ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Nice projecting, its 1".

NNdmt ago

Thanks @atko

Grifter42 ago

What happened to the warrant canary?

Moosh_Banger ago

For that matter what happened to putt? Hoping he hasn't been renditioned...

Grifter42 ago

People like Expert and Buddha are fucking gloating about having taken over the site.

"LOL, IT WAS JUST A JOKE THOUGH, BRAH" Fucking bullshit.

ExpertShitposter ago

Keep your nose out of our business.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks Atko. Now would you please be honest about what happened to imgjar. I understand you not wanting to pay for it, but you never asked for donations or warned us to give us time to save our pics.

Ina_Pickle ago

If it wasn't financial and constant abuse of the site by kiddie diddlers like he claimed, then he probably can't talk about it.

ExpertShitposter ago

When did he complain about the kiddy didlers? I missed that info.

Ina_Pickle ago

He said he was having to spend way too much time monitoring for those kinds of pictures. It was on one of the posts over in the preview site.

Not surprising really. There have been pics of that nature posted on imgoat before. Saw something borderline there just yesterday.

ExpertShitposter ago

Garbage human pedos ruining it for every one else.

space_case ago

All hail K!

wawhite13 ago

Atko, thank you

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

So for those of us that were using the preview API for a while...any possibility of those posts and comments getting transferred over to the live site, @Puttitout?

WhiteRonin ago

I hate to say it but you are looking at a few hours of work at least.

At least 1 hour to create a script to copy paste the posts and comments.

And then you have to figure out if you are gonna consider what to do with bans. Lots of posts got into banned subs.

Then you have to consider preview has different alts.

End result could be with you port all new posts and points and still have what I call “dirty” data.

End of the day, you have several hours in to this and not a perfect conversion and people still bitching.

This is why I only shot posted on preview.

nunayabiz ago

You sneaky sneaky fuckers,

While we were all sitting around shitting ourselves you were just chillin waiting for us all to disperse to the shittier corners of the web to advertise the site, lurkers like myself came out of the woodwork and 1000's of people who hadnt heard of Voat are now going to check the place out and hopefully ingest a few redpills.

4D chess at its finest, I tip my non existent hat to whoever thought up the plan.

That is what happened right? It wasnt just that the sites modem needed to be switched off and on again or something like that was it?

Anyway the thought of never being able to come back to this site was unpleasant, from today I promise to shitpost regularly, bring in as many newbies as I can and never take the place for granted by just lurking like some little bitch.

I dont know what I would have done without this place and all you awesome niggerkikefags

heygeorge ago

today I promise to shitpost regularly


clamhurt_legbeard ago

no fuck this guy

visit /v/soapdoxbanhammer

DrPenguin ago

Thanks guys! Setup a simple bitcoin donation at the bottom of the page. No in your face advertising it but I'd chip in especially knowing it's all anonymous and therefore can't sway the platform. Having the site down made me realize that this is one of the few domains left for free speech.

sLnTsRvC ago

Well done. How do we support voat?

Cantilever ago

My hero

Fuster_Cluck ago

Even though you passed on management of this site, us longtime goats still think of you all the time. I simply cannot thank you enough for getting us back up.

PS: Lurking us great and all, I'm quite guilty myself. However, we really do miss you man.

Areuyiddingme ago


xenoPsychologist ago

many thanks!

the_magic_man ago

Well done @atko you made a anti semitic white nationalist echo chamber and any alternative opinions are downvoted so they can't start threads because of the ccp restrictions

Joe_McCarthy ago

Eh, keeping kids typing and venting is probably a good way to keep them preoccupied and not shooting or bombing if anything.

You bring up a useful point about downvoting though. The voting system needs to be abolished in favor of bumping threads to the top when they are posted on though. Voting makes content too fleeting and empowers whatever circlejerk dominates a site numerically. That in turn drives folks away and inhibits growth.

kcamstar ago

Just sort by "new".

zombielordzero ago

great job Atko! This place is what it is because of all your hard work.

Thank you!

thelma ago

I know nothing about computers !

A +1 from a moron !

Lobotomy ago


lngtmlrkr ago

thank you @Atko!

VeryUnhappyTurtle ago

I love you

neogag ago

We've never spoken before but thanks for Voat. There is nowhere left on the Internet for honest discussion.

a1 ago


Let's not take it as a given we're back though, make plans.

i_scream_trucks ago

Idiocracy is not just a movie. Its a future documentary

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Hallelujah! Thanks for fixing and bring VOAT back online!

PotatoFarm ago

As usual, you are individual full of class and professionalism.

Take care.

Acerphoon ago

Thanks. I would have hated it, if I had to go back to the idiots over at ... reddit.


12534282? ago

@puttitout you alive bro? Seriously atko have you talked with Justin? I'm afraid he suicided himself with 2 gun shots to the head

Candace ago

I am still a bit worried as I haven't heard anything from Putt,


GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Maybe the Jews got him? Pizzagate is hot again.....Q is dropping hints of names of actual ten year old girls Obama probably fucked. They are killing them off one by one now attempting to create a fire break for Obama. Likely will not work and he will get the noose later this year.

Candace ago

Who is George Hodel? Let's start with him.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

George Hodel is the father of Police Detective Steve Hodel. George is likely the Black Dahlia Killer and the Zodiac Killer. George had an IQ of 189 and was a psychopath. Steve Hodel has written many books about his fathers crimes.

I personally have developed a theory that George was MKULTRA when he was sent to France by himself at age of 5. The Hodel family has Askennazi Jew hertiage which is always suspect. Many things too numerous to mention make me believe all this. It is not a jumped to idea. The Zodiac killer put a bullseye on Mount Diablo a US Naval station that has been linked to MKULTRA torture. George Hodel became a shrink and Steve has mentioned George may have done some work for the CIA.

I believe when George was being hunted for the Black Dahlia murders he was given the information he was in some good cops crosshairs...and he rolled out. Went to Hawaii and learned shrink stuff...then moved to the Phillipines by the early 1950ś. Manilla was a huge CIA asset. The Massive Naval base we had there...and all the spooks and shit. Hong Kong....British Jew spook central....

Funny the things you followed as fun turn out to be related to Pizzagate.

ardvarcus ago

Likely will not work and he will get the noose later this year.

We can dream together.

12534611? ago

I should have said actively pursued contact with

Candace ago

I was just trolling. Judging by my comment score, I'm either brilliant at it or the the worst ever.

fuckudatswhy ago

A lot of people were worried, it seemed surreal, for more than 2 days being out, no message from anyone, and reddit and 4chan censoring voat discussion, we were a bit paranoid about the whole thing. It made echoes on the web.

dontmindthemess ago

I started going into withdrawal. Thanks Atko. Thanks Putt. Without you, I’d be back at Fark, I.e. retarded. You are the sanity in my insane life. My fiancé wanted me to explain. I said it would be like punching myself in the face. She just shut the sliding glass door and walked away. This is what I want. Please don’t go, I need you. I would have to deal with her without you. Please!! Punch me in the face!! Niggerfucker

idk ago

For reference, you can find some info on Gab if Voat is out: https://gab.ai/search/voat

Goatee1 ago

Please communicate more during the next outage, Voat staff.


I had no idea where I would get real news.

go1dfish ago

Still worried about @PuttItOut hope he is ok.

SexMachine ago

Yeah, you would think atko would be able to get a hold of him. I don't think he ragequit.

revfelix ago

It felt like a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I feared something terrible had happened.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

How apropos.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

To be fair, anyone who went to Reddit deserved to be censored. And 4chan has not been the same since Gamergate and the creation of 8ch.

Rawrination ago

I came to voat from reddit, and still check it sometimes just to keep up with what the few gaming subs I like are doing, and the handful of places that are talking about real things. Mostly in private.

Dkeere ago

I think there is merit for dropping links there to preview, boats, and 8chan while we regrouped.

itarachiu ago

Great they are back.

nunayabiz ago

ATS Mods trashed 2 threads that I know of that mentioned Voat by name, 1 made it through but it was in RATS and instead of saying Voat they said the goat pen. It was freaky as fuck seeing the same thing almost everywhere, it appears the rest of the internet doesnt like us very much

kenlane ago

it appears the rest of the internet doesnt like us very much

That just means we're doing something right.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

If by ATS you mean AboveTopSecret it is 100% cointelpro. I busted that place years ago along with a few other members. I wont go too far into because I'm not sure this is what you are referring to but if it is I have some stories right out of Langley. I tripped them up and caught their asses. I also received threats. Personal ones. They know where and who I am.

IAmYourDad ago

I am interested in the story. PM me?

Skeeterdo ago

What the fuck man. I found that website talking about the voat shutdown, that was literally the only website. They deleted the post though after some time.

AnonymousRider ago

Would you please do a post about this? I use ATS and I don’t like to be ignorant of such topics. Thanks!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Just search "ATS is CoIntelPro". You wouldn't believe how much shit they tried to delete from other websites that was posted. Go look at their TOS and tell me it wasn't written by gov lawyers

AnonymousRider ago

Thanks, I’ll check it out.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Lucky you're a ghost then!

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Maybe you can’t kill a ghost, but can you fuck one?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

just like that patrick swayze movie

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Road House?

ruck_feddit ago

FFS, I almost had a spit-take on my hands.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


fuckudatswhy ago

And the danger of this is that when something happens for real, all the websites are going to take the same attitude and websites like voat will start disappearing without a fight.

Carlosone ago

I wonder why they dont like us lol. Its fair because we dont like them either

I_Would_Gas_You ago

No one likes a bluntly honest person.

Carlosone ago

Lol this funny from the guy who would love to gas people

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I am not well liked so I speak from a place if understanding

Carlosone ago

Well i like you .people like me but not my political thoughts

antiliberalsociety ago

When looking for an alternative I found an article, "Good riddance to Voat, Reddit's ugly clone".

Then I looked at the date and saw it was back when putt had cost issues. They acted like we were done.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Heil Hydra

heygeorge ago

To be fair, Putts acted like we were done.

Ocelot ago

Putt seems like a man under a good deal of stress. I imagine running this site is not easy on the nerves, so any type of issue like that probably feels like a blow to the gut.

Cum_control ago

What kind of men you hang around? Putt doesn’t seem like a man at all.

Ocelot ago

I don't read everything Putt says, I'm just recalling the few times Putt has talked about real life that I saw.

I guess going back and reading a couple of Putt's bigger posts, the posts do seem less masculine to me. I just figured Putt had that manner of self-expression.

It's not something I've given a lot of thought to.

edgelord666 ago

he seems like a dumb tranny faggot

ruck_feddit ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

He didn't expect the huge outpouring of $upport we gave

Hibby ago

I posted that article in r/voat, someone pointed out it was a year old, I used strikethrough for transparency correcting it and got banned for "spreading lies". Whole thread was deleted. Reddit really can't handle competition.

mag60 ago

Why does 4chan censor Voat discussion?

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

4Chan is almost completely compromised.

8Chan is more intact, but it is heavily monitored and infested with shills.

There is currently no directly-better alternative to 8Chan (i.e. "the Reddit to 8Chan's Digg", "the Facebook to 8Chan's MySpace", etc.), although there are several smaller sites that are more-or-less competing to be 8Chan's eventual successor.

mag60 ago

What are those sites? I’d like to know where to go once Voat inevitably crumbles.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

shrug I don't really know, I haven't been paying attention to the lists for over a year, and small forum sites can undergo a lot of changes in that time. Other users (either here or on preview.voat.co) have been keeping better tabs on alternative prospects, and might have some recommendations.

SexMachine ago

4chan operates under the guise of freedom of speech, but SJWs infiltrated the mod positions long ago.

8chan is better, but I have my own problems with the owner, Jim, and his past shady dealings, so I don't post there.

I host my own board on endchan.xyz, https://endchan.xyz/ggrevolt/

Also, mewch.net is a fun little image board. You find sites like that filled with oldfags who like to reminisce about old/b/, before it filled with cancer.

Rawrination ago

I remember old /b/. B was never good, but it used to be less bad.

eggsbenedict94 ago

may be considered off topic depending on which board you post it in.

I saw a few voat threads on 4chan up for a while though

Spaceballs-1 ago

The Chan's don't want anyone to have trap-free discussions.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

What does that mean? Like the NSA / CIA is trapping us into revealing our true thoughts and they want to stop us from thinking free?

ShinyVoater ago

It might take some time to properly lay out, but I think this infographic does a good job of keeping it short and to the point.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Never mind I googled it, fucking degenerates.

GoatyMcGoatface ago


HeavyBrain ago

Because its Reddit in image board skin.

WhatDaDuce ago

Because they drown any posts not related to R34

12534272? ago

Thanks for the pep talk, I'm going to try to contribute more and chuck fuck less.

Skeeterdo ago

Son of a bitch. He did it. Thanks Atko. We want to donate and help out but we havent heard much from putt, throw a good word in.

Moosh_Banger ago

I thought this was the big one for sure. Long live Voat, great to have it back!

Drain0 ago

Thanks a mill @Atko you've done us a solid! Feel free to go back to your regularly scheduled accordion playing.

ghastlymellow ago

It's really good to be back! I'm still worried about the lack of communication from Putt but thanks for stepping in, Atko.

CRKT_M16Z ago

Feels so good to be back to normal (whatever normal is for us here.)

Anyhow, I missed you guys and Voat in general.

Glory_Beckons ago

Curious minds demand to know: What was it?

Idiocracy (the movie) shows a possible outcome, and I sincerely hope that we don't end up there.

Don't worry, that would never actually happen. The movie had a major plothole:

We're all going to starve and kill each other long before we get that stupid.

ardvarcus ago

We're all going to starve and kill each other long before we get that stupid.

Not all of us. Just enough of us to keep the survivors in a state of perpetual misery.

Gumbatron ago

... And there was a time in this country, a long time ago, when reading wasn't just for fags and neither was writing. People wrote books and movies, movies that had stories so you cared whose ass it was and why it was farting, and I believe that time can come again!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

But at least we’ll get plenty of electrolytes while we are killing ourselves off.

Gumbatron ago

Brawndo has electrolytes. ... it's what plants crave

primaryappellation ago


blipblipbeep ago

Cheers atko mate.


KingChem ago

I'm glad you've managed to bring voat back up, I really did miss these dirty niggerfaggots.


tittietittie ago

yo mofo. i have soooo many titties. yo ho ho

space_case ago


BiscuitFever ago

Thanks, Atko! Good to see you here, glad you're doing alright.

philomath ago

You're the man @Atko! Way to sweep in and get it back up....I can't believe how small the internet seemed without this place.

Argumentative ago

hero mate always show up when voat needs you most, also nice to see you again

Wargliis ago


i_scream_trucks ago


TallShortSkinnyFatM ago

Ooooooh. I am sooooo glad as a random person that u are back! I had no contact with like.. pussies.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Kept my voat tab open for this reason.

Metkim ago

Thank God Voats back.

What happened really? Something nefarious or just a server issue?

Podd ago

Ah yea thanks atko!

derram ago


WhatDaDuce ago

2 questions for you:

1 Are you able to tell us what happened?

2 If you are able to tell us, When do you think you'd be able to explain to us what happened?

(The big concern here is wondering if it was 3rd party intervention causing Voat to go down or if it was just a database error. I'm sure some of us would like to know if our free speech here is trying to be stifled or extinguished.)

Thank you for all the hard work! I really appreciate everything you do.

12534256? ago

Q said it was bad actors

Ocelot ago

My palm reader said it was space aliens.

CowWithBeef ago

Q replied before being asked the question. Wow. The q post replied to something else.

Crensch ago


No, the image looks like 2 screenshots from different timezones pasted together. Sloppy work.

thatguyiam ago

Thanx a lot adam sandler

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

And Q is a LARP

MrShekelstein ago

Q vindicated pizzagate yesterday.

Even if hes a larp, hes still correct and hes probably inside the white house.

NoisyCricket ago

Only an literal imbecile says he's a larp. He is 100% real and is a psyop of some type. But a larp is absolutely is not.

Fuck off with your idiocy.

12534441? ago

Maybe but if it is it's the biggest LARP in history. I'm glad to be part of it

WhatDaDuce ago


Cantilever ago

Live action role play. i.e. Pretending to be something he's not

WhatDaDuce ago

There what I thought but I wanted to make sure it didn't mean anything else.

Kids these days have new meanings to so many old acronyms.

WhatDaDuce ago

Everything I read on the Chan, I read with 1000% skepticism.

riposte ago

Everything q says I read with 100% skepticism.

Stavon ago

You should do that everywhere

12534314? ago


Flying_Mushroom ago

Thank you Atko!

GoddamnedFaggotCucks ago


sorry. wrong account

TheDaoReveals ago

Woot! Thanks!

FuckYourSafespace ago

Thank you @atko, and thank you @puttitout

edgelord666 ago

they're both faggots that are poisoning the world with this site

HorseIsDead ago

you're poisoning the world with your soyboy HIV anal sex havin faggot self, faggot.

YugeDick ago

But we won't delete your comment or ban you. You're welcome.

midnightblue1335 ago

Good work. Hope it's all sorted out!

Techius ago

I hope puttitout has called it quits.

DongJohnson ago

Thank you!!

CausticRaz ago

Thank you. No other site comes close.

Thelonius_Trump ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Nice job getting the place back up. Salut'.

Autism_9000 ago


AOU ago

Shut up and take my money!

Zerac ago


@Puttitout needs to let us donate to the site!

Carlosone ago

Yes I can donate

Kleyno ago

I'd hold off on donating until we know for sure he is still alive... grim thought but, there it is.

AOU ago

I gave $550 since. Best money spent.

analfaveto ago

Since what? Don't leave us hanging. Please...

Womb_Raider ago

Why don't you have the donor badge?

AOU ago

I asked Putt several times, even Cynabuns tried to ask him.

I guess he was busy and forgot.

riposte ago

Good on you. Thx

ardvarcus ago

Thank you for your service.

crazy_eyes ago

ThorssonTrump ago

dear @atko @atko @atko @atko @atko, it's sanegoat. i would have loved to help you with your site, but you let criminal paid shills take it over. please note that puttitout allowed an openly transvestite, autistic SJW code voat for a year, puttitout banned 400+ users for upvoting but allowed shills to downvoat brigade freely, puttitout lied freely and repeatedly to the userbase, allowed shills to code in massive levels of censorship, and worse, he hasn't done subverse transfers in over a year, and has stopped taking ad money and donations - - for months; no more transparency, users don't get to participate in developing voat - only the shill cabal in private... voat is functionally dead.

seriously. puttitout is the worst thing to happen to voat. worse than kevdude or even fuzzywords, because puttitout gave these shills the keys to voat. for example, they have a downvoat bot tied to voat's api to auto-downvoat users they don't like, so as to keep them in -ccp account restriction censorship.

this site is a joke of what it once was.

either take the site back from fatty @puttitout

or i will continue to make the replacement and in a few month, take this site's legit userbase to a land without censorship

voat, i will kindly note at this point that @atko refuses to directly talk about the takeover. this sounds more like kevdude or crensch talking than it does atif colo..

pangaea ago

Atko is only in beta?

Cum_control ago

That fuck will forever and always be in betta.

frooben ago


ThorssonTrump ago

dear @atko @atko @atko @atko @atko, it's sanegoat. i would have loved to help you with your site, but you let criminal paid shills take it over. please note that puttitout allowed an openly transvestite, autistic SJW code voat for a year, puttitout banned 400+ users for upvoting but allowed shills to downvoat brigade freely, puttitout lied freely and repeatedly to the userbase, allowed shills to code in massive levels of censorship, and worse, he hasn't done subverse transfers in over a year, and has stopped taking ad money and donations - - for months; no more transparency, users don't get to participate in developing voat - only the shill cabal in private... voat is functionally dead.

seriously. puttitout is the worst thing to happen to voat. worse than kevdude or even fuzzywords, because puttitout gave these shills the keys to voat. for example, they have a downvoat bot tied to voat's api to auto-downvoat users they don't like, so as to keep them in -ccp account restriction censorship.

this site is a joke of what it once was.

either take the site back from fatty @puttitout

or i will continue to make the replacement and in a few month, take this site's legit userbase to a land without censorship

voat, i will kindly note at this point that @atko refuses to directly talk about the takeover. this sounds more like kevdude or crensch talking than it does atif colo..

kcamstar ago

I see you're still an idiot... (if it is you).

BaneGhostiSwear ago

dear @atko @atko @atko @atko @atko, it's sanegoat. i would have loved to help you with your site, but you let criminal paid shills take it over. please note that puttitout allowed an openly transvestite, autistic SJW code voat for a year, puttitout banned 400+ users for upvoting but allowed shills to downvoat brigade freely, puttitout lied freely and repeatedly to the userbase, allowed shills to code in massive levels of censorship, and worse, he hasn't done subverse transfers in over a year, and has stopped taking ad money and donations - - for months; no more transparency, users don't get to participate in developing voat - only the shill cabal in private... voat is functionally dead.

seriously. puttitout is the worst thing to happen to voat. worse than kevdude or even fuzzywords, because puttitout gave these shills the keys to voat. for example, they have a downvoat bot tied to voat's api to auto-downvoat users they don't like, so as to keep them in -ccp account restriction censorship.

this site is a joke of what it once was.

either take the site back from fatty @puttitout

or i will continue to make the replacement and in a few month, take this site's legit userbase to a land without censorship

voat, i will kindly note at this point that @atko refuses to directly talk about the takeover. this sounds more like kevdude or crensch talking than it does atif colo..

BaneGhostiSwear ago

dear @atko @atko @atko @atko @atko, it's sanegoat. i would have loved to help you with your site, but you let criminal paid shills take it over. please note that puttitout allowed an openly transvestite, autistic SJW code voat for a year, puttitout banned 400+ users for upvoting but allowed shills to downvoat brigade freely, puttitout lied freely and repeatedly to the userbase, allowed shills to code in massive levels of censorship, and worse, he hasn't done subverse transfers in over a year.

seriously. puttitout is the worst thing to happen to voat. worse than kevdude or even fuzzywords, because puttitout gave these shills the keys to voat. for example, they have a downvoat bot tied to voat's api to auto-downvoat users they don't like, so as to keep them in -ccp account restriction censorship.

this site is a joke of what it once was.

either take the site back from fatty @puttitout

or i will continue to make the replacement and in a few month, take this site's legit userbase to a land without censorship

voat, i will kindly note at this point that @atko refuses to directly talk about the takeover. this sounds more like kevdude or crensch talking than it does atif colo..

digitalentity1497 ago

You run this site? BWAHAHAHAHAH! Arent you done with your Voat replacement yet? When you getting the fuck outta here?

Rotteuxx ago

You're full of shit.

The real SaneGoat would have make 3/4 of his comment about the Canary not being updated by Atko and if he did, he would have said it wasn't legit because Putt didn't do it himself.

Fucking larper.

derkataIog ago

pm me at sanegoat nigger, shit some bricks.

Rotteuxx ago

You PM me faggot

derkataIog ago

i can't, retard. because you paid SJW shills downvoat brigaded me into -ccp and @puttitout allowed tranny autist SJW fuzzywords to code in account restrictions for -ccp, I CAN'T START A PM WITHOUT ALLOWING GOOGLE CAPTCHA AND TRACKING nor post without it, nor comment/post more than 10 times per 24 hours.

it's called censorship nigger, and it's on voat!

hilariously if someone PMs ME, i can respond freely. go fucking figure.

lol remember when you participated in a paid shill assault on me being mod of v/til, manufactured drama, and got me removed? thanks for proving beyond a reasonable doubt to the community (that's now mostly gone!) that you nigger shills were taking over. i couldn't have done it without you!

Rotteuxx ago

lol remember when you participated in a paid shill assault on me being mod of v/til, manufactured drama, and got me removed?

Nope, never got a check, nor court document for your lawsuit against me in Delaware.

I do remember calling you out for being an ass, then you attacking a user in /v/selfhelpforabetterme because she referred to me & subsequently posting about it and asking the community what they thought about your demeanor.

Then I trolled you in SBBH with a cognitive dissonance post, which I also Xposted in /v/TIL under a fitting title, a post which garnered over a hundred upvoats & over 70 comments but you deleted it, thus censoring discussion on a popular subject.

Then I thought to myself "Fuck this guy" & have had no respect for you ever since, taking into account the constant comment spamming & vote manipulation you were constantly engaging in.

derkataIog ago

^(((cognitive dissonance becomes delusion)))^

Rotteuxx ago

Why did you change your writing style so much ?

DieselBustersYes ago

Shut the fuck up you fagget.

Cantilever ago


BaneGhostiSwear ago

seriously look at the new atko's comments vs. atko's comments from more than 1.5 years ago. they are entirely different people.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you know, i've been emailing @atko at his personal (but stupidly publicly published) email. he also has a couple phone numbers up on the net out there, if anyone wants to call him and confirm (it's international if you're not in the EU) that the person behind the @atko account is still atif colo. because i sincerely doubt it.

Cum_control ago

@baneghostiswear agreed and its so weird in a place like here that with all the crazy off the wall shit thats said even the slightest hint of thinking atko and putt have been compromised you get bashed and downvoated to hell. That alone makes me think something is even more fishy than it already blantantly appears

derkataIog ago

that's me. i was just @sanegoatiswear for years, but then @puttitout allowed paid shills to tie an auto-vote bot to voat's api, which allowed them to downvoat brigade me -20,000 ccp into account restrictions, locking my account to just 10 comments/posts per 24 hours, and requiring google captcha and tracking to post AT ALL and to start PMs. so i had to start new accounts to be able to continue to "speak freely" ie more than 10 comments a day. lol fun fact: 400+ accounts were banned for upvoting me during that brigade. again, @puttitout banned 400+ users for upvoting me while the shills were brigading my account into the restrictions they coded in after they kicked @atko out. note, if you ask @atko here on voat, on his email, or hey, call him! he WILL NEVER answer any questions about the takeover, what happened, etc, not even to deflect. it's called specific silence and it's the only hint that we can use to infer that Atif Colo has a fucking NDA on his ass, and legally cannot speak about it without serious consequence.

yes i spent 10 months goading out the shills (while they were taking over voat and censoring it, harassing off long-time users, manufacturing drama to remove good mods and replace them with shills, etc, defaming anyone speaking up) to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to the casual eye that they have indeed taken over. see my main @sanegoatiswear's top and bottom most comments and posts to start down the rabbit hole of voat's takeover. :(

i've been growing a team and making a replacement that can't be compromised for the past 6 months, and it ought be a few more months before it's ready, so hold tight.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

tie an auto-vote bot to voat's api, which allowed them to downvoat brigade me -20,000 ccp
400+ accounts were banned for upvoting me during that brigade
puttitout banned 400+ users for upvoting me while the shills were brigading my account into the restrictions they coded in after they kicked atko out

Do you actually have any proof of any of these claims, Sane?

If not, is this just more angry ramblings without a shred of evidence, like you displayed in your comments over a year ago (not just "the past 6 months") when you first started claiming without any evidence that you were being targeted by bots? Back then, I specifically remember that you even called plenty of longtime Voat users 'bots run from Jerusalem' for simply asking you for some actual sources.

i've been growing a team and making a replacement that can't be compromised

'Show me an idiot-proof system, and I'll show you a better idiot. Show me "a system that can't be compromised", and I'll show you worse compromises.'


I'll Believe It When I See It.

derkataIog ago

do you have any proof of your claims? i have thousands of archives of evidence, and have linked most of it on voat. that you are too lazy to look it up is on you.

i'm not here to prove to the userbase that SJW shills took over the site. i already did that. that you missed it, again, is on you. you can go down that rabbit hole on your own via my profile page's top and bottom most comments and posts.

you have claimed i said something that i have not.

my favorite thing that shills do is scream: YOU HAVEN"T PROVEN ANYTHING even though i've published hundreds of posts filled to the 10,000 character limit with links to just that. all you've done is suggest that you're a shill alt. not proven, just given me reason to suspect. by all means, continue talking.

"show me a man that doesn't dream, and i'll show you a man that is already dead."


i will enjoy your salt.

Mr_Dusk ago

You do realise that Nat Soc types and Antisemitism is a huge thing on Voat due to its free speech policy right? I find it hard to believe that in this environment any Social Justice type would even want to lightly touch this place with a feather on a 100 foot pole.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

I will admit that I haven't been paying as much attention to Voat or the "links proving conspiracy theories" in the past year or so than I did in the 2 years before then, and Amalek's occasional habit of sending me links from some of his alts that data-mined his personal targets made me less inclined to follow random hyperlinks.

I'm saving this comment, and I'll check your links this weekend.

I'm sorry if I overreacted and falsely labeled you a spammer/shill a year ago, my history watching for spammers made me excessively aware of them and their common behaviors, making it more likely for me to see false positives. If nothing else, Voat going down hard for several days showed me that my perceptions of the state of affairs here is very outdated.

european ago

People change

ThorssonTrump ago

dude. look at the top posts on my main @sanegoatiswear. both devs of voat and both devs of voat's main image host sli.mg went and disappeared on the same day. when atko and puttitout returned a month and two months later, their behavior patterns, posting patterns, speech patterns, subject matter focus, how they ran the site - - entirely flipped.

if you don't look at the evidence and decide for yourself, you're just listening to the (((cognitive dissonance)))

crazy_eyes ago

just a little rearranging is all

Calyx ago

Thanks for returning in our moment of need.

fluxusp ago

Thanks for the hard work!

TemetNosce ago

OK, so for us normies out here---WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENNED??? Clueless here for 24 hours now you pricks.

Fuster_Cluck ago

Sacrifice your social life and get on our level. It's been down for almost 3 days now. 😡

TheBuddha ago

Much appreciated. Disk space?

monoxane ago

Eh, it was good while it was down, made me realise how nontoxic other communities are around here. It's nice to see something not full of 'gas ze kikes' and 'niggerlover' and with some actual, non-political discussion.

by2inthemorning ago

It was horrible. All the other sites I looked at you had to be careful what you said.Even 4chan ... what the fuck was that? I figured that place was a free for all. 8chan was about to be my replacement still might be -ish. Maybe... eh ...Also fuck that phucks website and Im absolutely ashamed of some of the voaters I saw over there asking permission as to what they could talk about or "what am I allowed to say here?" Ew.

Vindicator ago

On behalf of all pizzagate researchers, Atko, a hearty thanks!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

For he's a jolly good fellow... !

Wildebeest ago

Thank you, and well said.

EvilBunny ago

Thanks mate :) Awesome work!

Kleyno ago

The Founder is wise in all things.

Zerac ago

Thank you for your efforts!

I_Would_Gas_You ago

It's good to be home. Thank you sir.

mywallsarestucco ago

You stay awesome, goats.