I came across these peculiar tweets from two people with links to people at the center of pizzagate. They may be completely innocent, but both examples are quite strange, as they both say pizzagate is false, but say things that make no sense, and link to things which aren't relevant to what they are saying.
Example 1: http://sli.mg/pN1Sop.png http://sli.mg/5TFtMF.png http://sli.mg/QCPHbX.png
He says he knows people at Comet whose Instagram profiles were hacked. He says the Instagram pictures were forged and faked, then says they weren't forged, then links to a Buzzfeed article which doesn't mention or show the Instagram pictures.
Example 2: http://sli.mg/s2x5Nx.png
What makes this second example extra odd is that it started as a response to string of tweets from several days before: http://sli.mg/HW4dRv.png The first tweet makes no sense and links to an article abount rare and expensive beanie babies, and to a Reddit post discussing the pizza-related map. The next tweet came the following day and contained some very personal information which could be relevant, That tweet has now been deleted. Lastly, this person works with children in the DC area: http://sli.mg/ijO1sf.png
The recipient of these tweets in both cases is a deleted account so we can only see one side of the conversation. It is possible these people really believe pizzagate is fake and were tweeting while drunk or otherwise in a state of mental impairment, but it is nevertheless strange. All names have been covered to make sure forum rules are followed and to keep the people involved from being harrassed if innocent, or tipped off if not.
BobDole2000 ago
Links added.
waxdino ago
This is hilarious, but you have to provide a link to the source to prove it's real.
BobDole2000 ago
Links added in post
waxdino ago
Thank you.
Wow, this is a damn meltdown!
contrary_mma_hipster ago
Don't blot out the twitter handle, this isn't reddit.
BobDole2000 ago
Post edited with links.
carmencita ago
What a bunch of screwy stuff. Sounds like little kid comments. It says look into Podesta by all means? Throwing John under the bus. Pretty stupid imo.
crazimal ago
probably innocent useful idiot but could be more connected. Run it down on your own unless willing to divulge ID so others can investigate.... If a moral issue you're stuck, if merely scared use a throwaway Let your conscience be your guide Doesn't seem highly significant or suspicious to me
ConcernedParent ago
Without a name, how can we investigate? At least archive link their profile so we can find the name ourselves.
SturdyGal ago
Yet weeks ago didn't Alefantis say "There is nothing offensive about my Instagram" and defended the taping of the child's arms on the table saying it had been done by her sister? JA never once said his social posts were fake.
nomorepepperoni ago
This is the same mistake Dems are making about the DNC/Podesta emails. On that one incriminating thing, I mean this, but muh Russia!
Pizzainmyass ago
I mean they knew him in high school? Who cares honestly, maybe they'd be good to talk to. Why wouldn't have JA said they were forged and all that and who conspiracized to attack JA and create this whole mess of circumstantial evidence. I doubt they're in the loop just cause they knew him.
militant ago