smokemirrors ago

I think you mean that "horse face cunt who's worth $100 million".

It must be stressful being you...

rooting4redpillers ago

"There was a fellow I was dating, I was..." "Guy from the laundry room at Oakwood?" "No, no..." "Hahahah..." Does the audience even get the horrifying implications of this "joke?"

smokemirrors ago

Yes you see on one hand pedophilia is totally unacceptable, on the other hand, its an intrinsic comedy punchline that will always garner laughs. I suppose it IS funny, like all other horrors, until it HAPPENS TO YOU.

rooting4redpillers ago

I'll add, until people wake-the-fuck-up and face the TRUTH, and the scope, of this horror. Popular celebrities making jokes like this, make it that much easier for "chicken lovers" to rationalize and normalize comments like "my favorite pedo."

quantokitty ago

Since this ia a TV clip, I wanted to mention something I saw on TV that never disappeared down my memory hole.

It was a LONG time ago. Have no idea what I was doing home in the daytime. Maybe had a day off from school, but I was home and there was some morning program on that featured The Hollywood Kids in a gossip segment. The Hollywood Kids mentioned Jamie Lee Curtis. My ears picked up because I knew her from Halloween. They said this very strange thing about her hanging around supermarket parking lots and trying to pick up 12- and 13-year-old girls. While they didn't come right out and accuse of her being her a pedophile, the implication was clear.

It's rattled around in my brain all this time. I never heard anything else about it and, in fact, she's the one that always comes forward and defends Lindsey Lohan and Miley. I always think, if what the guys said were true, wouldn't that just be twisted and diabolical. To have someone that actively looks for fresh underage meat to act like she's some kind of protector. It was just one of those comments that you see or don't see, and I've never heard it mentioned again. Interesting that The Hollywood Kids were a huge deal at the time, but then dropped off the radar. Wonder why? Could it be Hollywood likes to keep its secrets secret?

rooting4redpillers ago

More about Oakwood in this sub by PleadingtheYiff — Pedowood: The Hollywood "Harvard" of child acting schools is in reality a haven for child abusers and crime (

throwaway345678 ago

That was the source for this entire topic, haha :)


Girl who works the front desk at Oakwood is interesting:

(alice in wonderland, occult, bondage, death, sex, etc)

mentioned in this article:

wokethefkup ago

i'm a 25 yr old girl, and most of those pictures are typical of something my age group would post. personally i'm just a fiance of a guy who sings and plays for a metal band and i say these images aren't anything. i know it is becoming harder to dismiss certain photos but my generation tends to be into astrology and that kind of mystic bullshit. i'm used to seeing pentagrams because my fiance and i have shirts of metal bands and some will have horns or alchemy symbols and we are in no way satanic, hell i've even made him go to church with my family before and he enjoyed it. so sometimes people just have weird tastes. i'm ranting i'm sorry cus i smoked some reefer.

throwaway345678 ago

Have you looked at her Facebook page? I don't know if it's been cleaned up, but I'm a similar age to you and I know it's not normal shit for me or my friends to post shit like that constantly, and I'm not some prude haha.

smokemirrors ago

oh thank god. I thought your generation was memes, twerking and tinder. Glad to know there's some esoteric thought, still :-) LOL, hope the reefer was good. Thanks for commenting!

wokethefkup ago

Glad to say I have not participated in twerking or tinder thank God haha.

Freemasonsrus ago

I literally do not see anything suspect. That's not to say LA isn't a damn pit of hell fire when discussing pedos and evil. The only thing you need to know is the majority of actors interviewed, especially ones who were child actors, will always say that they wouldn't recommend for their children to go into the business. They always blame it on it being a tough business where you need to "have a thick skin", which is true. Anyone listening would be left w the impression they're referring to the fact you get picked apart and told what's wrong with you a million times before you may get a "break". The ones you should always look out for are the parents who are from H-wood who happily promote their kids into the business. Billy Ray's handler ass would be an example. Look up Miley Cyrus' first interview on Jay Leno before Hannah Montana started, how innocent she was. There's no way in hell her dad pitched the idea for that show and Disney bought it with her (a complete unknown) as a star with her father who had been MIA for a decade. That's just not how it works. So you have to wonder what deals were made for her to get her start. She clearly went off the rails later and is still a freak.

Z11Mama ago

I really didn't see that and analyzed his body language heavily. He more appeared to realize they could go on all night about the topic and knew it wasn't possible. Do you know of any other 'strikes' against Jimmy Kimmel? These late night guys have mostly all shown some pretty ugly true colors but I haven't seen his yet. Fallon went from my favorite to I refuse to watch him.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Strikes, no, but here's JUST OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD...where all the good stuff comes from. Michael Sheen. Gorgeous, talented Brit actor, is quitting show business and going into community action, like a White Obama Brit Action Jackson. Really? Sip sip do tell. Kimmel was with Sarah Silverman until he wasn't and (I can barely write this) Beautiful Michael Sheen has been with her two years. In short, I think she's a HANDLER, and her work is done with Michael, he's gone from Hollywood to meeting all the dragons through her that he needs to know in politics. You underestimate her if you think I lie. Seinfeld was one of her mentors, his was Larry, all Jewish, all know each other, all the way back. Next thing you know, Sheen is Prime Minister. Kimmel? Fuck him. He looks like he'd fart in bed and laugh about it.

Gorillion ago

Kimmel did the Hillary pickle jar stunt from what I remember, and very soon after landed some plumb hosting gig on an awards show if I remember right. He had an establishment vibe. Maybe he was just playing to who he thought the election winner was going to be, but still came off as a slime.

What happened with Fallon? I remember he got attacked for "Humanizing Trump" with the hair-touching thing. Did he swing the other way after that? I thought he was the one guy trying to keep to the middle ground, but I generally stopped watching mainstream TV as a pastime around that period.

Mad_As_Hell ago

He's hosting the Oscars this year, which I was surprised by. I'm from Europe and he's not exactly a household name over here, certainly doesn't have the same name recognition as even Fallon or Colbert anyways. Definitely a step down from previous hosts

smokemirrors ago

she was in Square Pegs. She was 8.

MAGABoomer ago

As we all know Hollywood is a pedocesspool. It has been for many many years. Hundreds, probably thousands of kids have been molested. Child stars are lucky to come out unscathed. Why does it keep going on? Those Hollywood stars who aren't afraid to stand on a stage and rant about Trump...are too afraid to talk. Yep...pedophiles have been able to keep doing it because they won't speak out and put a stop to it. Most female stars were subjected to the casting couch as well...however...many many current "stars" were child stars.

So..can we meme Hollywood? Shame them into actually doing some good? Ranting about Trump literally changed nothing nor will it, it's also baseless..considering the secrets these people are hiding! Why doesn't Moore turn his film talent to exposing Hollywood?

I'm useless with Memes but getting some kind of contest going at TD and then folks would have ammo to tweet to ranting stars...O'Donnel and Madona are two of the worst, and both of them have kids that want nothing to do with them. Why? Why does Madona keep adopting kids from Africa? She's after two more! Yet her biologicals run from her. What's wrong Hollywood?

YingYangMom ago

Why doesn't Moore turn his film talent to exposing Hollywood?

Because he's a despicable loud-mouth scumbag with no integrity?

YingYangMom ago

Really? I got a downvoat for critisizing Michael Moore on Voat? Well alright, I admit I may have been a bit too harsh on the sleazy piece of stinking shit, so if I offended any of the 'child-molesting, Hillary goon, fake ass' fans out there, I'm really really sorry.

smokemirrors ago

Didn't offend me YingYangMom! He's a fat, commie, propaganda pushing pos.

Nana66 ago

And they obviously got him with his pants down around a child. He has been very squirrely since around the time Hillary stole the nomination. I'm thinking same for Robert Reich and a few others who have started nervously pushing the agenda like they have a Hillary goons with a red dot on the back of their heads. I really hope it didn't happen Bernie too but he doesn't put off the pedophiles vibes like the others maybe they planted stuff on his computers and threatened to expose it or else just plain death threats.

throwaway345678 ago

Amen, preach.

YingYangMom ago


100% Agreed.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Give her some hay and clean out her stable.

Gorillion ago

No, you want "Permissive Society" figurehead celebs like her to come out against child predation. This chick was a role model for a generation of blogger SJW assholes. Her saying "going after kiddies is bad", is exactly what needs to be out there. We need to isolate the pedo-acceptance scenesters from all other groups. Reduce the places they can hide or be shielded.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Exactly! Well, her husband probably went through it, too. He was a cutie pie when he was young and he's very sweet and passive. So I imagine they were together on getting that stance out there. They're helping to go after SOMEBODY. She didn't just "can't think of anything to say on Kimmel, oh yeah, lemme risk my and my family's life by saying something about WHOOPS!"

Mad_As_Hell ago

She used to go out with Robert Downey Jr. when she was younger, they had a reputation for looking out for younger stars they were working with - I think Corey Haim was one of them. I remember this all came out on gossip site City Days And Nights (CDAN), when people were putting the pieces together re the true identity of their anonymous Hollywood whistleblower - widely believed to be RDJ - all very relevant to pizza and worth a Google (or rather Duck Duck Go)

smokemirrors ago

She ALSO dated JFK Jnr.....I wonder what secrets Sarah Jessica will be taking to the grave with her...

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Thank you!

smokemirrors ago

Grow up, weirdo.

iamthepizzanow ago


smokemirrors ago

ooh. what was 'deleted'? How mysterious....

iamthepizzanow ago

Asked if Oakwood was where Corey Haim died.

smokemirrors ago

thanks dude :-) Yes, I wrote it in the original submission. To me, it was pretty significant because Corey Haim was the poster child for HollyWeird pedo activities. RIP

lostinthevalley ago

Oakwood (there were several in LA) is where the swinging singles lived, some not so young. The apartments could be rented by the month or short-term, furnished or unfurnished. If someone was moving to LA and needed an apartment fast, you sent them to the nearest Oakwood. A lot of action by the pool, mixer BBQs, a hookup paradise.

smokemirrors ago

where are the others? I just know the one SJP was talking about on Cahuenga...the "famous" one...

lostinthevalley ago

There was one in Marina del Rey (I stayed there as a guest once) and one in the Valley.

NikitaVerite ago

That was really quite telling - how those apartments were so well known, and that it was THE place that the studios would tell kids to stay at.... but at the same time there were seemingly many single, older men living there???? This is really fucked up.

smokemirrors ago

absolutely. Im digging for more info.

Z11Mama ago

Not only did Kimmel not rush her, he added to this and the viewer was left with no doubt they were on the same page. Great find I just don't agree that he was uncomfortable in any way.

smokemirrors ago

I could tell from his body language. He gave that air of 'uh-huh, yep, we all know how sketchy that complex is and let's not go too far down the rabbit hole'...

Ive been to LA and I know exactly where that apartment complex is, on Caheunga Blvd. Very sordid and creepy energy around there :-(

Heres the "child" package:

smokemirrors ago

well then your username is apropos