cantsleepawink ago

Hello voat member of 2 months...

If you follow the first link in my post you will see that it leads straight to the links that you posted...not exactly observant, are you?

The rest of the post is discussing the possible connections to other major players due to other real estate in their portfolio...and therefore, the wider implications..if one can think that far...

3141592653 ago

Trying to find "The Hollywood complex" documentary online, but not having any luck. Just found the trailer on YouTube

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Everything in Hollywood has CIA written all over it. Operation Mockingbird

Blacksmith21 ago

There was a post on the Oakwood Apartments in Hollywood several months back. It included photos of "pizza party" in the common area and other weird stuff. Many stories have emerged from this place.

Can you give the TL;DR version of the link between Avalon Bay and CIA other than they have a search filter on

TheNewMovement ago

Good work.

Do you mind if I use this for a series of articles I am working on? You will receive full credit for your work.

cantsleepawink ago

Go ahead. :-)