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SoberSecondThought ago

Wright Item 1 Analysis

I'm not going to go into this much detail for each of Wright's 55 items, but I want to explain Q/HLI/Senate Anon/Tory Smith's basic method. The very first item is a good example.

CLAIM: Q knew the purpose of Jared Kushner's classified trip to Saudi Arabia several months before any news report.

FALSE. The screenshots Wright provided show nothing of the kind. There was a news story on Oct 29th about Kushner going to Saudi. Then Q asked a question on the 2nd without actually mentioning Kushner's name. Then there was a purge reported Nov 4th. However, Q didn't tell us about the purge, and he didn't supply any kind of "inside" detail whatever. Eventually in April 2018 the Daily Mail connected Kushner with the purge, but Q never did. Plus, the way that Q set up his question led in a totally different direction. He had a bunch of text about Huma Abedin's connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, then asked "Who took an undisclosed trip to Saudi Arabia? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?" The next day, he kept at the Huma theme, saying:

What data just dropped? Why is this relevant? HUMA. HUMA. HUMA. Where is HUMA? Who is HUMA connected to? What organization? What is HUMA's family history? How did HUMA meet HRC? What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they are? Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden? Were deals made w/ select D's? Can we expose every crooked politician? 70%. HUMA. Follow HUMA. Alice & Wonderland.

This was just a routine part of Q's shotgun-blast "cold reading" technique. Wright is projecting what he wants to see on Q, and ignoring just how utterly useless and random Q's barrage of breadcrumbs really is. Long-form articles about the Saudi purge in the New Yorker or the Guardian (for example) never mention either Huma or the Brotherhood. She was not indicted as promised on November 6th, nor was John Podesta indicted on November 3rd. The purge was about corruption and getting control of royal family assets.

During those days Q asked a blizzard of 269 rhetorical questions: 13 on the 28th, 45 on the 29th, 1 on the 30th, 36 on the 31st, 43 on the 1st, and 131 on the 2nd. Let's look at some more of the 267 questions that Q asked during that time.

  • Could John McCain's surgery have been fake?
  • Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?
  • Why were certain rooms at the White House renovated?
  • What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?
  • Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?
  • Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?
  • What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?
  • Four carriers & escorts in the pacific? Why is that relevant?
  • Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?
  • Why is Donna running for cover? Was a deal granted in exchange for something? Who made the deal?
  • Who controls NK? Who really controls NK?

At this point, no evidence has surfaced that McCain's surgery was fake, or that Obama ever went to North Korea, or that there was a "device" placed in a room in the White House. There's no evidence that the presence of four carriers in the Pacific meant anything special. Nothing has turned up about a deal for Donna Brazile. And again, Q was flat-out wrong about John Podesta or Huma Abedin being indicted. There is also nothing to suggest that Kim Jong Un isn't in control of North Korea.

And remember, these are just 15 of the 268 questions he asked on those days. I'm not trying particularly hard to cherry-pick the worst examples out of those five days of questions. They're all like this. Running down all these supposed breadcrumbs, all these phony leads, takes a lot of time. That's their purpose. You're supposed to be awestruck and exhausted at the very idea of unraveling all the threads of the conspiracy.

I complained about this same technique back in November of last year, when he used it under the persona of WisconsinIsCorrupt. In the space of a random span of four days, he accused 67 different people and organizations in Wisconsin of somehow being part of some evil network. They included DuPont, the port of Racine, the Gates Foundation, and the Mayo Clinic. As per his usual style, he didn't offer any evidence whatever to support any of his claims. Interestingly, during that initial period of Oct 28 through Nov 2nd, Q asked these two questions:

What is the Mayo Clinic? Who sits on the BOD there?

This is important, because it shows what a bad idea it was for David Brock / Media Matters to assign one guy to maintain the cover-up. At this point in our story, the new character of Q is less than a week old, and already he's recycling stuff from previous characters.

Two Key Points To Take Away

My first point is that if you look at Q's work in isolation, it's total crap. The mainstream media coverage of Q that we saw today is terrible for a bunch of reasons, such as because it doesn't for a single second reflect on, say, the 45,000 sealed items in PACER. There's a very hot story here that they're not seeing. However, when a normie reads Q, he quickly realizes that it's a scam, because it actually is a scam. People who are redpilled are much more vulnerable to these tricks, because they come in with the expectation that they've been lied to about everything. Q manipulates their religious faith, their anti-Semitism, a whole range of preconceptions. He knows how to do this, he's been doing it since at least 2014 by my reckoning.

My second point is that if you look at the history, if you actually read what he wrote as HighLevelInsider and Senate Anon and WisconsinIsCorrupt, and if you go through my investigative series, you can see that it's always the same crap. The same crap from the same guy.

It's very late, and I need to get some sleep. I'll tackle more of the list tomorrow.

dooob ago

For someone who has a lot of data, you seem greatly misinformed. Here are some examples:

At this point, no evidence has surfaced that McCain's surgery was fake

Yeah, have you ever had a family member go through chemo? You lose a shitton of weight, you become skin and bones. McCain seems to handle his chemo rather well, he even went to vote a few days after an operation.

or that there was a "device" placed in a room in the White House

Yeah, Trump did a multimillion renovation of a WH for shits and giggles.

There is also nothing to suggest that Kim Jong Un isn't in control of North Korea.

You think Q ended a 70 year old war by shitposting? Why did Kim replace top generals?

Should I even continue or can I use your excuse and say "I'm not going to go into this much detail for each of your items" and of course "I'm not trying particularly hard to cherry-pick the worst examples".

Answer me this one simple question, what is the average lifespan of a larp, ie how long does it take for autists to debunk a larp?

Blacksmith21 ago

Your last question is the one to be asked. Lifespan of a LARP. They never survive more than a few days. Weeks at most.

And yes, they WH underwent massive demo and rebuild - OO, WW, and private quarters.

SoberSecondThought ago

I don't trust John McCain, but for evidence of his surgery being fake, I'd need something more than just your opinion that he doesn't look thin enough.

I also don't trust the Secret Service or elements in the NSA not to spy on Trump. The White House is likely loaded with microphones. So he can renovate all he wants. But Q clearly implied there was a device that would hurt people. Show me any news report of such a device.

And I'm a simple man, so you'll have to explain to me how Kim replacing his generals is somehow evidence that he's not in charge. The point of Q's question in November of last year was not that Kim would meet with the South in April of this year and then replace a couple of generals in June of this year. You don't get to claim a win by saying Q mentioned North Korea and then North Korea ... went on existing eight months later.

As for your final point, it begs the question. I'm an autist and I debunked this larp eight months ago. I was the only person out of thousands of redpilled observers who publicly debunked it before it even started. You just don't like my debunking.