exposethecriminals ago

I am posting a lot about Quakers here because I once drove by a Quaker pre-school and saw child-sized headstones dotting the front lawn. Even though I learned later it's common for a Quaker meeting house/school/burial ground to be all together, churches do that too, something about the sight haunted me. Especially since the Clintons chose a Quaker school for their child, and many other elites have as well.


Food for thought:

While I was unable to find v/pizzagate threads or comments tying Quakerism, or the Friends' 'elite' schools, to Pedogate, I found this comment in a thread on /pol/ called "Trafficking, Pizza, Pedo General":

The Fox family are an Anglo-Scot-Irish Illuminati bloodline involved with the British Peerage, British government, and the founding of the Quakers. They were also merchants and bankers that helped to create Barclays Bank. They are the Earls of Ilchester in the UK and own large amounts of land. Another branch from Cornwall helped to establish the Quakers and were involved with the merchant trades and banking. George Fox who is not identified as a relative of the Fox family of Cornwall established the Quakers or Religious Society of Friends.

Catholic is defined as universal and claims to control all Christian denominations including the Quakers. The Fox family are intermarried with the Barclay family who are also Quakers and they established Barclays Bank which has assets estimated at over 1.2 trillion today. The David Barclay and Frederick Barclay are relatives of this family and worth 6.5 billion. The Barclays brothers own Press Holdings and Telegraph Media Group.

The Fox family established Fox, Fowler and Company which was bought by another Quaker bank called Lloyds Bank and Lloyds Banking Group with assets estimated today at over 817 billion. Liam Fox is an influential British politician with an Irish Roman Catholic background from Scotland. Liam Fox is Secretary of State for International Trade, President of the Board of Trade and was previously the Secretary of State for Defence where he supported using military force against Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.



F o x = three sixes


Also, I found examples suggesting Quakerdom is entwined with witchcraft:

Quaker Friends Journal:

Allow Me to Introduce You, Witches and Friends

Deep down, I believe these two spiritual traditions [Quaker circles and witchcraft] have important core values in common….there are usually plenty of Friends ready to reassure me that I am welcome; they tell me that there are plenty of Pagans within Quakerdom



Powell House:

Powell House is the conference and retreat center of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Tomorrow begins their three day "Powell House Adjunct School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," including instruction on Potions, History of Magic, and Divination:



Side note: It's five miles from Marina Abramovic's home

exposethecriminals ago

Quaker Friends schools connection to Pedogate revealed by pizza-sex teacher Al Vernacchio -- via The Kinsey Institute and Planned Parenthood.

In 2013 Vernacchio wrote that Quaker Mary Calderone is top among Friends sex educators.

Mary Calderone was medical director at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, then founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).


SIECUS’s website directs visitors to the pro-pedophilia Kinsey Institute for more information on sex education! :


For those unfamiliar, The Kinsey Institute and pedophilia:




SIECUS guides the third grade sex ed curriculum at Friends School of Minnesota:

  • understand that touch can be pleasurable but is uncomfortable when forced


That sounds like grooming


From one anti-SIECUS/Calderone pamphlet, 1968:

Page 2:

However, the thrust of SIECUS is to get the most sex information to the child as early as possible to ostensibly counteract what Dr. Calderone describes as misinformation children learn from parents….

Page 3:

Her answer to the 'question, "How can I judge if our sex-education courses are good?" is an amazing, "I'm afraid that parents cannot exercise judgments as to quality in terms of content because most parents are not qualified.

PDF: Sex Education in the Schools by Gordon Drake


These people are sick.


13Buddha ago

Holy Crap. It just keeps getting worse.

exposethecriminals ago

Yes. I also learned today that the spirit cookers' dream man, Aleister Crowley, came from a wealthy Quaker family

exposethecriminals ago

Great post. This is really sick!

Other Quaker Friends schools were chosen by Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, and other 'elites' for their children:


carmencita ago

OMG! I must have been in a Funk Fog. Why did I not pick up on that? WOW. Wynnewood could be a Satanic Area since our Victim was a member of a cult family. I am sure there were other cult families around there as well. Is this moron a SRA product? Hmm. Wonder where he went to school. I am going to send her the article. WOW Again. and Thank You!

exposethecriminals ago

You're welcome. Definitely could be a cult area, and the population is only around 13 - 14,000

exposethecriminals ago

Leadership of the Quaker Friends school Vernacchio works for:


carmencita ago

http://www.thedp.com/article/2013/02/gse-grad-asks-whats-your-sex-footprint Notice the part about the Vagina Cronices She was his student in HS. WOW.

exposethecriminals ago

Wow, great find!

carmencita ago

I also found that he admitted he was an Irish Catholic and that he taught at the same Catholic HS he went to. All Boys!!! He goes out of his way to never mention the schools he went to but I am sure he must have gone to all RC schools since his parents were Die Hard Catholics. WOW. Wonder if he was abused by a priest. God, every article I have seen almost, he talks about pizza. You should do a post on him in particular and his background. I have tried to connect him to PIE but can find nothing. There is something behind his agenda. I think it is the Normalization Tactic. He talks about LGBTQA WTH is A? I forgot. Dang, they are going to add the whole Bleeping alphabet before they are done. https://alvernacchio.com/how-i-got-into-sex-ed/ As usual I am working on at least 4 things. ARRGH!!!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Great find! Reminds me of an article I read not too long ago about a porn addiction clinic that has patients as young as 8.

urbanmoving ago

Remember pizza is street code and online code they use it as a dog whistle

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

A dog whistle. That's a very accurate description!

carmencita ago

When I went to school they separated the boys and girls when they even gave the girls the talk about the time of the month. Then we were also separated later in 7th grade for the very simple and generic man and woman talk. Wow. We have come a long way baby. I bet their parents don't know what's going on in that class. Vernacchio seems to just love the word pizza.

13Buddha ago

Actually, the Phildelphia mag article states that no parent has ever complained. This is just another story about the blatant in-your-face slap-in-the-face reality of manipulation of the masses.

Just another ho-hum event in most people's lives as they watch the next movie or episode of whatever s$%t they watch on tv, neither knowing nor caring what their children are up to.

carmencita ago

The Binge Watching Netflix Generation. Shameful. Also the NYT is a sympathizer with the pizza crowd. The Head of the Times was with the BBC when he covered for Savile for years.

More Shame.