RockmanRaiden ago

Late to the party. Good to see a timeline. It's going to be a terrible Christmas for some people.

srayzie ago

I hope so lol

srayzie ago

Hmmm. I wonder why so many people are angry. Could it be that we’re over the target? Soros keeps needing to hire more people.

badgoysbadgoys ago

Go the fuck outside and watch your sky get blanketed all day instead of sitting on this shit board and "watching Q" as a new form of TV. My evidence is your uninformed fanaticism. Q faggots have never mentioned the pollution being sprayed 24/7, around the world, by emirates and navy drones. And you all act like it is not happening.

So you are the shills, the threat, or just too fucking stupid to recognize the abhorrent behaviors perpetuated by undercover law enforcement and bored youtube cat-ladies.

So until then, this board is full of dead people. Q is leading the dead off a cliff.

Walk like an Egyptian bitches.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The answer to the Big Arrest question has always been very clear to those who see the Big Picture!

We know how entrenched the Deep State is and it starts at the local level. . .right in small towns and moves it's wicked force of operations to the larger cities, (go take a look around at what you find for free masonry and clubs), branches throughout counties, districts and becomes nation wide with corruptors connecting all over the MAP!

I try to tell people if you leave even a handful behind. . .they have so much pull and too many connections to where they would continue wreaking havoc and destruction for citizens brainwashed or not if left behind from the gathering of the criminal element!

We all end up with their negative consequences even if we are awake if you rush to arrest in a sloppy and anxious manner!

Cleaning up a mess of this magnitude takes time and patience. The cabal knows it. . .that's why they're so cocky!

Much of this is entrenched in positions many in the general public don't even know exist from the Senior Executive Service.

These wicked people have always played the Long Game! They have more patience and simply are not as short sided as many civilians are.

Rothschild and other controller tactics are yet nnother example of how one cannot only have a bird's eye view, but must examine and analyze the entire landscape.

The Millennium Report talked about this several months back, but many still have difficulty grasping the deep seated levels of degradation and utter wickedness (much of which is seeped in what they all try so desperately attempt to mock and sweep under the carpet. . .pedogate)! These people are as Q says. . .Sick!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Awesome post as always @srayzie

Don't forget, ISIS has been effectively dismantled, the Saudi Arabian purge occurred, not only are jobs up/but wages too, tax bill was passed, 2 SCOTUS appointments, tons of Federal appointments, 5 for 5 on the mid-terms, a silently strong approval rating, and we're finally beginning to see a reduction in our deficit!

Because... Russia?

These people are stupid.

Thanks for this!

Are_we__sure ago

ISIS has been effectively dismantled

The downfall of ISIS was evident way before Trump took office. He didn't change personnel or strategy. A coalition was put together to roll back ISIS to its two strongholds, Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq in simultaneous battles so ISIS had no where to run to. The strategy was go slow and hold territory with local forces with the US and others providing Special Ops and Air Power. Trump changed nothing about that. The guy who was in charge of this multinational effort was Brett McGurk, the Special Presidential Envoy for Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. He was appointed in 2015 and is still on the job. The battle for the Mosul begin in Oct 2016. The battle for Raqqa began in November 2016.

not only are jobs up/but wages too,

The average monthly job increase under Trump is below the average of Obama's last few years

and unfortunately prices are rising higher than wages

Consider that, while average hourly earnings are growing at an annual rate of 2.7%, the consumer price index for the 12 months that ended June 30 was up 2.9%. That means the purchasing power of Americans went down during that period.

srayzie ago

Yes! So many amazing things have happened. You’re welcome :)

GoodGodKirk ago

You have a few things wrong, IMO, which may need clarification.

Military tribunals can only be performed if you can prove the civilian courts are corrupt, which they may be able to do with FISA report, and recent cases involving antifa protestors.

Also, your “notes” are just underlining dates and not the relevant details associated with the dates. Some required for events to occur after the date to charges applied after the date. According to that update, arrests and trials can start now and charges applied after the new year.

srayzie ago

The dates are showing the date I mentioned. I gave a link so you can read it yourselves. Things are different when you declare martial law.

GoodGodKirk ago

Could use colors to associate the details with the dates so it all makes a little more sense. From what I’ve read, they can arrest now, have trials, and set the punishment for after Jan 1, when this goes into affect.

srayzie ago

Well, you can go use colors all you want. You will find something to bitch about no matter what.

GoodGodKirk ago

you're falling apart due to some criticism? need to take a step back bro?

srayzie ago

Falling apart? LOL. You must not know me at all. I’m attacked constantly. You think your opinion means anything to me?

You need to step back and realize how stupid you look exaggerating about something that people can clearly see. Especially people that know me. This is child’s play compared to what I’m used to BRO.

GoodGodKirk ago

That’s just it, you use to be chill about things. I’ve only mentioned something about colors to help with the shitty “notes” and you jump down my back? I’ll just highlight the DATES and ignore the DETAILS.

You’re your own worse shill.

srayzie ago

Because it’s lame that I spent all that time stitching screenshots together, finding all the dates and underlining them to make it easier for you guys. I always do extra things like that for you guys, just trying to be helpful. I don’t have to do that. So for you to complain about how I do it shows that you’re an ungrateful trouble maker. I am still chill. But I am under attack by shills more than ever before. But I’m not going to listen to some prick telling me how to do things when he could go make one of his own if he’s so concerned. How about you go do that?

I’m doing some research and don’t have time for your drama. You’re always talking shit to me. So put up or shut up. Make a new long screenshot annotated the way you described.

GoodGodKirk ago

I have NEVER talked shit to you. I talked it up about qmap and that’s about it.

Here, let me spell it out for you since you cant seem to understand HOW I’m trying to help.

Sec 1 - Sec 5c deals with content occurring BEFORE Jan 1, 2019.

Sec 6 deals with offenses that occurred AFTER Jan 1, 2019.

Sec 7 deals with punishment AFTER 1/1.

Sec 8 deals with hearings conducted AFTER 1/1.

Sec 9 deals with offenses done ON or AFTER 1/1.

And so on. So some of these pertain to the arrests, although some do not.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hence the amount of construction at GTMO and the mad flurry of rendition flights earlier this year.

GoodGodKirk ago

Didn’t they only add 10k cells? I think we need more...although it would be great knowing they are 4 to a cell.

Blacksmith21 ago

Miami Herald covers GTMO. I saw in one article that "word" was they were already looking to expand - either on GTMO or another location.

GoodGodKirk ago

I looked more for this. Seems any construction at gitmo is now for soldiers and their families.

Although I saw that Q stated they are preparing ANOTHER prison! Search Gitmo on (sorry, browser is acting funny today limiting links.)

Gothamgirl ago

He should just send the Clintons to Clinton Penitentiary, general population, no bail 😄

srayzie ago

This is the first time I’ve ever seen you make a little joke. You used a smiley face. I love it. You’re usually so serious! 👏🏻

Gothamgirl ago

Hahaha serious about the kids some of this stuff makes me want to kill-a-man. Yes I have jokes.

Shizy ago

Jokes or not you always have good stuff to share!

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you I think everyone here has done wonderful things.

bopper ago

@srayzie cause she's a New Yawkuh like Are We Sure.

Gothamgirl ago

According to the FBI I am a hillbilly and they never lie.

srayzie ago

I agree. Yay

pooploser ago

The record number of sealed indictments certainly indicates something interesting coming. I am still hopeful it is going to be good.

I have two questions, perhaps some has an answer: 1. Would a military court issue a sealed indictment through the standard court system? I assumed they were independent and that was the premise with this post. 2. Q has said there are less than 10 people in the know, or maybe just on the team. Regardless, if the 45,000 indictments are all related, that's impressive for such a small team.

Are_we__sure ago

Regardless, if the 45,000 indictments are all related, that's impressive for such a small team.

Have you tried working out the math on this?

An indictment means it went to a grand jury. The Constitution says that serious crimes require a grand jury indictment.

How long do you think it takes from getting information to presenting it to the grand jury and them voting a "true bill" on the info and writing up an indictment? If one person was able to do all that by themselves and complete an incredible 5 indictments a day. It would take 2.5 years for a group of 10. In reality, indictments go through many people and almost never take a single day from evidence to indictment.

The answer to this puzzle is there are not 45,000 sealed indictments. People are counting every type of sealed court document and there are many, many types of documents that get sealed as sealed indictments.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. And remember one sealed indictment can include

multiple names. And the indictment is sealed in the Federal

District where the inductee resides / lives (not where the crime was


pooploser ago

Yes to the "standard sealed indictment" can be or is used in military court? Do you have any layman links that describe this process?

Plan1988 ago

I edited my comment. 'Yes' was to your last sentence. I don't

know the correct answer. I think it would be : no.

I apologize for my confusing reply.

pooploser ago

No problem. I reread my post and was a little pleased that no one called me out for making a statement in place of my second question. Thanks for your response, if I don't get the easy answer here, I'll do some research and post again.

Plan1988 ago

If I find out the answer, will PM you. Thank You for your kind reply:-)

Your comment got me to thinking.❕

think- ago

Maybe consider doing a post about it here?

Plan1988 ago

I am not an expert. If I could contribute more I sure would. I really liked this link/explanation written by @lawyer4justice

srayzie ago

I’m not sure about that one. But many of those sealed indictments could be MS-13 and lower level type criminals. I think the military tribunals are for the big fish.

pooploser ago

I can follow the big fish being reserved for the military. This massive number of indictments is really my biggest point to question this movement. How it can be a handful of insiders against the deep state making these massive moves. Just filling all the paperwork would take an army of bureaucrats, I'm trying to make the practical connections and not just lean on what I know needs to be done.

The progress so far is incredible. So much that I kind of feel bad for voicing my doubts. It will be a great feeling when the history books are rewritten.

srayzie ago

I think we will look back at this and be proud to tell our grandchildren what an amazing thing we were a part of.

pooploser ago

I keep saying I have hope. That would be awesome and at the rate things are going, we will find out if we need to dig bunkers or pop champagne soon.

Side note: keep up the great work srayzie! Your work makes staying up to date easy for us that are too busy or lazy.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

altaccounttwo ago

So Russia is up to shenanigans again then?

pooploser ago

Come on voat! Let's have a little fun, we shouldn't need to put in a sarcasm tag on something like this

altaccounttwo ago

Maybe I should have /s be my signature

srayzie ago

Yup! 😂

Flaaffy ago

I've posted this thread onto Twitter, and I was given a question I was unable to answer. I will copy/paste:

Help me understand. It says twice, "offenses committed on or after Jan 2019". That tells me it's not for past offenses? I hope I'm wrong but want to understand, if you have some knowledge on this....Thanx!

srayzie ago

I haven’t talked to you in a long time! Xo

I’ll have to look to make sure later. Every site talked like that wasn’t the case. During summer vacation, my sleeping schedule is whacked. I’ve been up since last night. I’ll be crashing soon.

Flaaffy ago

I know! It's been a while! Once I recognized your username in this subverse, I decided to stick around and get a little cozy. :D

& No worries, no need to explain! I wasn't able to sleep last night either, so I'm slugging along right there with you! WWG1WGA! Patriots don't sleep! :D

It was nice running into you again! Sleep well! <3

srayzie ago

Thank you. Reading thru it articles and watching videos, it all appears to be like what we hoped. If not, there would be no reason to make the arrests.

ImPhilippe ago


TJFash ago

qanon fags should kill themselves, this is Reagan Battalion tier bullshit. Fucking 30 year old boomers wasting time with sit back and do nothing bullshit.

Shizy ago

"30 year old boomers" 😂🤣! Damn you're stupid! Take your own advice!

thisistotallynotme ago

Ya know, if these kids want to blend GenX with Boomers, that's probably okay.

Protip: old people love watching dumb kids make mistakes because they were too dumb to listen to old people. If you want to make anyone over 35 happy, tell them their an idiot for the advice they gave you, then make the exact mistakes they warned you about. You'll never see them smile bigger.

MolochHunter ago

as opposed to what youre doing ?

srayzie ago

Thanks genius

EricKaliberhall ago

In light of the critical stage of this ongoing coup d’état, it’s especially imperative that the insurrectionists be incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center—post haste!

Gitmo updates -



srayzie ago

I remember that! I don’t think they deserve padding.

badgoysbadgoys ago

All happens during every 4-7 year transition period. The patterns you all try to equate to fake account, are patterns that are recognizable every transition cycle of presidencies.

And for those who live and work within this type of environment, they can easily predict shit all day, based on previous patterns from other administrations.

Adhocing expected results as prophecy—sounds jewish.

thisistotallynotme ago

Did you know that this subverse is likely the only place on Voat you'll get downvoats for assuming something is automatically jewish without evidence?

That's why we like it here. Evidence is king. Nobody falls for prophecy.

badgoysbadgoys ago

I don't need evidence of Jewish prophecy, it's a none literary device re-introduced by the french jews around the 1500s. You all fell for prophecy the minute someone set up a board in voat called the "great awakeing."

My evidence is your uninformed fanaticism.

thisistotallynotme ago

That's a whole lot of words just to say "I'm pissed that I have negative karma on my post". It's a shame you care more about that than evidence that contradicts your worldview.

badgoysbadgoys ago

I don't give a shit about what you think I meant, or what your little brain want's to project outward as a means of obfuscating my original post.

Go play with yourselves some more and make shit tart cookies to munch on.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look how angry you are! You were so mad, it took you almost 2 hours to respond! I bet you deleted entire paragraphs of your response to me!

Evidence is king here. Your appeals to emotion have no effect.

Would you like to have the last word? you seem desperate for it.

badgoysbadgoys ago

Angry. you're so petulant and contemptuous.

Do not flatter yourself.

srayzie ago

Well you need t go back and read it again because there were significant changes made that have not been made for years.

think- ago

But why military tribunals?

Do you think the military isn't part of the Deep State? And that those heading these tribunals won't be pedos?

You would like to send people to Guantanamo? Seriously? US citizens?

srayz, maybe we shouldn't discuss politics.... xoxo

thisistotallynotme ago

Q has stated specifically that the Military is the only part of the government not controlled by the deep state. This is also why all those retired marines returned to active duty once Trump was elected. Most of the early Q drops on cuck/pol/ were talking about this specifically. This is why everyone knows which side Mueller (an ex-marine) is really on; before anyone had really heard of Q, he was letting out lots of hints like this.

This is a military coup against the Deep State, led by a man legitimately voted-in by the people.

think- ago

Q has stated specifically that the Military is the only part of the government not controlled by the deep state.

Well, when Q said it it must be true of course. /s

This is a military coup against the Deep State, led by a man legitimately voted-in by the people.

Legitimately voted: Yes.

This is a military coup against the Deep State

Which coup? Have I missed anything? /s

thisistotallynotme ago

What I really love is how you agree with me completely, except for when Q comes up. Then you're like a chimp plugging his ears. :)

I can't even be mad. it's adorable.

srayzie ago

The military is on Trump’s side. Ok lol. Xo 🍌

think- ago

@bopper, finished the laundry? Have a 🍌! :-P

srayzie ago

He’s mowing my lawn now

think- ago

Well, then he will definitely need the banana once he'll be back. :-P


srayzie ago

I wonder where that lady is.

bopper ago

conversation is straight up homo

srayzie ago

You crack me up

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The general understanding among people following Q, in my impression, was that the military in general and military intelligence more specifically are "good guys", working with Trump for years, if not over a decade, and perhaps even told him when he was needed as President.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Well to be fair, it’s possible that good people from the military did recruit a political candidate in order to carry out their counter coup against satanists/traitors

It’s a stretch, but it feels that way and hard to disprove since all of those foundational steps were taken in secret and over the course of a long period of time.

think- ago

Yes, that has been my impression as well, but I don't subscribe to this notion.

speedisavirus ago

Yeah, you realize that 1) that only impacts military members and none of them are currently implicated in anything serious and 2) there is nothing of note in this that has any implications you claim.

srayzie ago


he clearest sign of this was an executive order and a 636-page annex issued on March 1 by U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of Defense that prepares the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals. The essence of these orders was that all U.S. civilians shall be subject to military justice and that the military will be able to hire non-military legal experts to help with the upcoming tribunals, according to Pentagon sources.

A government temporarily governing the civil population within its territory or a portion of its territory through its military forces as necessity may require. (Martial law).

Q has alluded to this for a long time and says to not worry. I trust the plan and believe in POTUS.

thisistotallynotme ago

This is the one thing that's been consistently unnerving me: Americans following Q aren't even questioning martial law, covertly DNA-swabbing citizens (even if they're Antifa), or the 8 years of Pence that is "essential" (Q's word) to the overall plan.

if Q/POTUS goes evil, we need to stop him, too.

speedisavirus ago

It's almost like any modification to the UCMJ would come via executive order.

Q is a larp faggot. There is nothing in this order that will ever do anything claimed.

Blacksmith21 ago

You do realize you are 100% wrong, don't you? Anyone implicated can be categorized as an enemy combatant, civilian or military, and can be tried under UCMJ.

Are_we_sure ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Considering you have never served in the Armed Forces, I place no credence in anything you regurgitate. You may want to educate yourself, little man:

thisistotallynotme ago

Let us know what branch you served in, and please provide photographic proof.

After all, I could say I'm Emperor Napoleon II, and you'd just have to take my word for it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, right, PII. I'll get right to it.

Since you're playing constitutional scholar, and I am not one, I can only guess its because service members covered under UCMJ, cannot claim Constitutional safeguards and protections.

thisistotallynotme ago


I definitely deserve the downvoats for this one. it was the "little man" part that honestly made me post. I notice you haven't told us what branch you served in, though.

Anyway, the UCMJ is squarely in admiralty/international jurisdiction, a higher court. Every court above Federal Court (including FISC) needs not recognize constitutional guarantees. If you'll notice, nobody's complaining about Trump's rights violated under FISC surveillance; they're focusing on the validity of the application.

Blacksmith21 ago

I gave you a few of both - up and down. Fortunately for you, they weren't the dick-flavored downvoats I save for flaming asshats.

You do understand how "selectors" work when running a database query, right? Think doxxing. What would a selector do? I'm paranoid for a reason.

thisistotallynotme ago

That's a damned good answer.

Blacksmith21 ago

Not my first rodeo, friend. You might like an old post of mine, especially edit 1:

I live in the Swamp for a reason.

Are_we_sure ago

Considering you have never served in the Armed Forces,

LOL. And the first year law student you cite? What was her service?

Considering you have this wrong, can I say you never served? Because your logic and command of the facts are pretty shaky here.

Here's the actual law which lists all the folks subject to UCMJ. Point to to the part that supports your claim.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice try. I'm definitely no JAG. I provided enough links above to show the amendments to the UCMJ by Executive order, supported by existing laws supporting the broadest definitions of who can be tried under UCMJ. The decision and threshold of WHO can be tried under UCMJ is determined by POTUS, if required. And which the Supreme Court will drive a truck through any turd injunction they throw it.

Sorry bottom boy. You lose.

Are_we__sure ago

You're definitely a jagoff who is making shit up about the UCMJ. And since the law actually does not back you up, you've resorted to wishful thinking.

And for those just following along the reason he is wrong and the reason the Q induced fantasy of folks going to Gitmo will never happen is the civilians covered by the UMCP are military contractors serving in war zones. It's meant to cover situations similar to those guys who worked for Eric Prince who massacred 17 civilians in Iraq. (In that specific case they were working for Department of State, not DOD and we're tried in federal court ). The 2007 change to the law was making sure it applied to military operations short of declared war.

thisistotallynotme ago

it's rather depressing how many people upvoated him on nothing more than a weak Appeal To Authority. I'll be happy to absorb some downvoats for defending you.

That being said, If you were in charge of the Executive Branch, how would you (assuming you think you can) try civilians under military tribunal? Would you use the December Executive order that declares Human Traffickers to be Enemy Combatants?

Also, What branch of government (Executive/Judicial/Legislative) controls the military? Yes, congress gives them authority to go to war, but which branch controls the military? Which branch controls FISA? Which branch controls the Department of Justice and FBI? Why are they all the same branch? coincidence?

Are_we_sure ago

Why would i want to try civilians under military tribunal? I don't get it. Just because it's easier? There's no legal basis for it and it would thrown out by the courts.

Even terrorists have been tried in Federal court including the guy who led the attack in Benghazi.

Would you use the December Executive order that declares Human Traffickers to be Enemy Combatants?

There is no such executive order.

The executive order from 2017 was all about implementing a law congress passed called the Global Magnitsky Act. It does not declare anyone to be an Enemy Combatant, it doesn't apply to Americans, it does not apply to any person or entity other than a list proposed by Congress and vetted by State Department and the Treasury Department and folks related to that original list.

What it does do is freeze the US based assets of these folks and essentially cuts them off from US banks which in effect cuts them off from the global banking system as if you deal with this people, you can possibly face sanctions yourself.

As a result of designations pursuant to the E.O., all of the property and interests in property within U.S. jurisdiction of the designated individuals and entities are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them. ..... Accordingly, a U.S. person generally may not engage in any transactions with such an entity, unless authorized by OFAC.

Essentially these are human right violators who are beyond the reach of US law, so they will face economic sanctions and are added to the list of sanctioned folks maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control within the Treasury. When we talk about sanctions on Iran or North Korea, it's this list we are talking about. This is the mechanism. Banks and others (like real estate companies like the Trump Organization) have to follow the Know Your Customer laws that prevent bribery and money laundering

What is KYC ?

Know your customer (KYC) refers to due diligence activities that financial institutions and other regulated companies must perform to ascertain relevant information from their clients for the purpose of doing business with them.

One of the basics of KYC is on they on this list.

Also, What branch of government (Executive/Judicial/Legislative) controls the military? Yes, congress gives them authority to go to war, but which branch controls the military? Which branch controls FISA? Which branch controls the Department of Justice and FBI? Why are they all the same branch? coincidence?

Wow. Are you Q?

Military is part of the executive branch with Congressional oversight/appropriations.

FISA is Judicial. FISA was set up by Congress as a Judicial check on the Executive Branch.

DOJ and FBI are Executive.

Why are they all the same branch?

They are not. You are mistaken. FISA is really FISC. The FISA act set up the FISC court, or United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which is part of the Judicial branch.

United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

thisistotallynotme ago

There is no such executive order.

Oh shit. did I just prove you wrong?

I delineated here all the parts of the executive order that apply.

Unfortunately, this pretty much negates the entire middle of your post, so forgive me for not responding directly to it; The executive order should speak for itself.

They are not. You are mistaken. FISA is really FISC. The FISA act set up the FISC court, or United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which is part of the Judicial branch.

You are correct, but if you'll notice, the Defendant and Prosecution are both under the Executive Branch. Plus, the judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of SCOTUS (Executive-appointed). Again you're technically correct (the best kind of correct!). Every other entity I mentioned was Executive-run, so the same question applies: Why are they all in the same branch? is it a coincidence?

KnightsofHubris ago

Oh shit. did I just prove you wrong?

Of course you didn't. You are still wrong about this order says. And you seem to just be making shit up

If you need help: * Section 1(a)(ii) applies to expatriated peoples (such as HRC, Obama).

WTF? Explain to me how you think HRC or Obama are expatriated? Do you simply not know what the word means?

This EO is due to the US law called the Global Magnitsky Act. The law requires an EO for enforcement because Congress cannot seize assets themselves. The mechanism for enforcement relies on other previous laws. You should read that law and the FAQs put out by the Treasury Department if you really want to understand what is.

Unfortunately, this pretty much negates the entire middle of your post, so forgive me for not responding directly to it;

I'm sorry, but you are 180 degrees from the facts here.

You are correct, but if you'll notice, the Defendant and Prosecution are both under the Executive Branch. Plus, the judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of SCOTUS (Executive-appointed). Again you're technically correct (the best kind of correct!).

No. I'm correct in all respects. The Chief Justice of the SCOTUS is nominated by the Executive, but confirmed by the Senate.

And once appointed the executive branch, the Chief Justice is now free to act. So every member of the FISC is picked by the Judiciary.

I don't know what you mean by this

the Defendant and Prosecution are both under the Executive Branch.

The Defendant? This can't be what you mean. A defendant is only used in a trial. And the subject of an investigation could be anyone. It could be you or me, doesn't have to be in the executive branch at all.

Every other entity I mentioned was Executive-run, so the same question applies: Why are they all in the same branch? is it a coincidence?

Do we need to watch SchoolHouse Rock to figure out how our government is set up and what the balance of powers are about?

Can you now see how a sitting President could use the above executive order and all of his Executive Branch Agents to do exactly what we're saying he's doing?

You need learn about the things you are speaking about. You're just off by a significant degree. The President and the Executive Branch have a lot of power, but it's not unchecked and the President is charged by the Constitution to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

This is a case of executive carrying out a law passed by Congress. His powers in this case do not exceed what the law specifies.

thisistotallynotme ago

lol, you replied from the wrong account! Now we know that @KnightsofHubris and @Are_we_sure are the same account! Now we get to watch him backpedal on why he said "No. I'm correct in all respects" to SOMEONE ELSE'S POST.

I love that you ignored all the linked evidence, and only focused on whether Barack Obama (a kenyan) and HRC (required to expatriate to be secretary of state and not commit treason by default) were expatriates.

If you didn't notice, there were eight other sections mentioned that you just ignored completely, because you knew they proved you wrong!

So you'll forgive if I don't read your wall of text. You argued everything but the substance of my reply. On purpose, it seems! From an alt account!

KnightsofHubris ago

lol, you replied from the wrong account! Now we know that @KnightsofHubris and @Are_we_sure are the same account!

Yeah, pretty sure Blacksmith knows this.

think- ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @DarkMath @Shizy: please see parent

KnightsofHubris ago

Que es eso?

DarkMath ago

"congress passed called the Global Magnitsky Act."

Ah yes, the follow up to the fraudulent Magintsky Act. Here's where you idiocy led you astray AreWeSure. According to human rights activist and Putin critic Andrei Nekrasov Bill Browder was in reality trying to cover up Magintsky's death by trying to frame Russian police for his murder. Nekrasov started out making a docu-drama in support of Bill Browder and his "lawyer" Sergei Magintsky. Half way through Nekrasov found out Magintsky wasn't a lawyer but an accountant and he hadn't reported any crime at all. He was interviewed by Russian police as a WITNESS to a tax fraud case against Browder. Starting to get the picture?

The Magintsky Act - Behind the Scenes

Nekrasov did a 180 and finished with a documentary that lays out the case Bill Browder is the one most likely responsible for Magintsky's death. It could be the crime of the century. You would have heard more about it had Browder not gotten the documentary banned in the US and Europe. Odd isn't it?

Or is it just more blatant criminality masquerading as charity and human rights? You know where this is going AreWeSure. I sure hope you saved some of that Resist money. It's about to run out.

Big Smile

@Are_we_sure @Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21 @Shizy

thisistotallynotme ago

lololol. You're so heavily-downvoated a troll that you only get 10 comments a day!

My favorite part of this reply is that you admit that you ignored all of it, and then you double-down on only one part. Nobody reading down this far is taking you seriously anymore, so I'll let you have the last word. I'll even give it a pity upvoat, along with this reply. Maybe it'll allow you to have 11 comments per day!

KnightsofHubris ago

Of course, what I do is not trolling. It not about pissing people off, it's about accuracy and logic and a concern for the truth. Which on this board counts as dissent and thus the downvoats.

speedisavirus ago

It's almost like they aren't just going to start randomly calling everyone enemy combatants. We don't even do that to actual spies we catch. Article 2 exactly states who is eligible. And even just declaring them enemy combatants isn't enough. We have to be at a state of war.

(1) Members of a regular component of the armed forces, including those awaiting discharge after expiration of their terms of enlistment; volunteers from the time of their muster or acceptance into the armed forces; inductees from the time of their actual induction into the armed forces; and other persons lawfully called or ordered into, or to duty in or for training in, the armed forces, from the dates when they are required by the terms of the call or order to obey it.

(2) Cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen.

(3) Members of a reserve component while on inactive-duty training, but in the case of members of the Army National Guard of the United States or the Air National Guard of the United States only when in Federal service.

(4) Retired members of a regular component of the armed forces who are entitled to pay.

(5) Retired members of a reserve component who are receiving hospitalization from an armed force.

(6) Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve.

(7) Persons in custody of the armed forces serving a sentence imposed by a court-martial.

(8) Members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-ministration, Public Health Service, and other organizations, when assigned to and serving with the armed forces.

(9) Prisoners of war in custody of the armed forces.

(10) In time of war, persons serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field.

(11) Subject to any treaty or agreement to which the United States is or may be a party or to any accepted rule of international law, persons serving with, employed by, or accompanying the armed forces outside the United States and outside the Common-wealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.

(12) Subject to any treaty or agreement to which the United States is or may be a party or to any accepted rule of international law, persons within an area leased by or otherwise reserved or acquired for the use of the United States which is under the control of the Secretary concerned and which is outside the United States and outside the Canal Zone, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.

Blacksmith21 ago

You might want to review 10 U.S.C. § 311 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 10. Armed Forces § 311. Militia:  composition and classes -

(a)  The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32 , under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b)  The classes of the militia are--

(1)  the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia;  and

(2)  the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

You may want to also review this from Duke Law:

POTUS also reserves the right to determine who is or is not an enemy combatant. The revisions to UCMJ are designed to be able to incorporate civilians as necessary.

speedisavirus ago

Nothing you said resolves what I said. This is not going to be applicable to the bad actors. At all. No amount of posting text that doesn't support you is going to change that.

speedisavirus ago

Totes. Random retard with a wordpress site is more reliable than the actual fucking text for the UCMJ.

Shizy ago

You're using the word "totes" yet you call someone else a retard? That's pretty retarded!

speedisavirus ago

Because I am not a retard. This individual is actually a low IQ retard.

Shizy ago

You honestly don't sound like a retard, I just hate the word "totes". But in all fairness, you did undermine your argument by resorting to name calling first. That's all I was really aiming to highlight.

Blacksmith21 ago

Is that one of those little recycled bags one carries their groceries in? Or one of those little gay umbrellas?

Shizy ago

I'm thinking little gay umbrella maybe, but I'm no expert on all things gay. Maybe speedisavirus can help us out 😂

thisistotallynotme ago

I/we expect better from you. Quit acting like a 15yo girl in a group bitchiness competition.

@Blacksmith21 pushes out an irrelevant section of US Code about the militia, and pretends it says anything about POTUS' discretion to name enemy combatants.

And four retards upvoated him for it, because they didn't know what the fuck was being said, but it sounded smart.

I've probably downvoated @speedisavirus more than anyone on this site, but he's right here. Nothing @Blacksmith21 said resolved what was said by @speedisavirus.

Frankly, I'm a little mad that I had to be the one to defend the faggot.

speedisavirus ago

How many of miles of cock have you sucked? Thanks for the support.

Shizy ago

Then don't defend the "faggot"! For some reason you felt you needed to, that's fine, but don't blame me! @blacksmith21 is am awesome contributor and this "faggot" wasn't satisfied with the info provided so he calls blacksmith a retard?! Ok, no big deal, then it's also no big deal if I point out he sounds retarded too. He's a big boy, I think he can handle being made fun of for using a word my 7 year old heard on a retarded Disney show!

thisistotallynotme ago

Classy Downvoat/reply. I expect better from you. I'm not sure why you're being so disappointing in this thread. You're smarter/better than this exchange.

Shizy ago

Sorry to disappoint again, DAD! 😂! I mean really, I don't quite understand why you're so bothered by what I do. Or is the proper word we're using "triggered"? The speed guy was the first to lose that exchange because he resorted to calling blacksmith a retard. I see nothing wrong with pointing out the stupidity of that. Blacksmith has been here a long time and is a good contributor. He doesn't deserve the name calling. If defending people I respect from undeserved name calling puts me in the bitchy 15 year old girl club then sign me up!

thisistotallynotme ago

We're not talking about @Blacksmith21's actions in the past. We're talking about this thread right now.

Normally, I'm not bothered by what you do. I've given you literally dozens of upvoats since you joined a year and a half ago.

It's when you want to take a side so badly, that you'll compromise your own stance and reputation in order to take that side, that I state disappointment in you. Unfortunately, in this case that's exactly what happened. Your maternal whiteknight instincts kicked in and you threw out reason and accountability in the process.

I'm here to make you listen to reason, and be accountable for your actions. Quit being a bandwagoning douchecanoe and recognize when the person you're defending has nothing of substance to say.

Shizy ago

I didn't take a position on the subject they were arguing one way or another. That wasn't the point. Again, the point was virus was the first to throw out the oldie yet goodie "retard", and as such he lost the argument. You are free to think whatever you want and have your opinion. Normally I like what you have to say. I also like dads, I just don't need one anymore.

thisistotallynotme ago

If you were taking a position on the subject, I wouldn't have made a post in the first place. But you didn't; you took a side against a person. That's a-paddlin'.


Shizy ago

I disagree that I was taking a position on the subject. I took a position on someone resorting to name calling because they couldn't argue their point. I wasn't writing that as a mod, just as a regular poster, which I'm allowed to do. Why don't you go jump srayzies shit for the things she writes. Or any of the other mods on voat for that matter! Actually don't, srayzie has enough she deals with. I will instead pass along that her husband needs to spank her!!! oh and don't worry, my husband of all people knows how badly I need them too, but he knows I'm feisty and will get him back if he tries it 🤣!

thisistotallynotme ago

have an upvoat for disagreement.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

treason is an act of war, isn’t it? Coups are attacks on a country... I mean... the country is in an active state of emergency, I thought. Even so... the left is doing everything to start an official civil war... so maybe these EOs are failsafes for if trump is impeached or worse

speedisavirus ago

Treason has a high bar and it's incredibly rare to be invoked. We didn't even invoke it during the civil war. Strozk or whatever that cuck's name is definitely meets the definition but it doesn't mean he would be subject to the UCMJ. He would face the civil system that would have the option of executing him.

thisistotallynotme ago

If you didn't know, Q is heavily-alluding to the notion that Strzok was turned. He and Lisa Page are both cooperating.

If you look at the Strzok hearing with this mindset, things are very different. What if Strzok was supposed to not answer any questions? What if everyone on the committe also knew that, and were intentionally asking him questions he couldn't answer?

Also, his Coke bottle with the word "Kate", that made us all dig. The cameras picked up that he was trying to send a message with the bottle, so they panned-out to fit him and the bottle in the same frame.

TL;DR - Strzok and Page are cooperating witnesses.

speedisavirus ago

Lisa Page absolutely went the other way and contradicted Stork. Whatever that criminal fag's name is. Q is still a larp fag that never actually says anything but people make conclusions from it. Stork might end up in prison because she seems flipped but there is no reason to ever allow Stork to get off. He committed death penalty level crimes by trying to cause a coup d'état. And guess what. I'm still right. He isn't subject to the UCMJ. Nothing in this would change that. And he is still a criminal.

thisistotallynotme ago

I agree with you that Lisa Page contradicted Strzok's public testimony. What I'm not sure of is whether she contradicted the testimony Strzok made behind closed doors.

You might be disappointed in both Page and Strzok living long happy lives outside a prison cell. This is usually what happens when lower-level pawns roll-over on larger fish in the pond.

Your statement about the UCMJ would be correct, if you didn't read the December executive orders.

TL;DR - Strzok and Page are cooperating witnesses, and their purpose is to take down Obama/HRC/Comey/McCabe.

speedisavirus ago

I did read it. It doesn't make them subject to it.

thisistotallynotme ago

I read it.

Oh? Which number was it? You'll forgive me for not believing you, because it's pretty obvious within the text.

If you need help:
* Section 1(a)(ii) applies to expatriated peoples (such as HRC, Obama).
* Section 1(a)(B) and 1(a)(C) in their entirety apply to government entities and officials.
* Section 1(D)(iii)(A) in it's entirety applies to government entites and officials.
* Section 3 blocks the money they were able to transact.
* Section 5(b) definitely has no limitations on US citizens or government officials.
Section 6 even defines "person" to INCLUDE all of the above.
Section 7 even allows him to waive serving notice on the affected parties.

Do you see why I think it's very unlikely that you even know which executive order I'm talking about? Your one-liner is a fallacy by assertion.

Pay attention, @Blacksmith21 and @Shizy: this is how you prove he's full of shit without idiocy. and STILL I didn't downvoat him for being wrong.

speedisavirus ago

What a low IQ fuck you are. You really need to learn this thing called reading comprehension. It does no such thing that you claim.

thisistotallynotme ago

You can tell I'm right that he doesn't know which Executive Order, because he still refuses to mention it. After all, if he did mention it, he'd have to deal with the messy issue of it contradicting everything he said.

Thanks for dancing.

speedisavirus ago

I can tell you are a fucking retard because the way you are. There is literally nothing to support what you are saying. Anywhere. Ever. You and blacksmith21 are some of the lowest IQ faggots here and are the kind of idiots the left uses to denigrate the right.

thisistotallynotme ago

Wow, you were so mad, you left for almost two hours, and came back to write this full denial of reality. Do you think anyone believes you? You still haven't mentioned the Executive Order you said you read!

Thanks again for dancing!

speedisavirus ago

I know you are probably a homeless tranny flipping tricks but I have a job where I make a lot of money so I do things like go to meetings and such.

thisistotallynotme ago

You still haven't mentioned the name of the Executive Order you said you read, but you dance so nicely!

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for covering for me. I've been working my ass off, and frankly @thisistotallynotme, you are much better at the legalese than I am. Appreciated.

thisistotallynotme ago

Upvoated for being awesome.

Shizy ago

Hey dad, can you really blame me now for trying to support good guys like blacksmith and poking fun at angry shills like speedo???

thisistotallynotme ago

The short answer is yes.


Russianbots ago

The waiting is just infuriating though. Hopefully the day of the rope will be the reward for the great frustration being felt fight now.

TrishaUK ago

I had NO clue about anything political or even Trump when I came across this prophesy on the internet around April 2016, in fact I barely went on the internet at all - BUT since then I have been amazed at what God has done and how much I have learned. All I did was start to pray for this Trump guy I believed God wanted as president of the USA! Because of your comment above, I remembered Mark Taylor saying something about 'Military Style Tribunals' to deal with the corruption, which is why I am posting this, and this was said even before Trump was elected President! (@ 12:20 mins) But PLEASE treat yourself and listen to the whole 25 mins it will encourage and build faith that these sickos are going to finally be held accountable for what they have done. - Mark Taylor Prophecy August 5, 2018 – TRUMP WILL HAVE A VISITATION FROM HEAVEN – Mark Taylor - @Gothamgirl @pooploser @think- @srayzie - Whether or not you believe in God and prophesy, these are very compelling words, especially considering many of them are coming true, especially regarding the Supreme Court and Presidents dying (Bush Snr down another to go!) - Just need Ginsberg off the Supreme Court she supports evil, one example: wanting the age of sex to be lowered to 12 years old!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

TrishaUK . . .You speak Truth!

Common Sense shows us the Court System is owned. Of course a different method of holding such entrenched criminals with a literal posse is required for justice to be served!

Anyone even a tenth awakened can hear with their ears and see with their own eyes that Trump speaks in Direct Opposition to the evil controllers, those who have been infiltrating our government for years under the pretense of just multiculturalism, acceptance and kindess!

Isn't that what their father always has done? The greatest deceiver of all Always cloaks his actions and motives in do gooder rhetoric!

This style of delivery brings them all in, in droves because it coats and distracts their jarred conscience just enough to start believing the lie that their wickedness isn't just okay, but they start to believe they are saving the world, while abusing the system and humanity even down to our most innocent! That is how they live with themselves and justify it!

I jumped on the Trump Train well before it was popular. Very few people actually like Truth and even fewer really face the Brunt of the cold, hard truth. All it encompasses is Never Pleasant, so I get it, people appreciate being coaxed and coddled. I saw right off , just as I know many on this platform did, that Cruz would not be able to handle the vitriol and depth of diabolical evil coming from the controllers.

In spite of having even family on the side of Good turn against me, I couldn't help but be grateful for someone like Trump, who could take them on!

I Still can't Believe in the face of All the Evidence of Trump's taking these evil ones down, pretty much methodically, people are Too Arrogant to Admit They were Wrong! It is such a human flaw we all fall prey to at times, so not meaning to judge, we are all susceptible.

The truth is blatant and Trump is No different from the fact that Many, many times God chose people to lead who were far less than perfect or not even commendable. For crying out loud. . .Paul (Saul) in his day was no different than Soros! Killed Christians, had them murdered! Why do they forget? It is God's power and doing through whom He chooses, not man's decision to flounder and fight until they choose who they think is Best for the job! Really, because how has That worked so Far?

Man's ways are Not God's ways! How do we identify them as from God? The fruit! You search, be discerning, Stay Awake!

We all know what King David did! Yes, he was that meek and mild singing and skipping his way through the fields as a shepherd boy once, but the position of power God elevated him to, he abused by giving in to temptations which didn't just involve his voyeurism vice, but involved murder in an effort to cover his sins and crimes.

The question is. . .Did God Still Use Him? YES! Did God forgive him? YES!

Is Trump flawed? Did he make past mistakes? YES! Are his mistakes greater than mine or yours? Does God categorize sin?

No, man categorizes sin, God Does NOT! . How do I know? As far as the east is from the west. God didn't give an unless or a starred list of exemptions!

Does Trump speak Against God or For God? I mean our President Trump literally brought Christmas Back and these people are Still of little faith and putting him down. He takes no salary! He could be enjoying his golden years and not constantly fielding all these attacks, barbs and reminders of who he used to be, and many past and current are unfounded with Zero proof! Hasn't that been the MO of the cabal and their mockingbird media for Years? Why do people fall prey to it?

If he's putting on a show. . .well, it's a bang up show and I'll take tickets because No One else has taken the pedos on Like Trump!

You take a Child Defiler down, I will back you until the cows come home! I will Stand United with You! Trump is nothing short of a HERO to these little ones and to All of Those who have been abused by them and grow up! They grow up, but the evil never Stops trying to overshadow them!

He Does what he says or at least strives Very hard to follow through!

Such little patience! These criminals will be dealt with in due time, but not so quick just to satisfy naysayers! Trump is Not about popularity. . .he is about action, justice and he will not sacrifice rounding a few high ranking up for tribunals before there is enough time to gather as many connected to them as possible!

Free Mason roots. ..who did the white hats have to mix with in order to get inside info? Did they have to give the air that they were going along at times while gathering their information stealthily until they could make their move?

Did God lead and have his leaders orchestrate counter intelligence? Battle of Jericho, land of the Canaanites! Moses gathering intel on the Pharaoh!

Who are We to question God Almighty's motives? I see passages that state God doesn't want His little ones harmed! Based on just this One Very Vital Point. ..Trump is doing God's Work! No One else has ever done it on such a large scale or in a place of power (obstructed, attempt to trip him up. . .but Still moving forward).

Those who attempted before him were picked off or in those like Reagan's case, he was stopped and brought in!

I think Most telling is the fact they. ..the cabal have made it Very Clear they want him impeached or even dead! They have done All manner of vile things and spewed incredible vitriol! People who generally Get What They Want, haven't been able to, WHY?

They conduct themselves like the forces of hell in actions and speech, but Trump stays protected! Does that Not show the Hand of a Higher Power? Just think of All the cabal's connections, manipulations and all whom they have picked off! Don't you think if they Really were able, they would Stop Trump?

God's Hand, God's Protection! People should heed God's warning!

Psalm 105:15. . .Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

You are so right TrishaUK, Ginsberg has been helping them for decades! She consistently furthers their pedo agenda and aides orgs like Nambla and heart progress. SICK!

God bless you TrishaUK, Srayzie, Russianbots, Crazy_Eyes, Gothamgirl and all those here Taking a STAND! You Are the Fight For Good and sorely Needed Right at this moment in Time! Carry on Fine Patriots! Carry On!

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I believe he was god sent, and I think we have each been choosen too.

SpeakSoft ago

God does not choose Fools and Freemasons. Trump is the False Prophet.

There is your Great Awakening.

Judgejewdy ago

God can use anyone. If He can (and did) use an ass (donkey), He can use Trump!

crazy_eyes ago

You claim to know what God would choose, you are the false prophet

Gothamgirl ago

Nope rampant pedophillia was my great awakening. I can't say what god chooses. We have gathered here for the children and to keep spreading the truth. I know by doing the right thing, God will be with us.

Russianbots ago


srayzie ago

I totally believe that Trump is a God send. I’ll check it out. You should check out the pastor Paul Begley on youtube, I love him! He’s hilarious. He focuses on prophesy and is redpilled about the Illuminati. I think you would really like him. I’ll check out that video!

SpeakSoft ago

Jesus Christ hates Donald Trump.

Trump is the False Prophet.

Trump made a deal with the Devil, and there is no turning back. You are being deceived.

What do you think 5G Artificial Intelligence is? What does the Apple logo represent?

Have you actually read the Bible or have any understanding of Biblical prophecy?

Do you know what the Temple Mount is?

Do you know what their real plan is?

Do you really know anything at all @srayzie and @shizy, or have any real world experience with those involved?

When will you experience your own Great Awakening and stop believing Evil and Corrupt Traitors who are pretending to Drain the Swamp when they are actually making deals with the Devil?

Will you Repent and ask for forgiveness when you are proven wrong, or will it be too late?

Crensch ago

4 months, 0scp -36ccp You contribute nothing of value to anyone, apparently.

When will you provide any evidence for your claims?

@srayzie @shizy

Shizy ago

Good luck getting an answer! He seems to prefer to spout off weird cryptic nonsense.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

"Do you really know anything at all"

Shut the fuck up. GTFO with your crazy shit.

Shizy ago

Don't bother to ping me lispy whisper. I don't do crazy and you remain blocked.

srayzie ago

It sounds like you need Jesus. You’re a very bitter judgmental hateful person who talks a lot of shit when you’re safe in front of your keyboard. This is the Internet. I give absolutely ZERO fucks about what you think of me. You need to go repent you weirdo.

Shizy ago

Looks like this MPD psycho is following you around still srayzie! The facility really should limit "their" screen time!

srayzie ago

Haha. I know.

SpeakSoft ago

We are not hateful at all. We are loving. You are your friends are too blinded by your lust for power that you have forgotten how to see.


We have DIRECT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with those involved and WITNESSED EXTREME CRIMES committed by the MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE in the world.

Trump turned his back on the People and made a deal with the Devil. We saw it happen with our very eyes.

We are trying to help you find the Truth. You simply cannot handle it, or you are controlled. Which is it?

kestrel9 ago

Just STFU already.

srayzie ago

I think you sound like something out of a horror movie. You’re either CIA, Mossad, a paid shill, mentally ill, or from some sort of warped organization. I don’t want truth by some group of angry strangers that tells me I’m going to hell. That isn’t trying to help me.

I already know the truth. I’ll be at the finish line.

Shizy ago

If this, whatever the hell he is pretending to be, actually has the information he claims to have then he should get off his ass and do something with it! Put up or shut up!!!

Are_we_sure ago

Think of how infuriating it's going to be when it turns out to be fake. There are not 45,000 sealed indictments. Americans are not going to Gitmo. Robert Mueller is not secretly working with Trump.

There's no secret coup going on.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Can we have an AMA session with you on Reddit when this all goes down? I would love to see you answering questions about how this is all fake when the declassified FISA information is released, the DNC server is analyzed, the Awan brothers are fully investigated, the additional Clinton emails are found, blatant media collusion/participation is exposed, and the swamp is taken away in cuffs.

Or.... everything above is the most complex disinformation campaign ever conceived, all that evidence was planted, and this is all just an insane conspiracy theory to defend against actual Russian collusion that occurred, despite that case continuing to completely fall apart.

Are_we__sure ago

Or.... everything above is the most complex disinformation campaign ever conceived,

It's not really complex when you have a group that has trained themselves to believe stuff like this. You don't need to plant evidence. You believed all that despite the evidence.

but sure I'm up for it. Are you? Because we are far, far beyond "the DNC server being analyzed." Have you read that indictment of the GRU? How is the case falling completely apart. I'm curious. And the Awan brothers were investigated.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Really? So... the shaky FISA warrant the Left doesn't want declassified, which seems to be based on the fake dossier is evidence of... what about that?

How are we "far beyond" the DNC server being analyzed? You trust Crowdstrike to provide this kind of intel? Or was this all derived from somewhere else?

Re: Awan's... lol... really believe that was it for Imran? No one else involved there? No foul play with Schultz and the laptop? Attorney client privilege?


SpeakSoft ago

The waiting is part of the plan to buy more time and allow for the massive cover-up and restructuring of the New World Order.

At least not everyone is so dumb and naive to believe that the swamp will be drained with military tribunals.

What a sad, sad joke this has become while they trick everyone with games and distractions.

Do any of you know what Hegelian Dialectic is? Have any of you ever watched Pro Wrestling? Do you really believe that your vote matters? Do you really believe that you have Free Speech?

We can assure you with absolute 100% confidence that THEY ARE NOT DRAINING ANY SWAMP.

There is a map of the unsealed indictments. We know for certain that it will have ZERO effect.

We personally know about more elite members of industry and government who have committed extreme acts of corruption and abuse than are on the list.

Do you really trust Michael Aquino and the military? Do you really trust Erik Prince and Betsy DeVos? Do you really trust Chris Wray or Jeff Sessions, or the mormon from Utah John Huber? Do you really trust the Atlantic Council and Trilateral Commission? Why hasn't Trump said anything about these groups? Do you really believe there are "good Freemasons"?

Why is everyone dismissing the obvious red flags by both Q and Trump, including Trump's entire history of working with the mafia and the corrupt elite?

This is no Great Awakening at all. Most of you are sleepwalking.

Trust in Jesus Christ and the real Truth. Open your eyes and your mind to something bigger than yourself.

Arrvee ago

I don’t see how anyone can say that nothing is being done.

Nothing is being done about the education sector or the information sector. Taking out NXIVM was a big hit, but other than that Trump has been nibbling around the edges of a beast that is growing exponentially. Arresting Alwaleed was another big hit, but we never took advantage of it to strike at his forces. We could have cited his connection to 9/11 and seized his American assets after the Saudis arrested him, but we didn't. His people are still running Big Tech. There are many more missed opportunities.

thisistotallynotme ago

upvoated, but you're incorrect.

the agreements made with Prince Mohammed Bin Salman are having MASSIVE ramifications in the middle east. SA is now in charge of turning Yemen into a sheet of glass. They're also attacking in syria (@ThomasWictor has done tons of analysis on this).

In addition, Al-Waleed's "forces" were all arrested with him. They didn't have 6 billion dollars to buy their freedom, so they're all either still incarcerated, or executed. Antifa is just a temp agency, working under contract.

As for "Big Tech" (does anyone hate all these "Big X" orwellian newspeak terms?), Bin Talal was the largest individual shareholder in only twitter, a CIA asset. his stock in Facebook was negligible for leverage. As all of them are complicit in major crimes, they all have individual reasons to fight against Trump shining light into everything. They're no longer doing it to stop Trump; they're doing it to stay alive.

benjitsu ago

Is it really fair to expect Trump (or the government) to fix everything? Isn't this how we got here in the first place?

Shizy ago

You're completely right! Trump can only do so much, it's up to the rest of us to get things done and not sit back like children

benjitsu ago

I think you mean in the greater sense....which I absolutely agree with but I also mean that a lot of these areas really aren't within his scope of authority. Although he has done a pretty magnificent job of using the authority he has or moving people into his authority range.

Shizy ago

Yep that's what I meant. We can't expect him to do everythin

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Beast grows exponentially, but how many actual child raping satanists are there compared to the whole population? We only need to eradicate maybe 1% of the population. Not out of reach imo.

Blacksmith21 ago

Here's your assignment @arvee - Tell me a little bit about the Secretary of Ed. And a little more about the current state of Common Core aka "Deep State Re-education Curricula."

Arrvee ago

The Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is the sister of the head of Blackwater. Common Core was created by the Carnegie Foundation whose board includes at least two Qatar Foundation board members and a Rothschild operative. DeVos could issue a recommendation to stop using Common Core due to the foreign influence, but she hasn't.

Blacksmith21 ago

De Vos is Prince's sister. Prince is the guy working with Flynn behind the scenes to take down the DS. It's pretty fair to say she is beyond redpilled. It will take a while to overcome the entrenched DS in the DoED. But DeVos is working on it. Have faith.

think- ago

You mean Eric Prince, who has been working with convicted pedophile George Nader? Who, btw., met with Steve Bannon and Jared Koushner?

George Nader is a Lebanese-American businessman, lobbyist, and convicted pedophile. He has acted as an unofficial liaison between Washington politicians and Middle Eastern officials.

Nader is an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates and a consultant to Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

Nader was sentenced in the 1990s for transporting child pornography publications, and imprisoned in 2003 for sexually abusing 10 boys in the Czech Republic.

So the guy employs pedos, but is working behind the scenes to take the Deep State pedos down?

Right.... /s

Blacksmith21 ago

Who do you think gave bin Talal the inversion table? There is a difference between meeting with someone and working with them. Trump Jr met with Nader - is he a pedo?

It's a dirty business. Many unsavory characters.

Prince is 100% patriot and White Hat.

SpeakSoft ago

Erik Prince is a Traitor and so is his sister.

Blackwater is not a "good" company, and never has been. Just ask Dyncorp.

Remember when Erik Prince was on Breitbart talking about the contents on Anthony Weiner's computer?

Is he such a patriot and White Hat to keep this all to himself while Anthony gets a light wrist slap for sexting?

Anyone who believes that Erik Prince is a "good" guy might also be dumb enough to "Trust Sessions" and also believe that Trump is a "Good" guy who is Draining the Swamp one tweet at a time.

Look at yesterday's headlines about Mattis and Trump being on the same page about the Space Force. What does that tell you?

Why are the People so easily deceived by false leaders?

thisistotallynotme ago

I rarely do a downvoat/reply combo. Feel honored.

You made me laugh, because you think the Weiner Laptop isn't gonna be released in October. You also think that Wikileaks INSURANCE file on The Pirate Bay isn't just the contents of that laptop's INSURANCE folder.

You also haven't read the March Executive Order that takes effect January 2019, which was pretty funny, too.

You also don't understand that Marines serve POTUS exclusively, and that Mattis (and Mueller!) is a marine. That one is gonna be funny by January, and I'll make a note to send you a PM laughing about it.

So, thanks for the laughs.

think- ago

There is a difference between meeting with someone and working with them.

Yes, indeed, when you meet someone at a party. Not so much when you meet him to possibly benefit from his political connections. And why is Prince actually employing Nader as a consultant?

Trump Jr met with Nader - is he a pedo?

You are the one claiming that Trump is going to take the pedos down, not me.

So the first thing I'd assume that he'd do is stay away from known pedos, right? And don't let a member of his family and his advisor meet with one - especially since Nader has worked closely with Bill Clinton.

Prince is 100% patriot and White Hat.

That's the joke of the century. Remember his contracts with the CIA?

Blacksmith21 ago

You are being way too black and white. There is a lot of gray in the middle.

think- ago

No, sometimes there isn't.

There isn't 'gray in the middle' when you get billions from the CIA.

There isn't 'gray in the middle' when you knowingly employ a convicted pedo.

But thank you for proving that your theory about Prince secretly plotting to take the Deep State down has no validity whatsoever.

thisistotallynotme ago

You were in the right until this double-post. Then you went full-faggot by gloating. His theory still has validity, despite your disagreement about whether "grey in the middle" exists or not.

You got upvoats from me on this entire thread until now. This is the point in which you lost the argument.

Blacksmith21 ago

@think- @thisistotallynotme

Y'all may want to learn a bit more about special operations and how this world works. [Keep in mind The Intercept exists to be a quasi-MSM Deep State leak site to compromise its enemies in the trade. TI is banned on DoD networks]

Feel free to continue this discussion. I'll be in the area all evening.

thisistotallynotme ago

You're preaching to the choir on those links. I'm down with big grey areas. :)

Blacksmith21 ago

I wasn't sure between the UCMJ castigation and questioning my service to this country. But you pulled out a win ; )

think- ago

You still haven't answered my question, @Blacksmith21: Why is someone actually employing a convicted pedo who you say is secretly working on taking all elite pedos down?

srayzie ago

You need to know this @shizy girl ❤️