wonderfuldonut ago

Not entering the Argument of for or against Q, I have my thoughts on the matter. There is one thing that we can all red pill on. If one is an American Citizen, Register to Vote, and then Vote! That is the absolute minimum effort we all should take. You have to point out the following, one does not have the right to complain about the Government if one does not take part in electing said Government. Instead of seeing the problem become part of the solution, VOTE

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

The support for regime change in Iran is too much. I'm convinced that Q is just a shill at this point. I'm done think it's anything more than a psyop.

I should've listen to the people who were calling bullshit on this months ago, but part of me wanted to believe. Now I can't believe in this Q stuff anymore. I feel like I was taken for a fool for wanting to hope.

Silverlining ago

I still have faith in Q. My best proofs are the pics from AF1 and the London traffic cam pics of Page and Strzok.

The LARP is too elabrate for an amateur.

The "riddling" is frustrating and quite why Trump wants a "back channel" of info, I don't understand.

Bu it has caught anons' attention and interest, and the drip drip of information seems to be necessary to change minds.

I fear it is going to be a slow and frustrating process. The current Q silence after the aborted Q&A suggests to me there is something of a rethink going on.

I am waiting with eager anticipation for the next Q drop. But there is always the possibility that we are being manipulated and Q will just stop and we will be left wondering, "What was that all about?" Patience and Faith..

hatecrime ago

Q = Mossad psyop 100% after this.. (((Regime change)))

Silverlining ago

I read someone's theory that Iran was supplying Hezbolla the rockets they fire into Israel and they were going through Syria and this was why strife was stirred up in Syria. Whether Iran is imploding naturally, or whether it is American assisted, I know not. But they do seem to be having problems.

Let us hope it will follow the NK playbook and transition peacefully.

hatecrime ago

Qui bono..

abattoirdaydream ago

See my comments on this topic over in a thread on v/greatawakwning. I think it is the opposite of what you think.

Silverlining ago

Not sure which comment you meant - typo in the link - copy link location from permalink in a comment to link

https://voat.co/user/abattoirdaydream/comments [comments won't archive]

Good to see you on the board..

Silverlining ago

Iran next -


While Team Trump is divided over Iran policy — some say negotiate, others advocate pressure aimed at regime change — defiant Iranians taking to the streets of the capital are resolving that dispute decisively in favor of the latter.

Tehran’s grand bazaar was shut down Monday as merchants joined street protests and thousands defied thuggish regime riot police trying to quell the rebellion. Other big cities joined Tehran as well.

Protesters carried signs like “Leave Syria alone, think of us.” Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Houthis — all proxy arms of the Islamic Republic’s strategy of spreading its version of the “Islamic revolution” across the region — weren’t spared protesters’ ire either.

[ Shoud we trust the NYPost - are the protests grass roots or C_A astroturf? - is it a genuine revolution or an American inspired regime change - if it works peacefully without another American led invasion and yet another war, what is not to like - if life is better for the Iranians after the dust settles... ]

derram ago

https://archive.fo/SOML3 :

Jordan Sather on Twitter: "It’s sad that people think they can spend a measly few hours looking into #QAnon and think they know enough to write “informed” pieces on it. Many of us out there have been following this everyday for nearly 8 MONTHS - its FAR more complex than what these articles portray.… t.co/KMRLBGWqFR"

This has been an automated message.

elitch2 ago

Trust the plan! Sit on your fucking hands and do nothing!

If this were real intel, it could just be released using pgp. WHat the fuck is with the crypto clue hunting game?

Silverlining ago

A main plank of the plan is to flood Congress with Republicans in November - quite how this huge swing will come about remains to be seen.

Presumably the indictments will be unsealed in advancce, arrests made and the rotten truth exposed..

On the illegals immigration bill there seems to be a need for a 2/3 senate majority - not sure whether this is standard or only on selective legislation.

See Q - The Plan To Save The World https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/2608356

crashing_this_thread ago

Well, what is happening is that a pretty small, but growing fringe group has managed to recruit and spread this information to a lot of people.

This group has most likely had to change it's stance on abortion, gun control, the LGBT movement and climate change. I was pretty red pilled before Q, but I used to be pretty liberal/'progressive'.

Good or bad intel, Q is causing a red wave.

FYI I believe Q is legit and will be remembered as one of the most crucial and defining events in our time.

Most of us aren't doing nothing either. We are researching and communicating and co-operating more than ever.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's called Socratic Method. Keep asking the questions until the question answers itself. Not to mention an intentional spill of classified is the same thing as HRC's server.

Most of the information is out in the ether. It can be assembled into open source intelligence (OSINT), which in turn, can be classified when assembled as one analytical product.

Q's asking of questions, hints, crumbs etc. are intentionally designed to draw in the reader by getting them to ask questions, redpilling themselves in the process.

elitch2 ago

Seems like a big time waste to tell us shit that we already know.

ninjajunkie ago

Plausible deniability.