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exposethecriminals ago

Quaker Friends schools connection to Pedogate revealed by pizza-sex teacher Al Vernacchio -- via The Kinsey Institute and Planned Parenthood.

In 2013 Vernacchio wrote that Quaker Mary Calderone is top among Friends sex educators.

Mary Calderone was medical director at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, then founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).

SIECUS’s website directs visitors to the pro-pedophilia Kinsey Institute for more information on sex education! :

For those unfamiliar, The Kinsey Institute and pedophilia:


SIECUS guides the third grade sex ed curriculum at Friends School of Minnesota:

  • understand that touch can be pleasurable but is uncomfortable when forced

That sounds like grooming


From one anti-SIECUS/Calderone pamphlet, 1968:

Page 2:

However, the thrust of SIECUS is to get the most sex information to the child as early as possible to ostensibly counteract what Dr. Calderone describes as misinformation children learn from parents….

Page 3:

Her answer to the 'question, "How can I judge if our sex-education courses are good?" is an amazing, "I'm afraid that parents cannot exercise judgments as to quality in terms of content because most parents are not qualified.

PDF: Sex Education in the Schools by Gordon Drake


These people are sick.


13Buddha ago

Holy Crap. It just keeps getting worse.

exposethecriminals ago

Yes. I also learned today that the spirit cookers' dream man, Aleister Crowley, came from a wealthy Quaker family