Artofchoke ago

I believe they were rounded up and died in death camps through neglect or murderous intent. I believe they were forced to wear identifying clothing. I believe the people responsible believed they were acting towards a 'greater good'. I'm willing to accept the possibility that I am wrong on pretty much anything but slavery, which I feel is a violation of bodily autonomy, which should be a fundamental right for, at the very least, every primate species.

As for the number, no, it's certainly not six million, but size is elusive to us, as a species - 100,000 or 6,000,000, it's a huge number, and I'm not sure it bears any relevance - if you attempt to eradicate a group, and fall, you intended to eradicate a group, so it comes to the same - genocide. I do not believe we will ever know the number. I do not believe the number matters.

P.S- glad you got your account back, Sir. :)

Crensch ago

I believe they were rounded up and died in death camps through neglect or murderous intent.

It couldn't have been from Typhus and starvation from the supply lines being bombed? In which case, neither of your options apply?

Typhus because the widely-announced Zyklon-B that was present was used to delouse the prisoners, and starvation because, well, nobody had any food?

I believe they were forced to wear identifying clothing.

I'm sure you'll agree that this is, in and of itself, not some awful thing that anyone would care about if it weren't for the constant harping on it being part-and-parcel of the holocaust.

I believe the people responsible believed they were acting towards a 'greater good'.

Cheers to that.

I'm willing to accept the possibility that I am wrong on pretty much anything but slavery, which I feel is a violation of bodily autonomy, which should be a fundamental right for, at the very least, every primate species.

I'll disagree with that for niggers at the very least. That is, if they want to live in a civilized society that they're otherwise incapable of. More than happy to ship them off to their own starving shitholes instead.

As for the number, no, it's certainly not six million, but size is elusive to us, as a species - 100,000 or 6,000,000, it's a huge number, and I'm not sure it bears any relevance - if you attempt to eradicate a group, and fall, you intended to eradicate a group, so it comes to the same - genocide.

The number might not be important if the obvious lie of 6 million wasn't used as a victim-status prize bludgeon against whites. I don't think even 100,000 could be shown to have been the result of negligence or intent in any of the camps. Deaths outside of the camps should not be counted, as many more of other races died.

I do not believe we will ever know the number. I do not believe the number matters.

Again, it would not - IF the Jews weren't so keen on continuing to push obviously false exaggerations of it.

P.S- glad you got your account back, Sir. :)

Same, and thank you.

Artofchoke ago

No, I don't find identifying clothing to be some great horror, indigenous people are forced to have a card to this day if they want any indigenous benefits - I'm only listing the things I "believe" about the ordeal back then, and this is one of the things.

Feral blacks, and all ferals, should be related to a safe place where they can live out their lives. They should not be in society, and have no inherent right to participate in society.

The 'Holocaust' wasnt a jew thing, it was an "other" thing, perhaps a "commie" thing? Which is why gays and gypsy were included. It may have been disease and starvation, but I'd ask what the goal of internment was, if there was no food to support the interned populations.

Crensch ago

but I'd ask what the goal of internment was

Germans wanted Jews to leave - they gave them the opportunity to do so. Any Jews left were put in camps to make it more difficult for Germany to be spied upon by them. Germany removed the Jews from banks and government power positions, and because of that, other Jewish-controlled nations began economic sanctions and started the wardrums beating. Germans put Jews in camps to protect themselves in their own country.

Artofchoke ago

Why did they want them to leave? Did they stay because they couldn't afford to leave, or from defiance? Why were gypsy and fag interred? And what is the end result for the city dwelling, atheist jews we see today?

Crensch ago

Not sure if you caught this where I ruined a new account that claimed it was Jewish. LOTS of links there to valid and useful information when talking to your smart Jew about these things.

Artofchoke ago

Wow, that's some arrogance on that guy. I side with Israel because they're less ignorant and domineering than Islam, but I've often wondered why we are SO enmeshed with them. Perhaps because they're the most sane influence in the ME?

Crensch ago

Nope. We're enmeshed with them because Jews are in power, and they'll siphon off $25B US dollars to support Israel's armed forces when Israel doesn't spend a fraction of that.

Jews are either the figureheads, or they own the figureheads. A lot of this pizzagate pedo shit is likely to be some blackmail material for goyim in positions of power to force them to bend to the zionist will. Either way, it's pretty obvious that many politicians and others in power have made decisions that hurt them and their constituents to favor Israel.

Crensch ago

Why did they want them to leave?

Jews had subverted the economy, governments, education, media... every news outlet in Germany was owned by Jews. They were bleeding the Germans dry economically.

Did they stay because they couldn't afford to leave, or from defiance?

Most likely the latter.

Why were gypsy and fag interred?

Once the immune system of a healthy society kicks in and starts removing the outsiders, well...

And what is the end result for the city dwelling, atheist jews we see today?

Did we time-jump to the present here? Sorry, the context is unclear.

Artofchoke ago

Yeah, like, today. Sorry. I got the ADD, baby. Is there any benefit to being a jew today, inherently?
Because jews were so involved in the implementation of IQ, do you respect the IQ?
Jews are the most intelligent people on earth, statistically. Do you accept that?

Crensch ago

Is there any benefit to being a jew today, inherently?

Currently, Jew "citizens" of the US have dual-citizenship with Israel without any penalties, unlike every other country where they have to choose one at the age of 18.

Jews are 2% of the population, but 1% of them are in the top 1% in wealth rankings. Jews are 100% more likely to be hired by Jews than whites, and Jews have infiltrated nearly every media outlet, tv station, hollywood uhh... movie-making-group?

At 2% of the population, off the top of your head the Jewish celebrities you know. It's likely that every nigger celebrity has a Jewish manager/owner making $$ off of them.

Because jews were so involved in the implementation of IQ, do you respect the IQ?

Only as a general indicator of whether or not a race will appear to mesh well with civilized society. Niggers won't, spics mostly won't, sandniggers mostly won't, asians have that whole quiet-suffering thing they do, and Jews infiltrate and try their best to appear white when it suits them.

While technically smarter, asians and Jews have not accomplished what whites have, so there's something missing if you lay it all at the feet of IQ.

Jews, especially, are incapable of building a country of their own - they only seem to thrive when they're parasites to a host country, and their own country only exists because they subverted the US to force Palestine to give up land.

Jews are the most intelligent people on earth, statistically. Do you accept that?

Sure, they can see patterns better. They can take behavioural data from whites and manipulate the NPC-tier whites into doing what they want. They can find loopholes and shortcuts to things much easier, so they're great with finance... if you manage to keep them from doing shady-fuck shit.

Artofchoke ago

LOL! You make excellent points. I met a smart jew because I'm one of the kids from New York who was taken into white foster care. There's a big hubbub about it, some very fancy jew lawyers got involved, and you aren't allowed to do it anymore. Indigenous kids have to go to indigenous foster care now. I keep in touch now and then with weird questions, but I'm part of his "good deed", and that... sets the tone of the relationship. There is an intense arrogance amongst the Jews, and while it may or may not be deserved, it's unseemly.

tomyhawk ago

I believe that the Communists were rounded up and put in camps, Hitler blamed the communist revolution for Germany losing WW1. Seeing as communism came from jews to begin with, a lot of jews were rounded up. At the end of the war typhus and other disease took their toll on everyone civilians and prisoners. I was stationed in Germany from 87 - 89 and talked to a few of the old timers (before it was against the law) and each one still said it did not happen. The so called death camps were all in Soviet territory and could never be verified by another entity. The Red Cross said it never happened and our gov't has never officially confirmed it happened. Then there are the same stories after WW1 of 6 grillion jews pogromed that turned out to be bullshit.

con77 ago

20 million other people died

Crensch ago

I feel like there's something you're laying down that I'm not picking up.

Morbo ago

They were Russian.

Crensch ago

Ahhh yes, the Bolsheviks. Thanks for the assist, Morbo.

xenoPsychologist ago

i hadnt given it much thought until coming here, but as far as i can tell: some jews were killed, then the numbers got inflated.

also: death rollercoasters sound amazing.

Jimmycog ago

I have gone through so many self serving or stories with an agenda that the well is poisoned. Something happened, who, why, how, where, how many is trapped in the sands of time. I tended to be supportive of the narrative until the supposed (victims) started acting like the thugs in the narrative. Then the invasion commenced. I tend to think the victims have become the oppressor aided by their false stories.

Crensch ago

I can accept that.

My take on that "something" that happened was that the Germans wanted to remove the Jews from the power they'd weaseled their way into, and were using underhanded means to achieve. The Germans were done being controlled by the Jews, and as such, told them to get out of the country, and after a while, quarantined them.

WW2 Would not have happened if the Jews weren't manipulating other countries into going to war with the main civilized country removing them from power at that time.

Jimmycog ago

That is part of the hidden historical fact. It is the same with what is going on today. The BRIC nations are getting from under the boot so to speak. That is why that block is being demonized. The U.S.A. has been compromised, History is a cycle. I have my popcorn.

Artofchoke ago

Ramen, brother.

Crensch ago

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