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OutRunning ago

Here is my reply (normally I make it a point to keep PMs confidential,

Its okay I gave you my permission to share, didnt think you'd make a post about.... whatever.

if you really wanna know why she left, she wont mind me saying as it was in a PM. She is just got burnt out on the site, and is taking a "forced" break.

And she gave me list and 2 in particular that really got under her skin,

I didnt know she was getting fucked with, I wish I did. I would have tried to help. I could tell she was getting stressed out and sometimes would take it out on me. maybe it was a couple months ago since I really last talked with her, I pretty much told her I wasn't going to contact her no more. voat or other means.

It makes more sense to me now that I know she was getting harassed. Not that I needed to know, but it would of helped. She knows I still consider her a very good friend. Really the only thing that annoyed her about me was my drinking... and reason for it justifiable but I ain't going to get into it.

did you know I offered a plane ticket to her to come visit? I was going to take her up to the north shore (offer still open, let me get grounded first)

I seen Kat nothing more a VERY dear friend. Goat404 (I talk with him offsite) is poking me to go after her, but it isnt going to work... Kat helped me out in a very difficult time, shes my bro and I will never forget it.

Am sure she is going to read this, and the other post as well. It will show what Ive been telling her about you. That you are a lieing, spiteful, manipulating mutherfucker who justice is due.

I dont tell Kat to do anything, if to pm you fine. But she can vouch for ever fucking word I said here.

90% of dial was me just fucking around to see how voat reacted. My alts were nothing more than to combat the daily -3 downvoat brigades that would start to happen at around 3 am you could set your watch to it. I never did anything malicious I would just make lies up and showboat, none of it was true. And going thru peoples comment history is harassment and I stopped that.

Is that why you so salty toward poor kevdud brigades did not work anymore, whhhhaaaaaaaa putt bann him

This why I always told her to never EVER take what I write with Dial on voat seriously, she has other ways of contacting me.

It was very obvious IMO while on Dial when I was being genuinely me. ffs I'm pretty much in friends with every woman goater here, they just dont its me. Because I cant have a main account because of fucks like you that lie about me and brigade.

IDK this getting long winded

btw, Kat is laughing at all the drama you guys are creating, keep it up she needs to laugh more. (stay strong bro, I'll send you a few accounts to pm if you want to get ahold of me, this one is going to die to brigades... miss ya bro)

@heygeorge @zyklon_b @whiteronin @TheBuddha @empress @needlestack