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talmoridor-x ago

This video sums it up nicely:

distracted from big pizzagate developments

constant misdirection

Also, Q IS REAL. I don't doubt that. But he and POTUS are a joint psyop to misdirect the redpilled into supporting neoconservatism

Crensch ago

From OP:

Present your case better than he did. Either defend your position with facts, evidence, and if a video, timestamps to the relevant parts,

I'm not spending 40 fucking minutes of my time to prove you right. Point me to the relevant parts where this guy somehow proves your statements.

Also, Q IS REAL. I don't doubt that. But he and POTUS are a joint psyop to misdirect the redpilled into supporting neoconservatism

That's not what's on trial here. The buzzword of the anti-Q is "LARP". LIVE ACTION ROLE-PLAY - Suggesting he's just some random anon faggot that doesn't actually have any insider info.

Can you prove your claim about Q being a psyop for that particular purpose?

talmoridor-x ago

I can only infer at this time. Spend some time reading opposing viewpoints; actively try to prove yourself wrong, then make the judgement.

Crensch ago

Spend some time reading opposing viewpoints; actively try to prove yourself wrong, then make the judgement.

Why don't all of you faggots that actively try to mock people like me, that seem to already have the info I'd be looking for, present it?

I've seen what has been presented, and like everything you posted here, it was absolutely pathetic.

How about you take a dose of your own medicine, since you want me to take my time based on your word. You've very obviously not presented anything suggesting you've done so.

talmoridor-x ago

take a dose of your own medicine

I have, and do so constantly. For months, I was on board with the Q crowd, until Trump had passed Omnibus, and ultimately, ordered a second strike on Syria. Question everything. I wouldn't be mad if this was all part of Trump's 4-D chess master plan, I just think it's incredibly unlikely at this point.