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pessimisticsteel ago

Canary update?

PeaceSeeker ago

Canary is updated when posts are made to /v/announcements.

That said, we have been informed by Voat of two events that probably warranted changes to the Canary anyway, with a DMCA takedown request and a request from a US agency for Voat to "lay off the threats" of violence to specific targets.

pessimisticsteel ago

They were updated every time he made an announcment, and he did it manually by editing it and the edit date would update.

Its been three months and last time he said that he probably wouldnt be able to update it again. That means we are pozzed and rhis update for giving the clowns a back door...

Quote from Putt last time it was uodated:

I've also updated the canary to reflect this as well (this may be the last time that little guy gets an update, we will just have to wait and see).