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kneo24 ago

I don't doubt that Q is real, I just doubt that it's for the greater good. A lot of it seems like limited disclosure to reset the power pieces on the chess board for (((their))) benefit. Trump is the central figure in all of this, not Q. Q is just the narrator. Here's something similar I've posted before and people just ignore it.

A lot of people here who follow the Q movement believe that the Jews will get theirs at the end - not just specific Jews, but Israel and their leaders along with their world wide web of paid agents and the network of everything else tied to their disgusting ways. A lot of those people believe that by naming specific Jews, that Q has "named the jew". That's not really naming the jew per-say, as there's some refusal to come right out and say, "Jews are bad". Naming specific people doesn't necessarily mean you dislike their race. At some point you can't tiptoe around the issue anymore. The overton window doesn't shift if people don't start trying to shift it.

They also believe that the President is playing a large part in this whole Q thing, and that's going to be focal to my point. If Trump is focal, and Jews are bad, why is his lineage going to be Jewish? I can ignore him surrounding himself with Jews, or even buy into the "keep your enemies closer" bit. Many of the big players are Jewish. Sometimes you have to hang out with the den of evil to take it down from within and that's how the game has been setup.

However to marry the majority of your family off to the Jews for the greater good, I just don't buy it. If the Jews really come tumbling down like everyone hopes, that takes down his adults sons (maybe not Donald Jr now that he's divorced) and his favorite daughter - it takes down his grand children. That is one tough pill thing to believe. If his family isn't going to fall around this, then it looks like another game of Jews out jewing other Jews to get into power, i.e. left wing Jews vs right wing Jews and at the end, we're still stuck with Jews. It's a lose-lose situation.

If you do believe he'll throw his family to the wolves for the greater good, wouldn't that be something? What he would be doing is throwing everything on Baron to continue on the lineage and we haven't seen anything that would indicate that's what he's doing.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the response. So Q is not a LARP. Q is not fake, but you think it's probably not ultimately for our benefit.

I think many of your points are valid, and they concern me, too. I don't have an answer for them. All I can say is that I'm on board as long as the moves seem to be for the benefit of America.

If I'm wrong, and everything was a reset for (((them))), then I don't believe we had a chance of stopping it anyway. Not enough whites are awake to do anything, and I personally place their awakening at the top of my priority list, which is something the Q phenomenon has done beautifully.

Blacksmith21 ago

From kneo24:

"i.e. left wing Jews vs right wing Jews and at the end, we're still stuck with Jews."

Who else used the same phrase? 'member?

Crensch ago

Err, I responded a while back to someone whining about left wing vs right wing Jews with "they're all just Jews to me" or something like that.

No idea if there was something else you were getting at.

kneo24 ago

He's trying to insist that CBG and I are the same people, based off of that one statement.

kneo24 ago

The drama between you and CBG is between you two, but for the record I believe his heart is in the right place when it comes to getting rid of the Jewish menace that has plagued humanity.

All I can say is that I'm on board as long as the moves seem to be for the benefit of America.

I hear you on that. Anything that benefits America will hopefully benefit whites. It's a powerful motivating tool. It's been a really long time since the U.S. has had a leader that's strong and is actually going through with as many campaign promises as they can in such a short time.

If I'm wrong, and everything was a reset for (((them))), then I don't believe we had a chance of stopping it anyway. Not enough whites are awake to do anything, and I personally place their awakening at the top of my priority list, which is something the Q phenomenon has done beautifully.

What I'm more concerned with is what we do after that. There's a narrative that's being controlled. I would hope you see it. We don't have all of the information and whoever "Q" is, does have all of the information. How do we keep the people awake and keep them going. Once the reset happens, I believe a lot of people will just declare victory and move on.

It's why I refuse to "TRUST THE PLAN". It's some cult like mentality and it's incredibly effective.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

I like your perspective. Fwiw, I agree with you. Nothing has shown me that Trump/Q are trying to reset the mistakes we made at the end of WW2 and the events leading up to it. If anything,, Trump is kind of looking like a neocon, but not exactly.

I don't know what we can do either, but anyone saying "relax and do nothing, we'll take care of it" has never turned out to be doing something benevolent in the long run.