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Dismember ago

Lmao, he has been dribbling down his front.

dtaraasdfasdf ago

the giant stickey doesnt promote it all... im a innocent angel

dtaraasdfasdf ago

yeah the pv goon squad

dtaraasdfasdf ago

member when you asked pm asking "for services" to brigade a subverse.... I do...... now look -27 @puttout vote manipulation member how you banned me for it?

WhiteRonin ago

Nope not as you would expect or have been told. Dial does cause her stress but he’s aware of his actions.

Have your war with Dial. I’m not privy to what you 2 did or if you tried DP with him.

Funny how you chase him down after he PMs you but you didn’t do the same when a goat commuted suicide. you should remember that. But you brush off that user as being chummy and not target him for stalking and chasing off Kat.

Hmmmm why is that?

You Have only waged a personal war that you air differently in public which could explain this. This is why I even bothered commenting against your comments. I needed to see what your thing was.

Ps: I’m glad that you are really worried about Kat. I’ll send her your regards.

OutRunning ago

its funny.... @puttiout

you see they history

this is

OutRunning ago

You have pissed a lot of people off?

you admit again to ccp manipulation @puttiout

OutRunning ago

your retarded.... i dont even know what you talking about....

just keep making up lies about people you dont like @puttitout

OutRunning ago

I have told you, when I am bored I play "kick the retard and watch him dance". You never disappoint.

you you admit have "our say" is the new motto @puttitout

OutRunning ago

your supose to protect vote right? explain why i lost 200 ccp the past few days @puttitout

OutRunning ago

It isn't "brigading" when I downvote every comment you make to me

i thought you blocked me... again you lie

OutRunning ago

you want that ass shot shot still @puttitout

OutRunning ago

fuck your face you provided zero proof agaisgt me @puttitout

OutRunning ago

one "brigades". I don't go out of my way.

Thanks for confirming this was all a lie and bait. Just like I said. @puttitout

OutRunning ago

did you know im baiting you to down me? @puttitout

OutRunning ago

you have zero idea what im capalble of

OutRunning ago

your a fucking idots muh down voats nigger logic

OutRunning ago

i actually wanted you you brigade this account... so @puttiout would see

yeah im smartt that way, fucking faggot

OutRunning ago

if you think brigadeing my account does shit it doesnt... @puttitout

i have many others

OutRunning ago

he feeling i

isnt that a incel and cuck feeling?

OutRunning ago

Don't worry, the feeling is mutual from many on the site.


OutRunning ago

grind those hand hands harder

OutRunning ago

Your alts:

eeeeeee no keep trying faggot

OutRunning ago

hey have yourd about facebook?

OutRunning ago

memes are for retared middle aged people....

OutRunning ago

(with more alts):

only dial is me

i mean how many more lies do you to produce??

OutRunning ago

Your main (@Dial_Indicator) here (with more alts):

if you think dial is my main i bridge out back

OutRunning ago

intial, pants, and another were mine... the rest is i dont fucking know.... you kinda retarded

i did meet up with someone who as strong.... you are fucking lieing against me

OutRunning ago

you didnt prove nothing

OutRunning ago

@heygeorge its started

heygeorge ago


OutRunning ago

it just get old

OutRunning ago

i just had a convo with her, you fucking liar

OutRunning ago

examples of you autistically pinging her.

shit posts... thats your proof... lmao dude get checked out

i had a conversation with her today....... more kevdud lies

dude are mentally stable? just curious

its funny i talked with her today

OutRunning ago

Pretty sure he was just trying to bait me into that so he could spin it and accuse me of doing what he does.

which is?

OutRunning ago

im kinda done with argument because you are just baiting me to post comments here to downvoat @puttitout

again, im not going to out her... get that thru your fucking retarded skull. I'm not lying unlike you

OutRunning ago

proof, from her

OutRunning ago

why do you want people off the site.... besides technically i did fulfill, dial is off the site... once again you lose

OutRunning ago

member when you took that cock in the ass....

and still btw 2 of those names are me.

OutRunning ago

proof, i'll use your nigger logic

OutRunning ago

just so you know she msgs me again liar

WhiteRonin ago

Is there still an active link?

OutRunning ago

I posted it as a shit post.... i offered for 50$ i'd give him a ass shot

OutRunning ago

its was just a shitpost and using kevdud using it against me.... i just had a convo with kat... now she will finally understand what i been telling her about him

OutRunning ago

You drove Katt off and now that she's gon

lies... fucking lies lies lies lies

lies lies lies lies

WhiteRonin ago

Not cool posting private pics. This is a dox.

OutRunning ago

i didnt beg her just making up more lies as you go... Did you know she offered me a to stay at her place instead? I think its creepy that you keep pics of me on your computer, let me know if you want one of my ass... mmmm 50 bucks and it yours.

fuck, that was a cold day i think it was like -30F actual temp. I was layered up

you know goat404 is planning on flying over to stay this summer possibly? I offered might a room too... my nephew lives in texas not to far from might and was going to visit him if I go down there ... Beat says his door is open for me anytime. You know what kevdud, this is what real friends do in life. I'm sorry you are missing out on this, but its okay you have you lies and sticky notes and the pv goon squad.

It would be nice to hear your argument still on how this account is considered a alt of Dial, when Dial is banned. (and puttitout welcomed me back) Did you hit your head recently?

and also why would people would need to be careful of me? Can you say something I did, that anyone needs to be carefull of myself? naw you cant, see you just dont like me and this is begging to be what I would say borderline harassment from you.

Youre only doing it because you simply don't like me for calling you out that you organize brigades against verses and users. Proof.... you quoted yourself up above. plus me

your shit does stink kevdud

OutRunning ago

more lies @puttitout

i speak nothing but truth

WhiteRonin ago

If you know he wants attention, then why bait him with a load of attention?

OutRunning ago

many dont know that kat and I are great bros, we are very alike in personality.... there would be times reading one of her comments It sounded just like me. spooky!

@kevdude just want content for this verse, im his newest boogeyman. He basically fell for every one of my trolling tactics.

Kat was apparently getting stalked, things got weird, she deleted.

I didnt know this was happening... I wish I did. She might thought i apart of it... but no, I would never do that to her.....

anyways that link explains a lot

OutRunning ago

Got a PM from Dial's latest alt: @OutRunning

you know @puttiout invited/welcomed me back right? how could this be an alt when dial is banned?

MORE kevdud lies

OutRunning ago

but I have no respect at all for this piece of garbage

slanderous and spiteful seee... this is kevdud @puttitout

ngratiate himself back into a community that is fed up with him

lies more kevdud lies, putt needs to see this

OutRunning ago

Pretty sure he was just trying to bait me into that so he could spin it and accuse me of doing what he does.

only a manipulator thinks this way

OutRunning ago


where your proof, and no... I aint outting her alts, beat can vouch for me fagget face.... in fact dont even waste his time I dont need to justify myself to you.

Probably because you don't have it. You lie and make shit up all the time.

I not lying, im not you. you are fucking kidding me, she being harassed and you want me publicly display her shit. Go fuck yourself

Most regular users are sick of you.

because of your lies, actually most regular users I'm in contact with, they just dont know its me. because I cannot have a "main" because of you and the goon squad.

I think you severely underestimate my participation on voat.

WhiteRonin ago

Nope, I have posted the list of who harassed Kat. This is probably the same one that Dial knows. A bunch of other people can verify the list.

I just don’t remember the anon number one.

Ever stop and consider that maybe just for one time that Dial (@outrunning) is doing something not for him?

OutRunning ago

you see the magical -3 is back

OutRunning ago

he knows he is wrong... this has happened before

OutRunning ago

where is it? i'll vouch

you really shouldn't of done that, now they will be on guard. Then kevdud goes and advertises it everywhere. wtg

I seriously was going to fuck with them in ways the average goat would never understand. I'm not talking about lame ass downvoats.

Reminder I've been sent to crush verses before, soap was my target but decided not because i ended up liking you guys

OutRunning ago

Here is my reply (normally I make it a point to keep PMs confidential,

Its okay I gave you my permission to share, didnt think you'd make a post about.... whatever.

if you really wanna know why she left, she wont mind me saying as it was in a PM. She is just got burnt out on the site, and is taking a "forced" break.

And she gave me list and 2 in particular that really got under her skin,

I didnt know she was getting fucked with, I wish I did. I would have tried to help. I could tell she was getting stressed out and sometimes would take it out on me. maybe it was a couple months ago since I really last talked with her, I pretty much told her I wasn't going to contact her no more. voat or other means.

It makes more sense to me now that I know she was getting harassed. Not that I needed to know, but it would of helped. She knows I still consider her a very good friend. Really the only thing that annoyed her about me was my drinking... and reason for it justifiable but I ain't going to get into it.

did you know I offered a plane ticket to her to come visit? I was going to take her up to the north shore (offer still open, let me get grounded first)

I seen Kat nothing more a VERY dear friend. Goat404 (I talk with him offsite) is poking me to go after her, but it isnt going to work... Kat helped me out in a very difficult time, shes my bro and I will never forget it.

Am sure she is going to read this, and the other post as well. It will show what Ive been telling her about you. That you are a lieing, spiteful, manipulating mutherfucker who justice is due.

I dont tell Kat to do anything, if to pm you fine. But she can vouch for ever fucking word I said here.

90% of dial was me just fucking around to see how voat reacted. My alts were nothing more than to combat the daily -3 downvoat brigades that would start to happen at around 3 am you could set your watch to it. I never did anything malicious I would just make lies up and showboat, none of it was true. And going thru peoples comment history is harassment and I stopped that.

Is that why you so salty toward poor kevdud brigades did not work anymore, whhhhaaaaaaaa putt bann him

This why I always told her to never EVER take what I write with Dial on voat seriously, she has other ways of contacting me.

It was very obvious IMO while on Dial when I was being genuinely me. ffs I'm pretty much in friends with every woman goater here, they just dont its me. Because I cant have a main account because of fucks like you that lie about me and brigade.

IDK this getting long winded

btw, Kat is laughing at all the drama you guys are creating, keep it up she needs to laugh more. (stay strong bro, I'll send you a few accounts to pm if you want to get ahold of me, this one is going to die to brigades... miss ya bro)

@heygeorge @zyklon_b @whiteronin @TheBuddha @empress @needlestack

OutRunning ago

miore lies about me from kevdud all

>>emember how I asked you to help combat vote brigading

how was I wrong?

>a vote-manipulating piece of shit like yourself?

this is exactly what you wanted me to do. You see I dont lie, you do. Kat reason for leaving has nothing to do with me... yet you create more drama and more lies against me.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you should've played along til he gave the list of names, now I'm just curious who made the list

892938423423 ago

Theamerican (aka Ghostskin, FecalMadder, NiggerVirus,


I don't trust theamerican

dah yo pooooof @kevdude

WhiteRonin ago

Dial didn’t stalk Kat.

AndrewJackson, TheAmerican and some anon number dude are your list choices.

OutRunning ago

you seen what they done to me already @puttitout

OutRunning ago

there is one more

SandHog ago

aka 99887766 aka Ghostskin aka Gishknots aka NiggerVirus plus who knows how many other alts. It's all the same guy. What a giant fucking faggot. I thought it was Dial that did it but it looks like I was wrong. Sorry about that Dial. I'm no fan of yours since you've accused me of being a sbbh 'shit alt' (I'm not) and your general sperging can be annoying as fuck. Still, I will admit when I am wrong and it's looking to me like that has been the case in this particular instance.


WhiteRonin ago

I just wanted to set the straight with some facts.

Looks like you got the other asshole. Nice!

Looks like you sorted it with Dial.

SandHog ago

Appreciate you posting about that. I'm also pretty sure that there is no other guy. It's all just alts of the same guy. I did read an exchange between him and Kat a while back about them meeting up after he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail this summer so it does make sense. I don't have any problems with Dial although I am aware that others do and I'm sure that they have their reasons. It just pisses me off to see people fucking with someone like her because she's a good person and I liked her even though we didn't really interact all that much.

WhiteRonin ago

its 1-3 people. It was multiple things. In the grand scheme of things Dial wasn’t a real factor.

AndrewJackson has an alt called i_would_gas_you and it was back then it all started. He is tied to another goat which ended in a bad way.

Things still need to be proven but I have feeling that Dial is trying to change.

SandHog ago

Ah, gotcha. I did not know that. The fucking weirdos should just neck themselves.

WhiteRonin ago


OutRunning ago

I never fucked with kat.... in fact she seems alot less stressed out... yeah im in contact with her

kevdud lies

OutRunning ago

im fine... the truth hurts kevdud

OutRunning ago

ive already warn niggervirus but then kevdud broacasts it everywhere like shithead he is, spiteful cunt can even do it for kat... I even dropped our continuous feud for a cause.

So i dont know what to do now.... I have to wait for the memory hole now.... you notice he isnt posting today. thanks kevdud! I'll catfish him out, its what im good at.

I want blood, no one fucks with my bros

Still, I will admit when I am wrong and it's looking to me like that has been the case in this particular instance.

sorry again, you just have to understand what dial was... i didnt mean any of it

SandHog ago

Voat needs more people like Kat not less. So fuck that guy. As for @kevdude that's between you two. I don't know the history nor do I have anything to do with it. I got no problems with him. I dislike forum manipulation just as much as he does.

sorry again, you just have to understand what dial was... i didnt mean any of it

This was like a week ago or so on one of your gibberish account names when you were spamming that shit everywhere. It's fine. It was annoying more than anything else.

OutRunning ago

believe it or not @kevdude and i use to get along

his was like a week ago or so on one of your gibberish account names

wasnt me, sorry

OutRunning ago

Sorry about that Dial

apologies accepted

I'm no fan of yours since you've accused me of being a sbbh 'shit alt'

lol, take a rib buddy... a majority of dial was just fucking around. but it take take a warrior to admit hes wrong.... much respect

OutRunning ago

thanks whiteronin, @kevdude he seriously just makes up shit about me to get people to downvoat my accounts.... You asked why I have so many alts. This is why @puttitout he abuses the ccp system to his advantage, and when I found a way to counter it. He whines to putt and gets me banned.

Now that the PV goon squad know this account Putt, watch it get whittled away to nothing. for nothing. They already started going thru my comment history

Hey Kevdud, ask yourself why would Kat be PM'ing if I was the cause for her leaving and was such a major annoyance to her???. And no, I'm not giving her alts name out. Because I actually have some integrity, and a soul unlike you.

kneo24 ago

Reading that is a pretty good case of why you don't give out your personal information to strangers online unless you're prepared for the consequences.

SeanBox ago

Fucking sanegoat

dtaraasdfasdf ago

are you mentally retarded i need to know

SeanBox ago

Weren’t you benned for extreme feggitry?

askjdfhasdfk53479345 ago

Weren’t you benned for extreme feggitry?

goon squad member #151 right here

tell me, are you mentally retarded? downs maybe? it would answer so many questions that i have

SeanBox ago

Goon squad? Lol. 1 man army. I’m the iron fist

askjdfhasdfk53479345 ago

you are retarded... never msg me again

SeanBox ago

Go blow your dad, feggit

askjdfhasdfk53479345 ago

ffs you are retarded aint you..... go eat your crispy cremes and leave me the fuck alone

SeanBox ago

I’ll pass on the snax, fatboy.

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

you type like a pedohile


really? go back to catfishing young girls and sharing pictures you fag

SeanBox ago

you type like a fatboy. you're getting donut glaze all over your keyboard.

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

i got mah snax booooooy yeah! a/s/l

fucking pedo

SeanBox ago

how many alts you running today, feggit. I count 3 so far.

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

iron fist.... blah you pedo creep you aint shit you fucking homo

this exception I will punch a fucking goddamn retard

take your roller skating slimy keyboard... pedo underage girl hunting the fuck away from me.

I feel dirty just replying to you.... fucking pedohile

SeanBox ago

you're the one that likes getting iron buttfisted for some reason. I always doubted your hetero street credentials tho.

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

you're the one that likes getting iron buttfisted for some reason

hold up im channeling @kevdude duh whar yo poooof

hahahaha your a fucking pedo, i fucking knew it you creep... now i get you, it makes all fucking sense now to me. I would bet that you are the account aged @heygeorge haboring pedohiles for shame

just from the way you type/speak

you can almost hear the shortness of breath as you type. fucking kid toucher

SeanBox ago Project much? You know that everyone knows about you, right? We see through it all. Your mission has failed. I can’t believe they are still paying you to be here.

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

awww so sweet of you to keep pictures of my shit posts, sorry im not a little girl. I could pretend to be one for you for 50 dollars

hi , how are you ... im like i dunno in a weird mood today. my parents wont stop yelling at me. I just need like someone to talk to. I m at home all alone .... i wish someone was here.

thats just faggot, 50 for the rest you fucking pedo

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

i always knew you a pedo... fucking creep


kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

are you like a teenager? feggit? really... go catfish some underage girls you creep

SeanBox ago

are you like a fat fuck who gets butthurt at anything anyone ever says on the internet? Go eat some donuts

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

heh... rather be a fat fuck than a pedohile.... cant argue that unless you are one

SeanBox ago

I bang fully grown adult women that are so gorgeous you could never even dream of speaking to them. I'm no pedo, FeggitDonutGobbler

kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 ago

spoken like a true pedo

I fuck a really hot girl....fuck you internet cant touch me!

OutRunning ago

i fucking hate you