Never forget we have a right to face our accusers. When someone contacts @puttitout, what CFR do they claim Users have violated. We have no obligation to censor ourselves. (politics)
submitted 5.8 years ago by goatboy
We must be told what CFR was violated, not what words some one, some group, or some random “law” enforcement agency objected to!
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Citizen 5.8 years ago
When it comes to threats of violence, Brandenburg vs. Ohio is the line you don't cross, ever. Don't even approach it.
i_am_texas_charlie 5.8 years ago
This sounds like an important phrase in that case: "...and is likely to incite or produce such action."
Jesusthug 5.8 years ago
So Muslims all over twitter cool. But white man bad. 🖕🏻
9000timesempty 5.8 years ago
The double standards in this country... There is a group that wants this country destabilized.
ianadba 5.8 years ago
Don't worry, you can name them, they're called Jews.
Diggernicks 5.8 years ago
It's spelled C A T H O L I C S
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Citizen ago
When it comes to threats of violence, Brandenburg vs. Ohio is the line you don't cross, ever. Don't even approach it.
i_am_texas_charlie ago
This sounds like an important phrase in that case: "...and is likely to incite or produce such action."
Jesusthug ago
So Muslims all over twitter cool. But white man bad. 🖕🏻
9000timesempty ago
The double standards in this country... There is a group that wants this country destabilized.
ianadba ago
Don't worry, you can name them, they're called Jews.
Diggernicks ago
It's spelled C A T H O L I C S