SearchVoatBot ago

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maya321 ago

What is that?

HonestBrah ago

What's a canary

Holonomic ago

Why did you not include @ PuttItOut in your post OP?

It's good to put all the threads together the way you did, but in my opinion the scuffle(s) involves dumbasses that must think they are still at reddit, because that's what they do there: fight, complain, point fingers and whine like the crybaby faggots they are. That's why we're not there. That's why we're here. It is for me, at least. It's (violent scuffle(s)) not worth getting involved in usually. Even IF one of them has good intent and VOAT loyalty.

If you idiots see someone actually making threats, how about downvoting them and reporting the post. Lazyasses want to sit and live here on Voat, which is fine, but don't want to 'police' anything (downvotes, reporting, or maybe a disapproving comment).

We don't need shit-storming, but reasonable action is always good, isn't it? Or is that idea just gone from our society now? Either don't feed the trolls, or take some kind of reasonable action. I think this is a good website; and I enjoy my rantings and freedom to say what's on my mind. It's one thing to rant about the dumbasses on the 'left', reddit, etc, but it's another to come here and threaten someone, whether they deserve it or not.

If you keep sticking your dick up your own ass then we're exposing Voat to the same perverted horseshit contained under the reddit umbrella.

FurstMetternich ago

Putt responded to this post and updated the canary. What more do you want?

TopTierCIAShill ago

A video of Putt doing a back flip off the White House while holding a flag "FREE SPEECH BITCHEZ".

courtjester1111 ago

Call the police I don't give a fuck any more...

Cat-hax ago

The glow in the dark niggers are officially in

ieatlotsofpoop ago

We need per user, or even per post, canary messages. Maybe indicated by an icon or something like that

ginx2666 ago

Fucking told you. As soon as voat got registered in USrael, I told you jews will eventually get their noses into it. Superimpose those triangles in a logo, and you'll get star of David.

Mustard_Monkey ago

RIP to VOAT? Or draw the line in the sand GOATS?

selpai ago

There's not really a good Voat alternative, is there?

NymphantTree ago

So what does this mean for voat? I kind of just joined a day or two ago and I haven't even been able to make a post yet.

GumbyTM ago

In honor of Easter the canary is officially undead.

This thread is dicks.

EndWorld ago

canary is only posted when putt make a post in /v/announcements

this, his recent post is in /v/voat.

Worldtreeboats ago

Just checked. Account deletion and anonymization works still from the user point of view.

B-------D ago


Reddit_traitor ago

fuck off sanegoat

Diper ago

@puttitout @furstmetternich

Take note rest of the world. This is how you have a civil and productive conversation.

Thank you both

Im_with_her ago

Haha. This is glorious. I told all of you racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic haters that we would report this hate filled website to the proper people. Now all of your ilk will have to scurry back under your rocks. Blue Wave activated! #LGBTQAIPK #BLM #DIVERSITY #NOWALLNOBAN #LOVEISLOVE

PuttItOut ago

You can just delete. We wipe content on an account deletion (assuming you select the correct options).

Comments under the profile are cached for a long time and that's why they don't update immediately.

xiego ago

Tl;dr use a vpn

PuttItOut ago

I've wanted this feature for a long time: A rolling anon/delete workflow that would operate on an expiration window... 30/60/90 days kind of thing that users could configure.

drstrangegov ago

Jeeze. That doesn't bode well for people who really enjoyed free speech.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Last edit time: 1.4 hours ago on 4/25/2019 12:04:41 AM

Crikes ago

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

Decentralize all the things!

Dajoos ago

Clickbait title. Fuck off

FurstMetternich ago

It was a reasonable assumption based on the information at the time of posting. It also lead to Putt updating the canary.

Putt is clearly talking to some US agency and he publicly admited that the canary may be dead soon.

Dajoos ago

but it is not "officially dead" which is the entire title of this post. Misleading.

FurstMetternich ago

Putt can't announce that it's dead. It can be only deduced. Putt hasn't updated the canary for 4 months and has stated that he was contacted by a US agency. That would make the canary dead.

Technically, it's can't ever be "officially" dead, even if the agencies get unlimited full access to all data. But that's autistic thinking.

Chad88 ago

Looks like the last edit was 1.6 hours ago.

FurstMetternich ago

Yes, look at the update above.

MrShekelstein ago

mossad niggers shilling on voat, of course its going to get attention from mueller.

PatriotLady1 ago

Sorry but HRC is the corrupt whore of Babylon and needs a dead zone intervention. Jus' say'n

Murdan ago

Maybe it's best people are forced underground to form new networks. You can't control the truth with a lie for long; the tighter you pull the thinner the lie becomes...until snaps. And the truth will rage. The truth will rage.

Titanbikes4ever ago



It was my threats against the Clintons wasn't it? Or countless calls for militias? I can't wait to see if my comments are removed so I know I spooked some spooks.

Timmy2 ago

Honest posts about Hillary's family ties to the Chicago mob are perfectly legal, since they're true. @PuttItOut just wants goats to be civil. That's a sensible position for any growing business.

jonnyquest ago

Couldn't he/they just remove the specific "item" or "items" received from the canary list -- and update the canary? A simple process of elimination would do the trick.

Crackrocknigga ago

They can try to stop us, but it's too late for me. I've already redpilled family members, my girlfriend, co workers, and friends on the Jews. You can silence us temporarily Schlomo, but you can't stop us.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah, it's incredible how much better we are getting, and easier people are accepting these days

foltaisaprovenshill ago

I know Voat is on the Trump hate train but one thing he absolutely did was destroy the credibility of the jew media.

Trousersnake1488 ago

That is a true.

IrbyTremors ago

They destroyed it themselves he just took advantage

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Shieeeeeeeettttttt it's NOT safe to continue shitposting...

Baconmon ago

Well, I guess we will see how long it goes with out being edited.. The longer it isn't edited, the more likely putt is under a gag order and having to do secret stuff he isn't legally allowed to talk about......such as removing certain posts, or revealing IP addresses and maybe other information etc..

We need a decentralized version of voat..

WhitePaladin ago

The feds have him by the balls, hes spilling everything, including giving them free acess to all accounts, emails etc, the fucker sold us out.

get-tilted ago

You’re aware that creating a website like this takes many hours of work, and decentralization would take no less than 2 years of development work?

chrimony ago

You’re aware that creating a website like this takes many hours of work, and decentralization would take no less than 2 years of development work?

I'd be shocked if something didn't already exist. The problem generally hasn't been a lack of options. It's been getting critical mass.

get-tilted ago

Yeah man, this shit is objectively hard to make.

Decentralization would be extra hard, for a few reasons:

  1. If anti-spam is ever implemented, it'd be damn near impossible to decentralize the servers without exposing the algorithms that do this
  2. Advertising on this website reliably would be hard, and would require a full dev team to create it (which they they neither have the money nor time to do)
  3. Banning spammers is either really hard or impossible.

There's a lot more, but decentralization of these servers would really do more harm than good. It would also sacrifice a lot of security principals for the sake of anonymity. And, if anonymity is the purpose, there are MUCH better ways to do this without sacrificing the CPU of all users involved in the project.

A lot of people talk about blockchain as a solution to a lot of things, but, in reality, it's really not a feasible solution to any enterprise-level application. It's not shocking that something like that doesn't exist, the blockchain is really nothing more than a buzzword techies in SF use to get funding for their app.

The sad thing is, true anonymity (with this specific website) would be impossible without distributing a Tor wrapper to access the website or an application that doesn't send your IP with any request. Even then, the government would still have the power to come in and say "hey, asshole, start tracking IP addresses," and we really have no clue how much the government can get into the TOR network. The only real solution is to protect your ass and use a trusted VPN, or use a os like Tails.

chrimony ago

If anti-spam is ever implemented, it'd be damn near impossible to decentralize the servers without exposing the algorithms that do this

This encourages a robust algorithm that can't be gamed. Instead of straight up or down voting, it should be based on reputation, and in control of the user. So you could rely more on those you trust more, and you should be able to revoke reputation. Problem solved, no centralized authority.

Advertising on this website reliably would be hard, and would require a full dev team to create it (which they they neither have the money nor time to do)

If it's decentralized, then there's no need for advertising. All participants would also be hosts.

There's a lot more, but decentralization of these servers would really do more harm than good.

You'll need to spell it out, then. Because centralization has always been the weak point.

It would also sacrifice a lot of security principals for the sake of anonymity.

Huh? If it's Tor-based, it should give you MORE security.

And, if anonymity is the purpose, there are MUCH better ways to do this without sacrificing the CPU of all users involved in the project.

Like what? And just how much CPU are we talking about here?

A lot of people talk about blockchain as a solution to a lot of things, but, in reality, it's really not a feasible solution to any enterprise-level application.

Blockchain is just one possible solution.

we really have no clue how much the government can get into the TOR network.

That's true of anything.

The only real solution is to protect your ass and use a trusted VPN

What makes you "trust" a VPN?

or use a os like Tails.

Which is just a bootable Tor OS, which means you inherit all the risks of Tor (minus keeping any local records).

Bigglesworth45 ago

Do you think he will have to do butt stuff?

cursedcrusader ago

With the utmost certainty...

HoneyTrap1488 ago

The "delete account" feature has suddenly stopped working. Probably at the behest of the feds so that everything is retained in the full database dump they're about to be sent. Assuming the worst isn't being paranoid at this point.

Redpilleveryone ago

I tried to nuke this very account months ago. Now I fucking know why I was still able to log back into it.

freshmeat ago

the only thing "delete account" accomplishes is locking yourself out of your own account.

I deleted my original account @MightyYetGentle years ago, and as a joke @Atko once logged me back into long after it was deleted and i was still receiving pings and DMs well passed when i "deleted it".

it's almost like all the people calling Voat a honeypot were accurate after whoaverse changed 🤔

TopTierCIAShill ago

Try again now

Dirty_Money ago

I look forward to them showing up at my door.

The time for cowering and hiding is well past.

Tallest_Skil ago

Enjoy your unmarked ditch in the woods.

LightningAndTheSun ago

You won't do anything

DontBeRacist ago

I haven't technically done anything to warrant that, but it doesn't matter. This country is lawless now.

Tallest_Skil ago

You were born white. They’re literally going to slaughter us all.

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

That must be very recent.

I deleted my account 4 hours ago.

CuntyLegbeard ago

We need a decentralized version of voat..

ding ding ding

TheTrigger ago

there's already plenty of options; i keep tabs on them often. wish there were more people on there; until then, it's random casual shitposts for me.

Gorillion ago


HoneyTrap1488 ago

I believe muslims already own that domain.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Yep. @PuttItOut has a gun to his back. The thing about the right wing is we move like a wolf pack. No man left behind, Putt. We got this. Every play it cool. The Feds are here.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

I'm going to bomb a christian church in retaliation for something or other! Allahu ackbar!

(That's the most pro-deep-state thing I can think of. What's yours?)

22trilionAsecond ago

Lets watch the latest episode of tits and dragons while eating vegan food.

HillBoulder ago

Im thinking about going to go rape some kids so they can blackmail me into a position of power.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Sounds like a solid plan. Send me some pork-barrel public works projects when you get high enough.

HillBoulder ago

Sounds like I may be running for mayor of Psychoville!

CameraCode0 ago

Hello fellow glowniggers, I love killing defenseless women and children, subverting and manipulating citizens, and ignoring legality and civil rights! Let's mass murder some citizens in a shooting from a hotel room and then use the act as an exuse to further remove their rights!

(an I doing it right?)

Tangent-love ago

You didn't mention killing the family dog.

lanre ago

No, you didn't use a tank to burn them to death in their own home.

BenyaminScheckelberg ago

Oy vey, we need to remove more rights so that the great Jewish people suffer no more harm.

Did you know there were thousands of death threats made against Jews just last year? Hundreds of thousands of threats is nothing to sneeze at. 6 million threats against Jewish lives mean we have to do something!

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

It's time for common-sense gun laws!

Avinaria ago

Easter worshiper church you mean.

Fancy451 ago

I make assault weapons! lol j/k

Damnpasswords ago

I've assaulted weapons

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

It's against my religion to confess. I'm Protestant.

everlastingphelps ago

@puttitout This does need addressing, especially in light of the Angel Investor changes.

Adminstrater ago

As a black, female, fbi agent, this is a shock to me.

xenoPsychologist ago

lesbians of color are always surprised by this.

Demonsweat2 ago

Bleed dat.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's probably me. Some liberal faggots probably got all uppity about my desire to see the world in a different place than it is now, took exception to the inflammatory-yet-just-shy-of-incitation-and-threats language I was using, and reported me to the FBI like a kike.

Sorry y'all. :(

TopTierCIAShill ago

You're a glowshill, /u/AllLIbsAreEvilDemons

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

No, I'm not. I'm just a pissed off and frustrated American who's sick of all the degeneracy and bullshit hypocrisy.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Well I hope you don't look into my history and figure out my post history. :O

weredawg ago

You absolute nigger!

bnard88 ago

I don't understand the implications. Can anyone please clarify?

everlastingphelps ago

The Patriot Act gave the US government the ability to send National Security Letters (NSL) to internet services. A NSL gives them the ability to demand non-content data about users, like IP addresses, posting times, etc. It does not a require a judge's approval, because they can't use it in court against you. It's supposed to be about locating terrorists, but you know how shit like this works with .gov, it's soon about anything they want to spy into.

NSLs have the ability to prevent a service from even saying that they've been served with a NSL. (Most subpoenas, even if they have a gag order, will allow you to so say that you've gotten one as long as you don't talk about the content. A NSL prevents you from even saying you got it.) To deal with this, the tech community came up with the idea of canary notices. They can tell you not to admit you have an NSL, but they can't make you lie and say you haven't gotten one. It's like the old miner's canaries. They carried a canary into the mine, because methane and other poisons will kill a bird before a human. If the bird dies, it tells you that the air is poison.

So, the solution is that everyone puts up a notice "I haven't gotten an NSL" and updates it periodically. When they miss an update and don't correct it, it's evidence that they can no longer truthfully say, "I haven't gotten an NSL."

Putt just updated the canary, so we haven't gotten an NSL yet. He did say that we cooperate with proper authorities, which probably means that some glownigger was posting illegal shit. I assume we also cooperate on CP investigations (and sure as hell support us starting if we don't.)

Naked_Dave ago

typical glownigger shit. fed darkies up in ya internetz

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Voat got funding from an unknown source. Canary stopped being updated. New post from the admin about watching content.

Puttitout is redpilled, so by not editing the canary and making that post he is screaming out to us to watch our backs. Puttitout is free to contradict me here, but that's the impression I am getting.

NeoGoat ago

Unknown funding source is,.very likely, simply a wealthy goat.

Goering ago

Puttitout is free to contradict me here

Is he? Or are you wildly speculating?

cynicaloldfart ago

so by not editing the canary...

Wait, it was last edited ~30 mins ago.

zyklon_b ago

Voat admins were served with a gag order or other type of bullshit

bnard88 ago

I got that part but how does this affect us goats? Is this a warning that the kikes are going to start trying to turn Voat into Reddit? I'm too tired from work to think right now.

Professorballs ago

We'll all be conditioned and change our names to Chelsea.

lexsird ago

+1 lol

Durm ago

Its supposed to mean that if voat were under gag order, that because they cant say anything, they could simply not update a post, and technically without saying anything let everyone know they are compromised in some way.

Some idiot asked put directly to make a statement about the carny the other day.

xenoPsychologist ago

the carny

im not sure what carnival workers have to do with it, but i like where its headed!

LightestHour ago

carnival workers

for honking, obviously!

sbt2160p ago

It's vague. Could be as simple as the feds asking Putt to take down a particular user's posts and share their IP address(es). Or there could be ongoing chicanery afoot. Post with caution.

Hipsterrr ago

hi CIA niggers

HillBoulder ago

RIP king Terry.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they glow in the dark

untz ago

you can see them if you are driving, you just run them over..

muhgainz ago

Thanks, mr Davis.

ginx2666 ago

That's what you do.

PenisSmith ago


zyklon_b ago

No its a notice that @Aged is a gubment agent is reason he was unbanned

@heygeorge can confirm

heygeorge ago

Can confirm: Canary has been dead since black rifle coffee co killed it in a specific and directly incited act of violence.

zyklon_b ago

1890 +100

tomdogg ago

How do you tell when it was edited?

Rotteuxx ago

Sidebar on the canary post.

Zoldam ago

Not a surprise tbh.

sbt2160p ago

Is this site based in the US? Are we even under American jurisdiction?

Wonder_Boy ago

What's the canary?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

A warrant canary is a statement on the site that says the owners haven't been forced to secretly give info on its users. If left unedited for a time it is considered "dead".

Wonder_Boy ago

And where do we find the canary for this site?

FurstMetternich ago

Yes. Officially incorporated in the US.

xenoPsychologist ago

quick! move the servers to international waters!

DontBeRacist ago

Throw them in international waters. I'm sure they'll work great.

xenoPsychologist ago

they gotta float on the water for it to work. maybe seal em water tight, yo.

modsrcuntz ago

zoolander: "oh...the files are IN the computer"

LightestHour ago

What if I have US-based servers that I cool with International water?

xenoPsychologist ago

once it crosses the border, it becomes undocumented and gets privileges over citizens.

imaginarymindscape ago

the governments going to shut voat down or something?

Corpse_washer ago

Why would they shut down Zion? They pay for it.

Gorillion ago

Red Flag laws likely being extended to allow pre-emptive ID of anyone using "violent rhetoric" online (this will have the broadest possible umbrella definitions - basically anything not enthusiastically progressive of mind), and they'll just demand full access to user databases to track individuals via their connection history etc (they'll already have all that shit from the NSA anyway, this just gives them direct legal avenues of attack/action with a usable paper-trail).

Of course, any serious rhetoric could easily be supplied by the interested agency itself to trigger the initial raid.
As with all their modern cyber techniques it's all super-untrustworthy and sketchy, lacking any real investigative rigor, which is why they need the supporting laws to allow pinning the broadest possible interpretation of a Red Flag on anyone (or any platform) they just don't like with no real recourse.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Nah, I think its more likely they asked for IP addresses or something as part of an investigation.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

He was contacted by BLM because this shit is ON FIRE.


Water does what?

HillBoulder ago

It's for drowning people

-some nigger

Demonsweat2 ago

Argon displaces the o2.

11thdayAdventist ago

You knew it would be.