tommsboy ago

There's more "evidence" that q is a larp taken control back in Jan, when the tripcode was changed and forums hijacked.

GL trying to get this, ask yourself why spreading this gets you banned.

Oh_Well_ian ago

swing and miss, big fella

tommsboy ago

Right because all of you are "black" sheep, you don't follow mainstream you just do the opposite it tells you. Now you've got a leader to march to and it's just as anonymous as the "sources say".

Do any of you even understand how MSM works? They don't know their sources they just get them from someplace they're told to follow at ("4AM"). Q followers get orders around the clock and you promote "follow Q" the same way MSM touts you should follow them.

All of you forget Q was at first random people in departments coordinating between each other and sharing info across anonymous channels until they "assumed control" of the network.

Now Q is a single person leading the anons into the wild.

Does no one remember the tripcode was hacked several times? How did Q maintain control after it was cracked if 8ch is "uncensored"? Because it's not, the site was just like reddit and others, it's controlled and not by a "single Q-level agent".


Ronin3000 ago

Good work oh well ian.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks buddy...

Retron ago

I want it to be true but I don't buy it. It would be amazing though.

I think part of the problem with Q is the same problem with hype in general: People hype it up amongst themselves and together come up with far more interesting and bombastic situations and scenarios than can possibly happen, and so everyone feels let down in the end because their hype reached a point where it could never reasonably be sated. Which is part of the reason why Q never seems to deliver. Everyone's waiting for Hillary to be escorted to a wagon wearing an orange jump suit and shackles, so whenever something big drops that isn't that, it's a "nothing burger".

mrfetus ago


Derpfroot ago

I would love it, and it would be the greatest move in history. . .buuuuut, I cant see someone faking their death, continuing to hide completely under the radar and then wait almost 20 years to fulfill a plan. He could've shown himself to be alive and used the past 20 years to thwart the cabal.

Look, broham, for me it's a tough sell, but gods damn do I want it to be true.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I think you are underestimating how deep this goes. Rothschild, Pope, UN, Religions, etc. Look what Trump has achieved in a year and a half .. trafficking arrests, North Korea and so on. Q codes, phrases, has been meticulously planned.

Look at JFK Jrs final interview when she asks him about carrying on with politics and he gives a smirk and telling body language.

Trust the plan!

Derpfroot ago

Look what Trump has achieved in a year and a half .. trafficking arrests, North Korea and so on. Q codes, phrases, has been meticulously planned.

Absolutely, it's amazing. Will, for sure, go down as the best prez in recent history. He's done all amazing things so far and I can't wait to see the wrap-up.

CanYaBucket ago

I get where you’re coming from and yeah it would be awesome, but what keeps me optimistic is CDAN revealing that James dean faked his death.

Oh_Well_ian ago

This is why I linked the PNAC … If you follow Q, you should understand just how deep the treason goes and how far back it stretches. The Bush Cabal has been consolidating power since November 22, 1963. They have been using blackmail and spreading like a cancer through the CIA, FBI, Congress, MSM and the Federal Judiciary. There is probably a total upward of 200k names in the 40k+ indictments.

JFK Jr. would not have fake his death without immense help from White Hats in the Military. In 1999, there were scores of JFK loyalists still in government and the military that could have assisted. JFK Jr. would have been powerless by himself post 9/11 to do anything and would have been labeled a conspiracy nutjob, just like millions of us were.

9/11... the Wars... the massive refugee migrations... the contrived financial crisis... the worldwide corporatization of human trafficking...

I think you're vastly underestimating the scope of the CONTROL the Cabal has had over the world for the last 50 years.

Derpfroot ago

I get the argument(s), I guess I just underestimate the will to carry it out. But fuck, Trump is always 10 steps ahead of everyone (top-tier game-player, for sure) so like I said, I definitely think it's possible. I'd just, personally, need a lot more. I saw the "look here, look there" interview with him and Q said that, so he at least wants a link to him.

Oh_Well_ian ago

there are big gaps in the evidential proof of Jr's demise.. I'm going to edit them in.

Don't forget that Q said the plane crash and Hillary's Senate run were 'the start'

srayzie ago

Q Said:There is only Q.
Q also said that the Qteam is less than 10
(Only 3 are non military)

However, I’ll leave these here for you all to decide. There are some valid points...
Part 1
Part 2

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Less than 10 can confirm ME'


srayzie ago

I never noticed ME

RockmanRaiden ago

Things are getting interesting..

Oh_Well_ian ago

there has been a personification and individualization of Q from the beginning..

we all know it's a team... Trump is currently the face of the movement.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Aaaannnd further off the deep end the sheeple go, pied pie-Q walks them right off the cliff... LMFAO!!! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

Oh_Well_ian ago

name checks out

Oh_Well_ian ago

check out the thread from @srayzie on this subject from 2 weeks ago >>

Notice how all the links have been 404'd or scrubbed. Everybody knows why that happens.

srayzie ago

That’s happening to me all the time now. Even different image hosts.

Oh_Well_ian ago

This is a story they don't want to talk about. They have their hands full with painting Q as a Cult of deranged and dangerous maniacs, but if it starts to spread that Q is JFK Jr.... the dam is going to burst because it will erode the liberal base against Trump.

From the other perspective... if Q is definitely NOT JFK Jr., they would be pushing that disinformation aggressively and using it to label the movment as INSANE.

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't believe that Q is a single person. No one person could pull off what Q is. It is a group of people. Anything is possible, so I'll say it is certainly plausible that JFK Jr. is part of the Q team.

The events we are witnessing today have been planned out for years and years. It has required immense planning; incredible insight; national-level assets; and compartmentalized teams of trusted actors in order to pull this off.

If the narrative is true - CIA killed JFK - and there was an active plot to kill JFK Jr - then it stands to reason that the White Hats likely had actionable intelligence of the Deep State's intent to kill JFK Jr. and set-up a plot to make it look like they were successful in the hit. Meanwhile JFK Jr. went into hiding to help plan the counter-coup.

JFK Jr. 2024?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Granted it's a baited title and I share your view about the team aspect QAnon.

But the individual aspect of Q is also being pushed ( 'wait until you find out who has been talking to you' ) and anon's almost always address 'him' thusly.

JFK Jr. may ultimately be the personification of the entire Q Psyop.

Oh_Well_ian ago

two downvoats in 30 seconds from @thisistotallynotme and his band of shills

man... talk about speed readers

thisistotallynotme ago

oh. Shit. I didn't even realize this was your post until now. That explains why you think I'm attacking you. I doubt you'd believe me when I say that I don't have an alt or ANY friends on this site.

I just disagree with your perspective. This has nothing to do with whether or not I think you can't have an orgasm without killing a dog first. let's keep this civil.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I think you can't have an orgasm without killing a dog first. let's keep this civil.

lol this is why you're blocked, you freak

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this faggot take me out of context. I just brought up the concept. i never said which side I took on the matter.

benjitsu ago

You know what normal people don't do? Make a bunch of jokes about fucking babies or animals. BLOCKED

thisistotallynotme ago

have an upvoat for such a public pearl-clutching.

Shizy ago

No, it's actually sick that your mind went there. Who does that?!!!

thisistotallynotme ago

News Flash: some of us have senses of humor that makes pearl-clutchers clutch their pearls. You'd probably be real uncomfortable with some of the jokes people make at construction sites. :)

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're obsessed with sex with animals

it's ok... there is a letter for you in LBGTQPB

thisistotallynotme ago

On a related topic, when is the LGBTQPB going to accept the Pyronecrobestliacs? Now that I've been appointed a Lassie Lover, I feel it is my duty to defend the rights of those that can only have an orgasm while fucking a dead animal while it's on fire. What kind of group of tolerant people (They even added a second B!) won't accept that type of people, and the love in which they wish to share?

(ignore sarcasm. burn my karma more)

thisistotallynotme ago

Is that your way of hitting on me? I'm flattered, but I like women who self-identify as either Attack Helicopters or Omega Metroids. I'd have as much use for you in my harem as I would have for an asshole on my elbow.

mrfetus ago

You're sick. Get help.

Normal people done have degenerate thoughts like that. No joke.

thisistotallynotme ago

have an upvoat for being new and whiteknighting.

mrfetus ago


benjitsu ago

Someone has to protect the animals

thisistotallynotme ago

nope. it's Trump.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wow... that's quite a convincing case you just made there

thisistotallynotme ago

I thought you had me on block. It was nice.

Q Post 1776 is incontrovertible. President's signature, pen, and handwriting telling you which post number it was.

Oh_Well_ian ago

no.. that is your narrow interpretation

thisistotallynotme ago

You would agree that such a narrow interpretation is far more plausible than Jon Jon faking his death for 20 years in order to post on 8chan, right?

btw, I'm your lone upvoat on this topic. :)

Oh_Well_ian ago

you didn't even read the post...

You don't get your rhetorical bullshit answered by me, Lassie Lover.

Shizy ago

😂Lassie lover

thisistotallynotme ago

The fact that you're calling me a dogfucker all of a sudden is a sign that you're mad that I'm the only one that upvoated your posts.

bopper ago

It can't be the president as Q has already inferred that POTUS is "talking to you." It wouldn't be a big reveal or surprise if that were the case. we already know he's one of the team.

thisistotallynotme ago

And yet, he's the only person who can sit in the chair that took the lamp/mug holder reflection pic on AF1.