drstrangegov ago


Crensch ago

I DO so love how quickly they hopped on that submission to downvote it and call it "gay" in a low-effort trolling attempt.

It's ok, guys. The truth is out there now.

JackHoff ago

I took it as he was hitting on you. He's a massive gay.

Crensch ago

Maybe. I took it as him dismissing my words entirely for no other reason than he didn't like them.

JackHoff ago

Probably, it's just more fun to point out that he's a faggot

ExpertShitposter ago

delete this thread or else................

i wll throw a tantrum

drstrangegov ago

Oh, jeeze. This is serious.

Crensch ago

You already did. Consistency.

Crensch ago

I don't follow youtube links.

Crensch ago

Eh, I can't stand the site. Haven't had to put up with that eye-cancer for so long, and it's been beautiful.

ExpertShitposter ago

but you miss out on panzermensch


ExpertShitposter ago

then idividuo it ur self.

ps i edite d OG commet to make it better