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Chasmaniac ago

Out of curiosity, what's the board policy on someone threatening to shoot you?

Should it be reported, taken seriously or give him my address?

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jay_howard ago

What's the point of claiming my white, Christian victimhood if I can't throw a tantrum?

OfficerJiggerbug2 ago


Long_Knife ago

We are better than this

You're not really though.

darkknight111 ago

There was a shooting at a synagogue.

Keep an eye on this to see if Voat gets blamed for this. Certain voaters were actually RAMPING UP the violent rhetoric shortly before this shooting happened. Something stinks.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AnnArchist ago

imagine being voat.

offender ago

@PuttItOut how many letters are in ABC and also what is your favorite letter from the options of C, F, N, D or H

Also, how long has it been since your prostate was last checked for cancerous growths?

dundundunnnnn ago


Paarl14 ago

But it's okay for lefties to advocate for punching "nazis"?

jay_howard ago

Right? Silence them first, and then maybe we can talk about not punching people. Which isn't going to happen. So we might as well leave violence on the table. Amiright?

Maroonsaint ago

I wonder if they’ll even teach about it I’m a few hundred years. I think the bad guys will win. It makes me incredibly depressed. They just have too much power then they’ll have robots n shit. They’ll study the mind and learn literal mind control. Cloning. Genetic engineering I mean everything you could think of is going to be possible and there’s always been a ruling class

USAConservative ago

I was accused of being spammer for posting my favorite site and they banned the site so I think that VOAT now is no different than Facebook!

Mumbleberry ago


DexterM1776 ago

(((They))) will come to voat with their faux hate crimes.

Jfkthrowaway1 ago

I got in late, but it was fun while it lasted.

A11ahuSnackbar ago

K, love this place

Mr_Black- ago

ffs, plz no Reddit volume 2 electric boogaloo. This is vague af, give a clear examples of "bordering or crossing the lines concerning making threats" what even is a threat in your eyes?

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

“That’s what I do. I threat, and I chill.”

sorosminion ago

God you people are stupid as you are crazy. It's amazing. I GUARANTEE you Gomers that your Tor browsers and VPN's (LOL) are not going to protect you. You are being scanned and recorded EVERY DAY ALL DAY, yes by DHS under your "hero" Trump. Doesn't matter if you believe it, SMILE.

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Snoobia ago

Gas the Banking Clan, Clone wars now.

kneegr0w ago

Gas the bikes and start the race car now!!

trevmon ago


jkfaksj776 ago

/v/soapboxbanhammer now support pedohilia

@aged = @seanbox @gabarara now upvotes the @heygeorge does nothin but support them

SeanBox ago


jkfaksj776 ago

its okay aged

thelma ago

Required reading for every Goat.

SeanBox ago


teamviewer ago

I'm done migrating to closed source shitholes on the internet. We need open source decentralized platforms. Anything less is asking to get fucked over. It needs peer to peer technology. Until we get something, I'm near the end of my online days.

Lord_Kristopf ago

A platform where we can greet each other with specific threats of direct violence. Even the routine salutations should be illegal speech.

teamviewer ago

Unironically boomer posting?

Lord_Kristopf ago

No I might have placed the reply wrong in response to someone else. My bad. I support the open sourced idea as well.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

fuck jews and niggers and fuck you too for selling out to some private investor who now has your cock in a vice grip

thelma ago

interesting..teach me more, my New Master.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Expected better...

thelma ago

Chill out on the "Expected better" Voat.

klasdfk48945 ago

double speak

0perationchromite ago

I'd be interested to know who and what part of the government contacted you ?

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

for fucks' sake. ** use your fucking common sense when posting. that should eliminate the problem.**** people act like every time they mention traitors hanging their cock grows an extra inch. i get a justice boner almost daily when i think about what is to come, but i have to cringe every time i see some one talk about executions and that shit. certain individuals are, either out of stupidity or brazen focus, undermining the site and WILL get it axed. it is inevitable now. so much for the vaunted "voat immune response".

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

If the stupid can't talk, than noone will be able to talk

EyesWideOpen121 ago

Thank you for posting this notice! Having freedom of speech doesn't mean you have to use it in a profane way. If you use language that invokes clean intelligent debate you may actually promote an intelligent discussion rather than the useless profane arguing that gets lost in endless online bickering.. just my two cents.

Cheers to Voat for being so cordial! :)

thelma ago

WTF are you talking about. Free speech exactly means using speech in a profane way.

Where do you get your information from ?

maya321 ago

"hang blacks" or "hang all blacks"

maya321 ago

Nice threat go ahead..

TankMissile ago

Isn't "taking on the government" part of why free speech exists? To replace a government if it became tyrannical? What kind of backwards logic is this?

telleveryoneyouknow ago


mother19 ago

nice nice

TheBuddha ago

So, Putt... I read the thread, mostly.

I'd just like to remind you that I have gasoline and matches! You still have time to do your best Johnny Cash picture with your middle finger sticking up!

another_dot ago

so some little Millennial Libfag found our site..was offended by our reaction to the garbage he posts..then runs away yelling "Police"!

tell them to Fuck off..Bark at the moon..and Die! we're tryin' to save the fuckin World over here!

TwooPsy ago

Good luck trying to repeat that Revolution

Is this a call to violence?

casino5torm ago

seriously ?

BigFatDaddy ago

Gas the kikes! Race war now!

Fuck it. You want to ban me? Then fuckin' ban me. You want to arrest me? Then fuckin' arrest me. Its not the political right or the White Nationalists driving the conflict in this country. You goddamn kikes and your pet shitskins are doing that. But you can't shut us up forever, and you can't ban your way out of the shitstorm that's coming. And when the storm breaks, remember that it was YOU that fucking caused it.

Hail Victory!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

i never understood how "gas the kikes" is a "threat"... i mean, who exactly are we "threatening" and what is the actual threat? are we planning on literally gassing kikes? i mean... how does that even look? if that's the case, then we'd easily defend this by simply exposing the hypocrisy from the other side. millions of people call for violence against whites and it's preached from news anchors, university professors, and nigger politicians.

gas the kikes is a gross generalization and representation of how we feel about disgusting savage jews... they are immoral and must be eradicated

SmockingGun ago

I tried warning you that the assholes from qrv and theawakning would do this. They did it on reddit to justify purge here, and they planned on doing it here to shut you down.

If they cant police themselves now, how different will it be after your post especially if their intention was to shut down voat from the get-go?

Remember the NeonRevolt thread I posted @puttitout?

Only way to ensure this doesn't happen again is having supermod that isn't compromised police content on each board, or if users post content that a mod has to sign off on it making them responsible for the content on each board. Sure it sucks they have to wait for mod approval, but what else is there to prevent this?

Mumbleberry ago

It was the bot the reposts from 8chan.

NelleBeane ago

but what else is there to prevent this?

The first amendment. Most of those posts come from people paid to make QRV / voat / etc. look bad and censor real information. Unless voat is in danger of not being hosted (on a private company's server), we should all chip in to fight censorship by the feds in court.

SearchVoatBot ago

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HoppyHap ago

I'm not a lawyer, and you're not a lawyer. GRANTED

Take any 10 lawyers and ask them the same question and you get 10 different answers. Judicial interpretation refers to different ways that the judiciary uses to interpret the law, particularly constitutional documents and legislation. ...

As a result, how justices interpret the constitution, and the ways in which they approach this task has a political aspect. Whatever "school of thought" they subscribe to ends up in the cake. Therefore, how you are viewed will determine your outcome.

YouAreASlave ago

Fuck off.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

It's so funny.. Instead of wondering why there is an increasing amount of people learning the truth about kikes, niggers, etc... Why don't "they" concern themselves with what has most people angry? The day I became a race realist was the day Obama, a man I thought would unite this country, said that Trayvon Martin could be his son. Coupled with the physical and mental abuse I suffered from my half-nigger father and the fact that my neighborhood was being infested with mud, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Maybe when we realize we are better off as a filing cabinet instead of a salad bowl, people won't be so angry. Probably not, though. It is ideological warfare and the powers that be are on the side of injustice and white genocide. Live by the justice code.

markrod420 ago

He can at least put out a canary or something.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Not sure what was said but I bet it wasn't illegal.

Ceegen ago

The only real threat amongst Jews is Rabbinic Judaism, who preach hate and revenge. Many Jews aside from that core group of criminals posing as saints, are just regular people who want to raise their families in peace and quiet.

It is sad that many here don't even understand or acknowledge that, even considering that the degenerate scumbags have all the IQ tests they need to know that the average Jew is smarter than the average Gentile. It's close, but 110 vs 97 [averaged]? It isn't a linear slope either, so the higher you get, the more those little numbers matter. Okay, slavs? ;-_-;

Oh man, so many jokes.

Does this mean I'm a racist scumbag?

I don't think so, because every group have their bad apples. Or if you prefer, figs. I just prefer humor over censorship.

All I'm saying is, we're not your enemy. Some times, you're your own worst enemy, simply because you don't have a high IQ. It isn't your fault, entirely, but don't fall for the race-baiting techniques of the SOCIALISTS who hide behind any and every label. Even if they're NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, they're still scumbags.

I abhor the idea of having my existence in the hands of those who hate me, simply because I exist. What would you do? The police are only a call away, but I don't need the police.

Castle doctrine. Veteran. Angry.

Good day.

Guardbuddy ago

Flibbity floo, here's your (((you)))

Rajadog20 ago

Oy vey, synagogue police alerted.


Afrowasp1 ago

No.If the US government came for me i'd consider it an evacuation. And my government is too busy fucking the country up to bother about my shitposting. As far as saying shit on the net goes.........have you seen the shit on the net. Everyone has an intuitive scale of bad to good. What happens here is more mischief than crime.

Musaab ago

Islam is taking over the world and there is nothing you cucks can do about it. Your men are weak, your women are ours. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!

GapingAnus ago

And there's the death knell for the site.

I've had it. I'm switching sides. Everyone knows the overly vulgar and violent posts are blue checkmarks fishing for something they can write a hit-piece about or random lefties false-flagging something they can report. Your average voater is an internet tough-guy constantly posting some variant of "They'd better not do that when I'm around" and nervously polishing his firearms in preparation for a revolution that will never come. There is nobody with a shred of capability for violence here.

The left is so "weak" yet they chase anyone not 100% on their side from site to site, have payment processors deny services to people opposing them, ruin lives, get people fired and, now, even manage to get people kicked out of their actual fucking banks. They're so "weak" yet they literally assault people with impunity and are defended by law enforcement and public officials.

Meanwhile, the "right" has achieved sweet fuck all except to fall for the Q-larp and Clownworld memes which only serve to pacify and sedate gullible boomers and millennials respectively into inaction as the Titanic is sinking around them. So much as sneeze in the direction of some antifa faggot and your life is effectively over and you'll get deplatformed from every service and you become permanently unemployable.

And now this. An official "you're on notice" which is usually the first step before we start seeing blue-haired trannies as mods everywhere doxing and subverting everything until the site is as shit as every other site once they get their claws into it.

I'm done. The left won. Time to join the winning team.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

I'm not joining their team but everything else you say here is correct. I was unpersoned and had my life ruined for stupidly answering a newspaper pollster on a question about Islamic terrorism. They crushed me into an immobile hermit. The boomers all ran away from me saying I was too much trouble because they were really just scared of the Left. I know the feeling.

albatrosv15 ago

So what's your first step? Become transgender, i hope?

GapingAnus ago

It would markedly increase my social capital while still retaining marginally better reproductive capacity than the average voater.

Edenz ago

I wonder if Rap and its violent word, is an open threat to women, police, society?

Xiefux ago

I just came here and seems like its time to leave already.

This is cencorship plain and simple, now i gotta find some other place that wont silence me

albatrosv15 ago

Nobody silenced you, faggot.

Xiefux ago

not yet, but unlike you i look further into the future

Sick_Puppy ago

I blame the LGBT community that started to infest on here. As a gay man I find them offensive and would like it if their spaces were removed. I don't want this site to end up with the homophobic SJWs that push authoritarian bullshit rules.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Shutup fag

Sick_Puppy ago

Your mom gay!

Jesusthug ago

Honeypot plausible deniability. Free speech you nigger faggot. Aye voaters. He’s telling you they are targeting some of you. Before he can’t say shit else. 1st amendment. If that doesn’t work take the second to the A And B zone.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

honeypot since day one. this is our way of telling the kikes we don't fucking care

beesmeesmonies ago

once (((your))) "politicians" start making "laws" demoting all beta Asian/caucAsian males too the level of humAn trAsh., in a Asian/caucAsian city... then the whole landscape of society turns into humAn trAsh, including the Alphas!!!

BeingReplaced ago

well [Redacted for illegal content]

Seriously though If law enforcement are getting involved we will definitely see them destroying the platform. Shame.

pickled ago

Did Voat's angel flop the angel cock on Voat's forehead?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Big_Schlong_Treesome ago

"I Did Nothing Wrong" - Trump Warns "Angry Dems" He'll Take Impeachment Threats To Supreme Court

  • Voat said chill

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Interesting, I've had personal and implicit death threats (of which I have retained evidence) and when I contacted VOAT, jack happened. Which is unfortunate, because the next time it happens, I'll be handing over the evidence to law enforcement without informing VOAT. It's in your interests to take threats seriously and to take action when bona fide users report threats to you. When you're presented with clear threats against an individual, it's far easier for you to deal with than "generic" threats against a particular group, for example. My sense is that criminal threats against individuals will continue to be tolerated here, while "generic" threatening statements that target particular groups will not.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

just report threats to the police already... no one cares. if someone is threatening you with violence, do something about it. otherwise, fuck off and stop being a faggot you pussy fucking nigger kike

Jesusthug ago

Don’t be a pussy. It’s the internet. But I get what you mean. It’s a bullshit excuse because Voat is compromised. Also again. I get your point.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Fuck you. I am a slim, smallish woman. When a man makes very detailed and personal death threats against me, I deal with it accordingly.

albatrosv15 ago

So... you ring big muscular men to help you.

Jesusthug ago

It’s the internet. People only know what the fuck you tell them. You are the problem. Stop telling personal information about yourself on the internet. Fuck you weak ass cunt.

facepaint ago

Transgender "women" are not women.

facepaint ago

This nice part about not making threats or suggesting or implying I would be up to any illegal activity is knowing that any law enforcement requests are not coming after me.

Also the British police are clowns bringing down a once free nation. Ya'll need a 1st Amendment.

tanukihat ago

Putt is a Jewish conspirator.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well @Puttitout, the organizations me, @heygeorge and @trigglypuff represent cannot confirm or deny active or future plans to utilize our agent @zyklon_b against the triple bracket people and the tanning bed people.

We did however notice your completely unnecessary vagueness regarding these issues. If the canary has been updated, then you should be able to name and shame the particular (((US agency))) that contacted you and what it said, at least generally. Secondly, what you can certainly do, is point to the "offending" content. Voat can always use more drama so there is no need to hold back on the second thing. Did someone threaten that orange Jew president?

We are not satisfied with your actions of today, correct this with information clarification or else we are going to have to activate protocol 56b. We don't want that do we? And i cant confirm or deny the possibility of protocol 14f ether.

zyklon_b ago

1990 is real

QualityShitposter ago

If I threatened to shove a popsicle up your bum would it count as a threat if it was a single or double stick?

Mustard_Monkey ago

Hey PuttItOut a little more clarification please? Links. Examples. You are being vague good sir/ma'am. Did we hurt someones feelings fren?

albatrosv15 ago

People, you should be thankful that your government is not beheading you, like saudi arabia does to 150 people per year. Obey your government or else you are a tewwowist. Obey your government if it destroys a society, otherwise you are a tewwowist. /s

Anyway, seems that this can be probably be the end of voat. Save the memes, sort them. Once voat is gone fire them everywhere into normie spaces. Look for forums and niche social media. Even e-mail bombs will work.

Also, government is threatening you to shut up, or else. You know you are on right side.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

um, the government should be thankful that we are even working with them to resolve our concerns... we're constitutional law abiding americans. we have nothing to fear. we will fight for our freedoms until the very end and that's the end of it

Dsonophorus ago

Good point. I think the vast majority of the value of free speech can be maintained while stopping short of keyboard-jockey threats. If there is value in direct action, perhaps not uselessly laundering emotions will permit them to build sufficiently to drive actual action.

bunnysupreme ago

This is very interesting; I posted this submission a couple of days ago;

No threat was implied. However this guy here want out of their way to threaten me;

Notice the lack of posts from him. Seems to be a shadow account used on the side.

what this tells me is that they cant control voat. And never will.


voat's catching heat huh

time to delete 1/2 my posts & change accounts

you niggerfags will never guess who i'll be next

albatrosv15 ago

I'm pretty sure your next account will be TRANS_SPACE_NIGGER.

Vidarr30000 ago

Newfag here, is PuttItOut your Spez?

Vidarr30000 ago

Wow I just got here, not this shit again. Mods better fight back, OP is vague as fuck as to what he thinks a "threat" means. Sounds like he's being leaned on, nothing else? Tell them to fuck off OP!

albatrosv15 ago

Put is owner of voat, dude.

fluhthreeex ago

So per the TOS, @sanegoatiswear and all their faggots alts should be banned?

Respect other users

You may not purposefully negate any user's actions to delete or edit their content on Voat. This is intended to respect the privacy of Voat users who delete or edit their content, and is not intended to abridge the fair use or the expressive rights shared by us all.

Deathperception ago

"Implicit " language? "Implied " violence? Pretty vague. Not hard to see where this can go . Oh,and "cooperating with law enforcement" isnt a law. Id like to see a giant meteor take out dc,jew york & other places. & Id like to see cops& christers get hit by space junk.

wokeasfook ago

I'd be careful with the wording here as 'voat' doesn't threaten anyone. Some users may but not voat as an entity.

veteran88 ago

All pedophiles deserve the rope.

Not being able to say that is the canary in the coal mine that the time has come for total war.

dp007since09 ago

We goats know better, start cleaning house and go scorched earth on the peeps threatening the viability and survival of the thread those who clear the filters are on the up and up. Just mho.

Gopherurself ago

faggot i kill you

bourbonexpert ago

Oh yeah. For sure. I blast those faggots full force. If they get butthurt then I know they are cucks. If they take it in stride then I know they are true goats.

Oy2ThaVey ago

Yes, I was born 9 days ago lol

Oy2ThaVey ago

Still shilling eh?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Jews did this.

solo7 ago

Freedom of speech is one thing, but speaking and encouraging others to do evil deeds or hate is another. "Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil;"~

solo7 ago

I'm tired of seeing antisemitic comments about killing Jews. Their hatred is growing.

Oy2ThaVey ago

Still " protecting Voat" you little niglet ?

ItsOk2bArian ago

"Race War!", said the Whitest Kids You Know. When there is clearly a religious based race war quietly in effect, whats wrong with yelling "RACE WAR"? I believe in and follow the basic philosophy of E. Michael Jones. No one has the right to harm the Jew but that doesn't give the Jew the right to destroy your heritage and culture. P.S. Burn Kikes

petevoat ago

They are trying to set a precedent on taking this site down. If I was the bad guy, it's what I'd do.

captainstrange ago

is relevant to this discussion.

Jesusthug ago

Here it comes. The right to assemble for whites is nearing its end even on the internet. Look at the world around us. Clearly we are under attack. Thought crimes are accepted now to the point you police yourself. We try and hide by anonymity. We’ve become cowards. The west is dying. Our people are dying. Yet they get to laugh. They get to point the fucking finger. We’ve past the point of no return. Think of your daughters and sons. Who gives a fuck about some platform to piss and moan. It’s bigger than this. They will take Voat down like everything else. I don’t want my soul stained by apathy. Just because a few idiots said something stupid. Or how about people are tired of seeing the double standard. Especially when people are dying.

Straight_up_Prick ago

Sounds like they don't like the new meme, Honk, Honk!

newmenewmeyea ago

Anyone stupid enough to make threats should be banned immediately

PuttItOut ago

We will see what their next move is and post anything we can.

jkldsfjkl54545454 ago

I really dont blame you, I think it was maybe a year ago... maybe 2, some guy was after me to join something from my state. He actually hit me up on a couple accounts of mine (weird right) because I dont make it a secret im in MN.. But I just flat out ignored him not wanting anything to do with him. I still think I should of reported him (to police). I dont think he is no longer on here tho, if he is hes careful, I remember his account name... if you want it let me know il pm it to you.

but i really think he isnt on here anymore.

I think he was trying to start some kind of weird militia group, sure as shit MSM local news did a news story about a "militia" growing in Minnesota. I still to this day think it was him..

I can tell a minnesotan in a second in they way they right, im very astute in that respect. lol, people when i get them on voice laugh at my northern accent. I'm basically equivalent to a deep southern accent, but up nort all. I dont know why I threw that in there... Just wanted to make ya laugh.


GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Did you tell the FBI that we know the jews did 9/11?

PuttItOut ago

I sent them some memes

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Any Ruby Ridge memes? They love those.

NosebergShekelman ago

I play many characters on the internet. Nothing I say here is to be taken seriously. I thought we were all clear that this was just a place to joke around? I wouldn't even stomp a cricket if I see it on the sidewalk. Shaloms™ you glowing IDF/FBI/CIA niggerkikes

PuttItOut ago

Confirmed. You are now not responsible for anything!

beesmeesmonies ago

hashems mees ups bAbes!!!

capnflummox ago

Uh... "make me"... lol

ieatlotsofpoop ago

Can you guys put a canary icon next to each user and each post?

PuttItOut ago

We need something better than what we have. That's for sure.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ideasforvoat comment by @PeaceSeeker.

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kshadfjkas893489 ago

you dont have to do much.... on /v/all add like a "canary picture" to the sidebar. and if anything were to happen you can remove it

thats all you need to do, ive been saying this for years


spamyak ago

That's not a valid option. A gag order cannot compel someone to actively lie, but it can compel them not to tell the truth or take any action to suggest that a gag order has been received. The whole purpose of the canary is that the government can't force Putt to update it, however they could force Putt not to take down a picture of a canary.

boredTech ago

How about a canary icon that pops up for everybody, but when you're id clicks on it a timer is reset (say a two week timer), and when that timer runs out it shows up as a dead canary for a couple of days then disappears if you don't handle it in a week. That would be good.

Oy2ThaVey ago

You niglets got me. It took me 2 secs to figure out what was going on.

mudbear ago

Yeah i have noticed an increase of calls to violence and 'acceleration' and it stinks. I know a lot of us get pissed off at the shit that flies in todays society, but we are better than that and that is why we are gaining traction. our enemies are the ones feeling pressured to take more and more extreme stances and are showing their hypocrisy, calls to violence are evidence of failing ideologies, we arent failing, we win at reasoned debate, they lose. I cant help but feel, that his is a false flag op, dont fall for it or be gullible.

captainstrange ago


acceleration does not mean violence. It means acceleration. As in causing society to actively become worse in one variety or another. That is all it means.

mudbear ago

stupid concept.

captainstrange ago

maybe so, maybe not.

mudbear ago

Forcing the current worst case scenario by becoming the bad guys instead of winning the propaganda fight (which we are) and changing the current trajectory. Its just defeatism

captainstrange ago

Forcing the current worst case scenario by becoming the bad guys instead of winning the propaganda fight (which we are) and changing the current trajectory. Its just defeatism

Uh no. Let me stop you right there. Thats not what I wrote.

Don't argue like a fucking kike.

mudbear ago

im not talking specifically about what you wrote but my interpretation of what i have seen other accelerationists promote.

captainstrange ago

im not talking specifically about what you wrote but my interpretation of what i have seen other accelerationists promote.

then why the fuck are you commenting at me?

Go comment at those 'other' accelerationists fuckstick.

mudbear ago

if you dont want conversation dont reply, i just reply to whoever replies to me. You weighed in and continued the conversation and get shitty when i cooperate? dont be silly. ill chat with those blokes when they cross my path, at the moment you are on my path so im talking to you. just sharing my opinions.

Dont feel pressured to respond if you dont want to continue, its not as if you have anything riding on this convo

captainstrange ago

if you dont want conversation dont reply, i just reply to whoever replies to me.

well shit. Just checked. Yeah I did reply to you, not the other way around.

Dont feel pressured to respond if you dont want to continue, its not as if you have anything riding on this convo

Thats an odd thing to write.

Hand_of_Node ago

Is there some kind of rule or law prohibiting agencies or other entities from requiring that "warrant canaries" get updated?

Redpilleveryone ago

Let share blue and JDIF make threats then send law enforcement all of their Israeli IPs. I don't see the problem.

captainstrange ago

Law enforcement of the federal variety (feral felons with guns) doesn't do it's fucking job. Bunch of dickless yellow-bellied cowards and dole-loving paymonkey faggots and common criminals.

The sherrif of fairfax county should deputized all of us so we can arrest these motherfuckers.


It was me wasn't it?

Which post was it? The Clintons, or the civil war predictions?

Crikes ago

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

Decentralize all the things!!

toobaditworks ago


Armpit_and_Ass ago

This leads to a number of sticky and important questions regarding where this line gets drawn.

If I, for example, say something along the lines of:

I am going to ABC to DEF at 09:00 on GHI date.

That is clearly a threat of violence. Specific acts are listed, with a specific target(s), along with a time and date. That's pretty clear cut.

But what about:

Gas the kikes, race war now!

Violence is being called for, in the form of the industrialized extermination of the merchant class, along with a call for fisticuffs with those who do not fall within the author's demographic. Since no specifics are listed, I can only assume that this is just poor (even if catchy) sloganeering.

But then if I say:

I am going to gas these kikes!

Well, I've listed a specific act. I've even given a generalized target. Even without a date and a time, would this considered a threat? I know what a merchant would say, but I'm curious to know what you think.

But if that isn't, then would this:

I'm going to gas all the kikes tomorrow, 25 APR 2019, at 06:30 HRS.

...cross a line yet? If not, why not? Is it just hyperbole, because I said all kikes? Is it because I lack the wherewithal to gas all kikes? How does anyone know? Maybe I'm a billionaire with my own private mercenary army and I totally could. But how can that be known unless and until the gassing started?

What if I just said:

Someone should gas the kikes.

That's not really a specific threat. But I know for a fact that Twitter, to use one example, considers this:

Someone should gas kike XYZ. be a specific enough threat to lock an account.

So how does any of this fucking work?

yellowthread ago

It doesn't operate on logic. The government is a nun with a ruler.

Dajoos ago

If we delete old comments, will they still be retrievable somehow from the server on which Voat runs?

PuttItOut ago

Content is replaced on a user deletion on Voat but there are sites that mirror our content. Once it's on the internet, it never really comes off. Not to scare you but it is the truth more-or-less.

Use a no-log VPN. Seriously.

redpilldessert ago

Use a no-log VPN. Seriously

What's a good one to use?

PuttItOut ago

One in the sidebar imo. That's what I use.

Dajoos ago

I do use a no-log VPN. Just wasn't sure how trusting it was. I don't put anything on here that I'm afraid of, right now. But the political winds have been drastically changing so it makes me worried for the future. I'll continue to use my VPN and be mindful to some degree. Thanks Putt

PuttItOut ago

You should be scared. I am. Things are not Ok right now, but protect yourself as best you can.

Joe10jo ago


Lord_Kristopf ago

Reddit started with mild warnings like this many years ago. Voat will eventually get huge, get investors, new rules, new censorship,‘death by a thousand cuts’, and die like Reddit. It’s just the life cycle of these things. Enjoy it while it lasts.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

It's a little strange that the "delete account" feature stops working just as the feds start turning up the heat though, isn't it? The "account not found" message isn't very plausible either, even if someone were to claim it's just a bug. My cohencidence detector is at defcon 2.

Jewnoculars ago

Well...let’s find out if you’re right:

I’m going to go delete this account

insanitea ago

The MSM is basically pushing anti-white genocide at an alarming rate yet we're the ones making threats? Whatever the TLAs are feeding you is hypocritical bullshit and you know it. You can either stand up to them or let yourself be known as yet another coward.

PuttItOut ago

I think the investors would rather not have me make posts like this if I were to guess. This post is about reality, not being a coward.

insanitea ago

It shouldn't sit right with anyone if they have any interest whatsoever in wanting to decide the type of content that's shared here. You're correct that's about reality but these so-called "threats" (arising from exasperation) are only a thing because of it. Whoever wants to try to paint anyone into a corner in response is not up to any good. They need to grow a spine and stop pushing excuses that lead down a slippery slope. I'm sure you have good intentions for Voat and I doubt you want it to become like reddit but free speech doesn't come with exceptions like that.

PuttItOut ago

But at the same time, abuse is a thing. If we value what we have, as a community, we should protect it as much as reasonably possible.

In an ideal world, we'd police ourselves concerning abuse and call out those who do actually abuse it.

18241858? ago

Would sure suck if we had a group of people with lots of time on their hands, who takes freedom of speech as a challenge, who takes it upon themselves to chase away new users. Like imagine a bunch of redditors, except on Voat. If we had a such group, you'd be the only one who could effectively deal with them.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Don't get kafkatrapped! Do not "cooperate" "make a statement" or "clear your name"! Don't talk to the police! Do not talk to the police! There is nothing you can say that will help your case unless you say it to your lawyer.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Pass the bikes, race far now.

toobaditworks ago

What's the canary link?

captainstrange ago

hoping we remove their content in order to claim censorship on Voat

Except by definition, that would be censorship. Don't pretend you're not implying otherwise, that it's not. It is.

Welcome to the unequal application of the law. Where muslims can straight up plan head-chopping and truck-of-peace attacks on facebook, but the little guy gets fucked in the ass by the felons at the three letter agencies!

There is no law. There are only self-interested men with guns telling you what to do.

Fuck them, and fuck you if you follow them.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

The "delete account" feature has suddenly stopped working... It now just says "account not found" when you click the delete button. That canary is dead and buried.

Sitnikoff ago

"avoid implicit and explicit language concerning the involvement of violence and the content won't be in question"

that's like saying avoid breathing loudly, when anyone can just say that somebody's breathing too loudly and gather a mob to permaban him.

bourbonexpert ago

Hmm, I’m on here about an hour every day and have been for a couple years. I don’t recall anything “threatening”.

But then again I don’t scout and search. Because we are a legit free speech site with. I censorship. Not unlike Fox News or gab or 4 Chan, people flock to us because there is nowhere else to go.

Look, I will be the first to admit I talk a lot of shit. But let’s be honest, law enforcement watches us, no doubt.

While we all want to “gas the kikes” and “send the niggers back to Africa” I think it’s fair to say we say these things as a tongue in Cheek “fuck you” to the Normies.

I have notice voat growing recently and I’m seeing new users all the time. While it seems voats culture is to say “Niggerfaggot” and be offensive, it’s possible some of the newcomers don’t get the joke. I plan on spending more time in v/introductions to let new goats know what’s up.

I think I speak for a lot of us when I say I would be totally devastated if voat went away. There simply is no other site like it.

So to anyone reading this that has been here less than a few months. Tone it down, learn the culture and don’t be a faggot.

Anarchy99 ago

What it is, is a lot of Jews coming in here spouting off fighting words. Shit they wouldn't say to my face. So they get a threat. But generally I tell Jews to go kill themselves so we don't have to do it. Or I will ask them where they live. People like to talk shit. They're safe behind their fucking keyboards when they don't want to hear the truth especially about World War II and Holocaust lies along with all the other Jewish treachery and pain they've caused this planet. I basically ignore them to death.

intothelightwego ago

If Voat is removing the shills Hate Speech which appears to present this Board as Anti-Semite, Anti-Colour and pro vigilante and violence in the streets, then I am in support of this...... Do we know what was removed?

Anarchy99 ago

We have what's called a Jewish Medical extermination complex wiping out the European race in America and around the world. They are a threat to humanity. If they are not stopped it will be our ruin period. These Jewish doctors need to be stopped

beesmeesmonies ago

dirrty-yiddish-gypsy-"jew" "science".... it's all about money laundering bAbes, the "patients" are the fuel!!!

Anarchy99 ago

No it's not it's about controlling and killing off the Gentiles. Especially the European race who are the Jew. Especially the European race who are the Jew. Especially the European race who are the Jews despise


and one of (((their))) weapons is (((western))) "medicine" and the fake "laws" (((they))) create too falsely "validate" the "science"!!!

Anarchy99 ago

Not western Medicine. It's Jewish medicine and it's the leading cause of death of the white race. Jews are the threat

srayzie ago


Nana66 ago

Sticks and stones.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Have you tried using an mirc agreement? Mirc never gets shut down. You know like those tos that has subverted so many? Just wondering.

GasChamber ago

How do we know that our enemies aren't posting shit here then reporting it to the authorities? It's a tactic that's been used with CP on other free speech friendly websites.

Lord_Kristopf ago

That’s like saying that the authorities would intentionally place agent provocateurs into demonstrations and movements to legitimize a crackdown. Only it’s the Internet, so it’s like 1000x easier...

Derpfroot ago

So my rape threat (more of an offer, but still'd be rape) is being investigated?

I'd watch your ass, @JasTheMace...They're onto you.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

We also have to cooperate with law enforcement

Ok so you will serve up everyone's IPs and whatnot at the slightest whim from authorities who have no jurisdiction in the country you're registered in? Really?

In case you had missed it, anything that the Orwellian western "democracies" don't like is a hate crime. A term invented in the Soviet Union.

voat has been sent an angel..

Nana66 ago

People are always being it will just be more noticeable.

PuttsMum ago

Kev, good to see you too, mate :)

Interesting turn of events re this thread.

PuttItOut ago

Interesting turn of events re this thread.

Interested in what you mean.

PuttsMum ago

It's just a throwaway line really.

I thought that after reading some really awful shit on here over the years that free speech in the States must cover that stuff (for Americans, not foreigners). Seems it's not the case and there is a line that can and probably has been crossed?

subscribetopewdiepie ago

The government isn't going to care about some tiny little site, but the bigger voat gets the more attention it will get from those looking to control what is said in public.

PuttItOut ago

I think it comes down to picking your battles wisely.

Baconmon ago

This is why we need a decentralized platform..

NotHereForPizza ago


PuttsMum ago

Fuck me, there needs to be a badge for those of us who read all the comments in this thread.

Zoldam ago

If this is an issue, then the pedos should be cleaned up first.

Splooge ago

@PuttItOut is a sellout communist niggerfaggotkike in bed with North Korean rabbis.

And as long as we can all say that without repercussion, this place is still a peaceful forum of free speech.

PuttItOut ago

How do you know so much when I say so little? You must have an inside goat.

Splooge ago

@NosebergShekelman and I are secretly friends with your investor! We've made many deals to take over Voat and subjugate it for ourselves! haha shaloms and praise israel

NosebergShekelman ago

Feh! Don't tell the man our plan!! oy vey ✡️

PuttItOut ago

Oh yeah, you're on the inside for sure then.

bushka ago

True. There was also a case of hurt feelings going on there recently, who knows how far a person would take it.

ArousedYeti ago

We will always find an outlet. The site may change, but once you swallow the red pill, you can't go back.

Anyone who expected to last is a fool.

NotHereForPizza ago

So... Should we just double down on the framing him thing?...

Well, obviously!

Sburban_Shitposter ago

in minecraft

Der_Untergang ago

Hey Putt, what US GOV agency contacted you so I can file a FOIA request?

sunshine702 ago

After Shi Lanka "Easter Celebrators" bomathon I was mad at the Muzzies. I admit it. I wrote: "Glass Mecca when?" It's a question. Is that verbotten?

bushka ago

He outright threatened to do it. He's been posting shit about the border and I wouldn't doubt he's trying to entrap someone.

Merlynn ago

"We are better than this."

No we aren't. Especially when being "better" means we sit and take their shit. If those faggots can call for white people to die out with no legal repercussions,then they can't come after us for doing the same fucking thing. Not without setting a legal president we can use against them. If they come for our free speech,we can come for theirs.

thislionsheart ago

I have been presuming that much if not all of it was being done by shills who wish to discredit this free-speech platform.

With that being said, cheers.

ArousedYeti ago

Oh boy this is going to be good.. Runs for popcorn

yewotm8 ago


alalzia ago

Regarding what content ?

Dauphin ago

It's NOT violence if it's self defense... "I am sorry officer... when he/she did xxxx I WAS IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE."

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#35014) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Saying someone or some group is worthless & we would better off without them is not a “threat.”

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @FurstMetternich.

Posted automatically (#35013) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Who the fuck downvotes a bot?

SearchVoat ago

You might be surprised - lots of people do. Either they just hate bots (fair enough!) or they're retarded and think they're downvoting the post the bot linked.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I was leaning towards a third option, bots downvoating bots. Btw, thanks for making that bot. I like it.

MaunaLoona ago

If we add "in Minecraft" at the end, we're all good, right?

PuttItOut ago

This is funny and should become a thing.

Rotteuxx ago

We need something more of our own... ever played Postal 2 ? I've killed a shit ton of communists anf niggers while playing Postal 2 and it fits Voat better imo.

Watch the movie if you haven't ;)

PuttItOut ago

Postal 2? A movie? That sounds oddly horrible but I know you're not insane so I'll look for it.

Rotteuxx ago

Duuuuuuude !

Here's the intro :

It's got everything really, titties, nazis, a midget, Bin Laden, Mr. Krotchy, tons of guns and it's a love story... sort of in the end.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Delete my damn account. I cant. You run it, get rid of my account today.

Der_Untergang ago


I love how you can make a post baiting people into hating you for not being forthcoming with details and triggering them into playing their hand, instead of waiting until you have all the information you know people will ask you for. Is this a fucking joke?

shekels_4_foreskins ago

The censorship begins.

StudSupreme ago

The antisemites on this bbs are truly gay.

captainstrange ago

It was my triple quote comment here wasn't it?

Some fucking retard at the alphabet soup mafia saw it and actually thought it was illegal haha.

They'll persecute voat but they won't persecute the people who hosted the christchurch false flag video.

And thats why I don't give a shit about their 'anti terroristic' speech laws.

The law means nothing when it's not equally enforced.

The alphabet soup guys reading every post on the 'big bad sites full of alt right wing "extremists"'?

You have no legitimacy left at all. None.

Millions of americans literally view you as the moral equivalent of felons.

Think long and hard which side you are on, and if you're doing your job, or if you're only doing half your job to serve someones agenda. You do a disservice to the law.

Don't think you're above it. Don't think we don't know some things about you also. Don't think your crimes while 'doing your job' will be absolved. You're little fish. And when public opinion has fully turned, you front line guys who didn't report and publicly reveal corruption? You'll be the first your boss's boss will fire. Indict. Toss into the court of public opinion. Made a circus out of. Your career? Gone. Your pension? Gone. In all likelihood, prison time.

Your fucked.

Don't think because you surround yourself daily with family, friends, and coworkers who think like you, or reassure you--don't think that is reality.

The reality is public opinion, even among liberals is turning against you, and that, to your superiors, makes you disposable.

You should be looking for leverage to cover your ass because your respective agencies can and will blame everything on you the front line guys.

This isn't some sort of head-fake to get you to turn to the public.

From an outside perspective that you can't see because you're too close to it--I'm stating unequivocally your agency employer will fuck your entire life up sooner rather than later. That it is coming, and denying it won't change it.

Think about it.

And while you're thinking about it, also think about how, even if I'm wrong (I'm not), you need to protect yourself from your own employer--need to protect yourself and by extension your family from your own employer. What would happen if you say the wrong thing around your boss? Or a new colleague who has a different political opinion? What if you read one single redpill, and out of all the ones you've rejected, you say to your coworker "you know all these memes are bullshit, but this one kinda, sorta, maybe, almost, has a tiny sliver of a point?"

You know and I know--it would be your ass. So congratulations, you now are fully aware of the fact that you have to watch your every single word around your coworkers, the people under you, the people above you, your coworkers and their family and friends, your own family and friends, and around anyone and everyone in the public.

Remember, you could always end up like julian assange the very first time you expression any disagreement on what you're told to do.

Think of your family.

I hope this doesn't keep you up at night.

Because people like you created this mess, and if you look around you, you have the means to fix it. Only you.

I hope this doesn't keep you up at night.

But it should.

If you're in a cubicle right now, or at a long desk. I want you to do something.

Look to your left. Do it.

What do you see?

Now look to your right.

These professional coworkers are obligated to engage in office politics, to report anything you say that might be even mildly untoward. That may even be a joke.

You're in a nest of vipers.

You're saying now "hes wrong. this is bullshit."

Ask yourself--

but what if he isn't?

because you better hope I'm wrong if you slip up and say something stupid at work.

And careers are long.

And people let their guard down.

And it is easy to trust people you work with every day.

The same way the people who you ensare thought they could trust you.

Remember to watch your mouth. Your employers are watching you alphabet guys, every last one of you.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

I actually am a lawyer, just saying.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Want to work for Putt pro bono?

Didn't think so.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

Yes, yes I do. I even offered my services (an d wife’s who is also a lawyer, 2 years ago.

What do you have to say now?

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Like most goats would....niggerfaggot

MaximilianAldorfer ago

What the fuck did you just fucking call me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Noted. And upvoated.

pessimisticsteel ago

So, has the canary update become a mute point?

PuttItOut ago

Not yet.

HappyMealBullshit ago

If you're going to remove content that is "in the gray area", then just shut down the whole website now you fucking faggot. Jesus christ grow some fucking balls.

anamazonslittle ago

Can you put red backgrounds on threads that have invited fed involvement?

I mean, put red as the background of all threads, and made white the background of threads that haven't incurred fed attention?

CantBuySkills ago

If he was under a gag order he couldn't have made this post...

Cincosiber ago

Voat is better for sharing knowledge they don't want shared.

Anonymous threats over the internet doesn't scare the real bad boys, it's more like a trophy for them. Those that get scared or offended tend to report rather than finding the knowledge they desperately need.

Turn_Coat ago

Can you provide a list of names that have NOT been contacted about with regards to legal threats?

Conspirologist ago

I am really desperate to read between the lines of this post. As far as I understand, Voat is slipping under the control of some not disclosed investors, who want to make it become like Reddit. Correct me if I am wrong.

PuttItOut ago

Voat can't become Reddit, what's the point? We stand for the exact opposite. Posts like this are intended to share a potential problem regarding Voat's future and to hopefully avoid these problem areas.

It's true that even a good can be abused, and often Free Speech falls into the category.

We abuse it, we lose it. Let's just not do this.

NotHereForPizza ago

I hate to break it to you but sorting comments based on popularity essentially is Voat.

This is why, for instance, QRV is anon. I hope you understand what I'm saying to you.

TimofeyevicChesnokov ago

Fuck Trans Pedophiles.

Tor1 ago

Hola Voat soy yo Tor1. Estoy transmitiendo en vivo ahora mismo en la plataforma mas grande del mundo (en ingles aun, no se cuales son las plataformas de los chinos ni de los japoneses y así)

Hey it´s me Tor1. I´m transmitting live on maybe the biggest platform in the world, the key is 9d8y-x20e-5h9r-1t2r. I totally trust you guys so I post here in plain text, in case you think you can stream it better than me. Let´talk about this change Voateros. Mi fido totalmente di voi ragazzi, quindi pubblico qui in chiaro, nel caso pensaste di poterlo ascoltare meglio di me. Let'talk su questo cambiamento Voateros!

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Fuck off, beaner.

Waffles4Everyone ago

I hope you understand that this message will not only be seen by the community, but also by any outsiders who wish to see Voat implode. They now see our weakness and will exploit it via brigading and shitposting. This is the end of Voat.

PuttItOut ago

This is the end of Voat.

How much are you going to wager and what is the time line because I'll take that bet.

TimofeyevicChesnokov ago

It’s amazing how right you are.

Conspirologist ago

Shitposting is going on Voat since the beginning.

YoHomie ago

I'm still telling people that I fucked their sister.

Nadeshda ago

Even when we don’t have a sister, we get it...

modsrcuntz ago

  1. In order for something to be a threat has to fit under a very specific definitions.
  2. Give us examples.
  3. How do you know these aren't people coming on vote to mess it up on purpose by doing this stuff.

NelleBeane ago

You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Is this about someone posting the vid that was censored from Twattter re: not even trying to hide "their" sexual abuse of children?

Or (more frightening) everyone waking up and pointing out that it's the dual citizens behind the ongoing failed coup attempt, indicted in the NXIVM case, etc.?


Nadeshda ago

This is covered under the Freedom of Speech Act, you’re safe! :)

common_sense ago

I’ve called people out for direct threats in the past and was swarmed with a levy of downvotes.

Voat literally has borderline domestic terrorists using it and most people here are perfectly okay with that apparently.

Nadeshda ago

Geez your name just doesn’t make any sense, just saying...

CantBuySkills ago

Thanks for the heads up. Could you please link some examples or tell us specifically what was said. The last thing most of us want is to get shut down, and if we are breaking laws that needs to be corrected. Can you please also tell us what agency(ies) sent you the message(s) and include a copy/picture of it for us?

ninjajunkie ago

Gas the bikes. Pace car, wow.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @Nadeshda.

Posted automatically (#35035) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Nadeshda ago

Lol :D Ninjajunkie for peasadent!

ninjajunkie ago

Stay outta muh pooridge.

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, was that the porridge that was too hot, to cold or just right? I forget...

dtaraasdfasdf ago

you harbor pedos kevdude ffs

carnold03 ago

Formally contacted? Please elaborate.

18221095? ago


fuspezza ago

The shills are hard at work

Goathole ago

Did someone "threaten" to holocaust some pretty little homo?

Were the words "We have a special bunk for you while you wait for your turn in the oven." used?

Please post examples, with usernames.

One-Way_Bus ago

I don't want to kill the Jews or Muslims. I just pray the Muslim world in the Middle East and the Jews in Israel nuke each other.

IDontReadPunchlines ago

so this place is becoming reddit ...gotit. fucking niggerjew faggot. grow some balls and tell these people to FUCK OFF! ADMINS SUBMITTING TO THE WILD LEFT....ON VOAT OF ALL THINGS!

Womb_Raider ago

Your entire website is built on Collusion and deception, @PuttItOut

PuttItOut ago

Good to know.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/2020ElectionNews comment by @flyingcuttlefish.

Posted automatically (#34998) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

flyingcuttlefish ago

NOTE - the description of the thread says it is for adults in the room. Not for the kiddies who think death threats are funny.

Many, many other threads for the kiddies to play in on voat.

Crisco_McFlow ago

Post some evidence and/or documentation. You sound like a fucking kike or you're at least owned by one.

Nadeshda ago

Voat is mostly satire in nature with truth alongside.

I just read this and will leave this here, you have made me ever so curious on the who, what, where and why though...

Spoken or written words tending to intimidate or menace others.
Statutes in a number of jurisdictions prohibit the use of threats and Unlawful Communications by any person. Some of the more common types of threats forbidden by law are those made with an intent to obtain a pecuniary advantage or to compel a person to act against his or her will. In all states, it is an offense to threaten to (1) use a deadly weapon on another person; (2) injure another's person or property; or (3) injure another's reputation.
It is a federal offense to threaten to harm the president or to use the mail to transmit threatening communications. These laws must be balanced against First Amendment rights.
Unlawful communications include, among other things, the use of threats to prevent another from engaging in a lawful occupation and writing libelous letters or letters that tend to provoke a breach of the peace. The use of intimidation for purposes of collecting an unpaid debt has been held to constitute an unlawful communication but might be prosecuted as Extortion.

I also came across this and I it seems rather relevant concerning our “Freedom of Speech”.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that government may not prohibit speech that advocates illegal or subversive activity unless "such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action" (Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395U.S. 444, 89 S. Ct. 1827, 23 L. Ed. 2d 430 [1969]). Applying the Brandenburg test, the Court ruled that the government could not punish an anti-war protester who yelled, "[W]e'll take the fucking street later," because such speech "amounted to nothing more than advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time" (Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105, 94 S. Ct. 326, 38 L. Ed. 2d 303[1973]). Nor could the government punish someone who, in opposition to the draft during the Vietnam War, proclaimed, "[I]f they ever make me carry a rifle, the first man I want in my sights is [the president of the United States]L.B.J." (Watts v. United States, 394 U.S. 705, 89 S. Ct. 1399, 22 L. Ed. 2d 664 [1969]). Such politically charged rhetoric, the Court held, was mere hyperbole and not a threat intended to be acted on at a definite point in time.


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that speech that merely offends, or hurts the feelings of, another person—without eliciting a more dramatic response—is protected by the First Amendment.

I was just reading online and I am no lawyer but you specifically said threats so the above seemed the most appropriate. Sources at the bottom, mind you I was just being curious...

Putts, this just wants me knowing the specifics as I would hate for you to be pushed around for no reasons.

Secondly, thank you so much for all you do!

Source 1:

Source 2:

Silvino ago

Fuck them and their law, partner with a Russian and host this site in Russia. Fucking Solved.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I'm very well aware that they have a dossier on me. And when I say, "they", I mean the entire international intelligence community.

Does anyone here know what the Interpol booking process is like? I do.

All 10 finger prints, wrapped from nail to nail. Both palm prints. 4 headshots, front/sides/back Both retinas scanned. Face 3D scanned. Forced to read a ~500 word paragraph that entails pronouncing every variable pronunciation of the English language's syllables. A q-tip swab of the inside of my cheek.

Yeah. They have EVERYTHING on me, and have had such a dossier for over a decade.

It wouldn't surprise me if I'm being monitored and tracked daily.

Let that sink in. Someone who hasn't committed a violent crime ever, nor has a history of violence, is being watched closer than Osama fucking Bin Ladin.

That's how fucked up our world currently is.

And you wonder why I talk the way I do? The world is in a super fucked place these days. Super fucked.

theoldones ago

we'll want to see details of this request, you know.

if it wasnt a warrant canary situation, it might not have to be private

892938423423 ago

notice all the cunts havent said sit... siting in they offsite chat rooms''''

im proud of you putt

NoBS ago

Censorship is a hell of a drug.

Your comment /v/2020ElectionNews/3178387/18214867 has been deleted by: @flyingcuttlefish on: 4/24/2019 8:58:05 PM

Description given: Rule Violation: Illegal; Description: threat ... even in jest can harm voat ...

Original Comment Her Trial for Treason and Human Trafficking must be documented with her evil face in melt down mode.

Like the evening she lost. You know it was recorded. She has made too many enemies.

Pay Per View the Drawn and Quartered execution so I may Bootleg the Hi Def recordings. Their will be years of them. Shit, I might even buy a few overpriced tickets just to sneak in spirits and party!

Did I mention late night viewing every weekend with the BYO vibe? Valerie Jarrett would be worth Live tickets if under $50. Podesta Brothers will be worth $150 VIP tickets that come with a wet bar and dinner.

I suspect when the trials wind down so they can execute the Bitch, Tickets will be 10K a seat plus the cost of over priced Champagne. Dinner will be extravagant though.

892938423423 ago

/>fter this post there will most likely be "users" testing this line and hoping we remove their content in order to claim censorship on Voat. This is just how things like this work. Don't fall for this Voat. It would be simply incredible if we just worked together on this instead of the typical shit storm posts like this usually generate.

thankyou, get after them

Jeckle ago

You have been cursed by God because you are unwilling to kill the invaders of your nation.

892938423423 ago

yeah @kevdude fuckers


i told you not to not to fuck with me

@seanbox= @aged a pedo pusher

Nadeshda ago

So you complained? What the heck dude...

SeanBox ago

k...basically you got so butthurt you called JIDF headquarters to have them file a formal complaint with puttitout? have you even considered just leaving. Go outside and jog every day, fatboy.

ShitPostMcGee ago

First they came for the glow in the dark cia niggers and i said nothing

symantec ago

I have to be honest, sometimes world events piss me off where I will come on places like this and make it clear that I think the time for arguments and debate is over. It's only a matter of time before "the bullets start flying" and that's going to be the case regardless if voat exists or not. I really like you, PuttItOut, you and Andrew of Gab are the greatest dudes on the internet. Sometimes being able to say anything, while surrounded by like minded people, these places are like a release valve when we have enough of this clown world.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I will be more strict on subverses I moderate. I hope readers understand, when talking politics, some obvious jokes can also be taken another way.

thelma ago

What about your sub v/folksIwantDead ?

892938423423 ago

shit alt

courtjester1111 ago

Ok, and I thought I was mad.

thelma ago


courtjester1111 ago

Yes Sarge.

courtjester1111 ago

Giong to bed love...

CaptnObvius ago

Most people are just venting and in no way mean anything by it, but we'll try to do better.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Very much this. Speaking for myself here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/2020ElectionNews submission by @flyingcuttlefish.

Posted automatically (#34996) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

path ago

It’s a good thing I don’t threaten anybody but satan. More taunting really. Claiming victory. However, his outpouring of evil quickens, for he knows his time on earth is short. The Jews will have financial control, and will facilitate the rise of “dajjal”, only to be betrayed by him. The world caliphate led by the devil himself. Antichrist will have a false prophet by his side, who would do “miracles,” likey an occult magician, claiming to be Jesus. But if you can make it past the false messiah, promising peace and making peace, and you make it past a guy claiming to be Jesus that can miracles, you will really be rewarded in your faith. It won’t be easy, but it’s the only battle worth fighting. Praise Jesus Christ

KVD ago

Take this post down or I'll beat you with a pool noodle!

Nadeshda ago

Putts should reply the following, or someone mahn...

Okay I’ll just leave this here and walk away whistling...

BaldMiscreant ago

Which country's standards are you adhering to, @puttitout? Some are more restrictive than others.

PuttItOut ago


BaldMiscreant ago

Easy enough to follow those guidelines, I would think. Thanks for the clarification

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/2020ElectionNews comment by @flyingcuttlefish.

Posted automatically (#34994) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

It’s been fun.

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Have I ever told you that I was a navy seal?

Salicaz ago

This is like a reddit sub "rule number 1- be nice." Just as vague.

Oy2ThaVey ago

It was the /8chan submission where they doxxed a Jewish family with a tranny son or something. It was the most commented on post yesterday and now it's gone.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/technology comment by @logos_ethos.

Posted automatically (#35340) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Is there any more word of this? Archive?

Oy2ThaVey ago

Nope. I seen the submission yesterday and put two and two together. Just went and looked and now the post is gone, which confirms my theory. It was an /8Chan post that was doxxing some tranny and his Jewish parents. It was the most commented post on Voat yesterday. Mine was ranked 2nd, which is how I found the post.


Knows this.

CantBuySkills ago

Good to know. I didn't see that post yesterday somehow... but there have been a lot of people talking about doxxing around here recently, especially in regards to the whole u/aged & v/gaming thing... this makes sense. Thanks for the info!

NotHereForPizza ago

Can we finally get to the bottom of who ever it was that threatened @srayzie so they can finally quit trying to fucking frame me so that no one listens to what I say?

Also, are we going to get you, Putt, to condemn people like @TexasVet, @tendiesonfloor, etc. Who are promoting violence nearly daily? We all know FEDs post here regularly, whether it be blaming X group for Y problem, promoting violence like mentioned before, or LARPing as Nazis so people won't take Voat seriously, but good fuck this is happening more and more and there's no way you're naive enough to let someone convince you these problems won't both persist and amplify.

I know I haven't always been very upfront with you, Putt, and especially plenty of the user base here, but if anyone thinks I'm someone other than just a normal guy who's unendingly concerned with free speech and the expansion of Truth, you've let some idiot here convince you that I'm something that I'm certainly not. Sure, some of us here disagree about some things (which is entirely healthy you morans), but that doesn't mean I'm a shill or some disinfo agent. Obviously I'm not always honest, but I think if we're going to put me and others like I've mentioned on a scale, I think being dishonest to protect myself or market information or some other variant comes out pretty low on the scale of probability to cause future issues, especially if we compare what I've done to promoting violence, trying to set narratives (what's the point of doing that in an echo chamber anyway?), or LARPing as things that disgust your average user of these kinds of sites entirely on purpose, whether it be to prevent honest perspectives from forming about this place or to specifically establish the user base here as extreme so when someone inevitably frames someone on this site and thereby the site (or owner(s)) itself they'll be easily condemned so that freedoms can be encroached upon.

I'm tired of seeing you let all of these things go unnoticed, Putt. I obviously appreciate your giving us this platform to use, but you avoiding or ignoring these things, if it hasn't already, ought to make your user base extremely paranoid. There's no way you don't know plenty of shills and FEDs occupy this place and while my position here is meaningless and therefore my demands have and likely will go unnoticed, I can't stay silent about this shit much longer and especially in a public way with you.

SandHog ago

I've lied about all kinds of shit but this time you really have to believe me!

You know what, fuck you. I'm tired of seeing your bitchy ass whine. That's all you seem to do. You're the biggest fucking jew I've seen on here and that's saying a lot. This post is a sterling example of that. You are admitting to being a lying, duplicitous faggot and yet you somehow think people are going to believe anything you have to say. Seems to me you brought all of this upon yourself. Are you really this fucking stupid? I find that hard to believe.

There's no way you don't know plenty of shills and FEDs occupy this place and while my position here is meaningless and therefore my demands have and likely will go unnoticed, I can't stay silent about this shit much longer and especially in a public way with you.

If your position here is as meaningless as you allege then just go the fuck away. Noone cares about you and your mental disorders. Alternatively, go public with whatever dumb bullshit you claim you can expose. I don't give a shit and I don't think anyone else gives a shit either. I'm just sick and fucking tired of listening to you bitch you dumb nigger.

NotHereForPizza ago

You seem to have an alterior motive.

I don't think you understand what I'm admitting to "lying" about. I sometimes don't tell the truth or my words aren't genuine, yes. This is done for many reasons, primarily so that it's harder to pin your vernacular arsenal down, harder to establish patterns (which can also be used in an alternative way, too), and harder to find out what sections of what someone says are true or not.

I understand this isn't something you can fully grasp with ease. But, some of us are rather... seasoned, we'll say.

What I meant, to be a little more specific, is that I've been both outwardly helpful and antagonizing of Putt. I don't have to explain my reasons to you, but I've surmised that since Putt hasn't responded to me in a while that he either assumes I'm insincere or trying to take advantage of him. I'm letting him know that that first part is true - I'm not sincere, at least not all of the time. If you can't accept this, that's not a problem for me. I didn't come here for the people that don't want to listen to what I say, I came here for the curious ones or the ones that I can assist in developing curiosity in.

If all you see in my posts is me whining, you're certainly glimpsing at the surface of what I'm saying. Just go a step or two further. Who am I responding to? What have they recently said to me? Do they have any particular public affiliations? What types of things do they regularly discuss? I'm sure someone that cares and doesn't make silly and hurried judgements, like yourself, would understand if they looked a little deeper.

Also, for the record, I've been notified that I'm not the only person that this has happened to.

Your cute gaslighting is not effective, by the way.

srayzie ago

Putt hasn't responded to me in a while that he either assumes I'm insincere or trying to take advantage of him.

That’s why you’re bugged so much! Putt hadn’t responded to you and you blame me because I exposed you! 😂 Are your fee fees hurt?

NotHereForPizza ago

You spin like spiders.

srayzie ago

See parent @Sandhog

SandHog ago

What I meant, to be a little more specific, is that I've been both outwardly helpful and antagonizing of Putt. I don't have to explain my reasons to you, but I've surmised that since Putt hasn't responded to me in a while that he either assumes I'm insincere or trying to take advantage of him. I'm letting him know that that first part is true - I'm not sincere, at least not all of the time.

My case in point.

Your cute gaslighting is not effective, by the way.

That's rich. I'm just calling it like I see it and if you have an issue with that you can shove it up your ass or do a million other things with it. I don't care. You already admitted to being a lying faggot so nothing you say really matters to me at all.

NotHereForPizza ago

Have you ever lied to make someone feel better, or do words only have one meaning, misunderstandings are irredeemable and the world shallow and rigid?

I'm extremely confident that if people take the time to pay attention they'll come to understand what I've done and I'm also very certain that they won't decide that I'm some lying asshole like you try to paint me as.

People that are smarter than you have to be dishonest at times so that being able to conduct your their will is easier. You can get upset about it or you can accept that people out there are more competent than you are like a big boy.

I don't care how you feel about it. Stop wasting my time whining like a pubescent child.

srayzie ago

You aren’t clever you narcissistic prick. The only one you impress is yourself.

srayzie ago

SandHog ago

There's just no convincing a morlock that they are a morlock. When you present evidence of such they simply retreat underground and plot their revenge instead of doing any self-reflection. If they weren't so fucking annoying I wouldn't even think about them at all.

SandHog ago

Have you ever lied to make someone feel better, or do words only have one meaning, misunderstandings are irredeemable and the world shallow and rigid?

Nope. Not since I was a child.

I'm extremely confident that if people take the time to pay attention they'll come to understand what I've done and I'm also very certain that they won't decide that I'm some lying asshole like you try to paint me as.

You admitted as such. Yet I have not seen one time you've ever presented any evidence that supports your position.

People that are smarter than you have to be dishonest at times so that being able to conduct your their will is easier. You can get upset about it or you can accept that people out there are more competent than you are like a big boy.

Lol. You don't know a fucking thing about me.

I don't care how you feel about it. Stop wasting my time whining like a pubescent child.

Says the faggot that never presents any evidence of anything but continues to act like the victim. I've seen the evidence against you. It comes up often enough. How about you provide some evidence that backs up what you re saying? All you do is cry to Putt and he ignores you. If the injustice was so great as you make it out to be there ought to be some evidence that supports your claims. So how about it? If you've been so wrongfully accused it should be simple enough to discredit.

srayzie ago

He’s bored with no life. What a fucking loser. I can’t imagine living my life like he does.

srayzie ago

Do you ever shut the fuck up? When you run your own free speech forum, then you can talk. You don’t even moderate a subverse but think you’re so smart. @Puttitout does a great job and all you do is complain. You ping him over stupid shit as if he has nothing else to do. You are a proven shill who should just fade away like some of your alts.

fluhthreeex ago

Proven shill/troll/ZOG/intel account... lol, it's admitted as much. These clowns usually cycle accounts when they self-dox. Surprised SaneGoat hasn't gone poof as well.

srayzie ago

Heck yeah they cycle accounts!

NotHereForPizza ago

Stop trying to frame me, retard...

Do you really think everyone here is stupid enough to fall for your shit?

srayzie ago

I’ve been leaving you alone. You’re the one that pinged me faggot.

NotHereForPizza ago

But why don't you want to get to the bottom of who threatened you? Wasn't it a serious threat? Shouldn't you take threats to yourself seriously?

@PuttItOut I hope you see this shit. If they haven't gotten to you yet, look at this and don't just keep ignoring me. If they have gotten to you then fuck you I'm going to keep annoying you.

srayzie ago

I’ve already told you a couple of times that I made @Puttitout aware. After I made this post all threats stopped immediately. The fact that you keep bringing it up is that you’re a trouble maker.

YOU ARE THE ONE THAT WAS THREATENING ME. Your alt @thisistotallynotme disappeared when I made that post too. You are making you yourself look more and more guilty by bringing it up so much.

@shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch

NotHereForPizza ago

But if I wasn't guilty, wouldn't I not want to talk about it?

Putt can easily see that none of the IPs I've ever used have been the same as any of the ones that made the threatening comments you've spoken of.

You seem upset that I'm adament about us getting to the bottom of the issue with you having been threatened.

Would it piss you off if I showed screecaps of that guy sending me messages about how I should learn how to properly defend myself in court? Did you know the guy threatened me?

I've played nice so far. Give up on framing me and shit, or I'll actually dedicate some time to separating myself publicly from the people you claim that I am by posting some info about private messages I've had with them and I can even go so far as to pull discussions from other websites that feature us very apparently discussing you and your friends, this website and I suppose a few more details.

Stop trying to fucking frame me.

@PuttItOut wake the fuck up.

srayzie ago

But if I wasn't guilty, wouldn't I not want to talk about it?

Putt can easily see that none of the IPs I've ever used have been the same as any of the ones that made the threatening comments you've spoken of.

2 computers can be connected to the same network and have different external IP addresses. But you already knew that because you’re a software engineer.

Stop trying to fucking frame me.

I left you alone a couple of weeks ago. You’re the one pinging me asshole.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm a software engineer? Holy shit! What college did I graduate from? Did I get a bachelor's? Oh, or a masters?! Do I have a job?

But, retard, the way one could accomplish what you're talking about is simply using a VPN. Too bad for you that, again, I can prove I'm not the person you want me to be. All Putt or LE has to do is look at the messages between me and him... Do you think they're that stupid too?

If this really is you framing me, you know you can get in legal trouble for this, right?... You can't pretend to send violent threats to yourself and claim it was someone else legally.

srayzie ago

But, retard, the way one could accomplish what you're talking about is simply using a VPN.

So you’re admitting that you know how to do it. What a stupid bitch.

Putt or LE has to do is look at the messages between me and him...

Then send him a message. Why are you pinging me? None of it matters. The posts I made exposed you. You trying to earn a good reputation is going to back fire on you. Do you really want to play this game with me?

You can't pretend to send violent threats to yourself and claim it was someone else legally.

LOL. Are you trying to say that I tried doxing myself and threatened myself with rape while my son watched? I am the one that posted about @Shizy being raped? That’s the kind of manipulative shit that goes they your mind. Normal people don’t think like that.

This is the kind of person that you are. I posted this before...

I was blackmailed by user NotHereForPizza, who had earlier that day tried to dox a pizzagate mod. It wasn’t the first time. His username looked familiar. I remembered talking to him in the past when he was trying to dox the same person weeks before. Now, I was being told by this very same person that I was being tested. That they were moving here from Reddit. Depending on my cooperation, they may tell “the others” that we were compromised.

As the conversation went on, this person was posting on 8chan saying I was under questionable status. Telling them I was censoring because I removed his post where he tried doxing. I have proof that he made the story up. He even admits it. I will be providing evidence of all this soon.

You can read the private messages yourself.

Don’t fuck with me. I guarantee that you will lose....AGAIN

Shizy ago

This faggot retard again? Why is he bringing this shit up again all of a sudden?

@NotHereForPizza is a fucking loser!

NotHereForPizza ago


srayzie ago

See what happens when you start this shit? Nobody likes you.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is consensus cracking. Your gaslighting is ineffective and lazy.

By the way, I didn't start this shit, you did. I simply want to grt to the bottom of who ever it is that's threatening you so you'll leave me the fuck alone. Have you told Putt the threats came from that guy, or are you just trying to shut me up by pretending that I threatened you? That's the only way we can explain you getting worked up once I ping Putt so he'll help you with this very serious problem. And, no, I'm not being sarcastic. You and your family being threatened is serious and it should be dealt with seriously.

srayzie ago

I didn’t even bring your NotHereForPizza username up. I brought up the username that was trying to dox me. You don’t give a fuck about me or my family. You aren’t kidding anyone.

NotHereForPizza ago

I have one single account here at Voat. One. Not more than one, only one.

I think you should take the threat seriously. It's your family we're talking about here. You'd do anything to protect your family, right? So would I.

Now if we're going to keep chatting, let's talk about why you don't want your being threatened brought up with the site owner, who would be the only person that could be sure of exactly which IPs have accessed which accounts. Or... do you not want to talk about that for some reason?

srayzie ago

Q just posted. BYE

srayzie ago

Boy. I sure am living in your head rent free. What was discussed about the threats is not something that I’m going to talk about with the one that threatened me.

NotHereForPizza ago

You know things don't become true just because you continue to repeat them, right?

Vindicator ago

You really should stop talking. You've dug yourself a veritable pit just in this thread alone.

Which I just saved for posterity.

srayzie ago

Can you explain to me how this faggot @NotHereForPizza can be so against Reddit mods and say he doesn’t use Reddit but then writes me all this?

I just don’t get it. He makes no sense. He was “helping” the Reddit mods that were COMPROMISED migrate here.

@shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch

Vindicator ago

It's simple: he thinks this is the way goats talk, so he parrots the lines. In reality, goats only care about "Reddit mods" when they've seen a Voat mod actually acting like one, or if there a massive Reddit migration underway. The rest of the time, no one gives a crap or even thinks about it. We're too busy enjoying our liberty.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Shitlist submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#35092) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

NotHereForPizza ago

Reddit mods don't scare me, you stupid faggot.

Fuck off back to SRS

Vindicator ago

They obviously do, or you wouldn't exude so much hot air about them. :-)

NotHereForPizza ago

It's funny you say that while your dumbass finds claim that I'm the Reddit mod... despite being a Reddit mod yourself.

How stupid do you think we all are?

Vindicator ago

My "dumbass finds"? Lol. You're getting flustered.

I've never been a mod on Reddit. I lurked during the Podesta email drops but made my account here on Voat after the migration.

You must be pretty stupid, to make claims with no evidence whatsoever. This is Voat. That don't fly in these parts.

srayzie ago

You sure looked out for Reddit mods here, instead of a Goat I might add...

You’re obsessed with Reddit.

srayzie ago

Vindicator ago

LOL. He sounds just like WoS. So arrogant, he thinks you are retarded, silly-ass attempts to intimidate, trying to "frame" @Crensch just like WoS tried to "frame" me, claims our subverses are "infiltrated" or "compromised." Inept. Deceitful, disrespectful tactics glowin' hard. Obviously not a person of good will.

Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh :-)

NotHereForPizza ago

So you’re admitting that you know how to do it. What a stupid bitch.

How to samefag? Welcome to the internet...

Then send him a message. Why are you pinging me? None of it matters. The posts I made exposed you. You trying to earn a good reputation is going to back fire on you. Do you really want to play this game with me?

You didn't expose anything beyond your lack of competence.

LOL. Are you trying to say that I tried doxing myself and threatened myself with rape while my son watched? I am the one that posted about @Shizy being raped? That’s the kind of manipulative shit that goes they your mind. Normal people don’t think like that.

This is the kind of person that you are. I posted this before...

I can't imagine any sane or honest person would ever concoct anything like this... Not only did I very obviously do none of those things, you not letting this go seems more and more obvious that it's bullshit, especially since you don't want to bring it up with Putt.

A person who had been threatened like that should really want to get to the bottom of things.

Also, if I wasn't revealing Crensch, wasn't the stuff I posted about "him" no different than what SBBH does every day with their posts "doxxing" each other? Why would you get upset, let alone retaliate and ban me from things, if I wasn't right in what I said about him? This begs the question - why would it matter Crensch was a reddit mod, anyway, and how is revealing his reddit account doxxing him?

On the contrary, lady, I've lost exactly nothing during my stay here.

I thought you guys upset when people didn't ping you. Are you upset because you want me to stop talking about you trying to frame me? Does my bringing it up upset you because you know my having anything to do with it isn't true? Is that why you get bothered when I bring Putt in to this?

srayzie ago

Not only did I very obviously do none of those things, you not letting this go seems more and more obvious that it's bullshit.

I haven’t even talked about you for weeks. You’re just stirring shit up.

...especially since you don't want to bring it up with Putt.

I DID inform Putt. How much clearer can I make that for you?

A person who had been threatened like that should really want to get to the bottom of things.

I did. I exposed you and your group and it stopped. Case closed.

Also, if I wasn't revealing Crensch, wasn't the stuff I posted about "him" no different than what SBBH does every day with their posts "doxxing" each other?

Since you’re a pussy, I’ll ping @Crensch for you. It’s rude to talk shit about someone and not ping them.

I’ve only seen SBBH PLAY DOX each other.

Why would you get upset, let alone retaliate and ban me from things, if I wasn't right in what I said about him?

Doxing is against the rules. Duh! You were posting about his personal life. Posting what you claim to be his pets.

This begs the question - why would it matter Crensch was a reddit mod, anyway, and how is revealing his reddit account doxxing him?

I’ve looked into it and know for a fact that he’s not Creq or whatever that crackheads name is. Besides, many people here came from Reddit including you. I don’t care! I just have a problem with corrupt Reddit mods.

On the contrary, lady, I've lost exactly nothing during my stay here.

Yes you have. That’s why you continue to post this shit.

Are you upset because you want me to stop talking about you trying to frame me? Does my bringing it up upset you because you know my having anything to do with it isn't true?

We are running an awesome sub trying to further the Q movement, which is a lot of responsibility. On top of that, I’m making posts everyday exposing corruption.

You bringing it up over and over is just old. It’s a distraction. You’re a deceitful person who must live a miserable life. But, I will take the time to defend myself every time you start shit with me or try to deny it. I have plenty of links exposing you.

Is that why you get bothered when I bring Putt in to this?

What bothers me is that I have informed him, the threats have stopped, yet you continue to ping the owner of the site who must get TONS of pings a day. That’s got to be overwhelming.

You are inconsiderate. You don’t know what responsibility is. People are annoyed by this petty shit. There are more important things going on in the world to focus on. Do what you gotta do. I will never back down from you as long as you continue to harass me.

MolochHunter ago

lol Srayz, you totally murdered the fag

Hey @NotHereForPizza , are you FactQueer or something ?

srayzie ago

I guess he’ll never learn lol.

NotHereForPizza ago

None of you idiots know anything about me... I'm smarter and more persistent than all of you.

None of your shit is effective.

srayzie ago

You must be the only one that has ever said that 😂

@Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Kevdude

Vindicator ago

Dude needs to look in the mirror and read that out loud:

"I'm smarter and more persistent than all of you"

If ya gotta say it, it probably ain't true. LMAO

MolochHunter ago

see, thats yet another example of you being FactQueer

Shizy ago

Also, if I wasn't revealing Crensch, wasn't the stuff I posted about "him" no different than what SBBH does every day with their posts "doxxing" each other?

Oh shit you really are retarded! Those "doxxing" posts on SBBH are completely made up and ridiculous so that people can just troll each other for fun! You understand what jokes and fun are don't you? Or maybe you are an autistic fuck!

And @srayzie, @crensch notice how this dumbfuck used "him" when referring to crensch? Wasn't some other loser trying to spread around that crensch was a female instragram model? Hmmmmm

srayzie ago

I think they said tranny 😂

Crensch ago


Also, he asks that question and doesn't understand that someone is getting accused of being me with that info. That instaslut would have to deal with the fallout of being a NAZI. Same with the faggot plebbitor.

That's not all fun and games like the SBBH folks fart around with. SOMEbody is getting linked to this username, and the consequences for that could be rather dire.

Crensch ago

Why does he keep responding here? Does he think we're just going to forget all the shady shit he's said and done?

I'll try to put something together tonight. Might just ES storybook him.

srayzie ago

Good! The stupid JEW won’t learn.

DoesntDoItRight ago

See /u/WhiteRonin ? It has already begun!

WhiteRonin ago

Begun what?

Crensch ago

Enjoy the time you have left.

thelma ago

I've never seen a threat posted on Voat...never.

Now, I have had cops, FBI, etc come to my door asking about posts I have posted on the internet -- usually complaining about a specific judge will get the FBI a-knocking.

here's thelma's how to handle LEOs...

"Knock knock" .. I recommend you ignore it to begin with .. they'll break the door down if they are going to arrest you. And you cannot talk your self out of an arrest. So no positive thing can come out of you ignoring them. Worst is a door jam repair....

OK, so you are stupid or did not notice that they were cops. Knock Knock .. door opens "FBI." ..again I recommend just slamming the door in their face (it WONT MATTER if you are going to be arrested--it might matter if you talk to them and not on the positive side)....but you've a fucking idiot and decide to talk...

"We saw this post XYZ." FBI man

"Show me a printout of the post." Fucking idiot Goat but getting smarter with every second

"I don't have that." FBI man

"Well, I have no idea what post you are referencing. GTFO." Goat

FBI man "OK but..."

Goat, cutting FBI off "Are you leaving? Because I want you to leave right now, this instant"

FBI man "Fuck, this guy must have talked to thelma too"

And you're recording, right?

(And in the unlikely event that they have a printout, which they never have with me, just say the still-magic words (US) of "I want my lawyer" and then shut up).

9000timesempty ago

Not very transparent of a statement asswipe.

Tell us who had the problem and what was the problem.

You're not specific enough that this shit you're saying sounds like the faggotry we have been trying to avoid.

Who's the new investor?

Don't you fucking lie to us.

Holonomic ago

Yeah, I hear ya @PuttItOut. There seems to be so many screwballs that go too far. I make comments, but I don't live here the way it seems a lot of people do, so I'm not here day-to-day the way they are.

I think they see this (VOAT) as an untapped resource for shitheadedness. I (think) I do my part to squelch the stupid, but as you know....'stupid' breeds faster than the intelligent

Do what you need to do.....I'm behind you 100%

MockingDead ago

Sorry, what happened to free speech? Don't go Pao on us.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

When I suggest that I wish Hitler really had been a genocidal madman and actually did exterminate 600 gorillian jews am I threatening or suggesting violence?

I sure hope not or I may get banned from the entire internet.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It would be simply incredible if we just worked together on this

And I want a pony!

MyTinyOpinion ago

I might shoot off my mouth in anger over the clown world around me same as most but I don't really want violence or civil war nor would I start it. It's fustrating watching the world burn around you helplessly & verbally voicing anger keeps me from internalizing it until I stroke the fuck out.

That doesn't mean I won't defend myself or my family if it's necessary & you can bet your ass I'm preparing for the worst case scenario. Disgusted by the future my little one has to look forward to thanks to the treasonous parasitic politicians & justice system we financially support.

stric9 ago

Pre-BolShevik Russia! Called it.

89753jklsdfklas ago

ive been threatened on almost a daily basis for years.... and harassed to the point i cannot have a main account... in fact i never have have been able too

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

John C Stevenson?

RustyEquipment ago

maybe your a niggerfaggot and should self reflect?

NiggerVirus ago

Remove any and all content that sexualizes underage children. Be it cartoons or otherwise.

89753jklsdfklas ago

upi means sbbh seanbox aka @aged?

NiggerVirus ago

Any of the people who post stuff similar to what Aged posts should have it removed. It's wrong and definitely a legal grey area. It's the kind of thing that will get voat shut down. There needs to be a zero tolerance policy for it

89753jklsdfklas ago

shit alt fuck off, you cunt i know more about you than you think

ADaniels ago

LOL. We are fucking slaves, 10th amendment my ass.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Let me guess, Jews?

HorseIsDead ago

@puttitout don't worry about the autistic asshole manchildren saying they're going to leave to some place that lets them threaten violence to whoever they want. They're the next Cesar Sayocs and they'll be just as unsuccessful in it too.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Free speech does not exist.

PuttItOut ago

Hey Voat B-day!

Free Speech is kind of like gun rights these days... a narrow road indeed.

SpaceRace ago

Someone on the Internet: Hello police? Someone on the Internet threatened me.

Police: Come in and make a statement.

Someone on the Internet: Writes statement.

Police: We will investigate this for sure.

Police: Hey Internet what do you know about this?

Internet: FUCK OFF

Police: You have to hand over everything, because.

Internet: Do you have a WARRANT SIGNED BY A JUDGE?

Police: (Write a warrant and get their judge to sign at the bottom).

Police: Deliver WARRANT to the Internet.

Internet: FUCK OFF

Not_C ago

There's nothing to be gained from threatening or attacking individuals. Even individuals like Soros, or the Rothchilds don't have much power themselves. Instead their power comes from Jewish tribalism.

  • Stopping a single raindrop will not stop the flood.

Threatening, stopping, or taking out one individual raindrop will have no effect on the flood. All focus must be put on the entire flood. So stop obsessing over individual people and individual acts, and instead learn and understand how Jewish tribalism works and how it's being used.

Again, mindless threats and violent attacks won't work when there is no understanding of what's really going on. And your first lesson on Jewish tribalism is this - They work together to trick you into attacking the wrong group.

samuraichococat ago

@puttitout thank you for all you have done for us, thank you for this place and thank you for communicating with us.

that being said, this is a stern warning shot across my bow that it is sadly time for me to leave this place and hang up my sword and chocolate.

its been great and i hope that voat continues to thrive, but it is very obviously too dangerous to continue to be a part of.

i honestly never thought this day would come, but this is the canary warning to me and should be to everyone else as well.

PuttItOut ago

I don't know how you can connect these dots and come to this conclusion. Name one internet company that hasn't had issues similar to these? It's the world we live in, it can't be avoided.

samuraichococat ago

there is no intended or implied blame upon you. it is just how the situation is beginning to look.

PuttItOut ago

It shouldn't surprise you to know we've been on the radar since we launched.

samuraichococat ago

being on the radar is one thing that is completely unsurprising, but actually having them come to the admins and start asking questions is quite another.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You for ALL you do, and put up with to keep Free Speech alive, @Puttitout !


DillHoleBagHands ago

For fuck's sake. I leave for one hour and shit happens. Why am I always late.

Aaaaaanyway. Kinda surprised the feds haven't berated you more often. I wish you could reply with a "reeeeeee" but I know you can't.

Thanks for the update as always.

varialus ago

Do upvoats of "threats" constitute "threats"? For the record, my upvoats are not necessarily intended to constitute support of said content.

Samsquamch ago

Putt isn't the person to take up this fight, but I really wish these people who "formally contacted" Voat had their requests were made public.

It needs to be clear they are applying this authority evenly and fairly, something that government oversight should have no problems proving. If you want one group to stop making threats, you have to also make sure they aren't being threatened by other groups.

To be clear, I'm not advocating violence - I think it's stupid to make threats of violence on the internet, and even more idiotic that others feel it needs to be policed, but this Nanny state is where we are.

PuttItOut ago

I have no problem making requests public, not in the least. Unless I'm strongly advised not to do so, I will.

WeekendBaker ago

Hey Putt I was digging in the gutter to find other comments and surprised to see you still replying here. Much respect.

89753jklsdfklas ago

look putt... there is a reason i had to do what i did... yet those people are unpunished... but yet you didn't give two shits about banning me

i just lost another account last downvoated from shit night to them......

im willing to overlook it, i dont hold grudges, i understand that your trying your best.... i get it... but you have to too look at the root of cause.

it wasnt me, i have never resticted a users free speck... but evidently you have

PuttItOut ago


NotHereForPizza ago

So... had I seen this guy's comments I'd have tried to specifically alter the comments I've made today to specifically look as different as I could make it from this guy's comments.

For the record, they've tried to say I'm him before and I'm not.

89753jklsdfklas ago

look, i know you are looking in the wrong direction

but im not wrong. there is a select group of people that maliciously attack voat, verses and users

89753jklsdfklas ago

and yeah i just lost yet another account to kevdude goon squad downvoat brigades

89753jklsdfklas ago

what do you want to know? i can tell you

im not being an asshole here, im trying to fucking telling what voat is

you know me, state of vaot is not good

im not digging at you im trying to protect it

DeliciousOnions ago

Also we need to do a good job of isolating and ridiculing the provocateurs. They glow in the dark and are thus easy to spot.

When putting the entire Voat community under scrutiny is as easy as making a fake account and posting threats, you'd better damn well believe our enemies will be going exactly that.

Beware: that guy asking you to saw off his shotgun for him is probably a fed.

kammmmak ago

Fact of the matter. Jews are responsible of the destruction of western civilization. WW3 is upon us. That is all. And all shown is to reflect the reality of it. So what if they are scared for being called out.

GritD2 ago

I personally do not want any violence, other than what is directed by the military court after a fair and balanced trial, for the execution of traitors to the constitution of the united states. If I ever say, get the rope, it is an expression of taking someone who is obviously guilty to court and letting the court find them guilty and executing them. If I ever say have them killed, kill them all or anything in that vein, also it is also meaning capture, trial and legal execution. on rare occasions it could also be referring to killing their public persona. If I call someone a fag, it is on voat, and never in real life, I don't really care who you fuck as long as they are over 18. If I say pedos must die, it is in relation to what the court should do to them. All other instances are about personal defense, and should that situation appear I am within my rights to protect my body from physical harm from others.

I have seen many users here try and entrap goats , I can only suspect they are doing to many people and this is why you are seeing this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SeanBox ago

Is this because I said we should kill sanegoat and told everyone to contact JIDF to complain about his incompetence? It’s fucking sanegoat....

ardvarcus ago

This is how censorship of ideas and opinions starts. The censors need to find some wedge to drive in to begin the process, so they fix on two things -- porn and violence. Porn is pretty much lost to them since they themselves have decided to flood the Internet with porn, as a way of destroying white Christian culture, so that leaves violence. Any post that they can accuse of violent threats becomes vulnerable to their censorship. It's not really about violence -- we've all seen how violent the liberal fascists are -- it's about silencing opposition.

PuttItOut ago

You are discussing malicious intent. This isn't the case here.

lordvain2 ago

Musta been something I hate.

srayzie ago


I made this post 5 months ago and I was chewed out so I went back and crossed it all out...

ATTENTION - No more posts or comments promoting Violence

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Vindicator

smokratez ago

Really simple. Sticky a big disclaimer that states anything on this website is satire.

Mumbleberry ago

I like that.

smokratez ago

it works for shit like the daily show.

Mumbleberry ago

Ought to work hear too then.

smokratez ago

If Put does it. That is still required for it to work.

SexMachine ago

Can you please share with us the content of the offending posts?

The Supreme Court of the United States has already ruled on this, as long as there isn't a direct threat towards a group or individual that has a time or something attached to it, it's within the realm of protected speech.

"kill all niggers," "gas the kikes, race war now," these are examples of protected speech. Neither are ordering anyone to commit a crime now. "race war now" is not targeting a specific person or group, while "gas the kikes" is, there's no saying of when we should gas the kikes.

Now if I were to say, "somebody should work their way into that synagogue and give those kikes a lead enema," that would be a specific target, and probably borderline illegal.

htrghnd1 ago

The Jew investor has spoken at last.

Zoldam ago

Never go public.

fujin ago

The funny thing is I was in the process of making a post regarding how the "race war now" and "we need to take action now" gaslighting shit would lead to some sort of censorship on here and I'm sure it would've been downvoted to hell at this point with how brazzingly dumb some people on here have been lately.

There's a clear difference between freedom of speech which includes saying things like "gas the kikes", "killer niggers", etc and inflammatory speech like inciting imminent violence, call to arms, etc which is NOT protected under the US First Amendment.

As per Brandenburg vs. Ohio, here's what crosses the line with inflammatory speech and what will trigger the government to get involved (e.g. force the admins to clean shit up or shut down the site):

1. The speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” AND 2. The speech is “likely to incite or produce such action.”

The Brandenburg test is currently the unbeaten precedent upheld by the courts for speech that could be seen as instigating violence.

I can almost guarantee that there are teams (government and non-government) dedicated to watch and observe what we post on this site, waiting for comments that they can use to mount a case against Voat and eventually get this site shut down like they've already done to some others. And I'm sure there are active users on here from said groups that are giving us rope to hang ourselves.

Don't be the dumbass that shoots themselves in the dick here if you care about this site at all. Out jew the jew who is but a fraction of the population and yet gained power and influence without a drop of their own blood being shed.

Here's a precedent that many judges refer to in regards to inflammatory speech:

“Strong and effective extemporaneous rhetoric cannot be nicely channeled in purely dulcet phrases. An advocate must be free to stimulate his audience with spontaneous and emotional appeals for unity and action in a common cause. When such appeals do not incite lawless action, they must be regarded as protected speech.”

Thanks for addressing this u/PuttItOut

SearchVoatBot ago

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TheNerdyCowboy ago

This statement should be sufficient if it stays sticky.

To expect the forum to be moderated by the hosts seems foolish. To take action as individuals against others( exempli gratia reporting a direct threat that seems legitimate to the authorities so they can take action against that individual).

Because police are lazy does not mean the forum should be closed. It is like them closing down a bar because drug dealers frequent the place instead of arresting the dealers.

If we are being pressured by authorities we should respond with "Do your job and take care of that individual and quit trying to bully me into doing your job for you". If a member of the communitu commits a crime (like saying they are going to personally kill Trudeau) then it is the police's job to find and stop them not ours. If they are too cheap and lazy to the point of trying to force us to work for them at our expense we should remind them that the community members pay taxes for a reason.

The police should be treated with respect, people don't join them to enforce tyrany. We should politely explain the situation. Along the lines of " This is a pubpic forum and we are hosting it. Criminals are part of the public and your duty to handle. I understand this task can be difficult but it is not my duty to do it for you, if I wanted to police the public I would be a police officer. You asking us to do your job is like asking a bar owner to investigate their patrons when everyone pays taxes for the police to investigate and capture criminals.

srayzie ago

I’m so glad you brought this up @Puttitout. I’ve felt this way for a while. We get a lot of that on Q subs. I think there are groups that do this so that we can be blamed for some false flag. They want Voat and 8chan banned.

oneinchterror ago

I appreciate you, Putt

totes_magotes ago

Fuck you. This was what everyone who had half a brain said would happen when a secret investor was announced and here you are promising censorship. No crime has been committed so fuck off with your shit. You're no better than Black Rifle Coffee Company.

CantBuySkills ago

Someone mentioned a post from yesterday linked to 8chan that was doxxing a tranny and their jew family... that is completely illegal, and if that is what this is in regards to, I am all for it. But without any further I formation we have nothing to go on.

ArielQflip ago

Compelled speech regarding gender is terrible. I will not call your gestational human a theyby!!!!

Tallest_kill ago

why threaten... you wont ever do anything

SeanBox ago

3 minute old member. NICE TO MEeT YOU!!!

Tallest_kill ago

nice to meet you too friend! :)

lord_nougat ago


PuttItOut ago

A US agency?


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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GritD2 ago

Verified and not some soros pantifag imitating someone who is real?

Javik2186 ago

Which one? FBI, DHS, DOJ?

PuttItOut ago

I need to see what happens next before I go into further details.

go1dfish ago

Can you confirm it is the government and not something more tame like a hosting provider?

18228485? ago

How are things over at NAB?

go1dfish ago

Going pretty well, got most of the performance issues settled and am working to make it easier for others to run peers now.

18228702? ago

Cool. How are IPs tracked or are they? Could you remove something if ordered to do so by (((them)))?

go1dfish ago

Don’t track IPs, I do have the ability to remove content from my peer, but no ability to force others to remove content from theirs.

18237622? ago

Has nab become a pedo safe haven?

go1dfish ago

No, my policies mirrors that of reddit before they went off the deep-end.

I don't allow r/jailbait type communities/content and I don't take action against drawings.

18237891? ago

I'm not a fan of pedo drawings but get that it's technically legal, we all need to use nab more. It's a superior product

heygeorge ago

It’s the FDA

offender ago

"You see Putt, there's a lot of users on your little website promoting unhealthy amounts of Diet Monster energy drinks. We can't have that."

Javik2186 ago

I got a scare tonight already, one of my roommates said someone was in my apartment room without my permission nor knowledge. It was not maintenance since it took place after 5pm. I always keep my door locked, items hidden, checked everything and nothing was taken. So it could've been them smoking pot again and hearing noises or someone was really in one of my roommates room as my roommates have a fucking problem of leaving their doors and the back door unlocked when they are not home.

I believe this threat thing is an op concocted from 4chan & 8 chan or Reddit trying to take down voat again.

bushka ago

So TexasVet finally called the FBI on us like he said he would.

Zenhael ago

Now would be a nice time to update the warrant canary. Really nice time.

MaunaLoona ago

Why not be transparent and tell us who it was and what content it pertained to.

Whiteflighter ago

It looks like he legally can't.

HateCumbuckets ago

3 isp's have voat blocked here in Australia. Any contact from us?

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh junk. Someone definitely said something then.

BentAxel ago

WOW I never saw that. A. Why in fuck is he begging online. I have little, nay no respect for beggers. Whatever you do, you can do it as a side job for cash. Begging is never the answer. Moreover Vets can get jobs like fucking candy right now.

B. If he's a vet, he should have some sort of support. The VA, they can get him food stamps, here in California we have

If he needs assistance with rent

And finally the local VA will help or put him in touch with someone who will.

C. I thought he admitted he wasn't a vet and seeing this, I'm really fucking pissed because Clearly he is not.

antiliberalsociety ago

He doxxed himself to prove he is, but saw no action and never promoted. I documented all his frauds here and he looks like every definition of the word shill.

Heer_me_roar ago

Fucking faggots...meanwhile Antifa gets run of every liberal city in the country while the nigs murder us daily...and we aren't even allowed to talk about clownworld.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

We aren’t allowed to talk about clownworld? Since when? Honk honk faggots i dont even think it’s a good meme, probably astroturf, but hell if im not allowed to talk about anything god damnit.

Gorillion ago

I bet it's the effectiveness of Clownworld that really got them foaming and poking around.
It's the billion megaton nuke of political mockery. They thought they'd provoke actionable violent reprisals much sooner than this and we just blew out their already tight-as-a-noose timeline by embracing the Clown meme and weaponizing beyond their imaginations.

Already shut down the Library Trannies. 2020 is going to be a memetic bloodbath courtesy of the Honk becoming an extreme shorthand shut-down of any stupid dishonest nonsense coming out of ANY politician's face. Red noses painted or glued on political posters and billboards will be the quickest and most effective narrative-destroying graffiti in history.

You glowing idiots got so wrapped up in The Day of the Rope memes (which was just an illustration of how such political subversions often end for those that consider themselves revolutionaries throughout history - often even independent of who actually wins), that you never saw The Day of Honk coming.

We're gonna wreck you with a fucking silly sound effect. Some 99c cent app will be the end of your masters, and ultimately the end of you. And it was likely invented by some moron in a CIA coke pit think tank, believing that meme magic could be harnessed. You may wanna go thank him personally for setting fire to decades of careful civic manipulation and planning and blowing all your pensions and hidden deep state slush funds. Because sure as shit, someone else has their eyes on that money, and they can see you failing. And they'll literally cut your throats to take what's yours long before any real ground-level civil war shit kicks off and some civilian gets a chance to do it.

In a world where anything can be re-contextualized as "violent rhetoric" or "calls to violence" you thought we would be cornered into acting physically upon purpose-chosen targets (your obvious Soros Color Revolution wannabe martyrs like Goblina, Lanzahogg and that new little tween gremlin pushing Global Warming or whatever) so you could sweep us all away in one dark night with full public support and an iron clad legal papertrail. But now you'll be forced to go after dudes in clown wigs for making honking noises at whatever old establishment psychopath pedo or new central casting shoe-size IQ brainlet you put up for nomination in 2020.

You over-played your False Flags. FF is in the lingua franca now. Everyone's picking up on it. Notre Dame was too far. Sri Lanka and that whole "Easter Worshippers" thing was a monumental fuck up. All you had left was IRL street level violence breaking out to push the last phase of your plans, and you just...gave us this fantastic new memetic Atomic Death Ray when you needed us at our most mentally disarmed and demoralized.

You really are Clowns. Honk Honk, motherfuckers.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

You just won Voat. I hereby nominate /u/Gorillion to take over voat from Cuckitout. Who is with me?!

EuropeanEnthusiast ago

That should be it's own post you nailed it, honkler can win this propaganda war for us. Now where to get size 6 gorillion shoes from?

Redpilleveryone ago

A pleasure to read.

captainstrange ago

extreme shorthand shut-down of any stupid dishonest nonsense coming out of ANY politician's face"

God damn, I couldn't have said it better.

It's so motherfucking blatant these days you don't even have to point it out.

You just have to attach a clown nose to it and HONK.

bourbonexpert ago

Great comment.

MrDarkWater ago

Are they the "investor" also?

PuttItOut ago

No. Why does everyone think they are pulling the strings behind the scenes? You guys think I've sold out and that is so far from the truth it makes me laugh.

fluhthreeex ago

Possibly because they operate here openly, with free reign, and nothing is done about them.

Also because they have a tendency to fund tech companies, start honeypots, and the fact that you haven't said hello on camera, done an interview with anyone in the press, and no one knows who you are aside from the "name".

european ago

How much can you say about the motivations of the investors? I missed any details of who they are but expect you cannot say much.

PuttItOut ago

They are like minded. Freedom of Speech is important.

watts2db ago

not everyone thinks this including me

zyklon_b ago

if they named specific goats u need let em know on the cool.

lordvain2 ago

I'm not thinking you sold out, more like being forced. This is a great site. Something seems different. If I offend please drop me a line. I want people to think and engage. It's is less like that now. For the first time I have blocked a lot of people for being dicks or just going off topic. There seems to be a lot more immature comments, and I suspect, infiltrators that are here to discredit the place. I'm not blaming you, I am amazed you put up with us. Thanks for that!

Hand_of_Node ago

Something seems different.

Same as after the great 'outage' last year. Lots of new accounts (including this one), and just a different feel to vibe.

lordvain2 ago

Thanks for responding. It's been quiet. I was wondering if I had been shadow banned. Yep, something has changed.

DiscontentedMajority ago

Hey Putt, thanks for keeping it real in the face of ranting assholes.

I'm not sure why people think our benefactor is remotely inclined to reveal themselves and be doxxed and harrassed by every SJW in the world.

PuttItOut ago

It is entirely this. What amazes me is that spectators change their tune when they are the ones on the field.

Not one critic here truly knows what is on the line.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

We're not mind readers, and you're being opaque as fuck.

Whiteflighter ago

Putt's a great man.

common_sense ago

Because half your userbase is retarded and thinks “the Jews” are behind everything.

Diggernicks ago

Those of us sane people know its really the catholics behind everything that need gassing.

CockroachKing ago

As true today as when the Southern Baptists landed at Plymouth Rock, hoping to escape England's oppressive state religion, Catholicism.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why does everyone think they are pulling the strings behind the scenes?


You guys think I've sold out

We tend not to like surreptition. We're jumpy like that.

big_fat_dangus ago

You gotta remember dude, when r*ddit got pozzed, it didn't happen all at once in one big fell swoop. I happened over a period of several years, in small, incremental steps. Steps like this one. So people who spent those years over there going to point out the similarity.

Personally I don't believe you sold out or got zogged or whatever, but it's easy to understand the people who do.

lord_nougat ago

Incremental steps, and now they mainly take excremental steps.

european ago

Boiling frog metaphor

big_fat_dangus ago

Indeed. The real shitty part of it is, the ostensibly conservative holdout areas are neutered beyond what should even be possible. Remember when t_d got scammed for six figures by some random nigger chick in a MAGA hat? Or the pudgy dope with his obese nigger wife posing with their newborn gape mouthed, cross eyed goblina baby?

Try saying the word "jew" there, in any context.

Not "gas the jews"

Not "fuck the jews"

Not "I don't like the ways in which jews are changing the country"

Just the word "jew" as a communicative. See what happens. What saddens me about rebbit isn't that it's basically the worst that liberal thinking and jewish subversion have to offer, it's the whimpering, mewling, submissive Quasi Modo that remaining conservatives have allowed themselves to become. The only real redpilled shit you're gonna find is in the gaming and cringe subs.


Speaking of T_D and Jews. I got a 3 day ban yesterday for the exact comment:

"Thank fuck some non boomers on the Donald can realize all these "coincidences". No one gets kicked out of a dozen rentals for no reason, now imagine 100 countries"

This was in regard to a jewessJPG journalist(suprise!) parading as a white and me being pleasantly surprised in the comment threads for once that some of those fuckers in T_D were noticing her (((heritage))). They said I broke rule 3 "No racism or antisemitism" I didn't even mention the bitches race.

So I messaged the mods something along the lines of "Why is this lady white when she's 'self' hating but jewish when she's a vicitm? How in the fuck did I break your rules?" Gotta be atleast one uncucked mod there because I got unbanned and no response to my message.

teamviewer ago

That place isnt for us. I was a daily visitor with an old account, I got fed up with being banned every fucking week and deleted my account. I went on a warpath and deleted all accounts to the sites I used to frequent. The glory days are over. It's time that we all start working on ourselves and getting our futures in order to prepare for whatever bullshit happens.

toobaditworks ago

Protip: lay low for a while or post under another name so that account isn't seen by the mod who tried banning you.


Yeh, that's the plan. Why does everything have to be controlled opposition....sigh

big_fat_dangus ago

Reminds me of when someone starts shitting on corrupt banking policies or the like, and twitter jews start oy veying about it being anti semetic. Like wait, isn't that an admission that jews and corrupt banking are linked in some significant way...?

That is pretty funny that they banned you just for describing the behavior without naming who was doing it.


Reminds me of when someone starts shitting on corrupt banking policies or the like, and twitter jews start oy veying about it being anti semetic. Like wait, isn't that an admission that jews and corrupt banking are linked in some significant way...?

You mean like this ?

Written by a literal Rabbi, the meme's write themselves at this point.

That is pretty funny they banned you just for describing the behavior without naming who was doing it.

When I saw two of the OG mods being slowly replace due to "personal issues" I figured this is how the sub would end up. The new mods are steering the goy at TD the way they want them to go, just like Kushner with Trump(I do think he was genuine at the beginning). The only mods that ever comment on the sub are the old mods, never the new ones. I wonder why,

Diggernicks ago

Right, just like breaking a horse

First you strap a blanket on it back, it fights a bit but eventually settles down after a while.

Then a saddle, same deal it may take a little longer for it to accept the straps and weight.

Then you add the weight of a man and bit and bridle and the slavery, err training is complete.

lord_nougat ago

One you lock the target

Two you bait the line

Three you slowly spread the net

and four you catch your man

PuttItOut ago

You're right. I just think the past is the best predictor of the future, and my past has been consistent concerning Voat.

Even with this said, a healthy level of distrust is a good thing concerning important matters.

lord_nougat ago

That sounds sensible.

But I don't trust it.

PuttItOut ago

Neither do I. They told me to say this. Or else. /s

This is a joke!

european ago

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

Is it?

lord_nougat ago



The_Ghost ago

You still haven’t specified what counts as a threat.

MrDarkWater ago

Why does everyone think...

just spitballing, queer. calm down, otherwise you look suspect.

Whiteflighter ago

He already confirmed that he and @Atko remain majority holders.

Gorillion ago

I want to believe. But Atko posted the exact same "I love you guyz" Christmas or NYE post two years in a row after he departed. Felt like a lazy copy paste by an agency intern left to do a shit-kicker's job on a major holiday while everyone else was out having a good time.

Whiteflighter ago

Then he came back to fix a problem.

It seemed like Atko pretty much owned it all then gave putt some for taking over.

symantec ago

Jesus, this is the only place on the internet you can call the lead chief of the entire website a queer and not get your shit deleted and your account banned. At least that's going for us.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Putt is strong with the bantz.

watts2db ago

very true

MrDarkWater ago

hah, that's right, and I'm also just an asshole.

PuttItOut ago

I wouldn't have it any other way (the shit talking). If politicians faced their constituency directly in the way I have to with Voat, the world would likely be a very different place.

BigFatDaddy ago

I would totally voat for you as Fuhrer.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I like you more every day.

watts2db ago

that is absolutely the truth

Vindicator ago

I do believe one of them has been :-)

MrDarkWater ago

Right on, man. It's great here.

beece ago

I saw some guy directly threaten the to kill President Trump on Voat. I typed my response/name callout to the dumbfuck and as I posted my response to the fuck he had deleted his post and it was gone and I don't remember who it was, but that shit happens and it shouldn't.

lord_nougat ago

...and then everybody clapped!

PuttItOut ago

It's important to note that Voat didn't delete this post, it was either a mod or the author.

My hands are clean.

9000timesempty ago

So you admit Voat has been infiltrated?

Is there not a vetting process or etc to remove malicious mods?

We believe, since you will not point out the offending post(s) that have "law enforcement" contacting you, that Voat is compromised.

Is that what you want us to believe?

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Lol wow.

PuttItOut ago

Only a great mind can take what I said as admitting Voat has been infiltrated.

And lol, most mods on Voat are scared to even delete spam.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @EdSnowden.

Posted automatically (#34991) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

EdSnowden ago

Would you mind updating the warrant canary?

Original_Dankster ago

^ This x100

VicariousJambi ago

Isn't the point of the canary to tell us if he cant talk about it?

EdSnowden ago

It’s to prove to us he hasn’t been served a warrant or gag order without telling us anything. It’s concerning that he now admits he’s been contacted by at least one US agency but hasn’t updated the canary.

VicariousJambi ago

With the gag order I'd be surprised if he could mention anything at all. The fact that he can tells me theres no gag order.

But, yeah. 100% update the canary anyways just to be sure. Its suspect if he doesn't do it after doing an announcement like this, just common sense.

heygeorge ago

The canary has been clearly dead since the black rifle coffee takedown request.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I should mail them a dead canary with a complaint letter attached.

heygeorge ago

So long as this is satire, I think it’s fair to say

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Oh, yessir absolutely satire

Everything I say on this site, should be considered satire

Except the parts where I bitch and moan about @gabara eating several Japanese towns and cities, that's the absolute truth of how I feel. He's ruining the worldwide kelp industry!

gabara ago

The kelp was dressed slutty.

watts2db ago

that and the thing with the f' your optics guy

lordvain2 ago

Yep, it was about then thimgs changed.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

This contact almost certainly isn't in the form of a warrant or gag order. And therefore should be posted immediately.

antiliberalsociety ago

@TexasVet finally heard back from the FBI did hePNG?

Jewnoculars ago

You’ve made it your life’s work to fuck with this guy, huh? I admire the dedication.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sapling account

It's a PSA warning others that he is a fraud, and not to trust him or give him money. As seen here

voatre ago

Bet they paid you well to install their malware

VoatIsNowDead ago

Yep... if he doesn't make the source code for this place open so we can take up the reigns of not being a bitch to censorship then we'll have to make our own.

PuttItOut ago

Oh please do. Hit me up in 4 years if you make it that long, we will have an interesting convo when you actually have some experience.

Nice new account. You should make some over the top threats too.

VoatIsNowDead ago

What are you on about? You've gone crazy. If you were for free speech you would set your code loose so it can live on. Wtf is going on right now????

PuttItOut ago

You lack context. The code was not updated because very knowledgeable hackers were exploiting things before we could address them, by literally analyzing the code line by line.

You don't fully comprehend the amount of effort involved with writing code, at scale, then having that code exploited by paid groups.

But even now you can run Voat using the code in the repo, it's just an old version, and doesn't have any of the in-progress features we've been working on.

C_Corax ago


VoatIsNowDead ago

If you'd like to court me you'll have to try better than that. If you don't think this is the start of the slippery slope then you're a fool.

He has done loads for the free speech community but he's obviously been threatened to the point he no longer wants to be as bold. Fine. I understand that. Pass it on to somebody else to take the flak if that's the case. He most likely can't release the code now either because of the 'investor. What a day.

DrSelfAppointed ago

if content is in the grey area, we are going to remove it upon request.

There it is. Congrats Putt. Voat sure has reached a new threshold.

Obrez ago

I see a lot of people denying what Putt is saying, or blaming it on one group, or any number of interlopers and I get why but we need to be honest about this if only in this moment, because we must protect this platform, Putt isn't asking you to like this, so don't like it and be cautious of anybody who tries to use the policy shift to abuse people, Putt has to take reports seriously now and we can't know how serious he is here, so use more elusive language, be more responsible in general, when Putt issues out disciplinary actions or bans report back so we know what is off limits and do not take it personally.

Plenty of honest voaters make such "threats", there's a wide cross section that are pro-Tarrant/Brevik and pro-accelerationism, Qoomers post "threats" to folks in the deepstate and many promise to kill "shills", most of whom are regular goats trying to shatter their delusions, then there are the self appointed pedo hunters, who find a target and harass them no matter how flimsy or concrete their evidence that this person is problematic and this harassment frequently includes death threats and doxing attempts of accused "pedos" and anybody who gets in the way of their soft headed witch hunting(I'm not talking about pizzagate guys, they seem to have some real discipline), there is also a huge number of users who have no problem with saying things like gas the jews or will encourage violence in minecraft

It's mostly cowards and people with their heads between their knees saying that only FBI and JIDF are encouraging violence, they, mossad and CIA, along with other western intel agencies have a presence here and are involved in encouraging violence but the instances of explicit encouragement of violence or ""terrorist"/revolutionary action are maybe 60% interlopers and 40% regular disgruntled goats and independent nutjobs and that's a gracious estimate on my part.

I like 8chan and I have no problem going back there if Voat goes down but I would much more prefer voat stay upright and intact so don't test Putt, Don't use the report function unless an explicit call to violence is used and it gets a massive amount of visibility, contact the user first and ask them to massage their language so putt doesn't have to take action. we've got to get more creative and we've got to be more cautious, the enemy is among us and they are scared, they will use any tools they have to fight us and the will use our words and the law as a fulcrum and lever to topple this place if we let them, don't let them.

captainstrange ago

It's mostly cowards and people with their heads between their knees saying that only FBI and JIDF are encouraging violence,

Would you believe it's 90%?

If you don't, you're naive.

They could and they would because they are.

"Wheres the proof!" he cries!

Because I know enough about their character to understand what they would do to win.

They say, in the KKK, a great deal of the members talked about violence.

And they say at one point over half the KKK were informants.

Really activates my almonds.

We've always wanted to just be left alone.

The left, the communists, and the felons in the alphabet agencies are the ones that want violence.

They've always been the ones that want violence.

So much so that they commit it regularly and manufacture it to pin it on the right.

This is not conjecture, and you know what I'm saying is true.

Mark my words, screenshot that shit, because the day they justify the enforcement of the first effective gun ban ("maybe just magazines, maybe just handguns, maybe just in the cities, maybe just in high crimes areas outside of the cities, maybe just some semiauto rifles, maybe just those who aren't law enforcement")--the day they justify the enforcement of the first effective deplatforming "because the majority (lies) of this small platform are radicals and right wing extremists"--will be the day the guys in the alphabet agencies commit another massive, murderous terrorist attack against america which the media will claim we did.

NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, all of them. They'll commit violence in our name. They already do. And they'll use the law to destroy us.

Obrez ago

I'd believe at most it's 60%, probably a whole lot less, people are mad and many people are just waiting for a movement to take part in, we could have a putsch next week if we had leaders we trusted and an organization to feel a part of. , I'd bet at least 5% of the people who went to trump rallies would be ready to get to ground pounding, look at the forces stick man raised in no time, look at how many people showed up to charlottesville. People want action, people want to take action, it's why the clownworld meme has stuck like it has, the allusions to action.

captainstrange ago

People are mad, and want to take action

Because they see shit happening that shouldn't. They see a two tier justice system.

They see obvious, blatant crime going unpunished. And they are persecuted for fighting back or entertaining the notion of it. And peaceful protest hasn't worked because the state is allowing one side to commit violence to silence the other side.

And when they do it again, when the right says "we're not gonna take it any more", they will blame us for starting the violence. Just like abusers.

People are mad because they believe peaceful change has been made impossible.

We are threatened daily by felons with guns who work for actual abusers in suits. It's literally all they are. People are mad because they actually see it for a change, they see it and they see how blatant it is, how imposed it is, and the arrogance, and smugness of the people doing it stokes that fire, as if they're all fucking us while having a big laugh at our expense.

People are mad because "words and soothing noises coming out of your brand blue, brand red" muppets aren't gonna fucking cut it any more when inaction by one side, or crimes by another happen, and people aren't being put in jail over it. Small fish arrested. Not gonna fucking cut it anymore. Saying "we'll look into it, we're investigating", like in the florida elections? Not gonna fucking cut it any more. Imposing new laws and regulations while not giving input, or air to grievances, or using paid monkeys sitting in texas or new jersey to dogpile and minimize public outcry?

Not gonna fucking cut it any more.

Peopel are mad because they aren't being fucking represented anymore. But they sure as shit are being taxed. Without their consent. And they sure as shit are being regulated. Without their consent. And they sure as shit are being patrolled and imposed on. Without their consent. And they sure as shit are being shut down in the public square and online. Without their consent. And fined, and fee'd, and fondled at the airport, and told to shut up and sit down, and labelled by DHS, and persecuted for stupid shit like pulling guns on home invaders, and on and on and on.

People are fucking mad and they aren't gonna take it.

Everything else is bullshit.

The law is a farce and pretense for the government and people on government pensions to do whatever the fuck they want to you, whenever they want to you.

The law is a fucking farce and the federal government doesn't have any legitimacy anymore.

They're just ruling by fear and force at this point, or nearly.

Fuck them and their pretenses.

I don't believe in none of it anymore. It's all bullshit.

Obrez ago

THERE IT IS; I'm saving this and using it later, seriously great post. It reads like the sort of political skits we saw in MDE presents: World Peace. You didn't even need the JQ, a fucking lay up for burning up normies who need to get mad.

captainstrange ago

Yep. Moved past the JQ to "doesn't matter who it is. If they're fucking us, white, black, brown, jewish, or yellow, they need to go."

Obrez ago

You don't seem the type to like weeb shit but I'm going to recommend something I give to people who are woke but fine with just letting mudshits and kikes go if they get out of our business, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, I got turned onto it in 2015 when the GEOTUS memes started, it's the story of how social and moral decay at the time just prior to space exploration led to a thousand year fascist state and how a splinter faction that strove for democracy rose and crumbled under it's own inadequacy. There's a good chance it's on your streaming service of choice if you have one if not, you can pirate it or deal with a finicky weeb streaming site like this one: it's long (110eps) but the story it needs to tell has a bow on it by episode 20 something.

The elements therein describe how political revolution becomes nigh impossible against a global super state, how any ideologies that escape into space will never be able to be defeated or be reformed without multiple factors more human suffering than we could possibly experience on our home planet to force a revolution.

Jews and muslims can't be allowed to escape, finishing them off on earth, even if were talking about 2.5 billion people(we can finish the job with a fraction of that) will still be far fewer people than will die in the eons of future wars if we let either go; and allowing them to persist leaves an opening for the jews to try weimarization another time and if they hold power when the true age of interplanetary flight begins we will never be able to solve that problem.

Momo_Applebach ago

@Puttitout it's all glowniggers like /u/AllLibsAreEvilDemons

OhRutherfordBehave ago


RumpRangerRick ago

I'm behind you on this.

PuttItOut ago

You're always behind me. Even in my nightmares.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Especially in your nightmares.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Why don't you make public the comments in question?

Redditsdead ago

Faggot internet warriors. Ain't no one doing shit.

Drunk-Driver ago

There are at least one or two users who have probably stepped over the line and made literal death threats to other users. That's what I've noticed after being here very briefly. The bulk majority of everything else seems good to me.

Mumbleberry ago

Does telling pedos to drink bleach count? Because I have done that.

Drunk-Driver ago

I don't think so. That's just a suggestion, not a threat. What I've seen is someone say they are going to hire a hitman or hunt the other person down and show up at their house. The tone wasn't playful either and the context appeared unprovoked to me.

Mumbleberry ago

Well, I wish they would take the suggestion. I've seen a few of those type of comments you mention as well, Always thought the commenter was either a kid or had some serious anger issues.

fuckinghell ago

@PuttitOit - I think some transparency here regarding these requests is much needed. Null from Kiwifarms tends to handle these requests in a fairly public manner while still complying with the law. Is there any reason Voat can't do that?

Mesencephalon ago

I have seen a rise in fed posting. I would be surprised if people weren't fed posting on purpose to try and get voat in trouble.

TheBuddha ago

I especially like how the predicted internet experts have begun to post.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Iron Man suicides by snap and stays dead.

digitalentity1497 ago

Thanks for your time, Putt. Why do I expect a shitstorm none the less?

Murdan ago

Here's a threat: traitors of the United States of America will be hanged by the neck until dead. That is a lawful statement and a promise and a threat.

Attac ago

By the way: If you get hatemail its probably a bad habit we learned from Reddit. I was just gonna swear at you and call you a fucking faggot for no reason at all than to be edgy but I figured that you probably deserve a warning prior.

And now go to hell you fucking faggot kike cocksucking nigger.

sguevar ago

Can you give specifics on the posts or comments that were within this gray area?

The reason why I am asking is not to brigade or anything of the sort but I have been saying for a while now that there are shills here that "preach to the choir" implying an armed confrontation or persecution of a certain group (even if we all don't like the group) they do so in detriment of respecting the law.

I have been talking about this for a while already and though some have paid attention to it, the false narratives still show up. Trying to go for the emotions of the users and pursuing the same type of idiotic behavior that the NZ FF did.

Right now we are hanging on a thread and these shills simply try to promote a stereotypical persona of our side that tries to give a bad name to our views.


dudelol ago

Decentralization awaits you

Grumpy_Old_Man ago

A lot of Voat users simply need to grow and stop acting like edgy children.

shadow332 ago

I think a lot of them actually are edgy children, Grumpy.

varialus ago

The kids just want to know to what degree they're allowed to be edgy. There are lots of requests for clarifications in this thread but I'm not seeing any attempts to answer them. A common phrase on Voat which I'm not advocating is "Gas the kikes. Race war now!" I'm legitimately curious whether this constitutes a threat. If Putt can't clarify then I respectfully request that he have his lawyer clarify it in layman terms so we all can be clear just what does and what doesn't constitute a threat, not because I'm interested in towing that line but because goats regularly make comments along the whole spectrum and by not clarifying, a chilling effect is created wherein folks might sensor themselves out of fear of being targeted by the authorities when what they had wanted to say was actually harmless. If Putt doesn't want to censor us, he really should more clearly define where this vague line is.

Grumpy_Old_Man ago

I don't know, call me crazy, but I think calling for people to be gassed to death would be considered a threat.

YouAreASlave ago

You can't rid the community of parasites without gas. Zyklon B is particularly good for gassing parasitic creatures.

varialus ago

Gassed to death?! That's outrageous! I take it as a threat that you even suggest such a horrendous idea! I'm quite certain that they're simply suggesting that delousing them would improve their overall health.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

If you niggers start censoring yourselves I'm going back to the chans.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Most of this thread is people ree-ing, but this is truf, and you shouldn't have to say it.

(((They))) can and will fuck you, even if you win in court you will probably lose your job, most of your friends, and 10-100k+ in legal fees. Especially the idiots on here who reveal their true identities openly.

Is it fair? Probably not. But that's the fucking world we live in. Honk honk.

varialus ago

Does "Honk honk" constitute a threat? People do feel threatened by it.

WeekendBaker ago

[[[honks aggressively]]]

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago


jesojr ago

you want to see threats: just post vote republican in 2020-accross the the board every vote in every state-got your popcorn ready

Octoclops ago

Voat's purpose is to provide a collusion and censorship free place for discussion, not taking on a government

Does this apply to neocon warmongers calling for "regime change" in Iran or Syria?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Did TexasVet actually bring the feds down on voat? Ban that faggot if he did.

Mumbleberry ago

Him or one of the pedos that got told to drink bleach

LilBrattyMkr ago

Sounds like we need to start warming up the ovens.

coinphrase ago

Was it because I coined the phrase lampshade cattle?

PuttItOut ago

No, but that would make a great band name.

coinphrase ago

Good idea!

1moar ago

Let me know if you need anything.

Alhambra ago

remember, goyim: importing millions of shitworld, savage apes and encouraging them to hate whites isn't a threat; words on the internet are.

Crinkus ago

Dude we're talking about Minecraft here

Doglegwarrior ago

We will slowly but surly not be allowed to name the FUCKING PARASITE jew who is not threatening to destroy american society they are activly doing it they are fucking literaly destorying this country but if we use some fucking words naming these parasites we might need to shut the fuck up? I think not.

PuttItOut ago

Truth will never be suppressed, it can't. With that said, truth can be expressed on a scale, and we just need to ensure we are leaning towards the legal side and not filtering with trouble.

Maybe my expectations are out of whack but I see this as an easy thing to accomplish, especially if people value Free Speech.

Doglegwarrior ago

We obviously value free speech here but i think we should lean towards allowing as much as possible and when a legitimate complain arises we make them prove their was a problem not start down the path of self censorship and banning and shadow banning etc.. thanks for the reply.

albatrosv15 ago

legal side

Newsflash, soon saying that white people should exist is illegal.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Your expectations are high for someone who's done this for so long... That's probably why you're a good dude.

Corpse_washer ago

Newsflash, my newborn babies. Everyone wanting violence is a fbi or glow nigger. MemesJPG exist for a fucking reason.

Delacourt ago

You are absolutely right, and that comic doesn't get posted nearly enough. It's really sad how 10+ years ago everyone knew glownigger tactics and now everyone seems to have swallowed the bluepill.

Corpse_washer ago

Oldfags stopped talking. They made families, had children, and moved on frok these places. No one gave the knowledge to the newfags. Now all they get are sophisticated bots and shills.

LettItBurn ago

I was drunk when I posted that.

I was going to go out with my and the local , but I didn't want to get a DUI and pay a $10,000 fine.

The penalty for PUI (posting under influence) will be greater.

Just a note of caution.

Shit is going to get worse from here on out.

sbt2160p ago

I hope everyone fully understands that we are not attempting to operate outside of the law. Voat's purpose is to provide a collusion and censorship free place for discussion, not taking on a government.

The Western world hasn’t had any legitimate governments for years. Decades. If you wish to explicitly legitimize them, then you’re part of the problem. (imho)

Niggardly_Jew ago

It's not about legitimizing them. Governments have the power, and they'll use that power to maintain their power. If you get cornered in a dark alley by 5 niggers with guns, you let them have their way with your wife or you die (and then they rape your wife). If the government tells you to censor or be shut down, you either censor or get shutdown (and then censored).

American-Patriot ago

free speech. tell the lawyers to fuck off.

markrod420 ago

Give us more data. This is not the level of transparency that we can or should accept. Make a place to show all the legal requests and give us some samples or something.

Mumbleberry ago

@Texasvet and/or the pedos are the snitches.

dan_k ago

I'm sorry I threatened to kick that guys butt yesterday puttitout.

I will try to hold my toungue better in the future.

💜💙 I love you puttitout 💜💙

mcfooey ago


Can you legally post the formal letter from law enforcement? Or are you under a gag order, too?

PuttItOut ago

We will try to publicly post what we receive and the actions we take. I can't be certain on this as I have to listen to council on these matters.

european ago

Council on foreign relation?


PuttItOut ago

Don't hate on the Engrish pal

Conspirologist ago

Apart of pedophiles, I don't see anybody else breaking the US law.

friendshipistragic ago

I think a lot of the investor worries come from the fact that many former free speech areas have been bought out by controlled opposition over the past 10 years. Seeing territory erode like that has generated a sort of fatalistic mentality among many. Kind of a “here we go again”. I don’t think anyone believes you’ve sold out. I think some fear you’ve been hoodwinked.

Crensch ago


Putt shadowy deepstate hypothesis confirmed.

untz ago

Leaked picturePNG from council meeting.

475677 ago

If google can provide a link saying that they've been served a DCMA take down notice at the bottom of the search results and then display both the request and information about the offending content which makes it accessible you should be able to do the same by replacing the offending content with a link to a private sub where you can display the same information while claiming it's only there for educational purposes so that the user base can learn from it's mistakes.

Also thanks for everything you do mate.

Mumbleberry ago

Tell us what you can, insinuate what you can't.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Good call. Most of us can read between the lines.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

you mean like...drop crumbs? oh no...

ratsmack ago

Or, "According to unnamed sources..." will work too.

xenoPsychologist ago

i wish they had left us any legal ways to repair society. they brought to that in the first place. we didnt want it to be like this. we just wanted to have a healthy civilization in peace. they ruined it.

Wheatstone ago

I would suggest they are advised to identify the post first. Then submit it to the department of defence to certify that it wasn't a post from one of their COIN operations against this site.

They should also be able to make a legal declaration that they themselves (Lawyer's and clients) aren't guilty of posting the comments themselves.

At that point they can genuinely start making claims against this site!

They are unable to provide any evidence that this was a genuine post from a user here until they acknowledge these tactics are used by governments, ngo's and even law firms!

The burden of providing reasonable proof lies with them. Otherwise this is unsubstantiated slander and using the legal system as a tool of political repression. That makes them the guilty party.

Tell them to get their act together or they will be facing criminal charges. They are Lawyer's and should know better.

Attacking our freedom of speech could be a massive liability for them. Especially if they are involved in manufacturing evidence for this aim.

The Lawyer's need to watch their step here.

No one fucks with us and walks away from it!

Digital colonoscopy incoming fucktards!

fujin ago

You my friend have no real world expreience in dealing with the Feds. This all sounds pretty and good but in practice things like "entrapment" go out the window.

The gov't setups honeypots and you can argue that you wouldn't have committed a crime "if gobberment agents didn't set me up!" but while the courts and attorneys are fucking you in the ass and this site is shutdown that entrapment evidence will still stand.

sunshine702 ago

My favorite was when they texted a jihadi to "tear up TX" followed behind him to Texas then RAN AWAY when he started shooting.

Can I still say FUCK THE FBI. That's not a threat.

Wheatstone ago

But the simple fact is all these tactics are psychotic and criminal in nature. This is the actual crime being committed. They can manipulate and lie in court all they want. But when one person shows their tactics are an exact match for narcissistic abuse, manipulation and control they will shit their pants!

Call them out on using exclusively these tactics and they will not take the risk.

This is the real world. Learn this or you are helpless to their pathological manipulation.

I live in the real world because I took my power back.

Do you really think the judges and lawyers will take the risk of being exposed using the same tactics pedophiles use to terrorize people? Especially when they have so many victims of their corruption?

I would be happy to take the stand for anything I have written here. They will never take me to court. Because they lose.

You need to understand how psychotic and predatory Lawyer's are. Understand the mind and tactics of the psychopaths and you will not be fooled by these clowns.

fujin ago

Well, there's a clear distinction between State/Local and Fed court system. Take a stand all you want friend, but the fact remains if you're in Fed's their crosshair there's a near [98% chance] ( (more accurate numbers) of losing the game.

The key is avoid being prosecuted to begin with so if you stand by your words here I'm sure you've used good discretion on the shitposting you've done.

Wheatstone ago

I have used discretion. I haven't threatened anyone.

But I honestly believe the threats are coming from the intelligence (Freemasons) community trying to slander us all by association.

These fools catch themselves out. They think this dumb shit playbook is magic and can't fail. All you have to do is sit back and let them use their pedo tactics then call them out for it. Boom!, they are publicly exposed and shamed themselves.

They really are that fucking stupid. Learn this shit. It gives you a massive edge against these sick fucks.

Octoclops ago

Makes sense. Now if only we had a functional legal system.

Corpse_washer ago

You have a functional legal system. What you need is a justice system instead a legal system.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, we have one of those. However, it's actually a typo. It's really the "Just Us" system.

Sorry for the confusion.

Wheatstone ago

Fucking bastard got me with reality!

ggolemg ago

At no point will I not advocate the ethnic cleansing of kikes. Kikes first, traitors second.

Ina_Pickle ago

I haven't seen any calls for violence, but I don't see everything posted. Can you point to an instance where someone said they were actually going to do something?

Conspirologist ago

If TPTB want to shut you down, they will shut you down, no matter what. If you are genuinely for free speech, just have a beer with popcorn and watch what will happen next.

Drunk-Driver ago

That sucks. I saw the little exchange between a couple of users yesterday that likely prompted this.

FuckshitMcDickTits ago


My-Name-is-Mud ago

Blink twice if the kikes got to you.

pepe16 ago

I have the greatest admiration for your courage, Mr. PuttItOut. You can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. I abhor violence. I would never suggest such a thing, and I hope my voat friends are not stupid enough to call for violence. To be clear, I intend to promote and call for genocide, which is a political position. I believe this is lawful.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics --> daily life

Some problems are not going away without genocide.

regarding genetics:

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

You can't say

I'm going to kill El Hefe

You can say

I hope someone kills El Hefe

Someone should kill El Hefe

El Hefe should/must die

but that gives you motive, which makes you a suspect. Don't be a suspect. Be a speculator.

I'm convinced someone is going to kill El Hefe because...

is speculative, not a threat. This is how the Prophets of old foretold the future. They speculated LOUDLY until eventually it came true. The difference between threats and speculation is empathy with a person who is not yourself. The Prophets felt the wrath of God, Populists channel the wrath of the People, and You will channel the Anger of Disenfranchised Caucasian Men (DCM). You know their heart and soul. Someone is going to pop. White men don't tolerate this. They're nice until they're not.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

I have been saying "x should be New Zealanded". Like Israel should be nuked. All a fantasy and not a direct threat.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Yes, because of our oppressive government, Nuke Israel is not a real threat because US citizens do not hold private nukes.

con77 ago

ScreaminMime ago

Wha? I haven't been threatened yet... I must not be pushing the right buttons!!!

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I've been defending "pedos". 0 death threats. Good luck in your quest

Octoclops ago

You should probably stop that.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

How can i stop not getting death threats? I'm not left wing, i can't send em to myself

The_Prophets_Profit ago

What do you mean by these ""?

Zoldam ago

He's probably talking about lolicon which is on this site, since it's not technically illegal. Basically it's pedophiles who feel they are above your run of the mill kiddy didler since the shit they jack off to is animated and not live CP. They get really triggered if you call them pedophiles.

ScreaminMime ago

You've been... alright, I think I just been converted to the side of the threateners.

Anti-Stupid ago

Note the shills in this thread continuing to call for violence. This as a concerted effort to shut this shite down. First they make accounts, then start calling for violence, then they report the site in hopes to get it shut down.

Stayedclassy ago

Don't worry Putt you don't need to say anything. We know exactly who is stirring shit up for you.

varialus ago

Well he should at least respond to the reasonable legitimate requests for clarifications by other goats in this thread.

bambou1991 ago

Is it only threats of death or can we threaten the Jews with unpleasant sexual encounters?

facepaint ago

with unpleasant sexual encounters?

Only if they do it to themselves.

I would guess encouraging mass immigration of populations who hate them, would also count as them doing it to themselves.

ExpertShitposter ago

you wanna get aids or something?

GritD2 ago

What, with like Foreskins or something?

uvulectomy ago

You mean "surprise unconventional sex"?

But then again, why would you sully yourself with a yid?

Charliethebum ago

Struggle snuggle?

uvulectomy ago

Aggressive affection?

Octoclops ago

Undocumented penetration.

PuttItOut ago

I do love Voat, you guys are funny.

Octoclops ago

Wow, reported for laughing at Jew rape. Quit trying to get this site shut down you alt-right terrorist.

slwsnowman40 ago

He wouldn't even rape you.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

matzah balls-deep

ShakklezthaKlown ago

im sure youll be laughing when goats are hauled off too eh "putt"?

PuttItOut ago

Depends if you're in that group or not ;)

But seriously, use a VPN! Hint hint: Sidebar has a good one.

TankMissile ago

What determines who is in this hypothetical "group" of yours. Stop being so vague.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lol thanks for the confirmation. couldnt have asked for better.

LostandFound ago

Can you provide some context is the issue with threats to individuals or groups, or both, that's creating this issue for voat right now? Also can you comment on your view on the anon sespit that has become of QRV where obvious trolls are obvious yet we have little by means of identifying or treating the issues that present from this sub.

Thanks in advance and as always Putt

goatsandbros ago

I wouldn't consider it censorship to ban the JIDF shills pushing violence. Nobody else really wants it, herez


This is literally why you banned me, I saw this shit, too, and tried to squash what I could find with the almighty purple arrow that I thought was supposed to be used in instances of low quality undesirable posts. I honestly want to disassociate myself entirely now because of these posts, getting amplified by these Qoyim ramping up the "them vs us" rhetoric. I got death threats for pointing out lies and inconsistencies in this Q shit. This was the only place I could (somewhat anonymously) put my stupid on display so more intelligent people could set my records straight, the only place where I could be sure to find a group of people who understand the damages caused by these faggots and pedophiles being strung along by Jews, and it hasn't been that place in a long time. I don't even up or downvoat anything anymore because this site's been so fucked already, it doesn't do any good.

PuttItOut ago

Who banned you? And for what? Links please.


Down a bit, near identical name. Go through the dude's comments and you'll inevitably find the type of comments that I targeted. I'm not the most mentally healthy person, I did NOT have a proper upbringing, but I absolutely know better than to ever say some of these things.

CameraCode0 ago

You were banned for vote manipulation, not for threats of violence apparently.


Man, I'd be fucking ecstatic if someone went and killed the Krassenstein faggots. You can't read a Trump tweet without one of those faggots chiming in like a little subversive bitch.

I hope someone finds them and assassinates them.

It all needs to burn and the people trying to prevent it need to be lined up against a wall and shot.

Nope, that's why the only thing, THE ONLY THING, that's going to stop it, is killing them all. Every. Last. One.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: "If you start by killing all the Jewish children, you spoil their plans for domination. They will have to resort to breeding which will impede their progress to such a degree that it will become impossible for them to realize their ultimate plans. The way to defeat the Jew, is to kill all their children. Kill Jew children = save humanity"

What a fucking faggot. It's kikes like him that make me want go out and grab a random Jewish child, pick them up, and slam them head-first into the ground repeatedly.

The entirety of them need to be killed in a purge.

Which is why liberals all need to die and liberalism along with them.

Committed the sin of clicking too many purple arrows next to posts like this. I did it completely with the intent to push them down at least a fraction of a spot, guilty as fucking charged.

CameraCode0 ago

I don't think downvoating a lot of comments is vote manipulation, I think it's using other sockpuppets accounts to downvoat or upvoat as well.

Although perhaps not, because your instance is noted as (-1), meaning you were downvoating the target. Unless you were using another account to downvoat them, that's perfectly acceptable (at least it shouuld be). The voat manipulation thing should only be used for if upvoats are used, because people can make another account and upvoat their own post. I'm. My opinion you really should not have been banned (unless there is something else I don't know of). Perhaps u/puttitout could clarify.


I had a few alts, I barely used them for anything other than as goofy parody characters. I don't have enough motivations to engage in real vote manipulation, that's a form of deception IMO and I'm very against deception. Even if this Q shit is on the "good" side, deception is an obvious theme with their posts, and I posted a list of proven lies or otherwise blatantly false or misleading posts by them, was met with death threats by Qoyim for it.

My alts (that I can remember) were BUKUDUDU, DANKEGHIDORAH, THEOYESTVEY, and TRUMPNPC420. If there were any others I can't remember, the obvious theme of all capital letters was still there.

MinorLeakage ago

I was with you up until this part:

I deleted all my accounts before the banning anyways, I was demoralized at my inability to prevent this rising surge of bloodlust...

That makes it sound like you were using multiple accounts to target one user with dowmvoats. I think that meets the bar for vote manipulation.

Doesn't mean your intent was bad, but I think you're aware of the old "good intentions" problem.


They weren't made with that intention and I have no recollection of ever doing so, I imagine they would have been caught up in whatever targeted me for banning. I brought them up BECAUSE if I WERE guilty of having actively targeting a user to manipulate their CCP, they should have been caught, too. I DO know I ABSOLUTELY used my own account to downvoat every post like that I could find, it would be absolutely strange to me if only my real account got banned for doing what my alts should be guilty of.

MinorLeakage ago

I imagine you were simply caught by an algorithm. If you downvoated a comment/post from your main account, and then did the same thing from an alt, it is literal vote manipulation.

The easiest way to avoid doing it again, if you really didn't mean to, would be to either not create alts, or not downvoat content with them.


I knew it had to be an algorithm that just saw a trend. BUKUDUDU was made explicitly so I could make posts with the intent of pretending to be a nigger, DANKEGHIDORAH was what I had sitting in case nobody got the wordplay in my name (nobody did T-T), THEOYESTVEY was just something I wanted to have, and I made TRUMPNPC420 to get ahead of a user making more TrumpNPC## accounts, I needed dibs on the best number. I pretty much only have a Voat account at this point to save links to rather than making my browser's bookmark page even more bloated.

CameraCode0 ago

If you used your alts to downvoat the same account I can see that. Everyone has a right to speak, even if it's bloodlust. If you used the other accounts to downvoat the same account, that would be against the rules and grounds for banning, idk if you did that or not. Idk I will refrain from making any more judgements on the matter out of fear of getting it wrong.


I honestly don't even think I used them to downvoat or upvoat anything, especially not targeting posts in unison. I made nigger posts with BUKUDUDU a couple times, that's about it honestly. It really wouldn't upset me if I could never post again, I already don't voat on anything just in case I get found guilty of doing it too often to a certain user. I imagined those alts would have been banned since I can't imagine them not being found to be targeting a user down downvoats if my actual account was shut down for doing the very same thing.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Guilt by association is something you shouldn't fear, only cowards fear their opposition that much


Disgust is what is repelling me, not fear. Too many Q niggers applying identical leftist tactics to shit a good place up is what is happening. The new batch of these fucks are 1488HH-style accounts.

fujin ago

Fuck, I looked over that AllLibsAreDemons highest and lowest posts, this is obviously an account controlled by a group that wants this place shut down:

AllLibsAreEvilDemons -6 points (+2|-8) 5 months ago

So much this. If she wants the baby, and I don't, then I should have zero legal obligations.

However, the human race is vastly overpopulated and I wholly support aggressive eugenics. Violators of having more than 1 child, shall be executed.

Oops, they let their commie mask slip here!


That's exactly what I thought! I can get a dude being mad, my blood's boiled in ways I didn't know were possible seeing some of the shit I've seen going on in the world, but that behavior is something very intentionally crafted to entice someone to do something they shouldn't while simultaneously dragging the site and its users into the mud.

fujin ago

100%, we've been here long enough to see how things have changed over time. I lost interest at one point when the daily stormer was shutdown and all those fags flooded this site eventually I started coming back more but I haven't posted things in a long time because this has become a bit of a 1488 echo chamber.

If you speak logic when you don't agree with that agenda you're downvoted to oblivion but lately there's been a ramping up for actual calls of violence and any person with some intelligence (like the intelligence that the 1488 gang implies simply because of 'muh genetics') know that calls of violence on in a public internet forum will just get shit shutdown.

gabara ago


friendshipistragic ago


Rajadog20 ago

Who contacted you? Seek a lawyers opinion but everything up to advocating a specific incident (burn 7/11 on this day) is 100% legal. You are not liable for what someone else says

WilliamMorgan ago

Probably false flag. FBI wanting to shut us down.

WhitePaladin ago

Ever since the invesitor jumped in, censoring has been increasing step by step. There are no threats, its a false flag.

PuttItOut ago

Your conclusions and observations are wrong. We have a public log, prove censorship then prove it's increasing.

WhitePaladin ago

That jewish rethoric doesnt work with me, ive seen you increasingly call out posts, as if you were even hurt, (because of the investitor), when you hammered Aged i gave you a pass, that loli shit was disgusting, now i wondered if aged wasnt a false flag, 2 weeks later, you were threatening to delete a thread with some cartoon on v/niggers, and even before that considering banning threads that mentioned shit hosted on external sites. Im sure there´s many more episodes, im not following you under the magnifying glass, but i can see the reddit police censorship slowly rising.

fujin ago

Where's your proof of actual censorship? These are baseless accusations and arguments of a low IQ nigger.

PuttItOut ago

You're wrong, there isn't any censorship, even when I have been pushed in the past I've left well enough alone.

I even unbanned Aged from v/gaming because of community feedback, and he continues in his ways.

I can have my say on content that I think is crossing a line... And please note, for the record, the post you mentioned stayed up even though I personally had issues with it.

Your arguments are not based in fact.

WhitePaladin ago

Slowly the censoring begins, you dont even hide it anymore. Ever since the (((investitor))) jumped in (cia niggers), step by step this is becoming like reddit.

lord_nougat ago

Slowly the Saxon learned to censor!

EuropeanEnthusiast ago

It came to him very late, when ************************************

european ago

Self censor

TheWorstImaginable ago

I've seen you spell Investitor like that twice now. What does it mean?

ianadba ago

I'm pretty sure it's like a Jewvestitute.

sore_ass_losers ago


MrPim ago

It's the time traveling jew John Titor

TheWorstImaginable ago

It's the croatian spelling of Investor. It's probably just that.

MrPim ago

Probably. But as an explanation that's much less fun.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

ive been saying this for ages but i get downvoated as if i hate whites. we need an alternative before they sink this. no ship is unsinkable.

VoatIsNowDead ago

Get putitout to make the source code public. If he was an advocate for free speech he would do it so someone else can take the reigns without question.

jkkill ago

I'm an average skilled developer and I could build a near replica of this site in two weeks, without the source code. Having the source code isn't an excuse to not build an alternative.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Source code being public doesn't necessarily mean anything. Voat's server could be running any version it wants.

european ago

Agreed , reddit source code was mostly open source

VoatIsNowDead2 ago

No I mean so someone else can host it. Someone who lives in an glownigger free country would be a good start.

Rotteuxx ago

Name one glow nigger free country...

VoatIsNowDead2 ago

Somalia... I've already been thinking about how we could get local warlords to guard the server haha!

untz ago

Maybe there will be no glow niggers, but instead you get a fuck ton of niggers, a lot of them with guns and most likely try to kill you. Not really sure if that's worth the trade. No jews so that's a plus. Except the Yibir tribe, watch out for their powerful magicians and you'll be alright.

VoatIsNowDead2 ago

Haha yeah it was mainly a joke. I'm sure there must be some backwards country that would host it and not give a fuck though.

Hand_of_Node ago

Backward countries are particularly susceptible to financial incentives.

Glipglup ago

Could you provide us with an example for better context? Would be appreciated.

Othmar_Regin ago

Law enforcement - OF WHICH COUNTRY?

Octoclops ago


varialus ago


Othmar_Regin ago

voat servers are not in the USA but in Switzerland(I think)

varialus ago

I thought everything switched to the United States when Putt too over, but I didn't go and verify that anywhere, that's just according to my memory which may not be correct.

PuttItOut ago

You are correct but a bit off on time line. We went U.S. right away specifically because of the First Ammendment.

crazy_eyes ago

even I knew that

PuttItOut ago

You know everything though, that much I know.

crazy_eyes ago

I'm not so sure about that, I'm not theBuddha

Ina_Pickle ago



Just shills doing what shills do.

Firevine ago

Can you at least give us an example? Pedos should be gassed.

Redditsdead ago

Waste of resources. .22 lr is way cheaper than building a chamber and all the associated equipment.


Just drown them one by one. It will good for moral

Crensch ago

Will we be notified if our content is removed?

PuttItOut ago

I think so, have to check the code.

Crensch ago

Also, thank you. Whatever happens here, you have my support. I don't expect you to go against the government.

Crensch ago

Is my rhetoric likely to be targeted here, or are we talking something far more specific in nature?

PuttsMum ago

You know I'm a leftie, mate, and although we don't get on like a house on fire I don't think you're a shit cunt so I'm thinking you'll be sweet.

Crensch ago

I don't even know how to process that comment.

PuttsMum ago

Yeah, sorry, I slipped into my NZ accent.


Crensch ago

Ahh, no worries. I've been out of that country for entirely too long to have made that connection. It just looked like gibberish, but now that you mention it, I think I caught a little of your meaning.

PuttsMum ago

In English in saying I think you're a good guy and you've stuck up for Voat so I would hope you'll be left alone.

Crensch ago

I appreciate that. Cheers, bud.

LazyJello9 ago

fucking l o l..

kill all niggers. gas the jews. use your guns and kill the people you must kill..

psymin ago

Thanks Putt :) Keep up the good work. We all want voat to stick around.

untz ago

What does this mean? What constitutes as a "threat"?

Apexbreed ago

State law where I live says that there has to be a statement if action (I'm going to kill/beat/rape/etc...) a specific person or group, in an unconditional manner (not "if Bill attacks me I'll kill him, or most "if" type scenarios. "If I see them" is still a threat though). You can say you want something to happen (I would love to Kill bill, or "I wish someone killed Bill). The threatening party has to be intending it as a threat so vague things like "you're fucked" or "this is it for you" don't qualify unless the person was so stupid as to say "I meant that I was planning to kill them when I said that."

gabara ago


Lobotomy ago


Mittermeyer ago

Gas the Phezzani space war now

BugCityBeatdown ago

(((Who))) could ultimately be behind such an act?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Reddit is my first guess

AmaleksHairyAss ago

My guess is SRS trolls backed by a reactionary DA

Judasrope ago

I don't see how this is Voat problem. If the Federal scum identified legitimate threat they need to investigate the individual making it. This is another attack on Voat platform.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Good point. Voat very clearly doesn't curate the content. And as such ut is solely on the individual responsible. Not that the cyrator versus open platform means anything to the feds. Twitter and the lot would all be shut down if it did.

big_fat_dangus ago

This is a good point, what the fuck are we paying them to do then?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

That would require work. Socialists hate hard work

Valcgo ago

and personal responsibility.

Octocopter ago

Also need to watch out for uptick in contentious content involving minors.

YugeDick ago

Shh... That's not for till after we've deported them all there together in one place.

asdfasdf3453534 ago

shit alt jksdfh

voatre ago

(((they))) are already attacking boat because the idea of not controlling discourse frightens them.

Adminstrater ago

I think this has to do with all this awareness of the crimes of the jew.

I had noticed that the JQ had been brought up quite a bit in the last while.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Voat is more cop than 4chan.

The army is too busy fighting wars for bankers to defend my rights to talk shit

Camulos ago

And it begins lol

What faggotry is this?

Niggertown ago

(((Who could be behind this Putt)))?

clubberlang ago

I think someone hijacked his account this is tip tear libaiting

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Begins? It began when Putt cucked out and Atko got black bagged. This was inevitable. The “threats” were undoubtedly posted by spooks who “Putt” was in the loop with. Atko was disappeared to clear the way for subversion on voat. If you don’t see this, you are either too new to the sote or you are in a pathetic state of denial.

I’m just here cuz it sucks less than the rest of the internet.

european ago

How do you even know @puttitout and @atko are separate people?

Corpse_washer ago

Welcome to Zion, fren.

european ago

Is this where the party is at?

Corpse_washer ago

Until Neo shows up. Then the cycle repeats.

Redpilleveryone ago

I'm hoping you're wrong. Assange is alive and all. It's possible things are actually okay here.

asdfasdf3453534 ago

shit altss

VoatIsNowDead2 ago

Who is Atko? Can you fill in us newer goats on the history?

toobaditworks ago

Atko created whoaverse which later became Voat.

turtlesarepureevil ago

Lurk moar

Kannibal ago

Atko is the original founder and designer of Voat. He brought in Puttitout to help run the place

His folks, I guess, fled the old war in the old yugoslavia

you can find out more with a little digging starting with wikipedia

Zenhael ago

Atko created Voat, then eventually stepped down and handed the reins over to Putt.

InternetUser ago

Voat founder

Camulos ago

Maybe everybody who's here is here for the same reason.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Even the shills?

PuttItOut ago

We always err on the side of not removing any content (don't even remember when I last did) but things are getting hot and it's important we understand this as a community.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/2020ElectionNews comment by @kevdude.

Posted automatically (#35046) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

physicscat ago

I thought the post here was spot on. You appealed to people's common sense and some of them don't have it.

Jewnoculars ago

“...things are getting hot....important we understand this....”

Putt, these words mean about as much as a Q post.

PuttItOut ago

I'm just laughing because you're right in a way. But surely you can extract the root of what I'm saying right?

Jewnoculars ago


Goodbye everyone.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Any odds of moving voat out of the US?

FreeBreivik ago

Why are you removing content? Do you want to be responsible for every single thing posted here? If someone breaks the law, leave it to law enforcement. I don't see why you need to remove any speech (unless it's actually illegal to host, like child porn.)

NotHereForPizza ago

It's almost like someone has been warning you of all of these things that keep coming to fruiting for about... oh, I dunno... two years now.

Witsend ago

It is a very thin tightrope you walk. Appreciated by at least one guy here in Texas.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @insanitea.

Posted automatically (#35002) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Tallest_Skil ago

things are getting hot

Any evidence of that? I mean in the world, not in terms of retarded fake legal briefs sent by pussies who can't handle being told they're wrong. Where is anyone fighting back against any of this?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago


I know they've contacted you about me. Maybe not at the behest of the FBI directly, but I'm sure they've coordinated with other "Five-Eyes" governments to get my information, as many of the things I've said (total legal here in the US) ARE 110% ILLEGAL in those stupid fucked-up backwards countries. (I'm looking at you, UK, you fucking faggots).

I'm not trying to put the site at risk. But I'll be damned if I'm not going to say what everyone else is thinking. I'll tone down the rhetoric a notch, but that's the best I can do.

We're living in dark times and from time to time, I'm going to shine a flashlight on things and expose the evil and nonsense of our current clown world. That may come across as uncomfortable, even to you guys, but that is exactly the type of speech that needs to be protected.

european ago

You soundly slightly paranoid but I'm not mocking you and you might be right. Good luck and stay safe. If you ever find yourself getting sleep deprived take a break from internetting.

clubberlang ago

Honk honk

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I can't speak for Putt, but... thanks. I've seen a lot of rather extreme and intense stuff on this site and I'm normally fairly jaded to most of it and understand that it's just talk because people get really passionate about certain topics, and they aren't realistically going to do anything dangerous in real life. But some of your comments really made me start to worry, and I don't want anyone here to do anything that might put themself or others in harm's way, or to do anything that could put the site itself at risk.

Keep saying what you need to say, just keep in mind that other people are listening - possibly ones who are genuinely insane and amoral, who might commit acts of evil that harm the innocent, and who might only need to hear a sufficiently inflammatory message to push them over the edge. By calming it down with the pitchforks and torches you might actually save innocent lives from some crazy going postal in the future.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

You’re partially right, but you’re failing to realize that the insane amoral dangerous people a hair away from harming innocents are the ones who contacted Putt.

CantBuySkills ago

Dude... we don't even know what was said that triggered this agency... don't stop saying anything until we have an example of what can't be said!

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Fuck you little fucking kike. I'll put a bullet through the head of your relative and let you watch it.

How's that for a threat? Kike

Go on and ban me, show us your (((true colors)))

SpaceRace ago

How about a sternly worded letter?

drstrangegov ago

Getting hot....elaborate please.


Were any names named specifically? If so, who? Please.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

It was you. They're coming.

MrDarkWater ago

nope, they are looking for u/KILLthoseRATStuesday

DrSelfAppointed ago

getting hot? Oh man, tell me again Putt how all this growth has been good for us.

TheWorstImaginable ago

What growth? Voat runs off 5x the amount of people that end up staying. There's a reddit ban, voat explodes, then a month later most normal people are like fuck that voat is filled with a bunch of retards and we only gain maybe 100 users out of thousands.

insanitea ago

Normal people? They have no spines. Why should they be here?

18222031? ago

But we don't want those people here

PuttItOut ago

You're not wrong.

WhitePaladin ago

Whats the name of the investitor Putt ?

YouAreASlave ago

Shylock Shekelgruber

Kalergi ago

Whats the name of the investitor Putt ?

Black Rifle Coffee

Hand_of_Node ago

Why do you believe Putt would betray an investor?

toobaditworks ago

No Putt is the owner.

ardvarcus ago

Oh, come on now. We all knew Voat wasn't going to last. We're actually able to say what we think here -- nobody thought the liberal cunts who control the media were going to allow that for much longer, did they? Face it, we don't have freedom of speech anywhere in the world these days, not even in America. White Christians are under determined, sustained attack, and the left has no intention of letting us band together as a people.

european ago

I doubt it's "the left" which are the problem. "Just follow the money" is a phrase that springs to mind. The world is too complex also to make it a left right thing all the time. Dumbing down real issues to the level of wwf/wwe wrestling match springs to mind. No one can know who is sincere and who is being sarcastic and ironic or just stirring either.

MrDarkWater ago

maybe the investor IS the "US Agency"

european ago

I wonder if china is involved?

abear ago

Don't you just love this little community of racists, assholes, and violent alt-right terrorists? Just burn the site to the ground, dude. It's hopeless.

big_fat_dangus ago

I do love it. What's your point bitch boi?

Diggernicks ago

Yes, yes I do.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Take the dick out of your mouth and read a history book.

Keefin ago

That certainly begs the question why someone like you would be here. You have endless options of Hivemind echo-chambers where everyone else sounds just like you do right now.

Octoclops ago

violent alt-right terrorists

Nice fake narrative. Now matter how many times you spout your buzzwords, it can't change the fact that violent inbred Ramadan worshipers are still the overwhelming majority of terrorists.

Vrblpollushin ago

Sounds like you're on the wrong website then, faggot. Fuck out of here.

abear ago

I love pissing off you alt-reich shit stains. Isn't that what you (((cum stains))) like to do to the evil liberals?

Deathperception ago

Are you calling juice cumstains?

Vrblpollushin ago

I love when you pieces of excrement leftist commie jew kidfuckers think when you're told to fuck off, think you've made someone mad. Faggots like you that point out an accounts age as a basis for your argument are pathetic. YOU fuck off. You're the one calling to burn the site down faggot, not me. Go back to tumblr, or buzzfeed, or San Fran. Leftist scum.

abear ago

you SO Mad. so much fun. Cheers!!

Vrblpollushin ago

Back at ya!

GritD2 ago

yes give up and let Islam and sharia be your guide for the northern hemisphere. We want all of our babies dead and eaten, and we want to make sure men are girls and vice versa, how else are we gonna get the population down.

violent alt-right terrorists do not exist except in the lefts mind to promote censorship. If there was alt right violence, JS wouldn't have had to farm his mugging out to two nigerians who are now suing him. He could have legitimately been beaten up ... but because that was like waiting for unicorns to arrive he instead took the uber route and planned his own atrocity.

abear ago

This is totally rational and definitely how healthy normal people think!!

psychosynthesis ago

LOL he really said that violent alt-right terrorists don't exist! imagine being that delusional

abear ago

These fucking morons are literally calling for a race war but there's no such thing as alt-reigh terrorism? The double-think on this site is absolutely terrifying.

MrDarkWater ago

it's truth, faggot

VoatIsNowDead ago

It is unless you are part of the leftist cult. Not part of a cult are you?

abear ago

Being that irrationally angry is far from normal. Maybe if you leave your mud pit in Nebraska once and a while you'd find out that most people are really nice and happy.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Irrational? From our perspective, its very rational.

VoatIsNowDead ago

Ignorance is bliss. Are you saying I should be ignorant too? Is it bliss? Tell me

Camulos ago

Cry about it faggot.

abear ago

No thanks I'm good, dick cheese.

bannedman ago

what is this bitch shit?

Marou ago

Gas the kikes Race War Now is not an illegal threat. The supreme court has ruled that an actionable threat needs a place and a time. example: We're gassing kikes at the White Castle on 5th avenue on Tuesday.

Can you share specific posts you've received complains on? Hosting providers and others tend to have a definition of "threats" that doesn't jive with the legal definition.

rocknrollsteve ago

...doesn't jive at all with the...

Jibe, no jive, you idiot.

klasdfk48945 ago

voat manip

Splooge ago

What time on Tuesday? My kid has soccer practice.

asdfasdf3453534 ago

shit alt

Chiefpacman ago

Hopefully putt is being as firm as possible. I like the case by case scenario better then blanket banning 'threats'. I agree with your definition.

After this post there will most likely be "users" testing this line and hoping we remove their content in order to claim censorship on Voat.

Not a good way to put it. That's always the case, and we've never preemptively warned users before. If we start banning people for saying 'gas the kikes' that is censorship.

I've said I'd like to fly a plane into an IRS building if I knew I was going to die anyways. Is that a threat?

klsdjkfas78w45 ago

=133 lol @puttitout why do allow manipulation

eronburr ago

I came here to point out that Voat's new stance is no longer protecting free speech but I'm not a lawyer, ..., and it isn't Voat's place to defend illegal content.

The admins have chosen a master and is starting to obey. Was the "angel" something else in disguise?

Heer_me_roar ago

Can you share specific posts you've received complains on?

Remember when Maxine Waters called for violence on live television, and the media supported her?? I wonder if she was contacted by law enforcement. How many Lefty fags do we see make threats all the time, and nothing ever comes of it? Hell, they just let he bike lock professor off of all charges, and he actually acted out his threat. This is so incredibly frustrating that only right wing thought and speech is policed, while violence from the Leftys is encouraged, while simultaneously denying us more and more of our civil rights.

captainstrange ago

Hell, they just let the bike lock professor off of all charges, and he actually acted out his threat. This is so incredibly frustrating

it's not just frusterating, it's literally abusive.

We are being abused by the u.s. government.

You think one incident is bad.

You wait till 2020, I and others already said, they'd come for voat, and everyone else, and manufacture a reason to shut us down.

mememeyou ago

it's more than "abuse", these Jewish controlled governments want Europeans dead worldwide and are currently killing us. They put the spiders in our bed that are biting us. Jews are pushing Talmudic law that is not inclusive to us with beheadings for those who don't obey.PNG We have documented white genocide over and over on Voat. Judge them by their fruits: Look at how Europeans are faring in South Africa after JewsJPG I understand Putt's point.... but God forbid we use too harsh of words or make a mistake (being human and acting on emotion once in blue moon) when trying to advocate for our survival peacefully in today's clown world, considering we cannot congregate legally, discuss these issues at work or in public, speak freely on platforms, and have no representation in politics or MSM.

captainstrange ago

considering we cannot congregate legally,

This is an opportunity, not a hazard.

Every time we congregate, we raise the issue. Because free assembly is lawful and legal the opposition has to resort to 'quesi' legal and illegal means to shut us down. If we conduct enough protests and gatherings of that nature, sooner or later we'll document something that can't really be denied.

Then the overton window slides from "honestly, is the government really illegally suppressing us whites?" to "hey I'm not a racist, but I'm a conservative and it's not right what the government is doing."

The debate moves from is it happening -> to is it right that it is happening and should we allow it?

You could boil it down to the absurd phrase

Remember, if your enemies physically assault you, you win.

Well, in court.

No, maybe not the legal courts, but trump did replace a boatload of them, so maybe.

No, you win in the court of public opinion.

Welcome to clown world.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

2020 is going to be an awful time in our national history.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Luckily it will be erased when we declare war on the sun for shedding light on the bullshit

DontBeRacist ago

We are being abused by the U.S. government


HorseIsDead ago

You people are like 11 year olds with severe ADHD who just need to push whatever boundary they can because your parents didn't love you enough. Grow up and stop acting like a little kid. It's not that hard and no one is taking your freeze peach you inbred hick.

tendiesonfloor ago

We're gassing the kikes at the Freemont Synagogue on 5th avenue, Tuesday.

I have late lunch plans, we can bump that time forward?

callthehambulance ago

Ooh, where are you going, anywhere nice?

WeekendBaker ago

To 1943?

anoncastillo ago

He said kikes, not lice.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Only '40s kids will get this.

beece ago

Maybe maybe not Marou, just start using common sense. Any random asswipe threatening the President or other significant public figure will be and should be investigated. That's the way it's been for many many years and like Puttitout says, don't do it. It's senseless and stupid. I appreciate an open forum where strong debates over important things and issues and be discussed and I don't want that shut down over someone being a dumbass.

totes_magotes ago

And no reply from admin. Not a surprise at all. More likely some "investor" has him by the money balls.

On that note, admin can go fuck themselves.

gabara ago

How do we even know it's the same person posting from the account?

PuttItOut ago

Ask me any question about @Amalek.

Whitworth ago

Did Q predict Amalek? What happens when you order the Amalek Special from Comet Pizza? Did Amalek die trying to put his old mattress in his neighbor’s dumpster? Bonus question: given what we know about Amalek’s activities in 1990, who is Voat’s Angel?

heygeorge ago

Is @amalek still in jail?

PuttItOut ago

He will write to you from prison if you're OK with him knowing where you live.

heygeorge ago

It’s worth it.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Can I have a two page essay on @Amalek? I've been trying to figure out who he is and what he did ever since I started using Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

Posted automatically (#35118) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

gabara ago

Why are you gay?

18228921? ago

Can you confirm it's the 8 chan bot causing the trouble?

zyklon_b ago

did @amalek suck his daddys dick or just his mommas?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Am I Amalek?

gabara ago

Why are you gay?

18229002? ago

Yes probably

gabara ago

Why is @Amalek gay?

totes_magotes ago


gabara ago


totes_magotes ago

Who do?

gabara ago

You do.

totes_magotes ago

no u

MrDarkWater ago

start readying your mind for another move. I'm leaving quicker this time.

HorseIsDead ago

See ya. Won't miss you faggots.

MrDarkWater ago

who are you?

projection ago

Who are you?

MrDarkWater ago

a fucking white male, and Jesus is my copilot.

-"Reeady to go, Jesus."
"JC777 requesting clearance for runway two seven."
"JC777 you are cleared for runway two seven. Have a good flight, Jesus."
"You, too."
> mfw Jesus just told Tower to have a good flight.

totes_magotes ago

Oh I'm already somewhere else. Been waiting for this shit a long time.

18228884? ago

Where is the elsewhere?

totes_magotes ago


18237639? ago

What was the other one pole something

totes_magotes ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

brandenburg v Ohio

WhitePaladin ago

There are no threats, its a false flag by the glow niggers that bought this website.

WhiteRonin ago

The leave :-)

MrDarkWater ago

starting to feel that way. hate to admit it, but that's the way she goes

markrod420 ago

I was actually going to ask for some examples as well.

CameraCode0 ago

Yeah I hope putt provides us with specific examples.

Word content maturely, avoid implicit and explicit language concerning the involvement of violence and the content won't be in question. Simple, so very simple.

is very broad and can be interpreted in lots of ways. Some people are going to be afraid to post unless this is specified. Can you at least give us some examples of posts or comments you have been contacted about? And what does "cooperating with law enforcement" mean? Just removing the post, or providing info about the poster?

enormousatom ago

That's how the law is written. Broad and vague.

uvulectomy ago

Just have a look at some of the stuff @AllLibsAreEvilDemons posts. Straight-up glownigger, that one, and they've been here less than six months.

Example and picture (yes, that's an actual quote from them).PNG

Motherfucker is a prime example of the kinda shit being talked about. He's either retarded, or a fed trying to get the whole place shut down.

Hand_of_Node ago

But that quote is true. "Jack" and his fellow conspirators do need to be killed. And they're a tiny fraction of the full list.

markrod420 ago

Okay well thats pretty bad lol.

refugee610 ago

Probably not a fed, just a SJW.

Gorillion ago


Putt should just reply to any agencies that contact him "If you find it so troubling, maybe stop your people posting that shit here."

That or go raid the nearest SJW Tranny Discord, though another agency may get upset that someone is spooking their MK Ultra pets.

uvulectomy ago

SJW Tranny Discord? I feel like that would somehow make it possible to get AIDS via the internet...

Ocelot ago

He's probably just full of rage, as many of us are.

andrew_jackson ago

Thanks. I banned him, because I enjoy banning.

The_Ghost ago

That’s still not an imminent threat. If I were to say that we should hang Barack Obama, that is still not an illegal threat. As someone higher in this comment chain said, there must be actual intent to do something.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Glad to see that my exercising of my right to free speech hasn't gone unnoticed.

But it's not my goal to get this place shut down, or in trouble with law enforcement in any way.

I've never made specific threats, nor have I ever incited direct or imminent violence.

I'm merely saying the shit that everyone is thinking, but too afraid to say. This thread is a shining example of that.

However, like I said, it's not my intention to cause any harm to Voat, and as such, like I said to another poster on here less than a week ago, I'll dial it back a notch.

A notch. You nigger faggot.

cthulian_axioms ago

Go fuck yourself, Fedcoat.

Hand_of_Node ago

While you're correct in your assessment of needed actions, I generally try to avoid saying they should be "murdered". It should be legal to kill these subversives and enemies among us.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Simply saying, "It's my opinion that I think 'X' should be 'Y' because of 'Z'" is not a threat, it's expression of an opinion.

Saying, "Someone please do 'Y' to 'X' because of 'Z'" is illegal, because it's a direct call to violence.

Saying, "I hope someone one day does 'Y' to 'X' because of 'Z'" is legal.

Semantics, sure, but important to distinguish in the eyes of the courts.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Thanks brah.

t. evil demon

Marou ago

I agree that nigger probably glows in the dark, but nothing you linked meet the place or time definition that strips first amendment protections from speech. "I hope people I don't like die" and "Someone should kill X" are not statements that run afoul of the law.

Definitely run afoul of most hosting providers - but they'll move that goalpost until mild criticism or any recommended problem remediation is considered a "threat".

captainstrange ago

but nothing you linked meet the place and time specificity that strip first amendment protections from speech

They'll ignore that part while they use the threat of force to push a law unequally.

"We disagree with your interpretation. You're not a lawyer, how would you know."

Just like someone whos not a chef knows nothing of cooking.

And someone whos not an engineer knows nothing of fixing a truck.

And someone whos not a soldier, knows nothing of weapon safety.

It's all a bunch of bullshit from suited apes, and costumed clowns, with credentials that mean nothing, backed by the willingness to physically harm any of us if we dare to disobey at all.

Fuck them and their pretense of a government.

SexMachine ago

The threat has to be a direct person or direct time, I think.

"At noon on Wednesday, I should shoot every nigger in sight" - not a direct threat against an individual, but gives a time, an imminent threat.

"someone should find that nigger, Martin Luther King Jr, and pour bleach down his asshole" - is a direct threat against an individual. I used a fictional character in this case because Dr Martin Luther King Jr is completely made up. The person pretending to be a doctor was actually named Michael King Jr, and he plagiarized his thesis and should've never received his PhD. Also he choked out whores.... well, that one is kind of good, teaching those degenerates a lesson.

MrDarkWater ago

that's the point, the glow niggers go just to the edge.

CameraCode0 ago

Most of us agree with what he says, as shown by all the upvoats. A lot of those comments could have come from any one of us. The glownigger thing is the frequency of the violent comments. As Marou pointed out, none of them are direct threats of violence that would not be included under the 1st ammendment. I'm pretty sure most of us would still agree with him even if he wasn't "generating consensus".

AmaleksHairyAss ago

My upvotes never signal agreement. Yours shouldn't either.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I was going to say this. Where is he wrong? Do people actually disagree, or are they just hemming and hawing now that there was supposedly complaints and voat is at risk?

MrDarkWater ago

"agreeing" and "typing it out on the internet" are different things.

we all know the score.

fujin ago

but nothing you linked meet the place and time specificity that strip first amendment protections from speech. "I hope people I don't like die" and "Someone should kill X" are not statements that run afoul of the law.

That comment in particular is not in violation, I made a comment on here in regards to this but here are the two points that would land us in deep shit:

  1. The speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” AND
  2. The speech is “likely to incite or produce such action.”

As long as these two points aren't crossed things are fine.

Gringojones ago

Is it a solid 'and' or is is it a 'and/or'?

fujin ago

Both have to be accounted for so solid AND.

Gringojones ago

Thanks. I like to know where the line is.

Heer_me_roar ago

That looks like something from a lefty sub on Reddit lol

Mesencephalon ago

I figured it was glowniggers, I have seen a rise in fedposting lately.

cursedcrusader ago

I had never heard the term glownigger so thank you for that my good niggerfaggot.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Don't jump to conclusions. Free speech has a lot of opponents who don't work for the government. Reddit or any of the media conglomerates would hire people to make posts like that just for shits and giggles. So would SRS trolls. I'm surprised there aren't even more accounts like that.

MrDarkWater ago

(((they))) want their war real soon and they need widespread "far-right" violence to frame it to the rest of the world as "21st century Nazis". Evil doesn't want to destroy America if they can't look like the good guys.

Look at this new "" and tell me that ain't jews trying to demoralize us and ignite us. guess ((who))) isn't criticized on that site.

captainstrange ago

They'll use the pretense of the law to manufacture the excuse that we need to be "regulated" (violated by the state).

I stopped caring about the news and what the state thinks they have a "lawful moral right or reason" to do.

They fucking don't. And you shouldn't care what they think they're allowed to get away with either.

They're fucking not.

Tallest_Skil ago

(((they))) want their war

They have literally never us to go to war.

MrDarkWater ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Jews don’t want war. Why the fuck would they want war. The last time whites woke up to them, it took literally every single other nation on the face of the Earth to stop a single nation’s worth of whites from winning the war. Jews know their only threat is whites. They have tried desperately for SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS to keep a race war from happening.

Explain to me why I’m supposed to believe that they want the very thing that will cause their global genocide for all eternity.

zyklon_b ago


TradMan ago

Explain to me why you undermine unification on this site.

Tallest_Skil ago

Explain to me why you think your absolute fucking bullshit strawmen are going to be entertained. Get an argument and then try again.

MrDarkWater ago

actually, holy shit: after all this time ... you don't know anything.

Tallest_Skil ago

Great argument. Too bad reality proves you wrong, though, huh?

MrDarkWater ago

reality is proving me right: i've given you too much credit in the past.

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove your claim or don’t make it.

MrDarkWater ago

I am with argument that you fail at making regarding ((their))) plans.

Tallest_Skil ago

Don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. Jews don’t want race war. You’ve yet to present an argument.

MrDarkWater ago

I never posited that. I specifically referred to the planned ww3 between the West and Islam.

Tallest_Skil ago

There is no such war planned. Your propaganda was purposeful well poisoning. Stop pretending that it’s real.

MrDarkWater ago

They want it only if it's aimed at muslims, which i believe they are trying to instigate per Pike's plans.

I don't think they know that this will be the last time. plus, the REAL players generally avoid the "awakenings". we'll see

Tallest_Skil ago

aimed at muslims

Oh, sure, but that’s not a race war. Not only because Islam is not a race (yes, I’m well aware that the vast majority of them are ethnically Arab), but because a race war implies purposeful genocide of the race in question, whereas none of the wars for the Oded Yinon Plan have been carried out for the purpose of the extermination of Muslims at all. Rather they’re purposely kept alive–women, children, AND men–so that they can be imported to white nations to exterminate whites.


You mean the obviously false quotation used to poison the well?

MrDarkWater ago

you said race war. not me.

Tallest_Skil ago

The entire discussion is about race war. Read before replying.

MrDarkWater ago

no, it was not.

Tallest_Skil ago

Great argument, dumbass. Read the original post.

VoatIsNowDead ago

Do 5 shots of whiskey and read it again. It might make sense then.

MrDarkWater ago

well ok, but only because I started vacation 2 hours ago.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

they need widespread "far-right" violence

so they're asking Voat to cool it with the radicalism? It doesn't follow.

MrDarkWater ago

I was saying "they" meaning the glowniggers.

the agency who contacted putt: I'm 50/50 on right now.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I know. And I'm saying it doesn't follow. They wouldn't "ask" put to knock the violent speech down a notch because they want more violence.

fujin ago

Well government agencies are divided at the moment so there are some good guys mixed in with the shit but I'm sure it's more likely groups like Shareblue and the like that are shitposting for violence and sending tips off to the feds.

Qanonplus1 ago


MrDarkWater ago

I'm not saying they are, but I'm using the pronoun "they" to describe somebody other than those contacting putt. understand?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

o ok

think- ago

Look at this new ""

I wondered about this site as well.

LifeWillChange ago

I've only ever seen articles by Paul Joseph Watson on there. I just assumed it was his website.

TopTierCIAShill ago

like the Ben Garrison meme

MrDarkWater ago

I don't trust it yet: doesn't smell right.

9000timesempty ago

Our speech hurt their fee fees. The degenerate scum that they are.

MrDarkWater ago

that too.

uvulectomy ago

But...but it says NEWS right there in the title....and it's even a .news domain! How is that not trustworthy, fellow goyim?

MrDarkWater ago

(((they))) are some tricky-tricksters, aren't they?

heygeorge ago, no surprise, is a PJW/Infowars production. @uvulectomy

Mittermeyer ago

Actually yeah I think I remember something of the sort. It was a case involving the KKK where the supreme court ruled that generals such as "hang blacks" or "hang all blacks" was legal. However if there was one black guy nearby and they yelled "hang that black guy" that is when it would become an illegal threat.

facepaint ago

So that is partially why items like #KillAllMen and talks of killing whites gets a pass on social media.

fujin ago

Here's my buried comment that covers the Brandenburg vs. Ohio case that you're referring to but in a nutshell:

There's a clear difference between freedom of speech which includes saying things like "gas the kikes", "killer niggers", etc and inflammatory speech like inciting imminent violence, call to arms, etc which is NOT protected under the US First Amendment.

As per Brandenburg vs. Ohio, here's what crosses the line with inflammatory speech and what will trigger the government to get involved (e.g. force the admins to clean shit up or shut down the site):

  1. The speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” AND

  2. The speech is “likely to incite or produce such action.”

The Brandenburg test is currently the unbeaten precedent upheld by the courts for speech that could be seen as instigating violence.

I can almost guarantee that there are teams (government and non-government) dedicated to watch and observe what we post on this site, waiting for comments that they can use to mount a case against Voat and eventually get this site shut down like they've already done to some others. And I'm sure there are active users on here from said groups that are giving us rope to hang ourselves.

Notimportant36 ago

I'm curious, since the FBI apparently looks to forums, how would we go about forwarding similar information to the FBI on similar?

It's one of those that would make someone feel like a douche to report, but it seems worthwhile for sites and forums that engage in antifa type terrorism and all... might as well have them barking up some right trees, right?

fusir ago

You wouldn't be helping to report it. It's like going to a party and being worried it will be shut down because someone brought drugs, then yelling out the window, hey cops, we have drugs in here.

The rule is it is never in your interest to talk to cops. They can only harm you, and they can only harm the site. They aren't going to give the site candy or help it fund raise. Only bad things can happen and all bad things that happen depend on them having information. The less information they have in all forms the fewer bad things happen.

thatguyiam ago

Yeah, the glowinthedarks are well aware of this, and guaranteed theyre the only ones posting comments that cross the line, to get the law to oyveyshutitdown

weezkitty ago

which is NOT protected under the US First Amendment.

But the bill of rights as it is written contains no such exception.

Neongreen ago

Thank you sir.

heretolearn ago

are you saying people can, or can't, legally organize a revolt.

ADaniels ago

The colonists at concord and lexington were assembled "illegally."


meglomaniac ago

I'm also concerned that if thats the case, what is going to stop them from making an account, posting violent content, and then using that to ban voat?

its the same thing as the FBI leaking info to the media, then using that report to verify their details.

fujin ago

Well it's extremely doubtful any gov't agencies would be doing this at this time since reading between @PuttInOut 's post, 1) they allowed him to even address this and 2) they're giving us us a clear warning to watch ourselves.

If the gov't were going to take action or had some ulterior motive, we wouldn't know anything until they actually were shutting things down or executing on warrants.

I think the bigger threat are paid shills attempting to do things like that which is very likely. They will walk that fine line and instigate others in here to attempt to take action in the real world which would cause @PuttItOut and the other admins to have to react in the form of "XYZ will be banned".

@PuttItOut 's message is different from what I just mentioned in that he's saying he'll have to enforce removal of posts containing direct threats and actionable call to arms which again, are NOT covered under the 1st amendment in the US.

fusir ago

What if you had more than one agency involved or more than one unit in an agency.

One unit interested in real world violence begins stirring the pot for violence to see who they can pm and entrap in attempting violence.

Another team interested in online threats takes interest in the atmosphere of making threats.

So you end up in a situation where an agency leads lawless behavior and another starts telling voat to shut down.

meglomaniac ago

Which is why for example, when I recently suggested some grossly illegal things to a friend of mine on reddit, in the intent to get information about the legality of said actions, i'm definitely protected under the 1st amendment even if those suggestions were literally "lets get a buncha armed citizens together and protest the government aggressively"

klsdjkfas78w45 ago

he knows it.... he just dont care

heygeorge ago

fujin, you are awesome. This is a succinct way of describing the situation without resorting to armchair attorneying.

This is further nuance to keep in mind, such as intent.

For example:
The same (or nearly same) comment from @zyklon_b or @expertshitposter [posters generally of humorous intent; zyklon’s profile even explains his comments are to be taken as satirical art] vs a comment from, let’s say, @texasvet [a poster who generally intends his voice to be taken seriously and literally].

There is some notable precedent about how establishment of voice is taken into account when determining whether the speech meets the criteria of both directing lawlessness and likely producing this outcome.

@PuttItOut: IANAL

KVD ago

Wow, you can actually talk like a normal person.

Malayar ago

people tend to drop the bullshit in threads like this.

KVD ago

Is that a threat?

Malayar ago


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Clown world got them spooked.

zyklon_b ago

@puttitout 1990 style

fujin ago

Thank you, this is my contribution to keeping this place alive and you're correct, the tone of the conversation is taken into consideration.

The fact that @PuttItOut was contacted is not surprising, if you're an oldfag you can see where things are headed based on the type of shitposting that's been going on around here lately. The tone has been less satirical wit/trolling and more feeding into low IQ 'muh feels' ideology.

iDontShift ago


heygeorge ago

The fact that @PuttItOut was contacted is not surprising, if you're an oldfag you can see where things are headed based on the type of shitposting that's been going on around here lately. The tone has been less satirical wit/trolling and more feeding into low IQ 'muh feels' ideology.

This is 100% where I’m at.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeppers, since NZ they've kicked it into high gear.

Ffs, they even sandboxed @Puttsmum for a while, we all know he was the main target.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

That's when I really noticed it.

I've lurked for years, seen things change, watched folks come and go and after NZ it was like a different site overnight.

TheTrigger ago

I wonder if they're going full-accelerationism, somehow believing it benefits them more than us.

captainstrange ago

It's the 2020 election.

They're all in, because they didn't learn their lesson in 2016.

This is just the panopticon testing the waters, seeing how people will respond.

KVD ago

Mmm, good point.

NoRoyalty ago

On this point of more low-IQ 'muh feels' ideology, I have to wonder if Reddit is deliberately creating conditions for sending large numbers of refugees here to hopefully help get voat shut down. The left is good at only one thing - organizing.

KVD ago

No, they are good at one thing - destroying. Destroyed people just naturally glom together as "victims."

NoRoyalty ago

They organize to destroy. I'll give you that.

fujin ago

It's not just reddit and it's beyond the left/right dichotomy.

I've been accumulating articles over the last few months for a long form post on the steps the puppet masters are taking to take back control of the zeitgeist and narrative to insure things like what happened in the 2016 US elections don't happen again.BitChute

In a nutshell the plan is already in motion, they're embedding radical, ultra socialist (communist) politicians, dismantling the foundations and principles of the US, all out censorship through anti "hate speech" laws, deplatforming and erasing counter culture influencers (e.g. Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes) and shutting down sites like Voat that take a stand against censorship and freely propagates information and can change the narrative spin the puppet masters want us to live by.

AmericanJew2 ago

A surefire way to set the tinder for the next civil war. I wonder who would profit from such a thing....?

MystikMa ago

Umm... you mean like the same Philandering, Psychopaths that for centuries have manipulated both ends against the middle?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Before I saw Putt's post I would have laughed at your paranoia.

fujin ago

Well, that's why I've been gathering articles of all of these instances but when you see the co-founder and president (Sergey Brin/Google) of the most powerful products that are ingrained in almost all aspects of modern life, that can mold and shape opinions more than any dictator could ever dream of say he was "deeply disturbed" and "shocked" by the outcome of the 2016 election there's a problem a brewin'.

Slowly yet surely we're seeing the machine taking action to protect itself, for me, that nut Alex Jones was the canary in the coal mine. He was deplatformed, ex-communicated, banished all within a week from all forms of the modern day, mainstream soapbox and we're seeing similar attempts to take out any form of influential "alt" tech, media, individuals since then.

hollandkt ago

I'll go one further: There are false flag people here that specifically write inflammatory, credible threats specifically to shut down this site so that free people who participate in "wrong think" will be deplatformed.

popsikle ago

i am curious as to why the person posting the 'illegal' threats, etc. cannot be held accountable. why is the host (or anyone else) responsible for the idiot that uses the hairdryer in the tub?

drj2 ago

But if you host a live stream of a mass murder it’s fine. How the fuck did Facebook not have anything happen to them?

Civil_Warrior ago

Jew billionaire CIA is why.

take-a_seat ago

They're Facebook. They have too much power and influence. Duh.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

This is the question that needs to be answered.

petrus4 ago

I've come to suspect that that is pretty much the purpose of subs like /r/unpopularopinion on Reddit.

AmaleksHairyAss ago


klsdjkfas78w45 ago

and are scared of me

klsdjkfas78w45 ago

they never will cause they shit alts


Yes, the threat has to be imminent.

edgelord666 ago

So le day of le rope isn't just around the corner?

eronburr ago

And plausible. You can threaten to make all vampires extinct but a vampire has to reveal itself to claim it was threatened.

watts2db ago

pount noted

Talpiot_Bot ago

What is an example? This is vague.

WhitePaladin ago

Its vague because its bullshit, this is a false flag by the glow niggers that bought this shit (investitor)

Their idea seems to control us by modship instead of nuking the website and scatter us.

WhiteRonin ago

Bullshit. Simple as that.

It’s not the investor. That person likes this place.

It’s something to do with the latest noobs who came. Within 72 hours we are seeing this.

Talpiot_Bot ago

I agree.

bdmthrfkr ago

I may get a bit hot under the collar on occasion butnI always stop just shy of the line. Sadly the clowns leap over that line just so that they can send nasty letters to Putt.

Whenever you see one of these glow in the dark niggers call them out on their dirty tactics, I'm sure that Putt has better things to do then answer 3 letter agencies all day.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Gas the Jews isn’t allowed anymore?

markrod420 ago

Not nearly specific enough to constitute a legal threat id imagine.

uvulectomy ago

It would have to be calling for "imminent lawless action" and also be "likely to incite or produce such an action."

See: Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

gabara ago

And you're not allowed to deny the Holocause or eat anything but Chinese food on New Years day.

facepaint ago

That six million figure seems a little inflated to me. I think they may be boosting their numbers.

CameraCode0 ago

It's Chinese food on Christmas day, because all Christian places are closed it's the only place Jews can eat.

captainstrange ago

because all Christian places are closed

I highly fucking doubt that.

If you want to eat chinese food you don't need an excuse. Just fucking eat chinese food.

VoatIsNowDead ago

I like shopping. Lolz. Anything but consumerism and moronic television is hate speech. I love the new voat. v/promocodes is my favssss

BB-3 ago

That's not even a real subverse...

VoatIsNowDead ago

Yes this place only became Reddit v2.0 tonight give it some time and it will be.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


SackTap17 ago

I've been seeing it here and there, too. We appreciate the work you do to keep this site up. There will always be people who try to cause problems, but you still stick around for us. Thank you.

HostileTakeover ago

If you've missed the memo,

Leftists' violence is free speech And Rightwing speech is violence

Anything will be taken by SJW faggots to imply violence. Where will you stop? At Reddit 2.0?

asdfasdf3453534 ago

shit alt.

fujin ago

SJWs do take everything to imply violence but it's not the same as what law enforcement sees as a "call to arms" which is not protected under the first amendment. It's pretty clear what's free speech and what's not.

Leftists' violence is free speech And Rightwing speech is violence

The microscope is currently on libertarian/free thinkers/conservatives, life isn't fair or balanced so be smarter than libards that get away with shit talk (at the moment), they'll have their day in the sun.

Hysterical ago

they'll have their day in the sun.

When? Because mostly everything you said has been true for fifty some odd years. What has changed that makes you believe they'll have their turn? Honestly though. Conservatives and libertarians have been taking the high road for decades all the while our beliefs and values have been under constant attack -- and your advice is to just keep doing the same thing? I'm fairly certain that is the dictionary definition of insanity mate.

These people know no low. They will use every option possible the attack us.

GritD2 ago

Basically SJW's are whiners who won't do anything while the conservative community , if goated into action, would certainly be leathal.

QualityShitposter ago

We should have a call to arms thread with pics of biceps...

WhiteRonin ago

Cool alt name!

I like it!

captainstrange ago

Law enforcement see what they want to see, and the ones that don't see it are booted or sidelined.

And whatever not convenient to the narrative, they ignore.

Ask boulder Colorado PD.

And I'll be the first to defend police against dirty hippy shitheads.

asdfasdf3453534 ago

more shit alts

Witsend ago

How is it that we are required to be an armed militia if and when our government moves to overly and unlawfully control us, yet we are not allowed to call for a move to arms? <-- rhetoric. Keep an eye out for winks and nods.

Jesusthug ago

You have no right to assemble white man. If you do. We will infiltrate you. We will put you in a dungeon for thought crimes. < This is where we’re at. But but it will get better. Promise.

enormousatom ago

If you're going to stage a coup, you better fucking win. Being executed as a traitor severely reduces your chances of being alive.

Witsend ago

I'd rather die on my feet . . .

TheSeer ago

We should be able to tag posts as 'glow in the dark'. See it quite a bit, honestly. (not accusing your post of this)

Speech leftists hate is 'hate speech'.

One-Way_Bus ago

Leftists hate all speech that doesn't correspond to NPC programming.

MockingDead ago

What is a glow-in-the-dark?

dundundunnnnn ago


TwooPsy ago

glow niggers

Corpse_washer ago

Cia agent.

Hetmann ago

Fed posting

TheSeer ago

Turn off the lights. If you are glowing, then you are glow-in-the-dark. Or, alternatively, go to Urban Dictionary and look it up. The answer is actually right here in this thread, too!

Malayar ago

Terry Davis was a true prophet

blackzetsu ago

A simple Google search will tell you... it's a person intentionally trying to bait people into criminality, in thiscontezt, their trying to bait violent speech (So me thinks)

HostileTakeover ago

Used to be on r/CA a while ago where examples of such leftist faggotry were common.

Also what does glow in the dark mean?

asdfasdf3453534 ago

shit alt @puttitout

Charliethebum ago

Lurk more.

SandHog ago

TheSeer ago

According to Urban Dictionary: "Back in the sixties, the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States conducted experiments on captured mutants. After extracting their abilities, they were granted miraculous powers but were cursed with the condition of glowing in the dark. A simple programmer by the name of Terry Davis happened to discover their plot. Since then, he has faked his death and gone into hiding after attempting to expose the "glow in the dark cia niggers"."

toobaditworks ago


Bigdickedelf ago

CIA plants

elitch2 ago

A "glow in the dark nigger" is a spook.

HostileTakeover ago

Thought so

BB-3 ago

RIP Terry Davis

Glipglup ago

It means run them over, just hit them with your car and kill them.

bdmthrfkr ago

To be this new...

Battlefat ago

If any of you faggots take issue with this, I’ll personally holster my rifle in your mom’s ass

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Battlefat ago

I see sarcastic irony, but hypocrisy was an intentional secondary intent

Itsdone63 ago

I need an example. As someone that uses double entendre often I can't be held accountable for misinterpretation can I?

DOTR_for_ZOG ago

Pretty reasonable request. Hate speech is made up BS, but the 1st ammendment (for US Goats) doesn't cover incitement to violence.

That being said, reference my user name for my feelings on which group is clearly agitating for the destruction of free speech.....

bareknuckles ago

Pretty reasonable request. Gun violence is made up BS, but the 2nd amendment (for US Goats) doesn't cover scary looking assault rifles.

DOTR_for_ZOG ago

HostileTakeover ago

Unless you guys have laws that make the medium responsible for any incitement,I wouldn't break a sweat.Plenty of leftist subs on Reddit call for violence against the Right and get off Scot-free.

DOTR_for_ZOG ago

The only thing that matters in 3rd world countries is who holds the power, not the laws. The US, and most of Europe, is now a 3rd world country simply by the fact that rule of law doesn't exist anymore.

Sheetz ago

Hate speech is made up BS, but the 1st ammendment (for US Goats) doesn't cover incitement to violence.

Got some double think going on there

fuckingmockies ago

No, he's correct.

DOTR_for_ZOG ago

Feeling offended doesn't equate to having your life threatened.

'Rev' Al Sharpton has incited violence. Tucker Carlson engages in facts or 'hate speech' you Antifa types.

Demonsweat2 ago

Al has incited violence at every protest nigger town he left in ashes, while eating chicken at the Black House 53 times.

DOTR_for_ZOG ago

Al Sharpton's continued career and lack of prosecution shows where the balance of power lies.

Our existing laws in Europe and the US are not being enforced and certain groups, (((one in particular))), continues to degrade our government and legal system.

bushka ago

Giving Al Sharpton a platform demeans black people. The let him persist to continue the lie that blacks are persecuted victims.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Speech is useless for those that know you won't fight back

DOTR_for_ZOG ago

Great example of the caved heads that won't fight back is the QRV cancer.

Nonymous608 ago

Interesting. I don't blame you at all PuttItOut- just delete the problem posts. No need for anyone to try to create drama - they can do that on their own message board. I wish you luck and don't envy you in the least.

spishack ago

You posted this shit twice... I’m not a lawyer, you’re not a lawyer... fuck this bullshit. Go pander somewhere else faggot.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you dare speak that way to the king of this place?

Demonsweat2 ago

It won't bend the knee.

VicariousJambi ago

member for 1.7 hours

fluhthreeex ago

i think his point is "i don't know what the fuck i can say and can't here, so what's the point of this post without some references or guides aside from the TOS"?

Asashio ago

What's the line? What were people saying that's too far?

We not allowed to say traitors should hang, or is it more about or is it more about specific threats against specific people?

uvulectomy ago

I would think "traitors should hang" is a statement of opinion, and wouldn't run afoul of the incitement test (which calls for the action advocated to be both lawless and imminent, and the statement designed to produce such an action). So while IANAL, "traitors should hang" and "pedo filth deserves a bullet" would likely be fine because it's nonspecific and therefore not a threat.

HOWEVER. Specific statements against specific people sometimes come very close to the line. For example, we have one particular fed-poster who loves to say shit like "Whoever is in charge of Twitter needs to be doxxed, found and murdered."

That's probably the kind of thing that has the humorless suits breathing down @PuttItOut's neck.

Zoldam ago

Meanwhile retards and reddit can call for the doxxing and murder of people and the site doesn't care, so long as it's the "bad" people.

Palindromedan ago

If I understand correctly, there is a difference between hypotheticals like “traitors should hang” and “We’re going to hang the traitors”. The first states an opinion with a bent towards violent action - with a non specific perpetrator. The second clearly states a perpetrator (the group discussing) and the intent.

watts2db ago

I had this same question myself to be fair. Is stating what should happen in a perfect world considered an insightment to violence?

Hell facebook and twitter allow actual livestream of perpetrators of violence with zero consequences

that being said out of respect to @puttitout and for the preservation of VOAT I will error on the side of an abundance of caution going forwat

philmchawk ago

From my understanding of hate speech saying "traitors should be hung" is 100% fine, saying "go kill traitor X" isn't. Basically just use a little tact.

Sheetz ago

No hate speech

TheBuddha ago

I hope I can still be raped and murdered in 1990!

srayzie ago


TheBuddha ago

That's my fetish!

gabara ago

You were that little boy.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I was too ugly for the priest :(

pray_the_gay_away ago

I wasn't...

gabara ago


TheBuddha ago

Is trufe!

The scars still remain.

18218256? ago

Thank you and thanks for all your hard work.

VicariousJambi ago

Gas the kikes, racewar now.

Also pedos need a bullet.

NotAThrowaway01 ago

racewar now.

And I'm sure your obese ass is just racing outside to start that racewar, eh?


Just... Sitting at your computer then?

Maybe next time, Keyboard Warrior.

Blompf ago

Pedo's definitely have the bullet coming.

Malagant ago

"If I were president, I would make sure that every pedo gets a full clip. We can leave no pedo behind."

HoneyTrap1488 ago

I would make sure that every pedo gets a full clip

Generous of you to donate stationary. I'd just magdump them instead.

i_scream_trucks ago

"Agnew, get my rocket propelled chainsaw launcher. AROOOOOOOO"

slwsnowman40 ago

Does that come with the new honk launcher accessory?

i_scream_trucks ago

No! Guns for me but not for thee goyim!

GritD2 ago

Miss Futurama...

MyNameIsMud ago

Our founding fathers would be stacking bodies right now and you're telling us that we can't take on the gubbermint?

NotAThrowaway01 ago

They'd be stacking bodies with their muskets that take a minute to reload a single shot?



Based FF

The United States was founded as and always intended to be a European ethnostate. Immigration of anyone non European WAS NOT ALLOWED until the Immigration and Nationality act of 1965. The Jews played an outsized role in getting this legislation passed and ushering in the genocide of whites in America.

White Genocide Is Real In Their Own Words Full Documentary


White genocide [Embed]

 Joe Biden saying Americans got genocided in 2017 and that's a good thing [Embed]

The Real History of the United States

Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Ben Franklin,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

John Dickenson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Charles Pickney, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

James Madison, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on immigration into the white ethnostate

Founding fathers compilation on the creation and maintenance of a white ethnostate

Founding fathers ethnostate compilation

US presidential compilation calling for racial exclusion and homogeneity

Westward Expansion

Oregon territory racial exclusion

The expansionist movement out west didn't want slavery, not because of its moral abhorrence, but because it was and the white homogeneity of the community

Later Presidents

Abraham Lincoln on racial separation

Abraham Lincoln wasn't anti slavery, he was anti separation.

14th Amendment

The intent of the 14th amendment, as told by its author.


Only whites could immigrate according to the first US congressional immigration law.

History of anti miscegenation laws in ALL States

The most prominent slavery abolitionist movement advocated for a white ethnostate

Who brought all these slaves here if the founding fathers were so opposed to them?

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion.

At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish.

75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.

The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.

The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.

9 facts about slavery they don't want you to know

Revolutionary War

The prime reason for the revolutionary war was that the Rothschild's Bank of England took away the colonys' ability to issue their own money.

NotAThrowaway01 ago

Even if it's true they all wanted an ethnostate, who gives a shit? Times change, so do we, and we're under no obligation to follow their lead on that.


That sounds like a very Jewish thing to say.

goyim, ignore the greatest gift of civilization man has ever given you for the one of diversity and consumerism that we run

I can't wait for the DOTR rabbi sheckelberg

european ago

Maybe europeans will become more poweful like jews when they are a minority?

Neskuaxa ago

Have you posted this as it's own post yet? I've seen some of your other copy pasta when perusing voat. Need to save them for further reading.


It's been a while since I've posted that one, but yes I have. Check my comments good my other pastas

asdfasdf3453534 ago

chit alt


Nigger wut

LightningAndTheSun ago

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion.

Posting made-up hoax speeches like this just makes you look like a dumb fuck. There's plenty of reason to believe the FF were based without throwing in this nonsense. Again, you're just making us look bad and like we haven't done our research.

european ago

How do we know what is real and what is not, gentlemen?

Tallest_Skil ago


I love you. So much. You're my favorite user here now, until I forget who you are.


Yessir. Take it and spread it like the Jews spread decay and destruction.

abear ago

This is the most retarded shit I have ever seen.

Let's pick apart History of anti miscegenation laws in ALL States

I didn't realize there were all 50 states in the 1700s.

Oh wait.....

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

you're illiterate

Climhazzard ago

"Between 1661 and 1725, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and all the southern colonies passed laws preventing interracial marriage and, in some cases, fornication..."

Note the "between 1661 and 1725" and "colonies". They were colonies before we gained independence, yes. And nowhere does this say otherwise. The rest of the quote:

"...Of the 50 states, no fewer than 44 had lad prohibiting interracial marriage at some point in their past.."

This means that 44 states have had laws prohibiting interracial marriage at some point in their past. What do you not understand about this? How can we help you understand English sufficiently to understand?


What a kike nigger Faggot you are

Siniq ago


WilliamMorgan ago

Did our founding fathers share their plans in a public place?

Neither does any serious resistance.

Maroonsaint ago

It’s a little different but I get what you’re saying. I mean everything we know is from the internet. You can find anything here. That’s whys so many fringe retardrd minoritws like trannies have gained some power. Cause you can organize thousands of them on a website

MyNameIsMud ago

True, however I'm sure they were able to publicly rally for support in the town centers and city meetings.

fujin ago

Sure and this is still protected today. Direct calls for violence are not, so unless you want to take on the gov't and normie civis I say you rethink your plan on how to be most effective here.

gabara ago

So no encouraging people to consider euthanasia?

Ina_Pickle ago


gabara ago


Ina_Pickle ago

We're in deep doodoo now.

gabara ago


gabara ago

Have you tried Aptoide?

Ina_Pickle ago

No, but I will now.

gabara ago

I use it on my living room Android device, a nVidia Shield TV. A lot of apps are locked out on Google Play but Aptoide gets arround that. Sometimes you have to install it through a browser.

abear ago

paging @tallest_skil

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lmao i figured.

Tallest_Skil ago


What's funny is that you're so fucking brain damaged that you don't see how this post is further proof of what I've been saying for years. We're not even allowed to talk and you actually claim that we're going to fight back? You're absolutely fucking pathetic.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Why the fuck are you even replying to this old shit?

Tallest_Skil ago

Why are you?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Intermittent log ins. I only get paid to shill for Jesus on the weekends.

Tallest_Skil ago

What's funny is that you're so fucking brain damaged that you don't see how this post is further proof of what I've been saying for years. We're not even allowed to talk and you actually claim that we're going to fight back? You're absolutely fucking pathetic.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

me? i actually agree with you. these faggots are pussies. the difference is im willing to give up everything if it means fighting back. which is why i say you are wrong that "no one will ever fight back".

Tallest_Skil ago

im willing to give up everything if it means fighting back

Somehow I don't think so. Probably because you'd be the only one to do so.

BoredomAccount214 ago

he wouldnt be.

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 13 days

member for 9 days

That just depresses me even more. Look, you want to coordinate with the glowstick, send him a DM. That's two. Maybe you'll get an even dozen before you're pipped by the feds.

BoredomAccount214 ago

I'd rather go down fighting than sit with my hands tied to my leg like you, coward.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, go fight. You won’t do it. Cry the fuck more about it. It took you 14 days to even reply. You’re not going to do a damn thing. Shut the fuck up and leave.

BoredomAccount214 ago

I don't live on voat.

Tallest_Skil ago

And yet proved me right.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

You don't know the meaning of the word "proof"

Tallest_Skil ago

Funny how you proved me right again today (and every day before), then, huh?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

You want to know how I know you are a fool?

You've been talking to me through about 6 alts for around 2 weeks now, and you still haven't figured it out.

Your very brain keeps you down. While I feel for you, I can't say you dint desert e it, you are a creature, as many here are.

The fact is, the white race is as rotten as the Jewish race, and the festering boils, like you, should be severed from the host.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Go back to reddit.
  2. Kill yourself for supporting jews.
  3. Reported for alts, vote manipulation, and consensus cracking.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Oh I don't support the Jews. I support complete annihilation. That includes them.

Tallest_Skil ago

Word have definitions, dumbass.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

You're not capable of conversation are you?

What do you hide behind that veneer of nihilistic fortitude?

Tallest_Skil ago

Took you four days to fail to reply, huh? Just give up already. When you have some actual content, come back.

Tallest_Skill ago

@BordomAccount214, please forgive me. You see I have severe mental issues. Mom is making me take my meds again and it sure is helping me. I have realized that I have been quite the ass to everyone. I have been sending out pictures of my dick with a straw in it and was having oral sex with muhamed the 7-11 clerk for free nachos and cheese. I almost never poo in ziplock bags anymore, mom really hated me doing that and storing them under my bed for later.

Anyway I am sorry, lets MAGA and god bless Q.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Can you explain to me why this faggot thinks "reporting for libel" is effective? Is he half brained? He thinks he wins every argent by default. Fucking mong if there ever was one

Tallest_Skill ago

I report it to my mom and she is going to take you all to court. Mom is keeping a list.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

I love how hopeless you are. What keeps you going? Why haven't you just killed yourself?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

thats why i want you to join my server

Tallest_Skil ago

If this is another of those retarded Minecraft analogies, it simply proves the point further.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

its not an analogy buddy.

Tallest_Skil ago

Then good luck thinking that your magical server is going to do a goddamn thing.

abear ago

When I say joy I mean insufferable little maggot of a human.

Tallest_Skil ago

Don't care. You literally do not matter.

Tallest_Skil ago

Interesting. Why would you reply to this unrelated conversation?

abear ago


Tallest_Skil ago

I am so brain damaged that I cannot contextualize reality outside of pop culture references


abear ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Keep crying about it.

abear ago

I woke up again today devastated that my account was deleted off Voat.

Wait a minute....


abear ago

I woke up today and found my account was deleted so I cried for hours.

Wait a minute.....


abear ago

All those salty tears all the way to my login, which still works, you impotent pile of rocks.

abear ago

I see you're a complete asshole to everyone. What a joy you must be IRL.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hey, kill yourself. You're paid to post here and you support ethnic genocide. The concept of "threatening" you doesn't exist.

gabara ago

Did, resurrect yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Interesting how you switched to one of your other accounts to reply. Did you forget?

gabara ago

Wait, what? Dude, you know me. I'm that jackass from SBBH. I'm just typing a cleaned up version of your catchphrase to fit the new guidelines I wish I had a 5 year old account

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, right, that guy. Ah, well.

abear ago

fucking absolute pillock.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder, paid shill.

spishack ago

Bullshit... I’m not a lawyers you’re not a lawyer... fuck this post pandering for acceptance.

Demonsweat2 ago

I'll say it, "YOU MUST BE NEW HERE".

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Thanks for saying this Putt. We appreciate what you're doing.


They're shills trying to push extremist language to alienate us from the normies

ShakklezthaKlown ago

or... people are getting pissed and shooting their mouths off

contrarianism ago

Pretty sure this is shill behavior

ShakklezthaKlown ago

its also human behavior. so its probably both shills and angry goats.

Nonymous608 ago

I tend to think it is too. People trying to get VOAT shut down by posting shit, and then reporting it.

PussySmasherMD ago

Kill them all (in Minecraft)

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Word content maturely

you are expecting a bit too much there bucko

PuttItOut ago

What did you just say to me...

That is funny.

friendshipistragic ago

Type (()) if Ben Shapiro has you in his basement. We will come rescue u

captainstrange ago


Bens too weak from all the soy.

Maybe his sister would be strong enough but not beanpole ben.

srayzie ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

This comment raises my hackles. It's not like Putt to dismiss a comment with "that is funny". It sounds like something a man would say with a gun to his back.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

@PuttItOut Are you being forced to comment on the more inane and silly comments as a way to use your clout to manipulate the focus of the controversial dialog which occurs in the Voat comments? Is this in fact the only weapon you have to prove you performed due diligence to address concerns of your attackers without harming the free speech meritocratic system that is a foundational sacred values of voat?

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

i love you still, no homo. please don't let this place die.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

no worries. this place needs to stay around so there is a healthy batch of evidence when VPNs and antisemitism are made illegal.
