SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

-be me -be pansexual -raised in the 1990s -watched a lot of South Park as a kid as it just came out -met many fellow uberdykes and ultrafags fellow LGBT+ pals had a similar sense of humor, irl and online (guess I got lucky?) -ironically called ourselves dykes and fags to take the piss out of the words, like "nigga" in regards to black people, for example. I suppose I felt that when anyone else said it to us in an attempt to break us, it was a means to say, "your words don't mean fucking shit to us anymore. These are now our words now." -enjoyment out of using words formerly wielded against us for even more lulz and the deep discomfort of homo/transphobes grows on you over time. It's worth it. -calling nazis "stormfags" generally makes them very, very upset. Which is why the internet refers to them as such. To piss them the fuck off.

Any other questions?

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Fuck, I'm really tired right now. I'll fix the shit in the morning.

smudgepotforever ago I believe Achilles "Lee" is his dad, and his grandfather was Louis George (1915-2001). Greek Immigrant. And his great grandfather was George Louis. Susan is his mom.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

ok, just curious. thanks for the insight.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

Would you be able to comment on the Grandma Rita's Children House that is on Wemberly Way road? I am on the skeptical side and don't think circumstantial evidence is sufficient to believe this guy is anything more than an enigma

cubes ago

i found a list of addys & possible associates looks like he might have lived The Cosmopolitan Condominium in NYC in 1997

eyeVoated ago

Etymologically speaking, the term "fag" is a synonym for "fasce", which is a bundle of bound sticks, often with a blade attached, used to beat someone into submission. It is featured on the American dime (clearly shown on the reverse side of the Mercury dime), as well as in many federal buildings. Fascism also comes from the same etymology. I'll leave you to contemplate the significance of this revelation on your own.

Pizzainmyass ago

Sibel Edmonds said they look for people with most dirt so they can control them

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Pedos are stupid and slightly cunning. That's why he fucked up at school and that's why the big bust went down following him being busted, cuz he likely ratted his buddies out.

vanievilgenius ago

I think this lead could be extremely important. I actually always thought Alefantis's name felt a little too perfect (like he is probably a spook and it's not his real name). Maybe I was wrong about that. Or maybe this is where you will find out one way or the other. Great work OP.

smudgepotforever ago

That's his real name. I and others have traced the family genealogy.

KingKongisCTR ago

Nothing about these younger years seems too odd. I'm thinking he really started getting involved when he had the art gallery in Georgetown. Georgetown was shown to be involved in MKULTRA in 1977. Podesta's went there, Clintons went there. Both went to law school. The Wikileak email about beanie bays was directed to Georgetown Law staff so at least some had to know the code. I thought about making a post on this. Across from Georgetown Law are supposed student housing but I only saw one review for the, on Google which I found odd. Also on Google maps there is security to get in to the Georgetown Law area. Maybe that's normal. Saw a Youtube video about tunnels under at least part of the school.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

His parents have been involved in the area longer than him even attending James Madison. Possible it goes back father than one thinks

seekingtruth2016 ago

Another post with information that was already posted and removed for irrelevance and over half of this post isn't even related to JA directly. What the hell is going on with this subverse? His ridiculous antics as a college kid provide no information on what is happening with the CP issue. Come on mods!

shillbertdinkleberry ago

It should be considered relevant. There is no understanding to how long "pizzagate" could've been ongoing and this sheds light on a history that some have claimed nonexistent. It opens the door to potential leads to investigate while showing he didn't have a squeaky clean past that involved direct connection if not direct involvement in a drug and gambling ring. Fraternities easily have 30+ members, and some of his brothers he could've kept in contact with and potentially has more involvement with. Yes this has no mention of pizza, but this man is the cornerstone of Pizzagate and all parts of his life should be scrunitinzed for potentially illuminating evidence

Edit: In two minutes time, searching Edward comstock, who got arrested on drug charges along with Alefantis, is now a professor at American University in DC. They live in the same town, so there is merit in this post. Comstock

Edit Edit: Two more minutes later, Dr Edward Comstock is also on the Board of Directors for One World Education. Archive

comprehensive, in-school program in Washington, DC that strengthens vital research, writing, and presentation skills. Through partnerships with DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC public charter schools, the organization served over 6,000 middle and high school students in the 2015-16 school year.

Direct access to children. I've seen less argued for support of pizzagate

ConcernedParent ago

Ignore them. JA is a prime player in PG and any information on him can be helpful. And showing he has a prior criminal history with a shady fraternity is something we should be looking into further.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

There's a book out there on how gang rape is a long standing ritual of many fraternities.

Different subject: "Protecting The Gift" by Gavin de Becker is excellent for learning how to safeguard children and read about the grooming pedos do. And, he was Secret Service.

Lynnwiod ago

This is some seriously good research.

amyrebeccajames ago

I was in a sorority in college and went to every fraternity party of my now ex husband's fraternity during that time. I only saw 2-3 people drink enough to get sick. You'd have to drink a LOT to start hyperventilating and vomiting blood. He sounds like a complete degenerate even back then. The minutes containing a story of a rape and a gang rape doesn't sound like a joke. It sounds like a coverup to say it's a joke, but if they wrote it down, you can guess they were probably proud of it and trying to brag as a joke, but that it was completely serious. Nobody writes that shit down in the minutes. Unless they're completely insane.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Person probably vomited so hard that he tore his esophagus which allowed vomit to enter his chest cavity. Hyperventilation would be common.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

There's another report in the breeze of two guys throwing another in the lake behind the fraternity house at night. Then the guy who got thrown in refusing to identify himself. If you need a source I can link it

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think fraternities are a front/gateway into this satanic/cult shit too. They also provide the connections to place "their people" in positions of power across the country after college.

I also think not being able to handle all the drinking and partying in college indicates a certain instability, that's my take at least. Probably lots of problems with alcohol and drugs in life. He sort of doesn't look very well for a guy in his early 40s either.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Just search for Yales "Skull and bones" it confirms your point. Initiation ceremony is to lie naked in a coffin and masturbate. Bush (both), Kerry. Seriously interesting stuff

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Very good work.

Orange_Circle ago

Great research!

VieBleu ago

Impressive research!

anonymousj ago

It reads like his "training" roster.....

Singleservename ago

Sorry still don't see the relevance. Maybe if he'd been squeaky clean..

l23r ago

That is a valid point... but most people who deal with drug trafficking don't end up trafficking people, especially children.

Votescam ago

Mafia, of course, is but one example where they are involved in drug running, human trafficking and child trafficking.

Also this on where some of the kids might be coming from

Also Power, Pedophilia and the US Government
About 1/3rd of way down, Franklin Case is discussed w/CIA involvement

Crime kingpin King not only used his young victims as “boy toys” for gay politicians at after party Republican fundraising events during the Reagan and Bush years of the 1980’s, they were also used as drug mules moving shipments of cocaine out of California that Reagan and Bush senior deployed the CIA during the Iran Contra years running guns and money trade for cocaine from Latin America that flooded urban ghettos in the US creating the crack cocaine epidemic. King’s Franklin Credit Union was laundering drug money from the Iran Contra scandal. Another major player in Washington was lobbyist Craig Spence who longtime investigator-author Nick Bryant believes was a CIA asset that notoriously ran midnight tours with the boys to the Bush White House. King hired photographer Rusty Nelson to take photos of the politicians in compromising positions as blackmail insurance. Young victims were not only sodomized by the powerful pedophiles in Congress but often King would drug, sadistically burn and torture them for sexual sadism as well as terrorizing them for control purposes.

And ... Involvement of CIA/MK ULTRA/Monarch Program

Paul Bishop arranged for Noreen Gosch to testify in August 1984, at the "Organized Crime Senate Hearings" in Washington, D.C., before Senator Specter. Books were made available by the FBI showing children in a Sears Roebuck type of catalog offering children for sale. Noreen Gosch reports Paul Bishop eventually vanished without a trace. Suddenly the phone number was no good. Noreen Gosch reports that it was to be years before she learned that the CIA was part of the International kidnapping and pornography ring. She and others have attempted to obtain copies of the catalog of children for sale and, "There has never been a single reply to any request to produce this document". She also attempted to obtain from the Washington Press Core photographs from the hearing, also with no success. Noreen Gosch reports that Paul Bishop was in his early 20’s and called her, "Mom". She now wonders if he was one of the "lost" children.

If suspicions are correct, and Alfantis is also connected to CIA/MK ULTRA programming, these children were programmed for homosexual prostitution, drug running, and spying/espionage for purposes blackmail. Some were also used to lure other children to a car in kidnapping set ups.

Truthseeker3000 ago

LMFAO!! What a tool. That being said, I'd put down a huge bet and say Jimmycomet was in the CIA mind kontrolle program as a child and likely experienced horrific, sick, evil shit done to him at an early age. This actually makes me feel a bit sad for him, but not the fact that he turned the tables and is now an abuser himself. The illuminati is fucked all the way around, you can't win, they kill their own at a moments notice. People are expendable to them. Lunatic psychopaths.

NonexistentNihilist ago

Yeah, it seems they view the whole as greater than the sum of its parts but in a really twisted way. Like Hot Fuzz so aptly put it, "the greater good."

MrrHandsome ago

Great work, very informative. I think we should start finding out who went to college or highschool with James and reach out to them. See if we can get any details on what sort of character James was back then, who knows he may have shown signs of psychotic traits which would only validate our cause even more

Alpo ago

One of Alefantis' college classmates is on twitter: It shouldn't be too hard to find out who the person is since it says where they work.


This information supports my view that much of the decadence of modern America is not due to the nasty gays, but to the fraternity culture entrenched in most American colleges and universities. This is the true breeding ground of evil.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

They also use "locker room talk" as an excuse for the rape memo being circulated... hmm. Heard that one before

CynicalLurker ago

It wasn't a "rape memo", it was a recording of a rich, successful guy bragging about how women let him do whatever he wants because he is so famous.

remedy4reality ago

Fuck you for making this about Trump. He is literally the only hope for shutting down the massive and evil shithouse the Clintons have built.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

I'm saying that the fraternity excused their rape memo as locker room talk too. Click the link then go to the continued page on the article

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL. Mens clubs have been a cornerstone of this country. The gay lobby and Hollywood brainwashing people to absurdly estimate that gays constitute as much as 10% of the population is recent. Your view is asinine to say the least.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Don't let that egg break in your ass

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

And yours is factually and morally questionable. Some of the loudest vocal supporters of this investigation are LGBT, so what in all the fucks on earth are you on about?

BeezleyBillyBub ago

loud is not wide, can you source the LGBT support, it is not my experience. I find the progressive media silence deafening. I am interested in evidence to the contrary.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


Don-Keyhote ago

How would you know the orientation of various pizzagaters LOL. You dont know shit either so quit virtue signaling

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Uh, what..? Are you implying that the people that I personally know have mysterious sexual orientations unbeknownst to me? What other PizzaGaters would I be referring to otherwise? There are other people who are well-known and openly "out" who've been calling for an investigation (YouTubers, smaller celebrities, etc)pretty publicly anyway. I am confused as to what your motives are for challenging me on something so irrelevant to the investigation in the first place, but ok.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


l23r ago

Drinking and doing drugs isn't anything I find to be a problem. Gambling and selling drugs to me is a way to make money bu providing a service to willing participants. The sex crimes on the other hand...

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Indeed, those are what are incredibly disturbing (or noteworthy in this day and age) to me.. Clearly this jock asshole Jimmy already had an early start in being a degenerate predator douchebag.. What the fuck..

srayzie ago

What? Drugs are too a very big problem.


does show he has history in trafficking

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't think its a problem for the average person. In regards to Alefantis I think, particularly the non-payment of his fine, which was paltry shows his lack of regard for the law, and further ties in to his blatant displays of pedophilia, and its also troubling that this man is the 49th most powerful man in DC and involved with the worst, most powerful and immoral propagandist going.

l23r ago

Cops gave me a fine too. Like fuck I was going to pay over a hundred dollars for drinking a beer in the park after work. If not paying a ticket on a bullshit law is having a "lack of regard" for bullshit laws, then I guess we both are guilty of that.

Lots of people engage in self-regarding actions that cause police intervention (doing drugs, drinking underage, selling drugs to people who are literally asking for them) I think the focus regarding his illegal actions should be related to fucking children.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Hey I agree with you, there are laws I disregard, I'm just saying, chap is high up in the political world, yet clearly doesn't give a toss about laws, law enforcement etc. I think it just further illustrates the company the higher ups keep. I don't know why the likes of Clinton Brock and Podesta would keep a guy with this record so close, and by association help make him GQ's 49th most powerful man, I'm not condemning him for these actions, just saying that he is clearly not above reproach, and has not been since his childhood.

NonexistentNihilist ago

While I agree that not paying a fine/doing drugs doesn't necessarily a degenerate make, at the very least it shows he has a history and therefore insider knowledge on trafficking rings.


Most people only commit sex crimes because they're out of their minds on drink or drugs or a combination of both.

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL citation needed asshole

l23r ago

I've been out of my mind on drink and drugs and I've never raped anyone, from what I can remember at least. People have told me lots of wild and stupid shit I've done while I've blacked out, but raping someone is not one of those things. I understand that it's harder for someone with a vagina to be a rapist, but it does happen... By the current laws, when people have sex with me when I'm wasted and willing, they're raping me cause apparently "fuck me harder" means "no" if you're drunk.

srayzie ago

Same thing happened to me but I wasn't so fortunate.


I didn't say that everyone who drinks heavily and takes drugs commits sex crimes, I said that most people who commit sex crimes do so while drinking heavily and taking drugs. I'm a 'true crime' addict and, believe me, this is true, especially for the really heinous crimes.

pontagon ago

can you verify this, or is it just your opinion, seems totally wrong to me.

l23r ago

Do you think they would have done those crimes if they were sober? If not, is it a case of taking the drug to loosen them up a bit (like having a few shots before calling the girl you really like to ask her out) or prepare them for the task at hand (kinda like how some people will do a bump of coke to help them through a shift at work)? Or is it a case of the drug making them psychotic and act out in ways they normally wouldn't (like a friend of mine who I guess was pre-disposed to mental illness, and ended up becoming paranoid and delusional after dosing)?


I don't think they would have - at the very least drugs 'loosen them up' and in many cases they do very much more.

nitro169 ago

Sounds like he turned snitch

TimesUp ago

This is interesting. I'm curious to know if you or anyone has learned where Alefantis attended high school? As a resident of McLean, VA., he could have attended Langley High, very near CIA Headquarters.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Yes! Came here to say something similar. I'd be willing to bet $$ that Elephantis is second generation from a spook family. I think he's a CIA asset. Mr Kiddie Brownstone-op fix it man. McClean is to spooks what the upper west side is to banksters. It's a breeding ground.

What do we know about his parents if anything?

shillbertdinkleberry ago

It was a Day School. If I remember correctly, it was Georgetown Day School. Search Voat

TimesUp ago

Thank you! I searched and found a reference to Alefantis saying "Yeah. I went to Georgetown Day School, down the street"

Info on Georgetown Day School (Private K-12 Prep School in NW DC):


I seem to remember hearing he was from either Indiana or upstate NY

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think that was a quote from him in one of his magazine profiles. Apparently no leads based from this? I'm sure it was looked into.


not sure how far back people have looked into his childhood - iirc he was explaining why he had Indiana license plates on the wall