NoBS ago

How ignorant. I want Terrorist to spew forth filth in an easy to retrieve format. I want all wing nuts to have a safe space to post incriminating evidence of violent intentions.

Like why scare away the fruit cakes while they make their own evidence of criminal intent?

We need pedophiles to have a forum that is burned into memory. Why not let them do the heavy lifting so the clean up can happen now! As in real time and real lives.

darkknight111 ago

I see your logic and it makes sense.

The NSA does in fact watch this site and this board, so there’s plenty of plausibility in your argument.

What I’m trying to do is sound the alarm to US to keep watch for bad actors.

After all, “they” want this place shut down and from what PuttItOut is saying, its highly logical to conclude that false flags against voat are being plotted as we speak.

aceida ago

Sorry to hijack - ive never posted before so i cant make submissions but katy groves is having an emergency and disclosing her location, she is scared for her safety If someone could post this that would be great

Lazmat ago

Seen that name on reddit before, not saying something didn't happen her but its possible she's also just fucking crazy, I think she's fucked in the head, who knows drugs, mental illness, maybe someone hurt her when she was young but I dont think what is said is always real. Some people get damaged over time and its difficult to tell the difference between reality the real world with these and nightmare / fantasy / delusions. We are in strange times now, groups can feed into each others madness, a bunch of paranoid people get together on social media and reinforce each others' delusions ... call it mass hysteria, i dunno. I'm not saying pizzagate is false, I seen some wikileaks stuff on blogs and there is some weird shit going on, but there will also be confused delusional people in the truther movement.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah idk who that is, but I can tell you opiates, meth, and GHB make you incredibly paranoid...

What does this video user have to do with our forum?

bosunmoon ago

Seems like a schizophrenic junkie seeking attention.

TrustTheTruth ago

Why did Moderators make Threats including Death Threat against Those Who Know The Truth?

Who did a 12-part series that culminated in Death Threats that were acted upon in Real Life?

Why did Moderators partner with an admitted Blood-Drinking Satanist who also created a long 'series' and made threats against those who Knew The Truth?

What was the name of their series, why, and where did they steal it from?

When did The False Prophet Q begin, and why, and when did Q flood Voat, and why?

Why was Jenny Moore banned from Pizzagate, and what was Jenny Moore's last submission as @Jem777?

Who did Jenny Moore meet? What was The Truth that Jenny Found? What really happened?

Jenny Moore was not the Only One who was threatened, doxxed, attacked, tortured and murdered for Knowing The Truth.

The Feds are involved, and so are the most powerful families in America and The World.

Pizzagate is only one piece of the bigger Pie through the system of Global Criminal Corruption to forge the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Q is on our side dumbass.

TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason why the lying False Prophet Q was created.

What is The Truth that Q is meant to Hide?

Do You also believe that Trump is Draining the Swamp?

Do you You what The Deal Trump made in Racine, Wisconsin is, and what it enables?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders of the World?

Do you know what Hillary's Model for Community Policing is?

We know what Q will never tell You.

Even Microchip admitted it. Why did Microchip Repent?

Why did Defango and Unirock stage a fake war?

What really happened to Jenny Moore?

Where did Seth Rich go to camp?

When has Q told You about the Knights of Pythias or the Pilgrims Society?

Do You know why Paul Ryan really resigned?

Do you know where the Podestas, Emanuels, Weiner, Schumer, Byrd, and so many others involved were "Made"?

Do you know what the World's Most Valuable Resource is?

What did Jesus warn of?

What did Jesus promise You and The World?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Are you mossad or clown back? Fuck ofd

CaJuN-M8 ago

Q is real. You are a shill. The q proofs prove that q is legit and Trump is working with q.

Praying medic is a man of God and believes Q is real. Your a mossad clown shill. Try harder bruh.

TrustTheTruth ago

Both Q and Trump are Evil, and part of the Great Deception.

What was The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders?

What does The Deal enable?

Where was The Deal made to endorse the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, and the Mark of the Beast?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where is Hillary's Model for Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin

We know more than Everyone here combined, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience. How?

Trump is a Jesuit Freemason billionaire member of the Pilgrims Society and other elite groups.

Q is a False Prophet telling you to Trust the Plan while lying to the World in order to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

What did Jesus Christ warn The World of?

What did Jesus Christ Promise to The World?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Damn You are actually getting to me. Idk Trump actions speak louder though.

Lazmat ago

The Feds need to get off their fucking ass and make arrests, fucking drug running killers, pedophile criminals, terrorists and abusers in their special churches, mosques, temples, whole thing is becoming a clown show. The 28 pages and Evacuation of Saudi Nationals, the politics have made these groups a damn sick joke.

TrustTheTruth ago

There will never be Justice in any court system. They do not work for The People. They protect The System.

We know this to be absolutely certain not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others resigned.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Trump closed "The Deal" from the Public for the 8th Wonder of the World.

There is Only One Way.

Shine the light on the Root of All Evil and Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement: Racine, Wisconsin.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

zerost8te ago

so something like this

Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky - From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (2018)

turitelle ago

Is that a good read?

zerost8te ago

If your heart and spirit can fathom the true level of crimes being committed in addition to politics, pedophiles, and theft.

turitelle ago

I've always been a sky watcher and went through a period of intense sadness and dismay years ago when it became obvious what they are doing. I refuse to give them that kind of energy any longer, because they feed on it.

zerost8te ago

The machines do. As well as people. There are 3 active groups working full time. One from the military, one from the families, and most likely an advanced AI that is running a complete simulation of real events, in order to predict how to move forward in real-time. Essentially a copy of this world in simulation format allowing them to test ideas agains the sim before deploying them in real-time.

auralsects ago

letsdothis3 ago

Who is Sarah Emerson? Asking for a friend..

Lazmat ago

Not sure I think that Commiefornia pervert Shane Smith and the Paki jihadist Suroosh Alvi launched some website and pay dumb girls like Sarah to write gossip. It some dumb media outlet where its gossip is hsared, is re-posted at places like facebook/reddit then shared by bots, spam robots in an attempt to make them 'viral' the Gavin McInnes fag used to write for them but he quit and hooked up with a Conservative Jew in Canada 'Rebel Media' I think, he basically says Vice are not to be trusted and agenda driven, owned by globalists, islamics or extreme left Antifa faggots

GritD2 ago

Offline Archive everything We of voat want justice, legally No point in having Hillary Soros or any other evil made a martyr , we want a tribunal and recogning to prevent our grandkids from having this issue in 50 years. Long live the usa

dundundunnnnn ago

Glownigs gonna glow.

Rodjers04 ago

Sad to say but it's only a matter of time. The Feds will find a reason whether its legit or not.

markrod420 ago

They will make a reason.

theoldones ago

(shows up to leave a comment, but sarcastically says fucking nothing)