dumb000000 ago

Everything you see on TV is an advertisement, everything you say on Tb is for sale.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Also of note, Britney Spears was on Kids Incorporated.

Other kids shows with pedophilia / rape occuring on set:

Bobby's World - Howie Mandel. Notice how he radically changed his appearance.

Hey Dude - lots of weird stuff going on... actress that plays Melody, Christine Taylor was victimized.

Drew Carey Show - Drew Carey. Enough said.

Life with Louie - pedo Louie Anderson.

Clarissa Explains It All - a lot going on here....

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wow, thanks for this post.

KIds Incorporated Executive Producer Tommy Lynch was also involved with the Nickelodeon show The Secret World of Alex Mack, which ran from 1994-1998.

Per the IMDB FAQ for The Secret World of Alex Mack:

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108921/faq?ref_=tt_faq_1#fq0015450 Why was this show so controversial?

There were many controversies throughout the show, most notably these ones:

-In the first episode, Alex 'morphs" and then reforms nude (covered from her shoulders down by a table). In embarrassment she asks Annie to bring her some clothes.

-In "The Secret" (S2) there is a house where it is rumored that a girl who lived there was forbidden to play outside or have any friends until social services removed her from the home. The house at the end turns out to be the place where Danielle grew up before running away from home to go to school. Child abuse is heavily implied to have happened between Danielle and her mother, her parents are both dead under mysterious circumstances and for the most part she is raised by her grandmother. In this same episode, Alex has a nightmare in which her mom is tied up.

-In "The Doctor" (S3) A doctor tells Louis Driscoll that he is going to give him a "testicular spike" and "kidney twister".

-The show was said to promote children climbing into clothesdryers because Alex "morphs" and hides in one. Because of this, the show was rated for ages 15 up in Britain.

**-The running joke that the chemical plant is going to "cut Alex up" has been deemed inappropriate for younger viewers in the past. **

-Lars and Danielle drink booze in "Paradise Regained". Danielle and Vince drink martinis in "World Without Alex".

-Lars drugs an FDA member and then puts him in women's clothing and leaves him running around in the town park in order to publicly humiliate him.

pete2016 ago

What is studio 33 at disney? A secret private members club where it costs up to a hundred thousand dollars to join?

When you think of the disney land in greece that had pedo logos.

Something has to be up with this place?


realityisinsanity ago


Matt_Helm ago

Why don't Hewitt and Fergie go public with what happened what are they waiting for? They would make huge waves much bigger than Harvey Shitstain when he was exposed in the New York Times and New Yorker magazine.

carmencita ago

Jose Menendez, killed by his 2 sons, bought into child porn while at Sony. Supposedly they sold it off, but I wonder what the real truth is.

carmencita ago

Jeopardy is still being filmed at the same studio were Heather O'Rourke was raped over and over. AT must know something.

GreenDell144 ago

Even without CDAN and the established rumors and testimonies we have collected, we should be paying VERY close atrention to anything having to do with kids in H-wood. We are aware of pedo rings in elite circles. The casting couch is an accepted reality and the sleeping giant is getting sick of it. #MeToo is everywhere. We cant ignore those things. Why would we continue to let them troll us and play dumb about the kid and tween industry? Its obvious grooming. Thank you OP and others that keep this wire live. These are fresh victims, something that lends real credibility to our effort. There is a whole generation here coming up in our side.

realityisinsanity ago

There's a company situated nearby the studio complex that's called Chainsaw Inc. They may be supplying them for snuff films.

gamepwn ago

Definitely connected to Hollywood... From Bloomburg "Chainsaw, Inc. offers editing and digital services for live events. The company provides video designing and finishing, onsite audio, creative, and program content services for award and reality shows and sports events. Chainsaw, Inc. was founded in 1996 and is based in Hollywood, California. As of June 30, 2014, Chainsaw, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of SIM Digital Inc."


They are owned by Sim Digital. Sim Digital supplies the major Hollywood Studios.


So why is their barely anything on Chainsaw Inc?

"They would transfer ownership of the companies through other studios. They knew which producers and politicians loved child porn and would send them the videos."

Who the hell names a movie editing and digital service and supplier provider "Chainsaw Inc"?

derram ago

carmencita ago

I don't go to movies anymore. Actually stopped for years now. But what really upsets me, is thinking about parents bringing their children to movies with children in them. It makes me sick to think of what has been done to those children while making the movies. There is no way I would ever attend a movie with children. I will not support those that are abusing our children. The only way we can solve his quickly, is to hold back our money. Boycotting takes money out of their pockets. That's all they care about. Money. What some producers and directors, studio heads and actors have done to those child actors is absolutely disgusting. They steal the souls of those children and ruin them for life. It is so very sad.

truthdemon ago

Unaudited box.office. sales will ensure that black money from criminal activities like drug money. Organ trafficking child trafficking will forever be laundered.. In india there has been a coverup of a case by the homeminister of a state that received containers loaded with cou terfeit ruppee notes printed in pakistan routed through dubai..this is to pay for the logistics and their agents to provide the sourcing for drugs ..children ..

Google : kerala container counterfeit currency This is the thirld world resource supply end for.drugs children organs etc.. All this money as rupeesnis laundered through the movie box office where there is no auditing.. The highest grossing bollywood movies have hardly anyone of the mainpopulace watching it with ticket prices more expensive than the west..yet the media and media bots potray the movies as box office hits to justify the ticket sales.. http://www.moneylife.in/article/aamir-khans-pk-collected-rs300-crore-really/40096.html

The unfortunate truth is that banks require this black money to prop up the liquidity of the debt currency system..whe we deposit.in banks or use central bank notes we r contributing to this debt currency system and its inflation.. The solution is simple ..stop using the banking system and reduce debt at the treasury ..the US treasury will acknowledge our surety rights over it..as they become our debtors..this would liquidate the banks..they know this will eventually happen..they have encoded it in the movie ..the wizard of oz ..where dorothy kills the wicked witch with water.. The scene where the wizard explains to dorothy that she liquidated the witch..he uses a financial business jargon in a childrens movie..check it out Google wizard of oz banking

carmencita ago

I was just discussing the movie with someone and saying how many more messages can we find in that movie, besides the ones we already know. The Red Shoes, the Rainbow (MK Ultra), the Swirl in the Yellow Brick Road, so much more. There is reason to watch that movie again. Also, I am always thinking of the Yellow Brick Road as our Gold. The Currency.

truthdemon ago

The author of the book was a silver monetarist activist who had the yellow brick road as a metaphor for the gold currency system eventually leading to the green backed currency system..green signifying the green back currency introduced by the lincoln during the civil war..the reconstruction led to the creation of the legal corporation known as the 14th amendmnet ctizen ..a sub corporation of the US war corporation headquartered in the district of columbia. In the book they had dorothy (the door to theo..god..) wearing silver shoes denoting silver currency as the way back home away from the world runaway debt system..but in the movie the silver was replaced by red ruby shoes..denoting the colour of our blood..the blood covenant system is the way back home..we already use it without realising its the way out of debt..we ride our blood in the form of labour crdits which is loaned into the banking system and is the basis and collateral for the debt system. Google : very soon every american will .. The application of live berth operates as an indemnified bill of lading ..used when ships ship goods to a buyer at another port We r the ship ..citizen ship....the carrier (career) occupying the ship (occupation)..the captain (capitalised name )..the sailor (working for the salt payment or salary....who sells the value of the goods ..ie our labour ..at various ports ..company addresses...liberty is a shipping term where a sailor is allowed off the ship ..to be a private ..or privateer allowed to sell his commodity ie his labour ...to corporate ships ..he then banks his salt paymnet or salary at banks ..salt deposits build up the bank...allowing for the bank to accomadate more current from the sea ..currency ..our deposits allow banks to create loans Google : bank of england banks create loans So our labour is what backs and builds the blocks for the debt liquidity system of future promises to pay..

The US treaury is the epicentre of this debt currency system..it is the world reserve currency where the export and import industry hold reserve deposits that build the deposits for building multinational banks...they in turn require people to consume their labour to create more demand for debt ..

The US treasury is the remedy as well as they will accept anyones currency across the planet to reduce the world.debt ..this activates ur surety rights over the war. Corporation of the US ..the US and its president become ur debtor..Trump or no Trump.u become the trump.card that can activate universal jurisdiction as well as they will have to discharge all ur bills and debts ..past present and future.. Google : universal jurisdiction kissinger They r shit scared we will activate this... U get to control both banks ..benches and banks r the two sides of the same coin

PedoStomper ago

When you think about it, money is definitely near the center of it, but it's not the core of what drives these people. The people truly at the top of the Child Rape Assembly Line, the most high-level people, they have so much money that a small dent in their income isn't going to phase them one bit. They live for the rape/murder. It is the only way they can get sexual release at this point. They will continue to do whatever they have to do in order to allow themselves to remain in the positions that allow them to rape and kill children. Money is secondary to them. Child murder is their religion, it is what drives them spiritually. Why do you think these "elite" people always live so long? It's not just the medical advantages they have, it's also the fact that they are driven by the desire to rape/kill one more time.

carmencita ago

I believe you are right. They have gotten to the point of nothing satisfying themselves but the most dangerous games available. When you commit or partake of something so evil so many times it becomes boring and old hat. Something else must be found to take you to that higher level. To us, what they are guilty of doing is already the most evil that we could ever imagine. What Scares me to Death is What is next. They are already planning it I believe. That is why They Must Be Stopped.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

What is next is what was hinted about in the memo. Yes, they must be stopped.

gamepwn ago

It's horribly starting to look like that, that most to all child actors are raped. That any movie or show that uses children is secretly set up as money laundering to film child porn. I'm not at the point where I cut out all movies and shows yet but it's been making me feel uneasy everytime I watch a movie or show like Stranger Things with child actors and think to myself are all these kids being raped?

carmencita ago

The answer to your question is YES.

AugustaJulia ago

Every time I see a handsome actor in a movie or TV-series these days, I can't help thinking: "Were you raped by perverts when you were a child or teenager trying to break into the business"?