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maurice ago

Look at google maps around that synagogue.

Not only is it called "Tree of Life", but it sits at the corner of a road named Shady.

Most people will never get that multi-lingual joke.

"Lord Shady" is in the news lately. (Philip Green). Does he have any connections to Pittsburgh or that synagogue? Not to say he is in any shape, fashion, or form involved, but just pointing out some of the twisted humor involved in false flags. Heck, even the shooter is named Bowers. That's a version of the original Rothschild family name, Bauer. Rothschild, being the owners of the bank of London and being jewish themselves, just adds more of a twist to this.

But then again, it could all be coincidental and just natural. We can read much into little, I know.

darkknight111 ago

Honestly, I don’t know regarding “Tree of Life”.

Its as I keep saying. Context is everything.

On one hand, “Tree of Life” DOES get used for some nasty occult shit.

On the other hand, “Tree of Life” could be an innocent reference to mythology. For example, Yggdrasil (from Norse mythology) roughly means Tree of Life or gets refered to as the Tree of Life IIRC.

This can be a pretty interesting discussion depending on the context. Maybe its a lead, maybe not.

think- ago

'Tree of Life' is a Cabbala concept, if I recall it correctly, it's at the centre of Cabbalism.

This is why it has been interesting that @EsotericShade called himself a 'shade tree Talmud scholar' when he was new to the board. At the time, he also cautioned against calling out specific groups or races.

When you google 'shade tree Talmud scholar' you get several links to a story from the Talmud, where a Talmud scholar rests under a 'shade tree'. When asked what he could possibly do to thank the tree for the shade, the tree replies he should spread the seeds of the tree in the world.

Then Esoteric did an u-turn and started anti-semitic rants.

Now he says he meant that he read the Talmud - but there is no way someone who is anti-semitic would call himself a 'Talmud scholar'. So I suppose he is on the same payroll as Donkey, and when he was new, he didn't know yet how he should operate.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

auralsects ago

He DMed me some not-all-Jews-tho faggot shit too and I called him out as a gatekeeper shill long ago, on that basis.

It's not antisemitic to talk about Zionism, it's the opposite. That you misunderstand something so basic is truly pathetic, WOMAN.

Antisemitic is all kikes should be exterminated, and this man Bowers is a hero if he's real

His main talking points used to be the Jesuits, who are acknowledged to have been Jewish converts who introduced kabbalist practices (Cabbala is how it's spelled when christians do it, stupid.)

Nice to see I'm no longer ES at least, but if you were so wrong about that why would anyone trust what you say now, you fuckin stupid bitch? LMAO do you know what credibility is?

think- ago

Nice to see I'm no longer ES at least, but if you were so wrong about that

Show me a comment where I said that you are ES. It's obvious you are paid to be here, and spread stuff like:

this man Bowers is a hero if he's real

to make us all look like violent idiots. Did Mossad recruit you from the Arab quarters of Jerusalem? /s

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @MolochHunter

auralsects ago

I already debunked this you dumb whore. they never explicitly connect pizzagate to antisemitism because theyre afraid people will learn how jews were expelled so often for precisely pizzagate behavior.

ESOTERICshade ago

The mods in this place have gone crazy. Its fun to watch. I guess we just watch them Jew it up and see where it goes?

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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."