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Crensch ago

I see no evidence of anything here, and the links in it appear to be others you've posted, so:

Someone's telling a story.

Here’s the MOAB (again an inside joke)!

Some individuals hacked a server ( I wont say who for obvious reasons but if you know the group, then you’ll know who’s tech enough to do this). This was a “4am talking points” server (yup it’s in the crumbs)– it’s no more than a cloud server where Journalist/reporters send their breaking news to the media.

Yet somehow the MSM doesn't report on these things as they're happening? Rockeman and Trump meeting in the Forbidden City somehow manages to not make it to the news cycle so (((they))) can make the public fearful of what insane things are being talked about with the leaders of China and NK? Two of our worst enemies?

That's a Q drop that straight up came true later when all of the MSM was stating over and over again that peace with NK was impossible.

Your first link after your pastebin link doesn't even mention Q. I'm not going to read all that horseshit to prove you right - point out where in all of that crap is something worthwhile, and explain it here clearly.

More crap I'm supposed to sift through?

This actually appears to be pro-Q, which makes your comment absurd. Did you know that links to a bunch of crap without some kind of text describing it or explaining it is really poor form?