dreamwarrior23 ago

wow, I had it at moderate safe search and it was bad enough. I won't dare turn it off.

Podge512 ago

Thankfully, DuckDuckGo seems to have removed these images.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've seen the "IMG SRC" returns from DDD. As someone else mentioned, softcore. I sure it wouldn't take much digging to go beyond. The images are the appetizers for those with the appetite.

It was once said that the Internet was "37 percent" porn. I'm not sure where that number comes from specifically, but I have toured the MAE/E and MAE/W NAPs and a couple over on/off ramps for the Internet. Talking with the gatekeepers, that number still seems to hold - about 40% of traffic on the Internet is pornography. Unknown what percentage would be pedoporn. Point being, if there is a massive amount of regular porn, there is a massive amount of kiddie porn out in the ether. Its just hidden a little better.

drowsybadger ago


I been lurking everyday for a year. rarely post. found out today why i have been baned from the r\the_Donald 5 months ago. rule 3 antisemitism. lol you can never go back. When can i post here? Damit? i made an meme and am banned from twitter, donald and facebook is for pussies. tring to earn the 10 cccp or something to post here...

please advise, jc

Blacksmith21 ago

CCCP is for Russians.

bernitdown ago

This is old news. It's a Russian site I think. Works in google too, unless they fixed it.

BIGLY17 ago

“Russian site” so so so far from the reality of the situation

wincraft71 ago

It's mainly pictures of young girls in swimsuits from an image upload website called "imgsrc". Technically I guess it could be considered softcore child porn (even that's a bit of an exaggeration), but none are outrightly horrible. Don't let this distract you from the fact that there are hardcore videos with actual nudity, penetration, sex acts. The goal should be finding child trafficking rings that fuel the demand for hardcore abuse.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I guess you didn't turn the safe filter off. Lucky you.

wincraft71 ago

What did you see specifically?

DSTheUndertaker ago

It seems to be every browser... The same happened on Brave.

What a sick fucking world we live in.

Vindicator ago

Thanks darkknight. You posted this exactly right. 👍

ben_matlock ago

Got you. Flair added. How about a link to the 8chan thread?


This seems more like a psyop to get humans to clean the internet for them. Google used to ask users to identify images and people, too. Literally made a game of it. The only risk here is; you're sanity for their toys.

anyone else remember that?

King_Freya ago

It’s not just Bing, it’s Duck Duck Go as well. For the same search too with the safe filter off.