Micheal84 ago

I came across this video


Its old VHS footage from an Barbie workout video, JLH is one of the dancing kids.

Looked it up which let me here: http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/moviesj/jhdanceb.html

Weird website which need a membership? to see the pictures in larger format.

Maybe this website needs a closer look? I could make a new post about it.

GD_Ridefort ago

Yes, you should make a new post. There's something to uncover between the spandex / 'dancing' / Mattel / Barbie stuff... I thought aerobics were pretty out of fashion by '92, so what was the "business case" for making this tape?

Wynorski probably saw footage like this (JLH dancing on Kids Inc. too) when he cast her to be in his movies. Wynorski wrote a line from Scream Queen Hot Tub Party:

Actress 1: "Soon we'll be in contact with a dark, festering demon who roams the neverworld in search of obscene and perverse pleasures..." Actress 2: "Want to call my agent?"

What if he went back to his trailer after directing exploitation flicks all day, and watched an aerobics video like this? Based on his stated feelings about the women in his movies, you really hope he didn't know about this video when auditioning JLH for the 'pizza movie'... (but he probably did).


(Also note that the first thing in the video is that big star in a circle on the floor).

Shizy ago

I have to ask again, where the hell are these kids parents????

GD_Ridefort ago

Jennifer Love Hewitt had a well known stage mom...

So in this case, the answer to the question "where were the parents" would be:

Back at Oakwood Arms, calling more agents

carmencita ago

In 1998 Wynorski appeared in a documentary Some Nudity Required where he said he got into film "for the money and the chicks" and said "breasts are the cheapest special effect in the business".[9] JLH starred in his film when she was 12. I am getting sick thinking about it. All of his films were filled with Sex-Pots.

GD_Ridefort ago

Big find. I wish I could upload that documentary...

  • Interviewer: So why did you want to become a film maker?
  • Wynorski: To get laid.

Later he says:

"No one wants to see a woman without big breasts. On film, guys rent videos and... it's good if you can act, pop your top, and have good looks".

  • Interviewer: What do you look for in a woman when you hire her?
  • Wynorski: I hate this interview! I want to stop this interview, I hate it! It's so boring, you're asking boring questions!

This is the same director who worked with Jennifer Love Hewitt at 12, and again at 13. He is obsessed with jungle-themed exploitation movies where women are stripped, defiled and sacrificed:

  • "When I was a kid, I loved jungle movies. I loved when the guys were going to the Lost Island and they meet up with the tribe of women... who were all always Hollywood cover girls... but they never did what you wanted them to do".

  • "Let's throw that whole premise out the window. Make the same movie again, but this time have them do exactly what you would do".

The documentary also notes that Wynorski is/was a major player in direct-to-video market. "Turn on a channel late at night, and you'll find a Wynorski film".

Also, despite working with younger actresses like Hewitt, "he does yell and scream a lot on set".

They show examples of him doing so:

  • "Jackie, shut up!"
  • "Get this fucking shit out of my fucking - "
  • "All you've got to do is sit there and look oblivious".


So while living as a minor at Oakwood Arms, this is the director Jennifer Love Hewitt was sent off to make two movies with... That's in addition to everything @UnicornAndSparkles noted happened on her Kids Inc. TV show. Insane.


@millennial_vulcan @Micheal84 @migratorypatterns

millennial_vulcan ago

Its the Oakwood APARTMENTS.

And none of this anything new. How is tied to pizzagate?

GD_Ridefort ago

It's a director who made movies with the actors from Kids Inc. where Fergie and others were drugged and sent around the world on "sex tours".

It's relevant to PG because it has a scene of a possessed pizza floating and being chased with a knife.

Finally, the director's day job is making Satanic softcore movies, including "The Witches of Breastwick". And, as @carmencita said, he's in a documentary yelling at actors and saying he just wants them to "look good", "look oblivious", and "pop their tops".

Oakwood Apartments is relevant to PG on many levels... JLH (the main child actress in the movie) lived there, was also on Kids Inc at the same time.

carmencita ago

Oakwood was and still is a Bordello of Child Actors for the surrounding Studios. Simple as that.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

Sounds like a prince. Just a charming guy. Exactly the type you'd want your underaged daughter to be working for. And what the hell happened to that Dr. somebody and SS? Wasn't he supposed to release that little boy's name if SS didn't answer? Hello!!!! He hasn't answered!!!

GD_Ridefort ago

This connection is probably more significant than it first appears...

It's one thing to have part of the movie business that's dedicated to action, horror, faux-Satanism, scantily clad women, etc. Those B-movies don't necessarily hurt anyone, when they're made by, and for, adults.

Here, however, a guy whose career revolves around directing pervy 'Satanic' B-movies is chosen to make a children's film. The first question is: who asked him, and why did he agree?

Second, the movie ends up starring an Oakwood Arms kid who was previously abused for years on Kids Inc. Again, why is there such a direct link between Disney and this direct-to-video side of the business that's fixated on nudity, Satanism and exploitation?

Finally, in a kids movie with the star from Kids Inc., this notorious exploitation director happens to insert a long scene where a pizza is:

  1. put under a spell by a demon
  2. attacked with a meat cleaver

It's hard to see this as anything besides the director openly flaunting the relationship between kid's entertainment and the 'Sex, Satan and Death' part of the industry.

Hiring a known perv with a tendency to yell at his actors to direct this movie (made by and for children) is the first message they are sending. It's like telling parents "yes, look at this director's name, you know what is happening".

But including an extended violent scene with a pizza is going to that extra mile to rub it in their faces.

migratorypatterns ago

Undoubtedly, their symbols will be their downfall. As will their need to brag.

carmencita ago

While living at the Oakwood Arms, yes. Can you imagine that was her refuge from these freaks? From the frying pan into the fire. Wynorski sounds like a typical pervert. He has a super breast fetish. I am not just talking about ogling. This guy is obsessed. AND, he has the connections and ways to get his fantasies met with making these movies. He put JLH in her first film. Just think about that. Her mother knew what kind of pictures this guy made and she let her do it. She could have stopped it. She was 12. 12!!!

UnicornAndSparkles ago


Jennifer Love Hewitt is reportedly one of the girls in this heartbreaking CrazyDaysAndNights

Shizy ago

So sad! And makes sense if Fergie is the other girl from the blind.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Yes I remember reading not so long ago Fergie was big on the crack. Sad that most of Hollywood is on some kind of drug. Now we know why.

YogSoggoth ago

Jurassic Park actor charged with kidnap ... - Daily Mail Online
