AgainstPedos ago

Pearlman was the only one arrested and jailed for doing what all of TPTB in the music industry have been well known to do for generations. That's part of "selling one's soul." Assure you because of the potential profits/ROI and likewise risks involved the music industry has always had a worse rep than either film or TV. True especially now that factors other than the ability to sing are the difference between success vs failure.

Most talent start out while still a minor so are believed to be more pliable. Don't think that the adult winners of AGT and other TV shows actually get a break re Satanic demands. If anything, they're more vulnerable as they know most "idols" have crashed and burned.

new4now ago

I remember seeing a special on the Backstreet Boys

They were visiting their old haunts

I remember when they got to Pearlman"s place, it was abandoned, Brian Litterll wouldn't even go in there

Cheesebooger ago


spherical_cube ago

I guess he wanted it that way? Tell me whyyyy...

Voatwontletmesignin ago

What a revolting pig!!

new4now ago

one of many, sad but true

derram ago | :

New Report: Boy Band Guru A Predatory Pedophile | HuffPost

'He leaned back in his chair, in his white terry cloth robe and white underwear, and spread his legs," Mooney told Burrough. '

'All the talent knew what Lou's game was," Steve Mooney, an aspiring singer who was Pearlman's assistant, told VF's Bryan Burrough. '

'Lou Pearlman - the hog-fat, boy-band honcho who created *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys and launched the careers of Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter - was a pervy pedophile who preyed on the young men he mentored, Vanity Fair reports. '

'"And then he said, and these were his exact words, 'You're a smart boy. '

'"I would absolutely say the guy was a sexual predator. '

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new4now ago

“I would absolutely say the guy was a sexual predator. All the talent knew what Lou’s game was,” Steve Mooney, an aspiring singer who was Pearlman’s assistant, told VF’s Bryan Burrough. “Some guys joked about it. I remember [one singer] asking me, ‘Have you let Lou [fellate] you yet?’ ” Mooney said he once asked Pearlman, who was known as “Big Poppa,” what it would take for him to get into a band. “I’ll never forget this as long as I live. He leaned back in his chair, in his white terry cloth robe and white underwear, and spread his legs,” Mooney told Burrough. “And then he said, and these were his exact words, ‘You’re a smart boy. Figure it out.’ ” Mooney added that a singer groped by Pearlman told him, “Look, if a guy wants to massage me, and I’m getting a million dollars for it, you just go along with it. It’s the price you got to pay.” Phoenix Stone, an early member of the Backstreet Boys, tells Vanity Fair Pearlman was “definitely inappropriate” with Nick Carter. Nick’s mom, Jane Carter, wouldn’t get into specifics, but said, “Certain things happened and it almost destroyed our family. I tried to warn everyone. I tried to warn all the mothers . . . I tried to expose him for what he was years ago.” Tim Christofore, a member of Take 5, recalls that during a sleepover at Pearlman’s house, the music czar swan-dived onto his and another boy’s bed and wrestled with them wearing only in a towel, which came off. “We were like, ‘Ooh, Lou, that’s gross.’ What did I know? I was 13,” Christofore told Vanity Fair. Rich Cronin, lead singer of LFO, recalled Pearlman told him of an “ancient massage technique that if I massage you and we bond in a certain way, it will strengthen your aura.”

Luckily this guy died in a Florida Prison for stealing money from everyone