Plant_Boy ago

I was about to say, to @diesel4420's credit. He didn't ban anyone, but here I see I'm on of the first to have been banned.

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Nadeshda ago

Oh dear, You said the N word you scared him away at this very moment... lol

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argosciv ago

So, I have a question...

Please reverse this subverse transfer for v/theunexplained -

Looking at this subverse request and searching for any others related to v/theunexplained leaves me wondering, how exactly did u/diesel4420 come to be the owner in the first place?

Note the timestamps involved.

Result of u/diesel4420's request:

This requested has been Rejected due to: Subverse v/theunexplained is not valid for transfer as moderators were active in subverse at time of request. Last moderator activity was 0 day(s) before request was submitted. Subverse Request Requirements

Related v/subverserequest posts:

Date UTC Name Subverse Title
2017-01-28 22:22 u/guinness2 v/subverserequest Requesting /v/TheUnexplained Developer privleges so I can fix their broken CSS
2017-02-20 06:46 u/diesel4420 v/subverserequest Requesting /v/theunexplained, the owner seems to be inactive and has not replied to any messages regarding the functionality of the sub
2017-02-21 02:57 u/guinness2 v/subverserequest Requesting /v/TheUnexplained Developer privleges so I can fix their broken CSS

Looking at the most recent thread in the above results, reveals that u/guinness2 received "level 2" access after their first request was rejected and after the rejection of u/diesel4420's request:

Subverse v/theunexplained has been transferred to @guinness2 (level: 2). Good luck!

^ this was ~1.8 years ago; 2/21/2017 5:25:35pm UTC

While writing this comment, I remembered that I can hover over the name of a listed mod, to see who added them to their position and when.

As it turns out, u/guinness2 made @diesel4420 owner of v/theunexplained, ~1.7 years ago(exact timestamp unknown):


This whole situation has exploded after comment/thread deletions because "racism". Noteworthy is that v/theunexplained's sidebar description does not mention any rules about racism, however, u/diesel4420 is adamant about making these deletions and being particularly aggressive about the whole process(granting themselves permission to break their own politeness rule).

The rules section of the subverse does list a rule with regards to racism.

So, when was this rule added? Only 4 months ago.

diesel4420 waited over a year before deciding to add this rule, why?

If the rule is so important, why is it not outlined in the subverse sidebar?

Looking at the comment deletion log...

We find that the first deletions because of racism, were 11 to 7 months ago; 3+ months before any rules were added regarding racism:

cc: @Crensch, @MadWorld, @Rotteuxx

MadWorld ago

If it helps, the "Racist or hateful comments" rule was created on 8/15/2018, and edited on 8/16/2018, around 23:50 PM UTC. It was created and edited around 7:50 AM EST, Thursday morning.

Racist or hateful comments

Racist or hateful comments have no place on this sub. This includes the use of the "N" word. If you aren't sure what I mean by the "N" word, then it's safe to say it would be best to not post a comment at all.

The owner and moderators of this sub have the right to break this rule when dealing with hateful individuals.

Applies to: All, Sort: 0, Created by: diesel4420 29 days ago , Edited by: diesel4420 28 days ago

But mod was already executing/enforcing this rule, before it was ever created:

diesel4420 removed 11 months ago on 2/6/2018 4:35:59 PM
"Racist and incompetent comment. Look up first known human you dumb fuck. No room for your stupidity here."

diesel4420 removed 10 months ago on 2/15/2018 5:55:53 AM
"Racist and ignorant comment."

diesel4420 removed 10 months ago on 2/16/2018 5:23:20 AM
"Racist comment and for being a fucking retard. Stop posting shit like this in my sub you uneducated degenerate."

diesel4420 removed 10 months ago on 2/16/2018 5:23:47 AM
"Racist comment and for being a fucking retard. Stop posting shit like this in my sub you uneducated degenerate."

diesel4420 removed 10 months ago on 2/16/2018 5:24:20 AM
"Racist comment and for being a fucking retard. Stop posting shit like this in my sub you uneducated degenerate."

diesel4420 removed 7 months ago on 5/18/2018 11:59:17 AM
"Rule Violation: Dox; Description: For being a racist asshole"

diesel4420 removed 7 months ago on 5/19/2018 5:23:11 AM
"Rule Violation: Dox; Description: For being a racist asshole"

diesel4420 removed 7 months ago on 5/30/2018 4:34:52 AM
"Rule Violation: Dox; Description: Being a Nazi fuckhead."

diesel4420 removed 5 months ago on 7/30/2018 12:04:43 PM
"Rule Violation: Illegal; Description: Rude comment. Take that shit somewhere else!"

diesel4420 removed 4 months ago on 8/14/2018 11:40:54 AM
"Rule Violation: Dox; Description: For being a racist asshole."

diesel4420 removed 4 months ago on 8/15/2018 11:12:24 AM
"Rule Violation: Dox; Description: For being a racist asshole. Aren't you late for a klan meeting?"

diesel4420 removed 4 months ago on 8/31/2018 12:41:12 AM
"Rule Violation in v/theunexplained: Racist or hateful comments; Description: Being a Fucking asshole. Read the rules fuckhead"

Sure he was already removing comments, before there was any specific rule regarding "racist" or "hateful" comments.

MadWorld ago

@kevdude, see parent, regarding when that specific rule was created.

argosciv ago

Yup yup, all pointed out in the above.

If it helps, the "Racist or hateful comments" rule was created on 8/15/2018, and edited on 8/16/2018, around 23:50 PM UTC. It was created and edited around 7:50 AM EST, Thursday morning.

I couldn't see the specific timestamps though, thanks.

MadWorld ago

I used the's timestamp and the rollover time to calculate the exact time. It should be close enough.

argosciv ago

Ah good thinking, slipped my mind to use

MadWorld ago

I forgot to say good detective work! Thank you!

MadWorld ago

Test @argosciv

argosciv ago


Sorry for the delayed reply, got a bit sidetracked.

MadWorld ago

:-) You can check it out:

In addition to, it is good practice to archive stuff, not necessarily have to share the links right away.

MadWorld ago

Something is rotten in this thread:

Rotteuxx ago

Holy Shit !

Non of the users making a fuss about it are SBBH !

@9-11 @freshmeat what's the chosen narrative for this one ?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Renatus.

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barraccuda ago

@FrozenFire74 Impolite?

Hand_of_Node ago

That was before I looked into it. That guy is both hateful and hypocritical. Probably also a jew.

Scandinavian ago

Especially when it's so blatant. I'm all for small, topic-specifc, creator-moderated subs that have some kind of some moderation policy in order to stay on topic. No reason to discuss, say, racial policy in v/Knitting.

However, when some Reddit cancer-SJW takes over something they didn't create and turn it into a shilling platform, there's only swift, old-school Voat justice in their future.

Nadeshda ago

But what if I want to knit a golly wog ? :)

Hand_of_Node ago

You think they'd learn.

I realize that's a figure of speech, but no, I'd not expect learning from this type.

Hand_of_Node ago

"Rule Violation in v/theunexplained: Racist or hateful comments; Description: Being a Fucking asshole. Read the rules fuckhead"

This does appear at least a little hypocritical. Mod appears to be engaging in prohibited 'hate speech'. In principal, I'm not really opposed to people having rules in their own little subs, but deleting comments for breaking the rules while the mod is ALSO breaking the rules is not a good look.

Scandinavian ago

Amazing job, Kevs.

sguevar ago

This shows archived post currently active on his subverse. His replied is archived and the conversation is ongoing.

MrPim ago

The nazi superoven program, an enormous clandestine operation rivaling the atom bomb. The Nazi super scientists worked round the clock on this late war effort which proved ultimately futile. Next on the History channel.

Renatus ago

Example of comment deletion that doesn't break forum rules:

In response to a submission linking to a video of pertinence to monsters in the Bible, a commentator proposed the Jews.

  • That's not against the rules.
  • It's not spam.
  • It's not racist.
  • It's not hate speech.

It's an objective, contextual and valid statement of fact.

The video itself examines monsters, terrible creatures, mythical beasts and tribes, specifically, The Nephilm. Relevant excerpt from video transcript:

the passage refers to the mixing of two human tribes: ‘godly’ people descended from the good-guy Seth and the somewhat less godly descendants of bad-guy Cain.

A discussion of the Jewish people was not only relevant, moreover, it was absolutely intrinsic to the discussion of the hypothesis. Voat users should be able issue critical utterance of the Jewish people, especially in historical/theological/mythological contexts, without the fear of:

  • Submission/comments deletion.
  • Being misnomered as spammers, Nazis, racists or agents of hate speech/crime.
  • Being shamed, lectured, insulted and aggressively confronted by politically-correct SJW/NPC mods.

Nonetheless, the subverse "owner", @diesel4420, deleted the comment.


The current subverse owner is a sleeper-agent SJW:

  • @diesel4420 is a proud socialist who can be found evangelising the benefits of socialism to to v/politics. E.g. 75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
  • @diesel4420 views anything right of his polarized left-leaning cultural-Marxist ideologies as "racist", "hateful" or "Nazism".
  • @diesel4420 is an wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. First, he ascertained ownership of prominent subverse with >13k subscribers. Secondly, he censors free speech using his arbitrary definition of "hate speech" as pretext, a standard that he admittedly does not commit himself to. Thirdly, he's currently engaged in attacking and shaming all Voat members that champion free speech.

It's a dangerous Orwellian culture and dangerous precedence for Voat

Such a moderating style fosters an SJW culture synonymous with NPCs, "wrong think", communism, socialism, Marxism, identity politics, political correctness etc.

The concern is the "domino effect" or the idiomatic expression: "The thin end of the wedge." Exponentially aggressive political correctness at the hands of unchecked SJW/NPC socialist mods will overspill into the policies and governing of peripheral subverses. It happened on Reddit. It'll happen here if not nipped in the bud.

speedisavirus ago

It's pretty racist to say the monsters in the Bible are jews when they aren't mentioned as jews or hinted as being jews. I've read the Bible. That doesn't happen.

Renatus ago

Revelation 3:9: "synagogue of Satan".

speedisavirus ago

It's almost like you are taking three words fully out of context and don't understand anything you are saying. Are you an NPC?

Rotteuxx ago

Which version ?

speedisavirus ago

King James and English standard. Not just including the standard new/old testament books but also the apocrypha.

The_Crusader ago

Got a link to this video? It sounds interesting.

Hand_of_Node ago

This one under sources?

diesel4420 ago

No but I'm getting a little tired. I might have to take this up tomorrow. I have literally wasted almost 5 hours at work responding to all the comments. Part of that is a good thing because it's making my shift go by quickly but on the other hand I haven't done shit at work.

But in all seriousness, I have fun fucking with you guys. It seems like it can get out of hand sometimes but that's one of the reasons I enjoy Voat.

andrew_jackson ago

...when so many people are downvoting you that it's clogging up Voat's software, you Kikedick.


Bottled_Tears ago

If you're waisting hours of work to deal with this you need to seriously go outside and breathe.

And somebody passing by might call you a faggot but there's nothing you can do about that because you are in a country of freedom of speech you self hating kike.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I have literally wasted almost 5 hours at work responding to all the comments.

We should doxx the shit out of you and contact your employer for wasting their fucking money and time you piece of shit

european ago

It's all fun and games until somebody starts deleting shit

Hand_of_Node ago

No but I'm getting a little tired.

Perhaps related to being so hateful?

european ago

What pr shilling company do you work for?

Plant_Boy ago

Oy-vey, I can't believe they'd post anti-Semitic comments that are pointing out truth in v/theunexplained saying the Jew's were monsters in the Bible! How could they??? What will my rabbi say if he caught this happening in my moderating? I can't wait until they put an antisemitic warning in the Bible!

diesel4420 ago

LOL. Well aren't you Mr. Polite now. Looks like I pissed off the local Nazi group.

Hand_of_Node ago

Ah, at first I thought they might be overstating your issues, but the claims about you appear to be true.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, he's a Kikedick

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Well now you've been red flagged all over voat, you degenerate inbred. This isn't Reddit fuckface. You cant just run to the Admins for help.

The_Crusader ago

Great Aunt Mavis got turned into a bar of soap ffs yet here is the entirety of voat ripping on the poor guy. It's disgusting after what his family have been through.

diesel4420 ago

The same way that you forget that the Nazi's lost WW2.

digitalentity1497 ago

Soy boy is triggered lmao.

myvoicefromhell ago

No, they didn't. They just went to work for a different boss. Anyone here got a paperclip?

The_Crusader ago

What's with the anti-semitism?

Diesel4420 had releatives who died in the holocaust. Have you no shame? Never forget the 6 million.

diesel4420 ago

OH! Am I suppose to be scared or something? All you're doing is making yourself look like a king size asshole. Go on and cry to Putt, you whinny little bitch.

digitalentity1497 ago

I would have been banned in your sub for saying these words, hypocrite.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago




PuttsMum ago

+1 because I love these threads

Scandinavian ago

I can tell you right away it's already way past game over for you.

Rajadog20 ago


Rajadog20 ago

Nigger faggot

Plant_Boy ago

Only asshole here is you.

Only whiney bitch is yourself.

diesel4420 ago

You're right, I'm an asshole. I'm pretty good at it too. But you guys take the award for whinny bitches. You guys shoot out your tampon out of your sandy vagina when I enforce my rules in my sub and you got @kevdude crying to voatprotect. So tell me again who's whinny.

Learn to spell, fuck stick - whiney is spelled whinny.

15660753? ago

Whiney is correct spelling and so is whiny. However you keep saying whinny I find it hilarious imagining horse noises while you bleat.

Hand_of_Node ago

whinny 1. a gentle, high-pitched neigh

This account operator seems ignorant, and not very bright.

Plant_Boy ago

First off, we're both a horses asses for spelling whiny wrong, you more so because mine is an old alternative spelling.

Secondly, are you REALLY saying that the Jews aren't monsters of the bible? That the baying mob of Jews - the cheaters, liars, and perverted arrogant snobs of Judea - that blackmailed Pontius Pilate with rioting unless he crucified Christ?

european ago

Yes he deleted it. Hope he gets banned

Vic_V ago

I will volunteer to mod that sub. I'll delete spam and off topic shit but wont ban anyone saying mean words

european ago

Honestly dude i have no beef with you. I fuck around sometimes so never take anything that seriously in life. I obviously notice you from being active here for the whole time I've been here. You are oart of the furniture. I don't really dislike anyone here. Not really a fan of authority really generally and hate what reddit seemed to become (it was my favorite place)

european ago

I don't ban anyone. I don't really delete anything either so much so that somehow @cynabuns can delete from /v/health . Thetmy were always on me to delete "spam" . I always remember that spam was the first target at reddit because no one objects to spam right . I went ahead and deleted outright spam anyway to appease them but was uneasy about upsetting powermods. So now @cynabuns has the ability to delete from health . I think @cynabuns is @clamhurt legbeard (forget exact but they posted a lot in soapbox banhanner)

I hope it is noyhing to worry about. I only want voat to remain a place of free speech. Where I can post what I want.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/soapdoxbanhammer submission by @HateCumbuckets.

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Bottled_Tears ago

What a pussy

european ago

@kevdude is this one of your alts? Are you just drumming up controversy to advertise your sub? Luckily voat is designed to record deletions for now. But is there a limit of how many pages of deletions that can be viewed ?

argosciv ago

Ok yep, looks like he's been on quite the rampage in the last few hours.

I support your motion, kev. See modmail for my previous take.

Sub has become a shitshow under diesel4420.

Rotteuxx ago

Did you notice what @diesel4420's bio says ?

The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.


argosciv ago


I'm at a loss for words when reading that then looking at their submission history...