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holofan4life ago

This is the kind of gray area shit Putt warned us about. I believe it falls under protected speech but you know this is the kind of thing feds would give Putt a headache over.

MrDarkWater ago

This isn't grey area at all. This is perfectly legal and protected

holofan4life ago

Everyone (including me) knows it's legal and protected. What you didn't understand what I was saying is that this is the sort of thing people would love to harass @PuttItOut over.

MrDarkWater ago

I understood it. I think you're wrong

Obrez ago

That doesn't matter though because it isn't actually protected, any ADL/SPLC kike could decide to put forth a lawsuit over this and it would get to court in weimerica they don't care if they win, they just want to bleed their enemies with the courts like they have been doing for generations.