Shes2FAT4ME ago

You have hand creme on your mind.

UselessWorm ago

I have not cheated, have nothing to do with U Dial, Rage was deleted for volunteered obsoletion not cheating. Now, I'm being targeted keeping me at a perfect 0 -22, +22. That's alright, I won't be silent. I haven't attacked people, I don't go out of my way to cause harm not that I could.

Look at my posts, I do not hide behind anonymity. In fact, they require it. I know who is attacking some of the Q boards, that's why I'm being targeted. Not everyone there is as they pretend to be. Fakes, fakes, fakes!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I never even mentioned you in my post. Maybe someone else did but not me. I have no reason to question you. The same people who attack you attack me as well but those who are desperate to attack have much to hide, so I wouldn't worry

SeanBox ago

sanegoat wasn't one person. its the same entity.

argosciv ago

So I just saw this in v/QRV - I swear I didn't post it.

I just happened to check in on there while taking a brief pause from the 60+ tabs I have open on various other pages/users on voat.

title: "Look at this little noob worm"

links to:

So first thought is "What the fuck, who just dumps someone's name in v/QRV like that?", figured I'd at least check the account out.

Member for: 4.4 hours

They have dropped 10 comments so far(per what I can see on their history), probably hoping to net at least +10 ccp asap.

The comments are... well, look for yourself. They're fuckin' shite.

Now take a look at the profile overview again:

This user is moderating:

v/ChristArmy [O]

v/TheQReport [O]

Made owner of 2 subs in less than 5 hours?

Let's look at the subs:


Rise for you are called to battle!

created by RageAgainstPizzagate * a community for 1.5 hours

This subverse allows anonymized submissions.


Authorized: No

Anon: Both

Private: No

Type: Default


Time for you to watch THEM! Together we see all and know all. Only reports of suspicious behavior or criminal activiy is allowed here. For all else go to or another subverse.

created by RageAgainstPizzagate a community for 17 days

Subverse anonymized: usernames are hidden and votes don't count.


Authorized: No

Anon: Yes

Private: No

Type: Default

Given the timing...

Who wants to bet that both u/UselessWorm and u/RageAgainstPizzagate are connected to u/Dial_Indicator and co.?

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude @MadWorld

argosciv ago

sanegoat wasn't one person. its the same entity.


I've been thinking and digging on this.

I tell ya, it's a fuckin' shitshow, but it's starting to make sense.

I've been trying to figure it out ever since the extreme reaction/brigading which occurred against me, the day I started talking about Amalek[ites].

I have most of the pieces necessary now, I just have to put them into context.

As Putt would say, "Soon(tm)"


cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude @MadWorld

srayzie ago

Add in everything I’ve shown regarding BuilderAnon. Just like you.... There’s more to come!

argosciv ago

Yep yep, definitely gonna cross streams with ya(lol) due to common ground between various usernames.

SeanBox ago

its fucking sanegoat

argosciv ago


fuck off i have war on my mind

Wait for it, u/PrepareForWar will suddenly become active again...

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie

SeanBox ago

I want war

SeanBox ago

you have no choice. I don't need anymore chances

SeanBox ago

my feelings get hurt or some shit, idk.

SeanBox ago


Javik2186 ago

War? I believe you've lost this one.

argosciv ago

(3) @argosciv Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1334 (He gets brigaded a ton, but you would know that, wouldn't you?)

I was at around 1600 or so(I think my top was 1610, many months ago), before the brigading and anti-argosciv narrative kicked into full gear.

SeanBox ago

rekt. lol

SeanBox ago

I can save you 3. suck a duck feggit!

SeanBox ago

I'm not joking either... I'm the iron fist

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/FreeBuffalo comment by @15739149.

Posted automatically (#15600) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SeanBox ago

I'm the iron fist...number 1

SeanBox ago

im the iron fist

SeanBox ago

calculate deez nuttzzzz!!!! AAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! GOT 'EM!!!

SeanBox ago

I'm the iron fist

SeanBox ago

you wanna take me out? like, on a date? feggit.

Intrixina ago

Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, it seems.

MadWorld ago

Check this list and make your own conclusions:


These are the ones that I have tagged as @TerdWilson alts. There are other 2 dozen suspects and more potential connections not worth listing or causing further problems. If one were to assemble all his comments together, it would be around 10k pages of nothingness, along with empty threats, such as "don't fuck with me!" or "you don't know who the fuck you are dealing with, you fuckface" XD. He is a giant terd and he takes grudges to his bones!

I have deep respect toward this @kevdude guy, and several others, for dealing with all that shit to protect this place.

MadWorld ago


I took that as your confession. Then you chickened out shortly after.

HorseIsDead ago

lets_get_hyyerr ago


Rotteuxx ago

Maybe you should smoke some meth while jerking off to midget porn to relax a bit.

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... That's my fetish!

@nadeshda would like you to check the guitar thread. You can cheat and check my last comment with a link. I edited and uploaded the file ir her, for complex reasons.

You want to hear it.

Rotteuxx ago

Awesome ! Thx

Rotteuxx ago

Calm down there buddy Ol'boy, your formatting is all fucked up & shit.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

@Dial_Indicator, @diesel4420 and @Korky were ALL created on the same day (2/19/2018) and ALL showed up in the same thread about diesel, commenting the same shit.

DI is certainly an alt account

Rotteuxx ago

i had a accoutne drop in 15 minutes

Inklay to ommentcay ?

Rotteuxx ago

To be fair, he said "destroy this account", not **my ** account... @Dial_Indicator is a massive faggot with a shit ton of alts & an attitude problem. The first link was enough to link the accounts imo but I don't see a convincing link between @Superdouche & @Diesel4420.

SD is DI but not Diesel imo, he's just jumping in to enjoy the drama because he fucking loves that shit.

Putt has already mentioned having a bot or alt (?) list to nuke in an upcoming purge, I'm a lot if DI's alts will get it.

SuperDouche ago

i wont dv because you weld

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Putt has already mentioned having a bot or alt (?) list to nuke in an upcoming purge, I'm a lot if DI's alts will get it.


Rotteuxx ago

Eh... let me finish my coffee & I'll try and find it on

Maybe it was @peaceseeker who mentioned something not too long ago.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I believe you and if that is the case, I welcome it. Simple solution to a big problem

argosciv ago

Found it!

@PuttItOut in reply to @Optional-Reading:

O-R asked:

Just out of curiosity, were the farming accounts banned or reprimanded in any way?

PIO replied:


cc: @PeaceSeeker @Rotteuxx @kevdude

lets_get_hyyerr ago


argosciv ago

@Rotteuxx is right, I'm sure I saw a fleeting mention of it in either a comment/submission from @PuttItOut, or one from @PeaceSeeker - though even I'm having a bit of difficulty digging it up again...

shawnfromnh69 ago

They say yhat a lot of sjw's are factually retarded because karma /upvotes/likes are important to them. Imagine strangers "not known in real life" opinions are more important than truth, now that is a fucked up situation to live in, totally mental, I'm talking to redditors and facebookers. Also besides VOAT there is no open social media platform with totally free speech out there. I used to think Reddit was till the head admin paid off the other admins/mods and hired shills to get all the kid lemmings to fall in line by so called peer pressure. Fucking sjw's think they are making a difference till the globalist agenda kicks in and then the remember their group hates whites when they are tossed aside like a used comdom. These morons think they are so intelligent because a brainwashing teacher told them so "morons fall for this"

Intrixina ago

This is what happens when you have a society which consistently pushes the "You must be in the in-group or you are an outcast" tripe via the media and other "mainstream" activity, as well as consistently pushing the karma-fagging bullshit such as social media - that one is only "popular" if they have a lot of friends/likes/fake internet points. Add to that, people being told they are "special" and "unique" and making up copious amounts of special categories so that they can claim validation.

SJWs, who base their entire being on said "special categories" and "fake internet points" mentally implode whenever their validation/needs are not being met - because there is literally nothing else to prop them up. A healthy, well rounded person will have interests outside of mindless validation, and has their own opinions on things that they can provide at least a bit of evidence towards (even if they are not the best at debating).

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Voat is one of the last places and it governs itself very well. Even 4chan is not as open speech as Voat. 8chan maybe as equal, but even then I don't think it is.

I came to Voat a long time ago when the beginning of the end of Reddit took place. Disappeared for a while due to life because life just gets in the way sometimes, and then came back. Not much has changed here and I'm grateful for that.

I'm grateful enough to call out every single piece of shit on Voat like @diesel4420 for being the exact thing every person here despises. I did the same thing on Reddit years ago and was eventually removed from all of the places I modded there due to the fact that I highly supported free speech. Yea, that was a loooong time ago, but the belief I have for protecting free speech and allowing the community to govern itself is still there. Hence why I wont give up calling out diesel whenever I get the opportunity.

Reddit, Facebook, Instagram etc. etc. all run off the model of "popularity points". How may "likes" do I get. How many "upvotes" do I have? Here, its different where none of that fucking matters but those who come here from Reddit and the like don't understand that, so they try to make it like that, but it's not compatible.

Anyone who comes here and tries to pull the shit diesel is doing will definitely find that out the same way diesel is. The voat ecosystem is pretty incredible tbh. The open platform of free speech and community governing allows the community to control itself and whats great is, as Voat has been around for a couple years now and amassed a multi-million person user base, all with similar thoughts, it allows for those millions to come together and descend upon fuck faces like diesel

shawnfromnh69 ago

I was thinking and I do kind of like upvoats but not for what most people would think. Once in a while I'll post something and get upvoats like on the Linux sub I posted some wallpapers with the Linux system paths on it to help out the new people and the upvoats for me I liked because it showed I helped someone out and did something nice which means a lot in my book for myself because upvoats for me aren't pride or vanity but an indicator my action did something helpful to another person and that's it. It also showed me the general path or thing I can do in that area next time and motivates me to go out of my way to try to help out because it actually had enough effect for a voat as a signal.