cantfindmenow ago

I can't view any of these files. Is there an archive or another source? Thanks

TrishaUK ago

Wanted to see the pics but every single link comes up unsecure link cannot connect? :( - (This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)

cantfindmenow ago

Same is happening for me. :( Is there another source anyone can link to?

jangles ago

Most interesting to me is:

"the alchemical androgyne"

This is a problem.

amonymous ago

It means splitting the personality into multiples with sra.

amonymous ago

Thanks OP. I tried to tell you guys about this but I was so exited having found all those photos I never could make a submission last without it being 24hr'd. I gave up trying to post here and started dumping the screenshots in the thread I made on /qresearch/

I posted all of the screenshots on over a year ago in the "instagram sleuthing" thread

darkknight111 ago

I'm having issues archiving these shots. We will definetely need this archived.

amonymous ago

Also as far as how this is connected to @jimmycomet. First of all @jimmycomet was the way into this sick dark side of instagram. Through him he is connected to such people as @vonspawn and @pandaheadmorgan and if you middle mouse click the usernames in a new tab on any of these photo pages you will have around 7 profiles about 3 of them will be ARTISTS and SATANIC ARTISTS. Through the promotions the art scene itself you see james alefantis is just part of a bigger community of fuckheads like the artist who painted the mural at comet ping pong he is part of the applied mythology project and that is a great introduction point to dig.

I might upload all the images to a site like imagegoat or and archive those urls.

amonymous ago

lol instagram stopped archiving while I was doing it. Take this thread for example. I had archived every photo the name of the photos that (endchan had migrated a server and the admin rebooted his computer during the migration and all the files on endchan where corrupted.) you can't see. I named the fucking files the url so here is most of them archived

For example in that post there is 5 photos one of them is named NQJXu.png that image that was lost during the migration can be found at All of the filenames in that thread are the urls before instagram changed the css

But you can use an instagram web viewer and archive that. I had incoorperated archiving into my routine until they updated the layout to make it a blank page when using or

iwokeuptoday ago

These need to be archived and saved. They will disappear.

TrendyCantina ago

What's weird is we have ACTUAL children right now being held in cages at an old WalMart, and this sub does nothing. Downvotes it. We are "researching"? For what result exactly?

Shizy ago

Do you have any links that show there are kids in Walmart in cages right now? The only kids in cages I have seen were from 2014 when Obama was president but the MSM spun it to make people think that was current. If there is anything about Walmart we should know.

wincraft71 ago

Yes... yes... rubs hands together

Finally we're turning the spotlight back on the origins of how this all started.

Vindicator ago

Great post, darkknight. I'm going to give this the "New Evidence" flair and sticky it so others can help.

You might want to add a summary of what still needs to be done, and what has already been done, so people don't duplicate your efforts.

Something someone could do is add written summaries of what's been found, who's who, etc. in the Comments. We will ultimately need that in order to share.

Vindicator ago

I added the flair, but I am going to hold off on stickying this because there's one thing missing: we need an explanation of how these accounts are connected to Alefantis' account, preferrably with a link showing it. Reply to this comment when you add that to the post and I will sticky it immediately. :-)

amonymous ago

see my other comment and this is the thread I have linked it before in my post about masonic elite satanic networks exposed

I dug into the accounts within the comments of @jimmycomet and that along with the artistic community itself is how you can infinatly find all sorts of sick fucks.

You can't just search #pizza on instagram but through @jimmycomet you see we then branch out to first of all the artist collective Wild Torus which actually hosts performance art and is like a way for these artists to network.

waxdino ago

Don't links from the chans disappear after a short while? This stuff needs archived.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The first image says it all. Children in cages and children being held down and cut up. Another image with eyes cut out. This was what Fiona Bartlett alleged, that they cut the eyes out of children while alive. Alefantis just happens to have these types of images for what plausible reason?

3141592653 ago

I'm confused.. are these links the instragram pics from JA's direct instagram friends list?"

amonymous ago

It was through the accounts initially in the start of the dig into the accounts within the comments of JA

Look at the date of this thread 12/30/2016 (Fri) 20:51:06

This thread is for investigating cult activity on instagram. some related instagrams involved with @jimmycomet or pizzagate in general. In JA's comments we found these people @alexnoschese @bigbudpress @donnaslash @vonspawn @calebs.ark @ray.chandler @mybarbarian @samanthapleet @davidhgerson @hellabros @vancouverclub @walterpearce @sashalordpresents @beetlebungfarm @253.232.5274 @aniek.klapwijk @therisingstates @jeanettehayes @jackalltimelow @ebradyrobinson

Through those people it spiraled out of controll

darkknight111 ago

The stuff is supposed to be the instagram accounts of various associates and followers. Got all this from 8 chan. There was a massive dump after I shared some information.

Tracking those who like the sick shit and seeing what they have if you will.

3141592653 ago

Much appreciated

GreenDell144 ago

248 likes for a picture of a dead body on ice in a bathtub.

We live in a world ruled by evil.

kazza64 ago

awesome work darknight you're a fucking champion

Matt_Helm ago

All these people deserve the death penalty right now without any "fair trial" fuck that and fuck them they need to all die.

darkknight111 ago

Personally, I prefer we mete out "Danganronpa Style" executions. They're vile enough to deserve it. Have a whole bunch of ideas for punishing various sick fucks.

Look them up on youtube.

TaosDeiopW ago

I am from Romania. Vlad the Impaler is our national hero.

His preferred way of execution during his rule, was live impalement. A big sharp wooden stick would enter the convicted's rectum and exit maybe through his mouth. I suggest that these sick pedo filth be executed Vlad's style.

If done right, the convicted doesn't die immediately, but after a couple of hours of extreme pain. These sick pedovores deserve it.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I like it

Dziewanna ago

If done correctly, it can take days.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Nice plus the impaled can open up their 3rd eye with one final sodomy!

Blacksmith21 ago

Did someone say Jimmy Comet???? [Insert best Richard Simmons face here].

I stumbled upon this oldie, but goodie:

"Drug Charges. Three men -- James A. Alefantis, 22, Edward Comstock, 21 and Cyrus T. Morrell, 21 -- have each been charged by the Harrisonburg Police Department..."

TrendyCantina ago

Just my two cents... what good does it do? We had circumstantial evidence gleaned from Alefantis' IG account when he didn't think anyone was looking, and it did no good. He's protected. It seems at this point that anyone helping elite with their satanic agenda are protected. So what good does it do to find more - espcially since they know we're watching now, which leads me to believe anything left on IG is meant to be found, they are toying with us.

letsdothis2 ago

Completely agree. Some of those links look like parody accounts.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, you are 100% correct. Not your two downvoats. Thats what this sub is. Correct though, you do the cabals work, you are protected. They control the entire system. This has been displayed over and over. Finders case was quashed by the FBI and victims returned to perps.

Judgejewdy ago

The cynic in me would like to hear a legitimate answer to this. Anyone?

TrendyCantina ago


Piscina ago

When Alefantis is on his deathbed, it won't be the angels coming to take him to heaven; he'll be screaming in fear and dread at the demons who will come to drag him to hell.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Sad that you think justice comes after somebody lived there entire life. That is called getting away with it to me.

Shizy ago

This life is nothing compared to the span of eternity!!!

pixiesbitch ago

It’s not sad, it’s comforting, since we know he won’t be punished in this life. There has to be some sort of retribution.

Blacksmith21 ago

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Blacksmith21 ago

@are_we_sure - We need your opinion on these photos since you know everything....

SoSpricyHotDog ago

There it is...

swasagon ago

I think vonspawn is Jewish:

Sarevok ago

I don't know man, that bio seems pretty fake. Lots of fabrications, surviving several (((gulags.))) May be a moden day Jonas Bohm if true.

Edit-incomplete submission

Joe10jo ago

Holy Cow!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Holy crap! Excellent work, dark Knight! Can't wait to get home and start digging.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Who are these other people into this shit? I understand elites being into this stuff; they were pretty much raised on this since they were children. What about these other people? What made them so deplorable?

swordfish69 ago

Alefantis and his crew are Masonic agents. Going on Fox News and telling Megyn Kelly there's no basement while his friends sell kill room access is actually an ideal situation. The more extreme the contrast the better.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Maybe these guys are a part of intergenerational Masonic families. That would make sense.

amonymous ago

This this this this

Marked2476 ago

I watched only a snippet of that interview with kelly.. she seemed very shaken and unsettled.. I wonder if it was because she knew who she was talking to and was having to step carefully...

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'll answer that. OF COURSE SHE KNEW.

She is one of 'THEM'. Every top media personality and actor is part of this Deep State Cult. They have all gone through MKUltra programs and they are all controlled.

Television and Movies are both PSYOPS. You are being programmed. It's not reality.

Capiche ?

Blacksmith21 ago

I've stood in that alley and seen the split back door between CPP and LRF. Stairwell went down at LRF. Ground level into CPP. Many of the buildings built in that area had common basements, like common attics. If LRF has a basement, I'd bet good money that CPP does as well. At least JA said it did.

swordfish69 ago

My local source has told me that Jimmy Comet uses storage space at Little Red Fox, not sure of these extent though.

Blacksmith21 ago

That would agree with what I saw.

darkknight111 ago

Last Wave. Get me my barf bag. Take One Pizza needs digging into. What...the...fuck?

resurgence ago

Do you have a zip file with all these images? I know they're gonna disappear eventually.

darkknight111 ago

Starting to delve into the especially sick imagry. Is that Obama? CCP commented on this. Sphinx Club needs digging into. Dig into State Street Pub Brainwashing a child much? Sick. Blatent pedophile imagry. Murder disguised as art? Reference to Abramovic?

neveragainfatty ago

There has to be something to compare that first image too.

GD_Ridefort ago

You could compare it to the video linked here for starters.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I'm not gonna click on a bunch of download links, sorry.

madhatter67 ago

Fuck should be archiving this shit!

darkknight111 ago

Don't have to download. Click where it says png in a white box and it should show the image without downloading.

PrideOfOshtekk ago


Gothamgirl ago

Wow good job!

migratorypatterns ago

So evidently, he's brazenly went on being the douche he is with impunity?


UppadaVoat for you. Great stuff here.

darkknight111 ago Depiction of a desert sacrifice? jakeanddinoschapman needs digging into. Definetely a satanist. Reference to Boys Club Shriners

VFD ago

I went to Jake & Dinos Chapmans' website/online gallery. It seemed mostly harmless, like edgy art project stuff. . .

Then I found this -_-

and this:

The worst part is people actually buy this shit, and put it in art galleries like so:

I'm the opposite of easily offended, however this kind of shit makes my stomach turn. I'll keep digging on them, it's pretty obvious that they may have some connection to all of this.

Tanngrisnir ago

They have had their art removed from places for being "paedo-pornographic." I've looked into them some. They called children not human yet and once called the violent murder of a child a social service. I advise you to look into Refugee Rescue a NGO that the two brothers heavily support which is quite possibly a trafficking racket.

carmencita ago

Comment form black72vette in response to your first link in this series:

life is better with dead children

life would be better without black72vette

mooteensy ago

Have I told you lately how much I love you, OP?

Vedican ago

I'm new. This Guy just named Ben Szemkus just made a youtube channel (under his exact name) for the purpose of sharing his eyewitness account of meeting Alefantis at a NXIUM recruitment party at Yale. Also present were Raniere Mack, STORMY DANIELS, ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN, WIENER, HUMA. His body language and story are flawless. I never contributed here, just made this account to share this. Someone with experience can take this and ride with it. Go get em.

mooteensy ago

Thank you!!! Watching right now.

itmustend ago

That sounds a little too convenient to me.

Does he have proof of attending yale?

Proof that this recruitment party even took place?

Vedican ago

If you watched the video, which you conveniently did not, you would know that he didn't claim to have attended Yale. You would also have heard him say that he has contacted every relevant State and Federal agency and most media outlests, is willing to testify and provide his provenance, including other witnesses who were there.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for the tip. Here's the link:

Vedican ago

Thanks for embedding that. I am sorry to see that this phenomenon did not gain any lasting attention on this forum. The guy is obviously testifying to the truth, and the names he names all together tie together ALL the major players on the east coast. Huma Abedin was Hillary's SHADOW that very year. Alefantis' presence directly ties him to an alleged child trafficking and forced labor operation, validating PIZZAGATE. And Stormy Daniels presence further destroys her credibility.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You're welcome, and I wish it caught on more, too. Glad he came forward, but it may have just been a tad too late. I hope he stays safe.

Vedican ago

You're welcome. I wish I wasn't a newbie and could make that video into its own thread. IMO the guy's story is highly believable, his presentation is believable, its a complete package.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I agree. His body language and eye movements are not deceptive. He's not reading from the statement he wrote, he's not making them out to be drunks and weed fiends, and he isn't telling the story in a dramatic, over-the-top fashion. The oddest part that stuck out to me was that Smallville' was the pre-party entertainment. I'm going to have to find clips of that series and see if I can find any symbolism in it. As of yet, I haven't seen anyone post about this show. Years ago when I caught episodes of 'Mike and Molly', there were definitely Masonic symbols within. At the support meetings, you could see the widely known Masonic symbols in the background on a bulletin board and they wore the Masonic checkerboard pattern on the cops' uniforms, which is far from the standard here in the U.S. Thanks again, and welcome!

Vedican ago

I remember that Smallville was very popular, especially with the teens and young 20 set, especially females. It ran on the WB for 10 years. It became more risque as the series aged. The party was in 2007 which 7 years into the series run and probably the height of it's popularity. Lot's of feminist, female empowerment, alpha female themes. So it kinda makes sense in that light, especially as one of the stars was the future dominatrix of the cult and present at the party. Knowing someone is a celebrity is one thing, but seeing their work in their presence heightens the glamour and awe making them more impressionable to the sales pitch.

Blacksmith21 ago

Massage The Rapist. Perfect. Excellent finds.

darkknight111 ago

More images.

EricKaliberhall ago

Excellent job @darkknight111 UpVoat!