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P33psh04h ago

Doxxed somebody and was being an asshole to one of the only non-Jewish members here.

Crensch ago

one of the only non-Jewish members here.

Nah. Dude is so Jewish in his actions you can smell the 6million on him.

Gothamgirl ago

@crensch I have told you he has Nazi tats, and he has posted himself wearing Nazi shirt on here years ago. He hates the Jews. This is exactly why no one respects or likes you anymore. Your not very good at investigating.

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Crensch ago

So what you are telling me is he is a glow-in-the-dark nigger Neo-Nazi cucked faggot that acts so much like a Jew that there is absolutely no evidence to think he is anything else.

Gothamgirl ago

Well it's better then you telling me I have neck titties. Especially when this is a factual picture which represents reality.

Pretty gross isn't it?

HollaKost ago

plump hands

You're a hoot!

And tucked double chin?

If that's a thing, why didn't you tuck yours?

Hellary_Clinton ago

How’s your honeymoon going cunt?

HollaKost ago

Hello hellary! Beautiful morning!

HollaKost ago

Stand by yer man! No matter what he's done to you!

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

sheeeit 1438