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kneo24 ago

So... someone bans you from another sub for not liking you, and that's your great example of why you need to clean up this place? Surely, if they were so disruptive, you would provide better evidence. Is this ultimately another one of your thinly veiled attempts at attention seeking? This is why people have a hard time taking this place seriously. It's all about the blind following and patting each other on the back.

Let's say I give you the benefit of the doubt, that he is disruptive. That doesn't change the core nature of this specific community, and as the leader, it's clear that's not something you're going to work on fixing. Your actions speak volumes.

You need some disagreement to be able to find the truth of the matter and it's clear this community doesn't want any disagreement. You all are free to do as you please, but you'll never be taken as seriously as you'd like by acting the way you do.

MolochHunter ago

I think @Srayzie made it abundantly clear that she has no problem with 'disagreement' made in good faith

where she draws the line, rightfully so, is against pure bellicose ad-hominems, threats and other behavior that is purely viscerally anti-social and divorced from the actual debate/evidence/information being discussed

if you are totally incapable of making that distinction yourself, dont be surprised to find yourself banned some day

kneo24 ago

See, here's the problem. Every time @Cheeseboogersghost would point out Trump is a Zionist, they would ask for proof. Every time he would point out that his children are married off to Jews, except Baron, suddenly it was radio silence and downvotes. (My only criticism here is that he didn't involve Tiffany, but she seems to be a footnote in the Trump household.)

If you think pointing out how the President of the U.S. surrounds himself with jews, even in his own family is somehow pure bellicose ad-hominems, etc, you're divorced from reality.

MolochHunter ago

you ever consider it possible that Trump is an ALLY of Israel but would have a bottom line where he wouldnt permit abuse of American interests by Israel / Zionism ?

Some Jewish aspirations are damaging to Western Civilisation Some are supportive of Western Civilisation Some are neutral to the interests of Western Civilisation

if trump was 100% devoted to the jewish agenda with no bottom line for his own people, he wouldnt have run on a platform that is openly hostile to political correctness

kneo24 ago

you ever consider it possible that Trump is an ALLY of Israel but would have a bottom line where he wouldnt permit abuse of American interests by Israel / Zionism ?

Being an ally of Israel makes you a zionist.

Some Jewish aspirations are damaging to Western Civilisation Some are supportive of Western Civilisation Some are neutral to the interests of Western Civilisation

All Jewish aspirations are damaging to Western Civilization. I have seen these disgusting creatures play both sides long enough. It all boils back to how Israeli leadership has claimed they're trying to bring down the U.S. and how jews are constantly trying to play themselves off as white people, while on the other hand, claiming how Jewish they really are.

if trump was 100% devoted to the jewish agenda with no bottom line for his own people, he wouldnt have run on a platform that is openly hostile to political correctness

Again, Jews play both sides.

I don't mean to suggest that they're some great hive-mind actively collaborating together. Instead what they do is natural to them. It's instinct bred into their DNA. Everything they do is for their own self interest and no one else. If it happens to help another group, it's only to serve their self interests. While on the other hand, these very people who control most aspects of media and entertainment, are constantly telling us white people that we need to be compassionate for everyone else, only think about everyone else. For the jews who aren't telling us that directly, they're telling us how much we need to be at war with other nations and how we need to align ourselves with Israel, and how fighting their battles is good for us.

I love the fact that whites are altruistic and help others. It's what has helped us thrive into a powerful group of people. It's also one of our greatest weaknesses as we have seen time after time again.

MolochHunter ago

"All Jewish aspirations are damaging to Western Civilization."

then how is it, despite them playing both our sides, we are at the technological pinnacle of history with commensurate standards of living

the Jews have used us. Sometimes horrendously. But they also share their gains and advances

"I love the fact that whites are altruistic and help others. It's what has helped us thrive into a powerful group of people. It's also one of our greatest weaknesses as we have seen time after time again."

i totally agree with you here. And my support for Jewish aspirations is conditional on them sharing their successes and mitigating their abuses. and there may come a day where i withdraw my co-operation altogether

kneo24 ago

then how is it, despite them playing both our sides, we are at the technological pinnacle of history with commensurate standards of living

They ride off of our success and we've been successful in spite of their actions. Besides, it's not as if we don't kowtow to their every whims here in the U.S.

Look no further than the amount of power AIPAC has over our congress.

(My apologies for not archiving the following.)

Here's an article from 2010. - 76 Senators sign on to Israel letter (In support of Israel, against Obama)

Cynthia McKinney Searches on AIPAC's Power

Another from 2010. - Nearly 300 Congress Members Declare Commitment to 'Unbreakable' U.S.-Israel Bond

That's just to get you started. Through their subversion everywhere they can nest like rats, they do so. They infiltrate and over time use others to further their goals. They have been kicked out of over 100 countries and it's time the U.S. follows in pursuit.

MolochHunter ago

"they ride of our successes"

i think that's a bit uncharitable. How much of our successes have been built through exploiting the ingenuity of jewish discoveries etc courtesy of their higher aggregate IQ ? They have hoarded the proceeds of those discoveries disproportionately, sure, but its not like they withheld the technological benefits from us.


you know what happens if the West says 'Fuck you Jews, you're on your own' and the muzzies go 'here's our opportunity to zerg Israel, boys' ?

the global bond market thats been held together with duct tape crashes. And every bank in the world stops doing business with other banks bc no-one knows if anyone is really solvent anymore. And then the ATM machines stop dispensing cash. And the point of sale EBT card system freezes. And no cunt can buy food, or drink, or ammo

and my boy cant get his epilepsy medicine

Jews have been absolute cunts, but we have an interdependence, and if we feed into the politics of resentment too much, be become as whites to the Jews what the Zimbabwean Niggers were to the White Farmers. You dig me?

So we dont seek to destroy the Jews, bc that is to destroy ourselves. We awaken , we cleanse corruption, we set limits. But we dont become niggers who cut our own throats. Israel is the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs, yer?

Crensch ago

Happened to be going through some old comments and stumbled upon this one.

i think that's a bit uncharitable. How much of our successes have been built through exploiting the ingenuity of jewish discoveries

That they stole from whites.

etc courtesy of their higher aggregate IQ ?

Nonexistent. It was a lie, like everything else they do. Force the numbers to only count some small fraction of a specific sect of them, and get better numbers - WOOOOO

The only reason they enjoy successes is because they're a nepotistic, cabalistic, child-fucking group of meat suits that pretends to be white, so white people will host Jews happily thinking they're just like us.

They have hoarded the proceeds of those discoveries disproportionately, sure, but its not like they withheld the technological benefits from us.

Except they have. Consistently. And they're currently making sure our technology passes through Israel so they can compromise it all. They're also getting an insane amount of funds from the US that proves they cannot even survive in a country of their own - they require one already existing to parasite off of.

the global bond market thats been held together with duct tape crashes.


And every bank in the world stops doing business with other banks bc no-one knows if anyone is really solvent anymore.


And then the ATM machines stop dispensing cash.


And the point of sale EBT card system freezes.

Insanely good.

And no cunt can buy food, or drink, or ammo


and my boy cant get his epilepsy medicine

Horseshit. You be the first motherfucker to raid the local pharmacy, and make your way to the factory where they're made and find out how to make it, or force them to make it for you.

Jews have been absolute cunts, but we have an interdependence

No, we don't. They depend on us. We will survive their removal, and then we will exterminate them.

and if we feed into the politics of resentment too much, be become as whites to the Jews what the Zimbabwean Niggers were to the White Farmers. You dig me?

Whites are the only race group that really has a right to continue living. Even most Asians lack a suitable level of empathy for civilized society. Whites made nearly every technological advancement in western society. "muh gunpowder" was bred out of the Chinks, so they don't even really have that.

kneo24 ago

I was going to give a well thought out reply, but

Israel is the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs, yer?

Only indicates you're a zionist. That speaks for itself. Nothing further needs said.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yeah I noticed this jew the other day. He and his laughable claims can go back to reddit

MolochHunter ago

go ahead. Stab the goose. see what happens