LA_Trump ago

This was 2011.


Girl who works the front desk at Oakwood is interesting:

(alice in wonderland, occult, bondage, death, sex, etc)

mentioned in this article:

9217 ago

Her entire facebook account should be archived, IMHO she is another alefantis.


no comments, but got the full pages here

vanievilgenius ago

So this is mildly interesting and maybe relevant:

Mischa Barton is hospitalized for mental evaluation after neighbors saw her hanging over her fence, 'screaming about the end of the world, Ziggy Stardust and her mom being a witch'

PleadingtheYiff ago

That's certainly worth looking into. See how many celebs have these kinds of episodes?

Blacksmith21 ago

I saw this and thought the same thing.

Exern ago

Hot Damn, more people to my ever growing list on any and all people tied to pedo-rings in Hollywood. So far my list has 44 people, but thanks to this article, it will expand. If you want the list let me know. Also, I'm only focusing on people in the UK and the US. Celebrities, athletes, singers/songwriters and anyone tied to film as well.

PleadingtheYiff ago

If you could PM me I would love to keep it close for reference.

Exern ago

Dominick Brascia - Actor John Grissom - Actor Bobby Hoffman - Casting Director Alphy Hoffman - Father of Bobby and owner/owned Soda Pop Club Martin Weiss - Hollywood Youth Talent Manager Bob Villard - Publicist Jason Michael Handy - Production Assistant at Nickelodeon Ronald (Surname Unknown) - Publicist to Todd Bridges Woody Allen - Actor/Director Kevin Clash - Sesame Street Elmo Puppeteer Michael LeVell - Actor Andrew Watkinson - Former Frontman to Lostprophets Dave Lee Travis - UK DJ Freddie Starr - Singer/Actor Max Clifford - British Publicity Agent Vincent Margera - Actor on Viva La Bam R. Kelly - Obviously Bryan Singer - Director Peter Yarrow - Songwriter (Puff the Magic Dragon) Scooter Braun - Manager and Owner of School Boy Records Marc Collins-Rector - Former Chairman of Digital Entertainment Network Paul Walker - Actor Roland Emmerich - Director Roman Polansky - Film Maker Lawrence Taylor - Athlete Scott Bairstow - Actor Jared Fogle - Spokesman for Subway Victor Salva - Director Gary Glitter - British Singer/Songwriter Stephen Collins - Actor Shane Sparks - Hip-Hop Choreographer Kevin Spacey - Actor Paul Reubens - Actor Marvin Gaye - Singer Pete Townsend - Frontman for The Who Doug Hutchinson - Actor Jerry Sandusky - Former Penn State Assistant Coach Brian Peck - Actor Jason James - Casting Agent Unknown Name (Need Source) - Casting Director Garth Ancier - Televison Executive David Neuman - Former Disney Executive Gary Goddard - Producer Michael Harrah - Co-founder and Former Chairman of SAG Young Performers Committee

Mad_As_Hell ago

Marvin Gaye?? :(

Exern ago

Marvin is often known as the R. Kelly of his day, taking the virginity of a girl when she was 15-16. Paul Walker is accused of the same thing being 33 when the girl he was using for sex was 15.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I never knew this about Paul Walker who also had/has a teenage daughter. These pedos are everywhere. And yes, Marvin Gaye was a serious womanizer, coke addict, etc...

PleadingtheYiff ago

This is an extensive list! Thanks!

Exern ago

I gotcha sure, but it's not quite done, still adding links (sources) and names, but I'll send you what I have.

vanievilgenius ago

Small quote from the article and a link to the other story:

"Oakwood Toluca Hills has also been the scene of recent gang violence. On November 29th, 2016, a man’s body was found in the parking building of Oakwood’s apartment complex. Sources at the Los Angeles Police Department told CBS Los Angeles that the deceased had been a member of an Armenian criminal gang and was apparently executed. The main Armenian street gang in Los Angeles is known as “Armenian Power” or West Side AP XIII and is known for engaging in kidnapping, racketeering, extortion and robbery. Curiously, in 2014 one of their members appeared in Syria alongside a member of LA Hispanic street gang Puro Sur 13 purportedly fighting for the Syrian government and Hezbollah. The violent gang activity around Oakwood’s apartments does not reinforce its image as a friendly location for a world-famous child acting school."

That's from the OP's article. The archive link is to the article source. Basically George Webb has been following the organ trafficking pretty hard and it's very clear that many are coming out of Syria. Possible link to Hollywood here through this Armenian Gang? Anyone know anything about them? I did a google search and it seems that this gang is pretty powerful in the area and has been referred to as the LA mafia.

PleadingtheYiff ago

It's possible. Organ harvesting is one of the ways these groups can benefit financially from trafficking.

The weird thing about this group is that they only number a few hundred members. That's incredibly small for a major LA gang and it indicates to me that they must be connected to a larger network somehow.

vanievilgenius ago

This strikes me as worth following up on. I'm not the best researcher but I do what I can. I agree, if they're only a few hundred members yet are being described as one of the most feared gangs in LA something is up. I have to imagine trying to investigate them in LA would be really dangerous so tread lightly anyone who wants to do ground work.

Have to imagine it's not just the organs but also the kids and other humans too. Potential line for terrorist import as well?

PleadingtheYiff ago

They're brought a lot of terrorists in.

Anyone looking to research this stuff can get a lot done from their laptop though. No need to put yourself in danger.

vanievilgenius ago

I won't argue that you can get a lot done with a laptop. But I also would point out how much can be done boots on the ground. I really want to stop this.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Well, start reading up on the abuse he and his siblings endured in their younger years.

And many celebs have this happen. Maybe not quite as extreme or in the same ways as Jackson, but of course Jackson is dead now and according to his daughter, it was due to foul play. Look at Prince, look at Britney Spears, look at Shia LeBeouf. They all have exhibited screams for help at one point or another.

If you want start to learn about the Hollywood culture and how celebs are managed, go watch the Truman Show. That movie actually revealed a lot about life in Hollywood as a celebrity.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Experiencing extreme amounts of abuse will do that to you. You end up being a wreck who will display abnormal responses to certain things which might trigger you. Causing a celebrity to develop those symptoms of dissociative identity disorder like Jackson displayed is a great way to control them.

Why are people not wondering how he got that way? People don't just start out messed up like that naturally. I'm trying to get people to look at who does this stuff to celebs to manipulate them.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Hey, I'm not defending it in any way. The video is way more shocking than the pictures, you can really see the baby dangling helplessly and it's quite sickening. I'm trying to get people to think about why he might have done that. It's a lot more complex than "Michael Jackson was just a bad person."

smokemirrors ago

Yeah but every time we "broaden" we get deleted.


PleadingtheYiff ago

Muh witch hunt.

I think we should be safely able to start investigating Hollywood. But then again, I haven't been on Voat for a while so maybe I don't understand the situation here.

smokemirrors ago

Sarah Jessica Parker talks about Oakwood Apartments on Jimmy Kimmel: (From 1:05 onwards....)

Mentions "men of a certain age" (ie divorced men) and all the young actresses who lived there. Jimmy looked like he wanted to shut her up.

Remember her as a young kid on Square Pegs? I shudder to think....

Fun facts: She also dated Robert Downey Jnr for years in her youth. Also JFK Jnr! (likes her Jnrs)...The secrets this woman must know....

phlux ago


phlux ago


Exern ago

Wait you have a list with +1000 people on it? Edit: Nevermind, you're referring to Hydrant

rooting4redpillers ago

This is great work, to say the least. I think I read everything, but there's so much, and so much stands out.

But the first thing I noticed is how huge Oakwood reaches and how much they offer. Catering to the Insurance Industry, Relocation Services, and Government as specific as the Military, Federal Civilians, and Department of State. And globally. Then, to learn the state of the Child Actor Program Apartments. This is a whole alien world to me. I've never once heard of this gigantic company.

The story about Linker and Robbins is just beyond reasonable understanding, if only just for the criminal negligence of the adults that hired and worked with them. I'd like to know how their pay was reported to the IRS while they were using and sharing a stolen identity, false identities, multiple times, for years.

The_Kuru ago

Whomever's article, you might want to change "abandoned" to "inhabited" or "occupied". You were using the antonym of the word you wanted. Not grammar naziing because it was a bit confusing.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Great find. For me, this makes it undeniable, especially the pedobear, pizza and hotdog party. We have enough now, have to meme the message!

LA_Trump ago

He's a good guy that got wrapped up with shady people. Even if I asked him to spill the beans with everything he knows, I doubt he would.

rodeo13 ago

It happened in 2002 in Berlin. Google Michael Jackson baby dangling & you'll see the images. It was his youngest child, whose nickname was Blanket.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Just checked out the video. He was definitely acting very weird there.

PleadingtheYiff ago

You should stop falling for the memes.

If there is any ethnic group involved here, it's the Armenians. They have a proven presence at Oakwood.

Know who advocates strongly for Armenian causes and has an office down the street from Oakwood? George Clooney. His wife has been very involved in Syria where one of these gang members has shown up in the last few years.

Hopevoats ago

Oh god. I ended up in LA for a few weeks. A situation took place where I had to deal with some Armenians who owned an auto repair shop. The entire experience was a disaster.

After we left, my friend mentioned that he walked in on the shop owner watching violent child porn on the computer (This was late '90s).

He was an actor, who knows about the evil stuff that takes place in Hollywood, and he was deeply disturbed by what he saw.

I always regret not turning them in after I finally got my car back; but I'm thinking that nothing would have happened, anyway. Couldn't get out of that Helltown fast enough!

ConcernedParent2 ago

Lets not blame an ethnic group, that's going to discredit and distract from the facts.

PleadingtheYiff ago

I'm not blaming an ethnic group at all. I'm noting that there seems to be some kind of criminal syndicate that is made up of many Armenians, and that it seems to be international in nature. George and Amal Clooney aren't Armenian, yet they push pretty hard for Armenian-related issues and are involved in Syria-related matters.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I understand, but I still don't think I would mention this, because it comes too close to "There's a Jewish/Armenian/etc conspiracy to rule the world!" territory.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Humans are tribal by nature, it's just a reality of life. I do think though, that once we start exposing various groups in Hollywood that people will be surprised by what we discover about who is really running the city and industry out here.

ThePuppetShow ago

Here's the video. It was when everyone was trying to get a picture of the baby.

PleadingtheYiff ago

He's acting....very odd in that situation.

Look into his life more, it wasn't what it seemed on the surface.

Psalm100 ago

No, it wasn't acting. It really happened, and it put that child's life in very serious danger. It was criminally irresponsible. One slip and that child was as good as dead, and it easily could have happened. Keeping two hands on him would have been bad enough, but he even had the baby in just one arm as he dangled him over the edge. That baby had no say in his life being gambled with that way. Children are at the mercy of people around them, and that child was let down.

That was narcissism on his part, narcissistic risk-taking with the boy's life. And because he was rich and "legendary" - and only because he was - there were no consequences. The sobering thing is, if he'd ever really faced some consequences, he might very well be alive today, forced to face what was wrong with him and so saved from himself. But what people got from him, for themselves, mattered more than his life did.

crazy_eyes ago

You could say the same thing about anybody that ever puts a child in an automobile. One eye off the road for a second, and the child could certainly die.

PleadingtheYiff ago

I think you're misunderstanding me. It is acting, on a much bigger scale. Some celebrities' entire lives are veritable shows. That incident made for a good "episode" so you have no idea why he did it or what was going on. Notice how he was hiding his face? He wasn't in control of the situation, obviously.

You should start wondering why so many celebrities died on 2016. A lot of shows were "terminated" by the people running them. Nothing about Hollywood is real, and I'd say 70-80% of celebs have little to no control over their actions. You're conditioned to heap scorn on them because that's all you can see on the surface. You should be wondering about who is causing them to do this stuff behind the curtain.

Psalm100 ago

Well, first, I wonder why you seem quite unfamiliar with Jackson's life. Are you possibly not very old? The incident in Berlin was well-known, and also that he covered the faces of his children all the time, quite oddly, and I believe possibly also himself at times.

While it may be impossible to say, too, that he wasn't being controlled or influenced by someone to act out, on the other hand, there is also plenty of evidence to support that he was merely a powerful person himself acting out what he wanted to do in these incidents.

As for celebrities dying last year, I don't think that 2016 was in and of itself unusual at all. It certainly didn't seem like it, but more like the election made Hollywood grim so they responded more than usual to entertainer deaths. But notable entertainers die just about every day, usually only getting a few second's mention on the news, except for the more famous ones, who get more coverage. Quite a number of them die each year too. If you go back and look year by year, you'll see that's the case.

ThePuppetShow ago

I agree, just wanted to put the video up of what the other person was talking about. I don't think it was as big of a deal as everyone made of it. For instance, my parents used to toss us in the back of a truck and go driving down the freeway when I was about 5 years old. Today they would be on the news. It's all part of the "state" wanting to own everyone's children. That baby is fine and he had no intention on hurting him, just like I'm fine and my parents had no intention of hurting me.

PleadingtheYiff ago

I mean, it's obvious that the whole scene was contrived intentionally to create controversy.

Go watch the Truman Show again, and then start looking at celebs and how they act. It's very enlightening.

Psalm100 ago

It was all over the news, with photos and video of the whole thing. There is no dispute whatsoever about him doing that. It was about 15 years ago.

Psalm100 ago

And don't also forget, too, that Jackson grabbed his crotch during his act. I believe he said his hand "naturally" went there while he performed. And this while he wasn't an "adult" performer, but a great number of his fans were always children, including many pre-teens.

I tend to believe the allegations against him, from what I've researched over the years, but I will say that's my own opinion.

Him endangering that child by dangling him over a balcony (I see it was Blanket in 2002), and him grabbing his crotch regularly on stage, those things are indisputable, however. I can't imagine an adult with proper regard for other people doing either.

Truthseeker3000 ago

And who the hell names their kid "Blanket"?!!! Like WTF does that even mean besides a bed sheet? I've always wondered about that. Poor kids probably fucked up too with the name alone, never mind MJ being his father. Hopefully the kids he had are happy and not psychologically messed.

PleadingtheYiff ago

I will have to check that out then.

Hollywood isn't what it seems on the surface.

Psalm100 ago

Agreed. It isn't.

Psalm100 ago

Michael Jackson dangled a baby over a balcony several stories above the ground while gripping him with one arm.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

He was sleeping in the same bed as the kids. I remember a Sunday Parade magazine about Michael Jackson way before the child abuse allegations. The article talked about Jackson and the child who had his own TV show, Webster. I knew then what he was.

Did you ever seen the pictures from his house after he died. He had all the trappings to lure kids. Parents were actually giving him kids to spend the night with him. Probably most of them fell for his line about never having a childhood himself & he would never hurt a child.

ThePuppetShow ago

I've always had the gut feeling MJ was doing what he could to save some of those kids and that's why they loved him so much. Kids don't act like they did around him, when they are around their abuser.

jealoushe ago about his mansion. He was definitely a pedo too....and abused himself. He is no better.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Jackson was obviously abused a lot growing up. I've always wondered if he didn't just want to get away and help others to do the same.

9217 ago

Great article!! Again! Haha

Orange_Circle ago

They go where the kids.

Way to go PleadingtheYiff!

PleadingtheYiff ago

Appreciate it. Keep up the good work pressuring DC, but also start hitting Hollywood as hard as you can.

This is just one location and it took us no more than a few days to investigate because they're so careless. There are dozens of Comet style establishments on the West Coast which could be uncovered. Go at them, and the corruption in Washington all at once.

lawfag123 ago


throwaway345678 ago

Woot woot! Bump it!

LA_Trump ago

OH MY GOD. My friend used to live there. I went to a couple of parties at this place. My first instinct was that THESE KIDS ARE TOO YOUNG. Disney kid actors that looked about 14 or 15 were drinking straight from whiskey bottles and doing blow on the counter. I was freaked out, I asked my friend how old are these people, he told me 18, 19 etc. I didn't know anyone else so I kind of stuck to myself but it always creeped me out.

LA_Trump ago

Another note, the people at the party were NOT friendly to me, which I thought was unusual. It was clear I was an outsider. My friend worked on a childrens show, older playing younger, they set him up with the apartment.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Your friend has probably seen some interesting things, even if he didn't realize the significance of them.

ploppy ago

Great link.