SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @lets_get_hyyerr.

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sguevar ago

you're saying that denying the majorities right to censor the unpopular is itself censorship. .. Which just boggles my mind.

Not at all.

What I have noticed here is the following:

Yes trolls can keep pupping up but when their posts are not within the topic of the subverse nor respect the rules of the subverse that by definition would not respect the rules of Voat, the post can be deleted.

Spamming rules still applies for such moderation.

But if the trol post is within the boundaries of the sub's rules then the moderator can't delete it just because he doesn't like it and the users and subscribers of that sub can downvoat the post as well.

Freedom of speech of both sides is respected on said scenario. Otherwise the Voat community that in its great majority don't like the Q movement would have overflowed the subverse and silenced them. Which never happened.

As @srayzie said to me on a previous conversation about the subject:

I know for me on GreatAwakening, when it comes to submission posts, I have certain rules set in place. Like it has to be Q related, etc. Quality content. Since it’s his sub, He can do that. However comments are different. I think if you said that in the comment section and it was deleted, then that’s not right.

She clearly states that she has an specific rule for the posts to be Q related and other subtopics that can relate to the main one. If such post doesn't match the limitations of the subverse then in that case it can be deleted without conflict of infringement of freedom of speech.

For example on my sub v/CostaRicaPuraVida if someone came to it and posted something like "I think Costa Rica is a shithole" then my first response would not be to delete the post for spam or trolling. It would be to ask why? and initiate a conversation. If the conversation is not fruitful then I will just ignore and move on. But I will not delete the post because of the fact that the user has a right to express his opinion on Costa Rica. If his judgements are unjustified I would just downvote because of not being productive in the sharing of the subverse. But not delete it.

Same goes for any other subverse. They should not trump over the freedom of speech of the users. They can downvote an opinion or post they don't like but not delete it if it is within the boundaries of the subverses

Now if the same users posts the same post another time then that second post can be deleted under the bases of spam for he had already posted something exactly the same or similar. No conflict either with the Freedom of speech of either party.

Does this clarifies my point?

sguevar ago

To me the main point is the following:

Voat should add a global rule that moderators have to respect the Freedom of Speech of every user, subscribers or not.

A post that falls in the boundaries of any subverse rules should not be allowed to be deleted just because the moderator or owner of that particular sub doesn't like it.

The rules of subverses can't infringe on the rules of Voat - private or public - they shouldn't contradict the rules of the platform at convenience of the creators, owners and moderators of said sub.

@PutItOut, @Atko, @kevdude, @9-11.

I am not for brigading a sub however I am for the denunciation of authoritarian moderation that conflicts with what Voat represents - A platform for Freedom of Speech. Obviously this would be respecting the legal limitations of such (for example not applicable to CP, as it is illegal).

Consequently, I support that said authoritarian moderators are held accountable for their transgressions to those rules. As a community we can all defend it and without putting in jeopardy the existence of such subverses (small or big).

The only ones that would and should be affected by this are the moderators and the rules of the subverses that infringe the freedom of speech of the users and/or subscribers.

This should not affect the existence of those subverses in the end, but should in fact protect their existence from dictatorial and power eager moderators that could run them to the ground and eventually, expand to other subverses.

Eductor ago

never fuck with dial... dial is legion you cunt

BandBang ago

dial is def JIDF and should be banned @gabara

heygeorge ago

Your position is clear to me. And perhaps some of the basis, but the basis seems only evident through conjecture. I believe what @nadeshda was asking is to find if there is context or substance to the conjecture which would help to better find common ground or elucidate your basis and conclusions.

heygeorge ago

everything on here is calculated...

Definitely not the drunk posting lol

argosciv ago


Guess the only question then, is whether he's LARPing as JIDF or actually JIDF...

Bottled_Tears ago

Not a gigantic bitch but doesn't want to hear bad words lol fucking hilarious how contradicting.

MadWorld ago

I like calling him @TerdWilson XD.

MadWorld ago

XD Context:

[–] Dial_Indicator [S] -10 points (+3|-13) 19 days ago

yeah i work for the JIDF, whats wrong with that?


Crensch ago

The madman does it again!

Nadeshda ago

Makes perfect sense.

public way = public say.

Nadeshda ago

Oh you... really?

lefist types

Is Lefist the same as La plume de ma tante?

Joking aside you seem very suspicious of kevdude, is there something you have witnessed you care to share?

You also do not consider that organized groups in a chat room somewhere are not intentionally brigading subs they do not like.

I have considered this but I personally have not witnessed this, have you?

Kevdude has taken over dozens of subs

@kevdude current subs

This user is moderating: Crusades [O] FakeVoatTestClub [O] gratefuldead [O] Identitarians [M] LedZeppelin [O] Motorhead [O] politicalnews [O] ProtectVoat [O] RidersoftheReich [O] sports [M]

Umm, lol..

In thia case flooding by non members in every thread will occur, schreeching to a halt any discussion and thus silencing the unpopular opinion sub

Do you think people silence themselves because they are overly concerned with their reputation?

What happened to I didsagree with you and your words or actions don’t hurt me? Would this not be a suitable response if you thought this was happening to you. Hold on, has this ever happened to you?

Everything you are saying is supportive of the majorities right

Yes to this.

to destroy the sub and silence the opinion that is their entire raison d'être for the unpopular sub - it is censorship.

No to this.

This is why I feel you must treat it like a strategy game, where you imagine the playing field as reddit

I have never been a member of Reddit and the thought of looking at Voat in the same light is nauseating.

Do you have a Redditt account?

anti-free speech tactics that kevdude has pioneered?

He is defending the right for comments not be sensored here? I am confused are you speaking of another incident that I am not aware of? Please share.

fascists like kevdude are able to skirt the brigading rules due to @puttitout allowing this tactic...which is the main reason kev uses this tactic.

You have deducted this through your own reasoning, really?

Oh 9-11 what is your interest in this sub that you rarely visit, if a mod is deleting and sensoring content why are you not concerned about it? You would defend mod power over freedom of speech? It just doesn’t make sense and yes I possibly have not a clue where you are coming from but by all means speak your mind.

heygeorge ago

@9-11 I believe @nadeshda is asking good questions and giving you an avenue to help explain these things you are confident of, but are not coming across to all of us.

Nadeshda ago

Maybe we have different lenses we view the rules through.

Possibly but I don’t think we are so far from each other in respect for the need of Freedom of speech.

10 million reddit leftists show up

Unlikely hypothetical question but possible. The chances of a spambot army is more likely and measures to report that is in place.

small unpopular sub can still exist.

If mods alienate normal users through policing their speech they will fail regardless.

I (as a holder of an extremely unpopular yet legal opinion) should be able to make my own sub

Yes to this part.

retain control of it, and limit the majorities ability to flood and silence me so that I and other like minded people can speak on topic without wading through spam and fighting to defend our existance in every thread.

No one can ultimately silence you here but yourself. I rather appreciate this. Goats will do what goats do, poke and prod but ultimately each individual has to manage himself and how he/she responds to things.

No one is forced to reply and defend their existance in every thread, freewill to downvote and move on is there.

Sidenote; You know that siting in a safe space never helped anyone grow in character.

Anyway, 9-11 I have spent enough time on this topic and have many things I need to accomplish today. I am sure diessel’s motives will come to play, honestly I think he is poking and prodding and to then expect no kick back?? would be even more concerning for me; expecially here where Freedom of Speech actually matters.

Nadeshda ago

There is nothing wrong with pointing out undesirable practices in the hope of securing free speech across the whole platform. This is a free speech platform and no one is forced to be here.

The problem arises when mods abuse powers and instill rules countering the ethos’s of Voat, i.e. upholding Free speech.

If word policing is left unchallenged it will spread to other subs and cause others to feel compelled to intervene in the pursuit of protecting free speech which we have all grown to love. We all have a responsibility to protect this right in an encreasing hostile world.

We know this as the natural reaction of the Voat immune system for people like @kevdude and others to call these things out.

If content is indesirable but not illegal the downvote feature is perfectly functional. Any other methods of removing free speech should be frowned upon and challenged to secure the integrity of the site as a whole.

You may not like the way people get called out for squelching Free Speech but called out they should be. Noone is perfect here, we all should play a part in protecting our undeniable rights to Free Speech.

Nadeshda ago

I hear your point and I replied about it here

Once again just my thoughts on the matter.

Nadeshda ago

I think Dial is defending the right to manage subverses as the moderators seem fit; which is a fair statement but dangerous if left unchecked as like cancer it will slowly effect other subs and whoops before you know it, we will have tons of mini-dictators running around enforcing stupid rules and Nobody wants this.

The size of the sub, the sudden resurrection of Diessel into activity, maybe just someone with a bit of time on their hands wanting to stir the pot.

Also last time I checked you and dial weren’t exactly buddies so there is that too to take into consideration with his behavior here.

ALIENS2222 ago

Really? You cant say nigger over there? Why the fuck not? Shit I gotta go post some Tyronne jokes and get banned.

SearchVoat ago

Just because I love data and have this handy - here is the history of the number of posts per month in v/theunexplained, and the proportion of those made by @diesel4420.

Month Total posts @diesel4420 posts % posts by @diesel4420
Jun 2014 19 0 0%
Jul 2014 42 0 0%
Aug 2014 3 0 0%
Sep 2014 9 0 0%
Feb 2015 1 0 0%
Mar 2015 7 0 0%
Apr 2015 1 0 0%
May 2015 26 0 0%
Jun 2015 63 0 0%
Jul 2015 108 8 7%
Aug 2015 37 7 19%
Sep 2015 43 15 35%
Oct 2015 68 48 71%
Nov 2015 56 39 70%
Dec 2015 23 17 74%
Jan 2016 88 74 84%
Feb 2016 71 63 89%
Mar 2016 82 70 85%
Apr 2016 82 72 88%
May 2016 50 39 78%
Jun 2016 66 57 86%
Jul 2016 79 65 82%
Aug 2016 96 83 86%
Sep 2016 83 57 69%
Oct 2016 76 57 75%
Nov 2016 62 50 81%
Dec 2016 46 38 83%
Jan 2017 57 37 65%
Feb 2017 88 40 45%
Mar 2017 105 46 44%
Apr 2017 79 39 49%
May 2017 113 44 39%
Jun 2017 94 28 30%
Jul 2017 142 73 51%
Aug 2017 119 61 51%
Sep 2017 105 80 76%
Oct 2017 117 62 53%
Nov 2017 97 51 53%
Dec 2017 109 52 48%
Jan 2018 147 102 69%
Feb 2018 117 86 74%
Mar 2018 132 108 82%
Apr 2018 117 94 80%
May 2018 88 80 91%
Jun 2018 75 70 93%
Jul 2018 82 75 91%
Aug 2018 89 83 93%
Sep 2018 35 34 97%
Oct 2018 54 43 80%
Nov 2018 36 31 86%
Dec 2018 94 21 22%

Native ago

Good info Thanks

Nadeshda ago

He has already admitted that he is just here to mess with Voat... lulz or paid? That’s the question in my mind...

Initial_Setting ago

I would never fuck with you Nad, you are too nice and a value to voat

Nadeshda ago

Geez you... I should probably not get in the sandbox then as I like playing nice with my friends... they tend to play nicely when I am around though, so it’s not all bad. ;)

I need to listen to some music now, it’s been a stonker of a day...

european ago

Lots are here for the lulz. Takes all sorts to create a community.

Nadeshda ago

Indeed it does :) but protecting freedom of speech should be upheld no matter the purpose of the visit, don’t you think?

european ago

Yes. Hopefully they learn their lesson.

JuiceTown ago

@deisel4420 is the worst kind of jew: a niggerjew

Nadeshda ago

Lol... nice to see you around :)

Nadeshda ago

I don’t think anybody really nose.

Native ago

The guy has been around for years I remember a diesel user in the past who also kvetched constantly but didn't have user power like this version does