carmencita ago

StcharlesSeminary ago

Ayers was from Michigan if I am not mistaken, you know how they love to move perpetrators

Exposing ago

@Janet58 @StcharlesSeminary,

I am very sorry for what you have had to endure.

Now I am 100% sure that the pervert has not moved from Boca Raton FL.

Msgr Thomas J Benestad is the president of the Atlantic Cloisters oceanfront condominium association where he owns a unit and resides.

Please see link; I hope this is helpful on further exposing this monster.

The pervert needs to pay for his horrible crimes.

Numberfive ago

All I can say is to become a “ hardened target”... and your children should be taught this.

carmencita ago

How horrid! I think there are many more of the SRA Survivors than we think. I really don't know how this lady came to where she is now. Speaking out and meeting with other Survivors helps immensely. I don't have any children, was never lucky enough. I worked with children though. Love them.

Numberfive ago

I can’t breathe...

carmencita ago

Why? Have you experienced this as well?

Numberfive ago

Carmencita! I hand to burn my old identity because... well because! Go to Warren Zevon on YouTube and listen to “ You’re a whole different person when you’re scared”... warren zevon has been telling us for a long time what is going on...?all his lyrics echo in my brain ... godvplease somebody listen to every lyric he has ever written..: he was trying to tell the truth from werewolves of London til the day he died... killed.. no one told it better than him. Every lyric of every song was a warning to us about Hollywood... he is a hero... and they killed him

carmencita ago

I listened to the music and although I like it quite a bit, I could not get a feeling as to what you mean him sending us a message. Also I looked up the cause of his death and all I could find was mesothelioma. Very strange I don't remember him on David Letterman which we watched quite a bit. What do you mean, They killed him. Who killed him?

Numberfive ago

Satanic Ritual Abuse of Hollywood... includes the music and cartoon industry... all their money is made in private studios all over San Fernando valley... pornography and child abuse and snuff films... private guards at the gates... everywhere! The guards had no idea what they were guarding.

carmencita ago

Yes, we know about that. There have been posts on here about the snuff films. The worst of them all is David G. then Steven S. LA Mafia Things should get so hot for them that they will off themselves. The fire is coming, I believe. They shall go down in blazes. That is our hope.

Numberfive ago

I didn’t need a tunnel... my family and the neighborhoods I grew up in was “ the tunnel” I was told what I saw... I didn’t see I was told if I spoke... I was crazy I was told... to shut the hell up... but I didn’t Been hiding it for nearly 50 years. Attacks constantly... many intended to kill me No rest No quarter No relief This shit has to stop Now! My life is dedicated to it... or they can kill me. Secret societies... Hollywood... Warner Brothers Studios... CIA neighbors... you name it... and it was done to my life... for saying “NO” tomorrow he most powerful people on this planet. I am fucking done... if they try again.. I’ll take a few with me!!!! All I’ve ever wanted was a home, family and love... None of that happened. Why?

carmencita ago

I am sorry you have suffered thru your life. Our beginnings have so much to do with what happens throughout our lives. The things our parents did, what we were born into. I will not ask any more, for I know you cannot divulge. The Jewish Mafia forced Disney out. His brother took over and he was weak. They took over and put in Michael Eisner and the rest is history. They are creating nothing but Evil. Yes all the Studios.

Numberfive ago

Walt Disney was a dyed in the wool pedophile and alchoholic... my sister was married to a man. (Wealthy) Whose father Hod...(Howard)... liv d across the street from June Alyson... baby June from Gypsy Rose Lee fame... yes.. they were sisters! The house was built and designed by Walt himself... looks just like something from Disneyland.. alcoves... strange windows... you name it! But the main bathroom was all in yellow Spanish tile with a toreador fighting a bull glazed into the ceramic... wearing an armband... with a nazi swastika... this is nearly life size proportions. I lived at that house for nearly 6 months while my husband did some restoration work. It blew my mind!

carmencita ago

I have read otherwise, but my mind is still open on him. Bobby Driscoll was abused by him. Then he went on to the next one. Supposedly he had an apt. for Rent Boys. So the story goes. So June and Rose Lee were sisters. Who knew. There are a million stories in the Hollywood Hills...........

Numberfive ago

Biography On IMDb... won’t let me copy paste... son of a Russian gangster... mother a Mormon... difficult childhood... friends with Hunter S Thompson... among many others. “ I saw Lon Chaney... walking with the queen ( Elizabeth).. doing the werewolves of London I saw Lon Chaney Jr. ... walking with the queen ( Elizabeth) ...doing the werewolves of London”

How old is the queen? Is blood important to drink for youth? Privileged young people getting away with murder because of family ties? “Lawyer, Guns and Money” He was shut the hell up!!!! Every lyric of every song... “ Carmelita”... tongue in cheek about theMexican invasion. Please tell me you are as smart as I believe you to be!!! I cannot tell more about my childhood location or experiences because I’ll have to burn this identity also

carmencita ago

The queen is close to 100 and looks like 70. Yes, the drinking of young blood has been reported to be the fountain of youth for the elites. Do never divulge too much about your location or personal history. They are hungry for those that tell the truth. I will look at his Bio. I have not read the words to all of his songs. Will read Lawyer, Guns and Money.

Numberfive ago

Read every lyric of every song he ever wrote... he was screaming for help.

Numberfive ago

My husband was killed by these people... I survived the attempt made on me! It’s when I went underground! I believe they think I’m dead... funny how resurrection works! I’ll never be the same... but it’s all the more righteous that I get to watch them all die an even more horrible death than what they did to me... the doctors that led me to not look in a mirror for at least 3 months. Raped... beaten..probably filmed for the joy of the freak who ordered the hit...and left for dead in a dumpster in North Hollywood... the memory refuses to surface. It was that horrible... 40’years ago. I hope they think they are safe... it’s the best attack... guard down! God is great!

carmencita ago

I will. I promise.

Numberfive ago

His lyrics tell everyone what goes on in the “ upper echelons “... think critically... his music was considered odd at the time... he was warning everyone... don’t listen to the music... listen to the words. Yes... he was murdered for telling. You... of all the great investigators here ... should ascertain this truth. The children of the el- ites are frequently addicted to many substances in order to...make them look like idiot addicts who don’t know what they are saying!

carmencita ago

He died on Buddy Holly's Birthday. Keith Moon died on the same day, 25 years earlier. 56 also. This is from Find A Grave. Reading messages sent to him. Oh, I know there were messages in his songs, but who killed him. I am looking. But maybe that is something I will not find.

Numberfive ago

They can’t find the gravestone that is inserted into people walking around. Dead... yet alive... sort of! I won’t give them the satisfaction of going to a shrink... taking pills to make me suicide/ kill others! I shall live... with a whole brain and heart until I see with my very own eyes ( clockwork orange) Every last bastard/ bitch who sold their soul... Go the fuck down the drain! I was born for this war! And they will lose!!!!!

carmencita ago

I like the fire you have in your soul. Fires and Crosses are a vampire's enemy. Very good description, people walking around with a gravestone inside. Dead and yet alive.

Numberfive ago

The point is that it isn’t a “ who”...? It’s organization behind it! Orchestrated... just like the music world! “Splendid Isolation”... all about Michael Jackson mentions Georgia O’Keefe... famous lesbian artist... female genitalia centered art. You need older people to guide this search... it goes soooooo far back! Before we knew to look for Illuminati clues. But I see them all now.... ritual upon ritual!

Even the Beatles told us the truth... Get Back”... about Jojo Felix.. father owned Felix Chevrolet... ( Robin Williams dad owned a huge carl lot... advertised late night around Johnny Carson time on tv) Jojo was a tranny... huge cocaine bust... only insiders knew of it...( my neighborhood) Daddy’s monetygot him off.. This whole thing requires a perspective of older people because the truth you are researching has been modified... unless you lived through it with “ open eyes”... my fucking curse/blessing. They couldn’t have me... and I’m still paying for it! It’s the process that is the punishment... not the law! Get it? It’s for the rest of your life... should you choose to continue living ! They make suicide look delicious after they’ve destroyed everything you put your hand to in life... yeah.. they have that kind of money to ruin your life... forever! And well paid people willing to do it... like George Soros pays people! I got nothing left to lose... and they can’t have my mind... or my soul!!! It pisses them off!

carmencita ago

Well, I am no spring chicken but I guess my eyes were not that least not like yours. But they are Wide Open now. They are taking the minds and souls of the children they are molding in Pedowood and turning them into zombie trans It sounds like a Hell Hole out there. This is a good video of Lawyers,etc. It shows the govt. and the elites.

Numberfive ago

When you are born in hell and are told it is heaven... clawing your way out while leaving behind every family member and supposed friend... it was soul searing! Then being blamed by your children you wished to protect that you have “ no family values”... they understand now except I cannot tell them everything... the bastards track your family also. Repression for an entire life... to protect my children! Let the burning begin... popcorn roasted over a witches fire must be the most delicious!

carmencita ago

I hope this puts a little smirk on your face........... It is giving us pleasure at least for the moment and we are all waiting for the Big Reveal. Yes, I worked with children, and we do so want to protect them. It is hard.

carmencita ago

I love your phrasing. Roasting them will give such good pleasure.....did you see the post about a big billboard regarding a pedo? I will send it.

Numberfive ago

That dude is my hero... people on California are fed up with this crap! Don’t be surprised if I show up to help him... retirement doesn’t mean you’re “ retired” or retarded! I was born in California... it was beautiful... and I’m taking it back... for the kids. Malibu, Zuma, Trancas... the beach belongs to everyone. No pay to park! No fences! No living on the beach/sand... it was glorious... it shall be again!

carmencita ago

I believe you. But get ready first to batten down the hatches. They are getting very pushy and clamped down very hard on 8chan today. Voat may be next. No giving out personal info. I have to be more careful.

Numberfive ago

The movie “ What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?” Comes to mind... I’ll know what I did and will proudly tell the truth!!!!

Numberfive ago

Me too.. but it was required by my guts to say what I have... it’s war baby One if by land... two if by sea! Our great grandchildren will want more stories... I gotta live a loooong time to tell the tale! You too! This is history... of the finest kind!

GaydolphNiggler ago

PA seems to live their secret tunnels. Theres some under jewelers row in Philly as well. Not too far from the HQ of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that bit of news. The tunnels she was abused in were under the the ones that were directly under the Seminary, thus she called them the under under tunnels. There are many tunnels in PA. But your news could mean something really nefarious might be going on with that Foundation. Are they possibly using former Victims and taking them into the tunnels. I put nothing past these FREAKS. @think @exposethecriminals

2impendingdoom ago

@StcharlesSeminary, I hope you are able to find peace in your heart and get justice.

carmencita ago

This has affected me more than anything else that has been posted on here. I believe there is so much more of this out there. She has just posted a few articles about Ritual Abuse involving children. This problem is not going away. We have to make sure their voices are heard.

2impendingdoom ago

carmen, I don't know how you manage stay on top of everything here day after day with all this grief and heartache. You are a kind of miracle the world meeds more of.

carmencita ago

I don't either. This is one of the most important things in my life. I am taking it one day at a time.

StcharlesSeminary ago

Is there a way to add photos here? as an attachment? I have photos of Jewelry given to me during a Satanic mass. I am not sure how to share these photos.

I was given a crucifix when I did marry my 'husband' in real life, in the catholic church in 1984. I was given a crucifix by Benestad, the crucifix has a broken leg, according to scripture and even during His crucifixion, no bones of Christ were to be broken.

I had to wear a double bladed cross as a child, one blade longer than the other.. the longer blade was for Satan, the shorter blade for Christ.

Then, I was given a very old wedding ring in a secret ceremony in 1971, at St. Patrick's cathedral in NYC to this perp priest. It is marked 18 Kt gold which is European Standard. I do not have this jewelry, it is in a safe deposit box of a trusted friend on the west coast.

Here is their secret marriage cannon HAPTER VII : THE SECRET CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE

Can. 1130 For a grave and urgent reason, the local Ordinary may permit that a marriage be celebrated in secret.

Can. 1131 Permission to celebrate a marriage in secret involves:

1ƒƒ that the investigations to be made before the marriage are carried out in secret;

2ƒƒ that the secret in regard to the marriage which has been celebrated is observed by the local Ordinary, by whoever assists, by the witnesses and by the spouses.

Can. 1132 The obligation of observing the secret mentioned in can. 1131 n. 2 ceases for the local Ordinary if from its observance a threat arises of grave scandal or of grave harm to the sanctity of marriage. This fact is to be made known to the parties before the celebration of the marriage.

Can. 1133 A marriage celebrated in secret is to be recorded only in a special register which is to be kept in the secret archive of the curia.

Can. 489 ßß1 In the diocesan curia there is also to be a secret archive, or at least in the ordinary archive there is to be a safe or cabinet, which is securely closed and bolted and which cannot be removed. In this archive documents which are to be kept under secrecy are to be most carefully guarded.

ßß2 Each year documents of criminal cases concerning moral matters are to be destroyed whenever the guilty parties have died, or ten years have elapsed since a condemnatory sentence concluded the affair. A short summary of the facts is to be kept, together with the text of the definitive judgment.

I have so much information, but afraid to put all the names etc on a public site.

If you don't believe me, then why are you wasting your time reading it? And why am I not writing novels like Steven King?

If any of you know anything about 'call back dates' I was called back to the cult on the murder of my "first loves' father".. February 23, 1984. The next day I had to TURN CATHOLIC, one generally thinks about things like this. I spoke to a young priest and was told I was to meet him after mass on Sunday, I did not sleep for two nights, being a Friday when I called. I thought I was going back to the "VATICAN" word used as a child for me to be abused.


This destroyed my life, the life of my former husband, the life of my true love and most importantly, the life of my adult daughter through marriage to my legal husband.




I managed to destroy this priest's life of going up the catholic ladder, so I did some good. This pepr priest worked for three cardinals and Pope JP II, and earned 50 million per Forbes magazine, and you don't think I had something to do with his disappearing in January of 2007????This perp priest retired at the age of 62, first claiming illness now claiming retirement. Have you watched "Spotlight".. these men don't disappear for nothing??? A young man also came forward who grew up to be a Freemason????? Need I say more, waiting to hear from him, that he too was ritually abused by this sex freak Satan worshiping monster.

There is so much more to tell, I am just too ill and too exhausted. I need to take care of me first.

carmencita ago

Here is a copy of that Secret Marriage under Canon Law Copies are only kept in the Curia.

carmencita ago

Take care of yourself. Do what you must. I and most people on here will believe you. Those that don't

carmencita ago

In the past 10 years police in greater London have investigated 83 incidents of child abuse and torture linked to witchcraft and other religious rituals. Of these children, four – including Kristy Bamu – were murdered during ritualised violence. One police source said more cases of this kind were coming to light – either because the problem was increasing or because the light shone on the issue had led to increased reporting of incidents. These horrible Satanic Ritual Killings are being attributed to mostly religions practiced in Africa, and like countries, but where is the Outcry to investigate the Churches? There is plenty of this going on in all religions perpetrated on children. There must be pressure put on LE. Unfortunately many are caught up in protecting the perpetrators. Very Frustrating.

carmencita ago

The scale of the baby trafficking was unknown until this year, when two men - Antonio Barroso and Juan Luis Moreno, childhood friends from a seaside town near Barcelona - discovered that they had been bought from a nun. Their parents weren't their real parents, and their life had been built on a lie. They estimate there these trafficked babies may number up to 300K. This was under the Franco Regime. They placed these children, after lying to Mothers, that their child had not survived. Doctors, nurses, priests and nuns. This was all under the unwed mother protection law. The lawmakers now refuse to discuss the repeal of this law. What a frustrating and horrible feeling for those that feel their child is lost, lost to them. Many people are left to their own devices and are having to hire lawyers. This I believe happened and is still happening all over the world.

carmencita ago

The Irish government in 2014 formed the commission following the work of a local Tuam historian, Catherine Corless, who found death certificates for nearly 800 children who were residents at the facility but burial records for only two. I copied that for those that do not really believe that this could really happen. I believe there has been much doctoring of records or not recording, in many Catholic Orphanages. Not all, but especially the ones that were run by nuns and priests decades ago. There was really no one questioning them. Today people are realizing that they were doing some really heinous things to children. Now after the exposure of the sexual abuse by priests people have woken up. They still need some more shaking. There have been discoveries in other countries like in Canada as well, the finding of many Indigenous children.

StcharlesSeminary ago

This just posted. I'm not sending the link as it's NCR premium content. The body of the article is below. --B

Issue Date: July 28, 2006 Australian man accuses priest of ritual abuse


In 2002, the Melbourne, Australia, archdiocese paid a legal settlement to a man who alleged a priest abused him in satanic rituals. The alleged victim, a 56-year-old Australian who asked to be identified by the pseudonym “James T.,” also claims he witnessed at least three brutal murders that took place during the rituals.

The man’s claims became public May 26 when Australian crime reporter Gary Hughes broke the story simultaneously in the country’s largest daily papers, all of which are owned by the News Corp media conglomerate.

James T. claims he was abused starting at age 11 in 1961 by Fr. Thomas O’Keefe, a priest of the Melbourne archdiocese. He said the abuse lasted about three years. During that time, he claims O’Keefe and others -- most of whom he says he cannot positively identify -- performed satanic rituals and killed at least three people.

James said he decided to contact the media after Fr. Gerald Robinson, an Ohio priest, was convicted May 11 of ritually murdering a Catholic nun. Leading up to the trial, allegations -- still unsubstantiated -- surfaced that Robinson was connected to a larger group of priests who practiced Satanism and murder in cult fashion.

According to Msgr. Les Tomlinson, vicar general for the Melbourne archdiocese, O’Keefe died more than 20 years ago.

An October 2000 letter written by Peter O’Callaghan, a lawyer and investigator for the Melbourne archdiocese, accepted James T.’s abuse allegations as credible. After meeting James and evaluating his psychiatric treatment history, O’Callaghan wrote James’ lawyer, saying “I am satisfied that [James] was a victim of sexual abuse inter alia [‘among other things’] by Fr. Thomas O’Keefe.” In January 2001, Cardinal George Pell of Sydney -- then Melbourne’s archbishop -- wrote James an apology and offered compensation.

Speaking for the archdiocese, Tomlinson said James was ultimately paid 33,000 Australian dollars, but Tomlinson described the allegations in more nuanced terms than does O’Callaghan’s letter. “We have a complainant whom [investigator O’Callaghan] had no reason to disbelieve, but whose allegations cannot be substantiated,” said Tomlinson. Since the story became public, Tomlinson told NCR, he’s been contacted by psychologists who advised him to regard memories of ritual abuse “with great criticism.” Tomlinson added: “As far as I’m aware, there have been no other allegations made against this priest.” Nor, the monsignor said, is he aware of any other ritual abuse claims against Melbourne church employees.

The Melbourne archdiocese represents just over 1 million Catholics, said Tomlinson.

Although James’ allegations were brought to Australian police in the late 1990s, thus far police haven’t substantiated the crimes.

Bill Frogameni, a freelance writer, lives in Michigan.

National Catholic Reporter, July 28, 2006

janet58 ago

Thank you, Carmencita. My old brain does not always get how to do this stuff!

carmencita ago

Don't worry. Mine was deleted as well until I got some real advice finally. I hope it helps both of you in getting the story out about SRA Survivors. I know it meant a lot to her to release the name of her abuser and also to let people know what they are capable of. I was determined.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post, Carmencita. I think all this hard work of ripping open the past abuses is important. It will help people understand how prevalent this crap really was and still is.

carmencita ago

I think what we have all exposed is only the tip of the iceberg and yes, you are right, as unpleasant as it is, the raw exposure is extremely relevant in order to tell their story. But also to expose and pull off the masks of their abusers. Their faces must be shown. Also the masses must finally stop turning away just because of the horror. It is the only way This Will End.

darkknight111 ago

I think I found him.

I expect the culprit to be in his 70's-80's. Lived in PA.

carmencita ago

Yes, that is certainly him. But he has moved to Braintree Mass. He has relatives there as well. A brother and a sister. They are part of the system as well It is systemic. Institutional. These crimes go way back within the families, I believe on both sides. Her family handing over children, his family profiting from it and paying for children as well. It all turns your stomach. I have been communicating with her. And am glad she came forward.

Gilderoy ago

If this could be exposed by an established journalist, it would make big waves. There is a Catholic news organization, Michael Voris' Church Militant TV, which might be interested. Michael Voris has reported on clerical scandals in NYC and other high-profile scandals so he might be able to take this on. Knowing the climate in the Catholic Church right now, where mainstream Catholics are rapidly becoming disenchanted with Pope Francis (finally!), this might be an excellent time to bring this horrifying story into the open. If the pedophile mafia in North America can be linked conclusively to the Vatican and Pope Francis, that might be all it takes to bring Pope Francis down.

carmencita ago

I am hoping she will see this and respond. If not, I will send it to her. This is a great idea! @StcharlesSeminary Please take note. And yes, I too think that people are starting to scratch their heads with some of the pope's statements lately. They are really on the Wrong Track.

Gilderoy ago

I hope Michael Voris can take this story and run with it. It has the potential to blow their evil matrix sky high.

carmencita ago

Yes, I hope she grabs on to it and looks into it. It is at least worth a try.

Gilderoy ago

Pope Francis is in the midst of making a deal with the Chinese Patriotic Church in which the underground faithful Chinese Catholics will be shut down and forced to join the official State-run Church. Faithful Catholics who remain in the underground Church will be sent to re-education camps.

carmencita ago

One of those faithful Chinese Catholics who has maintained his loyalty to Rome and been a courageous voice for democracy and human rights is Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong. Based on decades of firsthand experience trying to shepherd his flock and protect it from Beijing’s encroachments, the wily cardinal has spoken out against the Vatican’s concessions, and even reportedly traveled to Rome the other week to appeal to Francis.

Gilderoy ago

You're not kidding. Two other cardinals who opposed Francis also died unexpectedly.

carmencita ago

That's horrible. I can't believe this guy is not aware of that. Those that are fighting on the right side had better open up their eyes and realize who is really running the Vatican. Satan.

carmencita ago

Thank you for posting that. I recognized it right away as Tom Barnes. He is a very good writer. Mc Gurk is it? Very good reviews as well.

StcharlesSeminary ago

John Shuster February 18, 2016 at 2:11pm · In taking a public vow of celibacy/chastity, priests and religious enter into a public agreement not to marry AND to totally abstain from sexual activity in thought, word and deed. In return they are financially supported and provided with special status, respect and position in society. They have forfeited their right to sexual activity and privacy in trade for money, public position and religious authority. When priests and religious engage in any sexual activity they are committing fraud. They are in breach of their contract with Catholics and society in general. When they engage in their secretive sexual and often abusive activities, they are paying for it with donated money. They are using the money against the intention of the donor, which is another level of financial fraud. In making their vows and accepting their compensations, they have given away their right to any sexual activity. Most people are not aware of this reality and just about all priests and religious are happy to keep people ignorant about this abuse of their public agreement.

GreenDell144 ago


StcharlesSeminary ago

Thomas J uses force with woman, I removed the leader's name from SNAP as that person is no longer with the organization, so no name and or her phone number or email address.

The bishop was told and he did nothing, he needed more than my name.

This beast is still out there, and do you think for a minute he has stopped?


I have been stalked, threatened, watched, photographed and one time, told to get into a car. I have a stack of police reports. They will never leave me alone, and I will never be quiet again.

Thank you for all you do, I am going to hush now. I am tired and it is time to walk away from this. I want to sleep tonight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests

Friday, July 1, 2005

Most Reverend Edward P. Cullen D.D. Bishop of Allentown

4029 W. Tilghman Street

P.O. Box F

Allentown, PA 18105

Dear Bishop Cullen,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that it has come our attention that a Monsignor of your diocese who is currently serving as a pastor at Notre Dame in Bethlehem has a history of abuse.

We have recently received telephone calls from two survivors of a Monsignor Thomas Benestad. Neither survivor knew one another, hence lending credibility to their stories, which were very similar. The second survivor knows of a third survivor of Monsignor Benestad. They were all raped as adults – these are not cases of childhood clergy sexual abuse but rather cases involving a violent rapist predator priest.

While I am not at liberty to divulge details of their abuse, their names, or any other personal information without their consent (as you can imagine they are terrified of this man and fear retribution from him if they come forward), I would very much like to talk with you about what the diocese plans to do to address this situation.

SNAP would like to know if the diocese was aware/is aware that this man has had allegations of abuse in the past (it is my understanding that allegations were made to the Philadelphia Archdiocese while he served there), and if so why weren’t law enforcement and parishioners informed of this activity?

From what we know of Monsignor Benestad he has violent tendencies and is not above using threats while forcibly raping his victims. He is a loose cannon and by informing you we are aiming to prevent future abuses from happening.

We hope that the Diocese will choose to do the “right” thing in protecting future victims from rape from this priest. It would be a tragedy should another innocent soul be lost needlessly to the violence perpetrated by this individual.

Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss this situation.


Co-Director SNAP Lehigh Valley

carmencita ago

Thank you for posting that letter. I know you wanted to protect the others. You are such a good person. Bless You.

StcharlesSeminary ago

Look where Benstad lived during his time with the Papal Foundation

St. Charles Seminary

ESOTERICshade ago

if you read my posts in "Philadelphia' I speak of these tunnels, I did not realize there were photos online

I would like to read this. I want to add it to my survivor testimony archive. Where can I read it? The world is slowly waking up to this. There is a dedicated tribe of us determined to make it happen for people like you. I have been fighting for you for years, many years. Bless you :)

carmencita ago

She is a Courageous Survivor. Yes. I am hoping she will find the Peace and Justice she so well deserves @StcharlesSeminary

StcharlesSeminary ago

My main perpetrator, Msgr. Thomas J Benestad worked for Cardinal Krol and JP II for the Papal Foundation

This was Krol's funeral mass, it was televised and the good Msgr helped to cover the body, like family members do. I wish that video was still online...

Exposing ago

I am very sorry for what this monster has done to you and to other young souls.

I hope this pervert pays for his horrible crimes.

He resides in Boca Raton FL.

StcharlesSeminary ago

I found his brother and sister in law in Massachusetts and they must have picked his name up too? Anyway both is brother J Brian Benestad and his wife Janet are no good. Check out his father Torleaf Benestad, he is no good. Janet Benestad, sister in law works for Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston????? And his brother J Brian holds a position at Assumption college, they are both in their 70's... they use to live and work in Scranton PA, why at this age, move???

I send the links but I am too tired, I had chemo for lupus on Friday.

Thanks again

StcharlesSeminary ago

Thank you. I appreciate it, I just now found your message... "C" let me know.. Again, I thank you.

If and when the grand jury report comes out of the Allentown Diocese of Pennsylvania, he will be named, but that is nothing. Because of statue of limitations, he will never go to prison. He destroyed my life and how many other's??

Exposing ago

I am truly sorry for what you have had to endure at this monster's hand...

I have met Msgr Thomas J. Benestad in person in FL and I honestly believe all of your accusations against him.

During such occasions when I had the displeasure of seeing him, he gave me the creeps...

He is dismissive and extremely arrogant and from what I have come to learn he nowadays frequents gay bars.

I am praying for you and for his other victims... I hope we can somehow expose this monster so he does not hurt anymore innocent people, men or women.

May God be with you and calm your soul...

Gilderoy ago

carmencita ago

Wow! Thank you very much for that article. A Scandal? This is Huge! I just hope it makes the news today somehow. This should anger all Catholics and they should demand a Full Investigation, it is Paramount. I will try to keep up with this site,

StcharlesSeminary ago

Years ago I purchase a yearbook on eBay of St. Charles and in it, was this photo? I found it odd that seminarians' would be digging graves. I understand there was a flu epidemic, but this looks like something that would be a mass grave, similar to the Nazi's??? They certainly are a twisted bunch of men. I got rid of the book, gave it to a friend, because I did not want it in my home

carmencita ago

There was someone on here the other day that said they noticed some strange goings on around the Seminary in the evening. Some digging. I am going to ask him to relate the experience so you can hear it from him yourself @Antactica10 Please come and tell our SRA Survivor what you saw that night. This is a new posting. Let others read as well.

StcharlesSeminary ago

Thank you Carmencita for your diligence in getting this back on

I was ritually abused in these tunnels as a child from 1961 until about 1970 It started when I was 9 years old, the age I started to menstruate, which is young. I was told by someone a long time ago, that I was probably very valuable as I was born into a generational cult, and I already knew how to keep my mouth shut. Also, for a catholic seminary to abuse a little Lutheran girl, I was probably quite the prize. I was their 'breeder" for years

I called them the "under under" as a child, as the tunnels I was abused in looked the the ones in the photos with dirt floors, not photos of St. Charles but very similar. "Under Under... meant that they were underneath the tunnels used by the students.

My abortions were performed here and my son was killed in these tunnels. I gave birth to a live son when I was 12. I had to murder my own son. He never had a birth certificate, as those involved would have prevented it and he never died on paper. . I know of at least three other women this has happened to, they gave birth and had to murder their child. I named my son "Matthew"

Someone a long time ago, asked if I were "for real" Why would I be telling all these things about myself, for ?? What purpose. To expose my vagina to the world? I have been called crazy and worse all these years, but my story has not changed in 30 years

I don't come to this site often, as for some reason I try to sign in on my cell phone, it won't let me

I have had district attorneys' to my home and more recently two agents from the attorney generals office. I have photos of their ID.

I have an email from the current DA in Philadelphia asking for any and all information, I will not share that as it is confidential.

Why the heck would I make this stuff up.

My main perpetrator has been reported by others, for child abuse as well as adult women rapes with violence. The bishop did nothing!!

There is nothing in this for me, I want to protect others. If the law changes for SOL in PA, I am probably aged out, but I don't want to see another life destroyed by this.. if you read my posts in "Philadelphia' I speak of these tunnels, I did not realize there were photos online

I found these the other evening, and it made me quite ill. I am not well, I have lupus and I spent the last two plus days in bed.

I was married in this hell whole to the 'priest'. I wore a white, felt like satin next to my bare skin, it was a pretty dress and it felt pretty to a little girl. I was allowed to bring my cat, Patches .. my sister named the male cat as he looked like he had patches sewn on him They skinned my cat alive. This was my first time taken there.

I saw children burned to death in incinerators. I was tied up and forced to watch this and 'if I told, this was going to happen to me.' These were street kids, at the time, today we would call them homeless or runaways or sex slaves. No one cared where they went or what happened to them.

As a child, I felt like I was taken in the middle of the night, it could have been 11 pm, for all I know. I also thought as a child it was a limo, it was a fancy black car. I sat in the back, mostly alone, at time with my girl friend, at that time. This girl friend grew up and threatened my life back in the 1980's. More later. I have corroboration but not enough to risk my life. She lives only a few miles from me, and I fear she is still cult active. This is why my life was threatened back in the late 80's as I was out of this hellish cult.

It was my 'girl friend's father' and my mother that enabled my being there. He was roman catholic, and my parents were good Lutherans, and I believe my own mother pimped me out. When she died, she left 1/2 million dollars to my dead sister's husband. Another long story.

I know I was woken from my sleep to go there, and I know I came back before Saturday, I believe it was always a Friday night. I honestly do not remember, yet, how I was woken from my sleep to go, but I can imagine, that memory is around the corner for me too. it is how this works.

There is nothing in this for me, no law suit, no settlement, I want to see it ended, because let's face it, you know it did not stop. I posted this on Facebook the other day, and a friend of mine, Jewish, who is about 20 years younger than myself, told me, he believed he was there as well. I am 65

Numberfive ago

I can relate to this in totality... god bless you !

Catsfive ago

I would sit in a room with you for three hours without speaking. Or even really moving. There are no words for what you have endured. I endured some shit, but, nothing, nothing like this. Please know that we are activated against this Evil, and we support you in our prayers.

StcharlesSeminary ago

I really appreciate this, more than you will ever know. I am so tired of being called crazy. At times I wish I was

Catsfive ago

Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Please know that you are both healing yourself AND healing US when you share your experiences and your pain with us. Even if you are so locked in a space where it's hard to feel free, to find a way to relax, to leave anything and all this everything behind, please know that, in sharing, you heal so many of us by speaking out.

I have drank 23 ceremonies of Ayahuasca and the way She deals with pain is fascinating. These "engrams" are IMPOSED on you, and, if you look at yourself from a "materialistic" methodology (materialism is "top down" mind), you will always see yourself in a way that is conflated with your oppressive memories. They are not you. They are irrelevant. CALL THEM TO THE LIGHT. DEMAND THAT THEY ANSWER TO YOUR SOVEREIGNTY AND JUSTIFY—OR LEAVE—THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY THEY ASK OF YOU.

Next time you have a powerfully negative thought, yell, inside your head, "WHO SAID THAT? STEP FORWARD." You will experience a very delicate and profound silence. NO LIAR WILL EVER VOLUNTARILY STEP FORWARD INTO THAT LIGHT.

Please know that, although I don't know you, we share the same goals. And the insanity that you feel is BECAUSE you know that, DEEP down, your soul is WELL. A healthy, happy, and vibrant soul is a threat to THEM in THIS space. Please be proud that you are, and have been, a threat to "them" in this space.

Know that many of us are dealing with our own problems, which, for many of us survivors, is hard to describe to the normies. Please—pursue that silent space. In that space, you will feel us. You are not alone. You know that this silence is different than being alone or feeling lonely. That silence is peace. And that peace comes from the realization that THAT silent space is the SAME for ALL of us. WE ARE THERE, TOO, AND, PLEASE KNOW THAT THE NEXT TIME YOU FEEL THAT SILENCE, YOU WILL FEEL A HAND ON YOUR SHOULDER, SAYING, "ALL WILL BE WELL."

Until we are all one again, please, keep fighting. Never give up. Only you can say when you have had enough. But, you are doing well to look at the smaller things and take joy in the delicate silence around you. WE ARE WITH YOU IN THIS SILENCE.

Bye for now, but, when you see all of us, you will recognize us right away. Until then. Please know that you don't fight alone.

StcharlesSeminary ago

Thank you for your kindness. I am really okay with most of this, I have been dealing with it for a longtime. I will soon be 66. The loss of my son, was the worst but what those beasts did to me.. unimaginable .. as I tell people over and over "You can't make this stuff up"

I have a chart of my life, when I am feeling 'better about exposing myself' .. my life makes sense. A friend psychologist made the chart from hundreds of emails I have sent to her. I can't tell you the number of authorities I have given this to, most recently the attorney general's office of Pennsylvania

Again, I thank you

Catsfive ago

Hello again, would you mind a question? Specifically, and if you don't mind and if it's not an inconvenience or a trigger, can you describe how you felt when McCabe was fired?

Personally, I was almost elated. It was a huge weight off my chest. I feel like we might be seeing something turn, here, towards the Good.


StcharlesSeminary ago

Thank you for your kindness

janet58 ago

Love you forever, my friend. We have known each other for ten+ years, online, over the phone and through the mail. We also have mutual friends who have met her in person. This is for real. I am amazed that after all you have been through, you put so much effort into helping other survivors.

BehindTheCurtain ago

I am so very sorry for what you were forced to endure. My prayer is that you, and others like you, will soon celebrate the day that this abominable evil is fully exposed and perpetrators are brought to justice. I pray that God grants you closure and enfolds you in a peace that you never dreamed possible. God bless you and keep you.

I hope you are able to connect with other survivors. I follow a victim of satanic ritual abuse on twitter ( )and have noticed she converses with other abuse victims. I would think being united in fighting this evil would have to be somehow empowering. I wish you peace and joy.

GreenDell144 ago

Your are in my prayers. Your children too. I believe in a resurrection. I believe your kids will get another chance. I don’t know how you feel about the Bible. I’m certain that your abusers ignored it. I humbly offer this verse in hope that it comforts you.

John 5:28-29 “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”

In this case, I imagine the innocent count as “good”.

StcharlesSeminary ago

Beautiful passage thank you and thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and concerns. i am just too tired to answer you all, but I appreciate each and everyone of you. God Bless all of us!!

carmencita ago

Thank You. You are one of the most Courageous Women I have ever known.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Heck of a tunnel system. Didn't this get posted the other day and a victim said they called it "under under" because there were tunnels under other tunnels?

carmencita ago

Yes, the post was deleted . Yes, Our Survivor said there are tunnels under the tunnels. I believe they were used by nuns and maybe even other to deliver various things and possibly food. These are called the under underground tunnels not a pretty nor safe place for a child. One can imagine how secluded and far away this was from the ears of others. I venture to think that not many shouts for help would be answered.

ESOTERICshade ago

These are called the under underground tunnels not a pretty nor safe place for a child.

I just barely glanced at this forum. Not familiar with the polwarrior person that has been pushing it. What do you think? I'm burned on this sub right now pretty bad because of all the clusterfuckedness

carmencita ago

Thee certainly has been a lot going on today on the board. Some pretty nasty stuff indeed. I have been very busy on here and forming the post for Stcharles. She has been put through some very frightening and horrid experiences throughout her life. She is what I would call a True Warrior Survivor.

ESOTERICshade ago

if you read my posts in "Philadelphia' I speak of these tunnels, I did not realize there were photos online

Do you know where this Philidelphia information is that she wrote?

carmencita ago

No, I don't know. I have not pushed her to give me info, I only have what she offers, mostly because I do not want her to feel obligated.

ESOTERICshade ago

The more I learn about the Catholic juggernaut I am beginning to wonder if there even is such a thing as a large Catholic facility without a child traffickng operation. I realize that a lot of run of the mill catholics don't realize what is happening though. What I mean is the larger facilities and institutions.

BIGLY17 ago

It’s the same concept as the Govt, Disney, the UN and so on and so forth. These are avenues which these depraved souls pursue in life as they crave the assertion of power over their victims (whether under or of legal age); hence it is rampant in these sectors. Power is the psychological desire here; bare this in mind while researching.

ESOTERICshade ago

yup. ultimately its a power thing.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Gives me the creeps thinking about it.

carmencita ago

If it gives you the creeps, imagine how it would affect a 9 year old little girl. Frightening.

exposethecriminals ago

The former site of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, PA may be bought by the school district and used as a middle school!

January 24, 2018 article: Lower Merion School District to look at St. Charles Seminary for possible new middle school

carmencita ago

According to Copeland, one part of the site is selling for $29 million and another section is selling for about $15 million. It makes me sick to my stomach to think they would consider spending that kind of money, and having future access to more victims. Very frightening indeed. I hope it falls through.

exposethecriminals ago

Anthony Bevilacqua, former Archbishop of Philadelphia, when found by the grand jury to have covered up clergy crimes against children and endangered thousands of children, retired to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary where he lived from 2003 until his death in 2012 above those under tunnels.

carmencita ago

He was a horrid man yes. and can you imagine the gall of his living so close to that Horror House of Tunnels? I hope he is On Fire.

exposethecriminals ago

A former student at St. Charles Borromeo sued the seminary:

Former seminarian Christopher McKelvey's lawsuit claims the diocese and its priests

"fostered, tolerated, permitted and encouraged inappropriate sexual conduct"

in which McKelvey faced frequent exposure to

"homosexual and other deviant discussions and or contact."

As many as ten more complainants were expected to be added to the lawsuit, third article:

McKelvey's lawyer referred to seminary instruction at St. Charles as sexualized:

carmencita ago

Thank You Again! I have notified her of the post. She will be surprised. I am sure she will be grateful for your findings.

exposethecriminals ago

@carmencita great post.

Here is a link to the Fr. William G. Ayers court document quoted in the OP:

carmencita ago

Thanks for that link I added it to the body of the post. It will surely help keep it from being deleted this time!

carmencita ago

What a Horrible Pervert. Man of Satan.

TrishaUK ago

100% agree carmencita. The big problem for these children is that the parents don't support them a lot of the time, they think that the Pope is god and 'ignore' their children in many cases. My aunty, a catholic, had 7 sons and 1 daughter. Her sons told her how the priest was abusing them and she 'boxed their ears' for lying and discrediting a 'man of god' and told them to never speak lies about the priest! She also turned a blind eye to her sons abusing her daughter, my mom fell out with her, they were previously good friends, when she told her about the abuse of the daughter and she would not do anything to stop it. I met my cousin years later and she is now a strong woman, but told me of some horrific things that went on, which I was totally unaware of. I felt awful because she never said at the time. We were around 11,12, she had perfected the art of being bubbly and keeping her mouth shut because of the threats and consequences of telling. When she was an adult she went to see a psychologist who really helped her through and finally she is enjoying her life and her 4 children, WHO SHE GUARDS WITH HER LIFE! I only had contact with her that once a few years back since we were children, and she was gushing telling me all about the abuse. She doesn't live near me so we don't see or hear from each other as we were not close since we were children and our parents parted ways. All to real now all this abuse is coming to the forefront.

carmencita ago

Yes. Years later it all comes out. This is good. People really are not protecting the priests so much anymore, for they now know what they have been up to. It has been well publicized. Now the only ones protecting them are the ones caught up in the abuse themselves or making money from it. Yes, there are still those parents, but not so much. Children also are speaking up and out more as well. We also must make sure we have enough of these mental health people available to Rescue the Survivors from their horrid past. There just are not enough of them nor do we here, have the insurance that helps them pay for such service. There are and will be more and more of these Victims coming forward and we must be ready.

exposethecriminals ago

More child sexual abuse cases involving St. Charles Borromeo Seminary/clergy:

FRANCIS X. TRAUGER Ordained: 1972

One man said Gana* abused him numerous times in 1973 when he was about 11 years old and a parishioner at St. Leo Church parish in Northeast Philadelphia. He said the attacks occurred at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, where the priest would take him to play basketball and swim. Later, he said, they would shower together and the priest would assault him.

*Apparently a typo which should read Trauger

MATTHEW J. KORNACKI Ordained: 1973

Allegations: Kornacki, 57, pleaded guilty last year in federal court in Philadelphia to possession of child pornography.

Federal agents found 150 pornographic images on his personal laptop computer, seized by Secret Service agents during a search at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

JOHN J. DELLI CARPINI Ordained: 1976.

Allegations: In an interview with The Inquirer, a Philadelphia man said Delli Carpini abused him, beginning when he was 13 years old and continuing until he was 20. The man, now 41, said he met Delli Carpini when he served as an altar boy at St. Luke the Evangelist parish in Glenside in the late 1970s.

Delli Carpini taught at Philadelphia's Roman Catholic High School in the 1980s and later served as a dean at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

carmencita ago

Oh 100K Thank Yous for Reposting of your Comments :)

carmencita ago

I feel confident posting this information for this came from her comment history. She posted this herself. I gave birth at the age of 12. I was told my son died. Someone from the RCC cult raised him. My son was conceived in a ritual at St Charles in Philadelphia in 1964. The father a priest.. still living and walking a free man. When my son was two~~ I was forced to slit his throat from left to right ~~ left is for Satan. That was over 50 years ago and not an hour goes by I don’t think of my son.

BIGLY17 ago

Tell me the perpetrator is still alive.

carmencita ago

Yes he is. The Filthy Pervert. She wants to get her story out there while she still can. The jerk was living in Boca Raton but now has moved again. I too am hoping laws are changed, but with Penn's history for abuse and coverups and pedo protectors, I don't hold out much hope. A blurb in the papers, some kind of story at least would be a good thing. A Tell All.

BIGLY17 ago

Key is to do it on a local level for every town he moves to; easy to get such a story ran if he’s hoping from town to town and doesn’t have the connections he once did. Toughest lesson for these fucks is a smeared image so they’re unable to live the life they wish to; exactly what was done to their victims.

Any chance you have a move date or general timeframe for when he left Boca?

Exposing ago

This pervert has not moved from Boca Raton FL.

Msgr Thomas J Benestad is the president of his oceanfront condominium association.

Please see link; I hope this is helpful on further exposing the monster.

This pervert needs to pay for his horrible crimes.

carmencita ago

No. She just told me. I think he lives in Braintree Mass. But yes, he still has connections. He is extremely well protected. The Hierarchy sees to it.

Exposing ago

Please let her know that I have some news and that I am 100% sure that the pervert has not moved from Boca Raton FL.

Msgr Thomas J Benestad is the president of his oceanfront condominium association.

Please see link; I hope this is helpful on further exposing the monster.

This pervert needs to pay for his horrible crimes.

millennial_vulcan ago

I cant believe this is a real story carm. it reminds me of that Jennifer Lawrence movie clip someone posted on here last week from that awful film 'Mother'. How prevalent is all this stuff? I wish I could contribute but this exorcist stuff scares me a bunch :(

janet58 ago

I have known her for ten+ years. I know two other survivors of extreme abuse, one whose experience is almost exactly the same as hers but took place in another country, and one whose abuse "only" consisted of rape by a group of eight-ten priests and burning with cigarettes. That victim has spoken publicly- she is Barbara Dorris, one of the founder of SNAP. She was abused from age 6-11. Maybe that group was trying to avoid pregnancies. Anyway. this is for real.

carmencita ago

I know. It is horrid. I think it is much larger and prevalent than even WE think. There were other children down there. She said they were sacrificed. If they did this Friday nights, who knows for how long, and for years. This is only one place, so imagine all over the country. The thought is sickening, yes.

BIGLY17 ago

Sadly all you need to do to gain a remotely accurate representation is take even a micro-percentage of the total children which disappear each year never to re-emerge in the coming years. It is sick and sadly (but understandably so) most do not have the stomaches for research of this nature. Even I have found myself shuddering with tears at some of the truths I’ve discovered and most would consider me hardened. One day this movement will have more support than ever (if it doesn’t already at this point in time) but the digging must be done first before I personally foresee any widespread public awareness of the vast enterprises that are SRA or even simply pedophilia in general.

carmencita ago

I think most people are just too horrified to even listen. They are too afraid of what I will tell them. No, they say. Yes, it is a horrid business. I can't tell how many times I have cried over what I have read in the last year. I think slowly people are coming around, but yes it is slowly. And yes I shuddered today at her account of her Ritual Abuse. I had read it before and cried then to. Extremely Moving and Frightening. She Inspires Me. Extremely Selfless, imo.

FuggBenis ago

Jesus Christ.

Burn. Burn them all.

carmencita ago

I would relish watching the Bonfire.

new4now ago

Thanks for the ping

ran across some of this when I was looking up Sandusky

will look to see what I have on it

carmencita ago

Oh would be so very grateful for whatever you have. Thanks Much.

new4now ago

how about a priest being abused by other priests at St Charles?

Documents show the priest had admitted to the Philadelphia archdiocese in 1992 that he had sex with the high school student for several years. An archdiocesan treatment center concluded the priest was not a pedophile, but was affected by his "traumatic sexual development." He remained in ministry for another decade.

It's not clear if the trauma reference was to the alleged seminary assault. The priest told a therapist he had been tied down by several seminarians who tried to rape him and that a friend came to his rescue. But the same friend later twice abused him, the priest told the therapist, according to documents read in court.

carmencita ago

Defrocked priest Edward Avery pleaded guilty days before trial to sexually assaulting the northeast Philadelphia altar boy in 1999. He is now in prison, serving 2 1/2 to five years for sexual assault and conspiracy. Wow. He is Serving Time. That in itself is amazing. Rarely do they go to jail. They are many times sent to St John Vianney in St. Louis over and over. They are moved around all over the country but Rarely Serve Time. Thanks so much fro the info!

new4now ago

I think we would need another sub just for Priests

they just would send them to other places

odd and very satisfying he spent some time even if it is short

pby1000 ago

Thank you!

carmencita ago

I am hoping those in the other post will resubmit their comments. They are highly valued.

Gilderoy ago

Thanks for including me on this! My thoughts and prayers for the victims involved. May they achieve peace and justice. Hopefully, for their sake, we're on the cusp of major breakthroughs.

carmencita ago

I think we are achieving and making inroads. I really do. Yes, all Abuse Survivors deserve Justice.

GreenDell144 ago

These people need protection, support and guidance. They are essential. I appreciate it very much when a victim speaks out. One of the most heart breaking things I ever heard was a comment from the lady in Australia that spoke out. She said that the response she has recieved from the public and media was far worse than all of the years of SRA that she has endured.

carmencita ago

That just gave me shivers. What a horrible thing to have to endure. The only thing I can say about that is that some people just can't deal with such horror and push back. Why would anyone expose things like that about themselves, unless true. Boggles the mind. Yes. They need our help to expose these Vile Perverted Priests of Satan.

JusticeforAaron ago

Thanks dear.

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you, Carm. My heart is hurting right now in reading this.

@StcharlesSeminary thank you for coming forward and for your strength to recount what was done to you so that you might help others and prevent future victims. You're an inspiration.

carmencita ago

She is such a kind and heartwarming person. Yes, that is her main concern always to expose this so there will be no more victims. She is a Blessed Angel, imo.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank for sharing. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and any other victims.

carmencita ago

She will be so very grateful for your thoughts and your prayers, I am sure. Thank You.