wokethefkup ago

Never heard of it but fcking creepy!

carmencita ago

The images certainly scream to me. I seen how the brainwashing has changed how we decide what is acceptable now and 20 years ago. I see the children of my friends and they are so different than we were. And how we were so different than those before us. I see how women are perceived as to before. Oh, yes, we are told we can do anything men can do. Well, maybe we can, but think of that image. It is in small part the brainwashing and normalization of us being like them. We are all alike. We are all the same so we must All feel the same such as in sex. Including children, that is what they are trying to accomplish. I have had someone writing to me on here trying to convince me that children are sexually attracted to adults. What? We must be careful and immediately attack their statements. We must not agree just to be amiable. Our children are depending on us. They are too young to defend themselves against these sick svengali pedophiles.

wokethefkup ago

literally had to copy and paste this for this SAME topic seconds ago so here we go again : i'm a 25 yr old girl, and most of those pictures are typical of something my age group would post. personally i'm just a fiance of a guy who sings and plays for a metal band and i say these images aren't anything. i know it is becoming harder to dismiss certain photos but my generation tends to be into astrology and that kind of mystic bullshit. i'm used to seeing pentagrams because my fiance and i have shirts of metal bands and some will have horns or alchemy symbols and we are in no way satanic, hell i've even made him go to church with my family before and he enjoyed it. so sometimes people just have weird tastes. i'm ranting i'm sorry cus i smoked some reefer.


I smoke reefer as well and grew up on punk and metal, first album I bought had a pentagram on it. Im no conservative...but this still seems a bit dark for someone working around kids

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Pizzagate issues aside, I feel pretty confident that when this young lady becomes an old lady and her sex appeal has melted away like the snow in springtime, she's gonna be a quite lonely person. Like a lot of people who flock to LA, sadly.

carmencita ago

Well there is basically almost nothing that is not overtly sexual. This is not healthy if this is a young girl. The bad part of it is that the sayings she has posted. If she reads these over and over long enough, she will believe them. Sick. What is happening to our young people? I hope this is someone young by in her early 20s (still sick since she has nothing else but sex) and not someone 16. This really worries me. Not surprised also that it is at Oakwood Apts.


she seems to be in her late 20s - mid 30s - pics of her throughout FB

carmencita ago

It is still sick since that is all she has posted. No variety. Just sex stuff.

eyeVoated ago

Definitely a broken person. No doubt she was victimized as a child.

joeysaperv ago

Um "expressive". Thinks a lot about her sexuality, mostly satanistic/pagan/bdsm tendencies.

I didn't see anything in there overtly links to patterns of pedophelia. Tread carefully, we're not on a puritan witchhunt.


well im certainly not calling her a pedophille - but she seems to have a profile similar to that of other abuse victims: masks, bondage, mkultra type abuse. she is more likely an enabler, possibly put into that position for a reason.

to each his own, but that they let someone with these interests hold a job where kid actors live and hold acting conventions, is a bit concerning to me. Tattoo shop? Bartender? sure

S3m8o3 ago

I think @joeysaperv is right. Who cares what she does in her own time. I don't see anything that might be helpful in our investigation and the last thing we need is negative attention because of witch hunting

joeysaperv ago

Yeah, definitely different culture than my own.