UnicornAndSparkles ago

I am not for one second arguing the fact that “LiddleKids” and “LiddleEchoes” are not fronts for some kind of pedophilia.

However it must be noted (as a beauty therapist/massage therapist) that baby massage IS a thing. However here in the UK it is taught to parents for them to perform on their own babies. It can be beneficial for children as human to human contact releases “happy” hormones and hormones that bond us. Much as skin on skin contact is beneficial for newborns and mothers who breastfeed their children.

I HATE that these freaks take innocent things and turn them into something truly vulgar and degraded.

shadow332 ago

I've heard of it as well. Even baby physiotherapy for babies who don't crawl or roll. Like you said, this is done in order to show the parents how to do this when the baby is awake/active, not some random classes where the parents are possibly not present.

Mirelore ago

I missed this community. My 3rd time and 3rd name now close to 2 yrs. Each time after extended away for family and personal stuff needed to create new.

ASolo ago

Like I said above it looks like ominous things are being found with this liddle investigation. I just wanted to pop in and give my support and upvoat for keeping on it.

Piscina ago

I would never, ever, ever let ANYONE massage my baby.

shadow332 ago

Also there is nothing a such a therapist couldn't teach you so you could do it yourself as a parent at home. Any activity with babies a doula or doctor will show you so you can do it yourself at home. The idea is I'd think is to also help the parents be good, knowledgeable parents.

thewebofslime ago


SeeHear ago

I’ve been lurking and reading this subverse for over a year, and I had to create an account just to say, Little Echos logo is creepy enough, for sure.


Vindicator ago

Yeah, that's a little sketchy. Welcome to the madhouse, @SeeHear. Very glad you've come out of lurkery. Have an upvoat. :-)

SeeHear ago

Thank you. Working on putting up a video of what made me realize pizzagate was real in 2016. I really appreciate you guys!

Vindicator ago

Look forward to seeing it. :-)

SeeHear ago

I can’t post because I’m new, so I’ll put the video here. It’s from the premiere of “this is us”. A guy offers the studio audience pizza before the actor onstage proceeds to smash a fake baby.


shadow332 ago

Thank you. I'm sure we can find something there.

fartyshorts ago

"sex education for children" 🤔

Vindicator ago

Doing child massage. Good Christ.

Blacksmith21 ago

@shadow232 - Can you modify your post to add in a description relating it to Pizzgate? There is a no push to confirm to some basic standards in an attempt to cut down on the hit and run shitposts. Otherwise, your post will get flaired for removal. Thanks for your cooperation.

Otherwise, it looks like another pedo front. I wonder how many of these are out there?

Vindicator ago

Don't forget to hit that little "Distinguish" button under your comment when you comment as a mod. :-) It's great to have you on the team Blacksmith!

shadow332 ago

Hi Blacksmith21, this was actually an addendum to my earlier post, I just didn't want to clutter that one up to much as I want people to add the info that they find. Can I say this is an addendum or is that not good enough?

Blacksmith21 ago

Another tip - Dig for the IRS 990 forms. Someone on 8ch found them for LiddleKidz. Despite having sponsorship and board participation from the elites, they somehow have only about 200k in assets and almost half in an operational budget. In other words, LiddleKiddz - which attracts the attention of the global movers and shakers - is worth less than your corner deli. Why? Think Tammy Luzatto.

shadow332 ago

Ah, yes. Thanks, will get to digging!

Blacksmith21 ago

That'll work. Ref back to first post. Throw this sentence in: Relevant to Pizzagate as pedophiles are finding new and inventive covers for molesting children.


shadow332 ago

Thanks a lot. Again, if this post is a dead-end, although they come across extremely suspicious to me, just remove it.

Blacksmith21 ago

We aren't gonna be right 100% of the time. Run the lead down as you would with anything. If it dead ends, call it as such. I try to the same.