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carmencita ago

PHILADELPHIA – Vice President Biden said Tuesday he will set up shop at the University of Pennsylvania after he leaves office this month.ABC quoted Biden as saying: “I’m going to establish a domestic plus foreign policy piece where I can still do the stuff that I care a lot about” with universities. Yeah. Uh-Ha. The sly old fox watching the Chicken house.

Gbuggers ago

Yeah i agree but add creepy. "The creepy old sly fox. Maybe hes going to teach them how to make friebdship bracelets with a piece of pizza on them. Like the one he made for Barrak Obama for his birthday.

MyNameIsLuka ago

How can anyone possibly think this is normal

Gbuggers ago

I dont know but in mu world it is beyond strange and from the vice. Ptesident to the president that much stranger. Somewhere i saw a video of OBAMA at the whitehouse actually making one.

carmencita ago

That bracelet is very creepy. What do people think when they see that? How many men would give another man a bracelet like that, that we know? Anyone in your family? Maybe a child to another child. But with a slice of pizza? I guess if two kids really like sharing pizza doing homework or whatever, but a grown man? Really creepy and is as obvious as all get out. Listen, if a grown man gives something like that to another grown man or to a child there is a message. Wake Up People.

Gbuggers ago

I so agree. In my world that is beyond strange Behavior. If my dad gave any bracelet but especially one of this nature to another grown man we would be getting daddy some help. I dont think i will ever think of friendship bracelets the same. I think the piece of pizza might have something to do with it.

carmencita ago

Yes, and the star and heart a little strange as well. I saw an explanation of those a while back, but have forgotten. Whatever, it is really odd and as suspicious as heck.