lets_get_hyyerr ago

A bitch

lets_get_hyyerr ago

First of all, if you think putt will be sympathetic to you at all after all the stuff the community has uncovered about you, you're LITERALLY insane.

Also, you keep saying "you dont know who you're fucking with". Yea I do. A little bitch

Chiefpacman ago

Well have at the dbag.

You know me, the devil's advocate. @diesel4420 wanna retort any of this? Seems like you might deserve the community's wrath. Alt armies are to be frowned on..

TheWayIWalk ago

reddit is better and getting rid of fph was a good thing. you fuckers are just going to post "nigger" over and over until putitout runs out of cash then what. Poal? puh-fucking-lesx.

TheWayIWalk ago

you fuckers are morons for doing this to diesel we will rise again your downvotes cannot stand

Chiefpacman ago

Seems to be some disagreement in the comments.

You're probably right, I just don't like this post. "Haha we censored this guy good" Is all it reads like.

Baby_Momma_Drama ago

I never knew you could lose CCP... That's hilarious!

totes_magotes ago

My Christmas gift to you is to let you have a freebie. Enjoy

MrPim ago

It is the community speaking. The community as a whole disapprove of an individuals actions or words. They are expressing that. It isn't censorship.

This isn't a new topic or happening. This has happened before and we've discussed it before.

He had his say. He'll still get ten posts a day. The rest of Voat has a right to express their dissatisfaction w his actions.

noobftw ago


No it isn't you fucking retards. Voat is just a nazi circle jerk, probably inhabited by 75% russian trolls

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh wait, you just signed in from 8 moths ago to write this.

You're either yet another alt from @diesel4420 or some reddit sjw who saw this and signed. gas yourself

noobftw ago

The scary thing about all of you is how smart you think you are.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

what about that racist comment you wrote a couple months ago?

You sound like a nigger faggot who is creatively barren

The funny think about you is how smart you think you are

noobftw ago

The funny think about you is how smart you are

There's that. And I know how to spell 'thing'.

You stupid niggerfaggot. How's the weather at the troll farm today?`

lets_get_hyyerr ago

ahh, looks like the reddit incel is beginning to come out of their mothers basement. please, start something on Voat so the community here can do to you what they did to @diesel4420 lmfao

noobftw ago

please, start something on Voat

Already have. It was fun. But playing with you retards is only fun for so long. I moved on, while you retards remained retarded.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I moved on

Yet here you are

noobftw ago

And here I go again ... leaving you to remain here. Have fun retard.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh, you're back. I thought you moved on?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

go the fuck back to Reddit. why are you even wasting your time here you incel?


proceeds to comment from their Voat account

lets_get_hyyerr ago

that's not even whats happening here. get a good grasp of whats going on before you say that

TheTrigger ago

Well, who censors the censors.

Allan_Caplan ago

you realized you fucked yourself right?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@diesel4420 should be gassed to death and buried until the spring to be dug up later and burned.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Oh no! Look out, it's diesel and his keyboard army! What are we going to do?!

McHenry ago

im going to remember you

XSS1337 ago

You’re welcome.

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blumen4alles ago

Weaponized autism is currently combing through all accounts created on 2/19/2018 and cross-referencing writing styles. Good luck autists!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

wait really? how did that date become the date to sift through?

blumen4alles ago

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Wow, great catch! Can I include that in my post to /v/ProtectVoat?

blumen4alles ago

Make it so!

fluhthreeex ago

Linking back from https://voat.co/v/whatever/2929178/15713035 ...in reply:

Yes. Are you saying that is the same as a ban?

'Limited participation' and the idea of this site being a 'bastion of free speech' seem incompatible

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I upvoted for the last sentence. That does seem to be true, but I see the case that our current system is a good thing. I remember a while back when one account (forget the name) had the same thing happen where his ccp went to negative 200 overnight. Well the next day, he made dozens of alts and kept spamming every thread with some crybaby bullshit. He was basically saying what you are saying now, just being such a sore ass little bitch. Well because of the current system in place, each of his ults got the same treatment and he wasn't able to spam anymore.

I think that is an important function because tards gonna tard and there's not enough mods to stop them from stinking up the site. Yes, a mood could have EVENTUALLY gotten to this nuisance and solved the problem. But then he would just make an alt and be back at it. What we have is real time correction, and it becomes way more painstaking for someone to keep at their shenanigans than it does to downvoat and move on.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

What we have is real time correction

And that's the one thing that separates Voat from the rest of the similar sites, like Reddit. The community can, in real time, take actions into their own hands when the presence of a moderator/admin is not present.

fluhthreeex ago

replying in-line because the conversations are relevant:

@kevdude - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2929178/15714381

I prefer mob-rule to mod rule

In the digital realm it's a bit different. A lot of that goes back to the problem of computers (hardware, software, back-dooring), bots, large "defense" budgets, and agencies with current mission statements to control the wrong-think on the internet. Doing this all while maintaining the public appearance of desiring free speech and a free society.

I see bots and spammers as a large problem here, a large hindrance to mob rule online, a large amount of funds available to the site owner, and the problem getting nothing but worse.

Does anyone know who Putt is IRL? Is he online somewhere on video saying hello and talking about Voat? I may be overly skeptical but I doubt this is our guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOslVCwghf4 ... I'm familiar with some of the threads that have been posted with pictures random people with the same name, but has Putt ever said "Hi, I'm so-and-so..", streamed a video with community chat, or anything like that?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you just wont give up @diesel4420, will you. just keep digging your ditch deeper so the voat community has more ammo against you

White_pride_cis ago

This guy reminds me of the faggot @oh_well_ian

srayzie ago

I love this guy @Shizy. We have a lot in common πŸ˜‚

Shizy ago

Our forces should unite πŸ˜†

srayzie ago

I know! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»

lets_get_hyyerr ago

blumen4alles ago

Please list all of your alt accounts so we can watch them burn.

blumen4alles ago

I have come here to chew bubblegum and mine salt from @diesel4420, @SuperDouche, and @Dial_Indicator. Hope to see more goats from this list: https://voat.co/v/theunexplained/about/log/banned

Here you go - I spit my bubblegum out for you to chew on while I watch you burn away points. Choke on it you reddit-kike-faggot!

gramman74 ago

I'm on the list, and I don't even post in that sub

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Within 1 hour, we discovered 2 of his alts lol nice. also get more bubblegum!

blumen4alles ago

I suspect @Korky is one too.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

as do I. looks like they forgot to log out and commented as if they were the other account to finish the conversation they were in, with the other account

fluhthreeex ago

We abstract from specific examples of 'shit gone wrong' to try and learn how to improve things.

The issue I referred to is something I encountered within a month or so, the potential down-voting people to kill their free speech here thing has always irked me, and it's not a red herring because it's exactly what happened to this person.

The problem was the person was a troll of a mod. That problem is not solved. He's still a mod. How did he become the mod? How can he be removed? Those are more important questions to focus on that would lead to a solution.

Korky ago

you clearly underestimate myself

SearchVoatBot ago

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lets_get_hyyerr ago

and ANOTHER alt account! holy shit. 3 new alt accounts discovered in 1 thread.

wow. pretty incredible how little of a life you must live

Korky ago

i could attak you if you want....if you think i only have 3 lol you are mistaken

89234jkas9023 ago

i know its you

Rotteuxx ago

MYG is Voats biggest drunken faggot.

lets_get_hyyerr ago


LivingRedInBlue ago

Did you forget to change your sockpuppet, @superdouche @diesel4420?

WhiteSouthAfrican ago

Yep, Even I spotted that. The self confessed JIDF agent dial_indicator is also the other 2.

LivingRedInBlue ago

you kinda just said who you are

I didn't. Did you, kevdude?

fluhthreeex ago

And even in your example the user can still make comments which can still be read in context.

IIRC the number of comments a low SCP/CCP user can make is throttled, is it not?

fluhthreeex ago

No, but neither is calling this a free speech site when new users have their shit muted because they don't "fit in" with the "niggerfaggot herp derp"

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Objective reality check: Kikes rule the world and niggers destroy white civilizations.

Considering this state of objective reality wouldn't you consider it important to ensure that as many people as possible at least have the basics down for the sake of constructive argumentation and discussion? Separation of wheat and chaff?

The key with this objective reality is that your opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. Don't believe anyone here? that's perfectly fine with us but do yourself a favor and wake the fuck up. We can hold your hand if you ask nicely but you should take that walk alone and come out the other side with the same knowledge and tools.

Memes deliver the seed. The language is both a canary and token. Perhaps if you pull your low IQ syrian sand nigger head outside of that aids ridden cavern you call an anus you'd see that.


fluhthreeex ago

Saved your link, thanks. Not sure how it's relevant to this discussion though.

fluhthreeex ago

Fair to provide a backstory.

We're still not really doing anything to address the issue of personal vendetta's, putting people's accounts on blast, and getting down-vote brigades going to the point where people aren't even allowed to use the site.

It's an example taken to the extreme of someone who may come to the site with unpopular opinions, participate, and be effectively muted for "wrong-think".

SuperDouche ago

naw... im the greatest warrior voat had, that is why im not banned

heygeorge ago


Acerphoon ago

You know, diesel could have just taken a step back, let it blow over and don't moderate as harshly and everything would have been fine.

But no. He had to be a retard about it.

fluhthreeex ago


Voat is the last Free Speech site on the Internet! Fuck that punk for making their own subverse and.. what the fuck is a "-verse" anyway? Their own little world? Their own little reality? Their own little place on this site where they can do whatever the fuck they want?

I give zero shits about you two love birds and your faggot-y drama. Why the fuck are you in that sub anyway? Want to check out another "Top 10 UFO Sightings" video? What are you, 10? Fornicate with each other and get it over with already. This PDA would be unlawful in Putin's Russia.

carlip ago

Are that fucking retarded? Its a subverse because this site used to be called whoaverse.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, but the correct term for idiot @diesel4420 is kikedick. Remember, Kikedick Diesel4420.

Courtesy of @native.

Native ago

Ha you made my morning!

@diesel4420 is a kikedick and will be spending Christmas alone

White_pride_cis ago

That faggot doesn’t celebrate Christmas. I think you meant to say he spent Hanukkah alone.

Native ago

He hates Christmas hence Merry Christmas @diesel4420 you kikedick midget

SuperDouche ago

no im fucking sick of brigades, i had to design a system to stop my self from you fucks. I will use to help others @puttitout


SuperDouche ago

you wish malicious into me, therefore you are the cancer

Joe_McCarthy ago

Times like these remind me that we need to keep downvoting and that we have no censorship on Voat because we have free speech.

TheWayIWalk ago

it's coming. your speech will be controlled bitch

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Check out @diesel4420's alt account @SuperDouche - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2929178/15711971

Diesel is so unhinged, he can't hide his alt account anymore

Chiefpacman ago

He probably is but you're celebrating having effectively censored someone. That's pretty black and white.

Maybe next account he'll agree with us more..

AbsolutelyNobody ago

Oy vey! Voat systematically censors newfags with its algorithms, and highly unpopular accounts are censored by the Voat rabble downgoating!

Wait, why is spam censored?! Shouldn't spammers have their free speech?!? And shouldn't Voat censor negative opinions since that may mentally censor the future free speech of the victims? Down the hole we go.

Look, anything can be considered censorship. In bizarro world, complimenting someone's idea could be considered it since it is rewarding the opposite of something else.

Chiefpacman ago

Pretty uppity for new blood..

Speech you disagree with is spam? Convenient.

AbsolutelyNobody ago

I am not fond of nigger shit, but this is too appropriate:
Come back

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you're celebrating having effectively censored someone.

No one is being censored here. They are still free to comment and post. Nothing is censoring them in that aspect. What I am doing is exposing them for additional fuckery of which the Voat community has continually been documenting. No one is censored, not even the person in question

Chiefpacman ago

He has -30 ccp. Doesn't that mean that he can't comment but a few times a day?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

He has -30 ccp from mass commenting in threads and other goats reading and subsequently downvoting those mass comments.

Chiefpacman ago

So hes 20 away from limiting him to 5 comments. And already hindered in who he can upvote/downvote.

For spam? Or being "wrong"?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Voting systems dont match with a free thinking forum true. Effectively if @diesel4420 would stop sucking so much baby dick he wouldn't be in this situation.

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

Oh yes, if he didn't have a different opinion, then he wouldn't have been harassed. You guys are literally worse than Antifa niggers and leftist nutjobs. At least they are willing to admit they don't believe in free speech.

totes_magotes ago

100% what happens when cancer fucks like @diesel4420 pull reddit tier shit, don't listen to warnings (I and others have warned you in the past). I even made a post telling you to shut your dicksucker, back off the moderation, and just let things blow over . But no, you had yo show us how retarded you are . Almost like She 2.0.

You dumb motherfucker. You deserve every bit of what's happening to you.

Gopherurself ago


lets_get_hyyerr ago

Now they are using their alt account, @SuperDouche, to upvote their own stuff and downvote/attack others including me. @diesel4420/@SuperDouche need to be eradicated from this website as well as his alt accounts

SuperDouche ago

lol look at you

croyt ago

shut the fuck up nigger

lets_get_hyyerr ago

indeed, look at me for ousting you as a faggot on voat and the entire community has already spoken that they hate you diesel. no need to hide behind an alt like a coward. a loser coward

SuperDouche ago

you are dead to me

lets_get_hyyerr ago

are you done yet?

SuperDouche ago

maybe i should kill you to prove a point....hmmmmm

SearchVoatBot ago

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lets_get_hyyerr ago

BTW I just filed a police report against this comment to my local police department for death threats.

Just a heads up. I have a screenshot of this comment incase you delete it

capnflummox ago

Go back to reddit, kike.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You cant "go back" after not being there for 3 and a half years.

capnflummox ago

Um, yes you can. Who makes up the 3 year criteria? You? Or did your kike overlords tell you?

You're an actual faggot and kike for calling the police.

Now, my original statement stands on firm, White legs: go back to fucking reddit, kike.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

ur cute.

capnflummox ago

Your stupid.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

and cute

capnflummox ago

Not sure, I'm not a faggot like you.

Door is to your left, faggot.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

the door is to the right of me tho

capnflummox ago


SuperDouche ago

it would take me 30 minutes to kill your account

LivingRedInBlue ago

Then do it, you pathetic little prick

SuperDouche ago

im tolerante and not a nigger

but i cant pick you fucks outs @kevdude

White_pride_cis ago

What? Can someone translate this, please?

LivingRedInBlue ago

Didn't say anything about tolerance or being a "nigger." Also not an alt, I just think you're an asshole @diesel4420

SuperDouche ago

I just think you're an asshole

look at yourself, if you think I cant superdouche up again... well you are fucking retarded

LivingRedInBlue ago

Gotta get yourself some tendies and Mtn Dew to keep your stamina up!

SearchVoatBot ago

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SuperDouche ago

because their CCP is nunked from goats

brigades are malicious i will not allow it to happen @diesel4420

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lets_get_hyyerr ago

okay @diesel4420. nice giving away your alt account

I will be making a post about this account as well to oust it as your alt you faggot

SuperDouche ago

i will make a personal misson to destoy this account IM FUCKING TIRED OF FUCKS LIKE YOU

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lets_get_hyyerr ago

Okay @diesel4420. Kill yourself

WhiteSouthAfrican ago

Superdouche talks exactly like dial_indicator.

SuperDouche ago

you have zero idea you dealing with you fucking faggot, and that is by design

Hand_of_Node ago

and that is by design

Are you suggesting this website has been intentionally coded to allow the use of a nom de plume that doesn't reveal the account operators real life identity?

SuperDouche ago

protect voat regulargly has 10 people in it... but manages to have -60 downvotes in liss 12 hours... are you this fucking retarded

Hand_of_Node ago

How did we go from the design of this site to the number of people in protect voat and "the number of downvotes"? I assume you're talking about a disparity between people who comment, and lurkers who may or may not vote on content and comments. Anyway, it looks like this is v/whatever, not one of the protect voat subs.

I have to agree that implying your @SuperDouche account is an alt of the nefarious @diesel4420 might be a questionable decision.

SuperDouche ago

im the iron fist, im no alt of diesel4420 @puttitout

SuperDouche ago

I protect assholes from assholes like you who this they can censor people... its a fairly simple concept

lets_get_hyyerr ago

bitch lmfao you think I give a SINGLE fuck about you? You think a give .1 fuck that "I don't know who I am dealing with"?

I know who I am dealing with. I'm dealing with you, a total faggot, who is @diesel4420 using his alt account.

You're a incel.

SuperDouche ago

i could fix that

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