Quickzee ago

More proof that Speilberg is one of them.: http://www.steamshovelpress.com/latestword13.html

smokemirrors ago

See my post on Sarah Jessica Parker talking about Oakwood on Jimmy Kimmel:


Fateswebb ago

If Spielberg is exposed as a pedo then Hollywood is screwed. He is their crown jewel. That would tarnish the entire industry.

Amoffthepizza ago

Posted this earlier to pleadingtheyiffs post Shia pedo fatherhttp://mobi.perezhilton.com/2016-10-20-shia-labeouf-dad-missing-from-wedding-hiding-from-the-law-costa-rica#.WIqJlr2nzqA

UncookedSpirit ago

“I didn’t have the typical child actor life,” Mazzello says. “My parents never moved out to LA and put us up in the Oakwood apartments, where all the child actors stay."

That seems to indicate he wasn't found at Oakwood...

dogeminho ago

He's saying his parents never moved out to LA with him. They put him up in the Oakwood apartments "where all the child actors stay."

FearlessFreep ago

Where in the article does it say his parents put him up there?

PleadingtheYiff ago

Very interesting find here. There will be many connections that I'm sure we will uncover in connection to this place.

Keep up the good work.

dogeminho ago

Thank you! Yeah, he has many odd connections. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama, the two coreys... apparently David Newman, a molester. Seems a child rapist admires his work too, or him in general.

You made a great find! Thank you for all your hard work

Exern ago

Don't forget about Garth Ancier and Gary Goddard as well. Correction: David Neuman

PleadingtheYiff ago

No problem, I will come by soon to drop off more of my findings.

dogeminho ago

Alright, sounds good :)