Micheal84 ago

1879763 (Bread 2368)

In 1909, we lost everything.

My father caught on.

1st to the Bilderbergs,

then he caught on the NASA.

He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.

They killed him.

I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan."

Penance is coming.

Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake.

You do not know how deep this goes.

If you knew, you could not sleep.

Many of you could never go on.

You need each other.

You need every ONE of you.

Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind.

If one stumbles, pick them up.

If one asks a question, give them the answer.

That is how we grow.

There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance.

If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan.

If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.

We are watching.

We see it all.

There are no secrets.

You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.

Prepare for the next phase.

Prepare each other.

You are one.




liftwizard ago

WOw JFK was assassinated just days after requesting to be fully debriefed on UFOs and Majestic. How can I tell if it's a real drop? I see the bread #1879763 (Bread 2368) but is there a link to the original 8chan drops? I'm searching and have not come up with anything yet. there is this: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1882459.json but it doesn't pull up anything on my screen.

mergen ago

I need to recheck the (minor) rothschild and warburg AMA on 4chan. There was someone salty from a "fallen" family in the threads.

srayzie ago

These 2 posts stand out to me. https://imgoat.com/uploads/def184ad8f/124842.png

Remember when Q said...
Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

srayzie ago

He would be 58. Some believe this is him in disguise at a rally...

Oh_Well_ian ago

Very strong indication that left ear is the same. Teeth are also offset, like JFK Jr. but slightly more uniform. Capped teeth are very simple procedure, nowadays.

I'm fascinated by this theory. Nothing added up about his demise. He had a large number of friendlies in Mass., as well. When Q said 'Wait until you find out who you've been talking to' I knew it would be somebody shocking, like a Seth Rich.

srayzie ago

Yeah. When I first saw a tweet about this, I thought they were crazy. But more and more makes sense.

When Q said that, I thought the same! It has to be someone that’s gonna blow their fricken minds.

Oh_Well_ian ago

adding >> I immediately thought it would be someone who everybody thought was dead... The date for faking his death, July 1999, makes a lot of sense. Barely 2 years before 9/11 and around the time the plot would be reaching the final planning stages and becoming operational. He must have known he was a priority target of the Bush/CIA and would have been tipped off by the same insiders who uncovered the 9/11 plot and are now working with Trump and Q.

srayzie ago

Heck yeah. Imagine growing up JFK’s son. He had to have known that he would be a target.

Oh_Well_ian ago

better pic of the left ear... very unique in it's shape and very similar, if not identical.

srayzie ago

Look at the jaw line even

I don’t remember him being so handsome.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Good looking dude ( no homo )...

Think about it... 8 years of JFK Jr. after Trump's 8

I've been concerned about 'post Trump' America and if 8 years would be enough. ( don't think it's enough )

srayzie ago

I’m worried about that too

srayzie ago

I see what you’re saying

Oh_Well_ian ago

eye color is identical

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'll tell ya... my Spidey senses are on 10 right now.


srayzie ago

Ok I put a couple of things together.

Look at the ears

Look at the noses

Oh_Well_ian ago

right ear is a MATCH

nose is a MATCH

eye color is a MATCH

( which rally is this? )

bopper ago


Look at the lips, same thin lips. With McCartney they tried to alter the face quite a bit with surgery, this older face here would not have gone under any alterations, maybe the teeth, like you say, caps, veneers, implants, a myriad of possibilities there.

srayzie ago

I know. It’s unbelievable.

bopper ago

Haha, glad you guys are going here first. I started to make a post about this but deleted it ... "Nah don't feel like being called a wacko today..."

I understand everything you guys are feeling / saying ... so weird ... this is what I went thru with the 'Paul is Dead' thing, look at it, shut it down (no way), look at it, shut it down, until finally, that light bulb goes off, and you accept it, and there's no going back.

One thing is for certain like @srayzie said, and you I think, it absolutely has to be someone that will blow our minds. Someone said Trump has told people at a rally that no one would believe "who it is that has been talking to us."

Oh_Well_ian ago

Think about it... if Trump has definitive proof that HW and the CIA killed JFK, it would still be met with ridicule and doubt. But if JR came out from the shadows with the same proof, and the story of the 9/11 plot and the necessity of why he had to fake his death... well it would blow the minds of everyone, regardless.

bopper ago

Exactly, that would do it, story of the century. People would be gobsmacked. I just KNOW they got something, something very big, up their sleeve.

srayzie ago

kestrel9 ago

He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.

They killed him.

If by 'grey's' he means Operation Paperclip trickle down clowns UFO pysop, that's one thing, if by 'grey's' he's perpetuating the Clowns' UFO mythology psyop then it's complete BS.

TheKid69 ago

so you know everything??????????????????????? NO you dont. so be easy on the ones that believe in aliens

kestrel9 ago

Since this is a Q related board I assumed the people here were interested in not contradicting Q. Other than that , I could care less if they believe in aliens. Clearly Corsi believes, and he's legit, right?

liftwizard ago

UFOs are absolutely, positively not a psyop. You have no idea what you are talking about.

kestrel9 ago

FACT: CIA has utilized, created and perpetrated UFO mythology (and still does) for their own purposes, both broader social psyop as well as within past mind control experiments. Does this mean that outside of their manipulative fiction, there has never been such a thing as an unidentified flying object? No. Does the existence of a UFO automatically presume 'alien life'? No.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Q has already laid down the law on alien life. Remember? Post #376

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.126948

Dec 19 2017 17:39:15 (EST)

Anonymous ID: fad025 No.126928

Dec 19 2017 17:37:38 (EST)


Are UFOs a distraction?


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?

kestrel9 ago

So then why give any legitimacy in anyway to 'R' instead of calling it out?

srayzie ago

That’s a trip. I just watched this and was about to post it. It’s such an interesting theory when you actually look at all the clues and Q posts. I’m not saying that I believe it. But I have an open mind.

zyklon_b ago


srayzie ago

Are you being a smart ass? 🤔

TheKid69 ago

can i be? lol

srayzie ago

Only on Tuesdays

zyklon_b ago

Nope not today and not in here anymore

srayzie ago

Not today 😂