BearShills ago


DRKStar00 ago

Yesterday, user Ohour1 was gaining access to the github info and allegedly looking at who Q actually is, and then his account was suspended after he showed all the logs.

Crensch ago

1.5 years 0scp 113ccp

DRKStar00 ago

I can never remember my user name or password. I have like 3 user names.
Also, my friend worked on that special Island people keep discussing, so Im not here to be some troll. I want to see where all these investigations go. I dont know code or hacking stuff, so what OHour was posting looked pretty interesting.

Crensch ago

I can never remember my user name or password. I have like 3 user names.

I don't care.

Also, my friend worked on that special Island people keep discussing, so Im not here to be some troll.

I don't know what Island you're talking about, but I don't believe you.

I want to see where all these investigations go. I dont know code or hacking stuff, so what OHour was posting looked pretty interesting.

He sounds like just another long-winded LARPing faggot.

Instead of linking me to an entire twitter account, maybe you should link me to the exact tweets that support your position. The former is dishonest, and attempts to force me to expend a stupid amount of effort to prove you right, the latter is honest and the way respectable white people support their positions.

Crensch ago

Cool story; got any evidence to back it up?

DRKStar00 ago

yeah, sorry. Here is his twitter. Look up what he was posting from two days ago, in the afternoon.

Crensch ago

yeah, sorry. Here is his twitter. Look up what he was posting from two days ago, in the afternoon.

Not scrolling through all his horseshit to prove you right. Link to specific tweets, like someone with an ounce of argumentative etiquette, or I will link you to and give you vague directions to prove yourself wrong; you'd have no way to complain since you're doing basically the same thing here.

DRKStar00 ago

I think he alleged that it was 3 people, and Tracybeanz was one of them. I think he did a periscope video that you may be able to find.

Crensch ago

I think it's on you to find that. It's not my job to do your research for you and prove your point for you.

DRKStar00 ago

sorry, go back 2 days to the afternoon and follow what he was posting. I was at home and dont know the password for this account here.

Crensch ago

sorry, go back 2 days to the afternoon and follow what he was posting. I was at home and dont know the password for this account here.

No. You go back and link me directly to it. I don't care about your handcaps. You defend the position that Q is a LARP, you provide the evidence without forcing those you're trying to convince to do your leg work for you.

DRKStar00 ago

you have to scroll back to last week, as he didnt do one long chain of tweets.

Scirel ago

Q may have been legit in the beginning, but whatever he was then, he is certainly a LARP, OR even worse, some sort of CIA psyop now.

We have at least four sources that have confirmed this: 1. Paul Furber (aka Baruch the Scribe) who ran the 8chan CBTS board Q was posting on. He recognized the problem, and was able to confirm the change in IP addresses for the source. The date of the change per his analysis is Jan. 5. You can double check what I'm saying on either his board or his Twitter feed. 2. AIM 4 Truth basically came to the same conclusion as Furber via an independent analysis from Doug Gabriel and his "conclave," who are basically a group of retired intelligence folks who are still quite knowledgeable and connected. 3. Alex Jones reports that he was told that Q was originally the real deal, but was then told it was taken over by bad intelligence operatives who are now using it as a psyop. 4. Jerome Corsi was doing analyses until a few months ago, when he saw red flags in the posts about people making money from Q.

The Corsi thing made sense to me. He is absolutely right that any American having problems with making money off their valuable time and talents is bullshit. I mean, even "Q" would be making money as an MI operative, right? It was at that point I started looking back and seeing the patterns of self-promotion, followed by occasional spanking, followed by constant repetition of ridiculous slogans. Just like the lefty commies that they now are. I was certainly feeling like there was some bullshit going on up to that point, but still felt like an idiot after I embraced the truth that it is now a psyop/LARP, even if I felt the freedom of being released from the power of the lie.

Was original Q legit? Remains to be seen. I guess we will know within a few months. I know I will be getting more serious about preparing for a direct physical civil war in the coming days. But if Trump actually does Tweet the words "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." (as per post 55) then I will embrace that there really have been some brave military guys working behind the scenes. That would be cool. But honestly, I am not counting on it, as that might have been what the whole thing might have been from the beginning - a psyop to get me to settle on my lees.

Crensch ago

So you have nothing but opinions and a bunch of YouTube Talking Heads saying something? Well done. That'll surely convince someone.

Scirel ago

Dude. Did you think I thought I was going to convince you? You are asking people to prove a negative. And you obviously have a religious precommitment to this thing. But go ahead and keep thinking you are supporting something legit when most of what is being posted is naked self-promotion and photoshopped pictures (loved the one of the three guys walking across the street without casting a shadow like all the cars around them).

Also, your naked antisemitism shows me I'm dealing with someone who isn't really capable of nuanced thought, so this was really for the sake of the smarter among us.

But for anyone who is actually listening: I named four people who are out in the public and thus have put their reputations on the line. No one knows who Crensch is, or Scirel for that matter. I'll be coming out soon, when the time is right, but not yet.

I told you that original Q might be legit. Otherwise, I use transcendental logic to do analysis, which is way beyond most people's abilities. And I honestly can't draw a conclusion for original Q yet because it can break either way from a transcendental perspective, that is, I can't put a finger on the* a priori* state that would lend to a solid conclusion regarding what we see in the posts (not to mention that we have to account for a human factor so we have to allow for some plausible errors).

There is plenty of evidence the the military was a hair's breadth from launching a full-on military counter-coup against the Obama-Clinton coup, but that it was shut down, and that Trump was recruited to carry out a counter-coup to bring down the deeply entrenched power structure. It seems like that might be happening, or it may be exactly like what it looks like - that the same people are doing the same shit to take us down and just see Trump as a bump in the road. I hope it's the former, but will be preparing for the latter.

I could fill up an article length post with my layered analyses, but am going to stop here.

Crensch ago

The claim, "Q is a LARP" is a positive claim.

You would know that if you were half as smart as you think you are, Jew.

Scirel ago

No, you're asking people to prove to you that Q isn't who he claims to be, and who you believe him to be.

When I posted my farewell post on the 8chan board, you must have been one of the idiots I was talking to.

And if I'm a Jew, then I'm the kind that Jesus loves - " Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile."

You can have the last word, fool, 'cause I'm done with this crap and you are a disgrace to this board.

Crensch ago

No, you're asking people to prove to you that Q isn't who he claims to be, and who you believe him to be.

It's literally in the fucking title. I know Jews have reading comprehension issues, but that's a little retarded.


as long as predictions keep turning false and Trump keeps playing the Left vs Right political game one must never trust wholeheartedly....nope never!!! instead look at the evidence's a link compiling a pretty accurate pizzagate summary

when one sees what was DISCOVERED IN OCT 2016 then ask YOURSELF what path you want to take in life. Learn to block out the noise follow your heart and then change will come about in YOUR life ....for better of for worse ....are the string pullers just trying to control the narrative (as always) of what was discovered ? did they want to reveal themselves and then put the weight of the issues found in October on the the peoples minds and shoulders? hmmmm

Crensch ago

I like how you claim the predictions keep turning false but you provide no evidence of that and instead switch the subject to pizzagate which is irrelevant to this topic.

You post like a bot. But I'll go ahead and assume you're just a shill trying to get your two shekels for getting a response to your comment wasting my time.


I talk about pizzagate..... in a pizzagate forum.... on a thread that's supposed to be okay to talk about pizzagate and yet I'm not supposed to? wooooooo doggy! look .... Go on do your thang I'm no bot Ima OG so have a good day doing whatever it is you do here! ima go out in the world and enjoy life...but also I will always stand strong when evil /deception appears! AS FOR Q something in my gut tellin me its a dead end for common people, the masses, to follow Q blindly.... but hey if the breadcrumbs he dishes can open up a new soul to see the right path and fight the good righteous fight then by all means it's all WIN ! Power to the people ! Down with societal institutions!

Crensch ago

I talk about pizzagate..... in a pizzagate forum....

Cringe ellipsis. And this is NOT /pizzagate, you utter twit.

You can talk about whatever you want here, but the subject of this submission is not pizzagate, and you just might be mocked, ridiculed, or ignored for bringing it up when it's not relevant. That's on you, and nobody else.

on a thread that's supposed to be okay to talk about pizzagate and yet I'm not supposed to?

Does your idiotic rambling about pizzagate in any way support your position that Q is a LARP?

wooooooo doggy!

You really are quite stupid.

Go on do your thang I'm no bot Ima OG so have a good day doing whatever it is you do here!

Figures. "thang" are you a nigger? You write like one. Maybe you'd understand how wrong you are if I could communicate in grunts and clicks with you?

ima go out in the world and enjoy life...

LARP. Used by every faggot that lost an argument on the internet in a pathetic attempt to make the opposition think you have better things to do with your life. With grammar like that, I can confidently say you probably have nothing of value to provide to anyone, anywhere.

but also I will always stand strong when evil /deception appears!


AS FOR Q something in my gut tellin me its a dead end for common people, the masses, to follow Q blindly....

So no real arguments or evidence, just "muh gut" horseshit. Good job, you convinced exactly nobody.

but hey if the breadcrumbs he dishes can open up a new soul to see the right path and fight the good righteous fight then by all means it's all WIN ! Power to the people ! Down with societal institutions!

I am embarrassed for you. Is this where you set the bar for yourself? I'd lose sleep if I'd written what you have here - I'd want to crawl into a little hole and disappear from the world out of pure shame.

ESOTERICshade ago

like how you claim the predictions keep turning false but you provide no evidence of that

Its called reality. Nobody is in Gitmo.

Crensch ago

Your current tactic is called, "moving the goalposts".

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

Start a real thread named: "Q is legit, Obama and HIllary are in Gitmo. Massive arrests have been made."

Or get the fuck out.

LexTalionis ago

Unirocks interview on Q being a LARP, etc, etc...

Crensch ago

Also, 1.1 years, 10scp 59ccp.

Hi shill sockpuppet.

Crensch ago

An hour and 44 minutes. I said in OP to point me to the arguments/evidence at the specific times.

I'm not watching 1:44 to prove you right, it's YOUR job to make the information accessible.

ESOTERICshade ago

JFK Jr. is Q.

Put yourself in the oven, dumbass. JFK Jr. is dead.

Elvis Presley is also dead. Retardism knows no bounds.

Crensch ago

Aww, is your shilling not working on your normal targets, Jew? Don't worry, I had you pegged a LONG time ago.

ESOTERICshade ago

Aww, is your shilling not working on your normal targets, Jew? Don't worry, I had you pegged a LONG time ago.

It takes a special form of dumbass to believe Q is legit. You have it. You are special. You made a good thread showing how the holocaust is a bunch of fake bullshit. What happened? How did you get tricked into rooting for Israel?

Crensch ago

No evidence, just more claims.

This is your level, and always will be. Your mind is incapable of supporting its position, or convincing anyone else that your position is correct.

I can tell you've never convinced anybody of anything.

ESOTERICshade ago

No evidence, just more claims.

This is your level, and always will be. Your mind is incapable of supporting its position, or convincing anyone else that your position is correct.

I can tell you've never convinced anybody of anything.

Q is legit, because of what you just said, Why? Explain.

Crensch ago

Nice try on Shifting the burden of proof. It won't work, Jew.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nice try on Shifting the burden of proof. It won't work, Jew.

You started a thread about whether Q is real or not. Prove it. Make your case. Oh wait, Q is a fucking Larp and once again, so are you. Funny how this keeps happening. You are a god damn joke.

Crensch ago

You started a thread about whether Q is real or not.

I challenged the "Q is a LARP" crowd to prove he is. They haven't.

Prove it. Make your case.

Shifting the burden of proof.

Oh wait, Q is a fucking Larp and once again, so are you.

There's the exact claim this thread is about. Prove that Q is a LARP.

Funny how this keeps happening. You are a god damn joke.

What you're experiencing is called the "Dunning-Kruger effect", along with a healthy serving of projection.

auralsects ago

He's the lead kike-shill, which is why he can spend 24/7 on this website repeating all the Jew facts he has seen from others and pretending to debate people and be on our side.

Look at this odd intervention in this sub's early days

ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch does not give a fuck about intellectual honesty or pizzagate. crensch squats on the ownership of pizzagate like a dog squeezing out a turd. All @crensch cares about it getting online all day and pretending to be an intellectual giant. crensch is a turd in the punchbowl and an embarrassment to humanity.

dreamwarrior23 ago

It could be a psyop designed to increase Trump's ratings. Remember when Anons vowed to take down Trump in early 2016? And then FBIAnon, MegaAnon and others started spilling secrets that made it look like Trump was doing something great. Theoretically you could drop some breadcrumbs and let the anons go digging for buried treasure, which they will find plenty of even if it's not all true. Sure, some is true and some if it is overreaching, especially the several degrees of connections. Some autists are willing to dig all day and night for the "truth." Hey, as long as Q gets them on their side. I feel a bit discouraged with Trumps lukewarm reaction to Q shirts and signs. Basically almost no reaction at all and some unoptimisitc facial expressions.

kaloora ago

To offend or not to offend... This is actually a very irrelivent discussion. Why does it even matter? Oh yeah, because if the unfortunate many believing in this group of poeple and are let down in a huge way, their trust will be demolished greatly...

Test all things and hold fast to what is true

Crensch ago

That's a lot of words to not really be saying anything.

Way to not look like a bot: 1.4y 78scp 21ccp shill sock account.

DirectDemocracy ago

Posting this here because I'm not allowed to make a post and I don't care to gain "CCP," whatever that is:

Al Vernacchio made a TED talk called "Let's talk about sex — and pizza." He's a professional sex education teacher for pre-pubescent children only - except for this TED talk about pizza... It's a very strange talk, and I found it very strange how obsessed he is with pizza - not just metaphorically - but the symbolism of pizza, as you can see from the pictures I scraped from his personal Facebook profile. I copied them because I figured he would make his profile private after since his strange TED talk hit the conspiracy subreddit. However, I cannot find any evidence that he's been looked into - and I really think he should. He strikes me as a sicko. Why is he so obsessed with an official slang symbol for pedophilia?

These are most of the pictures from Al Vernacchio's photo albums from his Facebook profile:

How can we rectify this situation? At the very least we have a child sex educator who is very-pro sex & experimentation who is oblivious of pedophilia symbolism - who has chosen a pedo symbol for his child sex ed class!

letsdothis2 ago

Here's a previous voat post on him:

Mainstream Magazine, "Philadelphia," Pushes 'Porn Literacy' by Low-Life Sex Ed Teacher With an "I Love Pizza Sign" Appearing in Mag Photo

Al Vernacchio is a teacher, preK-12 Sexuality Education Coordinator, and chair of the Upper School English Department at the elite Friends' Central School in Wynewood, PA.

In the comments section:

The Fox family are intermarried with the Barclay family who are also Quakers and they established Barclays Bank which has assets estimated at over 1.2 trillion today. The David Barclay and Frederick Barclay are relatives of this family and worth 6.5 billion. The Barclays brothers own Press Holdings and Telegraph Media Group.

The Fox family established Fox, Fowler and Company which was bought by another Quaker bank called Lloyds Bank and Lloyds Banking Group with assets estimated today at over 817 billion. Liam Fox is an influential British politician with an Irish Roman Catholic background from Scotland. Liam Fox is Secretary of State for International Trade, President of the Board of Trade and was previously the Secretary of State for Defence where he supported using military force against Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

[I've been meaning to do a post on Barclays. Thanks for the reminder.]

Friends' Central School in Wynewood, PA -

Friends' Central School (FCS) is a Quaker school which educates students from nursery through grade 12. It is located in Wynnewood, a community in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania in Greater Philadelphia.[1][2]

The school was founded in 1845 in Philadelphia, near the current location of the United States Mint.

Of the 2009 graduating class, eight schools enrolled 30% of the senior class: The University of Pennsylvania (6), Muhlenberg College (4), Johns Hopkins (3), Haverford (3), Carnegie Mellon (3), Temple (3), Washington University in St. Louis (3), and Sarah Lawrence (3). Fourteen students enrolled at Ivy League institutions.

We're very interested in some of those institutions round here. For example, University of Pennsylvania :

Is Barack Obama or Joe Biden Connected to Pizzagate?

PHILADELPHIA – Vice President Biden said Tuesday he will set up shop at the University of Pennsylvania after he leaves office this month.ABC quoted Biden as saying: “I’m going to establish a domestic plus foreign policy piece where I can still do the stuff that I care a lot about” with universities. Yeah. Uh-Ha. The sly old fox watching the Chicken house.

Joe Biden joins a child protection foundation and partners with BUCKS County Health System ..ahem..

University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann in her statement announced that Biden has been named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor for the University. He will primarily focus on diplomacy, foreign policy, and national security.

Crensch ago

Old news. Nobody gives a fuck about your victim-card whining.

Fuck off.

kazza64 ago

its the hacker community sharing their information

TupacsTattoo ago

I think it’s A.I.

Crensch ago

That is a FANTASTIC hypothesis. (not being sarcastic)

I bet a convincing fanfic could be made that Q = Tay.

21yearsofdigging ago

"Anyone that has known me for any length of time on this site knows that I follow the evidence, and will flip on a dime if I find my position untenable. This is the place to cause that to happen"

Okay!! That is what I like to hear!! WE all should be willing to change our opinions about information any time we want, provided someone or something is presented that makes more sense. Love hearing that! I feel strongly the same way. Only thing I have a tendency to do is wait until more is put out before I form opnions about most things. I see way too much lunging on here.

think- ago


argosciv ago


Vindicator ago


Pizzalawyer ago

I rejected the validity of Qanon out of hand in the beginning due to some of the preposterous predictions that played right into the hands of Trump supporters and Pizzagaters. But now I think in hindsight that was done for the purpose of building a following.

Later I stumbled upon the interpretations of Q's posts by Praying Medic and became an ardent believer. Ive looked at some of the work now and then by other "translators" and none of them come close to the analyses by PM, especially with regard to.Spygate. When I saw those surveillance photos of Page and Strzok at London's Winter Festival in December 2016 my belief was solidified.

So if you need more information by which to determine for yourself if Q is valid, I suggest you do the following : Limit yourself to Praying Medic's YouTube videos for the months of July and August 2018. PM has posted a long program in July setting forth the "proofs" that Q is the real deal. Then listen to the rest of the videos in chronological order. If you are out of sequence, you will miss out on some of the predictive elements. PM will take you back in time to earlier posts to clarify or explain a current event. Alot of Q's posts consist of questions or suggestions for you to research and analyze the evidence for yourself. He will not spoonfeed you. But what Pizzagater has time to do that. Thats where PM steps in and does the work for you. Way more often than not I agree with PM.

A week or more ago Q predicted that something big was going to happen and boy was Q right. Apparently Trump was going to once again acknowledge Q supporters in Tampa which he had done at a prior rally and which caused a larger contingent of supporters in Tampa with Q tee shirts and signs. The motorcade honked at the Q sfolks and this time the press asked: Who is Q? What is Q?

Q said that the MSM would have their 4:30 AM instructions from the TPTB to discredit Q. Over outlets without any examination of Q posts labeled..Q a conspiracy theory, a dangerous and deranged theory at that. Finally the altenative news media shouted out with equal fervor: Q IS NOW MAINSTREAM!! The Streisand effect worked magnificently. Praying Medic produces a great video on this happening. Child predators is now a topic referenced by Trump, Qanon and the AltNews. We are hopefully on the coattails of the Great Awakening. For those of you following Spygate, let Q and Praying Medic brighten your day.

Im sure there are some others critiquing Q and if you know of any who are good at what they do, let us know who they are.

Judgejewdy ago

You make some good points (though I have no idea about PM). My main issue with “Q” is the fact that it creates another leader for the masses to follow. This one even a bit more nefariously perhaps by using vagueries (ie fortune cookie-type “info” drops). Some argue it is for positive purposes. I believe one could equally argue the negatives. So to create a “leader” that (some) blindly follow is frustrating particularly in light of why Q appeared to begin with. Do you remember when Q appeared? In what context? If not, that’s problem # 1. I remember Q diverting from Pizzagate research. I remember the group discussing things then being led away from those by Q. Which is also what every shill and shill mod in this board has done. If the results are the same, why is Q any better? Bc of “inside knowledge” or photos on a plane? The point of PG is that it’s everywhere in govt. who’s to say Q isn’t part of it? Surely not bc he’s in some inner circle or has access to some inside info. Q should be followed with healthy doses of scepticism, and not replace our own thoughts and investigative direction. If it’s distracted you from your previous research, I think that says enough. P.s. using plural you. This is directed to everyone, not pglawyer.

Crensch ago

So you have nothing to say about whether or not Q is a LARP? Wrong submission to comment under, if that's the case, Moshe

IpointOutTrolls ago

Crensch you got your ass handed to you, AGAIN, not sure why you keep signing up for this, but don't stop. You idiots need to be exposed. Please continue....

Crensch ago

9 months for 187 contribution points.

My feelings are SO hurt.

IpointOutTrolls ago

9 months for 187 contribution points.

My feelings are SO hurt.

Some people are blabbermouths, stay online all day, spouting out Alinsky bullshit. Some people don't. I don't.


you got your ass handed to you AGAIN. Think more, talk less. It pays.


Crensch ago

Some people are blabbermouths, stay online all day, spouting out Alinsky bullshit. Some people don't. I don't.

You don't contribute anything. You're exactly the kind of stats I'd expect for a sleeper account.

you got your ass handed to you AGAIN. Think more, talk less. It pays. Your EGO should be put in the Smithsonian Institute.

Stating something you believe as a fact doesn't actually mean it's a fact.

auralsects ago

Why didn't you respond to my comment, cowardly faggot

IpointOutTrolls ago


Crensch ago

Does it hurt to know that everyone you've ever met is smarter than you are?

IpointOutTrolls ago

Does it hurt to know that everyone you've ever met is smarter than you are?

WeirdTimes ago

If Q supports trump and trump is illuminati...just asking

siegnagel ago

I don't care if Q is a LARP it's opened the minds of millions of normies and some clueless Anons as to what we know really goes on. Has David Icke amassed such a following in a mere year? No, he's reached a lot, in 25 years. Q has reached millions in a year.

tyfdt ago

adaya ago

lol, as the left leaning, left leaving libertarian the piper is playing for...Q’s Socratic method does intrigue without offending. I know I’m being led, however don’t feel like a sales person is gaslight hypnotizing. I feel like a teacher is asking vs. trapped in a time share presentation. Everything happened organically, at the speed I could take it.

Why trust Trump team, even tho not in my wildest liberal dreams? 1. When the deep state offers to make him “$$$” ... not a temptation. Already rich. Melania famously quipped her house was nicer than the White House.

2nd tactic : we’ll tell everyone you’re a pervert. Trump laughs b/c Go ahead! they Already KNOW! His divorces, his affairs, his preferences all openly discussed. Benefit of being honest sinner: devil can’t work your shame if you’ve already confessed your truth. MSM taught me Trump street enough to recognize and manipulate gold diggers, while being gentlemen enough to pay those Hookers twice.

& Trump openly f’ s with the CIA, Brennan hates him... which may as well be an endorsement for me, b/c that’s my “deep state” euphemism in front of normies

Vindicator ago

adaya, you have a way with words :-)

karenrussell63 ago

im on the fence myself, but strongly leaning towards believing he's real. However, I didn't see it mentioned in the comments but Sean Spicer did an AMA earlier and was asked if Q was legit, Spicer replied "no".

Now of course one has to wonder why Spicer isn't still in the white house and would he even know if Q was legit or not. But in any case, figured it was relevant.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Whatever your opinions on Q are at least your trying to find perspective through evidence and conversing with people who have differing opinions, and no matter what side of the fence you come out on I will still respect your approach. Personally Im all for Q, Its the only ray of light ive seen in a while, and i kinda need the Hopium. My only concerns are the speed at which things are happening but Rome wasnt built in a day and its not gonna be destroyed in one.

Doglegwarrior ago

Hey captain dipshit have you watched this guy eric clopper name the jew??? Wonder what you think about it..

Its freaking long but worth it.

Dsonophorus ago

That, my friend is an excellent red pill.

Keep down-voting, shill scum. The permanent digital records should be beyond any doubt when your door is kicked in and you are hauled off for a life sentence at super-max. Good luck hiding. Its not like every CPU, from your computer, to your phone to each cisco router has hardware backdoors or anything. What are the chances that petabytes of data can be back correlated to reconstruct historic sessions of targets at a rate of just over 3.7 minutes per target? Just for lolz, right? ;) Strong defense. Let me know how that works out.

Doglegwarrior ago

Not sure what u are saying? Did u watch the video? Are you agreeing with me or mocking me it was hard to tell. Just trying to clarify

Dsonophorus ago

The video was well done. For whatever reason, I had never thought about circumcision before.

Doglegwarrior ago

Its eye opening.. and the bigger issue is its a domino that can open peoples eyes.. if jews are literaly mutilating children in the name of a fucking blood sacrifice and doctors who took hypocratic oaths are violating that oath and the media controlled by jews played its part... just stop and think what that means what the implications are.. it should be terrifying to jews.. you are a tiny minority in a very VERY violent country and you have been tricking millions of people into mutilating their healthy children?? Think about it

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Q is short for a low IQ, thus it got cut in half, like all of your IQs do when you follow him / her / it / they. Off to go bake some bread using yeast in my kitchen in an approved oven, with permission from myself. Follow the crumbs.

Crensch ago

If I knew that tomorrow I'd wake up and be you, I'd kill myself tonight. How fucking stupid and utterly cringeworthy.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Prior to your comment here I thought Q was b.s. but after your skilled use of KYS and the word cringeworthy I now see the light. You're so right! All hail the Crunch.

If I knew that today, I'd wake up and be you, I'd take a nap and set a timer to go look in a mirror and feel smart!

maxoverdrive ago

What's interesting to me is that when it comes to this Q faggot and all of his 'mysterious' rhetorical questions, most of which are so goddamn vague they could be interpreted in a dozen different ways, many of you so-called right-wingers start stupidly reee-reee-reee-ing in his defense just like any retarded leftist mouth-breather. This is painfully obvious in the title of the post itself, for fuck's sake: I don't have to prove a negative, i.e., that Q is a fake, you have to prove the positive, i.e. that he's real - and do so in such a way that alternative explanations don't have any reasonable merit.

This is "Empiricism 101", folks. You should have learned that in middle school. Sadly, when it comes to Q, you're so fucking desperate to believe you can't even hang on to the simplest tenets of rational thought. If you did, the post title would read: "Prove that Q is real", and the only fucking arguments that anyone would pay attention to are those involving ACTUAL FACTS. I guess, like the pseudo-intellectual basement-dwellers on reddit, you're too busy jizzing yourself over belonging to "Q's Secret Clubhouse"!

Crensch ago

What's interesting to me is that when it comes to this Q faggot and all of his 'mysterious' rhetorical questions, most of which are so goddamn vague they could be interpreted in a dozen different ways

Can you give examples of these things that could be interpreted a dozen different ways?

many of you so-called right-wingers start stupidly reee-reee-reee-ing in his defense just like any retarded leftist mouth-breather.

Your dismissive and mocking rhetoric is all I'd seen when I made this submission. 2-3 of the responses here so far weren't so full of themselves that they thought they could shame me into agreeing with them.

This is painfully obvious in the title of the post itself, for fuck's sake: I don't have to prove a negative, i.e., that Q is a fake, you have to prove the positive, i.e. that he's real - and do so in such a way that alternative explanations don't have any reasonable merit.

No, you ignorant fucking sack of shit, the POSITIVE CLAIM:

"Q is a LARP"

Needs to be defended.

Just as if I said, "maxoverdrive is a SHILL", would the onus be on you to prove you're legitimate?

No. No, it wouldn't. You COULD go that route, but it's on ME to prove you to be a shill.

This is "Empiricism 101", folks.

Leave the grandstanding to people that know what they're talking about. I'm embarrassed for you now.

You should have learned that in middle school.

I'd wager most didn't learn that in any of their indoctrination institutions, but nice try acting like it's such an easy thing when you, yourself, got it wrong.

Sadly, when it comes to Q, you're so fucking desperate to believe you can't even hang on to the simplest tenets of rational thought.

Not even realizing how much you're projecting here, I see.

If you did, the post title would read: "Prove that Q is real", and the only fucking arguments that anyone would pay attention to are those involving ACTUAL FACTS.

My issue wasn't with those that think Q is real, but the ones that run their mouths like they're intellectually superior to others because they believe Q to be a LARP. Why don't YOU make that submission? Oh, right, because you think somehow you're different or better than those that came before you, and immune to getting your ass handed to you.

I guess, like the pseudo-intellectual basement-dwellers on reddit, you're too busy jizzing yourself over belonging to "Q's Secret Clubhouse"!

You have all the markings of the anti-Q shame-squad of the intellectually bankrupt. You and @Cheeseboogersghost would get along just fine.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol even if Q is real, it is part of a Zionist regime.

Shizy ago

Oh lookie who showed up, finally!

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I think Q is nothing more than Trump's brilliantly planned re-election campaign in a gamified psuedo-underground format to keep people engaged and emotionally invested in a "battle" they are led to believe they are a part of. But that doesn't mean I consider everything or even ANYTHING Q eludes to to be fabricated, just carefully designed to be as enticingly vague as possible to appeal the widest variety of voters as possible & given the spread of people that have been sucked into the Q universe, I think they've done a good job.

That being said, after witnessing first-hand what happened with Bernie & our revolution & brand new congress, I'm NEVER going to vote for another Democrat ever in my life, so I'm loving watching the #walkaway & #qanon crowds getting bigger and bigger no matter how much I may believe they are being played.

I DO very much worry about the religious ferver some of the Q followers are exhibiting though, and mostly for their own metal health sakes. Believing so completely in "honest men holding positions of power" is risky business to say the least. If Q gets sloppy, or if nothing ever really comes of the plan/promises, or if the mainstream somehow manages to turn them into laughing stocks & then Donald carelessly disavows them, I know some of the most emotional followers might become suicidal because I watched it (& experienced it to a smaller extent) when Bernie transitioned from "bringing the fight all the way to the DNC in Philadelphia" into full on anti Russia bigotry & prowar Democrat bullshit.

The idiots in the movement kept following Bernie for sure, but the decent people who just hated corruption, knew what a horrific scam Obamacare was, and believed we needed to spend our tax money here at home rather than on endless wars for a handful of mega corporations really had a tough time when the reality of Bernie's fraud (or possibly just cowardice) was staring us in the face.

I don't like the cruel rhetoric about Mexican immigrants that I'm hearing from Trump. I don't like the gutting of environmental protections. And I certainly don't like the hints of increasing our military presence in the Middle East, BUT I've grown so weary of the hysterical nonsense from the pussy hat idiots in my town (Seattle) that I will happily vote for him in 2020 unless the greens or libertarians run somebody amazing, just to hurt the Democrats the most.

That's where I am about Q

Vindicator ago

Seattle has become a complete shitshow.

MolochHunter ago

cruel rhetoric about mexican immigrants?

blue pill stuck in your throat? He trashed MS 13 gang members. human traffickers. Rapists. gun runners. drug runners. Of course the MSM comes out and portrays that as being about ALL mexicans bc they are cultural marxist stooges

NeoGoat ago

Great post. @Crensch

realityisinsanity ago

Q mixes truth and lies together.

auralsects ago

why would anyone trust a shill faggot like @Crensch who in the early days of this sub pretended not to know that jews sacrifice children

Shizy ago

Shit up you Muslim nigger!

Nana66 ago

I felt I needed to follow Q because I know media is worse than worthless and it gave me hope that things were happening behind the scenes. After Q posted the pic of NK from an airplane at the time Trump was in the area and then it was in the video he tweeted, I was convinced....also, the rash of aviation and military accidents along with planes turning around for dumb reasons can't just be a coincidence.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Donald Trump is a Freemason. Donaldf Trump is a Jesuit. Donald Trump's Taj Majal hotel was saved from bankruptcy by James Alefantis family,. Rothschild. Donald Trump was a bussiness partner of Rockefeller. Donald Trump is CEO of USA INC, which is owned by the International bankers led by Rothschild. Donald Trump and our entire "government" work for and are paid by the International Bankers. Q never menions this. By the way, who is Q? Spooky.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The sole purpose of this sub is to derail good threads and sell us that the system is legitimate, but has some bad apples. The new leader is fighting for us behind the scenes. We will never see it, but an anonymous source will give us behind the scenes play by play. Lies from top to bottom. The pedo mods here use thread labeling to control the perception of what you read. Sticky? Guess you guys are in control of this sub, not us.

sguevar ago

I have said it once and I will say it again. I don't trust the guy/girl. But do find reading about him/her very interesting.

I liked the post. And the way you savagely argument your points. But I certainly have no dog on this fight.

I am just interested on the subject. But it is still fishy to my eyes. No specifics just my personal feelings about the whole subject.

Crensch ago

I can respect that. Cheers, bud.

dooob ago

Great post @Crensch, even the regular q-haters are scared of you, wow. Why is it such a big problem to discuss Q without calling anyone crazy or stupid for believing it? v/Pizzagate know what feeling very well. Also, nice 4D you are pulling here, not bad optics.

If it was a larp, why did Jerome Corsi (ex-mossad according to a Rockefeller's book) come against it when Q called people like him controlled opposition, thus the term Paytriot (a person who is a patriot as long as donations keep coming, ie you have to donate to get "special" content)? It seems odd that they would burn their mockingbird assets.

If it is a larp, why did the MSM print out 24 articles against Q in less than 24 hours? Seems organized, doesnt it? You might say "but dooob, maybe they are at the same time promoting the movement to republicans and demonizing it to democrats to make us all look crazy" and I would remind you that the same reasoning can be used to cast doubt on Pizzagate.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

@Crensch I'm not sure why you pinged me to present an argument as to why Q is a LARP. I was on the fence until an anon asked Q to prove himself by telling Trump to use the phrase 'tip top' in his next speech. On Easter Sunday, which was the POTUS' next speech following the request, Trump did use the term 'tip top' and even reinforced it by following it with 'tippy top'.,

Crensch ago

A few hours before you created your cagefight subverse, I mentioned a similar idea to another goat in PM. I figured your subverse was in response to my thrashing of CBG, so I figured you'd appreciate a ping to this, one way or the other.

This was not me calling you out, just letting you know this post existed.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Ok, I get it now. Lol! I guess great minds think alike because I hadn't seen this thread before, so thanks for the ping! And I promise I'm not reading your PMs ;)

Gothamgirl ago

Not saying to believe or disbelieve but the awakening of people cannot be denied, and truthers on social media are red plling them to death.

NotHereForPizza ago

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


twistedmac11 ago

I don't necessarily think Q is a LARP, but I do think he is part of a pro-Trump PR campaign. I don't see Trump as a savior; I see him as just another elite with his own set of scandals that he wants to keep covered up. I'm not in a position to be able to make a long, sourced comment at the moment, and I apologize for that. I can, however, lay out some reasons I have for not jumping on the Q train:

  1. Any time someone says to "trust the plan" or encourages trust of anyone in DC, that seems to me like propaganda. An opiate for the masses. The reality is that the swamp won't drain itself. Anyone encouraging people to sit on their hands or "dig" online is suspect IMO. Real change doesn't happen online.

  2. If he was such a threat, he wouldn't have been allowed to continue posting for almost a year now. Also, if he was truly unbiased, he would've dropped something on Trump by now. Trump isn't exactly scandal-free.

  3. He's made big claims, like some members of the "Deep State" are being held at Guantanamo, or that Guantanamo is being prepared for their arrival.

  4. He's been endorsed by celebrities, including Roseanne, who is a self-proclaimed kabbalist and seems to me like controlled opposition. She also tweets Trump's praises on a regular basis.

  5. He's been wrong, but then says disinfo is necessary. How can he be trusted if he's admitted to spreading disinfo in some posts? Sure, you could say he's spreading awareness, but are one-sided truths better than outright lies? Which would you employ if you were running a PR campaign for yourself? I would say this particular point is what makes him harmful in my eyes. Anyone who claims to have high-level intel but drops half-truths is working for someone.

Either way, this is one of those things I don't think we will ever be 100% sure of either way. I personally think it best to take it with a heavy dose of skepticism. The deep state has no problem sending in false saviors to keep their peace; this also must not be forgotten.

An idea I'm entertaining but still hammering the details out on: The Wikileaks emails that brought on Pizzagate were released only 30 minutes after Trump's pussy tape got leaked. Did Trump have those emails leaked? Wikileaks has not released anything anti-Trump, but they claim to be unbiased. Roger Stone tweeted "it'll soon be Podesta's time in the barrel" in August 2016, prior to Pizzagate. Once the emails were released, Pizzagate begins and the media starts talking, however badly, about people believing Hillary and the Democrats were running a child sex ring. This ideology spreads, Trump wins the election and becomes an idol to many who believe he's "draining the swamp". Again with the false savior ideology. When that idea begins to fade (at least as I noticed on v/pizzagate), enter Qanon. Many people here who trust Trump and Qanon don't seem to have entertained the idea that they could be wrong, or considered what steps Trump would take if he was really trying to pull one over on us.

NotHereForPizza ago

Good job, bud.

SoberSecondThought ago

Wright Item 1 Analysis

I'm not going to go into this much detail for each of Wright's 55 items, but I want to explain Q/HLI/Senate Anon/Tory Smith's basic method. The very first item is a good example.

CLAIM: Q knew the purpose of Jared Kushner's classified trip to Saudi Arabia several months before any news report.

FALSE. The screenshots Wright provided show nothing of the kind. There was a news story on Oct 29th about Kushner going to Saudi. Then Q asked a question on the 2nd without actually mentioning Kushner's name. Then there was a purge reported Nov 4th. However, Q didn't tell us about the purge, and he didn't supply any kind of "inside" detail whatever. Eventually in April 2018 the Daily Mail connected Kushner with the purge, but Q never did. Plus, the way that Q set up his question led in a totally different direction. He had a bunch of text about Huma Abedin's connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, then asked "Who took an undisclosed trip to Saudi Arabia? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?" The next day, he kept at the Huma theme, saying:

What data just dropped? Why is this relevant? HUMA. HUMA. HUMA. Where is HUMA? Who is HUMA connected to? What organization? What is HUMA's family history? How did HUMA meet HRC? What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they are? Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden? Were deals made w/ select D's? Can we expose every crooked politician? 70%. HUMA. Follow HUMA. Alice & Wonderland.

This was just a routine part of Q's shotgun-blast "cold reading" technique. Wright is projecting what he wants to see on Q, and ignoring just how utterly useless and random Q's barrage of breadcrumbs really is. Long-form articles about the Saudi purge in the New Yorker or the Guardian (for example) never mention either Huma or the Brotherhood. She was not indicted as promised on November 6th, nor was John Podesta indicted on November 3rd. The purge was about corruption and getting control of royal family assets.

During those days Q asked a blizzard of 269 rhetorical questions: 13 on the 28th, 45 on the 29th, 1 on the 30th, 36 on the 31st, 43 on the 1st, and 131 on the 2nd. Let's look at some more of the 267 questions that Q asked during that time.

  • Could John McCain's surgery have been fake?
  • Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?
  • Why were certain rooms at the White House renovated?
  • What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?
  • Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?
  • Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?
  • What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?
  • Four carriers & escorts in the pacific? Why is that relevant?
  • Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?
  • Why is Donna running for cover? Was a deal granted in exchange for something? Who made the deal?
  • Who controls NK? Who really controls NK?

At this point, no evidence has surfaced that McCain's surgery was fake, or that Obama ever went to North Korea, or that there was a "device" placed in a room in the White House. There's no evidence that the presence of four carriers in the Pacific meant anything special. Nothing has turned up about a deal for Donna Brazile. And again, Q was flat-out wrong about John Podesta or Huma Abedin being indicted. There is also nothing to suggest that Kim Jong Un isn't in control of North Korea.

And remember, these are just 15 of the 268 questions he asked on those days. I'm not trying particularly hard to cherry-pick the worst examples out of those five days of questions. They're all like this. Running down all these supposed breadcrumbs, all these phony leads, takes a lot of time. That's their purpose. You're supposed to be awestruck and exhausted at the very idea of unraveling all the threads of the conspiracy.

I complained about this same technique back in November of last year, when he used it under the persona of WisconsinIsCorrupt. In the space of a random span of four days, he accused 67 different people and organizations in Wisconsin of somehow being part of some evil network. They included DuPont, the port of Racine, the Gates Foundation, and the Mayo Clinic. As per his usual style, he didn't offer any evidence whatever to support any of his claims. Interestingly, during that initial period of Oct 28 through Nov 2nd, Q asked these two questions:

What is the Mayo Clinic? Who sits on the BOD there?

This is important, because it shows what a bad idea it was for David Brock / Media Matters to assign one guy to maintain the cover-up. At this point in our story, the new character of Q is less than a week old, and already he's recycling stuff from previous characters.

Two Key Points To Take Away

My first point is that if you look at Q's work in isolation, it's total crap. The mainstream media coverage of Q that we saw today is terrible for a bunch of reasons, such as because it doesn't for a single second reflect on, say, the 45,000 sealed items in PACER. There's a very hot story here that they're not seeing. However, when a normie reads Q, he quickly realizes that it's a scam, because it actually is a scam. People who are redpilled are much more vulnerable to these tricks, because they come in with the expectation that they've been lied to about everything. Q manipulates their religious faith, their anti-Semitism, a whole range of preconceptions. He knows how to do this, he's been doing it since at least 2014 by my reckoning.

My second point is that if you look at the history, if you actually read what he wrote as HighLevelInsider and Senate Anon and WisconsinIsCorrupt, and if you go through my investigative series, you can see that it's always the same crap. The same crap from the same guy.

It's very late, and I need to get some sleep. I'll tackle more of the list tomorrow.

dooob ago

For someone who has a lot of data, you seem greatly misinformed. Here are some examples:

At this point, no evidence has surfaced that McCain's surgery was fake

Yeah, have you ever had a family member go through chemo? You lose a shitton of weight, you become skin and bones. McCain seems to handle his chemo rather well, he even went to vote a few days after an operation.

or that there was a "device" placed in a room in the White House

Yeah, Trump did a multimillion renovation of a WH for shits and giggles.

There is also nothing to suggest that Kim Jong Un isn't in control of North Korea.

You think Q ended a 70 year old war by shitposting? Why did Kim replace top generals?

Should I even continue or can I use your excuse and say "I'm not going to go into this much detail for each of your items" and of course "I'm not trying particularly hard to cherry-pick the worst examples".

Answer me this one simple question, what is the average lifespan of a larp, ie how long does it take for autists to debunk a larp?

Blacksmith21 ago

Your last question is the one to be asked. Lifespan of a LARP. They never survive more than a few days. Weeks at most.

And yes, they WH underwent massive demo and rebuild - OO, WW, and private quarters.

SoberSecondThought ago

I don't trust John McCain, but for evidence of his surgery being fake, I'd need something more than just your opinion that he doesn't look thin enough.

I also don't trust the Secret Service or elements in the NSA not to spy on Trump. The White House is likely loaded with microphones. So he can renovate all he wants. But Q clearly implied there was a device that would hurt people. Show me any news report of such a device.

And I'm a simple man, so you'll have to explain to me how Kim replacing his generals is somehow evidence that he's not in charge. The point of Q's question in November of last year was not that Kim would meet with the South in April of this year and then replace a couple of generals in June of this year. You don't get to claim a win by saying Q mentioned North Korea and then North Korea ... went on existing eight months later.

As for your final point, it begs the question. I'm an autist and I debunked this larp eight months ago. I was the only person out of thousands of redpilled observers who publicly debunked it before it even started. You just don't like my debunking.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

I can understand why you guys are begining to get a bit nervous.

Crensch ago

Oh man, that's SUCH A HUGE STORY you needed to link me to it for me to know about it. Just a bunch of wannabe intellectuals circle-jerking about how superior they are because they mock people that believe something different than them, but just like you, they can't support their position because they're wannabe intellectuals.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

I never said it was a "huge story". This is the begining of something. That's all. Nobody knows if it'll take off and go anywhere thus giving reason to be nervous.
Nobody claimed superiority (it's odd that you would bring that up, though). They are viewing you through the same lens you view them except they're on the opposite side of the spectrum. Not to mention you guys ultimately both want the same thing.

I can support my position but why would I bother explaining it to you? Are you assuming that I wouldn't do my own research and listen to you instead? I respect you excersing your ability and your right to choose what you believe.

They suport their position very well in those threads, you just don't care becuase you want your beliefs to be held by the majority, just like they do. All of which is natural and fine.
You are desperate for a svior just as many are, right?
I already have one. And mine requires me to fight for myself rather than sitting back and waiting for others to fight for me or on my behalf.
I don't expect others to go to war for me to fight for my beliefs - especially not the government. It's my responsibility and I am grateful for it. And I will win. Even in death I will win. That is my spirit.

Q is a program established upon deceit and I will not concede.

Crensch ago

I never said it was a "huge story".

You're kinda stupid.

I can understand why you guys are begining to get a bit nervous.

Why would anyone get nervous about something like that if they'd not even heard of it? I sure didn't. It's not even a big enough story to be a blip on anyone's radar.

"Muh get nervous over muh totally big enough to scare you story"

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

You follow a faceless nameless person or gorup of people called Q.
How do you know that Q hasn't been co-opted by a government agency? How could you possibly know?
Q could have been taken out at some point in the past and the Q operation is now handled by someone against you.
All they need to do is nudge you in any direction to get you off track.
How do you know Q is what it claims to be without proof of figure?

Q is nothing. Q is no one. Q is fiction.

Wkikleaks has a face. A person you can scrutinize, research, and vet to determine their authenticity, value and credit.
Q? Just hope for the best that it's not a government agency program. FINGERS CROSSED!

You naive asshole. So easily tricked and duped.
And yet to you, I am the stupid one.
Something tells me you are prone to making mistakes.

Crensch ago

Reddit-tier arguments. You really are stupid.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

You're making my case for me.

Crensch ago

Since you really are too stupid to understand, I suppose I'll help you out:

You follow a faceless nameless person or gorup of people called Q.

I follow where the evidence leads.

How do you know that Q hasn't been co-opted by a government agency? How could you possibly know?

I don't, I can't, and that's irrelevant in this thread. If you want to talk about Q being a LARP, that is the topic of this thread.

Q could have been taken out at some point in the past and the Q operation is now handled by someone against you.


All they need to do is nudge you in any direction to get you off track.


How do you know Q is what it claims to be without proof of figure?

What a stupid question. If all I knew was that Q predicted shit correctly, that's all I'd need to base my conclusions on him being right.

Q is nothing. Q is no one. Q is fiction.

Q predicts shit. Q is sanctioned by POTUS. You are nothing, no one, and unimportant.

Wkikleaks has a face. A person you can scrutinize, research, and vet to determine their authenticity, value and credit.

No, it doesn't. You don't know what's going on behind the scenes, or what Assange is forced to say when he's actually seen.

What a horseshit comparison. You really are that stupid.

Q? Just hope for the best that it's not a government agency program. FINGERS CROSSED!

Anon makes predictions that come true and somehow because you don't have a face, he's nothing? Kek.

You naive asshole. So easily tricked and duped.

You can't even argue the subject here without moving the goalposts and making absolutely laughable comparisons to prove your point.

And yet to you, I am the stupid one.

Given what you've written here, to everyone you meet, you are the stupid one.

Something tells me you are prone to making mistakes.

Something tells me I make a lot less than most, and that I certainly wouldn't have propped up wikileaks to make my point.

Wikileaks is very likely compromised, yet you're here pushing for it as if it's some bastion of truth. Maybe some is, but the twitter isn't? How do you know?

You pretty obviously have an agenda here.

@Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Why would I listen to anything you say, Crensch?
There is clearly something worng with you.

dooob ago

GL, all signs are checked by SS and usually not allowed, it is what makes the Q rally much more interesting.

Podge512 ago

It does make me chortle that the PedoLeft which is dismissing Q as a 'conspiracy theory' are the same child raping lunatics who believe that Russian hackers in conjunction with Nintendo and Macedonian fake news factories hacked our democracy!

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Lets not forget about this Q faggots very first post, now.

I'll give you one name: John Titor

SupermanReborn ago

Questions for OP:

If you had to guess, who do you think Qanon is?

Do you have a TL;DR of all the claims Qanon has made? I would like to read them.

Crensch ago

If you had to guess, who do you think Qanon is?

As a complete and utter guess, JFK jr. I have no real support for that, but I liked the symmetry of the hypothesis floating about.

Do you have a TL;DR of all the claims Qanon has made? I would like to read them.

I asked this of some Q people when I first took interest. It's impossible. Q has touched on almost everything in recent and since-WW2 history within a few degrees of separation.

This was recommended to me by @srayzie to add to my post above. I haven't done so yet, but I plan on it. Perhaps that would be a good TL;DR?

Well, I suppose I DO have one TL;DR: Every war and large political event/plane crash/boat sinking you've seen in the past 100 years has likely been orchestrated by a clandestine shadow government intent on world domination; more recently with the help of the CIA, and everyone has been turned into a debt slave to the kinds of people that pizzagate investigates. (more evidence of these things has popped up on my radar since Q than ever before)

srayzie ago

I am afraid that pushing the JFK Jr theory will make us look like crazy conspiracy theorists. The MSM would love this.

Q Said:There is only Q.
Q also said that the Qteam is less than 10
(Only 3 are non military)

However, there are some interesting points this person makes. Links below...

If Q is a team of less than 10, and 3 are non military, then who’s to say that JFK Jr is not one of them? It sounds nutty until you see all the connections.

Think of this...
Anon asks Q, “Is R real or fake?” Q responds, “There’s only Q.”
He didn’t say R is fake. He didn’t say R isn’t part of Q.
If Q is made up of less than 10 people, could JFK Jr be one of them?
I don’t know. But my mind is open to the possibility.

Part 1
Part 2

totes_magotes ago

I don't give a fuck what it is. I don't want it all the fuck over voat. If I want that, I'll sub to those subs and go to the site. Keep it in the Q subs where it belongs.

Crensch ago

Just like limp-dick faggots didn't want "racist comments" all over Voat? Fuck yourself right back over to Reddit if you're going to have that kind of attitude.

totes_magotes ago

Something something rubber glue, make me, no u.

Fight me.

dooob ago

Sorry, what rule did Crensch break?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I'll believe it when one single big name enemy of the American people is imprisoned or executed for treason.

srayzie ago

Maybe you could add this to your post. Q proofs have been being collected and a website made...


concernedcitizen3 ago

"Order of Quetzalcoatl"

Look up Q yourself. It's part of their game.

dooob ago

Pack it up guys, @concernedcitizen3 debunked it!

concernedcitizen3 ago

"The Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q", is a Masonic invitational body. It is heavily involved in philanthropy, and its main contribution is towards transportation funds for Shriners hospitals." **

"The feathered serpent of Mesoamerican lore, Quetzalcoatl, was a god of Heaven and earth, light and darkness, and life, death, and rebirth.... The contradictory nature of the feathered serpent symbolized the dual nature of Quetzalcoatl as both earth and sky god. Quetzal meant “bird” and coatl meant “snake,” so this snake-bird deity represented the link between sky and earth, between humanity and the stars.

Source: Tamra Andrews, Dictionary of Nature Myths: Legends of the Earth, Sea, and Sky, p. 156**"

"One of the common threads passing throughout the disparate local Teocallis is that of its philanthropy. The philanthropy of the Order of Quetzalcoatl is to assist and support the Supreme Teocalli and local Shrine Temples, particularly in the area of transportation funds for the Shrine Hospitals for Children. " -

Who are the shriners ?

"Shriners International, also commonly known as The Shriners, is a society established in 1870 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida, USA.[1] It is an appendant body to Freemasonry. "

Side degrees of that degree of masonry: Royal Order of Jesters, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm

What are those Shriners Hospitals for Children ?

"Shriners Hospitals for Children is a network of 22 non-profit medical facilities across North America. Children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and receive all services in a family-centered environment, regardless of the patients' ability to pay. "

"If a service is free, you are the product." - these hospitals need to be checked out

They will never get their asses out of their retarded symbolisms. Q is a psyop, he will never unveal the Banksters controlling your government and will purposely divert your attention towards your own people.

It is part of their game.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you posted this. After you destroyed the theory that @CheeseboogersGhost tried to use, he deleted his post. This needs to be out there!

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, let's do this. I'll have to break it into chunks as there is so much to cover.

If anyone needs to read Q in the original:

My Position Hasn't Changed Since Q Started

First, let me just remind you of this post that I made back in November. You posted a reply to it at the time, but as it was long and contained a lot of links, you might not have read all of it.

It lays out my assessment of Q at that point, which was that Q was just a continuation of all the other phony insider personas that he had been running for months previously (HighLevelInsider, WisconsinIsCorrupt, Senate Anon, and so on). Nothing I have seen in the ensuing seven months has changed my mind about that (although I do have some further thoughts about his motive which I will share later).

The Highly Suspicious Timing

Next, I want you to confirm the timing of a couple of things. I started my investigative series on October 24th, when I called out HighLevelInsider as a disinfo shill working for David Brock. I posted follow-ups on the 25th and 26th, giving more details about how he is connected to David Brock and how he misdirects people.

Then on the 27th, I humiliated HLI by proving that he was using ababcd to shill for his other big persona, Senate Anon. This is important, so please read that submission as well. I linked HLI to Senate Anon, and linked both of them to ababcd. I showed that their main method of shilling was by misrepresenting existing information developed by Voaters or /b/tards as if it was "insider" info that came from them. This was a very bad moment for HLI/Senate Anon. It was 2:46 pm Voat time, which is 10:46 am EST, on the 27th. At the end I promised "much more information" in future submissions.

There were 137 responses to that day's submission. Lots of traffic, thousands of people viewing it. The responses to and from WisconsinIsCorrupt were especially important because HLI and Senate Anon never showed up to defend themselves, and I had denounced WIC as another of his personas. Early in the morning on the 28th, it was becoming clear that I was getting more support than WIC was.

The very first post by Q appeared on 4chan at 2:33 pm EST on the afternoon of the 28th, saying Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested. Two more appeared that evening, adding that she might flee, that there would be massive riots and martial law, and that the National Guard was being activated, plus a bunch of vague hints that can be explained as part of his "cold reading" method. None of his specific claims were true. But they were unusually direct and clear by the later standards of Q, and had the useful effect of diverting attention away from Voat and anything I might be saying there. Later the excuse was devised that sometimes Q "posts disinformation," which conveniently explains all the countless times that he posted lies and garbage. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

My next submission was the following day, the 29th, at 7:30 am EST. Again, 122 comments and even more traffic than to the previous one. Q stepped up the pace with eleven posts to 4chan (two just after midnight), but again, it was all either leading questions, or stuff that was already publicly known. He mentioned Pelosi's net worth, her memory problems, Obama having a fake email address to correspond with Hillary on her server, all stuff that was already in the public domain. He noted that Mike Rogers had been allowed to stay on at NSA; this wouldn't raise any eyebrows because Rogers had made a very public demonstration of support for Trump, flying to New York to meet him right after the election. I thought at the time that Rogers was turning on the Deep State, and so did lots of people, and so him staying made sense. But as it turned out, Rogers was NOT going to stay on at NSA much longer; he was replaced by Paul Nakasone in May 2018. Nobody has called Q on this. If it's disinformation, who did it disinform? It's not. It's him tossing out random crap that everyone knows as if it was top secret. Q even asked a few questions about Hillary, like how much of Haiti disaster relief money went to her, but here again, he wasn't betraying any secrets, just asking questions that had been out there for months or years.

He Was In Serious Trouble Once I Showed His Face

The exact sequence of events is especially important here, because my submission on the 30th at 6:45 pm EST linked to video of HLI/Senate Anon, in his YouTube persona of "Tory Smith". I outed the guy.

Okay. Now if I was mistaken about "Tory Smith," then presumably HLI/Senate Anon wouldn't have cared. He'd have relaxed a bit once I got something wrong. But I think he cared a great deal, because he went back to 4chan and starting at 11:00 pm on the 31st he promised that Podesta would be indicted Nov 3rd, and Huma on Nov 6th. Again, totally wrong, but what is particularly interesting about that is that he had implied just a few posts previously that Huma was cooperating. "Husband in jail. What would you do?"

He also returned to an esoteric theme that he had spent a lot of time on as HighLevelInsider, talking for the first time about Satan and evil and the "four families" that rule everything. He has gone back to that a lot. And he threw in some technobabble about how shills were using a "5 prong pre packaged injection" of sliding posts. This is a particularly interesting claim, because you can Google that string of words and discover that it has never appeared anywhere except in his 4chan post. There are 70 hits and every last one is just another copy of him saying it.

As I have said from the beginning, this performance did not fool me even slightly. I have been reading this guy's crap for the past year and a half. He just doesn't have that much imagination, and he hasn't been given a lot of resources beyond his imagination. He was firing shotgun blasts of old stuff from previous characters he had played, just to see what got attention, and then playing up to that.

From that point on, he played the Q character every day, multiple posts per day. After a few weeks, he gave up on his last remaining "insider" persona on Voat, WisconsinIsCorrupt. He was committed to Q, and has not been able to "dismount the tiger" since, because at all costs he has had to keep diverting attention away from my investigative series.

Frankly, I find it goddamned amazing how this story has unfolded. Today's barrage of mainstream media coverage of Q is surreal to me. It is hard to believe that so much could happen as a result of me and my little investigative project. However, that was my only possible conclusion last November and I see no reason to alter it now. I will start going through all the phony "proofs" in my next post.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Shitlist submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

It lays out my assessment of Q at that point, which was that Q was just a continuation of all the other phony insider personas that he had been running for months previously (HighLevelInsider, WisconsinIsCorrupt, Senate Anon, and so on).

Yet you failed to provide any evidence or arguments that would convince anyone really looking at your words of that.

Nothing I have seen in the ensuing seven months has changed my mind about that (although I do have some further thoughts about his motive which I will share later).

I don't need a motive, I need support for your position that Q is one of a string of "insider" LARPs by HLI and DB.

Next, I want you to confirm the timing of a couple of things.

All right.

I started my investigative series on October 24th

10/24/2017 11:57am Voat time.

Then on the 27th, I humiliated HLI by proving that he was using ababcd to shill for his other big persona, Senate Anon.

10/27/2017 2:46PM Voat time.

Early in the morning on the 28th, it was becoming clear that I was getting more support than WIC was.

Same as above.

The very first post by Q appeared on 4chan at 2:33 pm EST on the afternoon of the 28th,

All right.

You're saying that this same guy switched to Q from WIC and HLI, yes?

HLI's last submission was 10/6/17 and last comment on 10/15/17.

HLI's first submission was 5/20/17 and the first comment I can find is 5/20/17

WIC's last comment was 11/23/17 and first comment I can find is 8/19/17 (no submissions)

Q ostensibly appeared 10/28/17.

You claim you started your investigation posts on Oct 24th. 9 days after HLI's last activity.

Then on the 27th, I humiliated HLI by proving that he was using ababcd to shill for his other big persona, Senate Anon.

Later still. No activity from HLI.

WIC continued till nearly a month after Q ostensibly started. (according to anyway)

To be continued.

Crensch ago


Here's what you have so far:

1) "Insider" usernames on voat active around the same time. You mentioned the chans, but failed to link to the posts there which makes a mockery of your declaration that I don't need to read your 40,000 words, and that you don't expect me to. Unless the ONLY relevant parts here were VOAT usernames, which makes a bit of a mockery of your arguments against Q, which is NOT on Voat.

2) Somebody claiming to have been Q.

That's it.

That is everything I've found to this point.

All that patting yourself on the back and writing yourself in as the main character superhero is complete horseshit.

@kevdude @srayzie @Vindicator @dooob

SoberSecondThought ago

So just to make sure we're talking about the same material, I have a couple of questions:

You mentioned the chans, but failed to link to the posts there which makes a mockery of your declaration that I don't need to read your 40,000 words, and that you don't expect me to.

I didn't think that I had to link to the individual posts by Q, since right at the top of the comment you are criticizing, I linked to a comprehensive dump of Q's posts:

If anyone needs to read Q in the original:

I then specifically say that we're starting from the very beginning, Q's first post, Oct 28th. Couldn't be much more straightforward.

Did you also read this comment? Are you dismissing it as well? Your challenge invited people to show where items from Wright's list of 55 "proofs" are wrong. I was planning on posting some more on that topic, but it might not be a good use of my time, or yours, if you keep on not bothering to read what I do post.

When I say that I don't expect you to read all 40,000 words, I'm being polite. I'm not saying the 40,000 words aren't necessary, just acknowledging that it would require a lot of effort. Did that not come across clearly?

Your challenge was to show why Q is a LARP. There are two ways to actually do that. First, to see who Q really is, you have to go back to the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode of June 2013 (the same week as the Snowden story broke), then use Wikileaks to follow David Brock and John Podesta setting up the cover-up of that episode, and do a whole bunch of work to trace the operation of the cover-up down to the present day. It's a complicated story. For example, there's a woman who helped "Tory Smith" set up his YouTube presence, and later helped him fake his death. Her name -- her real name -- is Alexandra Meadors. She runs a site called Galactic Connections. To understand how these two people gave themselves away, you have to watch some of their videos and understand how they attack other people (like Mike Pence) as being pedophiles while covering up their attack with religious mumbo-jumbo about "the Galactics" and "blue avians".

So if you're not willing to read the whole series with the 40,000 words, and follow the links to the Glenn Beck video and the "Tory Smith" videos and so on, then no, I'm not going to make you understand who Q really is. Not a chance. I wanted to be considerate of your time and acknowledge that going through the whole thing would require some effort.

However, the second way to respond to that challenge is to go through Q's posts, one by one, and show just how many times he has made completely arbitrary and unfounded claims. In the first five days that he was posting, he asked 269 rhetorical questions. It's not hard to show that where he made any sort of original claim, it was bullshit, and when it wasn't bullshit, it wasn't anything useful or interesting. You don't need to view me as a superhero, or indeed to pay any attention to me at all, to accomplish that. The criticisms of Q by the normies are entirely correct. He is not an insider, and nothing that he has written proves otherwise.

Before I put up any more about Wright's "proofs" or anything more about my series, I'll wait for your response on these points.

Finally I just want to make it clear: I respect the work you have done keeping this place going. I am grateful for that, and since you offered to hear me out, I've come forward. But strictly speaking, it doesn't matter if you believe me about either my own role in this story, or the fact that Q is LARPing. I already accomplished way more than I expected to here on Voat, and I don't give a crap about getting public credit for it.

P.S. to @srayzie: Hey! Still calling me a whack job, I see! Are you having a good summer?

srayzie ago

I’m not going to argue. You will write a book and I’ve had to deal with shills like crazy. I am still going thru notifications. Why? Because we’re over the target. Mainstream media is calling it all a conspiracy theory. That’s what they are trained to do when it’s time to brainwash the American people.

srayzie ago

Yeah. Great summer. How about you? 🤔

Crensch ago

I didn't think that I had to link to the individual posts by Q,

No, links to where you claimed HLI was on the chans - I think you said the other guy was, too, but who the fuck knows. Somehow users on Voat = chan users but not a single link to any of them, just Q posts - as if that's somehow convincing.

Did you also read this comment? Are you dismissing it as well?

You've worn out your welcome on this. I have spent a stupid amount of time parsing your horseshit already, and now you want to switch gears because you got stomped into the ground?

If you want to pretend that this is your best argument, you should have used it first. Or you should have not wasted my goddamn time with your narcissistic bragging about how you're a central character in the story of Q. I gave you more than a fair shake at this, and I won't be shoveling any more of your shit.

@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie

SoberSecondThought ago


It's your time, spend it how you see fit. But again to be clear, I don't think attacking the text of Q on its own merits is my best argument. I think my best argument is the 12-part series. But you invited me to do the other thing as well, so I did.

srayzie ago

Me and @SoberSecondThought have had lengthy discussions. I came away with the conclusion that this person was a whack job. You can read my lengthy comment where I prove that this person continues to knowingly push disinfo.

@Vindicator @Kevdude @Crensch @Think- @Shizy

Crensch ago

Yeah, he seems like a high level disinfo shill. A ghostwriter paid to run us in circles.

Crensch ago

Analyzing your first link:

First, let me just remind you of this post that I made back in November. You posted a reply to it at the time, but as it was long and contained a lot of links, you might not have read all of it.

I don't recall any of that, but it looks like I read enough... not that it would have taken much with ESOTERIC on the other side. His being on the other side lends a lot of credibility to your side. Not that I wouldn't have verified at least some of your words, but that's likely the situation.

In that link you claim this:

So he has indeed created two new "insider" IDs: ShareBlue Anon and Q Anon.


However, as I said, the Q Anon project has been a huge mistake on the part of HLI and David Brock.

And without explaining why or how, you jump to this:

To be clear: I'd like people not to run after the breadcrumbs Q is dropping. Invest time in something else. But if you don't believe me, it's fine. The longer the Q Anon farce drags on, the worse it will be for HLI and Brock.

And still without any support or explanation:

With the Q Anon LARP, they are trying to "win" in ways that aren't worth winning. When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

So when you say this:

First, here are two things HLI is doing right.

I don't really care at this point. I'm looking for the support for the claims that HLI is even relevant, much less in it with DB and the source of Q.

So I'll go back above to a bunch of what appeared to be wordsalad to see if you presented anything at all to explain this situation.

... none.

Just claims of sockpuppet accounts and other "x anon" that you claim came from them. At no point do you make any link to Q anon. The argument at this point, and this is generously giving you the benefit of the doubt with the other anons being from them, that HLI and DB created other anons, therefore Q anon was also created by them.

That's your argument at best.

So, back to where we were:

Something neither good nor bad is his trick of taking credit for other people's information. In his Nov 1 post Q said that Mueller is actually working for Trump. That helped him gain credibility, because it's true. But how do we know it's true? MegaAnon talked about Mueller being pardoned and working for Trump back on July 25, but we didn't get it from MegaAnon. He cited a tweet by Maggie Haberman of the New York Times. And she tweeted about Mueller being on Trump's side because Trump hinted it to her and two colleagues in a July 19th interview. Trump said he had "a wonderful meeting" with Mueller after Mueller became special counsel. So who told us? Trump did it himself.

No link to the tweet, but let me help you with that.

Her tweet: "Mueller is Trump staff?"

And she's responding to: "Ryan on Trump/Sessions, whether he's concerned Mueller will be removed: "Look, the president gets to decide what his personnel is."" from Matt Flegenheimer.

That doesn't match with what you're claiming here.

So far as I can see, all of Q's valid info is of that kind: Borrowed from someone else. Now here are the two biggest things he's doing wrong:

I'm not going to let you get away with claims like that when you provide no evidence that your words are truthful, and what I DO find on that same day about it is her asking a question about another guy talking about what Ryan said.

One big reason I'm sure that Brock and HLI have let this LARP run away with them,

Still no evidence or even glimmer of support for this claim.

You're right, I must not have read everything, just what was relevant to you and ESOTERIC. The rest was uninteresting and long-winded storytelling. I regret calling your arguments cogent and valid, but maybe everything not related to Q that I saw was. Still inexcusable on my part.

And there is where I'll stop with your first link.

dooob ago

Thank you for taking your time to discuss this low-info person who does his best to appear like a gatekeeper to the truth. You missed something among the first paragraphs. The qanonpost link he links to mimics style but lacks answers on solved drops and instead of the about button there is a donation button.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, I can see where this is going.

In the submission that we are discussing, the first paragraph explains that this is the most recent (the 12th) in a series, and where to find all the previous parts. My point was to draw your attention to the fact that you came in on the LAST of my 12 submissions, and didn't read all of it. While you're certainly not obliged to read the previous 11 submissions, it's cavalier of you to then dismiss what I say about HLI or David Brock as being unsupported.

For example, the reasons why I specifically call out David Brock and Media Matters as being the ones organizing and funding the cover-up executed by HLI are given in two long submissions. In the first, I explained why Media Matters, the largest of Brock's various propaganda operations, is best suited to handling a covert disinfo project, and I drew upon the work of ActivistFacts to show that MM had in fact lied to the IRS about a large chunk of its revenue -- large enough to pay for a covert disinfo project. In the second, I drew upon the work of Wikileaks and the Washington Free Beacon to narrow down where that chunk of revenue originally came from. I showed that it could not be foundation money, as the accounting rules for such money are too tight. It had to be a personal donation. I showed that Herb Sandler, famous from the 'handkerchief' email, made a large personal donation to MM, and using emails from the Podesta dump, I showed that Sandler met with Brock after checking with John Podesta about whether he should.

This is solid investigation, the result of more than a year of work. I realize that you didn't read it at the time, and I don't insist that you read everything now. (Counting long replies in the comments it probably comes to more than 40,000 words by now.) But I reject the charge that my statements are unsupported.

Crensch ago

In the submission that we are discussing, the first paragraph explains that this is the most recent (the 12th) in a series, and where to find all the previous parts. My point was to draw your attention to the fact that you came in on the LAST of my 12 submissions, and didn't read all of it. While you're certainly not obliged to read the previous 11 submissions, it's cavalier of you to then dismiss what I say about HLI or David Brock as being unsupported.

You drew my attention to a massive amount of backstory without taking the steps to get me on board with your claims. Irritating.

I'm currently assessing the text below that link, and for some of it, you have a point. Some of it doesn't add up, and I'm clawing through links and pages of comments and submissions.

For example, the reasons why I specifically call out David Brock and Media Matters as being the ones organizing and funding the cover-up executed by HLI are given in two long submissions. In the first, I explained why Media Matters, the largest of Brock's various propaganda operations, is best suited to handling a covert disinfo project, and I drew upon the work of ActivistFacts to show that MM had in fact lied to the IRS about a large chunk of its revenue -- large enough to pay for a covert disinfo project. In the second, I drew upon the work of Wikileaks and the Washington Free Beacon to narrow down where that chunk of revenue originally came from.

All of this is meaningless. "they had the funds"

Link me to those submissions. I'm working with the links you give me in order because I don't do that anachronistic crap because it's dishonest Jewish bullshit to hide lies in the fine print.

I showed that it could not be foundation money, as the accounting rules for such money are too tight. It had to be a personal donation. I showed that Herb Sandler, famous from the 'handkerchief' email, made a large personal donation to MM, and using emails from the Podesta dump, I showed that Sandler met with Brock after checking with John Podesta about whether he should.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about this at the moment. Nobody.

This is solid investigation, the result of more than a year of work. I realize that you didn't read it at the time, and I don't insist that you read everything now. (Counting long replies in the comments it probably comes to more than 40,000 words by now.) But I reject the charge that my statements are unsupported.

Your job is to provide me with your supporting arguments without me having to go through 40,000 words because literally anyone knows that 99.9999999% of the people you come across won't trawl through it. If you don't know something well enough to state it in a few paragraphs, then maybe you shouldn't try to explain it to people.

I get that you've put a fuckton of effort into this, but even with my completely insane ability to parse a TON of text and information and crush it down into useful little diamonds, I'm having trouble because your arguments meander so goddamn much, and you spend so much time patting yourself on the back and acting like everyone SHOULD have read your 40,000 words.

Do you know what I would do in your situation?


--Supporting links and arguments--


--Supporting linnks and arguments--

Yes. I'd cut out 39,000 words or more of MY work in order to give people digestible information that if they choose to, they can go check my work over. All I've seen so far is a fucking story and a LOT of disparate information that I'm having to try to pull together in order to understand this myself, and that's a far cry from where it needs to be for others reading this to understand it.

If the only way you can present your information is a long-winded story, all I can say is that you'll have very few that really read it all, and fewer still that think you're not using ghostwritingshill tactics.

Fuck me, I need a break. I'm not saying you're 100% full of shit, but you write like someone who is, and it's exhausting.

@kevdude @Vindicator @heygeorge @xenoPsychologist @Rainy-Day-Dream

If any of y'all want to try and parse any of this guy's post(s), I'd appreciate the second pair of eyes on it. I'm almost certain this guy has mastered the "baffle with bullshit" but I'm not ready to throw in the towel completely yet. You might not agree with my position on Q, but this guy has falsifiable comments and submissions that I'd appreciate any kind of input on.

As of this moment, I've not confirmed that what he says about David Brock being behind HLI-> WIC -> Q, or that any of those entities are linked, though the active times of all of them are really close together, and the overall idea "insider info" is the same between them.

Analyzing his comment in this thread

Analyzing the first link in his comment

Vindicator ago

As I recall, I found some of Sober's initial work about Brock and a few of our local disinfo-pushers cogent and worth considering. But then he started conflating many very different people into his theory -- people with completely unique contribution styles who had demonstrated a very un-shillish quality of engagement in the community. In one particularly weakly supported post, he asserted that @think- and @ESOTERICshade were the same person, for example. At that point, I started to think the disinfo had gotten the better of him and he'd lost his ability to discern.

While I think his point about Q and "cold reading" is worth considering, his Q hypothesis was the last in a very long line of identity conflations he made, which I already found unconvincing.

His post today in this thread confirms my previous sense. He asserts that Q "Was In Serious Trouble Once I Showed His Face". In his mind, his posts here on Voat have derailed the entire Brock organization:

From that point on, he played the Q character every day, multiple posts per day. After a few weeks, he gave up on his last remaining "insider" persona on Voat, WisconsinIsCorrupt. He was committed to Q, and has not been able to "dismount the tiger" since, because at all costs he has had to keep diverting attention away from my investigative series.

Frankly, I find it goddamned amazing how this story has unfolded. Today's barrage of mainstream media coverage of Q is surreal to me. It is hard to believe that so much could happen as a result of me and my little investigative project.


@SoberSecondThought, I am now of the mind that either you are some poor dude who has totally lost perspective and need a serious break from this stuff because this sounds frighteningly close to mental illness to me, or you yourself are paid to be here, submitting these long-winded threads to waste people's time, discredit those you target, and confuse people if possible.

think- ago

Didn't he even allege at some point that I am 'Q'? roflmao

SoberSecondThought ago

Not going to argue with you, as there's not much to be gained from it. There's so much cognitive dissonance at this point regarding Q that evidence for my position is going to sound to you and @Crensch and a lot of other people like evidence against it. There's a hurricane of Q-fervor out there now.

I'll just say this: One day you will hear, from a trustworthy source other than me, that the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode was where this started. Some brave soul tried to tell us about Pizzagate three years before Pizzagate was a word. You will hear that Mike Pence and Paul Ryan were involved, and that because of their involvement, they were subject to relentless preemptive character attacks online.

All I did was figure that out and follow the clues here. I'm not a narcissist or someone mentally ill. I saw that it was a story that needed exposing. But now Glenn Beck, Mike Pence, and Paul Ryan (and the country) are clearly going to be just fine, they don't need any further help from me. I felt like I owed to you and @Crensch, as mods, to try and get you on board. But you'll also be fine either way.

Vindicator ago

SST, it's kind of arrogant to assume that everyone but you is brainwashed into Qlove. Many of us are skeptics, even though we believe Q is who he purports to be. Also, are you aware you are repeating the MSM talking point lingo? It doesn't help your argument.

Your Glenn Beck material was quite interesting, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out Pedocrat horrors and blackmail are the explanation for Beck's fall. But you need to read what you wrote out loud to yourself and listen to how it sounds. It sounds a lot like WisconsinIsCorrupt used to sound. ! Then you need to go on a month long fishing trip and listen to the wind in the trees.

SoberSecondThought ago

It's deliciously ironic, is what it is. I don't think everyone is brainwashed. I think everyone has their own filter, and based on their premises, almost everyone is right.

The more casual normies get as far as Q's first couple of days. They see that he predicted Hillary would be arrested, that there would be martial law, that Obama had supposedly gone to North Korea, and so on, and they shrug. Okay, that's wrong so he's not who he says he is. They are right about Q being unreliable, and that's just as far as they get.

The more analytical normies get a little further. They've watched InfoWars, they know about Operation Mockingbird, they're prepared to accept a little bit of disinformation, but they balk at all that "future predicts the past" bullshit. Like when he makes a post saying "Blunt and Direct Time" about Adam Schiff being a leaker ... then the next day a Bangladeshi terrorist blows up a pipe bomb, so now what he was REALLY talking about was a prediction that the FBI would let this guy set off his ineffective pipe bomb. Because BDT is the currency code for Bangladesh. And that's where the more analytical normies jump ship, because it's such blatant confirmation bias to believe Q when he claims things like that.

The third level is the somewhat red-pilled dude who can see that the Dems are incredibly corrupt, that they screwed Bernie, that there's something really, really awful going on behind the scenes. He doesn't do a ton of research, he's not a /b/tard or an InfoWars viewer, he just doesn't trust anyone. His argument is that Q has to be about something because so much effort goes into it and so many people pay attention to it. He doesn't care if Q is who he claims to be. It doesn't matter. What matters is that Q is a symptom of lies and manipulation reaching an epic level. And he's right too.

The fourth level is the red-pilled veteran of 4chan and Voat who knows all the lore. He knows about Bigfish finding the child porn files on the Comet Pizza server. He knows about Ryan O'Neal getting harassed by James Alefantis for his video about the Pegasus museum. And most of all, he knows about the 45,000 sealed items. So he is pretty darn sure that there is going to be a reckoning soon. He doesn't really care if Q is real or not. Q isn't the proof of anything important for him. I actually think of you and @Crensch as being in that category. I don't think Q has fooled you in any fundamental way, beyond operating a bunch of sockpuppets. And they don't matter very much at this point.

My peculiar position is that I saw the connection between some widely spaced events, and I used that insight to trap HLI/WIC/etc into making some revealing mistakes. On the day of my first submission, before I had said anything about "Tory Smith," he used one of his dormant alts to slide my post with two posts about "Galactics" and "blue avians". Now, I can't prove to you that it wasn't one of MY alts that did that. But I had spent months understanding the Glenn Beck story, and researching why Senate Anon insisted that Paul Ryan and Mike Pence were both traitors. I knew right then that he had blundered. He had used language from one of his characters out of context.

What you have to understand is that even if none of you saw the mistake, I made sure that he did. Even if nobody else believed me, he knew I had him. He knew that I knew that he was "Tory Smith". I could get all sorts of little details wrong, make a bad call about a particular sockpuppet, and all the same I was a huge danger because he actually is "Tory Smith" and he worked with Alexandra Meadors who used her real name. There is a paper trial a mile wide leading to him.

And that fact exerted huge pressure on him. He couldn't be sure if people would believe me, or what else I might reveal. So he had to create a really powerful distraction, and at this stage of the game, the only distraction that would work would be one that played to the truth. There really is a storm coming. He's not lying about that. He has to make up predictions out of nothing, new exciting drama every day, and so it's clear he's faking if you pay attention. But he makes the predictions and claims fit the overall situation. He's an insider in that sense. He knows what to say, just like you or I would know more or less what to say if we had to LARP in that way.

So when I say that I know something nobody else knows, it's not because I'm a narcissist or mentally ill. It's just in the nature of the investigation. I do this kind of thing professionally, hunt down identity frauds and financial frauds online. (I said that once before, early on, I think when srayzie asked me about my background.) I'm good at it. I work with some of the smartest people in that field. But I know the limits of the technique. It's not easy to sift through a blizzard of clues. And I've known from the start that I wouldn't convince most people.

That's okay. I don't take it personally when you don't believe me. Your truth is (let's say) 90 percent of the whole truth, and my truth is 93 percent.

Crensch ago

But now Glenn Beck, Mike Pence, and Paul Ryan (and the country) are clearly going to be just fine, they don't need any further help from me.

Delusions of grandeur. This guy is toast.


ESOTERICshade ago

I am now of the mind that either you are some poor dude who has totally lost perspective and need a serious break from this stuff because this sounds frighteningly close to mental illness to me, or you yourself are paid to be here, submitting these long-winded threads to waste people's time, discredit those you target, and confuse people if possible.

Bro, I think you summed it up right there. I agree.

Crensch ago

Before I get started, I'll say one thing:

I do not look forward to parsing all of this. Cheers to the effort you put in, no matter how it turns out, niggerfaggot.

Crensch ago

I won't have time to parse this for the next ~19 hours. I'll be mobile during this time, so if you see me respond to little things, it's not because I'm ignoring this. Your comment demands a bit more than I can do while out and about. Hoping you have something worthwhile on the proofs, too.

Sorry about the timing.

SoberSecondThought ago

Not a problem. I'm not really trying to persuade everyone, because I think those 45,000 sealed items are going to get unsealed fairly soon. Solving this problem doesn't depend on me outshouting this guy.

It would be nice to persuade you, though, so take your time.

kneo24 ago

I don't doubt that Q is real, I just doubt that it's for the greater good. A lot of it seems like limited disclosure to reset the power pieces on the chess board for (((their))) benefit. Trump is the central figure in all of this, not Q. Q is just the narrator. Here's something similar I've posted before and people just ignore it.

A lot of people here who follow the Q movement believe that the Jews will get theirs at the end - not just specific Jews, but Israel and their leaders along with their world wide web of paid agents and the network of everything else tied to their disgusting ways. A lot of those people believe that by naming specific Jews, that Q has "named the jew". That's not really naming the jew per-say, as there's some refusal to come right out and say, "Jews are bad". Naming specific people doesn't necessarily mean you dislike their race. At some point you can't tiptoe around the issue anymore. The overton window doesn't shift if people don't start trying to shift it.

They also believe that the President is playing a large part in this whole Q thing, and that's going to be focal to my point. If Trump is focal, and Jews are bad, why is his lineage going to be Jewish? I can ignore him surrounding himself with Jews, or even buy into the "keep your enemies closer" bit. Many of the big players are Jewish. Sometimes you have to hang out with the den of evil to take it down from within and that's how the game has been setup.

However to marry the majority of your family off to the Jews for the greater good, I just don't buy it. If the Jews really come tumbling down like everyone hopes, that takes down his adults sons (maybe not Donald Jr now that he's divorced) and his favorite daughter - it takes down his grand children. That is one tough pill thing to believe. If his family isn't going to fall around this, then it looks like another game of Jews out jewing other Jews to get into power, i.e. left wing Jews vs right wing Jews and at the end, we're still stuck with Jews. It's a lose-lose situation.

If you do believe he'll throw his family to the wolves for the greater good, wouldn't that be something? What he would be doing is throwing everything on Baron to continue on the lineage and we haven't seen anything that would indicate that's what he's doing.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the response. So Q is not a LARP. Q is not fake, but you think it's probably not ultimately for our benefit.

I think many of your points are valid, and they concern me, too. I don't have an answer for them. All I can say is that I'm on board as long as the moves seem to be for the benefit of America.

If I'm wrong, and everything was a reset for (((them))), then I don't believe we had a chance of stopping it anyway. Not enough whites are awake to do anything, and I personally place their awakening at the top of my priority list, which is something the Q phenomenon has done beautifully.

Blacksmith21 ago

From kneo24:

"i.e. left wing Jews vs right wing Jews and at the end, we're still stuck with Jews."

Who else used the same phrase? 'member?

Crensch ago

Err, I responded a while back to someone whining about left wing vs right wing Jews with "they're all just Jews to me" or something like that.

No idea if there was something else you were getting at.

kneo24 ago

He's trying to insist that CBG and I are the same people, based off of that one statement.

kneo24 ago

The drama between you and CBG is between you two, but for the record I believe his heart is in the right place when it comes to getting rid of the Jewish menace that has plagued humanity.

All I can say is that I'm on board as long as the moves seem to be for the benefit of America.

I hear you on that. Anything that benefits America will hopefully benefit whites. It's a powerful motivating tool. It's been a really long time since the U.S. has had a leader that's strong and is actually going through with as many campaign promises as they can in such a short time.

If I'm wrong, and everything was a reset for (((them))), then I don't believe we had a chance of stopping it anyway. Not enough whites are awake to do anything, and I personally place their awakening at the top of my priority list, which is something the Q phenomenon has done beautifully.

What I'm more concerned with is what we do after that. There's a narrative that's being controlled. I would hope you see it. We don't have all of the information and whoever "Q" is, does have all of the information. How do we keep the people awake and keep them going. Once the reset happens, I believe a lot of people will just declare victory and move on.

It's why I refuse to "TRUST THE PLAN". It's some cult like mentality and it's incredibly effective.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

I like your perspective. Fwiw, I agree with you. Nothing has shown me that Trump/Q are trying to reset the mistakes we made at the end of WW2 and the events leading up to it. If anything,, Trump is kind of looking like a neocon, but not exactly.

I don't know what we can do either, but anyone saying "relax and do nothing, we'll take care of it" has never turned out to be doing something benevolent in the long run.

varialus ago

Q gets people engaged but he's not God. If you caution friends and family about some short forewarning of a immediately impending danger that Q has forewarned about, you're likely to be to be embarrassed when absolutely nothing happens. Was there really an unrealized but legitimate risk behind the scenes? Was the risk likely enough to warrant the precaution? It's hard to say without insider info, but for those of us that don't want egg on our face, it perhaps best not to share his predictions because he doesn't have a crystal ball. People say that Q makes people complacent by telling them to trust that everything is fine, but people who follow Q are much more engaged than they likely would be without Q, so as I see it, so long as Q points them in directions that motivate people to educate themselves about current affairs beyond the scope of what gets emphasized by the main stream media, I see it as a positive effort regardless of the origin of Q. I suspect that Trump is aware of and values Q regardless of its origin, and to me it seems plausible that Trump set it up, not as some top secret military project, but rather simply as a fun game to educate and train his constituency to be more useful, by training them to further educate and empower themselves. If every single American was extremely engaged with every aspect of current events, many problems could be solved very quickly, but unfortunately people have lives and current events are often quite dry and uninteresting. Q very well may essentially just be a creative public service announcement education program.

darkknight111 ago

Interesting note being that some of the Q is a larp camp are known shills around here.

(((Are We Sure))) and resident kebob goat fucker donkeyhote (yes, he's actually a muslim).

Collaborting with the Q community has actually given us some pretty dam good leads as of late.

Cemex, NXIVM.

A list of my threads that came about as a result of said collaboration. Part three of my investigation into Heather O'Rourke (link in thread) came from intel received from them. This new evidence regarding instagram came from an intelligence sharing op that paid off BIG time. The investigation into the Bronfman crime family. Related to NXIVM. The horrific pedo cesspool in bing. Came from another intel sharing op.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

I think a PR company working for Trump is behind Q. The alternative is someone in the administration that uses his insider information to make the posts. It would be nice to have some information, if the FBI/CIA/NSA has a file on Q. If its an official PR campaign then they are probably informed. Can a citizen in the US get information about this with those FOIA requests ?

Vindicator ago

This has looked like a highly sophisticated PR campaign to me from the beginning -- when FBIAnon showed up, then the Wikileaks disclosures, the Steve Pieszcenik "silent coup" videos, the Q Leaks and the NeonRevolt stuff. There's a level of polish to it that reminds me of strongly of high-end corporate communication campaigns.

think- ago

Imo Stephen Miller and buddies are 'Q', but I agree, it's a PR campaign (or to put it less nicely: a psy-op).

Crensch ago

I can't imagine anyone having the info Q has without an insanely high clearance. That's an interesting hypothesis I haven not yet encountered, though. PR company... unlikely, but entertaining to think about.

Are_we__sure ago

You claim Q has info. What's Q's actual batting average? How much does Q get wrong. Y'all never focus on that.

cantfindmenow ago

The Media Establishment sure are in a frenzy over a mere LARP. The Media Establishment use words like 'deranged' 'crazy' 'dangerous' 'looney' 'dark' etc all to discredit a LARP? Their attack alone should get people wondering, if they knew how the Media Establishment works that is. Like another poster rightly says, why are people so scared and angry if it is just a LARP? What harm is the supposed LARP doing? Other than opening some people's eyes to the way the Media Establishment and global corrupt politics and institutions work. I've had personal attacks on Twitter from people jumping in on my tweets and expressing such anger (=fear) about QAnon and it can only leave me thinking the Media Establishment branwashing propaganda is working on them for now. Fear of the Other. People herd together and are scared to step outside the herd to join what the Media Establishment portrays as the Other - those crazies, looneys, deranged, dark folk who are believers of the most dangerous conspiracy since the dawn of the internet...apparantly.

TheMystic ago

Been following Q from the beginning. I am a believer, although I will never dig my heels into anything 100%. You should always be open to being wrong, and looking at other info presented. Plus things get infiltrated, so you need to be on the look out for that happening.

One thing I have noticed is some of the ones that are so against Q, seem to have such a negative world view, and personally attack anyone who brings Q up. Why would they change my mind by being that way? I believe in collective consciousness and negative thinking is just the state of mind that they want us in. Anger, fear, hopelessness, fighting, division etc. They gain power and feed off that energy.

Whether you believe in Q or not, it is a great movement, so many people are waking up, questioning, learning etc. Isn't that the outcome that we have been wanting? Some have been complaining for years that more people needed to know the truth regarding 9-11, child trafficking, deep state, the federal reserve, mind control, the media and on and on and on. Guess what, that is happening, so many more now are looking into things they dismissed as conspiracy theories before, we may have a chance to free ourselves from the Orwellian nightmare. Q's message, even though he leads them down dark paths of information, is somehow also filled with unity, positivity, love, laughter, hope and prayer. I like that approach.

1moar ago

On the fence like mustard, but has anything happened? Legit question, I have no idea.

I want to believe...

Crensch ago

The only thing that happened for me is that a user I previously respected went off the goddamn rails and kept pinging me, so I asked him to show me support for his position and we went full-Jew on me.

LostandFound ago

Only thing I can add here is something I learned nearly a year ago now, I baked early on 4chan days. The thing has been riddled with spooks since day 1. But not strictly d&c spooks, spooks were actually running the bakes. I got mixed up with a bad crowd who were extremely well organised and operated with impunity on 4chan.

If you recall there were many many extreme bot attacks reposting old comments and derailing the bakes, it was the same guys operating the bots as were running the bakes, I was directed to a website for instructions on using an IRC platform and I did a bit of poking around on the site and found some twitter accounts linked to it, and sure as shit the twitter accounts were bots reposting the same spam comments as the 'attackers' on the 4chan threads.

The information that Q puts out is real, I remain very current with the situation, but I am not sure that any of us strictly understand the motivations behind this psyop fully.

Reminder: PamphletAnon deleted a Q thread and then lied about it, I have proof confirmed by BO, he is cancer.

Crensch ago

LostandFound ago

There appears to be a few grains of truth on that tale you linked but also a few fundamental flaws. Here is my take on what you just posted.

Things that indicate to me this story is incorrect;

  1. Corsi was literally assigned to this by Info Wars, a good time after ( several months IIRC ) and actively tried to sabotage the whole thing. So he is not a player imo Q burnt him.

  2. I personally have proof that Pamphlet deleted a Q thread and the board owner at the time burnt him for doing it, so again lack of coordination there. Pamphlet anon is also retarded and could not have kept this up for long. He deleted the thread cause people were flaming him for being retarded and he lost the plot and deleted the whole thread, as he was the baker... the thoughts he managed to keep insider info under wraps this long is too much, also his bakes were fucked up hence he was getting the hard time. PamphletAnon really pissed off the BO's he is the reason that namefags are banned.

  3. No discord interactions during my time, all homebrew IRC setups. I baked from about 300+ on 4chan and the group was the bakers union. The only coordinated group I am aware of that was operating at the time baking and we baked several 100 threads.

  4. Photos for example of NK - AF1 had to be from an insider theres no two ways about it unless you were able to hack the presidential or staff equipment.

  5. At this point with all the Rothschild content etc. laid out the government would have stepped in already if not sanctioned on some level, this is treason whoever is doing this is attempting a revolt / uprising by the people.

  6. Q has made many basic bitch errors over the last year, I would not expect such from someone with chan / l33t hacking skillz. Posted in wrong thread a few times, posted with trip exposed, posted with insecure trip. Uses stupid insecure trips that are easy to brute force. Typo's and not the good ones. Use of language evolved similar to someone just starting to use the chans.

Things that do align with my experience;

  1. Codemonkey lied about Q's trip and assured that the current trip was secure i.e. salted with the boards unique code not a generic code .... which was later brute forced and therefore was an insecure trip as it was posted later and was indeed an insecure trip code.

  2. The leader of the bakers union didnt think that Q was real.

  3. There is far too much coordination between BO / Code etc. and Q

Now something has my noodle going I resurfaced a link I had some time ago which was used to drop info by the 'guardians of internet morality' i.e. bakers union, I just checked out the about page they seem to be linked to other hacking groups which I would presume as on the normie web are honeypots, its a deep deep rabbit hole watch your opsec. Also what self respecting hacker has a usage policy, privacy policy and a license agreement ... just waiting for the GDPR notification any day now....

But back to basics here, people are being red pilled at an alarming rate through this and its gaining momentum therefore whatever you want to call it and however it got here its really real.

Vindicator ago

Very interesting background. Thanks for sharing it.

Crensch ago

Wasn't me posting that - I was responding to someone that posted those links.

LostandFound ago

all good, didnt think otherwise just giving my pov on that for what it was worth

crazy_eyes ago

You're not going to be convinced, cause q is real, its a psyop of some sort, but what is wrong with encouraging people to find the truth?

Crensch ago

Please explain clearly.

crazy_eyes ago

You're not going to be convinced it's a larp, because it is real

Crensch ago

Gotcha. Thanks for the input!

darkknight111 ago

From my experiences, it's the reactions of "them" that are suspiscious. As in Streisand Effect related suspiscious.

If Q is a larp, when why is the MSM having the mother of all chimp outs within the past few days? This chimp out is on par to the one that happened when pizzagate first showed up.

If Q is a larp, then why within 48 of the Q movement becoming mainstream did "they" attempt (failed) a false flag against them last night around 7 PM PST?

If Q is a larp, explain the escalation of shill visciousness within the past week. (the tactics have escalates into full blown vomit inducing grade vile, alongside the wave of "evidence planting" false flag tactics).

Blacksmith21 ago

Not to mention the NYT and other outlets have insinuated that QAnon was born out of #Pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

"Pizzagate on steroids" I believe they characterized it.

I get no end of satisfaction from the so-called toxicity of "Pizzagate". Oh, it's a stupid name. Oh, it's been destroyed by the media. All this hand wringing. Heh. It's notorious! And that is EXCELLENT. We are the turd they just can't get off their shoe. They track us into their books, their interviews, their Twitters, their analysis of new revelations. I fucking love it.

dooob ago

What FF, I just got home, out of the loop

darkknight111 ago

They tried to pull something at a rally last night. Got intercepted.

dooob ago

Yeah, the Kate girl was a black hat, her last name is italian for "to kill". Crazy...

Vindicator ago

The one who got written up for foiling the Trump attack and was mentioned by Q?

dooob ago

The one who got written up for foiling the Trump attack and was mentioned by Q?

Yeah, there are two theories going on, one is that she was an assasination attempt, think "the long con" (ie. fake assassination stopped so she gets validation, wait for the Q support grows and when it reaches critical mass, insert insider) the other theory is that she is a good girl but Trump ordered SS to take away all Q signs to protect them from a possible false flag. Hopefully future drops clear this up a little bit. Q giving platform to the girl could have been disinfo to catch her but also could have been sincere.

Vindicator ago

That foiled attempt seemed a bit too good to be true...and the fact it ran immediately in a newspaper celebrating it was suspicious as hell.

Crensch ago

talmoridor-x ago

Odd how?

dooob ago


concernedcitizen3 ago

Do you have any solid arguments besides your feelings ?

dooob ago

And who comes to his defense? A lurker. Is there like a secret hangout place for you guys?

concernedcitizen3 ago

So ? Until now you haven't made any point but speculated implications.

Go ahead, say it.

dooob ago

Please point out the lie I said in this comment chain.

concernedcitizen3 ago

There is one lie, you said i am defending him. I'm asking you to clarify your argument and bring on the points for whatever it is you're trying to say.

This whole comment chain doesn't have anything directly referencing the original post, and there is nothing claiming or proving things to be wrong or right. No arguments were made. All that there is are diffuse implications without any real follow-up.

So clarify what you want to say, or dont say anything at all.

dooob ago

I am just pointing out the obvious, your 6 month 15 ccp account is a lurker account, is it not? Why are you getting so triggered?

concernedcitizen3 ago

Whats wrong with lurking ?

Crensch ago

I won't even call you a lurker, you look like an aged sock-puppet account.

dooob ago

You dont contribute to the community, you are a leech.

concernedcitizen3 ago

I reject that due to the fact that there are many examples of the contrary and that makes your overgeneralized statements wrong and your reasoning irrational. Lurkers definetly contribute to the community, one example are whistleblowers.

Are you contributing to "the community" with your overly emotional posts?

Seems to me you're the one being triggered and unable to make a point.

Crensch ago

4pol thread on Trump being controlled opposition

Irrelevant, and posted as if I had not responded to another base-level comment of his 30 minutes ago.

Somebody forgot to switch usernames, it seems.

Crensch ago

Deleted comment by @talmoridor-x above/below here

Nope, ant totally relevant, in that Q is connected to Trump by certain.

By certain what? Or did you mean "for certain"? If he's connected to Trump, that means he's not a LARP, right?

talmoridor-x ago

"For certain". He's not a LARP, but Trump, Q, and politics as a whole are distracting us from killing the true powers that be: jews, and whoever are above them. If they're really "God's chosen", perhaps God is evil. Now that would be an epic undertaking.

Crensch ago

You say that as if without Q and Trump, somehow the Jews and those above them would be being killed. I'm of the mind that had Hillary won, we'd be in a civil war, but we'd only have the local kikes within reach, and we'd have a FUCKton of normies that would think them "just like us".

talmoridor-x ago

We were fucked no matter who won. All politics is sham.

and we'd have a FUCKton of normies that would think them "just like us".

I agree, the majority of normies are NPCs brainwashed beyond hope.

dooob ago

Eternal blackpiller

stop resisting and just give up, the ebil Joo has won and you can do nothing about it.

talmoridor-x ago

I never suggested that. Look beyond the politics smokescreen, and realize the only way to defeat them, is to become them. Whites, as jews, must abandon morals, lie, cheat, steal, accumulate massive capital, become slaveholders, and form elite honor groups to reach the playing field level to that of jews.

concernedcitizen3 ago

Just enforce new anti-corruption laws and make the lobby 100% transparent. Kick their influence out of your politics by protesting on a massive scale for this one common cause, left and right hand in hand.

then If you get over your countries division, the international bankers loose their tool of power, and you dont need to commit horrible sins.

Becoming a criminal to stop criminals does not work for the good of society

The ends to not justify the means

talmoridor-x ago

CCP: 16

SCP: 0

Five (5) Shekels have been sent to your account.

concernedcitizen3 ago

Got any solid argument, or just association fallacy tactics ?

Crensch ago

It's not a fallacy when it's true. 6 months and 16ccp is suspicious as fuck.

concernedcitizen3 ago

There is a difference between truth and suspicion. It is a fallacy.

Crensch ago

It's true that you're suspicious. Nice try, though.

talmoridor-x ago

Nope, and totally relevant, in that Q is connected to Trump by certain.

thisistotallynotme ago

This thread is like kryptonite for @CheeseboogersGhost and @Tallest_Skil

MichaelClayton ago

"Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him." - Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason

MichaelClayton ago

He's piggybacking on info already out there. Trump is a freemason. This guy is trying to look like he's not one.

dooob ago

By posting one word or one link, Q brings millions of eyes on that information. How is him "piggybacking" on something only thousands have seen a bad thing?

MichaelClayton ago

It's called limited hangout. It's not all bad, but the controlled opposition, in this case Q, would reveal some things but might steer things in the wrong direction with disinfo. The main problem with Q is he holds Trump as a hero, when he's just another foot soldier for the masons.

Crensch ago

He's piggybacking on info already out there.

That sentiment was already around? I hadn't seen it. I'm sure many tens of thousands of others hadn't, either.

Trump is a freemason.

1) source?

2) does this preclude him from going against them now that he has the power to do so?

This guy is trying to look like he's not one.

Like Trump is not one, or like Q is not one?

More to the point:

Not an ounce of this is on trial here. You're not really doing anything but ensuring the Q-LARP camp gets another dirty stain from someone trying to change subjects, and possibly having a microscope put to your other comments.

MichaelClayton ago

It doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of Q. Larp or not. No one will actually go out and do anything to fix shit themselves, they'll just put their faith in someone like Q and hope he is taking care of business. That's what he is. We all say "someone do something please!" Q says "I got you, fam" and then everyone relaxes because they think Q is taking care of it.

Here is a video of Trump saying he is a mason.

Masons by blood oath must look out for their fellow brothers no matter what. So if their brother is doing bad stuff, the person has allow them to keep going and not turn them in. Masonic law ranks higher that citizen law. So if they're all masons the only way for shit to change is for non-masons to do something.

talmoridor-x ago

This video sums it up nicely:

distracted from big pizzagate developments

constant misdirection

Also, Q IS REAL. I don't doubt that. But he and POTUS are a joint psyop to misdirect the redpilled into supporting neoconservatism

Crensch ago

From OP:

Present your case better than he did. Either defend your position with facts, evidence, and if a video, timestamps to the relevant parts,

I'm not spending 40 fucking minutes of my time to prove you right. Point me to the relevant parts where this guy somehow proves your statements.

Also, Q IS REAL. I don't doubt that. But he and POTUS are a joint psyop to misdirect the redpilled into supporting neoconservatism

That's not what's on trial here. The buzzword of the anti-Q is "LARP". LIVE ACTION ROLE-PLAY - Suggesting he's just some random anon faggot that doesn't actually have any insider info.

Can you prove your claim about Q being a psyop for that particular purpose?

talmoridor-x ago

I can only infer at this time. Spend some time reading opposing viewpoints; actively try to prove yourself wrong, then make the judgement.

Crensch ago

Spend some time reading opposing viewpoints; actively try to prove yourself wrong, then make the judgement.

Why don't all of you faggots that actively try to mock people like me, that seem to already have the info I'd be looking for, present it?

I've seen what has been presented, and like everything you posted here, it was absolutely pathetic.

How about you take a dose of your own medicine, since you want me to take my time based on your word. You've very obviously not presented anything suggesting you've done so.

talmoridor-x ago

take a dose of your own medicine

I have, and do so constantly. For months, I was on board with the Q crowd, until Trump had passed Omnibus, and ultimately, ordered a second strike on Syria. Question everything. I wouldn't be mad if this was all part of Trump's 4-D chess master plan, I just think it's incredibly unlikely at this point.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Proof that Q is bullshit 1) Thinks Robert Mueller is secretly pro-Trump 2) thinks Trey Gowdy isn't controlled opposition 3) supports regime change in Iran.

Crensch ago

That's really not convincing. Not only are there no links to Q's exact words that you're referencing, but there are no links showing the opposite of what you're saying to be true.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

It's what convinced be that Q was bullshit. I don't bother going through archiving everything. I wanted to believe but it took me along time to piece everything together.

Crensch ago

I can respect that, but the point of this submission is to convince others (me) that there's even an ounce of legitimacy to the claim that Q is a LARP. I'm going to need more than that.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Trey Gowdy supports the Mueller probe. Qtards think that Mueller is somehow pro-Trump. Qanon said he wanted Trey Gowdy for Supreme Court.

Just brought these up from Breitbart.

Trey Gowdy on Trump Lawyer Calling for Mueller Probe to End: If Trump Is Innocent, ‘Act Like It’

Gowdy: I Don’t Think Mueller Probe Is a Witch Hunt

Not to mention Gowdy helped nuke the impeachment of Rosenstein. The guy's a shill.

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Mueller does seem pro Trump in a way to me.

If Mueller was anti Trump the trump-russia proof would be leaked. The evidence used for the indicted Russians would be public

They have had long enough to fabricate it.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

If Mueller was anti Trump the trump-russia proof would be leaked

There is no proof. That's why Mueller is expanding the scope more and more. That's why the investigation focuses on ever more trivial things.

twistedmac11 ago

Mueller has shown himself to be a fixer, and in an investigation, who usually needs a fixer? The one being investigated. Where better to place the fixer? At the head of the investigation.

Crensch ago

Qtards think that Mueller is somehow pro-Trump.

I'm not really interested in what they believe.

Qanon said he wanted Trey Gowdy for Supreme Court.

Can I get a source for this? I actually looked it up because I recognize your name and don't think you'd try to mislead me.

Trey Gowdy on Trump Lawyer Calling for Mueller Probe to End: If Trump Is Innocent, ‘Act Like It’

To suggest that McCabe should shut down and all that he is looking at his collusion, if you have an innocent client, act like it. Russia attacked our country.

Either Gowdy really thinks Russia attacked our country and he's a nutjob just like the rest, or he's playing a part so he doesn't look biased in the wrong way.

If the former, I agree with you that Gowdy is probably not a good guy, but that's as far as it goes with your links so far.

Gowdy: I Don’t Think Mueller Probe Is a Witch Hunt

Basically the same as above.

Not to mention Gowdy helped nuke the impeachment of Rosenstein. The guy's a shill.

Would like links to this, as well.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Would like links to this, as well.

I made a post about it. Didn't gain much traction. I would have to dig through the Q posts about appointing Gowdy to the Supreme Court.

Crensch ago

I made a post about it. Didn't gain much traction.

Thank you. I think a lot of people on Voat in general are pro-Gowdy, though I've had my doubts about him. If he believes these things, then I definitely consider him a bad actor. The question is whether or not he believes these things, or whether he's playing a part. I realize the latter there is really convenient for the Pro-Q crowd, but I don't think it implausible.

I would have to dig through the Q posts about appointing Gowdy to the Supreme Court.

I went here and did a ctrl+f.

youllrememberme ago


Q never said he wanted Gowdy, he did say that it wouldn't be Gowdy and he did say Gowdy is a patriot.

Edit: Should have read further before replying.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

So did you find anything? Because here's the Voat post talking about Q wanting Gowdy for SCOTUS. Also it's on the Qanon website

Here's the other Q post about wanting Gowdy for SCOTUS

Here's the Q post I was talking about, with him wanting regime change in Iran

Crensch ago

Here's the other Q post about wanting Gowdy for SCOTUS

“I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office; instead I will be returning to the justice system,” Gowdy said in a statement.

Should we add him to the list?


Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination.


I can't reach any context here, but I DO see this:

Make no mistake-

Rep Gowdy is a Patriot.


So either Q is lying, or Gowdy is lying, to my mind. Is there an alternative?

Here's the Q post I was talking about, with him wanting regime change in Iran

I see that Q seems to want regime change. What do we know about Iran and its regime that causes Q to be a bad guy for it?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Q is lying and Gowdy is lying. Gowdy is demonstratively a shill. Whenever Mueller or Rosenstein are feeling the heat Gowdy goes into full shill mode.

Anyway, (((Our Great Ally))) is always pushing for regime change in Iran. It would be a huge mess that America would be left cleaning up for a very long time. It would be extremely bloody along with an oil shock, which would totally sink Trump politically.

Crensch ago

On the subject of Gowdy, both are lying?

OGA being Q or Trump?

And despite the historical regime changes being abortions, is it impossible that this one won't be?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Gowdy seems to really like attention. He goes from being a conservative firebrand one day and then running to the liberal media the next, always staying in the limelight. The makes a lot of noise about looking into things, but then it never materializes.

Of course war with Iran would be even more of a clusterfuck of anything ever attempted. It would set the entire region aflame. Even if the regime change went off without a hitch, it would create a massive anarchy zone and open another migration route towards Europe.

Crensch ago

Gowdy seems to really like attention. He goes from being a conservative firebrand one day and then running to the liberal media the next, always staying in the limelight. The makes a lot of noise about looking into things, but then it never materializes.

Either a flip-flopping political faggot, or an actor using his position to garner goodwill from both sides in order to perform some action in the future.

Of course war with Iran would be even more of a clusterfuck of anything ever attempted. It would set the entire region aflame. Even if the regime change went off without a hitch, it would create a massive anarchy zone and open another migration route towards Europe.

I'll admit to having no useful knowledge here, but I'm not quite sure I can just accept that it'll necessarily be such a clusterfuck.

I'm of the mind that the region has been artificially aflame thanks to (((them))) and the CIA for the past 7?decades, and IF both of the aforementioned are being dismantled, a regime change from one approved by (((them))) might be a good thing.

Onetime1 ago

There should be no doubt whatsoever by this time that Q is legit.

Almost definitely a close associate in Trump's circle (the reflection of the Jefferson portrait and the underside of the table lamp from the Oval office showing on the pen in one of the Q posts shatter any uncertainty).

The proofs are too numerous to even bother mentioning here. One reason for the cryptic nature of the communication is the illegally of disclosing classified material. NSA is the source of this data, most probably in collusion with DIA and/or other intelligence components from the military. Successful prosecution ( now OVER 45,000 sealed indictments) warrant discretion regarding disserminating information. Finally, "it" is working in the sense that tens of millions of people are starting to recognize the vast scale of deception and corruption that has existed on a global scale for some time.

THAT fact can NOT simply be "told" to the public and expected to be embraced as part of a new reality.

Absolutely brilliant plan and - so far - outstanding implementation of same.

100% legit.

concernedcitizen3 ago

It's not because of Q that people are waking up, it's because of Q awakened people get up on the wrong foot. People are waking up because it's mid day and the suns too hot to sleep anymore. They are just using that and try to control it.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

QAnon is the triphandle on /pol/ right? Thats about all I know about the subject. Without having read the claims I can't really comment on them. I don't read /pol/.

Crensch ago

Not on /pol/. On infinitychan, /pol/ has posts constantly about Q being a LARP.


Are the current places, if I'm not mistaken.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

I wouldn't take any of it seriously.

Crensch ago

Respectable position. A lot of disinfo and bullshit. Cheers, bud.

Warnos44 ago

Think you're hot shit, dont'cha?

Keep it up, I'll larp your Q!

I've been on board with Q for sure about three months. Before that I was still considering all things.

Whether or not Trump is an Israel supporter in the wrong way matters not at all. The opening of eyes and drastic increase of John Q public's interest in the current events are invaluable. We needed this in the worst way. It's happening drastically faster than depending on the old red pill way.

auralsects ago

Whether or not Trump is an Israel supporter in the wrong way matters not at all. The opening of eyes and drastic increase of John Q public's interest in the current events are invaluable.

that doesn't make a lick of sense. exact same thing as saying '9-11 woke up the public to the dangers of Islamic terrorism'

Crensch ago

Think you're hot shit, dont'cha?

You tell me.

I agree entirely. Cheers, bud.

Warnos44 ago

It was entirely meant as a joke, throw back to Skippy (cringe).

I read it all before I posted that's why I said that, it was well done.


Lobotomy ago

And this is part of the problem I have with Q. I am not trusting SHIT until I get results. I am not dropping my guard for a second, until I get results. I am going to keep looking deep into shit until I fucking see results.

Hilldawg2020 ago

October surprise

dooob ago

You do understand that using bad accounts like yours to mock Q only adds validity to the theory? Chan tactic doesnt work here, bud.

Hilldawg2020 ago

My account is to mock the cunt in the name. I want to believe.

My guess is they are holding onto this as their "Trump" card.

They can throw anything at him, they will just release this and it makes what he did look like childsplay

dooob ago

Mocking doesnt get us anywhere, basically spam but w.e.

Hilldawg2020 ago

Hmm. Not trying to mock. Sorry if it comes off that way... unless you're trolling me...

Q is awesome, even if it is all LARP(not saying it is), its exposing elite corruption.

Lobotomy ago

It's never been about necessarily WHO he is, but rather WHY he is. There's no doubt that Q has done a good job at dropping little intel breadcrumbs to prove his (or their, but I'll call it a he for now) legitimacy as an insider. HOWEVER...

...And this is is the fucking important thing, okay? There is no way to guess his intentions. You don't know if Q is a good actor simply by virtue of knowing a few newsbits in advance and delivering them to 4chan with some lame-o Halo 3 ARG crypric metaphoria. There is no way to determine whether or not this is some CIAnigger psyop campaign to rope some /pol/lacks into the idea that everything is being taken care of and to relax with the looking into things goy and don't forget to vote for Trump in 2020, while nothing of true importance actually moves forward. You don't know if Q is controlled opposition. For all you know, you may be eating right out of the palm of "his" hand.

Take absolutely everything this guy says with a healthy dose of skepticism, not only for the content, but of his intentions. There are some good people in this world, but you have NO FUCKING CLUE whether or not this guy is a Three Letter Acronym nigger.

Crensch ago

There's no doubt that Q has done a good job at dropping little intel breadcrumbs to prove his (or their, but I'll call it a he for now) legitimacy as an insider.

This is really all that's on trial here. The buzz-word for the anti-Q is "LARP", not "evil and really against you".

There is no way to guess his intentions.

Intended or not, a rapidly growing subsection of normies are becoming politically aware and active and no longer trust the MSM or Alex Jones.

Q has not pointed the finger at Israel yet, which is a goddamn huge problem when you consider just how much (((they))) are behind nigh all of it.

That's a lie. He said Israel would be last. He's mentioned it, and even pointed out Mossad recently. I don't see the problem.

You save the most dangerous and most connected and most insulated-from-attack until after you've destroyed their support base.

I don't know what it is, but from what few mannerisms you can pick up from him, it's certainly there.

Care to share those mannerisms? I haven't seen anything suggesting Q wants anything at all besides MAGA and MEGA. I'd be interested to be shown otherwise.

Take absolutely everything this guy says with a healthy dose of skepticism, not only for the content, but of his intentions.

I just got through ripping a user I liked to shreds because he started acting like a kike on this very topic.

Just enjoy the ride while surfing the Kali Yuga. If it turns out positive, that's great. If not, don't say I didn't warn you.

Lobotomy ago

Wow you really are sucking his cock! Enjoy your cult of personality. Your image is also projection, beacause to do nothing but eat popcorn like Q is telling you to do, is spectating far more than what I do.

Crensch ago

You know, you started off just fine with the first one, but deathspiraled right after.

Back at you.

I must say, wow, you really are sucking his cock!

Oh, I'm sorry:

Q has not pointed the finger at Israel yet

Prove this.

Enjoy your cult of personality.

Enjoy having a position based on lies (like the quoted above.)

Your image is also projection, beacause to do nothing but eat popcorn like Q is telling you to do, is spectating far more than what I do, which is prepping for civil war and naming the jew.

TIL - Belief in Q precludes one from prepping for civil war and naming the Jew.

You can't outdo me by letting Q tell you that everything is okay and to just sit tight. I am deeper into this game than you are.

That's quite the claim from someone that can't seem to support his position, and even starts off with a lie.

Bank of Israel mentioned

"We are saving Israel for last"

Linking Chuck Schumer and Israel

Noting that Israel impeded investigation of events

Q has not pointed the finger at Israel yet


I thought you'd be more level headed than that. Guess I was wrong.

Lying to me really doesn't tend to work out for people.

Lobotomy ago

Sorry, all I can read is Schlurp, Schlurp! I can't get this Q meat out of my mouth! He is not naming the Jew by naming Israel out of an expansive list of names. Even though it's nice that he is saving Israel for last, this can't go on for much longer, and again, there has to be a toll to pay with Q. Nobody does this for free.

Sitting on your hands and white knighting for what could be a CIA ARG is not getting anything done. Don't rely on Q to get the dirtywork done. Dig on your own and don't listen to anyone who claims that they'll "take it from here".

Crensch ago

Sorry, all I can read is Schlurp, Schlurp! I can't get this Q meat out of my mouth!

This is the level of discourse I've always seen from the anti-Q crowd.

He is not naming the Jew by naming Israel out of an expansive list of names.

Oh, so no points at all for not avoiding it? Got it.

Even though it's nice that he is saving Israel for last, this can't go on for much longer, and again, there has to be a toll to pay with Q. Nobody does this for free.

That's quite the claim. Care to support it?

It precludes you from being more active.

No, it really doesn't. The only thing it would really preclude someone from doing is finally starting the bullets flying, and guess what? Your bullets aren't flying either.

Those mannerisms in his speech I mentioned are subtle, but are intended to guide you into taking it easy. To lower your guard a bit. I will not go through it all with you, you've read it all so you can do it yourself.

So you won't support your claims about it. Got it.

Having some insider tell you that things are being done is everything some people need to stop being dilligent.

Maybe. And everything a LOT of people need to wake the fuck up and stop believing the MSM and becoming politically aware.

Also FWIW I did not know until now that he said he's saving Israel for last. My problem is that you defend and talk about him like an idol.

You didn't know something about the subject that I presented to you, AND YOU LIED ABOUT IT, so now your issue is that I talk about him like an idol? Can you provide examples of this?

Lobotomy ago

Can you provide examples of this?

Absolutely every dicksucking statement you made in your OP.

Crensch ago

Absolutely every dicksucking statement you made in your OP.


Lobotomy ago


Crensch ago

Thanks for presenting your opinion.

My response:

that puts them in handcuffs.

What happens when the police department is corrupt and won't arrest a mayor that has done something illegal?

As for the rest of your comment, it's as if you need Q to be a god and have the power to make everything exactly how you want it with a snap of his fingers before you think he's anything to write home about. As if the cloak-and-dagger takedown of a clandestine intelligence bureau that operates at the behest of the richest people on the planet is a simple "point and arrest to win" type scenario.

And nothing personal, but this is worth pointing out. You're the first to even begin to respond in the negative on Q, and your comment isn't all that negative. It looks just a little bit like a less-valuable alt account being used to judge the response of the users here to a little nudge in the direction of Q being a LARP. I could be wrong, but if you know how shill outfits operate, I'm sure you won't blame me for covering my bases.

waringi ago

I think Q is a legit insider LARPing. Someone who has real intel in the Trump admin, but their claims being pure "optic" bravado. I see the value of getting an alternative narrative versus what the lying MSM tells us and I'm glad for it. It does help the admin's case, but I don't think this is a Trump authorized endeavor.

It reminds me of the kid who would get his face smashed in and his only come back would be "You're lucky bro! I could totally kick your ass but I won't because my hands are registered weapons and I would end up killing you! I dont want to go to jail for murder!" while his nose is gushing blood.

If "they have it all" then why have their "booms" been weak farts? None of the justice timelines have come true. Something big in March? Something big in July? Learn the truth? Why do they keep waiting on unreliable actors? RR RM?

"It takes time to build a case", really? Obvious treason takes a few years to prosecute? "Wars would start tomorrow if..." So there's obvious casus belli and we're just going to let things work themselves out? Bad operators are still in power and have NOT been neutralized. Globally. Why do they not have congress doing their bidding if they set them "free" or have the dirt on them?

I could go on, but the jist of it is that yeah, the intel is legit but the promises are weak. Just enough to pump hope into voters before the elections. They say they are winning overwhelmingly, but I think they are barely coming ahead.

Crensch ago

I see no evidence of anything here, and the links in it appear to be others you've posted, so:

Someone's telling a story.

Here’s the MOAB (again an inside joke)!

Some individuals hacked a server ( I wont say who for obvious reasons but if you know the group, then you’ll know who’s tech enough to do this). This was a “4am talking points” server (yup it’s in the crumbs)– it’s no more than a cloud server where Journalist/reporters send their breaking news to the media.

Yet somehow the MSM doesn't report on these things as they're happening? Rockeman and Trump meeting in the Forbidden City somehow manages to not make it to the news cycle so (((they))) can make the public fearful of what insane things are being talked about with the leaders of China and NK? Two of our worst enemies?

That's a Q drop that straight up came true later when all of the MSM was stating over and over again that peace with NK was impossible.

Your first link after your pastebin link doesn't even mention Q. I'm not going to read all that horseshit to prove you right - point out where in all of that crap is something worthwhile, and explain it here clearly.

More crap I'm supposed to sift through?

This actually appears to be pro-Q, which makes your comment absurd. Did you know that links to a bunch of crap without some kind of text describing it or explaining it is really poor form?

WhiteRonin ago

I’m personally on the fence. I have been posting pro Q content though. I also get attacked in the greatawakening because of my association with SBBH. So officially my stance is not against Q but asshole maniacs like the jerk off who deletes comments.

Your comment /v/QProofs/2656435/13445660 has been deleted by: @ClickClick on: 8/2/2018 1:22:24 PM

Description given: Rule Violation: Spam

Original Comment

Oh my! So envelopes have copied the G mail logo.

My comment was spot on. It’s an envelope not a Gmail logo. Also proved that sub is an official circle jerk echo chamber.

The post that got hated on was basically calling out the maniacs being used while they don’t know it. This is a possibility and probably why anti-Q stances have started. If you want a successful and supported movement you need to accept those like me who want to believe but still question things. This means that getting attacked, like any human response when you are pissed off, will end up calling Q a larp.

So now you are challenged to reign in the assholes and faggets. Get them to accept a more moderate view for the better of the community. I already know how this will go and you are being challenged unfairly. ;-) too bad but it’s the for the better.

Q is either an insider or somebody who knows a hell of a lot which makes him being a genuine larp hard to defend. A good example was that guy who imitated Steve Jobs and called everybody retards - talk about larp extreme skills! It had a lot of people fooled in the beginning but after a while everybody realized it was a parody. So, the proof is more about which is Q? An insider or somebody with awesome access to informatio. The later would technically be a larp but not completely. The challenge is to prove that he is a insider as in a member of his cabinet/surrounding support team. Remember an insider could also be leaking information to the outsider and thus having awesome access to information.

A last thing to consider: the NWO is retooled their strategy. The economic collapse will not happen. Because unlike Detroit which got paid off by the government Trump will likely let corporations fuck themselves. So expect a boom period until 2024 with the end of the Trump Presidency. The market will go to 30k and possibly break 40k. NWO is fueling this along with Trump’s efforts. The NWO ain’t stupid. The next President 2024-2028 is a question mark. More than likely a Trump soon off so the economy will slow but not crash. 2028 is the danger period. The NwO will have had 4 years to regain some control and more than likely enough to put that Puerto Rican chick into the Oval Office. If a democrat or democrat puppet like Bush 2 then expect the economy to tank and kill the next Republican Presidental chance. Invest now! Bitcoin and such will also keep rocketing like never seen before. But before 2024 pull out your investments and cash out happy. You might still be ok until inauguration but 4-5 months into that presidency and you will suffer losses.

The only way I can see the NWO getting wiped out is massive world wide revolt and I don’t see that. The swamp will remain but in retreat mode until the Trump elite have disappeared and more left leaning refugee lovers gain power again.

Trump bought us time. He prevented massive wars and death of many societies under Killary’s watch.

Q needs to hit a few obvious home runs before Trump announces XYZ is going to jail or we will see people who point out October never saw Killarney in jail arguements grow.

The sheeple need wins not esoteric riddles and trivia challenges.

dooob ago

What? Q said 11-11-18 is the day we proclaim victory, we win by 11-11-18 world wide.

WhiteRonin ago

Are you referring g to mid-term elections? If so, that is not the win I am talking about. The fake news created their own loss.

xenoPsychologist ago

surely some fascinating discussion will occur. no? only a few silent downvotes? truly these are sad times.

MolochHunter ago

whether or not you believe Q is working with Trump, or whether you think he is but its a ruse to pretend to drain the swamp while planning to betray us, these are facts:

1) Q's drops provide insightful and genuine intelligence that would win considerable respect if posted by any regular old anon who was not alleging to be a Trump insider. That intelligence deserves its own consideration irrespective of the legitimacy of the insider claim

2) he has never once acted in Bad Faith - told Americans to break the law, engage in vigilantism, etc, etc. He has called for Unity among Americans, and that's a fuck load of what's needed at this fractious moment in history.

kneo24 ago

I just want to point out that the above poster is a Zionist and supports the browning of America. This zionist will constantly talk out both sides of their mouth.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't forget to point out that @kneo24 is CBG.

Shizy ago

Either the same person or they just fag out together so much they sound alike.

kneo24 ago

Go ahead, you niggerfaggot, prove this.

Shizy ago

Why don't you take it to the cage fight and not shit talk @molochhunter here?

kneo24 ago

I didn't know shit talking was now reply to the user you're talking about, and saying true things about them. Do yo have any other phrases you'd like to redefine to fit a narrative?

Shizy ago

Not right now, thanks for asking!

MolochHunter ago

thanks but its ok, Shizy, I've told @kneo24 that I'm proud about the browning of America and thats why when i fuck his mother its up her ass hole

Shizy ago

No wonder he's not happy with you 😂

kneo24 ago

Do you support the browning of America? Do you support Israel? Your friend here does and it seems you're in defense of him. Do you share the same values as he does.

Shizy ago

So you believe the same exact way on everything as those that you are friends with? Interesting! That's not typically true of most people but for some reason you seem to think it is.

kneo24 ago

Again, you seem to be defending him based on the true accusations I made, which is why I'm questioning if you believe as he does. I don't defend my friends for indefensible things, like being a zionist, or supporting the browning of America. I hope you're aware that zionists seek to play both sides and aren't your allies in this, especially if "Israel is being saved or last."

Shizy ago

I simply told you to take it to cagefight if you wanted to fight with him. I'm not defending his personal beliefs, and I really don't even know what those are nor do I actually care. I care even less about your beliefs and wasting my time sharing mine with you. Go find someone else to fight with.

kneo24 ago

Pointing out the truth about someone is not fighting them.

You're also purposely dodging the questions and pretending to be ignorant of their meaning. I do not believe that you don't know that zionism is the defense is an ethnic Jewish state. I do not believe that you don't know that the browning of America means turning America into a non-white majority.

And yes, coming to their aide and having teenage chat sessions with them about my comments is defending their beliefs.

Shizy ago

I'm not purposely dodging shit! Of course I know what those things mean, I just don't think highly enough of you to engage with you. For some reason that seems to really bother you, but deal with it!

kneo24 ago

Now you've lied. Are you jewish by any chance?

Shizy ago

Now you're obsessively bugging me, you a nigger by any chance?

kneo24 ago

I'm not a nigger, and it's easy to see that by how I haven't chimped out, like OWI. See how easy it is to answer these simple questions?

Shizy ago

Well a white woman is telling you she's not interested in conversing with you but you persist and won't let it go. That's what niggers do.

kneo24 ago

If that was the case, you'd simply stop responding. You wouldn't have gone to such lengths to lie to me. This isn't person to person interaction. You could just easily walk away, leaving me to wonder what the real answers were. Instead, you'd rather keep evading the questions and coming up with bullshit responses, and now you're trying to play some sort of victim. Geeze, it's not like you haven't done that before.

Shizy ago

I haven't lied, so go fuck yourself for calling me a liar! Like I would care enough to lie 😂! Don't flatter yourself! Youre a part of cheeseboogers little fan club yet you really expect me to take you seriously and have an actual discussion about anything?!! It seems you use the same shitty tactics he does of twisting and taking things out of context. I have no time or use for those bullshit games. Im not playing victim. I just pointed out how niggers act. If you took that personally then that's your issue.

kneo24 ago

You did lie. You said you didn't know what "zionism" or the "browning of America" was, and when I told you what they were, you said you know what they were, and that you didn't want to engage in conversation with me.

It seems you use the same shitty tactics he does of twisting and taking things out of context.

If I'm taking things out of context, you could have used any opportunity to clear it up and work on writing more clearly so that isn't a problem.

I have no time or use for those bullshit games. Im not playing victim. I just pointed out how niggers act. If you took that personally then that's your issue.

See, that's another lie. Multiple of them, in fact. You keep telling me you wish to not converse, but you keep responding, And now you're pretending you're some sort of victim because I won't leave you alone, despite you constantly responding to what I'm writing.

Afterall, this is a discussion forum. I'm not going out of my way to engage with you, you inserted yourself into a conversation thread I was a part of, for the sole purpose of defending a zionist. Again, you could have just simply not responded to anything I have written, but you continue to do so.

Shizy ago

I never said I didn't know what Zionism or browning of America is 😂! ! Why do you lie?? What I said was I don't know about Molechhunters beliefs, nor do I particularly care! You on the other hand have some weird fixation on what I believe. Let it go dude! I'm not sharing shit with you! And now that you have kept pushing It and turned to outright lying, I'm blocking you. I don't have time for more booger wannabes.

kneo24 ago

Well, sure, you know what his beliefs are. It was part of the conversation. See, another lie. And you continue to respond despite not wanting my attention. Blocking me doesn't change the facts.

I was hoping that the long time between responses was an indication that you wisened up and decided to not respond.

Shizy ago

See, you're using your bullshit twisting tactics like I already called you on! I made the cage fight comment before molech said anything about browning of America, so what now? You've shown yourself to be a liar, and a bad one at that. And I will take as long as I want to respond to you 😂! I'm actually here trying to read threads, not hanging on your every word! Once again, that's a pretty niggardly mindset you have!

kneo24 ago

See, you're using your bullshit twisting tactics like I already called you on! I made the cage fight comment before molech said anything about browning of America, so what now?

You didn't. Moloch made that comment days ago. You made your cage match comment today, and then you scurried off to defend him, which indicates your original intentions were to defend him from the start, instead of being neutral.

On that note, I don't care how long it takes for your responses. I was pointing out that I thought a delayed response was you finally taking the idea of not responding to me at all, indicating you actually got the point.

It's clear, however, that you lack reading comprehension abilities.

On that note, if you don't want me to respond to you, why do you keep engaging in this banter with me? Was that another one of your lies?

Shizy ago

You mean comments that you linked to? I didn't click your links. I don't care enough to! To use the same words you used to crensch about cheesebooger, I think molechs heart is in the right place regarding pizzagate, so I don't really care about the other shit! Not sure why you care so much but maybe it has something to do with the twisted mindset that spams telling people they should kill themselves because they don't think like you do! And real cute with the reading comprehension comment from the person who couldn't understand what I was saying about knowing molechs beliefs! What a laugh!

notenoughstuff ago

kneo 24 is a Jew. He/she has proven as much themselves. I get the impression that kneo is very focused on becoming controlled opposition here on Voat - he is definitely very active. And there are a large number of shills and Jews here on Voat, though that is generally unavoidable. I do wonder about the system and whether it has some of the same vulnerabilities as reddit seems to have. While downvoting can help keep spammers out, it can also help censor others. But Voat does have differences, and it might be possible for it to turn out well in the long run. I guess we will see.

Shizy ago

I think you are right on about this. I got tired of his nonsense and just blocked him.

kneo24 ago

To use the same words you used to crensch about cheesebooger, I think molechs heart is in the right place regarding pizzagate, so I don't really care about the other shit!

The difference here is that I don't think either of them are zionists. If I believe either of them were, I would be taking sides.

Not caring about the browning of America, or the fact that zionists have infiltrated the movement you support, really says a lot about your moral character.

Not sure why you care so much

Of course a zionist defender would play dumb here.

but maybe it has something to do with the twisted mindset that spams telling people they should kill themselves because they don't think like you do!

I rather enjoy demoralizing jewish shills.

And real cute with the reading comprehension comment from the person who couldn't understand what I was saying about knowing molechs beliefs! What a laugh!

You lie so often, it's hard to discern what the truth is from you, and what you really mean. You can't fault someone for not being able to navigate the mess of lies you leave behind you.

On that note I'll ask again. If you don't want me to engage in this type of discourse with you, why do you keep responding? Are you a zionist? Do you support the browning of the U.S.? Are you jewish?

MolochHunter ago

he's got some bug up his ass because while im all for building the wall, I stop short at gas chambers

kneo24 ago

You can make all the jokes you want, but those are your words as you wrote them. You're a zionist and support the browning of America. You have nothing left.

heygeorge ago

Why are you attacking them instead of adding to the discussion? IMHO, molochhunter sounds like a PG/Q normie who’s maybe not been as long a fixture on Voat as you.

dooob ago

Really interesting, isnt it. I see that pattern more often that not.

kneo24 ago

Alright dooob, how is my attack incorrect? You are saying they aren't a zionist? That they didn't support the browning of America?

dooob ago

My brain automatically filters JIDY and similiar accusations as fake. Those two comments are really weird indeed, maybe Moloch's whole history should be reviewed.

heygeorge ago

It turns out he did contribute. Not for nothing, dooob, but I know that sometimes you see things that just aren’t there. But I’m watching now.

kneo24 ago

I did add to the discussion.

The Zionist has been on Voat as long as I have if we go by account dates. 1.6 years versus 1.6 years.

heygeorge ago

Nice! I suppose what I’m saying is that many of the PGer’s just stay in that pen. I may have been a bit cranky this morning and I tire of all the accusations spit around here. I was mistaken.

Shizy ago

I wonder if the backpeddler will come here and try to debunk Q again?

Vindicator ago

I will enjoy watching this show. Truly. What do you wanna bet all you get is crickets?

Crensch ago

Just look at all those glorious downvotes! Not a single comment, just downvotes. HAHAHAHAHAHA

They think they can make this go away.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/VoatHistory comment by @Vindicator.

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Blacksmith21 ago

I used to think you were a dick @crensch but I kinda like you know ; )

Crensch ago

Wait. When did I lose my phallic shape? looks around

@Vindicator @heygeorge @srayzie

Do y'all think we should let him know?

Vindicator ago

Just be glad @Blacksmith21 doesn't like dick. We need as many goats making kids as possible!

That said, dicks are required for that mission, just sayin'.

Blacksmith21 ago

Detachable penis.

srayzie ago

Lol... hitachi, detachable penis. Penis chips, and cock soup... You’re funny. 😁

Oh_Well_ian ago

dooob ago

>gets caughed multiple times subverting the movement

>thinks he is getting brigaded

Crensch ago

What do you wanna bet all you get is crickets?

I'll ask srayzie to sticky this in GA, too, so every one of the users there can link the naysayers to this if that happens.

"Oh, why don't you try to defend your position here? I'm sure YOU will have better luck than the that showed up in that thread."

This was fun.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Excellent idea. Promote this thread as a central collection area for well-argued posts... Hopefully well-argued....

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I don't know what I think of the reality of Q, but I don't think it's even relevant in the big scheme of things All Q does is points people in directions and asks them to figure things out for themselves.

I'm not even Amercian but I keep up with Q like housewives watch soap opera's it's a big saga that I can sit back and watch. If it is a LARP it's benign and it's just asking people to learn things about stuff, if it's not a LARP it could be one of the most important movements in modern history. Either way what do you have to lose about at least being open to it?


I'm no Q expert. I didn't read all the evidence for Q. I do listen to youtube videos of Q promoters to get a little dose here and there.

With that said. Q reminds me of a documentary I watched on Amazon called "Breaking the Code."

Using rare archive footage and exclusive interviews, this series takes you to the heart of a war that was fought far from the bombs and shells of any battlefront. A war that involved the brilliant skills of mathematicians and chess players. Revealed here are the remarkable exploits of American and British code-breakers and their immense contribution to victory in during WWII.

Without knowing any evidence for proof of Q / Trump working together, we know from the past (past proves future :) ) wars that codes were used to communicate out in the open.

Crazed anti-trumpers are playing checkers and Trump is playing quantum chess.

Kodo0 ago


And think about that : If Q was a LARP, Trump would have said it way before. He would not have wait for his hardcore fanbase to to trust Q in drove, to finally side with the MSM once the movement has gained momentum.

That makes absolutely no sense.


Vindicator ago

This is a great point, Kodo. Trump is way to much of an alpha to put up with some other dog stealing his pack. Especially when he could nuke the whole thing from orbit with a tweet.

twistedmac11 ago

If Q was a LARP, Trump would have said it way before.

Unless Q is a PR campaign for Trump. What is it about Trump that makes people so willing to believe he's on our side?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

That is such an easy question to answer - the reaction to Trump of those not on our side.

Vindicator ago

And those supposedly on our side! Trump pisses EVERYONE off.

twistedmac11 ago

You can't assume someone is on our side just because the media trashes them. Just because those who own the media may not like Trump doesn't make him a good guy. Just because someone isn't in one gang doesn't limit them from being in a different one.

Vindicator ago

There are numerous stories throughout Trump's life of him being a good guy, told by the people he helped, becausehe doesn't talk about it. Trump is no saint, but if you look into what was written about him prior to him declaring he was going the Drain the Swamp, he's a pretty decent sort.

twistedmac11 ago

Really, Vindicator? Do you realize the kind of half-brained propaganda you're spewing there? There are plenty of stories of the Clintons, the Obamas, and whoever else "helping" people. Prior to Trump saying he was going to drain the swamp, stories of his mob connections, sexual assaults, and elite connections were written about him as well. He got rich the same way as every other elite, and he's not going to do anything to threaten his bank account. Like I said to someone else, if these types of things were uncovered about the Clintons, it would be raved about, madly upvoted, and probably stickied. But when it's Trump, so much cognitive dissonance occurs that the information is never taken seriously by Trumpers. It's astounding, really.

Flyondawall ago

I’ve never read anything about the Clintons or the Trumps helping anyone.

dooob ago

Give me proofs of Trump NOT being on our side, protip: optical gifts do not matter

twistedmac11 ago

What are optical gifts?

  1. His connections with Flex Sater, Tevfik Arif, Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, etc. along with various other mob connections.

  2. Mentored by Roy Cohn (CIA and admitted to running a blackmail pedophile ring for politicians out of a hotel that would later be owned by Trump, ironically).

  3. Surrounded himself by Goldman Sachs, Acosta (who allowed Epstein to get off easily), former associates of the Rothschilds, etc.

  4. Has been vocal about his pushiness towards women and girls ("grab em by the pussy", multiple weird comments about his daughters, among other things).

  5. Has no shortage of sexual assault claims. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

  6. He's a Zionist.

I could go on, but you get the picture.

think- ago

Add making John Bolton his NSA. One the of the hawks of the Bush administration who plotted the Iraq invasion.

twistedmac11 ago

Fml also that. We could also mention his selection of torture queen Gina Haspel for CIA director, or Alexander Acosta, who let Epstein off with a slap on the wrist, for the Department of Labor. Need I also mention Goldman Sachs? But people still refuse to see this. It's insanity.

think- ago

It's insanity.

Yep. I admit that the whole thing slightly amused me - one guy here said it was a bit like watching a soap opera (lol) - but now I'm really fed up.

See the discussion in this thread:

I totally love @srayzie and many other Trump / Q supporters here, but why they believe what they believe is really beyond me.

twistedmac11 ago

I totally love @srayzie and many other Trump / Q supporters here, but why they believe what they believe is really beyond me.

I will never understand how some people spend hours here everyday but have no clue how to apply what they learn to their lives.

dooob ago

His connections with Flex Sater, Tevfik Arif, Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, etc. along with various other mob connections.

Yeah if you want me to "debunk" at least you could give me some links and not make me go into an hour long research to debunk you. You are implying Trump always knew about the evil. What is his Epstein connection, the one or two trips he took with him?

Mentored by Roy Cohn (CIA and admitted to running a blackmail pedophile ring for politicians out of a hotel that would later be owned by Trump, ironically).

Did you just take the politico angle with added disinformation/left-wing conspiracy? Top kek.

Surrounded himself by Goldman Sachs, Acosta (who allowed Epstein to get off easily), former associates of the Rothschilds, etc.

Who knows where the bodies are buried? Trump surrounded himself with people who have had ENOUGH of the evilness of the NWO.

Has been vocal about his pushiness towards women and girls ("grab em by the pussy", multiple weird comments about his daughters, among other things).

Wow he said he can grab thirsty bitches by their pussy and they wouldnt mind it because they were starstruck? HOW DARES HE, HOW ABSOLUTELY DARES HE!! He called his own daughter beautiful? Confirmed pedo.

Has no shortage of sexual assault claims. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

Arent like half of those women connected to DNC? Look it up.

He's a Zionist.

Then why did he renegotiate the embassy deal from $1.2b to $400k? How did he force Israel to be ok with Assad?

I could go on, but you get the picture.

Please do continue.

twistedmac11 ago

I'm too lazy and too used to getting spoonfed information to do my own research. That's how I ended up brainwashed.

Here you go:

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy."

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Did you just take the politico angle with added disinformation/left-wing conspiracy? Top kek.

No, actually. Unfortunately my original source for that has been wiped, it seems. Hopefully this will do.

Who knows where the bodies are buried? Trump surrounded himself with people who have had ENOUGH of the evilness of the NWO.

That directly contradicts what I said about who he's surrounded himself with. I've seen no evidence to show that these people "have had ENOUGH of the evilness of the NWO." Trump got rich using the same tactics the other elites did; he's not going to risk his bank account. He's a businessman.

Wow he said he can grab thirsty bitches by their pussy and they wouldnt mind it because they were starstruck? HOW DARES HE, HOW ABSOLUTELY DARES HE!!

That's actually not really a proper thing to do to your fans. Being "starstruck" by someone doesn't mean you want to be groped. I'm surprised you, as someone who's been here for a while, don't see that. Also, reference Trump's other however many sexual assault cases.

He called his own daughter beautiful? Confirmed pedo.

'She's a really beautiful baby, and she's got Marla's legs.' Then Trump motions to his chest and adds, 'We don't know whether she's got this part yet, but time will tell.'

"I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

Again, you've been here for a while. You don't think those are odd things to say about your own daughter?

Arent like half of those women connected to DNC? Look it up.

Does that invalidate the other half that spoke out prior to Trump ever announcing his candidacy?

And lastly, for the Zionism part:

Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: 'No President Has Done More' to Promote Zionism

You can do further research on your own. I believe in you.

dooob ago

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy."

Bam, first link politico hit piece. All lawsuit post Trump announcing his run are fake. F A K E

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Everyone in his world gets to meat Epstein, how many times did he fly with lolita express? If he is one of them he wouldv flown more regularly, right? Epstein was a business man and Trump was a buisness star, of course their paths crossed.

No, actually. Unfortunately my original source for that has been wiped, it seems. Hopefully this will do.

Literally the same, even crazier, wow

That directly contradicts what I said about who he's surrounded himself with. I've seen no evidence to show that these people "have had ENOUGH of the evilness of the NWO." Trump got rich using the same tactics the other elites did; he's not going to risk his bank account. He's a businessman.

No evidence? 50k indictments are all somehow a play even though it is the MSM forbidden topic, Trump must somehow be one of them!

That's actually not really a proper thing to do to your fans. Being "starstruck" by someone doesn't mean you want to be groped. I'm surprised you, as someone who's been here for a while, don't see that. Also, reference Trump's other however many sexual assault cases.

He is a superstar, deal with it. Fake lawsuits are fake.

'She's a really beautiful baby, and she's got Marla's legs.' Then Trump motions to his chest and adds, 'We don't know whether she's got this part yet, but time will tell.'

"I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

Wow a super rich guy is so distanced from our reality that thinks him dating someone is a compliment. Impeach!

Arent like half of those women connected to DNC? Look it up.

Does that invalidate the other half that spoke out prior to Trump ever announcing his candidacy?

You just gave me the list of all of them, please give list of those NOT connected to DNC and NOT filled after Trump announced his presidency. Nobody otherwise cares.

And lastly, for the Zionism part:

Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: 'No President Has Done More' to Promote Zionism

The "ebil nazi Trump" push was still active, I see this as purely a symbolic gift of none actualy value. Did he somehow unlock a perk or something, do we go deeper into this speculative conspiracy? Occams razor.

You can do further research on your own. I believe in you.


twistedmac11 ago

Bam, first link politico hit piece. All lawsuit post Trump announcing his run are fake. F A K E

You're ignoring the direct quote from Trump, which was the point of me posting that. Not fake.

Everyone in his world gets to meat Epstein, how many times did he fly with lolita express? If he is one of them he wouldv flown more regularly, right? Epstein was a business man and Trump was a buisness star, of course their paths crossed.

I've never met Epstein. Have you met Epstein? I think you're exaggerating a bit there. It's not just about the fact that Trump flew on his plane, it's that he's admitted to having a long-term friendly relationship with the guy. He even mentions knowing that Epstein "likes them younger".

No evidence? 50k indictments are all somehow a play even though it is the MSM forbidden topic, Trump must somehow be one of them!

It's 50k now? Funny how that number keeps getting inflated and tossed around like it points to some kind of evidence of shit happening. Just because there are sealed indictments does not mean they have anything to do with Pizzagate, Qanon, or whatever else. Confirmation bias.

He is a superstar, deal with it. Fake lawsuits are fake.

You're kidding, right? He's the president, and he shouldn't go around groping people just because they're a "fan" and he's a "superstar". There's a certain level of respect that he's lacking. Also not fake, as he said it himself.

Wow a super rich guy is so distanced from our reality that thinks him dating someone is a compliment. Impeach!

How does this relate to him making odd sexual comments about his daughters?

You just gave me the list of all of them, please give list of those NOT connected to DNC and NOT filled after Trump announced his presidency. Nobody otherwise cares.

Again, not here to spoonfeed you information. If you're actually interested in learning, go do the research yourself. I was able to do a quick glance and pull out a number of them that were brought to light prior to him announcing his candidacy.

You can plug up your ears and yell "LA LA LA!" all you want to. That doesn't make it untrue.

dooob ago

You're ignoring the direct quote from Trump, which was the point of me posting that. Not fake.

Trump knows Epstein therefore he must be in the secret kiddy diddling cabal even though all the evidence points to otherwise.

I've never met Epstein. Have you met Epstein?

Why would Epstein meet you or me, use your brain a little, I was talking about the rich world. Are you are multimillionaire? Well I guess THAT is why you didnt meet neither of them.

it's that he's admitted to having a long-term friendly relationship

Yeah, they were best buds even though Trump flew once or twice with the lolita, implying Trump didnt say that because he wanted to strengthen his brand oblivious to who the real Epstein was.

. He even mentions knowing that Epstein "likes them younger".

Implying Trump is such a huge idiot that he would say that and mean kids, maybe pedophilia is not something that crosses his mind very often and he meant 18-20 year olds?

You're kidding, right? He's the president, and he shouldn't go around groping people just because they're a "fan" and he's a "superstar".

Did he grope anyone, though?

How does this relate to him making odd sexual comments about his daughters?

Because it is sexual in your mind. I literally told you what it was and it is right there in the quote!

Again, not here to spoonfeed you information. If you're actually interested in learning, go do the research yourself. I was able to do a quick glance and pull out a number of them that were brought to light prior to him announcing his candidacy.

I already did my investigation when the story came out and I concluded almost all of them are directly or indirectly (spouses) linked to DNC. Didnt a grandma also accuse him of rape? Is he a kiddy diddler or a granny fucker?

I was able to do a quick glance and pull out a number of them that were brought to light prior to him announcing his candidacy.

Straight up lie, where is the link?

You can plug up your ears and yell "LA LA LA!" all you want to. That doesn't make it untrue.

You can go back to "lurking". You continually ignore parts of my questions even though you literally quote them.

twistedmac11 ago

I'm not going to waste any more time responding to you, since you can't seem to stop sucking Trump's dick long enough to do some research. You're not even reading what's being said, you're just picking and choosing what you want to see and twisting it to fit your narrative. I will say, though, that if it were Clinton instead of Trump, you'd be all over it. I'm interested in the truth, even if it implicates your precious Trump.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So called Q anon making more internet posts. Not very good predictions, many mistakes! Sounds like somebody I wouldn't hire - VERY SLOPPY!

Donald Trump could take 20 seconds to thrash Q on Twitter if he didn't stuff least condone.... The fact that President Trump has said nothing after the better part of a year, when you KNOW he knows from all the signs at rallies, is evidence he doesn't want to stop Q.

think- ago

Why would he want to stop Q? Q is promoting Trump 'Trump is saviour'.

(And I still believe Q = Stephen Miller.)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He's stopped pro-Trump people before.

Pro-Trump doesn't necessarily mean "following the plan President Trump wants followed."

think- ago

I'm not even Amercian but I keep up with Q like housewives watch soap opera's it's a big saga that I can sit back and watch.


Crensch ago

That's pretty much where I sit. The massive amount of mockery and absence of actual arguments against Q is suspicious as fuck.

Hell, I'm still open to being shown that Q is harmful in some way, but I've never seen anything even remotely resembling support for the idea that Q is anything but what he claims to be.


it can be harmful in that Q built up an audience (by truth telling/predictions/insider knowledge) and then crushhing everyone's HEART by not delivering ! or it could be a positive if he the REAL DEAL and Q has good intentions to rid the world of the vampires. Look either way it's good to have a side eye when looking into Q work and Trump Mania as well. Anyone allowed to have a platform to speak to the masses should know, or history has shown, that anyone over the target is NOT allowed to speak and gain publicity! If that is happening most times it is the dark magicians handy work... a very big red flag. this movement started because of a slip in the matrix? OR was it just the next step of the GRAND PLAN concocted ages ago by the string pullers? either way in this duality reality we have free will and there is always a choice thing is the dark always sways us to walk into a trap. NOT THIS TIME!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm not afraid of people who ask questions and learn, but I'm definitely afraid of people who try to stop people from asking questions and learning.

think- ago

Interesting discussion, thanks for the ping.

AlienEskimo ago

Thanks for posting this - I've been halfway convinced Q was a larp since the Redding Carr fire post, as I live in this area. Still reading through the link document, very interesting and makes a compelling argument.

MadWorld ago

[–] CheeseboogersGhost [S] -3 points (+5|-8) 6 days ago (edited 6 days ago)

They are controlled opposition. I have some great examples I will upload later. I've been compiling evidence against them for over a year.

...and he refused to discuss it from the thread you linked to. If he really has been compiling evidence for over an year, he should have discussed something about it. But nothing so far!

gabara ago

Q is John de Lancie.

WeirdTimes ago

Q is jfk jr

gabara ago

he dead

WeirdTimes ago

Yeah i know. Just a theory. I've read some articles where Q gave hints on jfk jr. His tomb looks like a Q...who knows..