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gabara ago

I once upset @andrew_jackson and now for over a year he has been butthurt.

andrew_jackson ago

You are a bit loopy. My only problem with you is that you post too much. If you could limit it to like two or three posts per day we'd be friends.

...that's really all it would take. Or we can go on hating each other. Maybe consider that nobody likes the guy that talks all of the time?

zyklon_b ago

1990 1990

andrew_jackson ago

You mad, Nigger?

andrew_jackson ago

@Maximum50 haha hahah, he just told you, Nigger.

sweatingbullets ago

same here. I shitposted a few times just to trigger the faggot @diesel4420 and shortly after received a ban from @andrew_jackson to a sub i've never been to. they are one in the same little pathetic nigger.

andrew_jackson ago

You mad, Bro?

sweatingbullets ago

Not really

Maximum50 ago

Care to elaborate?


Are they the same person? Ban both accounts imo

Inaminit ago

Guess I've got it coming... fuking nigger faggot jew

Inaminit ago

It's one his alts... They're always fellating each other.

andrew_jackson ago

Nope. I'm not him, he's my roommate. Try again, Nigger?

BentAxel ago

Is this the new henrycorp?

i_scream_trucks ago

KevDude does enjoy kissing penis....

Captain_Faggot ago

Hey so now v/Diesel4420IsANigger is a sub.

That was easy.

WatchListMe ago

I am sure your reasons for hating this mod are justified, you don’t need to bitch so much. Why not mod a new sub, and advertise it here while you’re on the front page? Offer a solution, because this site has very little management and no mod will ever be removed for anything.

Maximum50 ago

"Why not mod a new sub, and advertise it here while you’re on the front page?"

If I am on the front page is because I am trying to do my part in making Voat a better place than Reddit. Not to promote my ego or any other selfish reason. Plus, getting on the front page is not that hard.

"this site has very little management and no mod will ever be removed for anything."

You must be new here.

WatchListMe ago

Not new here. Never seen any mod removed for anything.

GoBackToReddit ago

How have you been here for 3 years and never seen a mod removed? Has it really been that long?

WatchListMe ago

I mean, I’m open to you showing me a case of it happening, ever. I’m not arguing with you, I just don’t see it happening. So you should mod a new sub. People will be grateful for the actual free speech it provides.

GoBackToReddit ago

I’m open to you showing me a case of it happening, ever.

A quick look off the top of my head:

"submitted 1.7 years ago by PuttItOut" :

andrew_jackson ago

Damn Bro, good followup.

WatchListMe ago

I guess I was wrong, apparently it happens. I still wouldn’t count on it happening again anytime soon. Good luck.

Maximum50 ago

You admitted you were wrong, you are already better than 90% of liberals in my book.

Inaminit ago

So much for your 'solution', eh wot?

Plant_Boy ago

I got banned from Ride or Die as well.

As for my posts... well someone has a small man complex.

andrew_jackson ago

Getting banned by me will be your claim to fame, Kid.

Plant_Boy ago


totes_magotes ago

Proving once again that you are an idiot every day of the week. Do you at least get paid time off?

totes_magotes ago

Are you a retard? I'm really curious as I've noticed that's all you do is make retarded comments

Native ago

The sub literally says they can remove posts for ANY REASON, that's censorship

Native ago

@diesel4420 explain yourself you small dicked cunt

Inaminit ago

There is no explanation for faggotry.

Tazzermalt ago

u should go back to jerusalem

totes_magotes ago

Proving once again that you're an idiot every fuckin' day of the week and never take days off.

Tazzermalt ago

go back to jersusalem

Maximum50 ago

He's an old white boomer that has his own sub and believes he too should be able to ban whatever the hell he wants, so he feels compelled to defend @diesel4420.

Humansized ago

And none were broken faggot.

Maximum50 ago

A boomer answer, what a surprise. I bet you think it's ok for tech companies to engage in censorship because they are private businesses and if I don't like it I should open my own Google?

Well, I am not afraid to talk about racism so I will answer my own question: Something is racist if someone else perceives it as racist. Something is hate speech if someone else thinks it's hateful. In other words, anything and everything can and often is racist.

It's just a way of saying you can censor whatever the hell you want because there is no definable way of labeling something as racist.

Humansized ago

Do you know what racism is or is it just your buzzword for when you dont have an argument?

JamesEarlRayJr ago

SBBH is the synagogue of voat.

I_Always_Lie ago

"anus of voat"


barraccuda ago

Best name for a sub, Fuck it im making it

MadWorld ago

[–] JamesEarlRayJr 7 points (+10|-3) 1.7 hours ago

SBBH is the synagogue of voat.

Another (((sockpuppet))) account. Happy Hanukkah!

andrew_jackson ago

Yup, LOL faggot is member for four day. Don't worry I banned him.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Hey goy you know voat is a free speech zone right? so therefore let us use the same subvertive tactics we use all across the internet and dont deplatform (((us))) like we do to you everywhere else on the internet. You wouldnt want to be a hypocrite bad goy.

TeddyJackson ago

It is where the shills hangout to give each up votes for spamming so they can turn around and pretend to be active users while using those spam points to silence new people they don't like. It was briefly banned but was reinstated quickly.

Rotteuxx ago

We'll need sources on those claims

TeddyJackson ago

180 submissions to RidersoftheReich

Too obvious of a gov shill.

Rotteuxx ago

Sure faggot, keep on doing that thorough work.

i_scream_trucks ago

Can confirm. Am shitposter.

Tazzermalt ago

the paranoia about sbbh existing as a subversive group might be true

heygeorge ago

The paranoia bit is 100% true.

andrew_jackson ago

We are taking over, Motherfucker.

i_scream_trucks ago


Maximum50 ago

Ok boomer, lets dance. What is racism? How do you define it? What makes something racist, and something else not? While we are at it, what is hate speech? Can you define that in a clear and concise way?

BoraxTheFungarian ago

According to the left, only liberals and colored people have automatic expertise in the field of racism. And they will straight up tell you this without trying to be ironic.

Maximum50 ago

I did.