maggiethatcher ago

Occams Razor is a term used in medicine to evaluate the likelihood of one unifying diagnosis for multiple problems (rather than separate diagnoses). It's an unusual term. The company looks dodgy.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ill take your word for it but....Bush and Cheney are Jewish???

This is your co-worker @think- @vindicator @srayzie @ben_matlock Feels good, huh?

21yearsofdigging ago

Tie the Bronfmans to Robert Lantos and I will be thrilled. I hate to say it, but in Toronto and Montreal the jewish mafia surrounding these pricks is insane! They tie into everything!! Complete control of the entertainment business in Canada.

new4now ago

Sara the following year and had Clare two and a half years later.[1]

Shortly after Clare's birth, Georgiana asked Edgar for a divorce. After Edgar married again in 1980 and was again divorced, the girls still visited their father at his estates outside Charlottesville, Virginia and in Westchester County; his home in Sun Valley; and an apartment on Fifth Avenue. But their lives were centered in England and in Kenya, with their mother

( what was mother doing in Kenya?)

Sara Bronfman first became involved in aiding Libya after traveling as a delegate with the Independent Libya Foundation in November 2011, during the Arab Spring and after the death of Muammar Gaddafi

( 2012 was Bengazi)

The delegation was headed by president and founder Basit Iglet and consisted of multiple humanitarian experts, including Adam Hock and Joseph Hagin. They toured post-Gaddafi Libya and presented their "multi-phase re-integration program," which was accepted by the local authorities of Benghazi, who were appointed by the Libyan National Transitional Council.

She has been involved with the U.S.-Libya Chamber of Commerce since its founding in November 2011 with the purpose of developing viable economic links between American and Libyan enterprises.

According to one source, “She founded the company's VIP Programs, which provide distinguished individuals with special training and coaching. These programs[,] facilitated by the company's President Nancy Salzman, were responsible for launching ESP into the British and Irish markets in 2005.” Soon Sara Bronfman was on the Executive Board of ESP and had become “Director of Humanities, Regional Vice President, Professional Coach and Head Trainer

She stated that she would formally resign as an honorary board member of the Special Olympics if it turned out that the Dalai Lama had been dis-invited by no fault of his own

(special Olympics?)

new4now ago


I have this one, just need time to post what I have

Factfinder2 ago

An early CIA-Bronfman connection:

Allen W. Dulles's CIA papers contain a 1950 letter advocating the hire of Aileen "Mindy" Bronfman, the aunt of Clare and Sara:

Btw, "In 1970, she established the ASDA (Association for the Support and Diffusion of Art) Foundation, with offices in Washington, Paris and Montreal, to further special research in the arts."

think- ago

Allen W. Dulles's CIA papers contain a 1950 letter advocating the hire of Aileen "Mindy" Bronfman (married name de Gunzburg), the aunt of Clare and Sara:

Interesting. Makes you wonder who else in the family might have been approached by the clowns...

Factfinder2 ago

And whether she or they signed on.

think- ago


new4now ago

Whilst in Switzerland, he joined with the wealthy Zionists and become a devout worker for Zionism. He seized his opportunity, when it came, to make the Jewess Sara Bronfman his girlfriend and later his wife.

Once he has cemented his position as leader of Libya, Igtet intends to announce Libya’s full recognition of the ‘state of israel’ – and to allow ‘israel’ to set up a military base in the Green Mountain region of Libya

He has acquired the services of the law firm of Barack Obama’s notorious foreign policy sidekick and former US Senator Joe Lieberman.

Lieberman is an agent of ‘israel’ and works for the Muslim Brotherhood. He lobbies to Washington on behalf of Igtet and for enslaving Libya to Qatar – via his aforementioned law firm… Indeed, Igtet has overseen real estate projects in Qatar – one of Libya’s most fierce enemies

One of Igtet’s top backers though is John McCain – a man who has been photographed shaking hands with almost every extremist in Libya and who was a major figure in the plot of the invasion and destruction of the country in 2011.

Igtet, himself, was also a major plotter, lobbying in 2011 on behalf of the so-called ‘Transitional National Council’ (‘TNC’ – later the ‘NTC’) – the illegal, alternative ‘government’ that was foreign-installed and outside of Libya itself.

Igtet is also friendly with the odious John Kerry

Igtet denies he is an Islamist – yet he has courted support from some of the most extreme Islamist figures. He has met with Ahmed Abu Khattala – charged with the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Libya that killed four Americans – including its ambassador, the gunrunning Christopher Stevens

Igtet has known a senior Libyan Muslim Brotherhood leader, Emad Elbannani – since they both lived as businessmen in Switzerland. The latter introduced Igtet to Islamist politician Rachid Ghannouchi – leader of Tunisia’s controversial Ennahda party

One of Igtet’s and Sara Bronfman’s business partners is a man named Richard Griffiths – who has considerable connections to American and Canadian intelligence agencies – including the CIA. Griffiths is also a director of public relations for Scaix – a company heavily involved with the CIA and the US military…

Igtet has a ‘charity’ titled the ‘Independent Libya Foundation’ (INLIFO). Founded in New York in 2011, this organisation has never been registered as a charity – despite being required to do so by US law. Nor has it registered to operate as a non-profit making organisation anywhere else in America! INLIFO has a financial affiliation with the American Chamber of Commerce – whose executive director just happens to be Richard Griffiths


There's a lot in this article

some you probably know, some you don't

it's a must read

think- ago

What has been a bit surprising to me is how unsuccessful Igtet seems to have been regarding his political career in Libya, given all his contacts to guys like McCain. He seems to be quite unknown in Libya, at least he hasn't enough support from local people.

new4now ago

between when Gaddafi died and Benghazi. he was there with Sara

Dont think it went very well

millennial_vulcan ago

Um, did we know this? Is it worthy of its own thread??

James Raniere (Keith's father) worked on the Seagram account while working as an advertising executive in the 1970s and PROFESSIONALLY (but this is advertising so also means 'PERSONALLY' KNEW ED BRONFMAN SNR

A "coincidence"?? Are you kidding me!!

"“My son, a cult leader,” James Raniere said. “It’s just not so.” The elder Mr. Raniere is a retired advertising executive who talks with a Brooklyn accent. He responded to my inquiries, he said, primarily to defend his deceased wife, Vera. Many in the NXIVM community believe that Keith Raniere’s mother was an abusive alcoholic, and this, James contends, could not be farther from the truth. “She was the best mother I’ve ever come across,” he said. Keith’s first five years were spent in Brooklyn before the family moved to Rockland County for better public schools. By coincidence, James handled his agency’s Seagram’s account and said he knew Edgar Bronfman Sr. professionally during the 1970s. He is now remarried and settled in Easthampton."

From The Observer, in 2010, owned by (you cannot make this shit up) JARED KUSHNER

@carmencita @new4now @Blacksmith21 @think- @argosciv

think- ago

By coincidence, James handled his agency’s Seagram’s account

Brilliant. I love the word 'coincidence'......

From The Observer, in 2010, owned by (you cannot make this shit up) JARED KUSHNER


Um, did we know this? Is it worthy of its own thread??

First time I've heard this. Very interesting. Yes, I'd say it's definitely worth it's own thread!

argosciv ago


Doesn't sound familiar other than the names involved. I had a feeling the Raniere/Bronfman relationship (Clare & Sara + Keith) would go at least as deep as their parents - take the "Warhol orbit" into account(Brassner/Trump Tower fire)... Family ties: Bronfman, Raniere, Brassner (+ Pivar & Warhol(?)); capitalizing on art and liquor to 'shadow-fund' a cult, the name of the liquor franchise bares strong resemblance to the initial corporate entity of another cult and it's founder... "- --- H------" & "S-- ---"; S----------

Kushner's level of involvement and alegience not yet determined - felt awkward enough talking about Steve Bannon in RoC - 15: April MOAB...

new4now ago

Alleged cult leader Raniere created the Rainbow Cultural Garden programme

( most of this you have read in different articles, going to pick out some new stuff, maybe not new to all :)

The experimental educational programme - which strongly denies any wrongdoing - has 11 branches around the world, according to its website, including one in Kensington, London.

“I spoke to one of the first kids who took part in the programme from being a baby and he could not speak any other language and seemed very negatively affected by the whole experience.”

Child welfare advocate Joseph O'Hara, who used to run a children and family services division in Missouri, says he is "amazed" that the operation, which is headquartered in New York, has not been shut down already.

O'Hara, used to work with Nxivm as a consultant between 2003 and 2004, has filed complaints about the New York branch of Rainbow Cultural Garden with the New York Attorney General and social services.

O'Hara told Sun Online: "They are putting children through this kind of experience from birth and they're not even trained to run a daycare never mind an educational institution.

"People come in with no qualifications and get a few days training from an unqualified trainer and are turned loose on these kids for exorbitant fees.

"In most states you have to be licensed either as a school or a daycare - you can't just look after other people's kids for money without it - especially in a large scale organisation like this.

He added: "Whatever Rainbow is - it is not a licensed educational institution here in New York state or a daycare - and I'm pretty sure that is the case around the world.

"That's just the legality - the so-called curriculum they are immersing these kids in is damaging - we've got examples of kids coming out and not being able to speak in any language, just babble.

"Everything I've read suggests there is in fact psychological damage done to kids that don't learn languages at an appropriate age.

"Of all the things this group is involved in I'm amazed Rainbow Cultural Garden hasn't been shut down."

Ariella Menashy, who tried to set up her own branch of the school in Vancouver, told Sun Online that Keith Raniere and Nxivm were very controlling of Rainbow Cultural Garden and anyone who wanted to run a branch of the school.

"Keith Raniere is very much involved," she said.

"Keith and Nxivm claim ownership of the idea I had to ask permission for everything I wanted to do to move the school forward.

"I thought it was a good idea to teach kids different languages but when I tried to start a chapter in Vancouver and hired nannies and got deposits from parents, they slapped my wrist and told me I was being too impulsive, that they hadn't approved everything and that I couldn't do it.

"But I had been in constant communication with them from the beginning so I just didn't understand - in the end I decided it was not worth it.

"I got together with some other parents and we hired a few nannies to teach our children different languages - but then they accused us of stealing their ideas and committing an 'ethical breach' - the co-founder of Nxivm Nancy Salzman even came to stage an 'intervention' with one of us. Eventually I just decided enough was enough and left the organization.

"Nearly everyone involved in Rainbow Cultural Garden is involved with Nxivm and I think it is just a way for Keith to make more money off the same people."

Rainbow Cultural Garden's first student was Raniere's son who began the programme in 2007, at the age of about six months, Parlato said.

His mum Kristin Keeffe eventually fled the cult with the help of New York State Police, taking the boy with her in 2014, according to the Albany Times Union.

(hmmmmmm :)

The London branch, called Rainbow Cultural Garden UK, is not registered with Ofsted.

It is not known how many kids take part in the London programme

Rainbow Cultural Garden’s CEO is listed on their website as senior Nxivm member Sara Bronfman, the millionaire heiress and stepdaughter of actor Nigel Havers. She did not respond to requests for comment.

was mid way on post of London when Explorer shit on me, too tired to try again tonight, will work on it tomorrow :(

new4now ago

yea, I knew that, remembered reading it and mentioned it

So glad you found the link

carmencita ago

That article seems to be making everyone into little ladies and gentleman. Moms were perfect and the B Sisters were as nice as could be. Also I can assure you that if you are in Liquor, you are in with the Mob. Just like Joe Kennedy, Most definitely. What a find. Jared Kushner. Also the pic you had in that article about Rainbow. Trump's grandaughter with a Butterfly dress on at Maralago. Yes, as we both have said many times, there are no coincidences and you can't make this stuff up.

argosciv ago

Also, epic work here in the comments by @millennial_vulcan @new4now & @Blacksmith21

Potential lead flair plz.

cc: @Vindicator @srayzie

millennial_vulcan ago

thanks @argosciv ! Its the collective effort of everyone. GRATEFUL.

argosciv ago

MAP IT! (Roadtrip!)


Great resarch! Keep up the good work.

millennial_vulcan ago

We'd appreciate research + contributions. We don't need praise.

millennial_vulcan ago

Armand Hammer

Grandson actor Armie Hammer played both Winklevoss twins in the facebook film The Social Network

The gifts that keep on giving!

new4now ago

just realized Raniere being prosecured by the Eastern District of NY

would this be the same court Consumer Buyline was prosecuted in?

read where the Eastern Court has jurisdiction over all cases prosecuted and defended by the US Attorney

Guess who had the spot from 1999-2001

Loretta Lynch

Blacksmith21 ago

And from 2003. This is some good stuff:

new4now ago

started to read on phone, this is good, now I have to fire computer up lol

and back into the septic pond of NXIVM I go

millennial_vulcan ago

That article is from 2003!! WTF! How long has this been going on for?!

Blacksmith21 ago


millennial_vulcan ago

Everything discussed on Voat recently has been hiding in plain sight for years. How did it take us this long to put 2 + 2 together? @carmencita @new4now ? Mind is blown.

new4now ago

cant answer for you guys, but for me it was just ribbons I found till argo but it together

Blacksmith21 ago

Anyone that says they've been woke since 1990 is full of shit. I started paying attention back in the 90s. OKC bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Libya. I didn't know what it meant, but it stunk. Life goes on.

I've always been a hard right, non-secular, pragmatist. I've seen a lot of shit in my life which never made sense. It's all starting to make sense now.

One of the most powerful abilities of a human is to admit wrong and grow from it. It happens. Denouement. We are all here for a reason.

Identify it. Embrace it. Leverage it. Attack the enemy.

new4now ago

I hear ya, too busy surviving to look into it

now I have some time or make it, and feel how they made fools of us all

lets go get em

I'm not done with Libya, NY or London

so I bounce when I get frustrated

Blacksmith21 ago


new4now ago

yep, when I found Sara had married and whom, I stopped everything

it was Murder, but not by the Libyans

Blacksmith21 ago

OK...stumped....Sara? (Bronfman?)

new4now ago

yes, my apologies

will have to find that article, but yes

trying to get my stuff together to post on London, going to put up what I have and maybe someone has more

realityisinsanity ago This a useful tool to search for possible connections.

Blacksmith21 ago

Check out the comments. Definitely insiders talking about Salzman, Rainere, etc.:

Quicktor ago

Top notch darkknight....respect

carmencita ago

OOH, I love Eustice Mullins Thank you for posting him. Not enough is said about him on here.

new4now ago

Bolshevik were the ones who killed or ran the germans out of Russia or sent them to Siberia right?

Quicktor ago

Kind of... Take a good look at the top picture and what do you see?...Oi vey... Jeff Rense knows whats up...all of this shit leads back to butt-fucking, shekel stealing, schmuck circumcising Zionism...PERIOD

new4now ago

had read up on the history of the Volga Germans

wasnt pretty for so many of them

Quicktor ago

yeah...every time the Holocaust gets brought up all I can think about is the Holodamor and the Bolsheviks who literally starved and slaughtered easily over 10 million

the native Americans got eviscerated by Spanish Jews (Marranos) one ever wants to get into that whole "Christopher Columbus" issue...

millennial_vulcan ago

so, the Jew Canadian Kennedys...?

Madwack ago

The cult had a Vancouver chapter, why isn't this popping up more ?

Smallville - The series was produced at BB Studios in Burnaby, British Columbia.

BSG - Over two years, Anne and Mo travelled around British Columbia scouting out filming locations

There must be a larger connection then what has been found so far.

Blacksmith21 ago

Basically. Crafty fuckers.

ASolo ago

Great work! upvoated, cached for future use.

realityisinsanity ago

We should also look more into Antonia Novello.

millennial_vulcan ago

Instead of statements like that, why don't YOU look into it and post what you find here?

realityisinsanity ago

She was the Surgeon General under Bill Clinton's presidency.

millennial_vulcan ago

well post what you are insinuating.

realityisinsanity ago

Michele Tarzia is the manager of RCG Kids International. I can't find anything else on her though.

Blacksmith21 ago

Check this shit out from 2010:

Mar 29, 2010 @ 02:16 PM 4,177

The Bronfmans and The 'Cult' On the Docket Inside the courtroom Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Nathan Vardi Nathan Vardi , Forbes Staff

Last Friday the New York Post ran an article claiming that billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr. is “‘considering legal action’” to stop his two daughters, Clare and Sara, from using their trust to fund NXIVM, an executive training firm run by Keith Raniere.

The Post piece is just the latest in a slew of skeptical coverage of NXIVM, which the upstate New York group has tried unsuccessfully to stop. In a 2003 Forbes article about the charismatic Raniere and his Executive Success Programs, Edgar Bronfman Sr. said, “I think it’s a cult.” Forbes noted that Raniere had “shrewdly cashed in on the high-profit fad of executive coaching,” attracting high-profile enrollees.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a lot of effing companies to dig through. I hope someone has the time to crunch everything.

new4now ago

I got the Rainbow Garden LLC

first one I found with other backers

thats the London base

guess I need to put it together, but its confusing lol

IRS should be interested in this

Blacksmith21 ago

new4now ago

that will take some time to go through :)

millennial_vulcan ago

Bronfman ties run deep through the music industry too. Sara and Clare brother Edgar Bronfman Jnr was chairman of Warner Music; his son Benjamin Bronfman is essentially an NYC hipster trust fund kid, dicking around with his trust fund money, one minute he's in a shit indie band (original!), the next he's running some useless biofuel NGO. Best known for knocking up multi grammy award winning British singer MIA.

The links just run and run. Its near-impossible to stay on top of it all. Just checking out the sketchy dealings associated with Warner Music is a enough of an exhaustion....

new4now ago

I got the impression that once they got their money, they didnt have much to do with each other

both the sisters and Jr are not business minded and pretty well on their way losing everything

The one with ties to Israel seems to be the smart one

Blacksmith21 ago

I know. They have a fucking great rock and roll art collection at their NYC HQ. [trying to ignore the obvious hypocrisy...]

millennial_vulcan ago


This seems to be the new discussion post on NX so bringing you here. We gotta get to the bottom of this blind. BC HAS to be the A Lister. Looks at this link that Enty supplied to go along with the blind:

@think- @Vindicator Mods, is that link above (ZeroHedge) a valid source, in your opinion? Im not so familiar with it, but ZH articles have been left up on Voat before, I've noticed.

WHATS with the timing of a new $100k-a-head Clinton Foundation Gala (May 24th, 2018), starring singers Shaggy (LOL! REALLY!?!) and Sting (no surprises there...Sting is probably getting $$$ of Crooked Clinton Cash to perform because according to other blinds, dude is going broke)

WE all need to keep an eye on where the proceeds for this upcoming 'out of nowhere' shenanigan are actually going even though we all know the answer is probably towards paying off more NXIVM victims


Vindicator ago

I've found Zero Hedge to be reliable so far.

new4now ago


Why in all these reports and charge papers, Is London not mentioned?

we know they had a Rainbow Garden there which means they have members there, but you dont see London?

purpose omit?

millennial_vulcan ago

I don't see anything about London. Only Barbara Bush ties to Rainbow Garden. Posted this link before: here it is again.

carmencita ago

You and me both have been trying to push the B Bush connection on here which I think is much more important than some think. Also did you see this right under that bit of news, under the little girl's picture?

Above, we see Arabella Trump, wearing a BUTTERFLY costume, at Donald Trumps' Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

That is Amazing!

millennial_vulcan ago

Oh I certainly did. And then SOME FOLK though they could diss it like it wasn't shit.

WE KNOW AAngirfan speaks the truth. And has been for years.

carmencita ago

They picture the girl, just nonchalantly, and many will not notice it. Or will they take in it's meaning. Very interesting indeed.

new4now ago

curious why London not in there

when I was looking up London, thete was a reference that it was a front, that there was no childcare

too many things I looking into

I get frustrated and go to another

but have a lot on London, does it mean anything? I dont know, one of Ranieres shell company backs it but there are 3 names and something else that is suspect

someone high up from Denmark I think liked the London Garden page, which looks to be borrowed, lol, pics and notable sayings

I suspect Sarah is the one who would have most to do with it because she has a homebase there

it should be in those charges

new4now ago

wonder what year Salzman and the Sisters joined CGI

by invintation only, makes you wonder of WJC speculation

Hillary was busy setting up for her Senate run before they left the White House

Dont think anyone was really keeping tabs on Bill . He could easliely pop on over to the compound, he ditched SS before, although I think someone drove him over . Dont think Bill or Hillary have driven for a very long time

I didnt see charges on Raniere for any child charges, assume those we know of have timed out

would Love to see all of Macks charges

saw something about India looking at criminal charges, but why is Salzman not been arrested already?

There was a NY Gov that left office because he got caught up with prostitution, so trying to elminate him

If Bill is hooked up with NXIVM, not many people knew about it

Can you imagine Hillary going after Bill over it? lol

Keffe left in 2009, year Hillary started Secretary of State

haha, she traveling making her connections and Bill making his own lol

blind said hook up a decade ago?


that was when Hillary making first run for President

I chuckle at the fact Bill couldnt stick to the program and caused some damage all the time

he is definetly a weak link in Hillary's plans

Dont forget the money Hillary is getting from New Zealand, something is going on for sure

millennial_vulcan ago

We're back to New Zealand again! Haven't had THAT discussion in a while.

New Zealand is the new discreet haven for the 1%. Honestly, if I had the money I'd move there too at this point, LMAO

new4now ago

I hear its beautiful there

isnt that where Matt Damon said he was moving to?usually dont care about "Stars" lives, but PG changed that

millennial_vulcan ago

Of course! No M Damon apparently moving to Australia (same thing) but ONLY to escape the heat from his personal #MeToo accusers, NOT whatever bullcrap spin he puts on it....

new4now ago

he's involved and yes, the heat is on :)

Blacksmith21 ago

ZH has been a reliable source from what I can tell.

new4now ago

thanks, I want to read everthing

think- ago

Wow, Enty actually linked the ZH article? Usually he doesn't link articles? It's ok, there's no disinfo in the article.

Imo the A++ lister is BC.

millennial_vulcan ago

Enty per se did not. There is a website, popular here, called AGC Blinds which collates Enty and other websites blinds and then usually names the folk that the item is about. The 'guess' is often 100% correct. This website has been running for years and broken down into months. It is often posted on Voat/Pizzagate as a viable link

Here is the page (scroll to No.162 towards bottom of page) for May. Click on where it says BCs name...

AGC is a valid so far as Enty is a valid source.

darkknight111 ago

Maybe I should looking into this AGC Blinds place.

Maybe they'll have clues as to some of the other cases I'm looking into.

millennial_vulcan ago

go to each month. Go to the "find" button on your browser and type in key phrases or names you are looking for.

It will save you having to spend hours scrolling.

POST BACK HERE what you find!!

think- ago

Thanks! I had no idea there was a site that collected blinds. Interesting!

millennial_vulcan ago

Its the 'go to'

Spread + share.

think- ago

I will! Thanks!

millennial_vulcan ago


.....THE FUCK???

Ding Ding

Lmao......Aaaaaand Voat suddenly goes dark again in 3 seconds, 2 seconds.....

think- ago

They seem to have connections to Guatemala as well. At least there is a website of Rainbow Cultural Gardens.

millennial_vulcan ago

Guatemala kinda flies under the radar, huh? So poor, so desperate the people are.

OXFAM (those guys again!) International Chair Juan Alberto Fuentes was recently arrested on charges of corruption. Just another scandal to look into when someone has more time. No doubt a million and one links to PGate. this guy...JEWISH?! He's not? Well! Look at THAT! Huh. @kevdude