Matt_Helm ago

Do a search for the article on Crazy Days And Nights about Hewitt she was abused on that Kids Inc. show then she got out.

millennial_vulcan ago

poor kid had massive bazookas too, at a very young age. Can't imagine how she felt at all the creepy stares etc. Jon Mayer wrote "your body is a wonderland" for her and she starred in his video. She was at least legal when this happened but he is still a major dirtbag. @carmencita @GD_Ridefort

GD_Ridefort ago

Not legal at all at the time of this TV scene, however. It would have been creepy back then, just because she was 14...

But when you add the background of her being an industry plaything for years beforehand (practically since she was a baby), even this scene becomes unacceptably twisted.

carmencita ago

Wonderland is a favored word. Alice in Wonderland and Wonderland Club a CP Op that was raided by Operation Cathedral. I say they never shut this down. It just popped right back up again. They love that word. Remember Wonderland in DC where they said Seth Rich was suppose to go to, but never did.

carmencita ago Diana Napolis thought Jennifer Love Hewitt was controlling her mind. She also thought Steven Spielberg and his wife were members of a satanic cult who had implanted a microchip in her brain in an attempt to “catch her soul.” According to her, Spielberg ran the cult from his basement. Yep, she was fucking bananas. UH, not so crazy as far a I am concerned. Actually this possibly may be pretty close to the truth. Microchip?

GD_Ridefort ago

I haven't looked into PG as deeply as others. So to me, Diana Napolis still seems unfortunate and mentally ill...

But it's a big coincidence that Napolis focused on Spielberg and Jennifer Love Hewitt together, isn't it? Those two people never worked on any projects (publicly), as far as I know.

So, as wild as her conclusions seem, what enabled Napolis to draw a connection between Spielberg and Hewitt, years before others discovered the information about Disney, Kids Inc., etc?

carmencita ago

How do I know? I can't ask her. But "as far as I know" is not good enough for me. This woman is categorized as nuts by whom? You have been on here over 2 years and have learning nothing about what these elites are capable of? You think that her words and memories are impossible just because. Well, I say that it is hugely possible. We here on pizzagate are well aware of their capabilities especially after reading about pizza, hot dogs, cheese, and walnut sauce. That does not make Diana sound too crazy to me.

Shizy ago

Sadly, she actually doesn't sound so crazy

carmencita ago

After some of the stuff I have read on here I don't think she sounds at all disturbed. MK Ultra comes to mind and we have proof of microchips already. So really JLH and SS and his wife are the ones that sound nuts to me. I am sure someone has run a cult out of their basement before as well. Just because it is SS does not make it impossible. Oh, Pray Tell, a famous producer/director, they would never do anything so bazaar. Yeah. Just you wait. It will come out. DC and PedoTown are one and the same.

carmencita ago

Another Sad One about Heather but glad I read it. There were things i had never read before There are some names in very light print, possibly to avoid lawsuit? During all the horrors that proceeded while filming Poltergeist (1982), only one scene really scared her: that in which she had to hold onto the headboard, while a wind machine blew toys into the closet behind her. She fell apart; Steven Spielberg stopped everything, put her in his arms, and said that she would not have to do that scene again. (Cinefantasque, July 1988)

carmencita ago Molesters Killed Her If you have not read this it is the Bl about Heather O'Rourke and SS. It's not pretty.

carmencita ago

Remember this It is alleged that the bodies, all of which had gunshot wounds to the chest, were found in different rooms within the house and that a gun was discovered lying next to Michael Birnkrant’s body, leading investigators to suspect the incident was a murder-suicide. Another tragedy connected to SS.

migratorypatterns ago

Why isn't this getting more attention? It's a good post.

migratorypatterns ago

Good stuff. UpVoat for you.

Wasn't there a CDAN post about an actress who had a hit song in Japan? I don't remember what it said, but remember they mentioned an overseas hit.

GD_Ridefort ago

Read here. Scroll down to 148:

"Oh, one time about a decade ago, the second of our two victims in this blind was making noises about going public. One of the foreign child porn producers she had met one of her 'exchange tours' arranged for her to make a record. Although it was released here, it was only a moderate success."

"In the country overseas though it sold millions of copies making her a huge star in that country. The company spent millions on advertising to ensure the sales and that deal has kept her quiet until now."

"at the age of 12, Meldac funded the recording of Hewitt's debut studio album, Love Songs (1992).The album was released exclusively in Japan, where Hewitt became a pop star."

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. That's the blind I was talking about.

UpVoat for you for being clever enough to find it. It does sound like her, no? And with the details ... seems to fit ...

GD_Ridefort ago

I scratched the surface with more research, and this came up:

In 1994, Hewitt was able to record an album called Let's Go Bang. She was 15 at the time. The album had a song called Let's Go Bang. It was written by Goldmark, Lyter and Roberts. The lyrics include:

  • You know just what to do
  • The rhythm moves like second nature to you
  • So primitive it fits you like a glove....
  • So instinctive as to make love...
  • The move you want it to
  • And Uncle Funk wants it over tonight (?)
  • Just dance along to wherever they take you tonight
  • You just bang it all up and out
  • Bang it all on time
  • Let the beat, let the beat be your lover...
  • And free your mind, let the beat take you over...
  • Throw all inhibitions up into the wind
  • (Chorus)
  • Let's go bang
  • I wanna go bang
  • I wanna.....
  • If you dance to release the part of you...
  • That keeps telling you to be free
  • Let the beat, let the beat be your lover...
  • To free your mind, let the beat take you over...
  • A groove premonition...

The lines 'fits you like a glove / so instinctive as to make love', 'Uncle Funk wants it over tonight / wherever they take you tonight', and 'bang it all up and out / I wanna go bang!' are really messed up, if three adults collaborated on writing them.

Again, Hewitt was 15 when recording this... probably younger when decisions were made about what "material" to put on the album?

millennial_vulcan ago

waaaay younger when she covered "Heart of Glass" ICK

@carmencita @migratorypatterns

carmencita ago

Good God! Swirls all around her almost the whole time AND the Red Lolita Heart Shaped Glasses AND the plastic Heart Shaped Hearts inside the other Hearts. OMG she must have been around anywhere from 11 to 14 in that. Scares the crap out of me. Geez.

GD_Ridefort ago

I wonder if these records ever made any money, or if they were purely a vehicle for testing (humiliating) her?

According to wikipedia, Hewitt released two major label albums in 1995 and 1996. Combined, they had a total of seven singles... all of which "failed to chart".

Her 1995 album stands out because of the cover art, and the blatant theme of its title/lyrics (Let's Go Bang). Again, Hewitt was 15.

Unlike the Lolita sunglasses, heart-shape symbols and other clues in earlier videos, this "music" project seems to have been all about making Hewitt sing lyrics, do photo shoots, etc. that were so overtly sexual as to publicly degrade her.

Then, she gets rewarded with the starring role on TV's Party of Five, and the I Know What You Did Last Summer movie franchise in 1997. But only after she and her stage mom surrender their dignity by cooperating on an album that presents Hewitt as a 100% sex slave, even if no one planned on the music actually being successful...

carmencita ago

It sounds like the typical pay your dues. Get sexualized and then let us shame you. After you do all that only then are you finally rewarded. Only after God knows what you have let them do to you. I have a feeling that all these kids are so very needy, needing love from there Moms and never getting it, and doing whatever mom wants her to do. Go ahead, go with the nice man in the suit.

GD_Ridefort ago

Yup. From the outside, it's hard to believe that execs would sink thousands of dollars in a project they knew would have no commercial upside for them.

But when you understand they're playing a bigger game, you can see them dangling a "major label" opportunity in front of the girl's mom, and laughing about the terrible music they're using as an excuse to debase her.

Thirty years later, Fergie singing the national anthem comes to mind. No doubt the same kind of people still pulling her strings... using humiliation as the currency that enables her to have a "career".

carmencita ago

What a Travesty. She looks like something the cat dragged in at 4am. I am ashamed for her. So very sad.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, it's inappropriate for a minor that age to be singing those lyrics.

I feel sorry for the victims. At least the ones who don't become handlers themselves.

She seems another star with a story to tell. She knows a lot, but it's unlikely she'll ever say a word about it.


I think that John Mayer is gay. I think that his relationships with women are fake. They're just a cover because he doesn't want to come out. Just like Tom and Nicole. The reason she couldn't become pregnant is because she and Tom never had sex. The whole Jessica Simpson is Fergie thing is just a big mess. But I think it's true. Two for the price of one. Sorry if I went off topic.

carmencita ago

Good God. What was that? A place for Mommy Dearests to whip there daughter into shape? Like a little Stripper Rehearsal Stage? The pedophiles are guilty of course but the mothers should not be forcing their children into parading themselves like this. This story sounds like the description of what they demanded Heather O to do on stage day in and out in front of a group of old lecherous old men. Dressed in a tiny little bikini she also paraded back and forth on the stage at the age of 12. Did her mother show up to see what she was doing all those afternoons? No. Was reminded in your story you sent that the Oakwood Arms is next door to Warner Bros. I had forgotten.

GD_Ridefort ago

Geez. Have you had the experience where you Google a simple piece of information... and it instantly turns out more disturbing than you thought? From Love Hewitt's Wikipedia page:

"As a young girl, Hewitt was attracted to music, which led to her first encounters with the entertainment industry."

"At the age of three, she sang The Greatest Love of All at a livestock show."

"[At age four], at a restaurant-dance hall, she entertained an audience with her version of Help Me Make it Through the Night." Below are the lyrics:

  • Take the ribbon from your hair, Shake it loose and let it fall.
  • Layin' soft upon my skin. Like the shadows on the wall.
  • Come and lay down by my side, till the early morning light.
  • I don't care what's right or wrong. Don't try to understand.
  • Let the devil take tomorrow. Lord, tonight I need a friend.
  • Yesterday is dead and gone and tomorrow's out of sight.
  • Lord, it's bad to be alone. Help me make it through the night.

Imagine a four year-old singing those words to the adults at a 'restaurant-dance hall', whatever that is?

carmencita ago

I know that song, and it is not for kids to sing. It is for adults in love. Kids do not need to know these words. No.

carmencita ago

A picture can say a 1K words without even speaking AND here is another Loud and Clear.

GD_Ridefort ago

These pictures don't look too great either:




carmencita ago

Trampy Looks for Teens. Disgusting and no wonder we have problems with children now looking like trollops.

millennial_vulcan ago

"trollops"! What is that word!

carmencita ago

Ah, kind of another term for sluts or you know, the kind under the lamp post swinging her purse.

carmencita ago

From the thread linked in your post Fateswebb comments:

If Spielberg is exposed as a pedo then Hollywood is screwed. He is their crown jewel. That would tarnish the entire industry. Ha. I can't wait. He is linked to so many it is endless. I really think the Oakwood Arms needs more research. A heartbreaker for me has always been Heather O. RIP Heather. @millenial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

RIP Heather 'bursts into tears'

Carm, do you mean Oakwood Apartments? Rememer this Voat thread where Sarah Jessica Parker talked about staying there as a child actor and getting hit on by creepy men?

@smokemirrors @GD_Ridefort

carmencita ago

Just watched the video. He seems to know exactly what she is talking about and also said he used to live right near there. She said also that Louis B Mayer suggested she and her mother stay there and she also added it was a place that housed a lot of old divorced men. She also said that she was looking for Real Men, meaning not those at Oakwood. Hmm. REAL Men.

carmencita ago

Just going through the thread now. This will take a while I am very through, but it said something I had forgotten. Oakwood Arms is where Corey Haiams died in 2010. Also this: Enjoy loads of amenities at The Toluca Hills Apartments, where your backyard is Griffith Park and your neighbors are Warner Bros., Universal and Walt Disney Studios. Live the Angeleno ideal, where getting away and getting to work are both easy. WHOA! How can this be any more convenient for abuse! Should be renamed THE PEDO ARMS.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Exposed to who by who? The MSM is going to reveal to the sheeple that Spielberg and Hollywood are a pedo traficking network? That post is foolish. He "can't wait". He willhave to wait indefinately. As always, nobody seems to be able to retain information about how the system works and who controls it. Wasted research.

Micheal84 ago

Oakwood is allready been researched in the past

More to find on Google.

GD_Ridefort ago

After Google searching, I am curious what you and @carmencita make of the following movie:

Munchie (1992)

Starring a 12 yr old Jennifer Love Hewitt and directed by Jim Wynorski. Before and after, Jim Wynorski directed:

  • 1994 Point of Seduction: Body Chemistry
  • 1993 Little Miss Millions (starring Hewitt)
  • 1993 Sins of Desire
  • 1992 Munchie
  • 1991 '976-Evil Part II'
  • 1991 Scream Queen Hot Tub Party

Highlights from a summary of the movie:

  • "Satan visits [main character's] subconscious on a regular basis".

  • "[Character] wanders off into the gates of Hell... Munchie is waiting to join him in bed, cuing up the most disturbing scene in movie history".

  • "I'm not sure which I felt ill at most, the fact that a porn scene almost happens... or that Munchie sat and watched it".

  • "Meanwhile, [main character] takes a shower... And Munchie was waiting for him... I am convinced the filmmakers hate children or really anything that has the capacity to give love and receive it".

  • "[Character] finds that Munchie's evil has spread throughout the centuries.... Why is Munchie naked?".

  • "Ever had that nightmare where you, and underage boy and a minion of Hell are taking a roadtrip?"

  • "This wouldn't be the first time Jennifer Love Hewitt would have to grin through her teeth at the demands of a unattractive, smart talking, know it all gremlin...(Hollywood, amirite?)"

What do you make of her doing two "kids movies" with Wynorski... and him directing Sins of Desire and Point of Seduction in between?

carmencita ago

I could not open all the links only because it would be too upsetting, but just from reading it alone it has too much sexual messaging. By messaging I mean they slip in sly messages that mean something else. But of course, they think we are stupid. The flying pizza (we know what pizza means) is another way to add their pedo message and the cleaver is just horrid. Taking a meat cleaver to a child sex slave? Yeah. They again are messaging in plain sight. Two wacky sex movies with her, probably a lot went on while not filming as well.

GD_Ridefort ago

The year "Munchie" was made had to be the time she lived in Oakwood Arms...

Imagine this girl's family letting her work with a director in 1992, then again in 1993, and the one movie he directs in between is:

A therapy clinic uses drugs and sex therapy on people with dysfunctions. The doctor and his wife take advantage of patients and kill them.

carmencita ago

That actually is another message. It is exactly what he is doing in real life. drugging his stars and creating dysfunctions and many end up dead. The parents that drop off their kids at that place and act as if they are innocent when their kids are abused and end up either dead or with a lifetime of Hell, they are the worst kind of parent. Selling their kids for profit. We know that there are plenty of stories going around about that. They cannot lay down their heads on their pillows and have a good night's sleep, when they have created Nightmares for their Kids.

carmencita ago

A very interesting article. Also frightening to think that around 300 kids and their parents register there every year. So their kids can be either chosen or not. Think about that too, at that age. The only industry in America that can legally employ infants and children. Just think about that folks. Sickening.

GD_Ridefort ago

Re: Oakwood...

The fact that there is any connection between Spielberg, Julinek's FB images, and Corey Haim's death is already totally messed up.

carmencita ago

Something has to happen soon. There are those that still support him and always come to his defense, but I believe the masses know the truth. That is what gives me faith. People are slowly finding out about SS and WA. They support is weakening. And so is my patience.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are full of it. The masses do not know the truth. Tell your family and friends everything you know and see how many agree with you.. Stop the disinfo. Stop saying we are winning and stop relying on faith. We do something or nothing gets done. The support weaking for Hollywood is because of a perceived left wing commie slant. The media played the shell game and you guys helped them by saying Trump was fighting pedos because Matt Lauer abuses women. Made no sense but you guys ran with it. Saying people are waking up and we are winning does not make it so. They are stil in 100% control. The sheeple think the problem is the lefties gotta go.

EyeOfHorus ago

Drew Barrymore knows too much. Hope shes safe.

Shizy ago

I hope she starts talking!

carmencita ago

Just remembered I looked up Tammy O'Rourke, Heather's older sister. Tammy Lorraine O'Rourke (born September 30, 1971) is a former child actress and dancer and the older sister of Heather O'Rourke, and was instrumental in Heather's discovery by Steven Spielberg. I have not been able to find how she was instrumental. Was she discovered by him as well, is that how he found Heather? Idk, but this really shocked me. @millennial_vulcan Tammy has been happily married since 1991 Let's hope she has had plenty of therapy and has faced the demons.

darkknight111 ago

Any idea where Drew and Tammy are? If we can find a way to get into contact with them, maybe we can get some info from them.

carmencita ago

I have checked out many links and they are all about the same. No mention of where Tammy lives now. Wonder if the parents are still around.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I don't know right now. Would have to check some articles maybe. I heard Drew is making some new movie. So she is still filming.

carmencita ago

Yeah, and she's not talking. She is scared to death and has been or feels threatened.

GD_Ridefort ago

Is info about Barrymore and ET already known to PG investigators? I haven't heard about this yet?

carmencita ago I have posted this picture many times and will continue to do so.