Sheilaaliens ago

Some cucked-out, downvote-brigading actual shill cough @Catchthem cough has got his pink thongs wedged too far up his anus crack and has been downvote spamming my comments. Hey, fuck you, guy - your Kryptonite is clearly: Logic. And English is obviously not your first language, which is to be expected with Soros and the sort out-sourcing their paid shill positions to third world countries.

Catchthem ago

Fuck you @SheilathepaidSorosSHILL

Sheilaaliens ago

Ain't nobody got time for extravagant plotting like dat. Lmao

Sheilaaliens ago

Also, it may or may not have any relevance but I am a woman, can confirm dudes walk up and start talking often.

Sheilaaliens ago

We were both in the juice section, not sure who got there first cause I was braindeadly staring at the juice display in the fridge/cooler. He was looking at the same refridgerator thing full of juice as me and he was like OH sorry let me get out of your way (for my cart) and I was like it's ok ... I'm trying to decide what kind of juice to get. (so I sorta initiated it by accident). He immediately jumped from that to "So where are you from?" and the typical polite back and forth initiated.

lostinthevalley ago

No. It happens way more in New York, I had it happen on the sidewalk and saw it in delis there. But not the usual in L.A. At the most a stranger might ask directions, or ask where a particular item is in the store if you seem approachable. They don't randomly chat or tell you where they live, etc. The Upper Midwest is way friendlier, a stranger might offer assistance if you seem confused or troubled, and if you ask for help they will go out of their way. In L.A. everyone is kind of into their own space and may regard your "random" chatter as suspect--the exception being on public transportation where strangers will sometimes start chatting.

lostinthevalley ago

A few years ago I walked in a local supermarket. I had been very active on anti-government forums. A guy approached me ranting about the federal government, addressed me as "Ma'am" and obviously wanted me to join in the rant. I looked to my left for some reason, a few feet away there was what looked like a National Guard guy or military guy in uniform watching us closely. This looked like a sting. I quickly said to the ranter, "Sir I'm just here to go shopping" in my best older woman voice and walked away. So yes, be careful of anyone who approaches you in a store for any reason.

Sheilaaliens ago

Hmm strange!

Sheilaaliens ago

Ya I turned down an offer to go drinking ( the first thing he invited me to imagine that) when he said my boyfriend couldn't come. Whereas at Walmart he said he just wanted to make friends and didn't care if I had a boyfriend. He needed 20 girls to get a free table and free drinks at some club in Hollywood. I was thinking yeah that must be like shooting fish in a barrel, one of them might get drunk or drugged enough to take home or go missing

Sheilaaliens ago

Yeah he invited me out to a club but didn't want my bf to come (even though I told him I had one when we met at Walmart and my bf was somewhere in Walmart but not in the immediate vicinity while we were talking) but he said he can only bring women because he needed 20 women in order to get the free table and free drinks or whatever. Then I remembered a young woman went missing that lives there recently and I was like yeah no thanks.

ArthurEdens ago

We all know what goes on there no sense in getting yourself into a situation

iamcrd ago

You know what they say about coincidences. They could be setting you up, or possibly going to use you to funnel disinformation to this forum. I could be wrong but always suspect the worst until you know otherwise.

LA_Trump ago

Did you post about Pizzagate from any public profile online at all?

carmencita ago

If you have to ask, there must be something in the back of your mind that you are already suspicious about. I remember reading that post and there were a lot of really strange things going on there. Out of all the people that walk into Walmart this guy just "happens" to pick you to talk to? Hmmm. Don't do it. Did you give him any contact info? Change your locks or ph# if you did. Immediately. This is a highly suspicious meeting. If you question something or feel uneasy about something there is a reason. Let us know how you are. We care about our members' safety.

Sheilaaliens ago

I'm torn between being a paranoid conspiracy theorist and missing out on possible serendipitous happenstance the universe sends my way. An eternal struggle of mine, I suppose.

carmencita ago

We here are different from the universe. Our country is happy to accept lies so that we can get back to our special effects movies, facebook fake news, cnn propaganda and pure laziness. We are too scared to speak out and up for what we really think and believe. Last week I proposed the Pizzagate possibility to a friend. Of course there was resistance. I said, why are you afraid to admit that this is true? Are you afraid that it might be true because it is too horrible to imagine, or are you afraid of believing in what some are calling a conspiracy theory? She said I guess it sounds a little nuts. I said, Well, what about the Walk on the Moon, How about Nazis coming to takeover Europe, How about the Holocaust, People never would have believed those things, right? You must start admitting that these things I am speaking to you about possibly might be true. She said, well, yes. I must admit they COULD be true. So I left it at that. I decided for now, I am calling this an improvement. I will slowly print out articles for her to read. Slow but sure. It will no longer be a conspiracy but a reality. Those of us that are more courageous must be gutsy enough to stand up and speak out for this MUST STOP. I am not afraid of what they will call me.

Sheilaaliens ago

Progress has been made since Trump took office, due in large part (I believe) to all the pizzagate researchers drawing obsessive attention to the exposing of online pedophiles. It's a great thing for everyone to be focusing their crowdsource investigation skills on, and everyone reporting these perps to the FBI and other agencies has helped a lot, I believe.

Forgetmenot ago

That is really creepy.

Mtnchan ago

That doesn't sound very random at all

Ihatepizza2 ago

Not trying to spook you, but how do you know that he doesn't know exactly who you are?

Sheilaaliens ago

He'd have no reason to know who I was unless he was a spook, since we hadn't met prior :P

ExistentialPotato ago

In order to be a part of The Game, you have to assume everyone knows who you are at all times, including your darkest secrets.

dookiehowzer ago

be safe

Sheilaaliens ago

Thanks and thanks to everyone for the safety wishes. He just invited me to a taping of Conan - not interested lol. He's like hella going out of his way to make friends w/me. hermit crab is suspicious of outsiders

wtf_is_happening ago

Yes great! First probably read back through old Oakwood threads (around 27 Jan) on 4plebs/pol/. An anon went there and found random framed pictures of "pedo bear" hanging in the common areas. Almost like they were trolling anyone looking for pizzagate evidence. Also saw there an Armenian security guard was found dead in the car park not too long ago. Agree with earlier comment, "Be careful"!

Sheilaaliens ago

Still considering it. Have a feeling the person who went to investigate it was trolling and brought the pedobear fliers himself.

rooting4redpillers ago

Someone's voat post on Oakwood 16 days ago. 80 comments with additional links.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, but Be careful!

Chatman ago

Be super careful, expecially since they are likely watching this forum

iamcrd ago

"likely" They ARE watching this forum. There is every kind of "spook" you can think of roaming this forum.

1NationUnderAGroove ago
